Story Cover

Story Cover

Kids, both young and older, lined up outside of Gamestop at the mall at 163rd street. They stared thru the glass windows into the store there eyes wide open with awe and wonder. It was March 8th. The wait was over. Super Smash Brothers Brawl was here. The tournament was underway to give a quick fix to all the fans before the midnight release that night. (# of people who signed up for the tournament) people played. Playing the game for the first time with the Wii remote and Nunchuk made the experts there look like noobs (starting player at any activity). The tension was high. Everyone was focused on one screen, making the three hour wait feel like minutes. As the clock went toward midnight people filed out to outside and the line stretched passed the sidewalk and into the parking lot.


After waiting till midnight for this game I got home as fast as I could, grabbed a Mountain Dew, open the package, and started playing. The first thing I wanted to know was the difference between Brawl and the previous game in the series, Super Smash Brothers Melee. The first thing I noticed was that there are more characters. There are 35 characters in Brawl, 9 more than in Melee. 5 characters didn’t make a comeback (Roy, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Young Link), but they were either “clones” of other character or were replaced by new character. At about 2:30 my friend called and asked for an online battle. Online battles can be possible by exchanging friend codes in the game. The connection works well, making it fell like he was in the room with me playing. There is also an option to play with anyone but you will not who you fight and you can’t send and messages.

The story mode, The Subspace Emissary, features Mario and other Nintendo stars like Link, Fox, and Kirby saving their world from an evil entity called Subspace. None of the characters talk but you can guess by their actions. I didn’t care too much for the story but the film in between the missions where gorgeous. There were some things I did not like. At one part in the game you enter a maze. This was strange because you have to travel to all the worlds and fight all the characters. Until you go the each room in the maze, you don’t know where people to fight are so you have to usually go back and find who you missed. Also, the moves of most characters don’t work on a side-scrolling game but a fighter, which is what Super Smash Bros. is.

After about 30 hours deep into the game, I still haven’t done much in the game. I have unlocked all the characters but there’s so much left after that. There is a board that shows boxes. These boxes can’t be opened except by doing certain things like fighting with a character so many times to unlock a stage. There is also an event mode where a player has to fulfill an objective such as defeating one opponent and having you teammate survive. Doing this will unlock trophies and stickers.

Closing Comments: I’m still playing this game. There is almost unlimited replay value with the WiFi battles. This game will be popping up a tournaments all over the United States


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