|Instructions: This HRBP Career Diagnostic Results Discussion Guide will help you discuss your HRBP Career Diagnostic results with your direct manager, and |

|ensure you have a clear plan for acting on your HRBP Career Diagnostic results. Please also use the accompanying guide to discuss your results with your |

|senior line partner(s). |

| |

|For this conversation with your direct manager, the questions focus on ways to adapt your role to further your personal development goals, as well as |

|development goals your HR function may have for HR Business Partners and HR generalists overall. |

| |

|The steps and discussion questions below are general recommendations for getting your conversation started, but you may, of course, adapt them depending on |

|what you would prefer to discuss. |

|Before Your Results Discussion |

|Consider performing these few activities prior to the discussion to ensure you get the most out of the conversation. |

| |

|Review this guide and reflect on your own answers to these questions so that you will be ready to discuss and compare your thoughts on your |

|results to your manager’s thoughts. |

|Look over your results and think about your greatest strengths, as well as your greatest causes for concern. |

|Decide on 2-3 areas in which you feel particularly confident in your performance and another 2-3 areas that you would like to develop further. |

|If your manager is unfamiliar with CEB’s HRBP Career Diagnostic, it may be helpful to explain that this is a tool that allows you to evaluate your|

|mastery of and the importance of activities core to your role as an HR Business Partner or HR Generalist. |

|Recommended Discussion Questions |

| |

|Do you think these results are accurate? |

|Am I over- or under-evaluating my performance, whether in general or in any specific areas? |

|Do you agree with the “mastery”, or performance, score that I’ve assigned to these activities? |

|Am I thinking about the importance of each activity correctly? Do you agree with my importance scoring across all of these activities? |

|Am I on track developmentally for someone in my position and with my tenure? |

|I think my greatest cause for concern is ________. Do you agree? If so, how do you recommend I improve in this area? |

|These are the areas [insert the areas specific to your results] in which I think I’m especially strong and the priorities [insert the areas |

|specific to your results] I was thinking about for my own development. What do you think will be my biggest development opportunities in the near |

|future? |

|How can I gain more exposure and what new responsibilities can I take on to ensure that I develop a broader set of skills? |

|How would you recommend that I continue to voice interest in particular development opportunities? How have you seen members of our team do that |

|well? |

|What developmental steps do you recommend I take immediately? |

|What is your biggest takeaway from these results and this discussion, and how can we act on that? |

|What do you recommend I focus on when I discuss my results discussion with my line partner(s)? |

|Post-Discussion |

|Consider performing these few activities following the results discussion to ensure you are taking action and improving your performance. |

| |

|Revisit your results every 1-2 months to see if you’re improving in your higher priority development areas. |

|Re-take the HRBP Career Diagnostic every 8-12 months, or if you experience any significant job changes, to recalibrate your performance and |

|determine if your development priorities have changed. |

|To progress further on your development priorities and ensure you’re receiving the most up-to-date support from CEB, send us an email to subscribe|

|to the HRBP e-newsletter, and bookmark the HRBP Portal. |


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