Chapter Objectives - Jones & Bartlett Learning

Chapter Objectives

Chapter One:

1. Identify the need for research to validate evidence-based practice

2. Define evidence-based practice

3. Discuss obstacles to evidence-based research

4. Examine the nurse’s role in evidence-based practice

5. State how evidence-based practice affects nursing practice

Chapter Two:

1. Discuss the evolution of evidence-based practice and nursing research

2. Identify the value of using models and frameworks in nursing research

3. Differentiate between basic and applied research

4. Delineate sources for nursing research

Chapter Three:

1. Explain how ethical theories used in nursing practice are important for nursing research

2. Acknowledge how international and national codified ethical principles have influenced ethical nursing research

3. Discuss the impact of the history of human experimentation on nursing research today

4. Delineate the ethical implications in each step of the research process

5. Identify specific ethical issues when different research methodologies are utilized

Chapter Four:

1. Discuss the processes involved in identifying a researchable problem in nursing practice

2. Write an effective problem statement

3. Discuss essential characteristics needed to pose a research question

4. Identify the criteria for establishing research variables

5. Contrast the various types of hypotheses

6. Explain the differences between conceptual and operational definitions

7. Critically evaluate research questions and hypotheses found in research reports for their contribution to the strength of evidence for nursing practice

Chapter Five:

1. Define the concept of literature review

2. Discuss the purpose of a literature review

3. Relate the literature review to the research process

4. Identify steps for conducting a literature review using electronic retrieval methods

5. Identify guidelines for evaluating research articles

6. Identify steps for writing a literature review

7. Relate the literature review to evidence-based nursing practice

Chapter Six:

1. Discuss the basic concepts related to sampling

2. Contract inclusion and exclusion criteria in the sampling process

3. Distinguish between probability and nonprobability samples

4. Identify types of sampling strategies used for qualitative and quantitative research

5. Discuss approaches to determining sample size

6. Critically evaluate sampling plans found in research reports for their contribution to the strength of evidence for nursing practice

Chapter Seven

1. List characteristics of quantitative designs

2. Discuss descriptive designs

3. Identify control for quantitative designs

4. Compare experimental, nonexperimental, and quasi-experimental designs

5. Select a quantitative design for research utilization in an evidence-based practice clinical situation

Chapter Eight

1. Define qualitative research

2. Compare qualitative and quantitative research

3. Describe the various types of qualitative research methodology

4. Discuss reliability and validity issues in qualitative research

5. Discuss analysis of qualitative data

6. Determine the benefits of qualitative methods in nursing research

Chapter Nine

1. Compare a researcher’s decision to use accessible data versus new data

2. Contrast different forms of data collection methods

Chapter Ten

1. Discuss the components involved in utilizing mixed method (multi-method) studies

2. Contrast the goals and distinctive features of mixed method research

3. Characterize the advantages of mixed method (multi-method) research

Chapter Eleven

1. Identify the need for reliability and validity of instruments used in evidence-based practice

2. Define reliability and validity

3. Discuss how reliability and validity affect outcome measures and conclusions of evidence-based research

4. Develop reliability and validity coefficients for appropriate data

5. Interpret reliability and validity coefficients of instruments used in evidence-based practice

Chapter Twelve

1. identify the types of statistics available for analyses in evidence-based practice

2. Define quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis

3. Discuss how research questions define the type of statistics to be used in evidence-based practice research

4. Choose a data analyses plan and the proper statistics for different research questions raised in evidence-based practice

5. Interpret data analyses and conclusions from the data analyses

Chapter Thirteen

1. Provide a rationale for completing a research critique

2. List the necessary elements in a research critique

3. Evaluate evidence needed for clinical decision making

4. Utilize evidence-based practice guidelines to deliver holistic nursing practice

Chapter Fourteen

1. Synthesize key components from evidence-based nursing practice and research utilization to drive the provision of quality nursing care

2. Demonstrate proficiency in evidence-based practice using the principles of the research process


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