|ITEM |Info/Action |Person(s) |

|CALL TO ORDER: |Amy Tangonan called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. |Informational |

|REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: |Minutes from the April 25, 2017 board meeting were approved. |Motion to approve by Sally |

| |Two typos located. The last sentence of the Western chapter report says Eastern Chapter, needs to change to Western. Under |Rowland and Heidi Martinez |

| |Nomination committee, Korrine’s name is spelled wrong-Corrine. Heidi fixed these typos and will re-send to Lori Hellestrae. |seconded. All members |

| | |approved. |

|BOARD DEVELOPMENT |Korrine Gonzales gave an overview about a mini-clinic she attended called GTD – Getting Things Done – How to Prioritize. |Informational. Standing |

| |Course is based on the book “GTD – The art of Stress-Free Productivity”. The program teaches “a getting things done” |agenda item. |

| |methodology for an improved work-life management system. She shared some tools and gave examples of how they are utilized in |Heidi will scan the material |

| |her day to day work flow. She reviewed the five steps of 1) Capture 2) Clarify – is it actionable? 3) Organize – set up |and email to the |

| |actions or reminders 4) Reflect – set aside time once a week to review your action items 5) Engage – take actions |board/chairs. |

| |w/confidence and allow time to focus on the task at hand. | |

|TREASURER REPORT |Treasurer Report – Molly Nagel (see attached) |Motion to approve by Amy and |

| |Molly Nagel presented the Treasurer Report. Molly noted taxes have been filed for last year. |seconded by Korrine. All |

| |Website: Is now working, domain name was paid. The new Flyte re-design budget is 10K and this includes WordPress. |members approved. |

| |2017 Conference Registration – Payment still pending: LNI owe 1,450, due to a mishap with a check being issued. LNI payment | |

| |should be coming soon. | |

| |Pending Payment from EWAMSS: Molly noted she has not received the check. Korrine will have Shannon check the bank to make | |

| |sure the check hasn’t been cashed and put a stop payment. | |

|Chapter Reports |Eastern Chapter Report – Korrine Gonzales (see attached) |Informational |

| |Korrine presented the Eastern Chapter report. | |

| |The current total Eastern Washington Chapter balance is $2,508.24. | |

| |The first chapter meeting is being held after the board meeting here at Columbia Valley Community Health. The Education is: | |

| |Professionalism Policy. Thank you Cheryle Whisenhunt for hosting. | |

| |The next chapter meeting will be held on January 26, 2018 at Pacific Northwest University in Yakima. | |

| |Rita Keller was announced as the Eastern Chapter President Elect 2018-2019. | |

| |Western Chapter Report – Stephanie Fox (see attached) |Informational |

| |Stephanie presented the Western Chapter report. | |

| |Stephanie noted they are working on nominations for Pres-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer. These position will start in June | |

| |2018 | |

| |The Western Chapter’s next meeting will be held on Friday, October 13, 2017 at CHPW, Lori Hellestrae – Thank You for Hosting!| |

| |The current total Western Washington Chapter balance is $8232.01. | |

| |Stephanie has created a working group for the Provider Enrollment Curriculum for 2019 Annual Conference. | |

| |Stephanie noted that she has secured Teresa Davis with OneHealthPort for the meeting at January 12, 2018 at Northwest | |

| |Hospital at Amy Tangonan. | |

|Committee Reports/Action Items |Bylaws Committee – Elsa Kassa (no attachment) |Informational |

| |Elsa verbally presented the Bylaws Committee report. At this time there are no updates for Bylaws. | |

| |Communications Committee – Derick McQuerry (see attachment) |Informational |

| |Derick presented the Communications Committee report. | |

| |Flyte: Derick, Amy, Sally met with Lindsay at Flyte and discussed the steps to begin the | |

| |redesigning of the website. | |

| |Submissions for the Fall WAMSS Conference edition of the PI are due by September 29, 2017. | |

| |Conference Planning Committee – Heidi Martinez (see attachment) |Informational |

| |Heidi presented the Conference Planning Committee report. | |

| |Reviewed the speakers are in motion. Noted working on the Wednesday Social and many other fun things to come. | |

| |Education/Lending Library – Michelle Hyland (no attachment) |Informational |

| |Michelle verbally presented the Education Committee report. | |

| |We have 6 members certified since 2017 conference. | |

| |Planned subcommittees for strategic planning objectives/priorities. | |

| |Lending Library Coordinator is Shannon Rochon. | |

| |Membership Committee– Sally Rowland (see attachment) |Informational |

| |Sally presented the Membership Committee report. | |

| |282 total WAMSS Members | |

| |80 Eastern Chapter | |

| |202 Western Chapter | |

| | | |

| |New Membership: | |

| |6 Western | |

| |1 Eastern | |

| |Nomination Committee – Amy Tangonan (see attachment) |Informational |

| |Amy presented the Nomination Committee report. | |

| |Expiring Job Positions: | |

| |2018-2019: President-Elect; Secretary and Treasurer | |

| |2018-2019: Scholarship Chair and Strategic Planning Chair | |

| |Scholarship Committee – Aviana Jupiter (no attachment) |Informational |

| |Aviana verbally presented. Noted she has one Margaret Geering Award application. | |

| |ICON award is in process. This was voted on at the retreat. This is a model after NAMSS. This is an award that recognizes | |

| |member’s inspirational commitment to the WAMSS organization. | |

| |Strategic Planning Committee – Vikki Gore (see attachment) |Informational |

| |Vikki noted the Year 1 report is attached. Heidi noted no new goals were added after the annual conference, so the attached |Heidi will email the |

| |Year 1 report is final up to date. |board/chairs the |

| |Vikki noted the Strategic Planning does not have a report to the board. Each committee lead assigned a section of the |priorities/goals/objectives |

| |Strategic Plan should be reporting on their progress at each board meeting. The combined report can be an inserted to the |form. |

| |board packet as a visual reminder. | |

| | | |

| |It was noted that Heidi will assume the Strategic Planning Chair when Vicki steps down on May 31, 2018, however if there is | |

| |another member that would like to be considered, please email Amy Tangonan. | |

|Old Business |WAMSS Brochure – Update: Heidi brought copies from last year. Sally will work with Amy and Stephanie on updating to add and |Informational |

| |capture provider enrollment credentialing. Once created email to E-blast and other contacts asking them to share with |Sally, Amy and Stephanie Fox |

| |potential members. Also, consider doing a mass email to all Washington hospitals. |will work on brochure. |

| | | |

| |Membership Application – Update: Options discussed; adding “members accredited body” dropdown; Michelle Hyland will review | |

| |the study group questions; consider changing the year’s group listed for experience. | |

|New Business |Board Member Dismissed: |Informational |

| |Should they be considered or nominated for a position on the board or chair? Recommended that if a member is removed then | |

| |member would not be eligible for any other position. In addition the screenings fall with the Nominating Committee. | |

| |Should we have a policy in place moving forward? Heidi noted that Barbi implemented the “Conflict of Interest” policy that | |

| |all leader volunteer board/chair members sign when they take our oath and Heidi believes this would cover these types of | |

| |issues. | |

| | | |

| |Verbiage from the “Conflict of Interest” policy: | |

| |“Fiduciary Duty” means that a Volunteer Leader owes a duty of care and a duty of loyalty to WAMSS. The duty of care means | |

| |that the Leader must act in good faith and exercise good judgment when functioning as a WAMSS Leader. The duty of loyalty | |

| |means that the Leader must at all times perform his/her responsibilities for the sole benefit and interest of the WAMSS | |

| |Association. | |

| | | |

| |Discussed having a record of discharged board members for the board only section on the website for future board/chairs. | |

| | | |

| |Problem Solving/Teamwork: Deferred. | |

|Open Discussion |None. |Informational |

|Adjournment of Business |11:30AM |Informational |

|Next Meeting |The next board meeting will be held on January 12, 2018 at Northwest Hospital, Seattle. |Informational |


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