
Chapter 1: Chapter 1Crashing sounds, pained groans, and the sound of metal hitting the ground multiple times, this could have been heard by anybody who was in the near, as suddenly out of nowhere a man in an armor and a strange vehicle appeared and crashed against a tree that broke by the impact.The vehicle transformed into a key like object, the hilt was a wing in the shape of a bird, with a blue heart on the tip of the wing pointing to the side, the handle protection was a golden ring on a keychain on the big key that formed like two hands holding something, but the object was too small to be recognized.The man in the armor took his helmet off and a man in his 50s was revealed. He had raven hair and brown eyes; he was shaking his head after this impact "I am not so used in this sort of traveling anymore…"Then he heard footsteps and looked up. In front of him was a boy with dark blond hair and green eyes, but the clothes were torn and old looking. The older man guessed that the boy wasn't much older than 7 or 8 years old. He holds out the key like object and told the elder "You seem to have lost that!""Thank you! But I would have picked it up on my own!" smiles the elder and took the big key, then he seems to realize something and looked at the boy. Even thought being in such a young age, the boy seems to have a serious gaze and was able to hold the key.Kneeling to the boy the elder asked "Do you know what it is?" and as the boy shock his head explained the elder "This is called a Keyblade! Only those who are worthy of it can have a hold on it. Since you was able to give it back to me it seems the Keyblade have chosen you to carry one of them"The boy tilted his head "Would it look like yours?"With a shaking head explained the man in the armor "No! Like the people each Keyblade is different! Yours will properly look completely different then mine! But I don't know when you will be able to hold your own… it depends on the people when they are ready to do so.""Will you take me with you since I can hold it?" asked the boy "because I can't leave my mother. Father disappeared some months ago and I am the only thing that my mother has left!"The man looked at the boy and thought about something else he noticed. While this young human was able to hold his Keyblade, he noticed the strong darkness inside his heart. It fascinates him to see a boy with such a gentle heart with so much darkness.After all the most common believe is that darkness is evil and light is good. But the older man's opinion was that here are only tendencies but now straight rule with what light and darkness is associated. Light can be used for evil as well darkness can be used for light. It would be wise to train this boy ahead of the regular schedule of training an apprentice to help him to get a hold of his own darkness.Shaking his head he explained "I won't take you! But we need you to learn how to hold the special gifts you are holding in your heart. For that I think I settle down here until your mother wouldn't be hurt when you are leaving. Ok?"The boy nodded and asked "Who are you?""My name is Ynsedi. Master Ynsedi" told the Keyblade master and asked "And your name is?""I am Kuran. Kuran Yamo!" declared the boy.Maser Ynsedi nods and suddenly his armor disappeared and he wears now a pair of black pants with armored shoes. He wore a blue shirt with a white mantle and a pendant with a symbol that Kuran never saw before.Smiling to Kuran told Ynsedi "Let us go to your mother and talk to her."With a nod lead Kuran the older man to his mother.In the following time settled Ynsedi down in this world, which name was Night Plains since here is a never-ending night.Each day after clearing his duties by his mother, moved Kuran over to Ynsedi for training. From the Keyblade master he learned a lot and got a small grasp on his darkness. However at times the old man got on his nerves when he explained the one hundred times that the boy has to watch his feelings or he would be consumed by the darkness. It frustrated him more that the Keyblade his master promised didn't show up.But in the age of ten his misery started…First of all his mother went sick all of the sudden. Ynsedi did his best to save Kuran's mother but she passed on. For the young boy it was a terrible fate and the funeral lonely… of all people who were by the funeral, only Ynsedi was here as a friend and of course the son of the passed on woman. All the others are only here to show a sort of respect for the death.Ynsedi and Kuran moved deeper into a forest that exist in the near of his home village. As Kuran asked once why they aren't moving to the place where Ynsedi originates the old man explained "The place isn't any more safely. Until we reached a certain point of your training we can think about moving there and solve the mystery that destroyed this wonderful place."Kuran accepted it and was more than ever in his training.Time passed and Kuran got more trained with his wooden Keyblade that were made for exercise reason until he could finally call upon his own Keyblade. He just managed to get a hit on his master's body and they stood panting on opposite sides and the old man smiles "I am really not anymore in form!""But you are still giving me a good challenge!" pants Kuran but suddenly lifted his head as he heard a rustling in the bushses. Ynsadi heard that too and turned around.For a moment nothing happened to came… then Ynsadi turned around and shrugged "I guess it was just a wild ani-"He was cut off as something jumped out and hit the master into the back. Kuran was shocked by this sudden even that he was frozen. Ynsadi turned around and looked at his attacker.It was something in an armor that reminds on the mix of a wolf and lion. While having the head of a wolf it shows the mane of a lion and the body it was at least two times bigger than Master Ynsadi. While the face was black like night the mane shines in a bright white and the armor was golden with designs of the sun. It lifted its sword, it was so long like Kuran with his arms stretched out into the air and called "Dead of the Keybearers!"Kuran rushed forward with a cry and tried to hit the creature with his wooden Keyblade but the creature kicked him with one of the armored legs and send him flying on the next tree. Groaning with pain looked Kuran up and watched in horror as this creature kicked away the Keyblade his master called away and stepped his master into the heart. The old man grabbed on the blade that stepped him before his arms got weak and the life left him.With all his strength tried Kuran to stand up but his body failed and everything went dark for him. The last thing he heard was "His heart has too much darkness for having a Keyblade!"Times later woke Kuran up and groans loudly. He forced himself into a sitting position and leans on the tree he hit previously. Looking at the body of his master, he began to cry "Master… I wasn't strong enough…"He didn't know how long he was out or how long he was crying until he calmed down and stand up. Giving the last honor he buried the body and set a sign and wrote on it "Here lays Master Ynsaldi! I won't never forget you!"Kuran looked through the house and collected everything he found to be useful for either using it or selling before taking the Keybalde of his master. He looked at the pendant he got from him. It was the very same the old man wore as they met the first time and was the first present Kuran got from him.He looked at the weapon of his master and said "This weapon master… will be the one that ends this creatures live!"Then he began to move forward but stopped and shock his head "No... you told me I shouldn't let too many dark feelings control me…you told me that revenge will only lead to the own destruction. Then I won't hunt this beast for killing you…but for preventing that it will slay other keybearers!"With that he walked off into the woods. The people of his home village saw him the last time the very day as he appeared and sold several things off and bought a few other things before disappearing forever…Chapter 2: Chapter 2Traverse Town… a world that only comes in exist when people needs a refugee. It is created by the remains of lost worlds and due the destruction by Heartless many worlds got lost in the last years. In a side street where nobody bothers to look a black vortex opened and a man stepped out, except his green scarf around his neck everybody could only see his dark clothes and shoes. On his back was something long tied on but covered by black blankets so nobody could see what it was.Everybody in the town only knows him by the name "The Dark Traveler." While not causing any trouble in the town and also stays out of any conflict that doesn't involves Heartless only a few things are known. Nobody has a clue when and to where he always disappear of but he always comes back at least once in a month to refill supplies and meets with a moogle that sells information.The owner of the inn, in the town, was able to tell what he always orders for food and drinks but this was it. Nobody knows from where the boy with dark blond hair and green eyes came from or what his goals are or where he got his black weapons. The one's who withmessed him fighting heartless tells that he uses a pair of black swords where the blade is formed like a stretched out crystal while other claims he has small throwing knifes and daggers formed like that. A third ground tells he wields an axe with the same diamond forms as blades.All can be true or legends. Fact is only he is a mystery for everybody…But it was time that he meets with a mystery by himself. A mystery that will change his course of life forever!It began that he returned from one of his countless trips and if anybody could look at his face right now, they would be able to tell that his trip was another failure for him.However as he reached the plaza of the first district he noticed a boy that holds the weapon that looks like the combination of a gun and sword. The Traveler remembers that this boy is called Leon even thought it was clear that wasn't his true name.Not wanting to deal with this wielder of a gunsword the Traveler climbs on top of a building but stopped as he saw another boy. He never saw him before but this brown haired boy in red clothes and big yellow shoes hold something that he never expected to see: A Keyblade!The Traveler kneeled down and looks how the scene went on. The boy and Leon began to fight but after a while the boy fell unconscious down. From the looks the traveler knew that this Keybearer was a newbie in the Keyblade business but it doesn't bother him. He found at least something that might bring him closer to his goal and decided to follow this boy.He followed Leon who brought the Keybearer to a house and waits outside, hidden in the shadows. However as suddenly Heartless appeared he cursed himself and dark mist formed around his hands and grew longer, forming two black swords. The blades formed like diamonds and charged at the dark creatures, fighting them off.As he finally got rid of them he wondered why it was so easy this time but remembered that a true Keybearer is on this world. Which means destroying Heartless for good is now possible so long he stays here.In the distance he heard a commotion and rushed over. He spots the Keybearer how he finished off an armor like Heartless together with a duck and an anthropomorphic dog. He watches them how they talked with each other and heads of to somewhere.The Traveler followed them but as he noticed that they left the town via Gummi Ship he grit his teeth.Traveling with Gummi Ship may have good sides but for his intension it is a back drawn. He cannot just follow them. For his means of transportation he needs a clue where they are going to go."Guess I have no choice but try to find them on my own again…" he mumbled and opened the dark vortex he came from before. He walked through it and looked at so many worlds as possible. He didn't meddle with the business of these worlds only asking people out, however he didn't find a single clue until he came to a world he only heard of: Hallow Bastion! Many of Traverse Town originates from there but nobody seems to remember its true name.He saw the dog and duck from earlier with a different kid. One with silver hair, blue pants and yellow shirt. He carried the Keyblade of the other kid which confused the kid.However he spots in the distance something and smirks "Finally I found you!"While he runs over to engage the one he found he unwraps the blanked around the object on his back and releaved another Keyblade. "Master Ynsedi… soon your Keyblade 'Caring Wing' will stop this creature from slaying Keybearers!"Just as creature with wolf head and lion mane wanted to attack, the Traveler slammed into the armor. The creature groans in surprise and looked "Why did you do that? And why do you look familiar?"The traveler holds the Keyblade in front of him "I am Kuran Yuma! And I am sure you remember this Keyblade!""You are this boy with this Keyblade Master! Since you hold the blade of this old man you seem to are able to hold one but cannot yours your own so you are not a true one! I give you a chance to leave and never be bothered by the order of light!" told the creature"Does this order has the goal to destroy the keybearers?" asked Kuran but the creature shock his head "no! Only me! My brothers and sisters are failing to see that the Keybearers are the source of all evil in this universe! If it weren't for the Keyblade wars, the holy world would still exist and not splintered apart into several different and smaller worlds.""I don't know about the Keyblade wars but I know you cannot blame the todays Keybearers for that! So long you don't differ between the ones who would do truly evil things with the Keyblades and the ones who tries to do good even if they fail that, I will be after you!" told Kuran and jumped forward with his masters Keyblade in the hand. The creature blocks his attack with ease with the large sword he holds.Kuran jumped into the air and in his right hand a small dark cloud formed before he tossed three small knives, miniature versions of his black swords. However they disappear effectless as they impacted with the armor of the creature. With a chuckle he laughed "You form your weapons by concentrating pure darkness into forms you have in minds! A good tatic but without any change against somebody with a nearly pure light like me!""You will be stopped!" called Kuran, ignoring the taunting and rushed to his opponent, the Keyblade ready to strike. However the creature blocked it again and punched him with the free hand, sending him flying and he lands with a loud crash on the ground. The Keyblade strikes the ground next to him.The creature walked up and slammed the blade into the ground next to his head "Only because you cannot truly wield a Keybalde I let you life! However if we ever meet again, you will die like your master! Consider this about your future actions!"Then the creature left. Kuran just laid there in pain before struggling up in pain and grabs on the Keyblade of his master "Caring Wing.""Why… why I am not strong enough!" he groans and let out an inhuman cry due his helpless state. He put his masters Keyblade back on his back and opened a portal, a portal that won't lead him to a world but to the Realms of Darkness… and he stepped through!Chapter 3: Chapter 3Realms of Darkness…A dark place where the only inhabitants are those who are fallen in Darkness, who are in most cases the so called pureblood heartless.Kuran was walking on the dark paths of this place and due the darkness inside his heart the Heartless avoid them due their instinct, the dark blond man didn't care for the heartless… for him they are mindless and instinct listening beings.Theoretical he could hold control over some of them if he wanted to in other worlds but in his mind, such an action were a pure sign of weakness in the own heart, not to mention that his master would have aspect him to fight these creatures.Due his travels he heard about nobodies but since he never encountered one of them, but he didn't bother to find out more of them.He loves and hates this place, it reminds him on the never ending night of his home, while in contrast there is no feeling in time. He has been here only twice before… the first time by accident and the second time to find clues about the remains of fallen worlds that land here sometimes. He knew here are much more worlds are lost in the time he left hollow Bastion because he saw the numbers of people that came into Traverse Town.Where did the majority of the worlds go after falling into the darkness?Anyway… in both cases he was gone longer in this place than he thought, the first time he was gone for hours instead of the few minutes he assumed to spend on this place and the second time it has been days.He didn't keep count how long he was here now… in the other worlds days, months, and even years could have already passed if he decides to leave this dark place.He looked to the side of the path and saw some of the heartless retreating into the darker shades of this realm. He wondered why they didn't attack him since the Keyblade of his master was clearly seen. Could it be that he really doesn't have what it takes to be a Keybearer?Not wanting to think more about this he just turned left as he saw the path was splitting. Here are so many things he could wonder… how paths existed, if anything else then heartless lives here and so on…But the only the thing in his mind is his lost battle, he was pathetic as he faced the creature and the only thing he learned from it that he is too weak against it and that here is a complete order of these creatures of light.He fought many opponents since leaving his home world but never saw that his darkness based weapons failed to even scratch an opponent.He called one of his swords into his hand, while training he didn't want to show everybody the keyblade nor use it for something else then this creature. So he looked for weapons and discovered that, while unable to cast any type of magic, he could manifest his darkness into solid forms. He trained this ability so far that he was able to create a small set of weapons for himself, also he learned how to manipulate the darkness to the extent that he could use it to pass thought dark corridors without risking his already with darkness filled heart.He dismissed his sword and keeps walking until he noticed something. He turned and was clearly feel something that didn't belong to this place… light!This realm was pure darkness and any light would be consumed by the darkness self, but still it is here… this Light Within Darkness!He placed a hand on his heart and thought the little light in his own heart… it might be confidence or fate but he wanted to investigate this matter!So he moved towards this light. During the walk he noticed this light was also moving so he assumed that somebody with a lot of light in the heart was walking there.Then he noticed a change of movements, the light keeps in one general area but moves faster around. He saw such pattern of movement before and knew that only a fight was the reason of this movement pattern!Enhancing his speed, he moves so fast he could to the source of this light and just as he reached the remains of a sort of plaza he stopped… looking at this source of the light… or more the person which light filled heart sticks out in this never ending darkness. He realized that only his senses fooled him by seeing a light! He only felt her light in her heart in the distance and that is why he thought he saw light.However he didn't move as he saw the fighting stance of the blue haired women in front of him. While not knowing how long she was actually was here, he thought she looks like being around his age.She has blue eyes, and she wears a black and blue, high-collared halter top, two pink, intersecting belts over her chest, and black shorts, and odd silver badge that looks like a heart with on cross below. It reminds him somehow on the symbol on the emblem heartless, on her arms are white bell-sleeves and tan, fingerless gloves, she also wears a small, segmented piece of armor on each of her upper arms, she wears what appear to be black stockings or socks on her legs which reach to about halfway up her thighs, leaving a small area of bare skin on her upper thighs. Kuran notices that she also bears two strips of blue cloth that drape over either side of her hips, along with a smaller, white strip of cloth tied around her waist, draped in the same manner, finally, she wears pointed, armored, silver boots with a sharp "hook" on the outer side of each.He looked at her weapon and realized she was holding a Keyblade in her hand. It has a smooth, cylindrical, grey shaft that tapers outward at both ends, it has a boxy guard, made up of two small, light grey boxes and copper rod. The base of the guard connects to the grip, and both sport several small indentations lining the, the grip itself is squared, the teeth are in the shape of an "E", the keychain is on several simple keychains and he couldn't make out the form of it.He moved in and just as she defeated the last of the heartless she seems to notice that somebody came from behind her and she turned around in tension. As she saw that it wasn't a monster she loosens up a bit but was still caution."Who are you?" asked the women and Kuran began "I could ask you the same! It isn't common to see a keybearer with such light walking around here!""Don't avoid my question" told the woman and noticed the Keyblade that was tied on his back. "You are a keyblader?""Well… I" he began but called "Look out!"She turned and several high level Heartless surrounds them. Kuran looked at the female and called "Keyblade and so much light isn't a good combination in this place! You need to leave now!""And how?" was her question but suddenly he grabbed her arm and twirled her around into a dark portal "I hope you will land on a good place!" muttered Kuran and in his hand a large axe, following the design of his swords and daggers, appears and he called to the heartless "Come on! I will fight you and get some frust off!"The woman stumbled out of the Portal and just saw it closing as she regained balance. After looking around and found herself in a town. She knows that she never was here before but can tell that this world holds a beauty on its own. Deciding that she would try to figure out she began to walk, in the distance she could make out a tower with large bells on the side and a clock, she decided to walk over there and get a first view over the town.After she reached the plaza in front of the tower she realized it was also a train station. She looked over the tower and just stand in front of this as she heard a cocky voice "You must be new here when you stare at this old thing like that!"She turned around and found a man in a black coat, spiky red hair and green eyes. He waves to her "Hi! I am Lea! Got it memorized?" while pointing to his head with a finger.She nod to both question "I am Aqua! Say Lea… where am I?""This is Twilight Town! It is exact in the middle distance between the Realms of Light and Darkness!" told Lea and laughs "Even thought I came originally from Radiant Garden!""How did you end up here?" asked Aqua worried since travelling between worlds was only common for Keybearers."Long story but in short version I would properly still do the dumpass things if it hasn't been for my friend Roxas! That is why I am here! To hold a tradition between us alive!" told Lea and took out two ice creams "Hope you like Sea Salt Ice Cream! In my old habit I bought two instead one!"Aqua nods "Sure. Why not!"With that Lea smirks in leads her on the top of the bell tower and sat down. Aqua did the same with being a little nervous since if she falls down it would be a long and deadly fall. She took the ice cream and began to eat it while looking at the sun with Lea. Then he began "How did you end up here?""How much do you know about the worlds?" asked Aqua in return and Lea laughed "Enough of them! I travelled on many of them and helped out a few keybearers and managed to get an own in the end!""You are a Keybearer?" asked Aqua and Lea just explained "Yup! Even thought it takes a lot to change the style! Originally I fought with two Chakrams. Man was it a surprise to everybody as it popped into my hand."Then he materialized it in his hand. The handle looked like a chakram like Lea talked about was the blade reminds on a flame. Then she asked him "Who is your master?""The only master running around officially is Riku! But I took my lessons I had so far from this old magician and three old fairies after the old Yen Sid send me to them!""You know Yen Sid?" asked Aqua suddenly "I have to see him instantly! I need to know what happened due my absence! And how long I was gone?""Wowowow! Calm down! I bring you to him! But first let us enjoy our ice cream!" countered Lea "After all I had a lot of workout today."Aqua sighs in defeat and ate her ice cream. She wondered in her mind how much has changed and if her friends are alright… after all from what she head from this man she met in the realm of Darkness before she met the other… a lot of time must have passed.She also wondered about the guy who brought her here… why did he had so much darkness in his heart and why was he carrying a keyblade on his back?Chapter 4: Chapter 4After the Sea salt ice cream, Aqua moved under the guidance of Lea to the station inside the bell tower and after Lea bought two tickets they moved to a train that Aqua finds that it looked odd.It was a blue train with golden markings and a magic head on top of it. Also a star in front of the train was seen, and the star motives were on the sides. She looked at Lea and he shrugged "The old mage just somehow knew we need this ride!""Master Yen Sid's abilities are really impressive! I don't think I will be close to him" told Aqua and Lea laughed "Don't turn yourself down! In time I will be a Master as well and even surpass the others! I want to be immortal by being remembered!""You are strange!" laughed Aqua and went into the train with Lea. As they are inside it began to move and as Aqua looked out a while, she saw the wide sky and noticed they are on magical created rails. She sat down again and Lea asked "How do you know this old man?""I land once by his tower and he was expecting me as I was looking for two of my friends. He also told me about the demise of my mentor" told Aqua"I don't ask!" told Lea and Aqua nods.After a while the train stopped and they left it, looking at a surrealistic, crooked, golden-brown tower. The tower is topped with blue cone-shaped turret roofs, decorated with moons and stars."How long was it since I was here?" asked Aqua but of course she doesn't gain an answer yet the Keyblade Master and Lea walked into the tower and moved up to the study room.With a respectful bow she spoke the rather severe-looking old man with long, grey hair, bushy eyebrows, and a long, grey beard that parts down the middle. He wears the famous, conical sorcerer's hat on his head. The hat was blue and decorated with several yellow stars and a yellow crescent moon. He wears long, billowing blue robes with sky blue lining, "Master Yen Sid! I have returned"I see it Master Aqua! I sensed your presence in the very moment you entered Twilight Town. And I can sense also that you are wondering how long you are gone and what happened in the meanwhile!" told Yen Sid and Aqua nods. The old Sorcerer explains "You have been gone for nearly 10 years and missed the battles against the heartless and Nobodies!"Aqua learned how the treats of the Heartless and Nobodies were ended by Sora, how the worlds got lost and retrieved and also in the final about the trials to gain the mark of mastery for Riku and Sora went."So Xenahort is back with 12 vessels, still looking for a 13th one and wants still the Χ-Blade" summarized Aqua. Where are Riku and Sora?"Riku is right now in the world Radiant Garden, looking with the inhabitants there about clues who could be the alternative vessel for Xenahorts schemes. Sora returned to the Dreaming Worlds and didn't return yet! However! I received word that somebody who went him, returned to his home." Explained Yen Sid and Aqua nods. However the old sorcerer asked now "Tell me Aqua! Where did you have been and how did you reach Twilight Town?""After I left this place ten years ago, I placed Ven in the remains of the World of Department and sealed it off, creating a strange looking castle. I assume Ven's body is still there. Then, following a feeling, I head to Radiant Garden and faced Terra, who was controlled by Xenahort way back. After defeating Xenahort, he began to fall into darkness and followed him. However I couldn't pull him up and sacrificed myself so Terra would return. That is where I lost my armor and Keyblade. According to somebody I met, I was in the Realms of Darkness.""Who did you met in this dark place were only creatures of darkness lures?" asked Yen Sid and Aqua replied "Somebody who seems to have lost his memories. He told me that he met somebody who was unique and stored data inside him.""That must have been Sora! Riku told us about meeting an image of him due his travel into Sora's heart to awaken him." Went Yen Sid in and Aqua continued "I left the man and walked around, fighting the dark creatures there. After finishing off another group of them, I noticed a heart with strong darkness and little light behind me and saw a boy. I thought he looked like to be in my age but this could be wrong since I didn't thought I were already in the Realms of Darkness for 10 years. He grabbed my arm as another group of heartless appeared and threw me through a dark swirling vortex.""Pretty reckless of this guy to threw you through a dark corridor! You could have lost your heart by this trip!" laughed Lea "But on the other hand… staying too long in the Realms of Darkness isn't a good thing as well if you plan to keep your heart!""It sounds like you have been there once!" told Aqua and Lea shrugs "Only once by a scout mission! This was before Roxas came into the organization!"Aqua wanted to say something but Yen Sid interrupted her "This boy who sends you thought this dark corridor… how he looked like?""Dark blond but wild hair. I guess he cuts them self with a knife, dark clothes that were tight on the body but loose enough to let him move freely. He wears a scarf that matches to his green eyes." Told Aqua and suddenly remembered an important detail "And he seems to carry a Keyblade on his back!""A Keyblade? Can you discripe it to me?" asked Yen Sid. Aqua gave her best to give so many details on the object she only saw briefly. Then Yen Sid creates a magical image of the Keyblade and asked "Was it this one?""I only saw the handle and Keychain but yes! It was this one!" replied Aqua.A deep sigh came from the old man "This Keyblade is called Caring Wing. It belonged to a Keyblade Master named Ynsadi. Like Xenahort he was a curious man but unlike Xenahort he wouldn't take such drastic measures to satisfy his curiosity. Last time I saw from him he was looking for an student. A student who could continue his research. The last thing I ever got from him was that he found a boy, who could hold his Keyblade. You know Aqua what it means if a stranger is able to hold the Keyblade of a Keybearer!""The stranger would hold the ability to wield a Keyblade on the own" she replied and Yen Sid continues "Indeed! However… the boy he found seems to have trouble to summons a Keyblade. To be exact he wasn't able at all to that time I received the message. Ynsadi assumed it was the darkness in his heart. He never met an individual with so much darkness but so little light without loosing the heart.""Could it be that I met this student?" asked Aqua and Yen Sid nods "It is possible! Your description of his body features fit to what I received from Ynsadi. And clothes can be changed over the course of time.""What should we do now?" asked Aqua. Yen Sid thought for a long time before he answered "Take the young Kairi under your care. As Keyblade Master you are allowed to train those who can wield the Keyblade. Then use the Gummy Ship that will arrive this place soon to reach Radiant Garden! I want that to meet this boy and the seven princess of light needs to be protected"To prevent the recreation of the Χ-Blade I can understand that it is necessary to protect the seven princess of light. But why bringing somebody to you, who is full with such darkness?" asked AquaYen Sid replied "I want to know what happened to Ynsadi and I fear that another power is raising against us." told Yen Sid. "I will pass the message to the other who wields Keyblades so our chances we to find him are higher"Aqua nods in understanding. It was hard to believe for her that a boy, she just saw for brief moment's turns out to be in such an important role for a former Keyblade Master. However something bothered her. "Master Yen Sid. The boy… he looked troubled. Just like he lost something or failed in something.""Hmm… we need to know what happened to Ynsadi. Whatever it was, I couldn't hear it from the stars since it is also new to me that my old friend has died." Said Yen Sid "Now go and meet Kairi and train her in the art of the Keyblade!""Yes Master Yen Sid!" told Aqua and left the room. Lea told her where to find her and went to Master Yen Sid "Why is the little princess getting an own teacher while I am still stuck on you, Merlin and these three fairies? This Aqua is much younger then you and doesn't seem to have any experience in teach things!""Lea! You path is different than hers. I can see in the stars that her destiny is tied to the young Kuran. Your path is tied to Sora's Nobody Roxas!" explained Yen Sid and Lea laughed "Now I want to know how you plan to take Roxas back from Sora's body without making him a Heartless!""I admit, I have no clue how we return Roxas back to the world of existence, even thought he is a nobody. But he can become his own person since we learned from Sora's tales that a nobody will seek for a new heart and also will slowly gain a new one with the time. That is why you almost believed that you can feel emotions when you have been with Roxas! He was tied with Sora and due Sora's unique heart, the process of gaining a new heart was speed up.""I take your word old man! But the next Keyblade master that shows up will be my teacher, if I didn't gain my own master title to that time!" replied Lea and turns around "I am now off to Radiant Garden, meeting up with the former comrades! I have the feeling I should warn them as well about the change of situation!""Do what you think you need to do! Even if I bind you to this place with my words, you would just shake off these chains and do whatever you want. Or why else did you just take off to help Mickey and Riku to save Sora?" came from Master Yen Sid and with a smirk Lea began to leave the Mysterious Tower, heading for Radiant Garden. Even thought it was still in a state where Hollow Bastion would fit with ease as name.Aqua reached the room where Kairi was training. As she saw the red hair of the girl, the picture of a small five years old girl flashed through her mind. Remembering how she met Kairi the first time she mumbled "The one who unlocked her ability to hold a Keyblade must have been me… she must have touched my Keyblade as I protected her from the Unversed."In this very moment, a dark corridor opened in the outskirts of Hollow Bastion and Kuran walked out of the portal. He looked around and mumbled "Strange… this isn't Traverse Town. Why I am back to Hollow Bastion?"He moved towards the castle, believing that there might be answers and stopped as he noticed the town in the near. It was inhabited again!He moved down to the town and asked an random passant "Excuse me… I have been away from this place for a while and missed a lot. What happened here? Last time I was here, it was under the control of Malicifent.""Where did you have been the past year? This place got his original name back, Radiant Garden and this old witch and their heartless are gone now! The only heartless that are left are the usual amount for a world!" told the Passant and Kuran nods and thanked the woman. He moved around for a while and spot some Moogles. Knowing these little creatures he would have a clue where to find somebody.The Moogle greets him "Hello, Kupo! How can I help you?""I am looking for a Moogle named Herito. Last time I saw him he was in Traverse Town" replied Kuran and the Moogle answered "He got a house in this town! I have here a map where you can find him."Kuran knew what this meant: He took out his purchase and paid the Moogle a fair amount of money. Taking the map he went of to find Herito. As he reached the place marked in the map and shocks only his head "Herito… you will never change!"He stood in front of a small house but everywhere are the windows are either one way mirrors or nailed shut. IN traverse town it was the same way back since Herito was overprotective about his business. While most Moogles are selling goods, Herito was dealing with information and information was what Kuran was in need.He knocked on the door and a cranky voice called "Go away! I don't open the doors!""Not even for a good customers who needs to buy so much information that you make an fortune?" asked Kuran"This voice…" came from the building and suddenly a hidden window opened. A yellow eye stared at him and mumbled "By the…"Suddenly the window shut up and several clicks where heard. Kuran counted and heard clicks of 16 locks, 12 blocking bars and one self shooting cannon. Sometimes the boy wondered if the owner of this place will ever be in trouble with the officials.The door swung upend and a grey humanoid rabbit with the for Moogles usual pompom in green color shouted "Kuran! Where have you been? I began to miss you since you didn't show up for an year!""That is why I am here. I need a fill about the happenings of the past year and know that you are the source I can trust the must." Told Kuran and moved into the house. The Moogle looked outside the door before closing it shut and locked up again.Herito moved in front of Kuran "Have a seat! I just get something to drink, the usual I assume?""That is right Herito!" told Kuran and sat down. A few crashing sounds from the kitchen were heard before Herito came back with a cup of coffee and a large bottle. The moogle sat down and drank from the bottle and Kuran took the cup of coffee but he could still smell that in the bottle was for sure something with an alarming amount of alcohol."So Kuran! Before I start where did you have been? I need to know that or else I might tell you something, that you already know!" told Herito and Kuran replied "Simple: The Realms Of Darkness! Before that I was on Hollow Bastion were I found the one I seek for but lost to him.""From you voice I take you are very down by that! Guess you should have spent your times on some worlds instead of the Realms of Darkness! Take this advice! Once I told you everything you want to hear for the money, go to some worlds and get involved by their business! Then you might find answers!" told Herito.Kuran looked at the Moogle. While most time the Herito was just drinking large amounts of alcohol, he was a reliable source of information and has somehow the ability to give people the advice they need to find what they need. However this ability kicks in only randomly so they are normally for free. Taking this advice seriously he asked "Can you fill me in with everything that happened since I was around?""Here are only small facts! The rest are legends of rumors but don't worry! This will be taken in account when I give you the bill!" told Herito and told Kuran everything he knew about the events of the last year. It wasn't much for Kuran but at least he got a general grasp of the events. He finds it only sad that Herito didn't know where to find this Keybearer Sora."Thank you! I have at least a clue on what happened. And I am sure one of us will find out what the next steps are! How can I recognize Sora?" asked the blonde and the moogle answered "Brown and spiky hair, blue eyes. Normally he is with a duck and a dog and currently he runs in black clothes. He usually wears also a necklace with a crown pendant."Kuran nods and hands a big bag of mummy to the Moogle "Thank you! You really helped me out!""Don't forget my advice to you!" was the reply and Kuran said "I take it by my heart""I hope you heart follows the right light" told Herito and leads Kuran outside before closing up his house again from the inside.Kuran shook his head again and walks thought the streets of the town. In a moment where he thought he was alone, he opened a Dark Portal. However before he stepped through he felt something underneath the castle… it felt familiar but different the same time. Deciding to investigate it he moves to the source of this feeling.Chapter 5: Chapter 5Aqua and Kairi just reached Radiant Garden via Gummi Ship with Lea, as they were contacted by a man with yellow hair, goggles, white shirt, and grumpy face. "So you are this Aqua and Kairi? Then go instantly into the castle in Ansem's study! Your red haired friend will know the way!"With that, the communication was cut off and Lea shrugged. "This guy is so grumpy I don't think it can be topped!""Why should we go to the Study of Ansem?" wondered Kairi but nobody knew until Lea got an idea. "In the near is a hidden Chamber! Xemnas went there frequently even before he turned all of us into Nobodies!""Do you know what in this Chamber is?" asked Aqua but Axel shrugs his shoulders. "No clue! This guy always kept his secrets from us. I only know that he talks with somebody in there even though it is supposed to be empty.""Then we might know once we see it with who he was talking.""Nice idea kid!" told Lea.They were transported into the middle of the city and Aqua gasped at the sight of what happened to the beautiful town she once saw. She learned about the darkness that took over this place but that it would become that terrible wasn't in her imagination."From your reaction I get that you were here once!""Indeed… I was here in search of my friends. I also met them here." Told Aqua. "And I met Kairi here the first time.""Here?" asked Kairi confused then she suddenly remembered, "You… were the women that protected me from the monster back then?""Indeed! And your ability of the Keyblade must came from that time. I think you touched my Keyblade while I was paying attention to the Unversed," explained Aqua and sighs."Just to get it memorized in the case I run into your friends: what are their names?""I doubt that you might encounter them on their own… Terra is consumed by the Darkness, and Ventus lost his heart.""Fallen to Darkness and losing your heart are not really good ways to keep going!" replied Lea but suddenly stopped his tracks. "Did you just say Ventus?""Yes I did," told Aqua and suddenly she heard Lea laughing. "If I had known he was the friend of a Keybearer I would have taking him more serious with his wooden sword!""You met him?" asked Aqua and Lea nods. "I did! And we had a small brawl which I lost! And when I think of my friend Roxas then I just realize that Ven and Roxas looks pretty much alike!""Really?" asked Kairi in confusion. "But Roxas is Sora's nobody."Aqua thought about this fact and wondered "What if… Ventus's heart looked for something that comforts him once it got lost? He might have met Sora before… after all Terra was in Destiny Islands once like me…""How do you know he was there?" asked Lea and Aqua explained, "I noticed that somebody has passed on to a boy on the islands the potential to bear a Keyblade.""Let me guess: Blue eyes and wild brown hair?" asked Kairi with a giggle but Aqua shook his head, "No… it was a silver haired boy.""That must have been me! After all you look familiar," told a new voice and they turned around."Riku!" exclaimed Kairi. "Nice to meet you!""Nice to see you so soon again Kairi! Anything new about Sora?" asked the silver haired boy but Kairi shook her head. "No… he is still gone. At least as I came here."Riku nods at that. "I see! Cid sent me! He wonders why you took so long. And I wondered how he happened to be a friend of Sora's.""You know Sora! He gets friends everywhere." Laughed Kairi and Riku laughed, "Yeah! That is right! After all, he has a wood puppet and two dragons in his disposal of friends. And I guess a ghost wouldn't be surprising as well! I just remembered that we need to go to the world of one of them soon.""Why?" asked Aqua and Riku told her, "I met somebody who told me to get over there as soon as possible. But right now we just have a kind of a mess to clean up so neither Sora nor I got the chance to check it out."They nod in understanding and Lea asked, "Let me guess: It is the homeworld of our big red dragon with a scar over the eye?""That is right," replied Riku. "We have to find Fugeo's world and visit a dragon named the Chronicler.""The Chronicler?" asked Aqua. "I thought he was only a myth""I met him once in a way, during my mark of mastery," told Riku, "So it isn't that much of a myth but we should go now or Cid will get really mad. He is already not pleased by Vexen and Zexion.""Yeah. Even and Ienzo are able to get very much on somebody's nerve!" laughed Lea. "But how did you come out with the others? After all, one was killed by you!""The same I could ask you since you are the reason why two of them were killed," countered Riku and Lea shrugs, "Details, details."They walked to the castle and just as they reached the study of Ansem, alarms went off. Riku runs off to a room where the former Nobodies and the members of the Committee were waiting."What happened?" asked Riku once he was in and Cid growled, "Intruders happened! Somebody broke through the security of this place and headed to this chamber. Or at least what is supposed to be there according to these strange heads!""Whoever got pass the security must be quite powerful. It might be an interesting research object," added Even in and Cid groaned at that. A boy in black clothes and brown hair explains, "Tron only noticed it after the hidden door was broken open."They look out of the window of the computer room and spot a hole on the ground in the giant hall that waits on the next exit.The boy, who's name is Leon, went with Riku, Lea, Aqua, and Krairi down the stairs, which took a while, and then they passed a corridor of cells and Aqua wondered what the cells are for."We hold in there our research objects, some of them were quite violent," told Even who had followed them.Lea joked about how he had to dispose some of them in his good old days as Organization XII member. Then they reach a broken open door and inside they found a room with a throne in the middle. On the walls are the symbols of the Nobodies with chain designs lining to the middle of the room. They walked into the room and Aqua gasped as she spots the remains of an armour and a Keyblade. Even asked if she knows about this. Aqua nodded. "These are my Keyblade and Armour. But from the look ofthe armour I don't think I can ever use it again.""And the keyblade you showed me during the training?" asked Kairi and Aqua explained sadly, "This was the Keyblade of my Master Erasqus…""That explains why the Keyblade you held during our first encounter didn't quite fit to you," told a voice from the throne and Kuran raised from there.Even put his hand on the chin. "Facinating… so much darkness but so little light and still looking as he were fine!""You!" called Aqua. "You sent me through this dark Corridor to Twilight Town!""Twilight Town? Well that explains why we didn't run into each other sooner… I ended up here directly as I tried to reach Traverse Town""Traverse Town only exists if somebody needs refuge and I suppose your world still exists?" Even went in and Kuran just turned around. "I don't care if my world still exists or not so long as I didn't reach my goal… and for that I need to find out something first.""And what is it?" asked Aqua but Kuran just opened a dark corridor. "I don't know… I only listen to the opinion of somebody right now in the hope he knew what he said to me.""You are not going anywhere until you come with me to Master Yen Sid, and explain why you carry a Keyblade like that!" protested Aqua but Kuran just laughed. "Try to stop me Keybearer"Just as he wanted to go he suddenly saw Riku in front of him with his Keyblade raised. "You don't go anywhere!"Kuran summoned his swords into his hands and replied, "You cannot stop me. Not even with your dark powers."Riku hesitated about the fact that Kuran just saw through him that easily but replied, "You won't scare me."Lea shrugs and called his Keyblade. "Did nobody tell you never to mess with Keybearers? And you are facing right now four of them."Kuran glanced around and dismissed his swords. "Fine""What is your name anyway?" wondered Kairi and added in, "I am Kairi!""Kairi? Fitting name for a princess of Light," told Kuran and replied to her question, "I am Kuran… Kuran Yuma… former apperentice of the fallen Keybearer Ynsadi.""Why fallen?" gasped Aqua and Kuran just replied, "Death…"They questioned him more but he was silent since his last answer and no sound came even from him. But he took out one of his blades as they tried to touch the Keyblade of his master. Aqua assumed that this Keyblade means a lot to Kuran so she accepted the decision that he keeps this blade.On the way back they realized too late that Kuran has opened a Dark Corridor on the ground to let him fall in. Even was fascinated by his great control over darkness but Riku just countered, "If he keeps on like that he will lose his heart! And whatever he is after, I don't think it is worth the risk!"Leon nods. "Indeed! But we only know how he looks like, his name, and that he carries a Keyblade of a dead master… while we might find him once he show up somewhere, where we warned the people but doesn't give out any of his intentions or goals. But maybe we might find this out""And how?" asked Lea. "By using a Crystal ball?""No! By buying information. Here in the town is a Moogle that sells information. He is odd but with the right prize you can know everything from him," explained Leon but Aqua was not found by the idea "How will you know that this moogle is telling the truth then?""I don't but it is the only source I can think about right now and Merlin isn't here in this moment… he has to do something in his own homeworld" told Leon and adds, "Which is odd in my eyes since I know him. He either lived here in Radiant garden or Traverse Town… the only times he was gone was as he had to attend on something.""I don't care where this weird magican is so long he doesn't mess up with my machines!" growled Cid who just came down. "He is just to much messing around!"Nobody said a single thing but they head to the top again and left to the town to visit the Moogle Leon talked about… a Moogle who might get soon some sort of trouble…I know it took some time to subtmit it but due a few not foreseen circumstances it took Longer then I thought.Chapter 6: Chapter 6Kuran falls out of the dark Corridor he made to escape from Radiant Garden and looks around where at he lands: And found himself inside a cave.With no clue where he is, Kuran began to walk around inside the cave until he found a large wall in front of him. He looks at it and knew that this one was manmade, probably very old and has been part of something else. However he cannot clearly say who it was since he never spent any time to learn about history.Suddenly he heard something from the wall and stepped away from it. Then as cracks appeared on the wall he rushed away from it, and just in time since a giant drill broke through this wall and Kuran was really surprised by the looks of it.Suddenly a small obese with a shaved face and briefly mustached appeared. He is buck-toothed, wears goggles, a headset, an overcoat, and galoshes. He scratched his head and suddenly a voice asked, "Mole! What's the matter?!""Mole?" thought Kuran to himself while the little man answered, "Somebody is here!""What?" asked another voice and a slender man with light brown hair and brown eyes rushed in, with wearing spectacles."How did you get here?" asked the man and Kuran replied, "Fell into a hole and found myself in this cave."It wasn't the complete truth, but Kuran couldn't say that he was from a different world and made the hole to escape."Do you want to tell me there was a different entry to these caves?" asked the man and somebody else who came in asked, "You mean we didn't have to take this dangerous route?"Kuran looked at the owner of the voice and saw that is was a young slender woman with black shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and fairly tan skin. She wears white shirt, blue overalls, aqua hat, and tan gloves."I don't know… if there was another entrance when it wasn't in the Journal." Told the man. Before the girl got to reply somebody else told, "Even if there is another entrance to this place, who knows if we had ever found it. But for now we have to concentrate to reach our goal."A grey haired, muscular man with brown eyes and eyebrows came into Kuran's view and asked him, "What it your name?""Kuran Yuma," replied Kuran and the man continues, "Can you tell where you get into these caves?""Sorry! But by making the mistake to wander off I got lost here. If there is a way up, I would gladly take it. Why are you here?""We are what remains of an expedition to the town called Atlantis," told the man to Kuran. "I am Commander Rourke, leader of this trip."Then he points to the man with the glasses, "This is Milo Thatch! The Linguist and Cartographer of the Expedition and the only man who could read the way description to the town."Pointing to the girl he told Kuran, "This is Audrey Rocia Ramirez, our chief engineer! And the one over here is Geaton Moliére but we all call him Mole!""Any more I should know?" asked Kuran and Rourke replied, "A few but they can wait until we set up a camp or have an emergency!"Kuran nods at that and after being sent to a car he set in and the expedition continued it's travel. During the drive Kuran looked at the man who drives it. The man was a slender, muscular and completely bald man with a black skirt. He wears a white shirt and as he noticed Kuran's interest, he began, "The name's Sweet, Joshua Strongbear Sweet.""Kuran… Kuran Yuma," was the reply of the blonde, "And what role do you have on this tour?""I am the doctor! And later I need to have a check up on you since you are new in the crew!" told Sweet and Kuran nods to that.In the meanwhile Aqua wondered as she reaches a house with Leon and Kairi, "Why are we here?""Because in this house lives a moogle that deals with information." Told Leon and knocks on the door but a voice called out, "Go away! I won't open the door!""Not even for a customer?" asked Leon and the voice replied, "I am not dumb! You are no customer! You are one of these Restoration Committee guys!""Open now or we'll have to break in!" told Leon but the voice called, "I wouldn't do that for your own health!""Then I'll open the door!" told Aqua and used her Keyblade on the locks. As the owner of the house noticed what is going on, he called, "Stop!"However it was too late since Aqua used her Keyblade on the last of the 16 locks and suddenly a cannonball shot out of the closet door and crashed into the next wall. Everybody stared at the wall where the cannonball crashed into and looked back at the remains of the door with its 12 blocking bars.Leon looked at the rabbit like moogle that stared out of the door and told, "Herito! For using an illegal cannon that shoots by itself you can gain a lot of trouble!""And now you want the information for free…" sighs Herito. "What do you want to know?""Do you know about somebody named Kuran Yuma?" asked Leon but raised an eyebrow as the moogle suddenly began to laugh loudly. "You are interested in Kuran? Then you are quite interesting! Why such interest in such a normal guy?""I'll ask the questions! What can you tell me about him?" told Leon and the Moogle just shrugged. "I only know that he is after a weird looking guy but this was it. I can only tell you more that I gave him a sort of prophecy but it wouldn't help you much…""And why not?"asked Aqua and the answer was, "I don't think that you can find him by telling that he should go to some worlds and get involved in their business?""You didn't seriously tell him that?" asked Aqua but Herito replied, "I did! I have an uncontrollable gift and I just happened to access it at his last visit…"Then Aqua asked, "You don't think that you can tell anything about Xehanort?"Herito shock his head, "No! Not what you don't know already…""Then we have to go now, since we know that Xehanort is after the seven princess and for his thirteen vessel," told Kairi, and Aqua agreed with her. They left the house but Leon told the moogle before leaving, "If I find out that you knew more then you let us know, you will pay deeply for this!"Meanwhile, Lea was blinking at Even as he heard a request form the scientist. "You want that I do what?""You heard me already correct Lea: I want that you look for this boy we encountered! I am fascinated about his darkness and would love to study him!"Lea chuckles, "Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs? And I wonder that you would give me such a task, while knowing that I killed your nobody!""While I am still not pleased with the fact that you killed me, it brought me back in the end! So I say just do this one favor and I forgive you!" told Even and Lea shrugged. "I guess so long I don't try to kill you again, we would be fine! Just don't complain that I might be away for a while!"With that Lea began to leave.Back to Kuran, the expedition reached a cave where light comes from a rock formation on the ceiling. Milo was holding a book with weird symbols and drawings in it. He looked at it and the rock formation, calling, "This is it! It's gotta be!"Rourke called, "All right, we'll make a camp here.""Why is it glowing?" asked Audrey while Mole just replied, "Ah! It is a natural phosphorescence.""That thing is going to keep me up all night. I know it!" told a man with black flat-topped hair, thickly mustached, gray gloves, and black coat.Kuran shook his head at the man with the name Vincenzo Santorini and helps to set up the camp. Then Cookie, an elderly, both white beard and eyebrows, blue jeans, white shirt and a hat with the true name Jedidiah Allardyce Farnsworth called, "Come and get it!"He came to the campfire where part of the Atlantis crew sat while Milo and Kuran sat outside on their own. Milo studying the book he always had while Kuran looks into the ceiling, thinking about the day.Everybody looked in disgust at the so called "food" and even as Kuran got his portion he asked Cookie, "Where did you get this stuff?""Own recipe and training from my old job by the army! I can feed the same without any kind of supplies!" told Cookie and Kuran just replied, "Looking at this… I believe you!"Back in the campfire Sweet told the others, "You know, we've been pretty thought on the kid. And the newbie here seems to have trouble of his own. What do you say we cut them some slack?""Yeah, you're right." Told Audrey and Sweet called to Milo and Kuran, "Hey, Milo, Kuran, why don't you come sit with us?""Really? Y-You don't mind?" asked Milo while Kuran waved off, signaling that he isn't interested."Nah. Park it here." Told Sweet while Audrey went to Kuran and dragged him over."Gee, this is great. I mean, you know, it's an honor to be included in your-" told Milo but stopped as he realized that he sat down on a whoopee cushion, positioned by Mole.Everybody glares at the laughing man, calling, "Mole!""Forgive me. I could not resist!" told the small man and Kuran just sighs and asked, "Was he the only ground expert you could get for this tour?""Ask Mister Whitemore! He funds this expedition! And he was with us as we found the journal in Iceland." Told Sweet while Vinny shudders. "Don't remind me! These weird creatures almost got us way back""Weird creatures?" asked Kuran. Vinny nods and described them as good as possible. Kuran recognizes them as Heartless. "I hope they don't come back! I faced these creatures before and they are not an easy piece to fight off without the right weapon.""Yeah! We found that out in the hard way!" told Vinny. Before Kuran could question more, Audrey asked Milo, "Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book?""Yeah. You must've read it a dozen times by now." Sweet added in.Milo nods. "I know, but this-this doesn't make any sense. See, in this passage here, the shepherd seems to be leading up to something. He calls it 'the heart of Atlantis'. It could be the power source the legends refer to. But th—But then it just—It cuts off. You know, it's almost like a there's a missing page.""Kid, relax. We don't get paid overtime," told Vinny and Kuran chuckles, "In this case I am working for free here.""Yeah… that could be the case since you came here before you could sign a contract with the good old Whitemore."Milo chuckles and rubs his back as Sweet was close to him and asked, "What, is something wrong with your neck?""Oh yeah, I must've hurt it when—" told Milo and as Sweet suddenly grabbed his head and twisted it left and right one time, asking, "Better?"Milo rubs his neck and replied, "Yeah! Hey, where'd you learn how to do that?""An Arapaho medicine man." Told Sweet and Milo countered, "Get outta here.""Born and raised with 'em. My father was an army medic," told Sweet while showing a photo with an army man, an Indian woman carrying a baby on the back. "He settled down in the Kansas Territory after he met my mother.""No kidding?" asked Milo and Sweet answered, "Nope. I got a sheepskin from Howard U and a bearskin from old Iron Cloud," showing a necklace with a feather and other things. Then he continues, "Halfway through medical school I was drafted. One day I'm studyin' gross anatomy in the classroom… the next, I'm swein' up Rough Riders on San Juan Hill."Suddenly Cooky pipes in and told, "Main course!"After everybody denies the main course the old guy just told them, "Don't worry then. It'll keep and keep and keep.""Is this a promise or a menace?" wondered Kuran while an old woman, elderly with gray hair that tied to a small ponytail and wears both olive overcoat and helmet on her head, named Parker told, "Thank God I lost my sense of taste years ago."Then everybody put the "food" on the plate into the fire which goes out in a smoke that reminds Kuran on what he saw from the distance of an nuclear bomb explosion, thinking to himself that this stuff isn't so good like Cooky believes. He wondered if he should check if he had some reserves in his bags.Later, everybody set up their tents and Kuran wondered, "Are you not setting up your tent?""uh, I did." Comments Milo and as Kuran began to fix it, Milo began, "I guess I'm still a little rusty at this. I haven't gone camping since – Well, since the last time my grandpa took me.""I never got to meet your grandfather. What was he like?" asked Audrey while Milo began to tell, "Where do you start? He was like a father to me, really. My parents died when I was a little kid, and he took me in."Kuran's head sank down by this and sighs. Suddenly Milo chuckles loudly and the question came, "What?""Well, I was thinkin'. One time when I—when I was eight, we were hiking along this stream… and I saw something shining in the water. It was a genuine arrowhead. Well you'd think I'd found a lost civilization the way Grandpa carried on about it." Told Milo and sighs, "It wasn't until I was older that I realized that the arrowhead was just some compressed shale mixed with some zinc pyrite that had fractured into an isosceletic trangulate."Then Mole was suddenly calling, "That is so cute."Then Kuran asked, "Audrey… how did you become the chief mechanic of a multimillion-dollar expedition?""I took this job when my dad retired. But the funny thing was he always wanted sons, right? One to run his machine shop, and the other to be middleweight boxing champion." Told Audrey while hitting her pillow, "But he got my sister and me instead.""So, what-what happened to your sister?" asked Milo and the answer of the female was, "She's 24 and 0 with a shot at the title next month. Anyway, I'm saving up so my papi and I can open up another shop."Then as Parker came in, "Forget your jammies, Mrs. Packard?" "I sleep in the nude."Then Kuran and Milo get sleep mask tossed over. They wondered why and then Sweet explained, "You two want a pair of these. She sleepwalks."Kuran took his one, glanced to Parker and gulps. Then Vinny began to tell, "Well, as far as me goes, I just like to blow things up."Sweet took Vinny's sleep mask and told him, "Come on, Vinny tell the kid the truth."Then he let go of the mask and it slapped back to Vinny's face. The black haired man began after a glance to Sweet, "My family owned a flower shop. We would sell roses, carnations, baby's breath, you name it. One day, I'm making about three dozen corsages for this prom – you know, the one they put on the wrist—and everybody, they come. 'Where is it? When is it? Does it match my dress?' It's a nightmare… Anyway, I guess there was this leak of gas next door or what… BOOM! No more Chinese laundry. Blew me right through the front window. It was like a sign from God. I found myself that boom." Told Vinny and lit up a match.Then Milo looks at Kuran. "What is your story."Kuran looks uncomfortable and sighs. "It's only fair since you told your stories as well… I came from a place where the sun is only a myth… light is only given by the stars, moon, or fire. No idea who my father was… and I lost my mother to a sickness. No one knows what it was… then a person I met before my mother died took me in and as I was ten he died as well… since then, I am on a travel… and looking for something, but, I don't know anymore what to think of my goals."Milo nods and as they suddenly notice that Mole digs himself into the ground, he asked, "What's Mole's story?""Trust me on this one. You don't wanna know!" Told Sweet, turning to Audrey he told her, "Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't have told me, but you did." Turning back to Milo he adds on, "And now I'm telling you, you don't wanna know."Then he blew the lights out and went to sleep. And nobody notices that creatures are coming into the camp, searching through the place. Milo then came out with turning a lamp on, causing the creatures to run away. He moved to a spot where nobody from the camp could see him, beginning to take his pants off while having his lamp in the mouth. Then the light of his lamp hit the glowing rock and yellow glowing flies are coming out, flying to the camp. One flies around Milo and he tried to hit it but as he does the toilet paper that was on the object he hit the fly bursts into flames. Gasping from the experience, he looked around and spotted a whole swarm of these flies coming towards the camp. He called, "Fire" and runs back while the flies set the tents under fire.Rouke groans by the shoutings and after a look at a clock he mumbled, "I am going to kill this guy…"He turns his head out and called, "Thatch, go back to bed." But then he realizes the trouble in the camp. Everybody was now wide awake and tries to end the fire but fails on that. Suddenly other creatures came up and Kuran called shocked, "Heartless!""Not them again!" told Cookie and took his gun out to shoot them. Kuran took his swords and fought them. He keeps on until he heard the order, "Get us into those caves! Move it, move it, move it!"Everybody went into the vehicles and tried to get over the bridge. Kuran keeps fighting until he knows that he was pretty much the last one and runs as well. However the last vehicle was uncomfortabely the tank transporter with the fuel and just as Kuran was close to it, the fire flies caused it to explode, catapulting him of the bridge while the bridge itself got destroyed, taking the vehicles with it.After everybody crash landed Rourke took a match out and lit, it asking, "Alright, who's not dead? Sound off."Then groans and sounds are given from everybody who could still speak until the match burned to his fingers and he had to put it out. However Aundrey managed to turn on the lamps of one of the rigs. Rourke ordered Audrey for a damage report and she answered, "Not bad as it could have been. Totaled rigs two and seven, but the digger looks like it'll still run. Lucky for us we landed in something soft.""Pumice are standing at the base of a dormant volcano." Explains Mole and Helga Sinclair, a slender woman with fair skin, red lips, short blonde hair, and blue eyes shoots a signal rocket. "It just keeps going.""Maybe that's our ticket out of here." Told Vinny but as it exploded Helga just replied, "Maybe not""The magma has solidified in the bowels of the volcano effectively blocking the exit." Told Mole and Sweet asked, "Hold on. Back up. Are you sayin' this whole volcano can blow at any time?""No, no, no, no. That would take an explosive force of great magnitude." Told Mole and everybody looked at Vinny who tried to repair a bomb. As he notices the looks he wondered, "Maybe I should do this later, huh?""If we could blow the top off of that thing we'd have a straight shot to the surface. Mr. Thatch, what do you think? Mr. Thatch? Thatch?" called Rourke and everybody realized that Milo and Kuran was missing.Kuran groans loudly as he stands up, holding his hurting arm, surprised that he is still alive. He began to limb forward and spots Milo who was leaning at a rock, with a clear wound on the shoulder and surrounded by humans with large masks on them. One of them had the mask lifted and held a blue crystal on the wound. Then the person pressed the hand on his wound a blue light appears and then as the hand was lifted, Milo's wound was gone. Kuran blinked in surprise and suddenly he heard a sound. The others heard the sound as well and began to run away.Milo rushed after them, when Kuran saw the reasons of the sound: It was the forward moving digger moving forward. Kuran decided to move after Milo and rushed over. With the digger he reached the exit and gasped what he saw: A town on a platform from which water floats down. Kuran watched from the place he was while the rest of the crew walks over to Milo, gazing at the sight.Suddenly the masked people from earlier appeared, holding weapons at the group. Kuran wanted to jump in but it seems that Milo began to talk with them. The tension began to lift and everybody began to have normal conversation… well… except for Mole. He got a punch in the face as he whispered something to a women with long white hair, fairly tanned skin and blue eyes, wearing blue tattoo under left eye, small gold earrings, a blue outfit and walks barefoot.Kuran didn't want to know what he said to her but it wasn't good. Kuran suddenly summoned his blades and jumped into the view of everybody. Before they could react he threw one of the swords and hit a heartless in the chest. They all saw the enemy and suddenly they were surrounded by them. They began to slash each of them but Milo… he made with the weapon a really poor figure. Kuran had to jump and catch his hand as the scientist shot and flew over the cliff because of the recoil.Rourke told one of them, "It's time to go for you!"Then he shot it. Suddenly all disappeared without reason. Kuran pulled Milo up and looks around. "Odd… normally they fight to the end.""Then let's be glad they didn't," told Rouke. "And now come! We have a town to explore!"Kuran learned that the guys with the mask were Atlanteans, and that they are able to speak almost every language because their own were a sort of a root dialect. Kuran was just sitting in one of the remaining vehicles while Milo was trying to figure out with which languages the Atlanteans. Rourke and Helga, however, had a conversation that the plans didn't change even with the surprising existence of inhabitants. And Kuran noticed that all of them are tanned with bear white hair.Later they were brought to a sort of palace or what remains of it. They were lead inside and spot an old man with a tattooed face, long white hair and beard with a blue robe. The girl from earlier kneeled in front of the man and talked to him. Then Rourke went in to say something, ignoring Milo who tried to stop the leader. "Your Majesty, on behalf of my crew may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city.""Your presume much to think you are welcome here. Especially by bringing the bladed key to the town, opening the door of darkness in our town." Told the old man and Kuran looked surprised that this old Atlantean recognized the weapon on the back as a Keyblade.However Rourke countered, "Sir, we have come a long way looking for-" but was interrupted. "I know what you seek, and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain.""But we are peaceful explorers, men of science." Told Rourke and the only reply was, "And yet you bring weapons… one of them carried by a man filled with darkness in his heart.""They are only for self defense." "Some obstacles cannot be removes by force. Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once and never come back!"Then he points to Kuran. "Especially you! Your darkness and your key are not only unwelcomed but also hated!"Rourke seems to show interest at something and began, "Your Majesty, be reasonable." However Milo interrupted him and convinced the expedition leader to listen to the king. In defeat he told the king, "May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply, and be ready to travel by morning.""Very well. One night. That is all." Told the King. Then the expedition began to leave, the daughter of the king beginning to argue with him.Outside Sweet asked how it went and Rourke went straight at Kuran. "Can you explain me what this speech with Darkness and Key was about?""Not much…" told Kuran. "He saw that my heart is clouded by darkness, and that I carry a key on my back. However this key isn't mine so I cannot use it in the way like a true bearer of this key should be able to.""Is this your reason of your travel? To lift this cloud of darkness?" asked Milo and Kuran nodded before asking Milo, "Can you tell what is going on between the King and the daughter? I may not understand their language but the tone didn't sound like they agree on something""You are right Kuran. They are not exactly seeing eye to eye. She seems to like us okay but the king – I don't know – I think he's hiding somethin'." Told Milo and Rourke wondered, "Well, if he's hiding something, I want to know what it is.""Somebody needs to talk with her." Told Helga and Mole said, "I will go!""Somebody with good people skills," told Vinny while Sweet adds after Mole's, "I will do it!" "Someone who won't scare her away." "I volunteer!""Someone who can speak the language," told Peckart but before Mole could interrupt again, Kuran was already ready with a rock and hits the france on the head. Mole sang something odd before falling on his back, the left leg outstretched into the air. Rourke however pats Milo, who just wrote into a book. "Good man, Thatch. Thanks for volunteering."Milo dropped the pencil at this statement and looked at the commander. Kuran shrugs. "Logical choice. You can speak their speech after all."Then he left like the others. And Milo was staring at them before trying to find the princess. He found her leaving the king and prepared himself mentally to talk with her in a harsh way but…As he talked to her, she dominated and took him to a secured place to ask him out. Then it got too much for Milo and he suggested that they should exchange the question one by one. And his first question was how Atlantis ended up in this cave. The girl however just answered, "It is said that the gods became jealous of Atlantis. They sent a great cataclysm and banished us here. All I can remember is the sky going dark and people shouting and running. Then a bright light, like a star, floating above the city. My father said it called my mother to it. I never saw her again.""I'm sorry. If it – If it's any consolation, I-I know how you feel because I lost – " began Milo as he suddenly realized, "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Whoa! Back up! Wh-Wh-What are you telling me? That you remember because you were there? No, that's-that's impossible, because I mean, that would make you, you know… 85- 8,800 years old." "Yes?" "Oh, well hey uh- Lookin' good. Just, uh- You got another question for me?""Yes. How is it you found your way to this place?" asked the princess and Milo answered, "Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't easy. If it weren't for this book, we never would have made it."He hands her the journal and continues, "Okay, second question. Legend has it that your people possessed a power source of some kind that enabled them-"But the princess interrupts him by pushing the journal on his nose, asking, "You can read it?""Yeah! I am linguist, that's what I do. That's my job." Told Milo and she pushed further. "This! Right here! You can read this?""Yes, yes! I can read Atlantean, just like you," told Milo but as he saw the reaction of her and asked, "You can't, can you?""None one can. Such knowledge has been lost to us since the time of the mehbehlmoak." Was her explanation and Milo agrees. "Oh, the great flood."Then she demands that he should read something out of the book. Milo obeys and read out loud in Atlantean while she translated it. Then he asked her about the opinion of his speech and she just put bluntly into the face. "Borish, provincial, and you speak it though your nose."Mile laughs weakly and admits, "Yeah. Gotta work on that."Then she showed him something that resembles on a large stone fish. She complains that she cannot get it running. Milo reads the introduction and found why she didn't manage to get it running, but congratulates about how far she got. Then she started it with her crystal but due their lack of acknowledge how it works… well… they crashed it into the next wall and Milo just asked, "So, who's hungry?"Unknown to everybody somebody speaks with a figure in the dark. It was a large antromorphic cat who wears what seems to be armor colored in shades of blue and purple overtop a red, short-sleeved shirt with a vertical pink stripe descending from the neck. He wears navy blue and white sneakers with light blue fronts and two periwinkle straps keeping each one secure. His pants are also navy blue, with light blue lining, purple lower legs, and two enormous pouches on either front side. These pouches are attached to his pants by four pins, both sporting a silver, horizontal zipper. The most distinguishing feature of these pants is the comically large zipper going down the front and reaching around to the back side of the pants.He wears two navy blue pauldrons, each sporting two cyan bumps and a periwinkle area near on the lower section on each shoulder. Two gold buttons at the top of Pete's pants connect to two blue suspenders that intersect over his chest before connecting to two similar, albeit smaller buttons on his shoulder pauldrons. He also wears a pair of fingerless gauntlets. The wrists of these gauntlets are light blue with a pale yellow semi-circle on top, while the gloves are periwinkle with a bump on each knuckle. There is a dark blue-green design on the back of each glove, descending from each knuckle to the end of the glove.The villain known as Pete said, "So we have a deal now! You bring us the Heart of Atlantis and then we give you everything you wish for! For the time being we manifest your control over the heartless to make your job easier! Just don't mess it up and if a brown haired kid with a large key appears, take care of him! And about this boy you mentioned: Do the same!"With that Pete left in a dark portal and the figure chuckles darkly while heartless appears around the person.Later Milo and the Princess were climbing on one of the old buildings and Milo told them, "By the way, we never properly introduced. My name's Milo.""My name is Kidagakash." "Ki-Ki-Kidamaschnaga. Uh, hey, you got a nickname?" asked Milo and she answered with a chuckle, "Kida""Okay! Kida. I can remember that." Told Milo and as he saw the view over the town, he was speechless at first. Then he told Kida, "You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories about this place as far back I can remember. I just wish he could be standing here with me."Then they watched the scenery. Kuran was watching how a set of Atlanteans were catching fish. Then one of them threw a creature over. Kuran caught it but had trouble to hold it but one bit the neck of it. In an instant it was no longer moving. He took it over the shoulder and continues to explore the town. He later spots Milo and Kira talking to each other. Then he could hear that they were talking about the crew and Milo explains something about kindly and sweet. Later they were eating something by a family and as Kida asked if Mole were a pet Kuran told, "One thing for sure… I can understand now why my mother never wanted that I get a pet".Everybody chuckles by that but unknown to that somebody was preparing weapons among other members of the expedition. Kuran got the feeling that something isn't right and went to investigate. However… his senses failed him so far that somebody knocked him out of commission. As he later woke up, he spots everybody with weapons while holding Milo and Kida as prisoner."Did you sleep well?" asked Rourke with a smirk and Kuran groans, "What is going on?""We are… let's say we are adventure capitalist," told Rourke and the only reply was, "Mercenary… and your greed caused a darkness that drew the attention of the heartless…""Oh! You think you are so smart!" told Rourke and punched Kuran. "Too bad I have to do something to you to get my reward. I am sure you would have been a nice addition to our team… now let us get to the heart of Atlantis!"With that they went to the palace and Vinny blows it open, telling, "Knock knock.""Room Service!" told Cookie. Then they trashed around the place to find the heart of Atlantis while Rourke tried to find out more from Milo about it, however he only told, "Here is only written 'The heart of Atlantis lies in the eyes of her king.""Well, then, maybe Old King Cole here can help us fill in the blanks," told Rourke and threatens to shoot the man down after punching the stomach. Rourke was sitting on the throne and counts up to ten but before he could say ten, he saw the stones in the water bank in front of the throne forms the old Atlantean symbol for a just without the point in the middle. Rourke muttered, "'The heart of Atlantis lies in the eyes of her King.' This is it! We're in!"Milo tries to stop Rourke but fails on that. Also Kuran was not really having success to convince any of them to stop that.Rourke steps on a platform under water and it moved down. They took Milo, Kira, and Helga into the deeps but Kuran could feel something with a bright light was down there. Nobody knows what happened but as they came back, Kira was a sort of Crystal and for everybody was clear: She was right now the heart of Atlantis.Audrey began with some others to put the crystal Kira into a metal container and put it on a transporter, also setting Kuran on it. Milo began to call to the crew, "So, I guess this is how it ends, huh? Fine. You win. You're wiping out an entire civilization, but, hey, you'll be rich. Congratulations, Audrey. Guess you and your dad will be able to open up that second garage after all. And Vinny, y-you can start a whole chain of flower shops. I'm sure your family's gonna be very proud. But that's what it's all about, right? Money.""Get off your soapbox, Thatch." Told Rourke. "You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. "We're just helping it along."Then Helga informed Rourke that they were ready and Rourke punched Milo into the face. "Look at it this way, son. You were the man who discovered Atlantis and now you're part of the exhibit."He returns to the others and ordered, "Let's move, people."However Audrey, Sweet, Cookie, Mole, Packert, and Vinny went over to Milo and help him up. Rourke couldn't believe it and began to say, "Oh, you can't be serious.""This is wrong, and you know it." "We're this close to our biggest pay day ever and you pick now, of all times, to grow a consicience?" "We've done a lot of things we're not proud of, robbing graves, eh, plundering a-tombs, double parking, but nobody got hurt. Well, maybe somebody got hurt, but nobody we knew.""Er, if that's the way you want it, fine," told Rourke. "More for me. P.T. Barnum was right."Then he snapped his fingers and suddenly heartless appears around them. They all gasped and looked at them. "Now what?"Suddenly black swords rain down and hit the heartless, destroying them. They looking confused and saw Kuran falling from the sky with his ties still on his body. They stared at him. "What? I may have a plan on how to make my weapons but no clue how to free myself from these things!"They nod and freed Kuran, however Rourke used the opportunity to destroy the only bridge. Suddenly they heard Sweet calling, "Milo! You better get up here!"They rushed to the throne room where the colored doctor told Milo, "Internal bleeding. There's nothing more I can do."Kuran sighs loudly, "If I could just use magic… then Curaga could have helped…"Suddenly Milo got something and said, "Cure? That's it! These- These crystals, they have some sort of healing energy. – I – I've seen it work."But to the surprise of everybody, the king told, "No. Where is my daughter?""Well… she-she-she-um." Began Milo however the king continued, "She has been chosen like her mother before her.""What?" asked Milo and Kuran in union. Then the answer came, "In times of danger, the crystal would choose a host, one of royal blood… to protect itself and its people. It will accept no other.""Moment! It choose? It is alive?" asked Kuran and the King told them, "In a way. The crystal thrives… on the collective emotions of all who came before us. In return, it provides power… longevity, protection. As it grew, it developed a consciousness of its own. In my arrogance, I sought to use it as a weapon of war but its power proved too great to control. It overwhelmed us and led to our destruction.""So hiding it to prevent a repeat of such an event." Said Kuran and as the king said, "And to prevent Kida from suffering the same fate as my beloved wife.""What do you mean? Wh-Wh-What's gonna happen to Kida?" asked Milo and the king replies, "If she remains bonded to the crystal she could be lost to it forever. The love of my daughter is all I have left. My burden would have become hers when the time was right… but now it falls to you."Then he took his crystal and pressed it into Milo's hand, telling, "Return the crystal. Save Atlantis. Save my daughter." With that the King of Atlantis passed away and everybody bowed down to paid their final respect to the passed on King."What will you do now Milo?" asked Kuran. Then Milo asked, "Excuse me?"Sweet replied, "I followed you in, and I'll follow you out.""Your decision," added Kuran in and Milo just protested, "Oh, my decision? Well, I-I think we've seen how effective my decisions have been. Let's recap. I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greastest archaeological find in recorded history this enabling the kidnap and/or murder of the royal family not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase who's probably selling it to the Kaiser! Have I left anything out?""You set the camp on fire," Kuran added in and Sweet finished, "And dropped us down that big hole.""Thank you. Thank you very much!" told Milo and Sweet told Milo, "Of course, it's been my experience when you hit bottom… the only place left to go is up.""Who said that?" asked Kuran and Sweet said, "A fellow by the name of Thaddeus Thatch."After hearing this, Milo looked at the crystal and began to leave the place. Kuran wondered what he is going to do and gets following answer: "I'm going after Rourke.""Milo, that's crazy!" told Audrey who was now in place as well but Kuran said, "He never mentioned it is smart! But I am with him since it is the right choice!"Milo and Kuran walked down some stairs and the rest of the crew decided to follow. "To better make sure they don't hurt themselves."However Kuran grew unsure about Milo's sanity as he climbed up a statue resembling a fish and asked, "What are you doing?""Just follow my lead." Told Milo and used the crystal to activate the Atlantean vehicle. Kuran whistled by that and Vinny asked, "Hey, Milo, you got something sporty? Like a tuna?"One of the Atlanteans asked, "How is this done?""All you gotta do is use the crystals. Kida showed me." Told Milo and runs to a smaller one, showing how it works with the warning they have to be gentle with the control pad since it is sensitive.Then everybody got on every vehicle they could find. And Cookie commands this, "Saddle up, partners! Bring jerky and ammo!"Kuran jumps on behind him. "I have swords, knives and an axe at my disposal.""Boy! You are now in the front of the front line!"Milo was in his vehicle in front of everybody and called, "All right. This is it. We're gonna rescue the princess. We're gonna save Atlantis, or we'll die trying.""We are now dead," told Parker and Kuran shook his head. "Don't need to be that kind of passemistic!"As he said that he realized something: He has been pessimistic as well… and perhaps more but he was still unsure. However now he had a fight in front of him and in order to save his new friends, he will do it with everything he has! Unknown to him that the sword he just summoned had a white glow on the tip."Now let's do it!" told Milo and they shoot off to the caves. On their way he explained his plan, "We're gonna come in low and fast and take 'em by surprise.""I've got new for you, Milo. Rourke is never surprised, and he's got a lot of guns," told Audrey and Kuran just asked, "Then what do you offer?"Yeah. Don't get shot!" told Vinny. They closed in and saw a red ballong rising into the air and that suddenly flying heartless are coming in."Whoa! Heartless?" asked Milo while Kuran jumps down and storms at the forces on the ground that are shooting into the air. Milo protested about this and got only the answer "What I said was he's never surprised!"Vinny's vehicle was hit slight causing the explosive expert to touch a different field and it suddenly shoot a blue energy beam at the ground, destroying one of the larger Heartless. He comments "Okay. Now things are getting' good.""Vinny, heads up!" told Milo. "We can't let 'em reach the top of that shaft!"The fights continue and both sides are losing members but they keep on fighting. Audrey and Sweet are now by the container that hands on the balloon and Audrey tried to cut the chain with a saw. Rourke however notices them. "Looks like somebody's working overtime!"Then he threw bombs down, forcing Sweet and Audrey to retreat. Milo saw it and mumbled to himself, "All right, Milo, this is it. Any last words? Yeah, I really wish I had a better idea than this!"Then he flew his vehicle at the balloon, hitting one of the four smaller ones attached on it, causing the altitude of the balloon to lessen for the boarded weight. Helga threw at this as much down as possible but told that there wasn't enough to take down, except for jumping. Rourke just took her to her surprise and threw her down with the words, "Nothing personal!"Milo managed to cut one of the lines loose and swings around the balloon, hitting Rourke and threw them both off the platforms of the balloon down to a different platform just above the container with Kida and a set of rotating propellers. Rourke growled, "Well, I have to hand it to you. You're a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible. "He hits on Milo a few times, continuing, "I consider myself an even-tempered man. It takes a lot to get under my skin.."He hit Milo again, throwing him off while the linguist managed to get hold of the handrail, somehow causing it to rip off partly and blockade the propellers. Rourke looked down at Milo and finished, "but congratulations, you just won the solid-gold kewpie doll."Milo managed to get to the chains holding the container while Rourke took a fire fight axe and climbs down, trying to hit Milo but only hits nothing or one time he hit a window on the container and Milo took one of the splinters that were created that way. He got grapped at Rourke and Milo cuts him with the splinter. Rourke lets go in pain and looks at Milo before realizing the splinter must have been infused with parts of the crystal since his arm began to turn into crystal with red lines followed by the rest of the body.Milo had climbed up a bit but as he saw that Rourke was now a crystal statue he let out a sigh. But suddenly he saw a crystal hand moving and was shocked to see Rourke moving like that. He fell off and caught the chains again, causing them to swing in a way that Rouke got between the two propellers that are now rotating again. The crystalized man was hit by the two things, causing him to explode for unknown reasons and the shards are cutting through the chains. As a result the container fell down. Milo was falling down as well and after landing he groans in pain but was still in one piece.Kuran rushed up and asked, "Milo! Are you alright?""I am… in a way…" told Milo but suddenly he looked in confusion. Kuran followed the gaze and saw that the crystal pieces gathered together. Now they were red and a black symbol was on the chest of the man. Milo wondered, "What is going on?""What I have feared at the moment when the Heartless appeared… his heart was too deep in the darkness and now it is so far that he lost his heart, becoming one of them." Told Kuran while holding his two swords ready. "Take this thing and go! I'll try to stop him or at least buy you time!"Milo nods and called for the others while Kuran rushed in to engage the crystallized and heartless Rourke.And the first thing Rourke did was to shoot a laser at Kuran. He blocked it with his swords crossed, not risking to let Milo or the container being hit.However Rourke used this to get close to Kuran and punched him into the stomach followed by an uppercut. Kuran flew over the air and hits hard on the ground. But he forced himself on his feet and rushed at the crystal heartless. Dodging another energy blast, Kuran got in and swung his swords, only to bounce off harmlessly from the crystal. Wasting no time in wonder Kuran summoned this time his axe and swung it around, but Rourke was always faster than him and punches him. Then he got the blonde with a short rage energy eruption. Crashing into the wall, Kuran cried and got on his knees but forces himself back up again. "I… won't give up… I won't lose again… not to you! Not to somebody who just wants to destroy a town for their own gains!"Crying loudly he charged again and ignores any pain in his body while he swung his axe again, but more than a small crack in the shoulder was not archived by this attack. Rourke however grabs Kuran at the neck and began to squeeze. Coughing, Kuran tried to use his powers but they failed him this time. Suddenly something exploded on the back of the Heartless and let go of the darkness user. Holding his own throat in pain, Kuran looked behind Rourke and saw Helga aiming a signal pistol at Rourke, groaning loudly, "Nothing personal."However Rourke seems to take it personally and shoots an energy beam at Helga, which exploded at impact. The earth began to shake and Mole called, "The volcano, she awakes!""Kuran! We have to go!" told Milo but Kuran called, "Just go! So long he is around, nobody is safe! Even if this Volcano explodes!""Just don't die on us!" told Sweet as the others took their vehicles and flew with the container back to Atlantis. Kuran pushed on his feet once more and pants, "Well… I am pretty sure in one piece… you won't be killed by even this volcano! But I am sure if I get you to the core… the blast will take you out. It may cost my life but in this case… I doubt Hades will have me as a customer!"With that Kuran charges again and tried to summon his axe. However, something black and long appears in his hand instead. Kuran couldn't see what it is since it doesn't take the full manifested form but he saw a white light at the tip of the weapon and felt that it belonged to him. Taking it with both hands he cried and as Rourke released his energy attack, Kuran cut through it and smashed with all his might the body of the crystal heartless and reveals a heart surrounded by a dark crystal. Before the shards gathered around it again, Kuran slams his weapon into it and nailed it on the ground.He runs away just in time as the ground exploded with magma and fire, destroying the crystal, finishing the Heartless Rourke for good. However this fight was too much for Kuran, causing that he couldn't call a Dark Portal to save himself.However he suddenly felt somebody grabbing him and as he turned he saw Vinny as he was on the Vehicle. Once Kuran was on, Vinny flew as fast as possible while telling, "Couldn't let you getting roasted in this place!"They managed out of the cave just in time. Kuran saw the magma was shooting out of the caves. They land on a place and they desperately try to open the container. Kuran rushed over and saw that a spear that they just used broke in the try to break the container open. Kuran summoned his sword and used it to get it open. Milo began to help him and they increased their efforts as they heard from Mole, "The fissure, it is about to eject its pyrolastic fury!"Sweet added in, "Mole says the walls gonna blow!"Just in this moment the container broke and the crystal Kida floats. The carvings of the entire city began to glow in a gentle blue as it died down, several gigantic plates with faces carved on them broke through the ground. They raised up with Kida and began to swirl around her so fast that only a blur could be seen. Then several beams erupts from the crystal, hitting something. As they looked around, satues raised from the ground. Each of them was with ease as large as the highest building of the town. They walked to the edge of the platform of the town and clapped time into their hands. A blue shield erupts from them and began to cover the entire place. The shield closed in just in time as the entire magma of the volcano floods the cave where Atlantis was in. But from the energy of the crystal the magma cooled down quickly and broke off so that as the shield was disappearing nothing would hit the town. Some of the cooled down lava broke parts of the platform off, causing to lower the water level of the entire city. Once this was over, Kida was floating down slowly, back to her old self.Milo went over and gently took her. She opens her eyes and wondered, "Milo?"Then she hugs him while he returns the hug. They hold close to each other and as Milo spots something he ends it and showed it Kira. Everybody was now looking at the ruins of the towns that have been so long under the water level. Kuran shook his head at the sheer sight. "This… this is incredible…"Later on the Atlanteans were busy to bring objects made of gold into a vehicle that resembles a sword fish. Kira was hanging a crystal around everyones neck and told, "Atlantis will honor your names forever. I only wish there was more we could do for you.""Eh, you know, thanks anyway, but, uh, I think we're good." Told Vinny while looking at the pile of gold.Kuran just said, "I came here with no clue what I should do after my last travel was a disaster… but now I got a hint what this journey will bring. But I know that I have to go to many other places before I know for sure.""Then take this! I know you won't leave the same way like the others… since you are a chosen one of the Keyblade." Told Kida while handing a small box with Atlantean symbols."We found it in one of the ruins, where we also found legends about a key. I guess you just didn't find your true key and we thought this might help you… the text of the box says that only a Bearer of the key that walks on the road of darkness to reach the light will be able to open it." Explains Milo. "But in the way it is written it could also have to other meanings. The only two parts we are sure of is that somehow light and darkness are involved in a rather unusual way.""Then it seems you lied to us about the way you got into the cave." Guessed Sweet and Kuran laughed, "Yeah sorry! But thanks! Once I know where my path is, I will come again!""Take care of yourself!" told Milo.Kuran nods and said goodbye while calling a dark corridor after putting the box into his new bag. Then he walks into the dark portal, directing to another world he never visited before…Donald and Goofy were walking up and down in front of Yen Sid's tower and Goofy asked, "Donald! How long are we going to do that?""As long until we get new orders from the Majesty or Sora comes back!" told Donald. Goofy nods to that and they keep on walking around. Then suddenly a portal opens above them and something crashed on them.They groan in pain and heard a pained voice as well. They looked up and saw somebody lying on them.The person on them looked as well and asked, "Donald? Goofy?"The two anthromorphic animals beamed, "Sora! You are back!"Chapter 7: Chapter 7Sora stands in front of Yen Sid and got an update on everything. Then Sora wondered, "So… one of the missing Keybearers is back but now we have another one to find? One with darkness and a Keybalde that is tied on the back?""Not exactly Sora! He can wield it but I doubt that he is a true Keybearer yet. I think he is like Lea before his first successful calling for his Keyblade. Guidance is what he needs and I fear he might be a target of Xenahort to have his thirteen darkness." Told Yen Sid while stroking his beard. "Also you have to find Aqua, who is searching for him to retrieve another of the lost lights.""Looking for two people at once? Reminds me of the adventure against the first Organiztion XIII where we have been looking for the King and Riku as well!" told Goofy and Donald sarcasticly adds in, "Yeah! Just like this one with the difference that we have to deal with a more troublesome version of them.""Then I guess we just look around and whoever we run into first, we either bring him here or we bring her to wherever the lost light is," guessed Sora and Yen Sid nods. "Travel first to Radiant Garden and meet Riku there. If he isn't there anymore then proceed with your mission.""And why does he have to meet Riku first?" asked Goofy while scratching the head. Sora shrugs. "He must have a reason! Now let's go.""And how do you think are we moving? Master Aqua took with Lea and Kairi the last Gummi Ship!" told Donald and Sora looks embrassed. "Oh… uhm… good question.""I'll provide your means of transportation to Radiant Garden but after that you need to find your own way," told Yen Sid. Sora smiles at the old master and bows. "Thank you Yen Sid!"However as he raised his head again he blinked in confusion since he stands in front of a door that he recognized as the door of Merlin's house in Radiant Garden."He could have warned us that he would transport us instantly here," told Goofy and Sora nods. "I agree with you."Then Sora knocked on the door and as no reply was heard he tried to open the door and found it wasn't closed. Stepping in, he looked around and saw his old friend Merlin, an old man with long white beard with blue clothes sitting on a couch with a book on his lap and seemly asleep.Sora walked over to the sleeping magican and asked, "Uhm… Merlin? Are you sleeping?"Then he waves his hand in front of the wizard but a familiar voice told them, "Don't try it kid! Once this old geezer is asleep not even a cannon shot wakes him up!"Sora turned around and exclaimed, "Cid! It's great to see you!""Great to see you too kid! You always show up if something is going on." Told Cid and Donald asked, "What is going on?""Somebody managed to break into a hidden room long before your friend Tron could even detect the intruder and this Keyblade Master made quite an exit after hearing that the intruder is going to mess around in some worlds. At least his name is known so far but I know didn't bother to ask!" explained Cid and Sora asked, "Ok… where are the others? Especially Riku. I was told to meet him.""No plan kid! But he didn't leave yet so he might be somewhere in town," told Cid and Sora nods. "Thanks Cid! Tell Merlin I said hi!"After Sora left Cid grunted, "As I would tell this old geezer 'Hi'""Where do you think Riku would be?" asked Donald and Sora shrugs. "No clue but I am sure we will find him!""You don't have to look longer Sora! You just found me," told the well known voice of Riku."Riku! Great to see you again!" told Sora and Riku nods. "Same here! Good to see you since we can deal with our little tour first before going off to find Kuran.""Kuran?" wondered Sora. "Who is that?""Kuran Yuma is somebody we have to find. But first we go to visit Fugeo," told Riku.Sora smiles. "Did you found his homeworld?""I did!" told Riku. "And that it is quite a travel so we have to go now.""I get it." Told Sora. "Then let us go now!""I have a Gummi Ship here so traveling is not so troublesome," told Riku and leads them to the ship and soon they took off.In the meanwhile, Aqua and Kairi were close to the first world they could find and prepared to land on it.Kairi looked at the Keyblade Master. "Do you think we find this Kuran here?""No. I don't think so," told Aqua, "but we have to start looking for him somewhere if we want to find him. And who knows? Perhaps he or another possible candidate of the thirteen darkness could be here."Kairi agreed on that and they proceed to land on this world.Chapter 8: Chapter 8As Kuran left the Dark Portal, he found himself in a desert but saw a street not far away. He moves over there and followed the road. He didn't pay attention to his surroundings but thought it was very hot out here. Then he came to a road crossing and he looked left and right, noticing he was next to a tank truck. He looked at the reflection on the tank and his eyes widened. He bites his lips as he turned around and got into distance. Once he was sure that he was alone he shouts out: "I AM A CAR?"He indeed looked like a car now. To be exact, a black Pontiac Firebird Tans Am with a green middle line on the bonnet and the roof was like his hair color and his front window were… his eyes?Kuran was completely perplexed by his change since it never happened to him before. Also, he was confused why he didn't notice it as he arrived in the place first but after calming down he decided to clear that later… for now he should find a town with a motel because he isn't in the mood to open a dark corridor that soon again. He went back on the street and followed it. Once he way he saw a sign that said "Route 88," and Kuran remembered that in one world he visited it meant something but he couldn't recall what it was for now.Soon he reached a town and a lot of other cars are standing around. As he came closer they drove around him and told him a lot of different things, one of them hit his backside with something. Without further interest he just said to the blue Porsche in front of him, "I am not here to fool around! I'm just passing through and could use a place to sleep for the night. Can you recommend something?"The Porsche laughed weakly. "Sure… I own the motel in the town so you can stay here."Kuran nods. "Thanks! Lead the way"The Porsche nods and leads him to a hotel where the rooms are traffic cones. Without a command he went into one of them and started to exercise in the small room, trying to figure out how to use objects and other activities which would rather require legs or arms. He didn't notice how late it got due to his exercise and as he finally realized it, he began to close his eyes.However he snapped them open as he heard something. He went out to see what is going on and as he was in the street, he was almost hit by a slender red race car with stickers all over with blue eyes. He only dodged the hit by driving back but stared as he saw that a barbwire was somehow on the car and pulled the statue of an old-timer which was cracking open the street. The red car turned and the statue flew due to the sloth in Kuran's direction. Only a jump backwards saved him from being hit. Deciding not to watch any longer he followed the car. He was next to the statue as he saw something that could be used as ramp and remembering that not far ahead were two masts with cables, he pushed the statue at the ramp and it flew at the cables, effectively slowing the red car down. Kuran took the ramp jump as well, wanting to cut the car loose from statue as the car itself was catapulted at the cables, sending the statue back and also hits Kuran who crashed into something, but he couldn't recognize into what since he was knocked out by the event.In the next morning he opens his eyes and groans, "Where am I?"Then he saw a rusty car in front of him behind…a wire fence? Then he noticed that one of his tires has a parking boot. Then he notices the red car next to him with the same parking boot. He seems to wake up as well and the rusty car called, "Mornin', sleepin' beauty!" startling the red car. "Boy, I was wonderin' when you was gonna wake up."In panic, the red car told, "Take whatever you want! Just don't hurt me!"Then he moved and noticed the parking boot, wondering why he has one. Kuran just said, "I wonder the same… well… to be exact I can guess why you got one.""Really? And why?" asked the red car and Kuran wondered, "You don't remember your weird stunt from yesterday? You ripped the street open!""I would never do that!" protested the car. "And I have no time to tell that to anybody! I have a race to win!""The race has to wait," told Kuran calmly and asked the rusty car, "Why I am here?""For crashing yourself into the house of Doc Houston! Boy he was angry for the damage you caused!" told the rusty car. Kuran noticed it was more precisely a slender tow truck, bulky, buck-toothed and dual rear wheels. And this rust doesn't look like the one Kuran is used to. Probably the difference of weather."I like you two already!" told the truck. "My name's Mater!"Since Kuran guessed he would spend some time here for the damage he caused, his answer was, "Kuran… Kuran Yuma is my name."The red car however asked stupidly, "You don't know my name?""Doesn't seem so and I also don't recall to know you," told Kuran, "And since we might spend some time here it would be nice to know who I am here with… especially since you are the reason for me being here.""Hey! I didn't crash you into the house!" protested the red car, "Nope… just only wanted to free you from that statue before you hit me," told Kuran. "And your name is?""I don't have time for that! I need to get to California as fast as possible. Where am I?" was now his question and Mater answered, "You're in Radiator Springs! The cutest little town in Carburettor County."Kuran had some suspicion that the "Cutest little town" title was not… up to date."Mater!" called a new voice and a police car came in asking, "What did I tell you about talkin' to the accused?"And Mater answered, "To not to." And the police car continued, "Well, Quit your yappin' and tow these delinquents to traffic court."Kuran blinked. "Traffic court? I thought I am accused to have destroyed a doctor's house.""Oh that is only part of the story! You also somehow caused, after the road hazard, a deep crater to appear in the middle of the road! Or what is left of it."Now Kuran didn't know what to say or even THINK about it. Mater took them to the court, which took some time since he only could take one of them at the time. But for both the red car and Kuran, it was not a pleasing experience.The sheriff opened the court, giving the red car and Kuran a lawer… which turns out to be Mater since he was the only one who wanted to do that. Then a blue car drove in shouting, "Alright! I wanna know who's responsible for wreckin' my town and my house, Sheriff. I want their hoods on a platter! I'm gonna put them in jail till they rot! No, check that. I'm gonna put them in jail till the jail rots on top of them, and then I'm gonna move him to a new jail and let that jail rot. I'm…"During the pause that happens now Kuran asked, "Your honor… do you expect us to live long enough to survive two rotting jails or are the jails so short-living here?""Throw them out of here, Sheriff. I want them out of my courtroom, I want them out of our town! Case dismissed," told the car and Kuran wondered: Was this his sarcastic comment or the sheer sight of him and the red car.However somebody came in now: It was the Porsche which rented him the motel room…"Sorry I'm late, Your Honour!" was her reply and the red car told as he saw her, "Holy Porsche! She's gotta be from my attorney's office!""Sorry to burst your bubble… but she lives here!" told Kuran. "And I don't think this case is dismissed!""What? How can you say that?" asked the red car and Kuran answered, "Simple: I rented a sleeping place from her before you showed up and I have a bad feeling now. And I learned to trust my feelings on the hard way."And indeed: She made a speech about that Kuran and the red car had to fix the road and they would have enough PS for the job… and it was clear she disliked the two: Kuran because she thinks now he betrayed her since she believed he was a customer who could bring something into the town while the red car… his antics towards here were not really the best to hit a girl.Later Kuran and the red car, who finally introduced himself as Lightning McQueen, and Mater put him in front of a big machine introduced as Bessie, a road-paving machine. Kuran wondered why they were put here first and asked, "Shouldn't we fix the crater in the middle of the street first?"Mater laughed "You're right! Where did I have my mind?" while he accidently released McQueen from his parking boot, who took the chance to drive off fast. However, since the Doc seems to keep his cool, Kuran asked, "I guess you took some of our fuel?""You're right lad! Glad that you seem smarter than him!" told the Doc and Mater brought Kuran to a machine that should fill up the street once Kuran figured out how to use it under the watch of the sheriff.Since it seems to be already prepared for this work, Kuran was finished in the moment where McQueen started his work. He talked with Mater about something and suddenly pulled on Bessie madly. Kuran just sighs and called to McQueen, "If you do that in this speed, we'll have to do this all over!""Pah! The faster I finish this, the faster I can go to get the Piston Cup!" told Lightning and Kuran just shrugs and until it was his turn to pull Bessie he tried to get into a chat with the locals… after the sheriff put the parking boot back on the wheel. He learned about Radiator Springs' past and realized why this town was so worn down. However nobody seems to really know why Sally was here except for the fact that she wants the town to get back to its former shape. Then he noticed McQueen was now in an argument with the Doc and one look at the street was enough to tell why they argued. What he didn't expect: Lighting challenged the Doc to a car race and Kuran should join in as well, with following conditions: If Lightning wins, he leaves. If Kuran wins, Lighting leaves as well ,but Kuran… he has to fend off for himself. And if the Doc wins, Lightning would do the sentence alone.Kuran looked at the Doc and asked, "You sure you want to do that?""Sure! He needs to learn the hard way how to deal with the world," told the Doc, "however: I didn't sentence you for the damage on my house yet so you would stay here even if you won."Later they were at the racing place, and Kuran just needed a look at the sandy ground to know he won't have a chance since he never car raced before. And he has doubts about Lightning winning since race cars have solid streets.Once the race started, McQueen raced off in a blink of the eye. Kuran stays and said, "I don't race for that idiot and I don't think he'll make it through the first turn.""Do you have experience with race cars?" asked Doc Houston and Kuran just said, "Only same basic stuff, but this is enough to guess that he is not used to sand roads… and I never did a race before.""In this case you are off the job. Now you have to fix my house… well… only the one wall you crashed. I wanted to redesign my living room anyway."Kuran laughed weakly while following the Doc to recover Lightning who really flew out off the course in the first curve and lands in cacteens.Now the red car was back on Bessy, grumbling in the work while Kuran tries to fix the wall of the Doc. At the end of the day Kuran was released and given the room again he had before. On the next morning he saw that McQueen had worked through the entire night and chuckles, "Well… his arrogance brought him into this!" Then he mumbled, "Arrogance…"However the other citizens of the town seems to appreciate what McQueen made over night. And Kuran just took his amount of fuel for the day and began where he stopped last day by his attempts of repairing the wall… which wasn't much since he had to figure out first HOW to fix a wall… never done it before even before he turned out to be a car.He learned later that Lightning was back on the race road trying to solve the mystery of how to get through the curve without leaving the track. Kuran didn't care. The only thing he cared was to laugh as Mater took his back again this time with a whole cactus tree on the top of McQueen.Later that day as Kuran returned to his cone, he saw that Lightning was suddenly clean again. He guessed somebody cared to clean off this race car.Later that night he was surprised that Mater was waking him and Lightning up with the request to follow him somewhere. They followed him to a pasture with lots of tractors on it. Kuran asked, "What are we doing here?""Watch and learn buddy!" told Mater and sneaks up on one of the tractors and shocks it with his honk, and in surprise the tractor let out a "moooh, drove backwards, and lands on the back with letting out an odd sound. McQueen said he couldn't do that because he doesn't have a horn but after being convinced by Mater, he went close to the next tractor and turned up his engine which roared loudly and caused ALL tractors on their backs, causing all of them to laugh.Suddenly he heard an enraged roar and they turned to spot a light coming close. Mater just said, "That's Frank" before driving away. A large harvester appeared and it looks very pissed. Kuran and Lightning took a look at each other before letting out a shriek of terror and drive away as fast as possible! Mater, however, seems to enjoy this and laughs until they lost this beast. Back by the motel Kuran pants and began to laugh with Mater and makes jokes with him. McQueen seems to get caught and suddenly Mater drives madly backwards, impressing both Kuran and Lightning for this stunt.Then Lightning and Mater came to talk about the red car's race and Kuran decided it was enough for the day. However Sally stopped him and told him, "Mater seems to view you and Lightning as friends… with Lightning being the closer one of you two but don't turn down on him!""I don't know if I even deserve any kind of friend. After all I have something in common with McQueen… our arrogance. While with different goals our arrogance led us to not see what is really important. Even right now I am unable to see what is important to me… what is my light to guide me. All I can see on my road is darkness.""Wow! Did we get a philosopher here?" asked Sally and Kuran laughs. "Not a trained one but it seems I have my moments."Then he turned back to sleep for the next day full of work. But he noticed that Sally and Lightning had a talk as well and… it seems that Lightning seems to be farther in his lesson then Kuran…Kuran was on the way to the gas station as he saw that Lightning was… driving into the garage of the Doc. Not liking it, he followed the red car but saw that Doc was coming close as well. "Doc… I think Lightning just went in there."He seems to ignore Kuran and just went over and said, "Signs said stay out."However Lightnings reply was only, "You have three Piston Cups. How could you have…?""I knew you couldn't drive. I didn't know you couldn't read," interrupted Housten and Kuran just said, "You are wrong Doc… he is like me. Just so arrogant that we cannot see the obvious.""Hey what do you mean by that?" asked Lightning and then he got something. "You're the Hudson Hornet!""Wait at Flo's, like I told ya! The same counts for you Kuran!" told Hudson but Lightning keeps on while he got pushed out by Hudson."Of course. I can't believe I didn't see it before. You're The Fabulous Hudson Hornet! You used to hold the record for most wins in a season. Oh, we gotta talk. You gotta show me your tricks. Please.""I think he already tried that but you failed to understand," told Kuran but Lightning keeps on. "You won three times! Look at those trophies!""You look. All I see is a bunch of empty cups." Countered Hudson and closed the door. Then Lightning went to the gas station and began to try to convince everybody that Hudson is a famous racecar but nobody believes him and laughs loudly at him. Crestfallen, he went to his position to get his load of gas. Sally gave it to him and drives off with the race car.Kuran guessed he shouldn't follow him since this would go deeper between the two. Instead he went and continued his work. He finished and as Doc Hudson looked at it he said, "Good job boy! I guess you are off the hook now!""Thanks Hudson," told Kuran and just as he wanted to go Hudson said, "I don't think you are arrogant. You just have no idea what you should do.""Isn't it the same as arrogance?" asked Kuran and Hudson said, "You seem to be somewhat open to the suggestions of others. Now get out of the town and don't mind our business again.""Sorry Doc! But I think I still have something to do here… even if it isn't much." Countered Kuran and from Doc came, "Humph! Do whatever you think you must do."With that Hudson left the scene and sometime later he saw Sally and Lightning coming back from their trip. Kuran wondered if Lightning learned about the town's past, yet the car turned human just felt sad about the thought that such a town were turned down just because a street was built to save ten minutes."Hey! How was the trip?" asked Kuran as he got to Lightning. However, before an answer could have been spoken, Mater appeared and told the two, "Hey, listen, listen! If anybody ask you, we were out smashin' mailboxes, OK?""Wha… what?" wondered Lightning and Kuran just said, "We get the aftermath of our action."Lightning looked at the same direction like Kuran and saw that dozens of tractors were coming towards them. Quickly they got out of the way and the tractors are storming into the town. However the people of Radiator Springs instantly went to stop them and capture them.The Sheriff shouted, "Mater" and got as a reply, "I wasn't tractor-tippin'!""Then where did all these gol-durn tractors come from?"Kuran glanced at Lightning with a chuckle. "Better we don't say a word.""I agree with you!" told Lightning and they saw some tractors going astray. They followed them since everybody else was busy right now with the rest of the herd.They keep following until they lost them, but noticed that they were now by the racing spot and also that Hudson was there with a different set of tires. Lighting wondered, "What are you doin' with those old racin' tires?""I bet to train and relive the good part of his career," told Kuran and Lightning looked at him. Kuran keeps on, "I don't need to be an expert to realize that something must happening to turn him so grunty towards racecars."They watched how Doc was now driving and they saw that as he reached the curve where Lightning was always flying out, he slightly turned his wheels left before making a sharp turn to the right and slides above the ground to the optimal position to continue the race. Kuran could see at Lightning that something dawned in the red car. As Hudson stopped Lightning went over to Hudson. "Wow. You're amazing!"However Hudson just drove away and Lightning followed him. Kuran decided to follow as well and they end up in the garage of the old Hudson."Doc, hold it!" told Lightning. "Seriously, your driving's incredible!""Wonderful!" replied Hudson. "Now, go away""Hey, I mean it. You've still got it!" told Lightning further and got the reply, "I'm askin' you to leave.""Come on." Begged the red race car. "I'm a racecar, you're a much older racecar, but under the hood you and I are the same.""We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out." Told Hudson and Kuran looked and saw a news article and read it. Slowly he got an understanding. Then he heard from Lightning, "How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?""He didn't quit… they quit on him…" began Kuran, joining this conversation the first time. "You crashed '54 and once you were fixed, they just have moved to the next rookie.""You got it right lad. They never gave me the chance to show that I have it still in me," told Hudson. "I keep that article to remind me never to go back. I just never expected that that world would… Would find me here."Then Lightning spoke, "Hey, look, Doc, I'm not them.""Oh, yeah?" countered Hudson and Lightning keeps on. "No, I am not!"Then a question came that Lightning didn't expected to hear: "When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, Hot Rod? You name me one time, and I will take it all back."Lightning couldn't answer and Kuran only said, "I lied to myself that I was caring for others while I was seeking to fulfill my goal… in the truth I was just selfish and ignored others.""I didn't think so. These are good folk around here, who care about one another. I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on." Told Hudson and Lightning countered, "Oh, like you? You've been here how long, and your friends don't even know who you are? Who's caring about only himself?"Kuran only looked at Lightning. With reasoning the racecar has a point, but Kuran wouldn't have dared to say such a thing… perhaps he really had to learn a lot…"Just finish that road and get outta here!" told Huston and left. Kuran looked at Lightning and said, "I'm going to sleep. No idea what you will do"Lightning nods and made his decision as he left the garage of Doc Husdon.In the next morning Kuran found as he left his sleeping place the street being complete and whistled since McQueen must have been working all night to finish the work and left afterwards for his race.Soon the rest of the members of the town were here as well and weren't really happy in their belief the racecar left to win the Piston Cup.Then a voice asked, "Hey! What is wrong with you?"Then Mater answered, "Oh, he's just sad cos you left town and you went to big race to win the Piston Cup that you've always dreamed about your whole life and get that big ol' sponsor and that fancy helicopter you was talkin' about."Then there was a silence and Kuran wondered: WHY the heck Mater takes so long to realize that he just spoke with Lightning?"Wait a minute!" called Mater, earning a laugh from the others. "I knew you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.""What are you doin' here? You're gonna miss your race," told the Sheriff. "Don't worry. I'll give you a police escort, and we'll make up time.""Thank you, Sheriff," told Lightning. "But, you know, I can't go just yet.""Well, why not?" asked the Sheriff and McQueen shrugged. "I'm not sure these tires can get me all the way to California."And this marked a start for a big change of Lightning McQueen's appearance. He got whitewall tires, a new red lack, and his big amount of stickers is replaced with Radiator Spring stickers. Tank organic fuel and bought a pair of night vision goggles.In the evening they hid Lightning for a moment as Sally came back and as they showed him to her, she was impressed.Then she stated, "It looks like you helped everybody in town.""I agree with you Sally! Except one," told Kuran and Lightning complained, "Hey! This was my line!"Then he adds in, "Hey, is it getting dark out?"No reaction…Lighting repeats. "Is it getting dark out?"Then music turned on and the neon lights of Radiator Spring turned on. Sally gasped, "They fixed their neon!"Kuran left Sally and Lightning alone and began to dance with the others on the street… at least how a dance between cars can work out.Kuran chuckles at the sight and even Mater's way and keeps watching on the sidelines. Then he noticed a light in the distance. Sally and McQueen noticed it as well and everybody in Radiator Springs prepared to welcome customers, but in truth it was a punch of reporters and a truck which came to find Lightning McQueen.They herded everybody and Kuran just said as the reporters asked him out, "No comment!"He saw that he was pressed by the reporters into the truck and the doors closed and everybody was leaving. Sally and Kuran saw that one reporter went to Hudson and asked, "Hey! Are you Doc Hudson?""Yeah!""Thanks for the call"With that Kuran and Sally understood. Hudson sold McQueen out. They went to the old car and Sally asked, "You called them?""It's best for everyone, Sally." Told Doc Hudson but Sally countered, "Best for everyone or best for you?"With that she left and Kuran just said, "Originally I thought what I have in common with Lightning is arrogance… I was wrong. I share the arrogance with you! Lightning changed over the few days… you didn't change in all these years."Then Kuran turned and exits the town following McQueen, having the feeling the red racecar might need a helping… uhm… tire.Mater looked with the others after them and said, "I didn't even get to say goodbye to them…"Everybody left and turned their lights off, leaving Doc Hudson alone in the middle of the street…In the next morning, Lightning was in his truck and tries to prepare for the race, but he drives off to his memories of Radiator Springs.He left the truck and wasn't as comfortable with the cameras before. On the pit Lightning told to a red truck car, "Mack, thanks for being my pit crew today.""Don't worry about it, kid. It's the least I could do," told Mack and suddenly they heard a voice. "Can I help you as well?"Lightning turned around. "Kuran! How did you get here?""I followed you to this town and the rest… a secret!" smirks Kuran, not eager to tell Lightning about his Dark Corridors. "Do you think you can handle your two opponents?""What do you know about them?" asked Mack and Kuran answered, "The blue one is the King and champion race car with seven Piston Cups. This is his last race so Dinoco, the company he is racing for is looking for a new car. The other is a green car with a mustache and more stickers then you Lightning. Rival of the King and runs with the name Chick Hicks. Has always been on the second place.""Wow! You got that good!" told McQueen. "Can you help out Mack as Piston Crew Member?""Hope I can learn that job faster than repairing walls," chuckles Kuran. "But I will do my best!"Then the final preparations of the race started and McQueen went on the course like the King and Hicks. And Kuran didn't need to take long to notice that Lightning didn't seem to be concentrating on the race."What is wrong?" wondered Mack and Kuran said, "I guess he is not in here due his time in Radiator Springs! He needs some help.""How about we help out?" asked a voice and Kuran glanced over. "I didn't think you would come here.""Well… didn't want that you are completely right about me. And Mater wanted to say good bye to you," told Doc Hudson and Kuran chuckles but stopped Mater from saying anything. "Save that when I leave for real!""Hey kid! Are you alright?" asked Mack and McQueen answered, "I don't know, Mack. I don't think I…"But he was interrupted by Hudson. "I don't come all this way to see you quit!""Doc? Guys you're here! I can't believe this!" told McQueen and Doc just stated, "I knew you needed a crew chief but I didn't know it was this bad.""I thought you said you'd never come back. Well, I really didn't have a choice. Mater didn't get to say goodbye and… a few people were right about a few things.""Goodbye! Ok, I'm good." Came from Mater and everybody chuckles.Then McQueen made a pit stop and while everybody went to get Lightning ready to send him back on track Hudson told, "All right, if you can drive as good as you can fix a road, then you can win this eyes with your eyes shut.""Nothing I would try out right now," adds Kuran with a chuckle as Hudson ends. "Now, get back out there!"While Hudson gave orders and explains to Lighitning to find a groove that works for him to take the lost lap back, Kuran noticed that the other pit crews and also the watchers in the stadium realizes who is Lightning's new crew chief. And also Hudson saw that everybody seems to cheer up at Hudson and Kuran chuckles, "Seems they didn't forget you at all."The pit crew of Chicks made fun of the villagers of Radiator Springs and Kuran just comments, "You should watch out! This little guy here will beat you out.""Ha! If this happens I will paint myself pink and start wearing flower stickers on my body!" laughed the Crew Chief. Kuran chuckles, "I'll remind you on that!"After a couple of laps, Lightning caught up with Chicks and to prevent Lightning the green car hit the red race car, but didn't expect that McQueen suddenly drove backwards, and after passing the surprised Chick Hicks he turned around and was now behind the King with Hicks on the tail. Then he got hit again but also one of the tires burst. Kuran didn't really like that but as Hudson looked, he saw a flag. He told McQueen to get into the pit stop. Mack told, "We gotta get him back out there fast or we're gonna be a lap down, and we'll never win this race." Kuran told to a small light blue and white forklift, "Guido! You have to act fast. The moment Lightning is in here, change the tires within a sec!"Guido got four wheels ready and in the moment Mcqueen stops, he threw them into the air and took one wheel out and catched the airborne one, putting it into the place. He repeats it with the other four wheels and did a record change, sending McQueen just in time back to the race.By the pit crew of Chicks one mustang fell and as Guido just said "Pit Stop," the other mustangs fell as well and Kuran told to the Crew Chief, "Don't forget the flowers to your new pink look!"Everybody of McQueen's crew cheered on Guido and Lightning drove as fast as possible to win this race while Hicks was still on tail with the King. As Lightning was behind the green car, he was pushed again but this time as McQueen was in the grass, but he used the trick from Hudson and was back on the solid street again, taking the lead.Doc began, "Float like a Cadilac...""Sting like a Beemer!" finished McQueen.They came close to the finish line but Hicks didn't want to lose again and hit the King in a way that he crashed badly, was more a wreck then a car. Lightning saw what happened and took the breaks, just stopping inches in front of the finish line. Hicks, however, didn't waste time and passed through it, winning this race.McQueen drove backwards and began to push the King through the finish line with the comment, "The King should finish his last race."Everybody cheered on the sportsmanship of McQueen and later as Hicks wanted his trophy, it was just tossed to him and everybody just booed at him. He retreats and Kuran went to him, telling, "You won this race! But you lost your support."Before Hicks could command anything Kuran left, joining up with the others. He learned that Lightning was being offered a contract with Dinoco, but turned down since the others were the reason why he is now in this position.Kuran chuckles and told Lightning, "Way to go!""Thanks! Without all of you I wouldn't be here!" told Lightning and Kuran answered, "Well… until next time.""You are leaving?" asked Hudson and Kuran saidn "I did what I felt I had to do… but I didn't find my own road yet."McQueen nods. "Make sure to come back once you found your road!""Promise!" told Kuran and drove into the desert.While he drove in the sandy underground, a tune was heard from the 80s and a voice toldm "Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to cham-""Stop right here!" called Kuran. "We are here not in the 80s! I have the wrong coloration, not sure even the right car model, and I am for sure not a real car with high tech equipment! Once I leave this world I won't be a car anymore! Back to human!"With that Kuran opens a dark corridor and left. "The world… of the Knight Rider."Pardon: The world… of the living cars.Chapter 9: Chapter 9Sora and Riku sat in their Gummi Ship and watched how the worlds passed them. Donald and Goofy were called by King Mickey for an important arrangement so they weren't with the two key bearers this time but requested to be picked up after the visit. Sora was bored since nothing seems to happen. No nobodies or heartless trying to stop them on their path, just like they don't exist anymore."Guess Organization XII and Maleficent are not really interested to take action now," told Sora and Riku just countered, "I think they're just collecting their forces. After all, from King Mickey I know that Maleficient is after the data of the worlds which is currently in Disney Castle and the Organization is still one member short.""That's true! That means they still try to recruit somebody for this position," told Sora and Riku shrugs. "But we don't know if they are still after you or if they have another candidate for this.""If they have then it might be difficult to find this one due to the fact that they didn't move yet," countered Sora and Riku asked, "Ok! Who are you and what have you done with Sora?""Huh?" wondered Sora but a beeping sound changed his attention to the radar and he asked, "Seems we are coming closer to Fugeo's world! I wonder how much different it is from what we have seen in the dream world.""I can guess a lot is different since Fugeo was not fully grown in the worlds dreams, while we know he is grown up," explained Riku and Sora nods to him, knowing that his silver haired friend is right.They parked the Gummi Ship outside the world and let the transporter of the vehicle transporte them down.Sora and Riku found soon themselves on a grass field but… they didn't expect one thing: They turned into dragons!Sora was now a brown dragon with white wings and horns. Also his head still shows the same spiky hair and his crown shaped necklace was still hanging around him and his tail end looked like a silver star.Riku on the other hand was bigger than Sora with a dark grey body and light blue eyes. He also had his white hair in his normal style handing from his head and his horns were white while the wings are black. But the end of his tail resembles the two wings of his Keyblade, and unlike Sora he never has been walking on four legs so he was a bit shaky there.Sora helped his friend by explaining how he learned it from Goofy in the Pride Lands but… none of them had any clue how to handle with the wings on their back. Also the Keyblades are difficult to hold due to the fact they have different forms and Sora didn't understand the difference between a lion muzzle and a dragon muzzle so he couldn't hold it properly as he tried it. The same counts for Riku."I think we need to look around to find another dragon. From him we could possibly learn how to fly and find somebody who can lead us to the Chronicler," suggested Riku and Sora just agreed with him. They began to walk into a random direction and walked on.Then they suddenly heard a rustle in a bush and as they looked a tiny black dragon head with yellow horns and purple eyes is sticking out. It tilts its head while looking at Sora and Riku.The two looked but and there was and awkward silence until Sora broke it. "Uhm… hi!"It shrieks and hides in the bush again. The two keybearers looked confused at each other, not really knowing what this was just about. Suddenly another shriek came as the black dragon dashed out with heartless in hot pursuit.Sora and Riku called their Keyblades in their snouts and exterminates the enemies. They have two feet and a pair of wings with a dragon like appearance. Suddenly the dark creatures took into the air. Sora tried to follow him but… he only managed to crash down again. Riku was not any better but he was not crashing at least.Then they heard a laugh which was all too clear for both of them. They turned and called, "Pete!"Pete indeed stood there. Completely unchanged for some reason and he held the dragon by the neck, which squealed loudly and tries to struggle free. "You're right Pimpsqueaks! Here is the almighty Pete!""Release the dragon!" called Sora and Pete laughed again. "Make me! But first you have to get past my Heartless! In the meanwhile I'll bring this to Maleficient to have the strongest Heartless! I still wonder how a little thing like this could be considered a dragon that makes a powerful Heartless…"The dragon shuddered in fear while Pete holds it in a painful way. Riku just told to Pete, "You really should let go of this dragon!""And why should I?" asked Pete. Suddenly flames impacted with the Heartless and decimates them faster than Pete could think. While the cat looked around in confusion, trying to understand what just happened, Riku answered, "Simple! It is a baby and I think an adult just showed up!"Suddenly something crashed into the ground behind Pete which caused to shake the ground. In the head of the Pete are just gathering these information together: The Heartless were taken out by flames, something crashed behind him that caused the ground to shake, not to mention he feels an odd warm wind on his neck. And then the silver haired pimpsqueak told him that this black dragon was a baby… Wait a minute!"A… baby?" asked Pete. Then he heard a growl and the dragon called with a female voice, "Uncle Fugeo!""Uncle?" asked Pete and slowly turned around. He stared into the eyes of a very large dragon. The cat could only stare at the dragon while dropping without noticing the black dragon in his hands. She squeals in pain by the landing and the red dragon in front of Pete just roared at the still staring enemy.Realizing the situation, the eyes bulged out of Pete while the iris shrinks to little dots and every color left the fat body of Pete, making a puddle of different colors underneath his feet.A few seconds passed before Pete began to scream in a high pitched and panic filled way.In a town was a black dragoness with light blue belly and purple wing. She had white hair with neon colors were sitting on a bench with a pair of headphones.She listened to music at this moment as the shriek passed the town and shattered everything made of glass.Radiant Garden:Cid was working on the PC as he heard suddenly a high pitching scream which shatters all windows and monitors. Cursing, the blond haired man asked, "What the hell is going on?"Yen Sid's Study:Yen Sid just studies the stars as he heard the loud scream which shatters his windows. He stroked his beard and said, "I knew that the sight of a dragon caused terror. But I never expected that one banished from his home would feel such a great fear against these mighty creatures."Disney Castle:Donald and Goofy were carrying some stuff for Queen Minnie as the scream reached that world and Goofy just said, "Gosh, is it me or does it sounds like Pete after getting hit by this rock between his legs?"Donald shook his head. "No way! He was not screaming with that much fear in the voice was back."Minnie nods. "That is right! I wonder where it does come from…"Danville:Phineas and Ferb were standing in front of giant glass duplicate of Schloss Neuschwanstein as the scream hits the glass and caused it to crumble into sand which was blown away by a strong torrent of Heinz Doofenschirtz's failed Windmakiator.Candace came in dragging her mother along and points where the castle once was without looking. "Tada!""Ok Candace… where is the glass castle you was talking about?" asked her mother, Linda.Candace just looked and began, "But-but-but-but-but-"Real World:XSDStitch was just typing the chapter as he heard the scream and he looked around blinking and asked, "Was I the cause?"He turns his radio on and hears that worldwide this mysterious high pitched scream has been heard. And it caused damage worth millions due to the breaking windows. The only comment from the Fanfiction Hobby Author: "Oops!"Back to the Dragons:Pete finally stopped to scream that loudly and rushes off so fast that even as he passed a forest with Snap-Plant, the plant was not able to even notice the fleeing Pete.The dragon looked after him and said, "Last time I saw him he put up a fight…""Perhaps he was more taught in the past," told Sora and Riku guessed, "You met him in the dream worlds?"A nod from the two answered this question. Sora turned to the red dragon and smiles. "But it is great to see you again Fu!""It is a pleasure for me too!" smiles Fugeo but turned to the black dragon. "Nala, your parents were worried sick. They even asked me to help them find you. Why did you run away?""I… I saw these black creatures and I wanted to know them… and then… and then…" told the dragoness then she began to cry and snuggles to Fugeo. "I was so scared!""It is alright Nala… I am here now…" told Fugeo and nuzzles the little dragoness. She climbs on him and nuzzles on her uncle before slowly falling asleep."Seems you are a good uncle," told Sora and Riku said, "Who are her parents?""Cynder and Spyro," answered Fugeo and smiles. "You will meet them soon!"Fugeo was spreading his wings but Sora sweat dropped. "We cannot fly."Fugeo shook his head. "We won't fly yet. I just flexed my wing muscles."With that, the dragon flaps his wings a few times before folding them in. "Best we bring Nala back to her parents and then we go to my home."Sora and Riku agreed and followed the red dragon. They reached a two floored house and suddenly Nala took a sniff in the air and called, "Mommy!"She jumps down, using on instinct her small wings to slow her fall down, and rushes at the house. A black dragoness with a magenta underbelly, a blade-like tail made of iron and blade claws on her wing thumbs, big wings with magenta membranes, and six silver-white horns on her head steps out of the house. "Nala!"Nala runs over to her mother who lowered her head and smiles as the little girl nuzzles the larger dragon. "Nala, where have you been? Your father and I were worried about you. We told you not to go out of sight.""Sorry mommy…" replied Nala and began to cry, sobbing about everything she witnessed. Her mother looked at Fugeo and he replied carefully, "I'll explain it to you later. But if it weren't for Sora and Riku here, who knows what could have happen."She looked at the two dragon next to Fugeo and told them, "Thank you!""No problem!" smiles Sora and Riku just said, "Nothing worth to mention."Fugeo noticed the tone of Riku but decided to talk with him later. To the black dragon he said, "Can you tell Spyro that I would like to talk to him? Just tell him the day has come.""Sure! But I would like to know what you and Spyro have in mind," told the dragoness and Fugeo sighs. "Sorry sis… but this is something I rather want to clear with a few others first before I can tell. It is complicated.""Spyro and I have saved the world once. Can it be so much different?" asked his sister and Fugeo just said, "With our past? Yes!"This caused the dragoness to look uncomfortable. "Would it have… an effect on this matter?""I am not sure. But in your case it would affect you stronger than me." Told Fugeo.She nods. "I trust your judgment on this Fugeo.""Thanks Cynder! I'll see you later," told Fugeo and the two rubbed their heads on each other before Fugeo smiles at Nala. "Hope you will be in a better mood when you can play with your cousins!"By that Nala suddenly jumped up and called, "I will Uncle Fugeo!"He laughed and left with the two dragons turned keybearers. As they were out of sight and earshot Riku asked, "I didn't know that she is your sister… or that you don't mind what she has done to you.""What do you mean?" asked Sora and Fugeo chuckles. "Cynder is the reason why I have my scar… but remember Riku! She was just in a state like you and me.""Got it," told Riku with a nod.Riku and Sora followed them until they arrived the outskirts of a town. Sora and Riku looked around since plently of free space exist here and only a few houses here and there exist. Fugeo explains, "Most other dragons prefer to live either within the town or somewhere else.""Why's that?" asked Riku and Fugeo answered, "Because due to the experience in the last war, everybody thinks in case of a surprise attack of an unknown force, the attack would be first Warfang, in which outskirts we are now. Which brings some advances in daily life like having plenty of space. After all, I have children and in a town it is too crowded for my taste.""Then why don't you live closer to your sister?" asked Sora and Fugeo answered, "Because of my work, I need to be close to Warfang"Sora accepted it and they reached a house slightly bigger than the house of his sister. The red dragon didn't enter the house; instead he went to the backside of it with Sora and Riku behind him.On the other side were two little dragons running towards them. One was red with yellow belly, blue wings with white horns, and a crystal looking tail end. At a closer look it looks slightly like Fugeo's tail blade. Also, blue eyes were seen on the dragon.The other was a light purple dragon with blue hair, blue belly and the same blue wings like the red dragon next to him. It also has the same blue eyes and the tail end was a smaller version of Fugeo's tail blade.Both called "Daddy!" and jumped at the awaiting side of the large dragon who pretends to be effected by the impact more as it should. He falls to the side while laughing with the little ones. "Hello my little ones! Did you behave while I was gone?""Of course Daddy!" smiles the red one and the other nuzzles Fugeo. "We would never trouble Mommy!""That is good." Smiles Fugeo and turns to his two friends. "May I introduce to you: My children Saph and Mendeleine.""Hi! I'm Sora! And this is my best friend Riku!" told Sora with a smile and Mendeleine asked, "Want to play with us?""Sure! Hey Riku! How about we just have some fun with them?" asked Sora with a smile. The dragon turned Keybearer let out a sigh and agreed to that, knowing he would have no chance but to do like asked in this matter. Fugeo just interrupted, "How about we see Mommy first to let her know that you two have new play-mates?"Mendeleine and Saph nods and rushed off, causing a laugh from Fugeo.Sora looked at his red friend and told, "They are cute!""But sometimes a handful." Warned Fugeo. "Mendeleine is very active because she is a fire dragon and she also has been showing a few fire abilities so far even when uncontrolled. Her brother Saph is calmer but still very active and always with her.""They look at close age," comments Riku from what he saw and Fugeo replied, "That's right! They are close since they are twins.""I thought dragons lay naturally more than one egg," told Sora confused, causing Fugeo to laugh. "Not in this world! One egg at a time is the normal routine!"He chuckles once more and said, "Now let's go! We don't want to let them wait."Fugeo then lead them a bit farther but they saw that the twins were already on their way back, jumping around a light purple dragon with yellow belly, blue wings and blue hairs with white horns. This dragon also has blue eyes and the tail end resembles crystals.Fugeo smiles and went over and they shared a deep kiss before telling, "I'm back my love…""You always come back. It is only the question of when," she giggles and nuzzles him. "And I see you brought somebody with you."Fugeo nods and tells, "These are Sora and Riku!" then he turns to his friends. "Sora, Riku… this is my lovely mate Daimond.""It's nice to meet you!" smiles Sora and Riku says, "Pleased to meet you.""It's the same with me," admits Daimond with a smile, then Sora asked, "Uhm… what does it mean when she is your mate Fugeo?"Fugeo just shook his head while Riku face palmed. Then Sora's friend whispered something into the ear and Sora blushes. "Oh… sorry! Had no clue."Fugeo shook his head by realizing that Riku explained it. "Next time you visit a place, try to learn the terms beforehand.""I will try to remember that," told Sora and Riku joked, "You mean I have to remind you.""Hey! What that supposed to mean?" asked Sora and then he noticed the twins looking at him with wide and confused eyes."Oh… hehe," laughed Sora nervously. "Wanna play?"Daimond looked at Fugeo. "Do you really trust them?""I trust them with my life if I have to," admits Fugeo and whispered to her ear, "Even though I prefer to have it in Riku's hands."Chapter 10: Chapter 10NEVER AGAIN!These were the two words that Riku and Sora had in their mind after playing an entire afternoon with the twins. For a fire dragon, Mendeleine was very active and Saph was calmer, but not less active like his sister.And for the two Keybearers the situation turned worst as Cynder came with her mate Spyro, Sora recognized him because of the colors and form of horns and tail, which also meant that Nala joined in.Sora never thought that three little dragons can be such a handful to look after while playing with them games that ranges from hide and seek to fetch and even in playful fights with each other they prove to be difficult since they have no control over the small but still sharp claws. In the twins case even their tails ends more so than one wound was caused on the bodies of Sora and Riku.After their wounds were patched up, they learned from Daimond that these are very harmless situation with hatchlings. Hatchlings of Thunder Dragons are even more active properly due to their connection with electricity. Sora and Riku looked at each other and agreed: Never to babysit dragons again!However Sora now asked Fugeo, "Fu… why didn't called us to you as Spyro came?""Simple!" told the red dragon. "I wanted to talk with Spyro alone a little due to some important things I have to clear before we talk about why you are here. And I didn't want to interrupt you with the games. I just thought you had a lot of fun."Truth to tell: They had fun but it's still a troublesome thing for them. Right now the three hatchlings are asleep, tired from the long time of playing and were now a pile of sleeping bodies.But back to the matter: "Ok! I get it," told Riku. "But for the reason we are here… we were supposed to meet the Chronicler in this world and we don't know where to find him."The four grown up dragons looked at each other before bursting into loud laughing fits which even caused Daimond to roll on her back and hold her stomach.Riku and Sora were baffled by the sight and had NO idea why these mature dragons are laughing like that.Cynder recovered a little and asked, "Do you have ANY idea what you are talking about?""Eh… why?" asked Sora and Daimond explains, "The Chronicler lives on a remote island! It takes weeks to reach it even if you were able to fly as fast like a wind dragon!""Then HOW are we supposed to meet him?" asked Riku and Fugeo answered, "Like he always meets people, when he wishes to talk with them: He visits your dreams! Just stay the night here and tomorrow you will understand everything knowing him.""Guess one night is better than whole weeks," told Riku."Then it's settled! You are my guests for tonight!" told Fugeo and turns to Daimond. "What do you think should we make for dinner?""Try to get a deer. I am sure they will appreciate it," told Daimond.A few hours later the dinner was ready and the two Keybearers realize that a dinner for dragons contains mostly meat with herbs and berries. Only a few vegetables are on the table. Also, they learned that most dragons prefer their meat fresh. Riku wondered, "How did you manage to get the deers? After all, red isn't a color that favors hiding in bushes… not to mention your pure size.""Hunters secret," told Fugeo with a laugh. "Only so much! Make sure the deer don't smell you!"Riku just looked flatly at Fugeo since THIS was a pretty common aspect that deers runs away when they smell something that could mean trouble.Later on they went to sleep. Sora and Riku were surprised that they found themselves in an odd place. It looks like space with floating rocks with random stone buildings around.More surprising for them is that the Keybearers were now back in their human shape. "Riku. Do you know what is going on?""I think this is a dream. Fugeo told us that the Chronicler often visits in dreams to contact other beings," told Riku and they jumped in surprised as they heard from the said dragon, "That is right Riku! And in a dream you can take any from."They turned around and spot Fugeo, but smaller than in the real world. Riku looked over him and asked, "Was your favorite form in your teenage years?"Fugeo chuckles. "Let's say I just had one of my most pleasing dreams, which happened in my years as teenager.""And what kind of dream was it?" asked Sora. Fugeo blushes and says, "This is private.""And we are not here to talk about Fugeo's dreams," told a new voice and they turned around to spot a new dragon. Sora and Riku recognizes the scale colors and clothes as the one of the Chronicler but the body feature was a completely different one."Hello Chronicler Ignitus!" told Fugeo and made a respectful bow towards the dragon. Then Spyro suddenly joined in, around the age where Sora met him before in the dreaming worlds, and rushed over. "Ignitus! Good to see you again!"Sora wondered why there is such a difference in how they treat the dragon. Then the Keybearer remembered what he heard about the old Chronicler and this Ignitus as they were eating earlier and just said, "oh."Because Sora didn't say anything, Riku began, "Chronicler Ignitus. I am sure you are aware of the travel in the dreaming worlds that Sora, Fugeo, and I had. I met a dream image of the old Chronicler in there and he told me to meet you here. Can we know why he wanted us to see you?""Indeed young Keybearer. The truth is that he wanted me to give you something," told Ignitus while walking over to a pond.The others followed him and suddenly the pond began to glow and a small, golden glowing creature appears. It was moving in slow and calm motion and at a closer look, everybody was thinking this creature had a small halo above the head.Fugeo was the first to speak. "Chronicler Ignitus… what is this creature… it looks like… a golden rabbit with halo.""This is a creature that normally isn't seen by anybody on this world. It belongs to the Lightbringers. That is one of the things I have to give you, Riku, and Sora. A warning of these creatures.""What are lightbringers?" asked Sora and Ignitus explains, "Like the Heartless are creature of darkness, and Nobodies are creatures that shouldn't exist. So are the Lightbringers, beings of the light like their names indicates. They begin to exist if a human fights against the darkness in such extent that even the darkness in his heart is destroyed and overwhelmed by light. Then one of these Lightbringers comes into existence. Their goal is to destroy the darkness for once and all. However, since light cannot exist without darkness and the other way around, they stop to exist once they are close to the dark realms. Normally they are only seen in the lines between the worlds, fighting creatures of darkness or trying to reach the dark realms.""But since you have to warn us, I take something changed," told Riku and a nod came from the Chronicler. "Indeed! Somebody took control over the Lightbringers and leads them into the worlds to destroy the darkness. However, if a world is completely devoid of darkness, the world itself dies since there is no more the balance between light and darkness. So you have not only to deal with the true Organization XII and their goals but also with somebody who wants to disturb the balance in favor of the light," explains the old dragon."Never thought I had to fight the light. Guess there is a first time for everything!" smirks Sora and Riku just laughs. "You look at this in a very optimistic way!""Why not? After all, we managed to deal with Ansem and Xemnas and escaped their trap. I am sure we can handle this problem as well!" retorted Sora and the two friends are just laughing."Then I will come to the point why I called Fugeo and Spyro over here." Continued the Chronicler and the image of three amulets appears. Two of them had crystals formed like dragon heads and two crossed Keyblades behind the head. The third one had a crystal formed like a heart."Two of these amulets are the Amulets of Dragon Keys. They allow you to from a bond to one of us dragons for using his abilities in form of a Keyblade. They also allows you to use two Keyblades at once without using special abilities like Sora's form change abilities of his clothes," explains the Chronicler. "The third is the Amulet Heart of Crossing Keys. This one allows wielding like the other two amulets two Keyblades. However, the conditions are different. I am afraid I am not allowed to tell you how it is activated. Only so far Heart of Crossing Keys are in possession of one being who will meet you during your travel. But be warned… when you meet him, you will face grave danger.""And the two Amulets of Dragon Keys?" asked Sora. "What's up with them?""I give them to you!" told Ignitus. "Riku! You and Fugeo already formed a Keyblade through your connection. Forming the bond between Dragon and Keyblader would be easier for you two. Sora. I would like you to form a bond with Spyro, since you need all the strength you can reach.""Are there other kinds of amulets?" asked Riku suddenly after agreeing with the bond forming. The answer was clear: "Indeed! Many different kinds of amulets have been forged by the time of the Keyblades birth. However many got lost, were destroyed, or don't have their power anymore.""I see…" told Riku and then the Chronicler adds in, "Even if you find some of them… you are unable to use them. Each Keybearer was only able to use one of these Amulets. But you can hand them over to your follow Keybearer.""Thank you for the information Chronicler," told Riku and suddenly one of the Dragon Key Amulets hovered over to him and the Crystal turned red, while the other went to Sora and turned purple.The two friends and the dragons looked confused at each other while Ignitus was the exception since he laughed loudly, "It seems the ritual was not nessescary! I wish you a lot of luck in your journey, Keybearers!"With that, their weird dream ends…On the next morning took Sora and Riku a breakfast by Fugeo's family, and all were surprised that the amulets appeared overnight. Fugeo just shrugged and said, "The Chronicler has some funny way to do things… perhaps there is a trick as well."Accepting that they said goodbye and went back to the Gummi Ship. Once they left the world Sora wondered, "Riku… do you have any idea on how we can use these amulets and what kind of abilities the Keyblades have?""I can guess on the Keyblade abilities, judging on what I pulled off with Fugeo, but I have no idea how to use the amulet. And also I don't like the warning about the fact that we see grave danger when we meet the one with the third amulet we saw." Replied Riku. Sora put a thought on it and said, "Probably the Chronicler knew we might meet the bearer and wanted to warn us… Hey Riku! How about you let me control the ship and cruise it to the next world? Perhaps we'll have luck and learn where the catch is!""Oh no Sora! I gave my promise to Donald and Cid that I won't let you drive! Not to mention they told me about your attempts to fly a Gummi Ship!""Hey! That's not fair!"Chapter 11: Chapter 11The first thing that Kairi noticed after she lands on this world with Aqua was that she could see a snout in front of her eyes... and that this snout must originate from her.She began to look over her body and notices red fur over her body, making her realize that she must have been turned into an anthromorphic animal. She felt over her head and notices a pair of ears in a particular form and also a tail poking out from her pants. If what she learned in school is right, she must have been turned into a fox. Kairi remembered that Sora told her that he turned once into a lion and mermen. She had some doubts on these parts of Sora's adventure, but now that she witnessed it on herself, she believed him.Looking around she spots a blue colored cat with Aqua's cloths and the Princess of Heart asked, "Aqua? Is that you?""Indeed Kairi! Looks like this world isn't inhabitated by humans, explaining our current forms." told Aqua and giggles. "I heard from Master Erasqus of such worlds, but it is the first time for me to be on one of them.""At least we are not in a world like Sora visited once. He told me that he turned into a lion and had trouble to handle on four legs at the start," told Kairi, giggling by herself."Now we have to find out if Kuran is here, meddling around with the world order," told Aqua seriously and Kairi could only agree... they already had the talk with why the world order needs to stay intact but Kairi still don't understand how it should have been possible to keep it for Sora when he was traveling around with an anthromorpic dog and duck. Not that Sora really managed to NOT get involved with the business of this world. Aqua already showed that she isn't thrilled about this matter. Not to mention that Xenahort already messed up with the world order by telling Maleficient about the other worlds.They began to walk and wondered how big the forest they were in was right now. Their question was answered as soon as they reached a small town and on a sign stands the village's name: "Nottingham."From the looks of the buildings, this world must be around the middle age and also the... people? Animals? Whatever: The villagers are wearing rather old and used clothes in most cases. Kairi got the feeling that they are even looking poorer than anybody should expect."Ah! New villagers! You must have just come here I assume?" asked a voice and the two females turned around, spotting an obese gray wolf wearing sheriff clothing with crimson shoes with hat. Also a gold star badge is on his clothes."We just arrived here and seem to have gotten lost. We... didn't plan on going here. Just looking for somebody," told Aqua."Well... in this case I can perhaps help! I am the Sheriff of Nottingham and after you paid the taxes, I am more than willing to look for your missing friend," told the Sheriff.Kairi had a bad feeling about him and just said, "Sorry! But we prefer to look for our own.""Your decision!" told the Sheriff. "But you will pay your taxes none the less!""How much?" asked Aqua and the Sheriff looked over the two girls. "Since you two are wearing rather fine clothes I will say... At least over 90.000 money!""OVER 90.000?" came the shouting reaction and Kairi asked, "How do you expect us to have so much money with us?""That is not my concern! Now pay or I will arrest you and throw the key away!" growled the wolf and soon Heartless are popping out of the ground. They look like soldiers but are wearing long bows, aiming at the two keybearers."Heartless!" called Kairi and called her Keyblade, Flowering Strength. Aqua also called for her Keyblade, Rainfell. The Sheriff looks in delight at the weapons. "Such fine weapons you have! Well, adding the taxes for such weapons and the tax for even having such weapons and also the tax for the usage, your tax just raised to 858.684 money!""Can you believe this?" asked Kairi and Aqua just said, "Not really and I am even part of this situation."Suddenly a few arrows flew out of the forest and hit the Heartless. The dark creatures shoot aimless into the forest; seeming to only hit the wood there. Also the Sherriff seems to be surprised by the sudden attack. The two Keybearers used the chance and made their escape.Kairi slashed one of the Heartless while Aqua used a Thunder spell to take a few of them out, making an opening for them.Making a dash to the forest the Sheriff ordered, "Capture them!"The Heartless obeys and rushed after the Keybearer. In a moment where the dark creatures lost sight of them, two strong hands grabbed them and lift them into the trees. As the Heartless reached the place, they looked around confused and disappeared.In the tree are Aqua and Kairi looking with wide eyes at a brown bear with a green shirt with green heat and red feather."Come on Little John! Let them down! I am pretty sure these lovely ladies shouldn't stay here up in the trees" told a red fox with green shirt, yellow hat with red feather."You're right Robin!" told "Little" John and sat the two keybearers down. Who the hell calls a bear of this size "Little John"?After all are down, Robin began with a graceful bow, "Maladies! My name is Robin Hood, and this is my friend Little John.""I am Aqua, and this is Kairi." told Aqua and Robin replied, "It's an honor to meet such fine ladies like you. However, why are you running like that in the forest, with these black creatures after you?""We have been in Nottingham and the Sheriff wanted an absurd amount of tax. After refusing he called the Heartless and the rest is clear for you I assume." told Aqua. "After all, you picked us up after we run into the forest, which happened after somebody shot a few arrows, distracting the Heartless.""I admit I am guilty like charged. But the sheriff must really have a heart of stone. Not only does he takes the last money of everybody here but also let these creatures chase after fine ladies like you.""Say Robin! Must Lady Miriam be worried?" asked Little John with a chuckle."Little John! What are you talking about? Maid Miriam is the only one in my heart!" told Robin. Neither Kairi nor Aqua is asking who Maid Miriam is."I think I am going to visit a few of the villagers. One of them has his birthday today," chuckles Robin and disguised himself as a poor old and blind man with a stick, black glasses and a cup with a few coins in there.As the fox left Aqua asked, "Why does he need to disguise himself?""Simple! We are outlaws since we steal from the rich to give it to the poor since they can barely live due to the high taxes from Prince John." told Little John."Who is Prince John?" asked Kairi and John looked at her. "Where did you live? He rules right now the land until King Richard comes back. But who knows when this will be the case?""I see... we are looking for some people. Did you meet somebody named Kuran or see somebody with a black coat?" asked Kairi but John shook his head. "No I didn't. Perhaps Robin can tell but..."The two Keybearers understood. There was a big chance that they haven't been on the right world. However they cannot leave right now, thanks to the Heartless here. They asked everything they could about Prince John and from what they heard, this Prince doesn't really have what it takes to gain control over the Heartless. Somebody must have his hands in it.Soon Robin came back and went to a nearby lake. John began to wash some clothes in the water while Robin was cooking. Kairi and Aqua helped them. However Robin seems to be lost in mind and just turned the wooden spoon in the pot, humming a tune.Kairi asked why Robin is so out of the mind right now. John chuckles, "Probably thinking of his girl, Maid Miriam.""His girlfriend?" asked Aqua and John nods to him. Then he tries to get Robins attention. It took a while but soon Robin was turning his attention to John and the others."Did you say something?" asked Robin and John replied, "Forget it. Your mind is not on food.""John just told us about Maid Miriam," said Kairi. "You really must care for her.""That is right... but I didn't see her since the last time I was in London, and this was a long time ago," told Robin and sighs by thinking of her.Suddenly they smelled something and Robin called, "Hey! Whoa! I-It's boiling over." he called and took the pot away."You burned the chow," told Aqua with a sigh with a shaking head."You love her I guess," told Kairi and Robin said, "Yes I do. But what I have to offer her?""Besides you cannot cook?" asked Aqua while looking at the remaining food. "I'm serious. She is a highborn lady of quality. While I am an outlaw."Suddenly an obese anthropomorphic badger with half bald white hair and eyebrows wearing a brown robe with hood tells suddenly, "Oh, for heaven's sake, son. You're no outlaw. Why, someday, you'll be called a great hero.""A hero?" asked Robin. "Did you hear that? We've just been pardoned.""I don't feel like a hero," told Kairi and the badger asked, "Who are you two?""I am Aqua and this is Kairi. We just happened to be in this place," told Aqua. "And you are?""I am Friar Tuck, the Monk of Nottingham. I also help Robin out to give out the money he steals from the rich.""But it is good to be patronized without even being arrested!" told Little John.Friar Tuck replied, "Just laugh but there's being a big to-do in Nottingham."Then he tried something from the boiled meal and coughs loudly with tears in his eyes. "Well-done, ain't it?"Then he continues, "Old Prince John's havin' a championship archery tournament tomorrow.""Archery tournament?" asked Kairi. "Why should it interest us?""Two reasons!" told Tuck. "First Robin is the best archer of our land and Maid Miriam.""Maid Miriam?" asked Robin surprised and Tuck replied, "Yeah. She's gonna give a kiss to the winner.""To kiss the winner?" asked Robin excited and jumps around. "What are we waiting for?""About the guards and Heartless waiting for us in this place?" asked Aqua and Robin just replied, "Aha. But remember...faint hearts never won fair lady. Fear not, my friends. This will be my greatest performance."To underline his statement he had shot an arrow while throwing a hat into the air. The arrow hits a pan and was redirected to his hat which lands after going through the hat perfectly on his head again.On the next day the entire group was going to the tournament. Little John is now clothed like a rich person with blond hair and Aqua was wearing a familiar attribute, thinking that nobody would recognize her... hopefully, while Kairi wears old children clothes.Robin was walking on stilts and wears a fake beak to look like a stork. Even different clothes were now on his body and he hides his tail in the clothes, having a few fake feathers in place.They spotted a fox in fine clothes and Robin said, "There she is, Little John. Isn't she beautiful?""Cool it, lover boy. If you do something wrong, you will hang around," warned John."Ah, stop worrying. This disguise would fool my own mother," told Robin and the reply from Aqua was, "She isn't here.""You gotta fool Old Bushel Britches," adds Little John and points to the Sheriff who was passing by. Robin was taking the chance and began to talk with the Sheriff and he let himself fooled by the disguise.Kairi looked at Little John and said, "I take he isn't the smartest one?""Not really!" chuckles Little John and adds up, "Rob is not as bad as actor but wait'll he sees the scene we lay on Prince John."Aqua nods, remembering that in these disguises she has to pretend to be his wife while Kairi just went into the crowd and acts from there in case of an emergency.They moved forward and Little John called, "Ah! Me lord my esteemed royal sovereign of the realm."Then both made a bow and John continued, "The head man himself. You're beautiful.""He has style, hey, Hiss?" asked Prince John, a lion with too large crown towards a snake."Ya took the words right outta my mouth, P.J." went Little John on and Prince John replied, "P.J. I like that. Do you know, I do. Hiss, put it on my luggage. P.J.""P.J. Yes." Prince John went further on while the snake went closer to Little John and Aqua. "And you? Who might you be, sir and lady?""I am Sir Reginald, Duke of Chutney. And this is my lovely wife Lady Aqua," told Little John and Aqua made a bow again. "An honor to meet you."Then Little John kneeled down. "And you, Your Mithiness, allow me to lay some protocol on you." And then to kiss the paw but Prince John took it away. "Oh, no. Forgive me, but I lose more jewels that way than... please sit down""Thanks, P.J." told Little John and took a seat with Aqua, who took the guess that Little John has stolen a few gems from Prince John that way.Then Little John noticed that he had sat down on Hiss, who coldly complains on this situation but Prince John just said, "Hiss, with you around, who needs a court jester?"Then he adds on, "Now get out there and keep your snake eyes open for you-know-who."Hiss nodded and left the scene. Then the tournament was at the beginning and all participants are lining up in a row. Kairi notices that Robin makes Lady Miriam nice eyes right now and she hopes that it wouldn't give off to Prince John. Then a crocodile was showing the main prize, a golden arrow. Then the tournaments started and everybody shoots the arrows at the targets. Kairi noticed a snake in a balloon and Tuck recognized it as Hiss, a loyal servant of Prince John.Then they noticed that he might find out about Robin and Kairi took her Keyblade out and shot a small fireball to take the balloon out. Tuck catches the snake and put him into barrel with ale. However Aqua in the seats could tell by a look at Prince John that he is already suspecting who Robin Hood is.Only two were left: The Sheriff and Robin but only Robin got the cheers due to the reputation of the Sheriff.He also uses a cheap trick after shooting his arrow, marking a bull's eye: he hits Robin with his bow, making him shoot too far up but Robin uses another arrow to cause the first arrow to hit the arrow of the Sheriff, cutting it in two. This marked him as victor.He was brought in front of Prince John who holds a sword in his hands.He holds it like he wanted to declare Robin as victor but he says: "Or more appropriately… the loser!"Then he cuts the jacket that Robin was wearing, causing his entire disguise to fall off. And the guards, all of them are rhinos, are putting him in chains. Prince John began to declare while Little John and Aqua went off the throne, "I sentence you to sudden, instant, and even immediate death!"Then a Heartless appeared which reminds one of the armor type Heartless, but instead of claws it has a pair of axes on the arms. It stomps towards Robin and already raised the deadly weapon while Maid Mariam tries to reason with Prince John. However due his refusal, she could only cry.Kairi got her Keyblade ready, but due to the crowd and soldiers she couldn't get a good aim and could just look in horror that this beast was about to kill Robin, but suddenly Prince John shouted to everybody confusion, "Stop! Executioner, stop! Hold your axe!"However if anybody had looked behind the throne, then Little John and Aqua could be seen with Little John threatening Prince John live with a dagger. Aqua gave a signal to Little John that she went to position for doing something on her own. Little John nods in understanding and told Prince John, "Okay, big shot. Now tell 'em to untie my boddy, or I'll..."To underline his the threat, he pressed the dagger further to Prince John and he ordered to release Robin, which the Sheriff understand.Robin was soon free and Maid Mariam was also in his arms and everybody cheered, but once the Sheriff found Little John, the latter was forced to let go of Prince John to hit the Sherriff.Once released the wannabee king ordered, "Kill them! Don't stand there! Kill them!"The Executioner was willing to obey but before it could hit any target, three fire balls hit into the face due to Aqua's Triple Fire Spell. The guards charged at Robin but thanks to his friend Little John he had now a sword while the bear fought with a staff against the opponents.Kairi got behind the Heartless and released a light spell which caused it to collapse, giving the Keybearers time to strike the helm a few times since Kairi told Aqua that Sora encountered similar versions and they had been weak on the helms while the hitting the other parts of the armor just destroys them.However the armor recovered and slashed with the two axes around, forcing Kairi and Aqua to pull back. But Aqua used another Triple Fire Spell and they hit one of the arms, damaging it heavily. Kairi went in and slashed it once, but it wasn't enough to destroy it and she was send flying back by the counter. However her landing on the sheriff who was trying to attack little John from behind provided a good side.Aqua looked at the Princess of Heart, but after seeing she is alright she turned her attention back to the armor and prepared her arsenal of magic spells.In the meanwhile Robin talked with his love while fighting off heartless. "Mariam! Will you marry me?""Oh Robin! I thought you'd never asked! But I hoped for a more romantic scenery," was her reply and adds, "You could have chosen a more romantic scene."Kairi and Little John are now helping the villangers to leave into the forest and also Robin and Lady Mariam were soon away but Kairi had to join in with Aqua to deal with the executioner, but suddenly he was gone but not defeated.Aqua looked around and thought aloud, "I guess whoever controls them, he didn't want to lose this one for now."And seeing that the guards are going to try to capture the two Keybearer they disappeared into the forest as well.They arrived during the evening at the hideout, just in time to join a feast where everybody sung something that is mocking Prince John.However, mocking a man in this position has consequences… and the consequence was that Prince John, once learning about the song, put the taxes so high that many are arrested because of being unable to pay or forced to leave their homes.And they learned that Friar Tuck was arrested as well. In the same evening Robin took the disguise of the old and blind man again and found out that the Sheriff plans to hang Fair tuck in the morning.Due to that fact they had to act. Aqua went into position and, as the Sheriff wasn't paying attention and already shows tiredness, she used a Sleep spell, causing the Sheriff to fall asleep.They moved over to the cells and to Robin's and Little John's surprise she was able to open it with her Keyblade. Robin asked, "Where can I get a weapon like this?""Sorry! It's picky!" told Kairi and went in with Aqua and Little John. Robin moved to Prince John's Quarters, planning to use the opportunity to give the villagers are all their money back.While Aqua and Kairi freed the villagers Robin sends the money in Prince John's champers to the prison via cable haulage.Soon a lot of money were given around and they began to move out. Little John looked around to scan the situation but saw that one of the money bags had a hole and coins fell out. Some fall on the sheriff and he woke up. However, before he could react, Little John grabs him and pulled him into the prison and makes sure he won't move for a while.While the villagers made their way out, Robin makes his escape from the chambers but... Hiss notices it and grabs one of the remaining bags with his mouth while the end of his snake body the end of Prince John's bed. By the force the villagers pulls on the string, the bed was pulled to the balcony and Prince John was now wide awake, and thanks to Hiss' grip on the bag and now by Prince John's leg he was forced to hold on to the balcony with his paws and called for the Guards and Heartless. They came and attacked, forcing Kairi and Aqua to pull her Keyblades.Then Prince John hit the wall of the tower with the prison after losing the grip on the balcony. And he orders again the guards and Heartless. Little John and Robin got all villagers aboard of a vehicle and they moved it to the exit of the castle.However one of the children was left behind and Robin runs back to get it. But as Robin was on the way out again, they were surprised that the Executioner was back again. Kairi and Aqua were running back, just in time as the portcullis falls down to close the exit. Robin gave the child to Little John and began to flee from the Guards and Heartless.Aqua shot three Fire balls at the Executioner and hit the helm. It jumped by the hit and swung the axes around.Kairi rolled under the swings and used a light spell, destroying the already damaged arm. The remaining one is now swinging badly and the legs are now skittering around the ground, giving Kairi and Aqua trouble to dodge it, and they were hit by the feet. Kairi falls hard on her face while Aqua was pressed against the wall.Both Keybearers groaned in pain and the Armor reassembles again. It jumps high into the air and lands on the ground, creating a shockwave. Aqua jumped over it but Kairi in her inexperience was full hit by the wave. Aqua casts quickly a cure spell and followed with a triple Fire spell. Kairi looked and saw an opportunity to strike, which she used to throw her Keyblade. It impaled the other arm and suddenly it exploded in a ball of light, surprising Kairi and Aqua in the same moment since none of them are expecting this to happen. The Armor struggled after this explosion and collapsed.The two keybearers looked at each other and rushed at the Armor and hit it's helmet several times. HOwever the armor recovered faster and knocked both of htem away. Aqua hit a wall so hard that she got knocked out. Kairi rushed over to her to protect her from the opponent. The armor swung the remaining arm and hit her Keyblade. Kairi struggled to hold the block but it began to overpower her and she doesn't know how long she would able to hold this block.Suddenly the weight lifts from her blade and as she looked she saw that an arrow hit the helm, causing it to struggle a bit. Kairi saw that Robin had shoot it but was now running away from the Sherriff, fleeing into an tower.Kairi saw a chance and hit the armor again with a light spell. The armor struggles now badly and collapsed on the ground, releasing its heart. Kairi pants and got on her knees, but once she realized that they are still in the castle she tried to lift Aqua up but their size difference was too great.However, the Heartless were now out of control for some reason and the guards were now busy for now to handle the situation. Also Aqua was waking up and groans in pain. Kairi asked, "Are you alright?""Not really... what happened?" asked Aqua and Kairi just said, "We have to get out of here."Aqua nods and manages to stand up. They got to the wall and jumped into the water and swims to land, there Little John picks them up. Then they notice that one of the towers was now in flames and Robin was on the top of it, jumping aimlessly into the water. Prince John ordered to shoot at Robin.The arrows are shot down and Robin got under water. Worried, Kairi and Aqua looked at the water and they only saw his hat coming out… with an arrow in it.Prince John thinks that Robin Hood is now dead and dances around happily while Kairi, Aqua, and Little John are shocked.However…"What is that?" asked Kairi as she notices something moving in the water. Little John looked closer at this and suddenly water shot into his face."Oh Robin! You really scared us! We thought you were dead now!" told Little John but Kairi smiles. "Seems he knows how to swim!"Prince John looked shocked at this and turned around to face somebody in a black robe, hiding the face under a hood. "You told me that I would kill Robin with the creatures you let me control! But now look! They are running amok and Robin Hood is still alive!""You wasn't able to control them for good. Be glad if they don't take you… and about helping you: I just wanted to see something… and I saw it," told the person and left, leaving Prince John alone which the burning tower of his castle.On the next morning Kairi asked Robin, "You sure you can handle the rest from here alone?""Indeed! We heard that King Richard is coming back from his crusade so I am sure until he is back we won't have any problems!" told Robin and holds Maid Mariam close.Aqua nods and told them, "Be careful!""And come back to visit us!" told Little John. Aqua and Kairi nods to this and went into a distance until it is safe to leave the world and took off.Chapter 12: Chapter 12Kuran left the Dark Corridor and the first thing he wondered: Why is he on a ship? Followed by why it looks somehow futuristic on it?Before he could think further somebody asked him, "What are you doing here? Stowaway!"Stowaway? This means this ship isn't at any port or harbor right now. He turns around and was speechless at fist. The man that was talking with him was made of stone.However… since Kuran doesn't answer the stone man asked, "Well?""Uhm… didn't intend to be a stowaway… I kind came aboard by accident," told Kuran."And where have you been in the three days we are already traveling?" asked the stone man and Kuran just shrugs. "Guess you won't believe me when I say that I just came aboard by a different means of traveling that kind brought me here?""Nope! You are coming with me now!" told the man and drags Kuran with an iron fist (or stone fist?) into the quarters of the captain and Kuran blinks, a bit surprised as he realized that the captain was a female and slender cat like creature with a blue coat that shows a white colar and golden cuff links and bottoms, as well as white pants and long black boots with high heels.He doesn't have anything against a woman being captain, but he doesn't know what to think about her species. Then she spoke, "Mister Arrow! Who is this one? I cannot remember that he belongs to the crew, even I have to admit I never cared to learn each individual.""This Captain is a stowaway I just found! I wanted to know what to do with him," told Mister Arrow and Kuran wondered, "Why Arrow? I would have guessed your name is something… stone like.""I get that a lot Mister…" answered Mister Arrow and Kuran said, "Yuma. Kuran Yuma.""So Mister Yuma! Since we won't reach any port or whatever soon, you will work for your stay on this ship and listen to every order I give. And you have to give us your weapon," told the captain and Kuran looked uneasy. "I am not sure you can even hold it.""Madam! If I may suggest to leave it to him. I saw once such a weapon and know only a few can hold it. I doubt that anybody of this ship could even touch it without him holding it," told Mister Arrow."Then he isn't permitted to even touch the handle except I order otherwise," told the captain. "And now bring him to his new work.""AyeAye Captain!" told Mister Arrow and asked Kuran to come with him. Knowing he won't have a different choice, followed the stone man and asked "Can I at least know the name of the Captain? When I am now in the trouble of working here, then I should know for who I am working for.""Her name is Captain Amelia and she is the finest Captain of this or any other galaxy," told Mister Arrow and Kuran had the feeling that he didn't land on a world… but somewhere in space. Can it be that randomly opened Dark Portals can also lead to doom?He got from Mr. Arrow a mop and a bucket. Understanding the new job, Kuran went to clean the ship's deck. While cleaning he saw a boy around his age with brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a jacket with pants. He went over the boy, still cleaning and asked, "Are you a stowaway as well?""Better! I am the cabin boy of the ship's chef," told the boy and Kuran nods, "Name's Kuran.""Jim Hawkins," was his dry reply and they keep cleaning the ship's deck. A few of the crew members hit the two and as they looked at a trio that were talking one asked, "What are you looking at, weirdos?"Then they heard something and as they looked up, they saw a insect like creature with yellow eyes and long arms with pincers. The creature told them, "Cabin boys and stowaways should learn to mind their own business."However, much to Kurans surprise, Jim replied, "Why? You got something to hide, bright eyes?"With that one of the pincers grabbed Jim and pins him on the mast. However a man with Cyborg arm grabs the other pincers with a tool and asked, "Mr. Scroop… you ever see what happens to a fresh purp when you squeeze real hard?"The he adds the pressure high enough to let Scroop whince in pain and let go of Hawkings. Then Mister Arrow asked what is going on and warned the crew that anything happens again, the offenders would stay in the brig for the rest of the tour. Once Arrow was away like the others, Cyborg Jim's grabbed the mop and told him, "Jimbo! I gave you a job!""I was doing it until that bug thing-" "Belay that! I want this deck swabbed spotless and heavens help you if I come back and it's not done. Morph? Keep an eye on this pup and let me know if there be any more distractions."Then a pink blob appears and looked at Jim with sudden huge eyes. Kuran wondered what this little thing was.Late in the night Kuran and Jim were still cleaning the deck and Kuran muttered, "Never saw so many dirt on one ship! And I got around a lot!""True! But it has been a fun day. Making new friends like that spider psycho," told Jim and Morph transformed into a miniature version of Sroop repeading, "Spider psycho, spider psycho.""Not ugly enough!" told Kuran and Morph made his face looking like a madman laughing as in this way."Pretty close!" said Jim and Kuran agrees. Then they heard the cyborg and they turned to see him having a pot of leftovers carrying and said, "Thanks heavens for little miracles. Up here for an hour and the deck's still in one piece," while throwing the leftovers overboard."I don't break things unless it is impossible to avoid," told Kuran and Jim just said, "Thanks…""Didn't your pap ever teach you to pick your fights a bit more carefully?" asked the cyborg and Jim didn't answer while Kuran said, "My father disappeared and the one who took his place died before he had a real chance.""Mine was also the type of taking off and never coming back sort," Jim put in."Sorry lads," told the Cyborg and Jim said, "No big deal. I'm doing just fine.""I am not sure about it," told Kuran while leaning on the railing with the others. "Me for my part, I am not doing fine… true I can handle some things, but… I don't know what I really want.""Is that so… well! Since the Captain put you Jimbo in my charge, like it or not, I'll be pounding a few skills into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble. And you! As a stowaway I am sure you can also have some use on a few skills! Sure that the Captain won't mind it!""What?" are Kuran and Jim asking in surprise and the cyborg keeps on. "From now on I'm not letting you out of me sight." "You can't do-" "You won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch your bums without my say-so.""Don't do me any favours!" told Jim and the Cyborg countered, "You can be sure of that, my lad. You can be sure of that.""Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" asked Kuran.True to his question, in the next days Jim and Kuran were kept busy with works like putting scratching everything that was on the ships underside off, peeling different kinds of vegetables, learning how to make sailors knots, which were used for Kuran and Jim to escape the cyborg, Kuran learned his name were John Silver, for a moment, leaving him impressed by the work. Also cleaning the ship's deck again, cleaning everything else of the ship came into it from dishes to clothes.Then one day both were taken on a trip with a small boat that was stored on the ship. They flew around for a while before Silver let Jim use the controls and he showed off his talent with such boats. They were even riding in the tail of a comet.They laughed all as they got of the tail and Silver laughed as they returned into the ship. "Jimbo! If I could maneuvor a skiff like that when I was your age, they'd be bowing in the streets when I walked by today.""I don't know!" told Jim. "They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home.""Then you can do something now to change that!" laughs Kuran. "I still have to find my way.""Yeah! And I'm gonna change all that.""Are you now? How so?" asked Silver and the only answer of him was, "I got some plans. Gonna make people see me a little different.""Sometimes, plans go astray." Warned Silver and Jim said, "Not this time."Kuran shook his head. "Don't be so sure… I got plans as well, but… they backfired."Silver just looked and began to work on his mechanical leg and Kuran asked, "How did this happen?""You give up a few things chasing a dream." Told Silver and to Jim's question if it was worth the answer was, "I'm hoping it is, Jimbo."Kuran nods but suddenly looked down. "I have a bad feeling…""How so?" asked Jim and suddenly something shook the ship. Without further waste of time, they rushed up and looked in horror as a sun is exploding. The ship turned to escape the explosion. On an order of Mister Arrow, everybody put the lifelines on and went on the next order to secure the sails. Then all looked in horror that an emormous rock was flying at them. Before it could touch the ship it pulled back and they realized: The supernova collapsed and turned into a black hole. While the ship got pulled closer to the black hole, shockwaves erupts form it and shook the ship.As the sails were secured they got the order… to release them again? The crew groaned while climbing back up again. Jim was told to secure the lifelines. Kuran could later hear that the lifelines were secured but after the next shockwave, Kuran could see Mister Arrow flew out of the ship and got into the black hole."Damm!" cursed Kuran. Then he crashed into a wall as the next shockwave came and pushes the ship away from the black hole. All cheered but Kuran knew better. Then the message came: Mister Arrow didn't make it, but then something was said that made Kuran suspicious: The Lifeline of Arrow wasn't secured… something was wrong but Kuran couldn't tell what is wrong.Later he went to the now depressed Jim and sat down next to him."Leave me alone…" told Jim."It wasn't your fault," told Kuran. "Only half of the crew would have survived if-""Don't you get it?" asked Jim. "I screwed up! For two seconds, I thought that maybe… I could do something right, but…"Then, frustrated, he hits the mast, "I just… Just forget it. Forget it.""Now, you listen to me, James Hawkins!" told Silver, who had listened the conversation. "You got the makings of greatness in ya, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls, and when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of. I hope I'm there catching some of the light coming off ya that day."This touched Jim so much that he started to sob on Silver and the cyborg just said, "There, there. Lad, it's alright, Jimbo. It's alright. Now Jim, I… I best be getting about my watch and you best be getting some shut-eye."With that Jim went to sleep and Kuran wanted to follow him but Silver asked him, "Can I talk to you?""Sure!" said Kuran and went to Silver."Listen boy! For a stowaway you got a lot and I am getting a liking to you as well. In case I am not around when he needs help… please be with him. I think from all people aboard you are the closest friend he got.""I am sure about it… I have no course or even a faint idea of the direction." Told Kuran and Silver just said, "I think you are on a good way to find your course. I just think you need somebody going with you to aid your course finding!""Where to take such a travel companions?" asked Kuran and Silver answered, "I am sure you will meet the right one soon enough.""Thanks!" told Kuran. "I will remember this.""Then sleep well Kuran… you and Jimbo needs it."Kuran nods and went down to sleep as well. As Jim notices Kuran he asked, "What did you took so long?""Silver wanted to tell me something… something personal," answered Kuran and Jim accepts it and both went to sleep.On the next morning Kuran was up early thanks to Morph, which turned into one of Jim's boots and Jim lands on him while chasing the morpher. Groaning, Kuran staggered up while Jim was still chasing the pink blob. Deciding that he should look for Silver he went to the working place of the chef, but he wasn't here! Kuran went up and wondered where he should look now but decides to watch into the space for a moment to get his head clear before getting something to eat. Then… in the distance he could see a world coming closer and one called, "Land ho!"Now Kuran began to look for Jim to tell him about the news. However as he was finding him, he dragged him to the captain's cabin."What is going on?" asked Kuran and Jim just said, "The crew are pirates! They are after the treasure!""Treasure? What treasure?" asked Kuran and a dog like species named Dr. Doppler answered, "Flint's loot.""Are you kidding me? This whole thing is to get the treasure of the thousand worlds? I thought it was only a myth!" called Kuran, but as he recalled about his adventure with Atlantis, he corrected himself. "But in each myth is a truth…"Captain Amelia however kept calm and took a golden, ball like object out and gave it to Jim and hands each of them a gun. By her question if everybody knows how to use, Kuran shook his head. "Never had such a thing in my hands before."Doppler fiddled around a bit before shooting by accident before admitting, "No… I don't have a plan how to use it either."They saw that the cabins lock began to glow red and Kuran got his axe out and hit the ground a few times until a hole, big enough for them to get through, was existing. They jumped in, just in time as Silver used a cannon to blow the door away.The four are now rushed to the longboats of the ship and try to get it loose but Morph had grabbed the ball and put it into a pile of rope. This distraction gave the pirates enough time to catch up since this ball seems to be important. Jim jumped out of the boat and runs after Morph. Amelia and Doppler began to shoot at the pirates, which were shooting back. Kuran sat on the boat and looked up, spotting something that might be heavy. He took the gun given by him and shoots, but due to his inexperience he missed by a mile.Doppler on the other hand hit it by accident and let it crush down on the planks where the pirates were walking on, breaking them and letting them fall into the world underneath them."Did you actually aim for that?" asked Amelia and Doppler answered, "Yes, actually I did."Kuran shook his head at this oblivious lie. Then they notice the hatch for the boats are closing again. Then Amilia orders, "When I say 'Now', shoot out the cables."Kuran nods and knows that they would wait for Jim. He looks over and saw that Jim got the ball and was rushing back to the boat. Once he was jumping aboard, the order to shoot came and the cables were shot off. They hit them and the boat fell off.Then they shoot off with the boat, but were soon hit by a laser ball and were forced to crash land on the ground. Kuran groans after the crash land but was alright so far... Jim and Doppler were the same, but Amelia... he could see that she broke at least a few rips. But she insisted to see the map and as Jim pulled it out, it turned into Morph and Jim asked, "Where is the map?""Probably where he put it in," groans Kuran. "That... wait! This ball is a map?""Oh right... yeah... it was the map to the treasure," told Jim and Kuran groans, "That means we need to get back on the ship to have it back in our hands.""Stifle that blob and get low!" ordered Amelia and they saw why: The pirates were coming down with the other longboat."We need a more defensible position," told Amelia. "Mister Hawkings, Mister Yuma! Scout around!""Aye, Captain," was the answer of the two and they went around.They stayed close while they tried to find a good place but… suddenly they heard something. Jim pulled his gun and moved closer to the plants. He came close to the source of the sound and…"AAAHHHHH!" shouted a voice and a very rusty robot jumps in front of Jim, pinning him down on the ground. Kuran wanted to help him but somebody with a black coat wrapped the arms around him and shouted in the same manner."This is fantastic!" shouted the robot and the one who embraces Kuran adds, "It is!"Then the blond was turned around and he saw a man with red hair and had a green-blue eye color. "I cannot believe that anybody else would come to this freaky world where I am stuck with this freaky robot!"Kuran doesn't know what to think of this guy and Jim wasn't any better. The robot holds him tight and it seems a part of the head of this robot is missing. Later Kuran would learn that this Robot is called B.E.N, which is short for Bioelectonic Navigator, and is missing his primary memory circuit.Back to Kurans conversation"Don't get me wrong!" told the red hair to Kuran. "Spending time with a robot is fine, but… AFTER STICKING WITH A ROBOT THAT LOST ITS MIND AND GOT CRAZY AFTER ONE HUNDRED YEARS YOU GET ALSO CRAZY BY THE TIME I SPEND WITH HIM!""Why did you get stuck with him?" asked Kuran and the answer was, "I was asked to look for somebody and this was the first world I encountered… after getting here I had to realize later: I COULDN'T GET OFF!""And for who were you… looking for?" asked Kuran somehow have an odd feeling."For a boy filled with darkness with little light. He made an escape in front of a few Keybearers and the Restoration Committee." Told the man.Kuran chuckles, "This would have been me… I am Kuran…""Lea! Future Keyblade master, user of fire and in a past live I was known as the Flurry of Dancing Flames!"Then it hit him. "YOU ARE THE ONE I SHOULD LOOK FOR! HEAVEN'S SAKE! THANK YOU FOR FINDING ME! NOW GET ME OUT OF HERE!""Sorry… have to help a few people first," told Kuran. "And we have to find a place to hide first, but then I can take you everywhere you want.""Well… about the hiding place…" began Lea. "I GOT THE PERFECT PLACE FOR YOU!"Later on they were in a sort of high up placed cave and Kuran just helped Doppler to put Captain Amelia down while B.E.N told, "Pardon the mess! I didn't expect any more visitors then my friend Lea over here!"While Doppler mused about the markings in this, Amelia ordered, "Mr. Hawkings, stop anyone who tries to approach. Mister Yuma! You help him."The two nod and looked out where they saw in the clearing that the pirates are now here. However… B.E.N was not paying attention to the trouble and called, "Look! There's some more of your buddies!"Then he shouted to the Pirates, "Hey, fellas! We're over here, fellas!"Kuran managed to pull B.E.N in just in time before he got hit by their shooting. Jim shot back a few times before they stopped and they heard Silver calling, "Over here! Jimbo! If it's alright with the Captain I'd like a short word with ya.""That smells like a trap," told Kuran and Lea just adds, "Traps are very usual in THIS KIND OF SITUATION! JUST LET THEM BLOW UP, TAKE THEIR SHIP, AND GET LOST! I WAS STUCK ON THIS S*piep* OF A METAL BLOCK CALLED WORLD LONG ENOUGH!""Metal Block?" asked Kuran but decided, "I'll ask you later! First we need to know what to do."Then they heard from Silver, "No tricks, just a little palaver.""Come to bargain for the map, doubtless." Told Amelia but Kuran countered, "If he thinks we have it… then we might have a chance to get it!"Jim went down to meet Silver while Kuran looked over Amelia with the doctor. "Not good! These wounds needs a treatment! Professional one""Don't look at me! I have only a doctor title! This doesn't mean I have… any experience with medicine!" told Doppler and Kuran sighs. "I only know some first aid… never thought to be caught in THIS kind of mess."As Jim came back, Amelia began to babble weird things and Kuran sighs, "She get's crazy… the fewer caused by her injury must be the reason…""Can't you do anything about it?" asked Jim but Doppler shook his head. "I have only a Doctor title… I can only sit and… be useless.""It's alright doc!" told Jim and B.E.N went in, "Yeah, Doc! Jimmy knows exactly how to get out of this. Jimmy has this knowledge of things."Jim however went through their options and all result in, "We're dead.""Jim! Lea told me about something that might help!" told Kuran and Jim asked, "And what?""This world seems to be made of metal on the ground on… it has a lot of tunnels we can use. One of them is right in here. We could take it to reach the Longboat, go to the ship, disable the cannon, AND get the map," told Kuran and Jim smirks. "That's a plan!"Later on Jim, Kuran, Lea, and B.E.N were thanks to the "Back Door" by the camp of the pirates and sneak on the Longboat to fly up to the ship. Aboard they couldn't see any guards, but this doesn't mean here weren't any.They sneak under deck and Kuran suggests, "We split up… one gets the map while the other gets the cannon disabled.""Roger that!" were the answer of Lea and B.E.N and they went off to find a way to disable the ships cannon.Kuran just sighs. "I'll go over the cannon and try to disable it directly.""I'll get the map!" agreed Jim, still frustrated about the antics of their new friends. And… Lea and B.E.N soon found out that it wouldn't be easy due to the fact there are more cables than spaghetti in a bowl of the same.Short time later, while Kuran was still working on the cannon, he hears an alarm and groans, "Why the heck did I go here again instead of following them? Oh right! I have no clue how to do the job on these cables."With that he took his sword and went to break the mechanism to turn the cannon around. But he got hit on the head by something hard…And his last thought was: "Why again?"And Jim learned soon who was the culprit without knowing about the state of Kuran: Scroop! He stood ready for Jim and just said, "Cabin Boy!"Jim was now running for his life while Scroop was after him. However thanks to Morph, which turned into a cake that splashed itself on the face of the bug, Jim was able to aim the gun at Scroop. However…Thanks to Lea's try this time, the lights turned off and as it turned on again: Scroop wasn't in sight of Jim since the bug was now ABOVE him and ready to strike.But Morph appeared and hit Scroop, who made a sound that warned Jim. He turned around only to be hit by Scoop's pincher and the gun flew away. Scroop was now nearing Jim. But now they began to float!This time B.E.N is to be blamed for…Kuran groans in pain and he was nearly out of reach to grab something as he realized what is happening now. He grabbed onto something and tried to get down again.Then he saw Jim floating as well, grabbing on the pirate flag on the ship as the last thing that keeps him there. Scroop was climbing up like an insect with an evil grin on the face. He was starting to cut the rope that held the flag in place as Kuran called, "Hey Spider face!"Scroop looked at him and had to move his pincers to block three incoming black knives. One missed Scroop by a mile, the other was blocked by the pincer, but the third hit the spider into the eye!He cried in pain as the dagger cut the eye and Jim was able to get down enough to kick Scroop hard enough that he was now floating off board into the space.Just as Scroop was out of reach the gravity activated again and both Kuran and Jim made a hard landing on the next solid part of the ship.Slowly they climbed down and as both were in the hearing reach of the other Jim told, "Thanks for the help!""No problem! I don't think we'll see this spider face again!" Laughed Kuran, then as B.E.N and Lea appeared to tell that the laser cannons were disconnected, they shriek afterwards as an axe passed the space between them, hitting the mast."Next time make sure you don't kill anybody by accident! If I weren't back to my senses in time, I would join Scroop now in floating around in space!" told Kuran and Lea said, "He was one of the bad guys right? So he deserves it to float up there!"Kuran groans and Jim just sweatdrops. "Let's go back to the others…"Back into the cave Jim rushed over to the Doctor to tell him that he got the map, but… Silver was in place and took the map. Then they saw that the pirates had them prisoners and Kuran raised his hands and just said, "Blame me for not seeing this…""You are like me… you hate to lose," told Silver and tried to open the map, but no matter how much he tried it didn't work!Then he ordered Jim to open it or he'll kill everybody. Jim obeys and opens the map. However… soon he closes again and told, "You want the map… you're taking me, too.""We'll take 'em all." Ordered Silver and on the Longboat they flew in the direction that the map was showing until to a point where they had to walk. Only Kuran and B.E.N were taken with Jim while the rest of the prisoners are staying on the boat.However… they end up in the edge of a cliff as the map closed again and Jim was unable to open it again. He was tossed to the ground but found a hole while everybody talked about tossing everybody over the ground. Jim put it into the hole. A glowing green orb with different symbols and… a triangle formed thing opened and showed… Radiant Garden?"Radiant Garden?" Asked Kuran and Silver told, "This is impossible! It is across the universe."Jim began to speak, "A big door…"Then he touched a symbol, then the portal close and opens again, showing this time Agrabah. Then he pressed again and Disney Town was seen."Let's see…" said Jim and did another try and shows this time for Kuran an unknown world. It looked like a moon close the new moon circle. "So that's how Flint did it. He used this portal to roam the universe stealing treasure." Mused Jim. Silver pushed Jim aside and demands while trying to find the right buttom, "But where'd he stash it all?"B.E.N suddenly said something about, "Buried in the centroid of the mechanism.""What if the whole planet is the mechanism and the treasure is buried in the center of this planet?" wondered Jim and Kuran adds in, "Then we need to find a shaft that leads to this said center.""No! Just open the right door," told Jim and pressed a bottom that looks like the planet itself.Then the portal opens and they saw a stone ceiling with several mechanical stalagmites with holes, emitting from time to time an electrical discharge.The pirates took Jim and Kuran and went through… seeing soon mountains of gold and Kuran just said, "The loot of a thousand worlds."The pirates didn't waste much time and went to enjoy the riches in front of them. Jim, Kuran, and B.E.N used the chance and walked around on their own while the pirates didn't pay attention to them. They spot soon an old ship and Kuran asked, "Could it be the ship of Captain Flint?""Only one way to find out!" told Jim and went over there with the other two. As they climbed onboard, Kuran saw the remains of something and asked, "Captain Flint?""In the flesh!" answered B.E.N. "Sort of. Except for skin, organs, or anything that resembles flesh that's not there.""No wonder," mused Kuran and saw something in Flint's hand. He took a dagger and broke it free from the bones and showed it to Jim. He made a look at B.E.N who rambles about his lost mind and Jim said, "B.E.N I think we found your mind. Hold Still!"He grabs the robot and holds the part at his head. The cables reattached on the part while B.E.N told that Jim had cold hands.The robot stood still for a moment before musing, "You know, I was thinking…"Realizing what he said and DID B.E.N was overjoyed with his refound memory, but what made Kuran feel uncomfortable was the last part: "To the part where Flint pulled my Memory Circuit so I could never tell anybody about his booby trap!"Just in the moment it was said, an explosion happened and Heartless appeared everywhere while parts of the planet crashed into the core, breaking the shell open."Flint wanted to make sure that nobody stole his treasure so he rigged everything so that the Heartless can take the worlds heart, destroying it on the way!""Run! Run for your life!" told B.E.N but Jim countered, "Go back and help the captain and Doc! If I'm not there in 5 minutes, leave without me!""I am not leaving my buddy!" told B.E.N, but as he saw Kuran's face he adds, "Unless they look at me like that" and was gone."You should go to!" told Jim but Kuran countered while slicing up a Heartless, "I think I shouldn't leave you alone with the Heartless!"Jim nods and went back to repair the old ship while Kuran fights against the incoming Heartless, knowing that is more a losing battle on the long run.Back on the Longboat were Doppler, Amelia, and Lea sitting on each other's back and Doppler began, "All my life, I dreamed of an adventure like this. I'm just sorry I couldn't have been more helpful.""Don't be daft," told Amelia. "You've been very helpful. Truly.""I feel like such a useless weakling…" countered Doppler, putting his face into his hands and adds after realizing what he just did, "With abnormally thin wrists."Then he started to insult one of the two guardians while holding his hands behind him. As the guard was in front of him the doctor asked "Is this yours?" while holding a gun at his chest. The guard looked dumb and as the other saw what is going on he stands up to grab a riffle but laughs and raises his hands. Doppler looked shortly and saw that Lea was pointing his Keyblade at the second guard, showing that the red head's ropes were burned off.Just in this moment B.E.N came running towards them, shouting something about trouble.Back to Kuran and Jim. Jim was able to fix the ship so far that it started again. Kuran, however, now had trouble with a fat body Heartless so he couldn't help as Silver jumped aboard. As he finally got it finished off, an energy beam hit the ship and all fell out. Kuran managed to grab on and Jim was holding on for his life on something sticking out. Kuran looked down and saw only one thing: The own doom if they fall in. The thing Jim was holding on however began to disappear in the wall. Without wasting time Kuran tried to open a dark portal, but… he couldn't! Closing his eyes to prepare himself for the fall, he said, "Was nice to know you Jim!""Same here!" told Jim and he couldn't hold himself any longer, but suddenly Silver grabbed them and pulled them up. As all three were safe they saw that the energy beam destroys the ship and Jim said, "Silver, you gave up?""Just a lifelong obsession, Jim. I'll get over it." Told Silver and Kuran just said, "Let's get lost!"They agree and they run into the portal where the ship was already waiting for them. They rushed to get aboard since they have only 2 minutes and thirty-four seconds left for escaping.Once they were aboard the ship shot off as fast as possible and Silver began, "Captain, you dropped from the heavens in the nick of-" but Amelia interrupts, "Save your claptrap for the judge, Silver!"Silver just laughed weakly and Kuran shook his head but warned, "Incoming!"However it was too late. A random flying part of the planet hit the ship's mast and destroyed a part of it and the falling parts did also damage on the rest of the ship."Mizzen sail demobilized. Captain! Thrusters at only thirty percent of capacity!" told B.E.N and Kuran said shocked, "Thirty percent? This is never enough to get out of here!""We have to do something!" told Lea and Jim got an idea.He rushed over to the remains of the cannon that got destroyed by the mess and tries to bind on on a piece of metal. Silver helped him to connect the part and Jim shot off on the board that was made on this way.Everybody watches where he was heading and Kuran got was is going on. "Doppler! Turn the ship! We head for the portal!""Isn't the portal leading to a death by either taken by the Heartless or burned to death by the forming inferno?" asked Lea and Kuran countered, "He wants to open another portal!"Silver threw in, "Listen to them! Get this blasted heap turned 'round!"Doppler nods and turned the ship heading to the portal.Kuran and Lea went to see how Jim's procedure goes on and Silver joins in. And… they hope that Doppler manages to get them to the portal into at least a considerable good piece since the hits here and there are parts of the planet.But for Jim… the engine dies out and didn't want to get on again now matter how hard Kim tried. Kuran looked at Lea and asked, "Can you cast fire spells?""I am a Pyro!" answered Lea and got why the question was asked. He shot a few fire balls but he couldn't hit at this distance.Kuran bit his lip and holds his hand in front of him, "When I say now, you shoot another one!""But how will you-" began Lea but gasped as Kuran concentrated so hard that the darkness began to appear around his body, like somebody who is losing in this, and in front of his hand opens a small dark portal, big enough for a fire spell."NOW!" called Kuran and Lea shot in it. Just as it passed the portal collapsed and Kuran did the same, out of breath.Lea helps him up and looked out again while Silver mumbled, "Come on, lad."Then Jim shot out of the falling pit and speeds at the portal control while B.E.N is counting down the last 10 seconds.10987654321……In the near of a half moon shaped world a triangle portal opens and a ship flew out of it only moments before the planet on the other side of the portal exploded.Everybody cheered at the safe escape and heads for the world which seems to a port for all ships. Amelia congratulates Jim on the action and told that she will recommend him for the Interstellar Academy. Kuran and Jim, however, notices Silver is going down and they found him as he is about to take a Longboat. He tried to excuse himself by telling that he was to make sure it was safe and secure. He tried to tow the line but failed miserably. Jim fixed it for him and Silver mused, " You learned much…"Kuran looked at him and Silver told, "If you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison. Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit. Being in a cage it'd break his heart."Jim and Kuran looked at each other and Kuran just moved a leveler that opened for Silver the way to freedom."What say you ship out with us?" asked Silver. "You and me, Hawkins, Yuma, and Silver, full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!""You know, when I got on this boat," began Jim, "I would've taken you up on that offer in a second, but I met this old cyborg and he taught me that I could chart my own course. That's what I'm gonna do.""For me Silver…" adds Kuran in, "I want to chart my own course as well and… I think I found my aid for finding my course. Even when he doesn't know it yet… but I have the feeling he needs my help as well in something.""And what do you see of that pal of yours?" asked Silver and both said, "A future.""Look at ya, glowing like a solar fire," Silver told to Jim and to Kuran, "A light leading in the darkness… you two are special boys. You two are gonna rattle the stars."The three joined in a hug and said goodbye to each other, but gave Morph one last order. "Morphy, I got a job for ya. I need you to keep an eye on this here pup. Will ya do me that little favour?"Morph cheered and agreed to this. Kuran smiles and while Silver began to take off, he threw to Jim a few gold coins and diamonds telling, "And one more thing. This is for your dear mother to rebuild that inn of hers.""Stay out of trouble ya old scallywag" told Jim and Kuran adds in, "Or I'll bring trouble to you!""Why? When I ever done otherwise?" asked Silver and was only moments later gone, laughing in the stars.After landing on Montresso Jim and Kuran said goodbye to each other and promised each other to see each other again.Then he looks at Lea. "Ready to go?""Let's move Kuran!" smirks Lea and Kuran adds, "Just a little change of plans… let's us have an adventure together before we go to your science friend!""Sounds fun! It's alright with me!"Chapter 13: Chapter 13Kairi and Aqua land on an island. However Kairi mentioned that it doesn't look like Destiny Islands… it's different but she couldn't tell the difference.Aqua made the suggestion that it just feels different from the Islands where the Princess of Light grew up. Kairi nods to it and they walked on the beach. Aqua however stopped as she spots something. She walked towards it and Kairi followed it. They saw how a blue little creature captures another creature that looks like a tan gourd-shaped thing with a large opening at the top of his head.Aqua went closer to the blue creature and asked, "626?"The creature turned around as it saw Aqua and jumped and beamed, "Aqua!""It's really you!" smiles Aqua and a little girl with brown eyes and long black hair in a red dress with white flowers came. "Stitch! You got him!""Stitch?" asked Aqua and 626 nods. "Eh! Meega Stitch!""Such a nice name!" smiles Aqua and the little girl asked, "Stitch? Who is this women?""Aqua! Friend!" told Stitch and the girl looked at her. "You are a friend of Stitch?""That's right! I am Aqua and this here is Kairi." Was the reply of the Keyblade master and Kairi smiles. "Nice to meet you!"Then she kneels down to Stitch. "So you are Stitch? Sora told me about you!""Sora!" beamed Stitch and jumped, looking around but Kairi just told him, "Sorry… he isn't here"."Oh…" told Stitch and the girl replied, "Sorry, Stitch, that only one of the friends you made is here."Then she turns to Kairi and Aqua. "I am Lilo! You know Stitch already and the one in the pod is Kernel.""Kernel?" asked Kairi and Aqua and Lilo replied, "Stitch's cousin!""Cousin? But I thought 62- eh Stitch was a genetic experiment," told Aqua and Lilo nods. "That's right! Jumba made in all 626 experiments! All of Stitch's cousin. Now we are trying to capture and reform them to give them their one true place.""One true place? You are really an odd little girl. But it is great to see how well Stitch turned out since I saw him last him.""Eh!" agreed Stitch. Then Kairi asked, "What to do with… Stitch's cousin?" and Lilo said, "We bring him to his true place. You see Kernel is made to make popcorn! So the best place for him is in the cinema where he can produce endless amounts of popcorn!""Then why is he in this pod?" askd Aqua and Lilo told her, "Because he produces the popcorn uncontrolled and we cannot have them laying around everywhere.""That's a point!" agreed Kairi. They moved afterwards to the cinema of the island and hands Kernel over as popcorn maker.Afterwards Lilo and Stitch leads Aqua and Kairi to their home and in the house she called, "I am home! Jumba? Pleakley?""Pleakley being with older girl on search for replacement for cooking machine!" told an accent and Aqua's eyes widened. "He is here too?""Huh? This voice?" told the accent and an obese four-eyed navy space creature with cream face wearing a yellow Hawaiian shirt came into the view. "Ah! Blue haired girl! Haven't seen you for years!""So you are out of prision?" asked Aqua in return and the alien laughed. "Blue haired girl is right! I am now reformed evil genius and helping Experiment 626 and little girl to get my experiments back and give them what little girl describes as 'One true place'!""Lilo told us about it" said Kairi and asked, "You and Aqua seems to know each other, but… who are you?""I am Jumba Jookiba! The evil genius who created Experiment 626 and all of his 625 cousins!" laughed Jumba.Then something dropped from his hand on the ground and Lilo picked up. It looked like a white marble with the number 483 "Experiment 483?" wondered Lilo."Ah! 483… a complete failure! Wanted to create with a newfound element an experiment for tactical warfare! However she even lose in Nime Man Morris… completely useless for designed task!""That is that?" asked Kairi and Lilo told, "And Experiment Pod!""Except for 626, all of my Experiments were stored in dehydrated form inside a transport module. However, due to an action from little girl, all pods are now scattered over the islands. Most of the now activated experiments were give a place to do good with their power.""I'll get some water to activate him!" told Lilo and rushes over to the kitchen and soon came back with a glass of water.Then she put the pod into the water and a yellow sphere grows from it. It exploded in a flash of light and there was now an experiment that has Stitch's body form and two antennas and two spikes on the shoulders blades. The colorations of the experiment were in deep green with white belly fur and the rings around the eyes are also white. On the forehead was a small black gem and it has a tail like that of a cat.It looked around confused and shrieks as it spots Jumba, running to hide."Wait!" called Lilo. "We want to help you!"However the experiment didn't listen and just keeps running away. Then the door opened and another experiment stood there. 483 crashed into it and falls down."Good job Experiment 601! You stopped 483 for us!" told Jumba and Lilo asked, "Kixx? What are you doing here?""Experiment 601 being here for check up! One of his arms not working in normal parameters!" told Jumba while Stitch holds 483 to prevent further tries of escaping.Lilo moved closer to it and tells, "Don't worry! We don't want to hurt you!""You not! He will!" told 483 with a female voice which caused Jumba to laugh weakly. "Wasn't excited about failure of Experiment 483 so I made several tests and different kind of means to trigger ability before dehydrating her in frustration.""Most very unpleasing," was 483's reply."Jumba!" called Lilo, annoyed, and Jumba shrugs. "What? Jumba was even more evil genius way back by creation of Experiment 483."Aqua shook her head and told 483, "We won't hurt you… instead we'll try to find a place where you can do good things. With whatever you are good at!""Promise?" asked 483 and Kairi smiles with a nods. "Promise!"Afterwards they tried several things that might be fitting for 483, but… the results are an exploding kitchen by trying to cook.A car breaking by the touch of a leaf as she tried to be a mechanic.Then they tried to give her something that might fit more to her intended programming, but…It seems she just cannot think tactical at all since she even loses 153 rounds of TicTacToe against Pleakley.Aboard a ship where a whale-like alien in a black spacesuit walks in his ship as a computer beeped and showed an image of 483. "Warning! Experiment 483 activated! Primary function: Tactical Warfare. Failure.""Failure? Why should I bother to catch an experiment that is a failure," told the alien and a fat yellow experiment told, "That's right! You cannot catch anything! I bet you would even fail to catch a failure!""Silence 625! Who asked for your opinion?""You asked it!" told 625 and the alien replied, "This was a rethorical question! They don't need to be answered!"Suddenly a monitor turned on and a white gerbil with red eyes and a cape that was held by an H formed object and it called, "Gantu! Why are you not out there to capture that experiment?""But Doctor Van H?msterviel! The computer itself says that this experiment is a failure! Why should we bother to capture this useless experiment?" asked Gantu and H?msterwheel-"IT'S H?MSTERVIEL!" shouts H?msterviel at XSDStitch."Ok ok! Sheesh! You should cool down while I write this story!" was his reply and H?msterviel countered, "Oh yeah? Why should I? After all you pla-"Suddenly a growl was behind H?msterviel and he laughs weakly as he saw a monster rabbit in front of him."I will be silent and obey whatever you write!" told H?msterviel and disappeared. XSDStitch turned to the monster rabbit "Thanks for your help Panne!""Don't worry about it!" told the Rabbit and hops off. XSDStitch chuckles. "Weird what a human distasting Taguel would do for a human if married to a human! Now back to the story!"H?mstervile told Gantu, "Because we have an ally that will help us to gather all other Experiments and conquer the universe if we make 626 into a Heartless! But first I want to use another Experiment to see if even a decent Heartless can exist from an Experiment! And a failure is the best option!""Understood Doctor H?msterviel! And who is this ally?" asked Gantu."Doesn't matter for now! The only matter is that one of her workers are coming to you, to help you capture this Experiment and turn 626 into a Heartless when the times comes!"Then the connection was turned off and Gantu wondered who this person and if they would be able to help him in such a senseless matter.Then he heard a voice. "Hello? Anybody home?"Gantu went to the entry of his ship and saw a fat cat like person. "Who are you?"The person jumped in surprise and shouts, "Hey! Don't sneak up on the mighty… Pete?" while realizing that Gantu is at least three times bigger than himself."So your name is Pete? Do you have any idea what you will dealing while we try to get this Experiment?""No, but it won't be anything that the mighty Pete cannot handle!" told Pete and Gantu just walked out. "Then let's see how it work out!"In the meanwhile, the others are on their way home after 483 failed in their last try to bring out a hidden talent of hers. She tried to sing, but... only broken glass were the results.She walks with her head and ears lowered and sighs several times but Lilo tried to cheer her up. "Don't worry! I am sure we can find a place for you where you can use what you are good at!""But Jumba right… me failure…" told the experiment and keeps walking on.Aqua wanted to say something but suddenly several dark creatures are popping from the ground. 481 shrieks by the surprise and runs away. Lilo, being obvious about the danger, called, "Wait!" while running after her.Aqua got her Keyblade out and as she realized what these creatures are, she gasped, "But this cannot be…"She turned to Kairi, but for some reason the Princess of Light was just backing away at a tree, full of fear at the sight of the creatures. The Keyblade master could guess what is wrong with the Princess of Light, but she cannot spend time for talking to her and went to slash these creatures, Stitch helping her by pulling two busters out and shoots them at these creatures.They keep fighting them while protecting Kairi, who was still frozen in fear by these creatures, and slowly limited the numbers until none of them were still there.Aqua turned to Kairi while asking, "Are you al-"However… she didn't see her on the tree and asked, "Kairi? Where are you?""Hold it right there!" told a voice and Aqua saw who talked. "Captain Gantu! What are you doing here?""I am no longer Captain thanks to this monsteriousy and you!" told Gantu. "Now lower your weapon or she will get hurt!"Then he showed a glass container, holding Kairi in there and Pete came out laughing, "Well isn't it this Keybearer that drove me out of Disney Castle!""It was your own fault!" told Aqua while lowering her Keyblade and let it disappear. Stitch growled but stopped as he saw who was in Pete's cluches. "Lilo!""Now you little creepy thing! Climb into the other glass container or your little friend will be hurt!" told Pete.Stitch growls but obeyed and climbs into the glass container and Gantu closed it up. Now he looks at Aqua. "If you want to have them back, then bring us Experiment 481!""What? But-" began Pete and Gantu told, "I am in charge of this operation! So you will not question me!""Alright! But I wonder where these things showed up," said Pete while they left.Aqua bit her lip and went to look for 481 to prevent that she runs into these two first and has to find a way to free Kairi, Lilo, and Stitch.In the meanwhile, 481 sat on a rock and hugs her legs while looking down, saddened. She witnessed how this cat like guy captured Lilo but she was too afraid to do anything and now the human will be in trouble. The Experiment buried her face in and began to sob, not noticing the scene that started to form in front of her.A dark portal formed and Kuran walked out with Lea and as they spot the Experiment Lea began, "What is this thing?""No clue," told Kuran but kneeled down. "But it seems to be crying.""I am not asking why!" told Lea while backing away. Kuran however asked "What is wrong?"She looks up and just turns away. Then she gasped as she heard a voice calling, "481! Where are you?"With that the furball runs away and left a confused Kura and Lea behind. Then Aqua came into the scene and Lea smirks. "You are here too?""You two?" wondered Aqua and moved over to Kuran. "We have to talk!""About what?" asked Kuran. "About your stunt in Radiant Garden! But first we have to find 481!""481?" wondered Lea and Kuran guessed, "Think it was this thing we saw running away after hearing that… number?""You saw her? Where did she go?" asked Aqua and Kuran points to a direction. "Why?""A few people I met here are captured by Pete and Gantu! And Kairi is also in their hands!" told Aqua and Lea gasped. "They have the Princess?""Princess? Like in Princess of Heart?" asked Kuran and he got a yes as answer. With that Kuran said, "We need to know everything!"Aqua told about Lilo and Stitch, also about 481. Then she finished, "We should split up to find her. However… don't run away Kuran!""I won't!" told Kuran and left to find the experiment.Aqua looked at Lea and asked, "Can we trust him?""From what I saw, he isn't that bad," told Lea.Kuran keeps looking around for the Experiment and found her by a cliff and sat down beside her. "Feeling better here?""Want to jump…" was the reply and Kuran just said, "Wouldn't be the solution! After all, your friends needs you.""Meega failure," was the next reply, but got a slap on the back of the head. "Nobody is a failure! Sure you have to see your way first! This is what I learned a hard way! But if you keep looking you will find your way! I may not right have a to talk since I don't know what I want to do, but I don't accept that you put yourself in a misery like that!"481 looked at Kuran and suddenly began to cry and clings on his chest. Surprised by this action, Kuran didn't know at first what to do, but then he began to hug her and let her cry.After she calmed down she sniffed a few last times and got her breath back but started to look confident. "We have to save them!""Good! Now we have to find out how!" told Kuran and 481 said, "We have to go back to the house and ask Jumba something""Jumba?" wondered Kuran and she just told, "My creator!"With that she speeds off and Kuran had trouble to keep up with her but manages it. On the way they picked up Aqua and Lea and once they are by Jumba they learned what 481 wanted…Later, aboard of Gantu's ship, Pete wondered, "What takes her so long! I don't get how hard it should be to get this thing when we managed to get the blue one.""626 is found of this girl! He would never dare to do something that might harm her! That's why it was so easy! Most of the other Experiments are showing bigger trouble!" told Gantu and 625 chuckles. "That's right! That is why he barely manages to get any Experiment so far!"They heard footsteps and Aqua came in with a glass container in her hands… with 481 inside it. Lilo cried to Aqua, "Why did you do this?""Put the capsule down and take a few steps back!" told Gantu and Aqua did like told. While Gantu went to pick the capsule up, Pete laughed evily and didn't notice that the capsules with Lilo, Stitch and Kairi began to… float?Only once Gantu turned around and saw that they float close to each other he wondered, "What is going on?""Your next failure is happening!" told 481 with… a male voice?"What are you talking about you failure?" demands Gantu and as the three capsules neared the exit, an Experiment became visible which is easily recognized by Lilo. "Kixx! You were carrying us! That means Houdini must have turned you invisible!""What? Experiment 601 and 604 are helping you?" asked Gantu and Aqua said, "Not only these two!""That's right!" told another voice and 481 came from behind Aqua. Gantu blinked in confusion. "But… if you have Experiment 481 here… who is in the capsule?""Uhm… nobody?" asked 625. "Because it's empty!"Gantu and Pete looked and were now very confused as they only saw the remains of a black mist disappearing.Now a dark portal opened in the roof and a second 481 falls down, landing on the ground with two black swords in its hands."How dare you!" called Gantu and took his blaster out and shot, only to be returned by a pterosaur-like experiment."What? Experiment 608 is here too?" asked Gantu as he let go of his now destroyed blaster."Nobody messes with the Mighty Pete!" shouted Pete and snapped his fingers, which caused several Heartless to appear. Kuran grins and fireballs hit the Heartless while 481 just said, "How predictable from you!"Then she took a ball like object out and crashed it on the ground, releasing smoke on this way.Pete, 625, and Gantu began to cough violently and as the smoke was gone, they were alone."They fled! After them!" ordered Gantu and took persuit, followed by Pete and the Heartless. Once they are in the open, however, the male sounding 481, Aqua, and Lea took with Stitch in position while the other Experiments and Lilo went into safety.Then the fight began. Stitch made short process with Gantu, after getting a hold of his feet and throwing him into the sky, leaving a shining star at the point where he was thrown over. Pete looked baffled at the sky while his Heartless tried to deal with the enemies, but the cat was soon brought back into reality as a dark knife hit his ass. He howled in pain and was instantly silent as a coconut hit him between the legs. He got on the knees and manages to speak "You… will pay… for this!" and crawls away into a dark portal."This was it!" told the male sounding 481. Back by Lilo's house was an Experiment named Morpholomew who turned the second 481 in a human shape, which turned out to be Kuran. Now Lilo understood. "You used Morpholomew to turn your friend into 481 to trick Gantu! And also Houdini to make Kixx invisible so he could carry us out! How did you get this idea?""This is were I am now proud of Experiment 481!" told Jumba. "It was her idea to act like this!""I thought she…" began Lilo but 481 said, "Let's say… I just needed a little help to realize what I need to use my abilities! Which was a dertimination to use what I can for," smiles 481. "And my name is Irma… I prefer to have chosen my name by myself.""That's alright!" smiles Lilo. "Now it is easier to find a true place for you!""That's right!" told Irma and turns to the Keybalders and Kuran. "Would you like to stay the night here? It's pretty late and I would like to thank you all in a way… and Stitch gave me an idea!""Fine by me!" told Kuran and Lea nods. "I agree with you!""Well… now let's find a place to stay over!" told Kairi.In the meanwhile, Gantu is crash-landing and found himself in a very cold climate with a snow desert, and while he looked around shivering he saw a sign telling "Welcome to the North Pole, the home of Santa Clause!"Chapter 14: Chapter 14Now Sora and Riku found themselves on a beach and Sora wondered, "Odd! I thought we would land in Port Royal.""Are you sure you know this world?" asked Riku and Sora said, "I am sure! After all, I was here twice with Donald and Goofy! I am sure if we look around we will find Will, Elizabeth, or Jack!""Now you mention a Jack… how many do you know?" asked Riku and Sora shrugs. "Not really sure…"Riku shook his head while they walked on the beach until… they spot a ship on the beach. Sora recognized it. "The Black Pearl? What is it doing here? And where is Jack?""The question was in my mind as well," told a voice and as Sora looked at the owner of the voice he called, "Will! It's great to see you!""Same here!" told William and asked, "Who is the one with you?""That's my best friend Riku! Riku! This is William Turner!" told Sora and Riku nods. "Hello!""Seems you found your friend," said Will. "Can you perhaps help me to find Jack? I need his compass.""Why?" asked Sora. Then Will told them that he and Elizabeth were arrested for pirate activities and now Will has to find Jack to get him working for the East India Trading Company or they would hang both."Since the Pearl is here… I guess Jack might be here as well!" told Will. "I just don't know where!"Suddenly a parrot lands in the near of them and said, "Don't eat me.""Nobody is planning to eat you!" told Sora and the parrot only repeats, "Don't eat me."Shaking their heads, the three moved into the jungle in hope to find Jack and his crew. They found a small bottle and Will just mumbled, "Gibbs.""Who is Gibbs?" asked Riku and Will answered, "One of Jack's men!"Attached to the bottle was a string and they followed this string until its end. While they wondered why it ends so suddenly, a man jumped out of nowhere and surprised the three so much that they jump back directly into a trap. They hang now upside down and before they could try to free themselves they felt a sting on their necks and they began to see black.Their capturers brought them into a village and Sora looked surprised as they saw the one sitting on a sort of throne: "Jack?"Indeed it was Jack Sparrow wearing now some tattoos and… parts of human bodies as necklace?While Jack began to sort of check them, Will told, "It's me! Will Tuner!"Jack told the capturers something and Sora said, "Tell them to let us down!"Jack spoke once more to them and Will adds, "Jack, the compass. That's all I need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for helping you. She faces the gallows!"Jack began to speak again and… the three found soon themselves hanging in a sort of ball shaped cave together with other pirates. Sora wondered, "Why would he do this to us? If Jack is the chief why didn't he-""Aye the Pelegastos made Jack their chief but he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief." Interrupted Gibbs."He had no choice, that means he's just as much a prisoner here as the rest of us." Thought Will aloud, but Gibbs countered, "Worse as it turns out, see the Pelagastos believe Jack is a god in mortal form and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison. They'll roast and eat him."Sora and Riku began to hear something and Sora said, "I hear drumming.""Aye the Feast is about to begin Jack's life will end when the drums stop." Adds Gibbs."Then we better make our escape! Or they'll take us as meal after they 'freed' their god," told Riku."Right! But how should we do it?" asked Sora and Riku told, "We swing us to the wall and climb it up.""Good idea!" told Will and called over to the other cage what to do. They keep swinging until they reached the wall. Once they got a grip on it, they are climbing up and Will called, "Come on, men! It'll take all of us to crew the Black Pearl!""Actually you wouldn't need everyone about six will do." Said a man with a turban in the opposite cage, making everyone freeze and glare at him. This particular pirate had wanted to do a mutiny the pirates in that cage with him were feeling the same way. "Oh dear…."With that the race started and both parties are trying to get out of their situation first. During the climb Sora asked, "Why are these cages made of bones?""They weren't made until we came here! Do you really think a pirate crew would be that small?" told Gibs and Will, Sora, and Riku just stared at the bones realizing from WHO these bones are made. They keep on, however, a native who was on patrol was coming onto the bridge having a perfect view of where they were climbing."Look!" Riku hissed as they instantly stopped so as not to be noticed. The pirates in the other cage, however, saw this as an opportunity to get ahead and they began to climb."Stop!" Will hissed at them but they didn't listen and they continued to climb. However one of the pirates picked something and it was…"Snake!" he screamed as they all began to do so, it looked like a coral snake."Don't let go!" Sora shouted, but they did and the cage plummeted towards the ground, the rope vine snapping and causing them to fall to their death and sadly they had been seen so now was the time for speed."MOVE!" Will stated together as they climbed as hard and fast as they could while the native ran to call for reinforcement from his people. After some time they finally got on the cliff."Cut it loose! Find a rock!" told Will and Riku just shook his head and used his Keyblade to cut the rope on the cage.Suddenly they spot the natives running towards them and Will shouted, "ROLL THE CAGE!"They did it, however they came to a cliff."Oh no." was all RIku in a weak voice had time to say before it rolled off the cliff, everyone screaming as they rolled down the hill and hit a tree."Ow" They moaned, the natives rushed out at them as quick as lightning."Lift the cage!" Will stated."Come lads, lift it like a lady's skirt!" Gibbs stated."Kairi would kill him for that!" whispered Riku as they lifted with the cage and began to run away. They keep running, then suddenly feeling air underneath, they landed in the water and the cage broke open as they all swam out."This way lads!" Gibbs called as they made their way against the wall as the natives closed in. "Not good!" told Riku and got ready to have their spears and arrows flying in.However, suddenly, the natives left and Sora only wondered, "What is going on?""No clue! Just take this chance to get on the Pearl!" told Riku and Gibbs just agreed on this. They moved and made their way to the ship."HAUL LOOSE THE MOORING LINE, THE MOORING LINE!" Pintel, a nearly bald pirate with practically no shiry and a scraggly beard, called to Ragetti, a pirate with only one eye trying to get his wooden eye back from a monkey named Jack."Thief little hairy thief give it back!" Ragetti snapped to his horror Jack began to chew it, "Don't bite it!" he called."HAUL LOOSE THE MOORING LINE!" Pintel called."He's got my eye he won't give it back!" Ragetti whined."Then how'd you get it back last time!?" Pintel yelled as the others came up behind him."Excellent, our works half done!" Gibbs stated excitedly, making Pintel smile."We've done it for you knowing you'd be coming back for it!" Pintel stated brown-nosing."Make ready to make sail boys!" Gibbs called."What about Jack?" asked Sora and Will adds, "I won't leave without him!"Suddenly they heard an "Oy" and spots Jack running out at the side of the beach and headed down, everyone smiled but frowned in fear when they saw that he was being chased by the Pelagastos."Never mind let's go!" Will stated, rushing towards the ship."CAST OFF THOSE LINES!" Gibbs screamed."OY!" Jack called as he was left in the dust; he looked behind him and screamed as he raced away from the Pelagastos."MAKE READY TO CAST OFF!" Gibbs yelled spastically as they climbed onto the ship."OY!" Jack yelled as he passed a dog that Pintel and Ragetti brought with them who was barking, "Good Doggie AH!" he stated, falling behind a little."AHHHH!" he screamed once more before just barely catching up with the ship and climbing on as the Pelagasto's screamed out to him to come back."Alas my children this is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost-"SPLASHA massive wave cut him off, he spat out water as he cringed. "Captain Jack Sparrow." He muttered climbing up into the Black Pearl.They all screamed and yelled, then noticed the dog barking, the poor hound sweat dropped before running away with the Pelegastos chasing him."Let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea." Gibbs told Jack as he dried off."Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only so much as we keep to the shadows." Jack replied."Isn't that a bit contradictory Captain?" Gibbs asked."I have every faith in your skills of navigation, now where is that monkey? I need to shoot something." Jack growled as a wooden eye fell onto the ground."Keep to the shallows; he's never done that before." Sora muttered as Will went after Jack."Jack Elizabeth is in danger." Will stated."Have you considered keeping a better watch on her or just locking her up somewhere?" Jack asked."She is locked up bound to hang for helping you!" Will snapped."There comes a time when everyone must face the consequences of his or her actions." Jack replied, only to get held at blade point."I need that compass Jack and you're gonna give it to me." Will growled.Jack merely moved the blade to the other side of his head."Mr. Gibbs.""Aye?""We have a need to travel up river." Jack stated."You mean like a trifling, fancifully need?" Gibbs asked."No, more like a resolute and immediate need." Jack replied."What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste." Will stated."William I shall trade you the compass, if you, Sora, and… whoever this other guy is, help me to find this!"William looked at a leader pergament that shows… a key?"You want us to help you find this?" Will asked."No, you want to find this because the finding of this finds you a way of finding detecting and or locating a way to save your bonnie-lass what's her face, savvy?" Jack asked."No." Sora replied."This is going to save Elizabeth?" Will asked."How?" Sora asked."How much do all of you know about Davy Jones?" Jack asked cryptically."Davy Jones? I heard stories of him, but never thought he would be real!" told Riku. "But considering what I saw… I guess there is the possiblility! And Sora saw a lot more.""Then you heard more than me about him," told Will and Jack answered, "Yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth."The Pearl moved to the other side of the island and Riku asked, "Um is it okay to come back here after we just got away from the Pelagastos?" while the rest of the pirates were busy to capture the monkey, Jack."They never come to this side of the island." Gibbs replied."That's not comforting." Sora muttered, a little afraid."Why is Jack afraid of the open ocean?" Will asked, voicing everyone's thoughts on it."Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast that does Davy Jones's bidding….with giant tentacles that can suction your face clean off! And can drag a ship down to the depths below…..the Kracken!" Gibbs stated."The Kracken?" Sora asked."A horrible creature, lad, the stench of his breath is…." Gibbs stated getting a shiver before starting over, "Imagine the last thing you know on this green earth is the roar of the Kracken and the stench of a thousand rotting bodies." Gibbs stated, everyone stared at him fearfully."If you believe such things." He stated, making everyone sweat drop."And the Key will spare him that?" Will asked."Well that's just the question Jack wants asked…badly enough to see her." Gibbs replied."Her?" wondered Riku."Aye."They went into smaller boats and went deep into the jungle where they found a homely yet ominous shack. They came to the docks as Jack stood up and was the first one a shore. "No worries mates. Tia Dalma and I go way back, thick as thieves we are, nigh inseparable or we were….was…..ago…." Jack stated doing some thinking."I'll watch your back." Gibbs assured."It's me front I'm worried about, mind the boat." Jack told him."Mind the boat," said Gibbs."Mind the boat," said Will."Mind the boat," said Pintel."Mind the boat," said Ragetti."Mind the boat," said Marty."Mind the boat" said Riku."Mind the boat," said Sora."Squawwwk mind the boat," said Cotton's parrot, leaving Cotton alone as he could not speak for himself.They entered the shack as Jack was the first to enter, a women who was sitting in the corner looked up to see him and smiled. She had dark skin and messy dread lock hair and a dress, but not to fancy, a bit more tropical."Jack Sparrow?" she smiled."Tia Dalma." Jack happily greeted, then ducked under a jar of eye balls."I always knew the wind would blow you back to me one day." She replied with a grin as Sora and Will and the others clambered in, she took notice of Will."You….""Me?" Will asked."You have a touch of destiny about you." she stated."He does?" Sora asked. "What?" but Sora went ignored."Wouldn't you like to know me?" Tia Dalma asked, but Jack intervened."There'll be no knowing here, we've come for help and we're not leaving without it….I thought I knew you." he stated."Not as well as I hope. I require payment." Tia Dalma replied, getting back to business."I brought payment." Jack stated as Gibbs handed him a cage that revealed Jack the Monkey inside. He was then shot but remained unharmed. "An undead monkey top that." Jack grinned.Tia Dalma let him out much to the dismay of the crew, but he only went to another room of the house where a pair of boots lay like they were on feet something, Riku took notice of."I hope you know how long it took us to catch that monkey." Gibbs replied."The payment is fair." Tia Dalma replied."We're looking for this." Will replied placing the picture down. "And what goes with it.""But why does we need it if we have the Keyblades?" asked Sora and Tia told after looking at the key, "The lock you are looking for is closed by two keys. The one you see here and one familiar you are holding young Keybearer! Only one of these two keys is able to open the lock!"Then she looked at Sparrow. "The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this.""Maybe, why not?" Jack asked.She grinned, "Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants. Or do you know, but are you loath to claim it as your own?"Everybody looked at him and wondered what is in Jack's mind. Then Tia continues, "The key goes to chest. And it is what lay inside the chest you seek, don't it?""And inside of it is?" wondered Riku."Gold, jewels, unclaimed valuable properties?!" Pintel asked hungrily while Ragetti cringed at the sight of eyeballs in a nearby hanging jar."Nothing evil I hope.""How much do ya all know about Davy Jones? A great sailor and man of the sea until one day he ran afoul of what vexes all men.""What vexes all men?" Will asked not getting it."What indeed?" She asked."The sea!" Gibbs suggested."Sums!" Pintel suggested."The Dichotomy of good and evil?" Ragetti suggested, getting looks from everyone."A woman." Jack stated finally."A woman…..he fell in love with a woman." Tia Dalma stated."No, I heard it was the sea he fell in love with." Gibbs stated."Different versions of the story are all true, he fell in love with a woman as harsh and changing as the sea but the pain that she caused him was too much for him to live with, but not enough to make him die…so he placed his heart in the chest." Tia Dalma stated."You mean figuratively or literally?" Ragetti asked."Well he couldn't put his heart literally in a chest! ...Could he?" Pintel asked."It was not worth feeling a fleeting joy that life brings so he carved out his heart and placed it in a chest….then hid the chest from the world and the key he keeps with him at all times." Tia Dalma stated, making everyone minus Jack and Will hang on every word."You knew this." Will stated."I did not, I did not know where the key was and now we do so. All we have to do is find the Flying Dutchman and get the key and you can go back to Port Royal to save your bonnie lass." Jack replied."Let me see your hand." Tia Dalma suddenly stated, Jack reluctantly did unwrapping the cloth on it everyone could see a black spot on his hand."What is that?" Sora asked surprised."The black spot," Gibbs cried out before spinning around and spitting the ground while wipping his hands.Ragetti and Pintel in a panic did the same thing."Black spots, as good as ever just so you know." Jack stated.Tia Dalma had gone into the back and came out with a large jar. "Davy Jones cannot make port, or step on land, but once every ten years land is where you are safe Jack Sparrow and so you will carry land with you." Tia Dalma stated handing it over to him."Dirt." Jack asked simply. "This is a jar of dirt.""Yes." Tia Dalma replied."Is the jar of dirt going to help?" asked Jack."If you don't want it, give it back," told Tia and reached for it."No!" told Jack and hugs it closer."Then it helps." She replied."It seems we have a need to find the Flying Dutchman." Will replied Tia Dalma picked up some crab claws and held them, shaking them a little."A touch of destiny!" called Tia and threw them on the table. She sent them to a set of coordinates and they went with the Pearl over there."That's the Flying Dutchman?" Will asked, a little disappointed as they weathered a terrible storm.Riku looked at it. "She doesn't look like much.""Neither do any of you." Jack replied simply."Must have run afoul on the reef." Told Gibbs and Sora asked, "What the plan?""Sora and I'll row over, search the ship until we find your bloody key." Suggests Will and Sora agreed on this but asked, "And if there are crewmen?""We cut down anyone in our path," told Will and Riku said, "I don't like it!"Jack however told, "I like it. Simple, easy to remember."Sora and Will got on a chariot and Jack told over them, "Oy, if by chance you do happen to get captured, tell them that Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt. It might save your lives.""Bon voyage!" told one of the other crewmens. While Will and Sora moves to the wreck, Jack ordered, "Douse the lamps."Will and Sora were soon on the Dutchmen and Sora told, "Thought it would be more… creepy!""Don't worry! It might still come," told Will and starts to look around, finding several bodies and Sora saw someone whose hands were now bleeding, trying to pull a rope. "Hey stop that, you're hurting yourself. It's no use you're ship wrecked!"Then they heard a splash as something hit the water and the two looked to the source of the sound. They saw somebody in the water and moved him aboard, turning around and gasped as they saw that this man had no face, getting into the distance.Then out of nowhere another ship raised from the waters. Only minutes later, odd mixtures of sea creatures and man appeared. Sora and Will began to fight against them, but the sheer number overwhelmed them in short time.Soon the two as well as several survivors of the wreck they are on were lined up, most of them shaking with fear, crying a little while Will and the others just sat there. Sora's eyes traveled over to a thumping sound and a rush of water, there came a creature with a squid like beard and head with several sea creature like features and a large crab claw for an arm lighting his pipe who was clearly Davy Jones, who stopped and blew smoke in the faces of one of the men."Do you fear death?" he asked as the man nodded. "Do you fear the cold, dark abyss? All your sins weighing down on your soul? I can prolong your judgment for one hundred years upon the mast." Davy Jones slimily offered."Don't listen to him!" Called out a voice. Davy Jones with a crack walked right past Sora and Will, coming to a man who was holding a cross."Do you fear death?" Davy Jones harshly asked."I'll take my chances sir." The man meekly replied, only to be killed with his corpse tossed overboard as a result, making the others flinch some even cried out."Life is cruel, why should the afterlife be any different?!" Davy Jones spat.Sora growled and wanted to stand only for Will to stop him, but they didn't go unnoticed."You lot are, neither dead nor dying, what is your business here?" Jones asked suspiciously."Jack Sparrow sent us to settle his debt." Sora said hotly, not looking at Davy Jones."I'm sorely tempted to accept that offer." Told Davy Jones and looked in the direction of where the Pearl was. Jack was watching this scene with a telescope and as he lowered it, he jumped back in surprise since Davy Jones was suddenly in front of him.Out of nowhere, crewmen also of him appeared and sized Jacks crew and Riku as well, who was hold by a tentacle like guy."You, Sparrow, were Captain of the Black Pearl for thirteen years. That was our agreement!" Davy Jones snapped."Technically, I was Captain for two years before I was horribly mutinied upon." Jack defended meekly."Then you're a bad Captain, but a Captain nonetheless. Have you not introduced yourself all these years as 'Captain….Jack…Sparrow?'" Jones mocked making the sea crew laugh."You have my payment. Two souls to serve you on your ship." Told Jack, earning a glare from Riku who swore in his mind to kill Jack for this. Then revive him and kill again."One soul is not equivalent to another and five will not save you." Jones stated, causing everybody to look odd. "Five?""This Keybearer has four souls! His own! His Nobody! Something very familiar to the Nobody and a completely different person!" told Jones.Jack just shrugs and went on, "Since we've established my proposal is sound in principle. Now we're haggling over price."Price?" he replied and Jack answered, "Just how many souls do you think my soul is worth?""One hundred souls." Told Jones and adds, "Three days.""You're a diamond, mate. Send them the two back. I'll get started right off." Agreed Jack and Jones replies, "I'll keep the lads you sent over as a good-faith payment; that leaves you ninety-five more to go.""Have you not met Will Turner and Sora?" asked Jack. "Sora is a Bearer of a Keyblade like you said. He can open any lock you find. Except a few, but nonetheless! And he has, like you stated, four souls. Will on the other hand? Noble, heroic, a terrific soprano. The two are worth at least 10 souls!"Then he thought. "Maybe 8 and a half… And did I happen to mention he's in love?" causing Davy Jones to look at Jack who adds, "With a girl. Due to be married. Betrothed. Dividing him from her and her from him would be only be half as cruel as actually allowing them to be joined in holy matrimony. Eh?"Riku decided to risk something, even if it will bring him a killing blow from Sora later: "Sora also has a love interest! A Princess of Light!""A Princess of Light?" asked Jones in shock, but then he just shouted, "I keep the two. 95 souls. But I wonder, Sparrow. Can you live with this?"Then he continues, "Can you condemn innocent people, friends, to lifetimes of servitude in your name while you roam free?"Jack seems to think for a bit and Riku made the mistake to get hopes up since the answer was, "Yep. I'm good with it. Shall we seal it in blood? I mean ink."Davy jones grabbed the hand with the black spot and removed it."Three days," he replied simply as the entire sea crew left and disappeared, the Dutchman gone."You bastard!" roared Riku and got his Keyblade ready to hit Jack for that. But Jack just said, "Trust me! It's part of my plan! Now we have to get the 95 souls for me.""And where do you think to find them?" asked Riku."Fortunately, he was dumb as to the condition in which these souls need be." Jack replied and it clicked in Gibbs head, "Tortuga.""Aye Tortuga." Jack replied.Aboard of the Flying Dutchman were two crewman holding Sora down and Davy Jones told him, "Now, since you have 4 souls, you will work aboard on this ship for 400 years! But fortunately for you, it can be devided by two! So you self has only 200 years while your Nobody will have the other 200 years!"Before Sora could ask how Davy Jones knows about Roxas and who the other two souls might be, his entire body felt like exploding in pain. He cries in pain and everything began to go black for him…In the meanwhile, in a dirty town where the personification of all sins would call it home, opens a dark portal and Kuran steps out with Lea. After a look around Kuran shouted, "I cannot believe it! Why did we have to land here?""What is this place?" wondered Lea, who was still gazing at this crystal that an experiment gave to him while Irma just gave something made of sea shells after taking a look on a sort of… talisman or so that Stitch made of different parts before landing in Lilo's world as a good bye present.Not to mention that Aqua was unhappy about the fact that Lea and Kuran just left on their own."We are here in Tortuga! If you need a place with more sins, then travel back in time to Sodom and Gomorra!""Fine! Then we just have to wait until the god of whoever decides the sins are too much and destroys this town!" laughs Lea. "But there must be a reason why we end up here.""I hope we find the reason soon and get lost from here in the same speed… I have a reason to hate this place!"Later, after the Pearl reached Tortuga, Gibbs was interviewing crew men. "And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?""I never sailed a day in me life," the old man replied, "So I figured I'd get out and do it while I was still young.""You'll do. Make your mark. Next!" told Gibbs and the next came."My wife ran off with me dog, I've been drunk for a month and I don't give a rats hat weather I live or die!" the scraggly ran down man stated."Perfect!" Gibbs stated. "Next!""I have one arm and a bum leg." The man replied."It's the crow's nest for you." Gibbs stated. "Next!""Ever since I was a little lad I've wanted to sail the seas…..forever." the man stated."Sooner than you think. Sign the roster." Gibbs stated."Thanks very much!" told the man and went on. Jack asked, "How we going?""Including those four, that gives us four," stated Gibbs and went to the next person. "And what's your story?""My story? It's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind." Told the man and went on, "I chased a man across the seven seas. The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life."Then he took a bottle of rum and took a good sip from it before Gibbs recognized him, "Commodore?""No! Not anymore. Weren't you listening?" asked the man and Riku, who was just standing by until now, asked, "How did you lose all of this?"The Keybearer got ignored and the former Commodore told, "I nearly had you all off Tripoli. I would have, if not for the hurricane.""A hurricane?" asked Riku. "Are you all mad or what?""So, do I make your crew or not?" asked the Commodore before rising and shouting, "So am I not worthy to sail with the great Jack Sparrow?!" before pointing a gun at Jack, who was trying to get away with a piece of plant for cover, "Or should I just kill you now?" he growled.Jack merely smiled. "You're hired.""Sorry." The man replied readying his gun. "Old habits and all that." Riku however, who needs Jack alive for now, jumped into action and he grabbed his arm and forced it up where it shot, ricocheting off the chandler and hitting a nearby bottle of rum, making its drinker punch the guy next to him as an entire fight ensued.One guy leapt from the balcony as a women named Elizabeth Swann, disguised as a male pirate, came in. She saw the man and knew him as Norrington, she then fought him off but a bunch of already ticked pirates turned on Riku and he pulled his Keyblade out and went to defend himself.Jack had just ducked, picking up a hat that had been dumped on the stairs, as he tried it on he got up to the balcony and placed it on another pirate who was just sitting on the rail drunk, he switched hats and went to go forward. "Thanks mate." He replied, merely touching him, causing him to fall over.As he went forward a couple of pirates had a third pirate and were about to throw him over the rail when Jack stopped him and once again switched hats. "Carry on." He replied, leaving the third pirate to his fate but wondering what and screaming, "Why!?"Norrington, however, was fighting off a storm and had managed to fend them all off. "COME ON THEN WHO'S NEXT?!" he slurred as he stood ready for another spar. However, Elizabeth grabbed the rum he was drinking and smashed the bottle over his head."I just wanted the pleasure of doing that myself!" Everyone cheered and threw him out into a pig pen into the mud.Swann kneels besides Norrington and began, "James Norrington. What has the world done to you?"Jack, Gibbs, and Riku were on their way back to the pearl as somebody called, "Captain Sparrow."He turned briefly around and asked, "Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard.""I'm here to find the man I love." Elizabeth stated."I'm flattered lad but my first and only love is the sea." Jack spoke quickly."Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow," She added.Surprised, he turns around and wondered, "Elizabeth?" then he told Gibbs, "Hide the rum."While Gibbs did like told he turns to Elizabeth and states, "These clothes do not flatter you. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin""Jack!" interrupted Elizabeth. "I know Will came to find you. Where is he?"The pirate began, "Darling. I am truly unhappy to have to tell you this, but through unfortunate circumstances, that had nothing whatsoever to do with me-""He sold him and Sora to Davy Jones!" interrupted Riku and Elizabeth shouted, "He did what?"Now everybody also notices that somebody else had shouted that, and suddenly a Keyblade points at Jack's face and the red haired holder asked, "YOU SOLD SORA TO DAVY JONES? HOW DO YOU THINK I AM GETTING ROXAS BACK NOW?""Calm down!" Kuran tried to reason with Lea, but he saw that Elizabeth was now pointing her sword at Jack's face as well and asked, "Why do I have the feeling you two are angry at this guy for the same reason?""Probably since both now has an important person in Jones' hands," told Riku, "And nice to see you again!""First Aqua and this Kairi and now you?" asked Kuran surprised. "Am I now running into all the Keybearers?""You met Kairi and Aqua before coming here?" asked Riku. "Are they here as well?""Nope! We left without telling them," told Kuran. Riku nods and told Lea, "Lea… I hate to admit it, but… we need him alive. For now.""Fine! But if anything happens to Roxas or Sora, I'll burn him to crisps!" told Lea. "And Davy Jones follows him!""Oh please.." began Norrington. "The captain of the Flying Dutchman?""You look awful. What are you doing here?" asked Jack and the former commodore answered, "You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax."Before Jack could say something, Elizabeth told his name and states, "All I want is to find Will and help Sora.""Are you certain? Is that what you really want most?" asked Jack and Elizabeth nods. "Of course.""Because I think you want to find what will save both of them.""And you'd have a way of doing that?" asked Elizabeth and Jack replied, "Well there is a chest. A chest of unknown size and origin.""That contains the still-beating heart of Davy Jones." Told Riku and Jack continues, "Whoever possesses the chest, he possesses the leverage to command Jones to do whatever it is he or she wants, including saving your friends from their grim fate.""And how would we find it?" asked Elizabeth and Jack hands over his compass. "This compass is very unique." Jack told them."Unique, having the meaning of broken." Norrginton slurred as he vomited over the deck."Well it is true that this compass does not point north, it does, however, point to the thing you want most in this world." Jack replied."Are you telling the truth?" asked Elizabeth and Jack replies, "Every word, love. And what you want the most in this world is to find the chest of Davy Jones. Is it not?""To save Will and Sora?""By finding the chest of Davy Jones." Told Jack. Lea looked at Riku. "Can we trust him?""Not really farther then we can throw him," told Riku and Kuran adds, "Then I could make a dark portal to let him fall into an unpleasing place…""After we get Sora and Will back, I'll think about your offer," told Riku. Elizabeth opened the compass and after a few moments the needle pointed to a direction and Jack called, "Mr. Gibbs! We have our heading!" And everybody went aboard to move to the direction the compass was pointing.Chapter 15: Chapter 15Sora groans loudly as he woke up again and everything he saw was blurry, also his hearing was not the best right now. The only thing he can clearly say is that he felt somehow… empty… like something was ripped from his very soul, but he couldn't put a finger on what.His vision slowly becomes clear and he saw Will and also his hearing kicked back to normal because he could hear from him, "Sora! Wake up!""Will? What happened?" asked Sora, groaning loudly and Will answered, "I am not sure… because you passed out suddenly and a boy appeared out of nowhere next to him.""Wait? What?" asked Sora and shoots up in surprise. "Where is he?""Already sent to work! I was sent in to wake you up. If you didn't right now, I would have been forced to use a bucket of water to wake you up." Explained Will and Sora keeps on, "Does he have golden hair and bright blue eyes?""He does. Do you know him?" asked Will and Sora nods. "That's Roxas… so this is what Davy Jones meant with I only have to spend 200 of the complete 400 years here.""But from where did he show up"? asked Will and Sora sighs. "Roxas is a Nobody. When a person loses his heart due to the darkness or because of the Heartless, the body becomes a Nobody if the person has a strong will.""You lost your heart once?" wondered Will and Sora answered, "To save Kairi."William nods and a crewman of the Dutchman came and dragged the two to work. It happens to be a storm right now and they rushed around for heavy work. Sora got a lot of trouble because he isn't used to the harsh work of sailing even if he had helped at the Black Pearl. But this was with friendly people… somewhat.On the other hand William was more used to this work and then he heard an order as a cannon was lifted into the air via ropes. He rushes to secure a rope but somebody hindered him and they argued who's order it is until they saw their faces and… they let go of the rope.The cannon falls into the ground and broke through. However, since the order was directed for Will, he was put on his feet and prepared to be lashed, but the man that hindered Will tried to stop them. He was even ready to take punishment for both of them. By that Davy Jones came in and asked, "And what would prompt such an act of charity?""My son. He's my son." was the only answer and Sora looked in surprised. "This is his father?"Roxas was surprised as well by that but Jones got a gruesome idea by that: William's father has to give the punishment for his son or the first mate of the Captain will do that. With this choice, Bootstrap Bill chooses to fulfill this. Sora didn't understand but Roxas told, "This guy claims that he can remove the skin with the lashes. And I am sure Bill doesn't want William to be hurt much. It must be a shock already for him to have the only son here."Sora understood now and watches in pain how William got the lashes on the body. And he cursed that he couldn't use his Keyblade against this without causing trouble. Roxas already wanted him not to act with the Keyblade… they would be overwhelmed in an instant and the punishment would be grief. After if was done, Will disappeared as soon his wounds and pain allowed it. Sora went after him and Roxas sighs while going back to his work.Williams's father goes after his son, trying to explain everything.Later, as Sora and Roxas were finished with their work, Roxas began to tell Sora that he and William have to leave as soon as possible since due to the time everbody aboard on this ship will lose who they were, little by little, until they don't know anymore who they are and won't ever leave the ship.Suddenly from a wall one of those who lost themselves appeared and tells, "The dead man's chest. Open the chest with the key, and stab the heart… No, don't stab the heart. The Dutchman needs living heart or there'll be no Captain, and if there's no captain, there's no one to have the key.""The key is by the Captain?" concluded Roxas but the man just disappears by the wall again. Sora looked at Roxas. "We have to tell Will about this!"Roxas agrees and they went to find him. Once they found him they explained everything they learned, but it didn't help them since they still don't know where to find the key or chest… at least by the first they have a better clue than before.After an unknown period of time the three watches as crew members played a dice game. Bill came in and asked, "Do you want to know the rules?""We don't need an explanation," told Roxas and Sora said, "A game of deception. All dices are included in the bet, not only the own.""The question only left is…" adds William, "What are they wagering?""The only thing we have," told Bill. "The years on this ship.""So any crew member can be challenged?" asked Will and Bill told, "Aye. Anyone."Roxas realized what the question means. "You don't plan to…""I challenge Davy Jones." Called Will out and Davy Jones came down and just said, "I accept, mate."Will took place and Jones did the same, asking, "The stakes?""My soul. An eternity of servitude.""Against?""This!" told will and showed Jones the drawing of the key. The Captain of the Flying Dutchman looked in surprise and asked, "How do you know of the key?""Not part of the game," Roxas went in for Will's defense and Jones laughed while showing the key… which was within his tentacles.They took the cups with the dice and put the cups down. Sora and Bill did the same. Will asked in disbelief, "What are you two doing?""The dies are cast!" was the simple reply and Bill states, "My soul an eternity on your crew."Sora told, "All of my souls for eternity!" But wondered why he felt that he made a big mistake now.Then Bill adds, "Three twos"Jones smiled, "Four Fours."Will remained stoic. "Four fives."And Sora states, "Seven ones." The cups were lifted and placed back down."Six threes." Bill repliedThere was a silence before Will broke it, "Eight Fives."Everyone laughed at this."I welcome you and your friends to the crew!" Jones stated devilishly."Twelve fives," Bill stated everyone looked at him, "Or call me a lair."Jones growled, "I'll call you a lair for the trouble!" he snapped, pulling up all the cups Will hadn't lost but he hadn't won either, the same for Sora, but Bill on the other hand…"Mr. Turner you are a lair and you will spend an eternity on this crew. Master Turner and Keybearer Sora, feel free to go ashore ….when we make port in the better part of ten years." Jones sneered as he and the crew left laughing."Wait! And what is with Roxas? He-" began Sora but Jones interrupted, "Is your Nobody! But no longer one of your souls! You and the other soul you have are free to leave like Mister Turner here!"Then he left with a laugh. Now Sora knew the failure of his plan. Roxas on the other hand had a feeling this would happen… before he would tell that to Sora he asked Bill, "Why did you do that?""I couldn't let Will trade his soul," told Bill but Will answered, "It wasn't about winning or losing…""The key!" realized Sora. "You wanted to know where the key is!"Later in the following night, Sora, Roxas, and Will began to sneak up while Bill pretended to take over the watching post over the Captain's orders. Once the guard was gone, the three moved to the door to the Captain's chamber. Roxas stood outside to watch out while Will and Sora sneaks in. They found Jones sleeping on a organ and carefully moved over to him. They took a few sticks and began to move his tentacles out of the way. Will accidentally let a tentacle slip, which hits the organ, causing a few tones but the song of small music box played a small tune and he fall asleep again. Sora and Will continued and replaced the key with the pergament that Will had from Jack. Once they are sure that Jones didn't detected them, they sneak out and prepared to leave with one of the ships boats. Sora tries to convince Roxas to come with them but Roxas countered, "I am still bound thanks to your friend Jack! However, it's important you get away! Don't think about me."Bill on the other side gave Will a small knife with the words "Now, get yourself to land, and stay there. It was always in my blood to die at sea. It was not a fate I ever wanted for you.""It's not a fate you had to choose for yourself, either." Replied Will and Bill added, "Aye, I could say I did what I had to, when I left you to go pirating. But it would taste a lie to say it wasn't what I wanted. You owe me nothing, Will. Now go.""But they will know that you two helped us!" interrupted Sora but Roxas shrugs. "What can they do to us? Bill here is already serving for all eternity and I am only your nobody. So it can be assumed you had forced me."Sora didn't believe what Roxas just said: Forcing his Nobody to help?"I'll take this with a promise!" began Will while holding the knife up. "I'll find a way to sever Jones' hold on you, and not rest until this blade pierces his heart. I will not abandon you. I promise."After that Will and Sora left the ship and got into distance as fast as they could on board of this small boat.On the next morning they were found and picked up by a cargo ship. While they were still wrapped up in blankets the Captain told them, "Strange to come upon a longboat so far out in open water.""Just put as many leagues behind us as you can. As fast as you can," told Will and Sora drank whatever is in the cups they gave them after picking up from the longboat."And what are we running from?" asked the Captain of the ship and Sora was about to answer as Will suddenly asked, "That dress. Where did you get it?"Sora looked and saw a yellow dress and wondered why Will was interested in this dress."It was found aboard the ship. The crew thought it was a spirit bringing some omen of ill-fate.""That's foolish," told a crewman and another agrees, "Yes. Exceedingly foolish.""It brought good fortune," explains the Captain. "The spirit told us to pull in at Tortuga and we made a nice bit of profit there."With that, Will turns around. "I imagine some of your crew may have jumped ship there."Before Sora could ask why Will was asking that, a crewman called, "Captain! A ship's been spotted."They all went out to see what ship appeared and Sora turned white as he recognized it… the Flying Dutchman!While staring at the ship they suddenly heard a boom in the water and wondered what this means. But now tentacles appear and began to grab parts of the ship and crewman. They fought against this monstrous enemy but without any prevail. Sora and Will only tries to not get caught by the tentacles while two large ones appeared and smashed the ship in two pieces. Many of the crewman of this ship were eaten by the Kraken. Sora and Will managed to climb up on a side of the Flying Dutchman. They looked on the deck of the ship but only to see how Davy Jones announces there weren't any survivors and the only survivors are killed by Davy Jones crew. Sora and Will went hiding in the maw that serves the Flying Dutchman as a figurehead. However, they still learned that the ship moves to the place where the chest lies.Aboard of the Black Pear everybody could see that Elizabeth and Sparrow were talking with each other and Kuran assumes the pirate tries to get the woman to a close relationship. Lea on the other hand wasn't interested in this… more how long it would take until he can burn him.Then they could see that Elizabeth drank a bottle of rum that Jack offered even though they heard from Gibbs that she hates rum and wouldn't refrain from burning it. Later on they spot land and the ones that left the ship were Elizabeth, Riku, Jack, Lea, Kuran, and Norrington. They followed Elizabeth's lead until the compass didn't show a straight line anymore. She cursed and threw the compass on the ground, telling, "This doesn't work. And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most."Jack disagrees and said, "Yes, it does. You're sitting on it."With that they began to dig until they found a chest. They pulled it out and it looked like a normal chest. Riku could even open the lock on it but as they opened it they found a lot of stuff, mainly letters in there. However a second chest was in it and as Riku tried to open it… he was catapulted away by an unknown force and Kuran asked, "When the Keyblade doesn't work, how should we get this thing open? Not to mention it's freaky to hear a heartbeat inside of this thing.""You were telling the truth. That's surprising," told Norringthon and Jack replies, "I do that a lot. Yet people are always surprised!""With good reason!" told Will and everybody turned around in surprise but were glad to see him and Sora."How did you get here?" asked Jack and Will answered, "Sea turtles, mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet."Sora looked confused and wanted to object but Jack interrupts by telling, "Not so easy, is it?""But I do owe you thanks, Jack." Told Will. "After you tricked me and Sora onto that ship to square your debt with Jones, I was reunited with my father.""And I saw Roxas again," told Sora and Lea asked, "What? Roxas? Where is he?""Still on the Dutchman," told Sora sadly. Will went to the chest and took knife and key out and Jack asked, "What are you doing?""I'm going to kill Jones." Told Will and Jack pulls his sword, telling, "Can't let you do that, William. Cos if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?""In this case I kill you for bringing Roxas into the situation!" told Lea while pulling his Keyblade out and holds it at Jack. Norringthon held his sword out as well. "I can't let you do that either. So sorry! Lord Beckett desires the content of that chest. I deliver it, I get my life back.""Dark side of ambition," sighs Kuran and Norringthon countered, "I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption."Will pulled a sword from Kuran, who had got one for himself to hide his ability to call his own ones from the other pirates and told, "I have a promise to keep!"Kuran shook his head. "Can we clear this later?"The four, however, didn't listen and began to fight each other. Kuran shrugs and asks Sora, "I'll take you came with the Flying Dutchman, which happens to be close.""How did you know?" asked Sora and Kuran told, "This 'Will' looks like he would go the straight way to come here, and you're not smart enough to get distance between you and pursuers!""Yeah! Even though you two just met, you see through Sora very well!" told Riku and Sora just realized a part of the said stuff. "Who are you?""Kuran… and there is nothing more to know!" told Kuran while looking at the four fighters and Elizabeth looked disappointed while calling a few nasty things after them. The four fighters disappeared into the forest on the island and Kuran suggests, "We should leave as well""Why?" asked Elizabeth and watches in surprise as three knives appears with a dark mist in Kuran's hand. "Simple! We got nasty company!"Then he threw the knives and on the first glance somebody would think he aimed at Sora or Riku, but the knives passed through the space between them and hit instead a crewman of the Flying Dutchman in the chest, killing him in the process.Sora and Riku saw the result and each grabbed a side of the chest while running to the forest, followed by Elizabeth and Kuran, who had called one of his blades into his free hands while sending a second trio of knives at the pursuers, but only one hit an arm while the rest missed.Back to the four fighters:They reached the ruins of a church where Jack and Norringthon are running up the chairs of what remains from the tower and Will grabbed -like Lea- the cords of the bells as Jack falls down getting pulling up, starting to battle him. Lea has started to fight for the key as well to trade the heart in for Roxas. However, the action caused the bell to ring and will of course draw attention in.During the fight they came to a different section and as they came on the old water wheel, it broke off. And due to the circumstances they got on different parts of the wheel. Norringthon and Will fought on the top of it while Lea fights against Jack in the inside, still fighting to gain the key and/or kill each other. Also, thanks to a talk from Jack about how it was Will's fault that Norringthon was in the mess, the former commodore decided to kill Will as well. However, since Jack and Lea weren't paying attention, the metal bars of the wheel hit them and they fall down.Some minutes later, Sora, Riku, Elizabeth and Kuran were still running away but stopped… as they saw Will and Norringthon fighting on a water wheel while Jack and Lea runs after them, crossing their blades on the way.Kuran looked at the other three and asked, "Is… this normal?""For Jack? Yes!" told Elizabeth while Riku answered, "With Sora around? Yes!"Kuran just made a sound of understanding before they were running again, but this time in the direction where they came from due to the fact that the crewman of the Dutchman came from the direction they intended to go.Suddenly they stopped as they realized the chest was gone! They turned around and saw that Riku and Sora hit a tree with the chest that caused them to let go. Kuran looked and asked, "Please… can't you watch your way while running with such an object in your hands?"Then he dashes in with two swords and began to fight against the crewman.Jake and Lea managed to get inside the wheel again and clashes their blades at each other, but Will and Norringthon went inside as well, after realizing that Lea and Jack where inside because of the key. Now each of them holds a section of the wheel and each fought against one of the other depending on the position of the wheel.The others were still busy fighting against the members of the Dutchman that one of the crewmen could grab the chest and left without being noticed… well… nearly unnoticed. Jack took notice of it and once he got the key, he left so fast that the three opponents couldn't get of the wheel fast enough and were now stuck inside of it in a wild ride.Jack took a coconut and threw it at the crewmember with the chest, hitting the shell like head so hard with it it falls off. While the body searches for the head and crashed into a tree, Jack opened the chest and looked at the still beating heart of Davy Jones. However, he notices the fighting in the near and closes the chest again and left it there while he runs away.Kuran and Elizabeth were holding the crewmen off for a moment to give Riku and Sora time to grab the chest and they rushed away as fast as possible while Kuran and Elizabeth followed. On the way Elizabeth asked, "Why don't you use the weapon on your back?""Reserved for special situations! And believe me! Until we run into a knight with a wolf head and lion mane, there won't be such situation!" told Kuran and Elizabeth said, "Then I don't want to know what will go on if this happens."Kuran nods and they reach the beach where they left the longboat. Jack was already there and fought against one of the crewmen that somehow got there earlier. All keep fighting until they notice the wheel coming and stopped the fighting until the wheel stopped as well and falls on the side.Kuran looked how the ones inside are slowly getting out, not having taken the ride well. Kuran shrugs and asked, "Well… before we continue: Why are we all fighting for this chest again?"Riku began to point out, "The crewmen for recovering the chest, Jack to deal with Davy Jones, Norringthon to regain his honor, Will for freeing his father and us…"The grey haired boy looked, "Why are we fighting against them again?""So Davy Jones won't get his heart back, so he don't have to be troubled to send his kraken pet at us," Sora points out and Elizabeth shrugs. "Sounds reasonable!"And with that everybody resumes fighting again. Will got out of the wheel and began to stagger over to the others to fight while Norringthon staggered over to the longboat. And Lea… Lea took longer to recover due to the fact he and water doesn't mix as a pyro, but as he finally had his senses somewhat back, he notices Norringthon did something by the boat and staggered over.With the time everybody was pushed back to the longboat and Elizabeth told, "We're not getting out of this.""Not with the chest!" stated Lea and looks at Norringthon, "And three have better chances to survive with it!"Norrinthon nods and grabs the chest while Lea grabs Kuran with the simple words, "Trust me!"The three rushes off with the chest and the crewmen of the Flying Dutchman followed them. Sora looks at Riku and asked, "Will they be alright?""Thinking on what Lea can do and guessing that Kuran has a few tricks as well, I won't worry about them. Just get there so their stunt won't be meaningless." Answered Riku and the others agreed, getting on the boat and went as fast as possible back to the Black Pearl.On the run in the forest tosses Norringthon tosses the chest over to Lea who stopped tracks and turns to the following crewmembers of the Dutchman and called, "Parley!"Kuran wondered if Lea was mad while one asked, "Why should we give you a Parley?""I might try to find out if this chest can protect your Captain's heart from fire!" told Lea while his free hand began to show fire. The crewman looked at each other, not sure if this is a bluff or threat. So they decided to not take a risk and brought them to the Dutchman. Davy Jones, however, wasn't pleased and asked, "Why did you not kill them?""They asked for Parley Sir," told one, and before Davy Jones could react Lea said, "Let Roxas go and you get your chest back while I won't burn it!""Do you think you can treat me like that with your powers of the key?" asked Jones but Lea shrugs. "I don't need my Keyblade to use fire," and made a fireball to prove his point.Jones glared but Lea continues, "Think of it! What is Roxas for you compared to your precious chest?"Davy Jones walked up and down, thinking about his situation and if he really should let go of two souls for getting the chest back. "Would you willingly to become the Captain of the flying Dutchman just to free your friend?""Becoming Captain?" asked Kuran and Jones explains, "The Dutchman needs a captain! Whoever kills me is forced to become the next Captain and has to remove his heart."Lea hesitates but keeps on. "Not a pleasure, but would be worth it!""Fine!" told Jones and extends his tentacle hand. Lea took it, even though it displeases him.Roxas was called and looked in surprise. "Axel!""Hello Roxas! Nice to see you again! Now come, we have to go" told Lea and said to Kuran, "One Dark Portal please."Kuran sighs loudly and opens a portal. With that, they left and Davy Jones laughed, "Fools! His soul will be sooner than later! And the other three as well! But first we have to deal with Sparrow!"Back on the Black Pearl the crew did everything to get distance between them and the island they just came from."Good that you all made it free and clear!" stated Gibbs, but just in this moment, the Flying Dutchman emerges from the sea right beside the Pearl and Riku asked, "Did you have to say that?"Jack, however, wasn't affected by the sight. Instead he holds his jar of dirt up and calls various things that gets on Jones' nerves. As it was enough, he ordered to fire and the Dutchman began to bombard the Pearl. In the process the jar of dirt broke and Jack began to panic since something seems to be missing. Riku realizes what is going on and asked, "You had the chest open and put the heart in it?""I thought I did!" told Jack and Will groans. "Now I know why the other three ran off! One of them had it!""I bet it was Lea or Norringthon. I cannot see how Kuran could benefit from it," told Elizabeth. "This guy doesn't have real ambitions.""We have bigger problems!" told Gibbs and the Pearl went to get away from the ship. However, the Flying Dutchman also had on the front cannons and shot them. Worst of all, it was two sets of trios that shot like a gatling at the Pearl. Well as fast it was possible to rotate three cannons, fire one and rotate again while reloading.However, due to the wind got the Pearl fast into distance, even out of shooting range. "She's falling behind!" called Elizabeth and Gibbs told, "Aye. We've got her!""We're faster then her?" asked Riku and Gibbs explains, "Against the wind, the Dutchman beats us. That's how she gets her prey but with the wind…""We rob her advantage!" realizes Will.However, as they saw that the Dutchman gave up on following them, Sora realizes something. "Oh no!"Before Sora could warn anybody it was too late… the water boom came and shook the ship. Will realized as well what was going on and called, "Get away from the rail!""Why?" asked somebody and Sora called, "The kraken!""Load arms!" called Will and Gibbs ordered, "Load guns! Defend the mast!"Riku and Sora called their Keyblades and got ready for the attack. Sora told Riku how it went and the Keyblade master prepared himself for this.Will ordered to prepare the cannons on the starboard side since it will attack from this side. During the preparations the tentacles are starting to rise from the water. Will called them to wait while the tentacles still were rising until… "FIRE!"And all cannons fired, damaging the tentacles greatly, even rendering useless. Will stared while everybody cheered that they have to get from the ship but there are not enough boats. Then Will got an idea. "Pull the grates. Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold!"Then he hands Elizabeth a rifle. "Whatever you do, don't miss.""I think we are the better plan since we can use fire spells," told Riku. "That might better than a rifle shot that might not ignite the gun powder.""Then don't miss!" told Will them and Sora nods. "Sure!"Everybody was rushing to get Will's plan in set but then he heard, "We are short-stocked on gunpowder! Six barrels!""Then use the rum!" called Riku and they stared in disbelief but Gibbs added even sadly, "Aye… the rum too…"Also they began to move the rum in place as well. And no second too early since the kraken began to attack again, this time making sure that they couldn't use their cannons again. Then they began to heave the gun powder and rum up, while Riku and Sora got their keyblades ready. Whoever gets the chance once all is clear would cast a fire spell. What Riku didn't like is that Will was holding onto the net. But under deck was the kraken rampaging and now the tentacles attack as well.One of the tentacles grabs Sora's arm in a way that he couldn't let go of his Keyblade. He grabs his Amulet from the Chronicler and hits the tentacle until he cut it and got free. He looked in surprise and found a second Keyblade in place of the Amulet. The guard of the handle was two thunder bolts while the hilt resembles ice and the head was a rock in flames and a dragon head shaped keychain in purple color was hanging from the weapon. Sora smiles and began to unleash several combos to get the tentacles in distance, saving his magic for the fire spell. Riku notices what Sora manages and decides to ask him later about it while slashing at every tentacle in reach.However the tentacle destroyed parts of the ship and the net rocked, causing Will to fall and his foot was caught in the net. Now the man was struggling to get free while Sora and Riku are getting desperate, wanting to finally shoot their fire spell.But they couldn't so long as Will was hanging on this net, even Will calls all off them to finally shoot at the bomb. Then Will finally falls off and Riku was in the best position to shoot the fire ball. He took aim with his Keyblade and called, "Fire!"The flaming ball formed on the tip of "Way to the Dawn" and shot at the direction of the barrels, avoiding tentacles, which would have been in the way if Riku had shot the spell too soon or too late.Each of the barrels began to explode, heavily damaging each tentacle that was in the way. With a howl it retreats and the survivors of the ship began to meet up in the center. Looking around Riku notices that there's barely enough people left to fill the remaining longboats."Did we kill it?" asked one of the survivors but Will shook his head. "Not likely!"Gibbs nodded and said, "No. We just made it angry. We're not out of this yet. Captain, orders!"Jack looked around and just said, "Abandon ship. Into the longboat.""And the Pearl?" asked Sora but Jack told, "She's only a ship, mate.""He's right! We need to get on land," told Riku and everybody prepares to leave the ship. They got any weapons they could get, but for some reason Elizabeth and Jack took their time and… only Elizabeth came!"Where is Jack?" asked Sora and Elizabeth answered, "He elected to stay behind to give us a chance."They accepted it and began to get away from the Pearl. In the distance they watched how the kraken began to take the Black Pearl into the depth of the sea.They looked at each other and wondered what they should do. "I think I know where to go," told Will and they began to take course.On board of the Flying Dutchman Davy Jones said, "Jack Sparrow, our debt is settled.""The Captain goes down with his ship." Told one of his crewman. "Turns out not even Jack Sparrow can best the devil."Suddenly Jones ordered to open the chest and as he found it empty…"CURSE YOUR JACK SPARROW!" shouts Jones, realizing now that his earlier negations never mentioned his heart a single bit.The remains of the crew form the Black Pearl returned to Tia Dalma, where they show grief over the death of Jack Sparrow. And inhabitants of the islands are singing a melody of sorrow.Then Tia began to speak, "It's a shame. With the Pearl being gone with its Captain.""And already the world seems a bit less bright." Adds Gibbs. "He fooled us all right till the end, but I guess that honest streak finally won out."Then he raised a cup that Tia has given out to everybody and said, "To Jack Sparrow.""Never another like Captain Jack.""He was a gentleman of fortune, he was.""He was a good man.""A friend. An odd friend, but still a friend."And everybody drank out their cups. After this is done Will spoke, "If there was anything could be done to bring him back…""Would you do it?" asked Tia and everybody looked at her while she keeps on, "What would any of you be willing to do, hm? Would you sail to the ends of this world and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and his precious Pearl?""Aye!""Aye!""Aye!""Aye!"And it keeps on until everybody said they would do it. Then Tia spoke, "All right. But if you go and brave the weird and haunted shores of the world's end, then you will need a Captain who knows those waters."With that, footsteps came down and as they saw who was coming, Sora gasped, "No way!"In front of them was a large man with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a thick, wiry beard. He always wears an extravagant tattered black hat with a large black feather sticking out of it. A small medallion is visible hanging from his neck, and over his right shoulder he wears a brown belt decorated with many silver ornaments which holds the holster for his pistol at his left hip. He wears a black coat with dozens of buttons lining the front and cuffs over another, buttoned up coat that is comparatively more colorful, patterned in splotched orange and brown and lined with light yellow. Underneath this second coat is a faded white shirt, the collar of which is folded over the collars of both coats. Also he wears a gold sash under a black belt, dark pants, tan boots, and a brown, fingerless glove on his left hand.This man was killed by Jack and Will once and hears to the name Barbossa. He asked, "So tell me, what's become of my ship?" Before biting on an apple.Chapter 16: Chapter 16The dark portal opened and Kuran falls out with Lea and Roxas. After a first glance Kuran groaned, "From all worlds we have to end up here?"Roxas looked around as well and wondered, "Where are we?""Radiant garden," told Lea, "And it's really funny how we end up here! Even better since Even can have you now for a while.""I hate you," told Kuran, "But we have a deal."Lea nods and leads them to the lab in the castle, where Even greets them. He congratulates Lea for bringing Kuran, but was surprised to see Roxas again."I didn't think you would return as well! Fascinating! I have to research that as well!" told Even and leads them to the computer room. "Wait here! I just have to gather a few things before I start to experiment with you!""Why do I have the feeling that we are now his guinea pigs?" told Roxas and crossed his arms and Kuran shrugs, "I think we can always get out by-"However he was cut short by an alarm sound and a voice told, "Warning! Unauthorized access! Warning! Unauthorized access!"Somebody walks in who is very bulky and asked, "What did you do?""Nothing Lexaeus!" told Roxas, "It just happened!"Kuran wanted to ask, but the computer voice now warned, "Malfunction in Laser Protocol! Malfunction in Laser Protocol.""What kind of La-"began Kuran, but was cut short as a laser beam hit him and Roxas, slowly they both disappear.Even stormed in as they were gone and asked, "Where are they?""Laser," was the only reply from Lexaeus and Even typed on the computer. "A malfunction in the digitalizing protocols… but they are not in the system?""Due to the error, the two digitalized Users are transferred into the dataspace of a different world. I have to find them first before recovering can be possible," told the Computer voice and Even said, "Then start looking Tron! I don't want to lose such wonderful research objects like that!"In the meanwhile Lea went through a dark portal to visit a Game Corner in Twilight Town. He walks in and saw somebody he knows and greets him, "Hey XSDStitch! I thought you were writing on this chapter!""I thought I could use some time off to get a clear head…" was his reply and asked, "And you?""My part of this chapter is mostly down. Before the end of this I won't appear again canon wise so I thought I'd take a time off here as well and play a little Fix it Felix Jr.""Sorry to disappoint ya!" told XSDStitch, "but the game is broken… Ralph seems to have disappeared. So I'll go try out the game Heroes Duty. It's relatively new and thought to give it a try.""What? Ralph's gone? Oh well… Then I'll go over to one of the other arcade games here. I think I'll play a round of this new version of Heartless Shooter! It has, after all, a link to the Internet which updates to the world wide high score ranks.""I see!" told XSDStitch and went to the game station of "Hero's Duty," getting his coin ready to drop in.The coin dropped in and he took the game blaster in his hand, getting ready for the game play.On the monitor he saw after the intro a blonde women telling him, "We are humanity's last hope. Our mission? Destroy all Cy-Bugs. You ready, rookie? Let's find out."The game began and XSDStitch shot at the Cy-Bugs and wondered about this one character who runs around in panic and doesn't act like the normal game generated characters. Shrugging, he thought it as an in game joke and keeps shooting until the lady began to explain, "All right ladies, the kitten whispers and tickle fights stop now. The entrance to the lab is straight ahead."Suddenly the odd guy called, "I'll meet you guys inside!""No!" called the girl, but it was too late… the doors were opened and a lot more Cy-Bugs flew out of the entrance and while XSDStitch shot at them the guy called, "I thought this was going to be like Centipede!"The he blocks the players view and asked, "When did video games become so violent and scary? Please, get me out here!"XSDStitch just stared at the guy and blinks a few times but suddenly he went out and the Cy-Bugs storms at the player and XSDStitch tried to get an aim in his surprise, but it was too late… "Game Over!"XSDStitch put the gun back and shook his head while leaving. Then he stopped and asked, "Wait… wasn't that… Ralph?"In the meanwhile Lea put a quarter into the Heartless Shooter and it was a simple game made like Crazy Chicken. The only difference is that different types of Heartless appear instead of the Chicken. Lea took the gun and shoots as the game started. He notices two people in the background and wondered if they would bring some points of he shoots them. He took aim and shoots but missed them since they moved out of shooting reach. He keeps shooting and reloading until he runs out of time.With a shrug, he put in the next quarter and played again but the two figures were gone.Kuran and Roxas were panting loudly as one of the game figures leads them to the car that would bring them into the Game Central Station. "Thanks! Never thought to get help from a Heartless…""Don't worry! It's not the first time that figures from the Internet accidently landed in here! Just don't go Turbo.""Going Turbo?" asked Kuran and the Heartless just shrugs. "As long you don't go into a different game, you will be fine!""I'll take that! Thanks again!" told Roxas and they sat down on the train which brings them to the Station.Once they reached it, they noticed it is very empty… well… except for a few figures where a shield was with following words "Game Unplugged". Kuran thought this might be the equivalent of having no job anymore."Now we have to wait until somebody shows up to pick us up," suggests Roxas and Kuran just agrees to that.They wait in the Central Station and slowly it became evening and the arcade closes, marking the end of the working part of the day. Kuran and Roxas were talking with Sonic as they heard over from the Heroes Duty portal an odd noise. They saw a sort of space ship shooting around in the Central and also hits where the three were standing. Kuran was sent flying, Sonic lost his rings, and Roxas… was hanging on the tip of the ship right now, crying for help.The ship crashed through the line of a game and crashed in the game as well as through objects until crash landing in a forest which ends on a cliff side. Roxas holds for his dear life the entire time and somehow climbs up the ship as the passengers were catapulted out. He looked at the direction of the catapulted people but heard a sort of sound and looked at the direction. From what he saw it looked like a race was about to start. Being the best clue of getting out, he began to find his way.In the meanwhile Kuran was meeting up with a guy named Fix-It Felix Jr. and a Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun. He told them where Ralph disappeared to. Tamora just said, "Sugar Rush. Cy-Bugs would chew up that game faster than a chicken hawk in a coop of crippled roosters.""What was that now?" asked Felix and Kuran wondered the same. And the harsh answer was, "What are you two, thick? There was a Cy-Bug on that shuttle!""I was busy trying to actually DODGE this shuttle," told Kuran, "So I couldn't look into the shuttle, not to mention I don't know what a Cy-Bug is.""I can't say I do," told Felix and the Sergeant explains, "Cy-Bugs are like a virus. They don't know they're in a game. All they know is eat, kill, multiply.""Why does it remind me of the Heartless… the real deal!" went Kuran in. Felix looked at him. "You dealt with real ones?""Yeah."Tamora went on, "Without a beacon to stop them, they'll consume Sugar Rush. But do you think they'll stop there?""Nope!" told Kuran while Felix was so foolish to say, "Yes!""WRONG! Viruses and Heartless do not stop! Once those Cy-Bugs finish off Sugar Rush, they'll invade every other game until this arcade is nothing but a smoking husk of forgotten dreams.""It'll turn out worse since one of the games seems to have an internet connection. With it they can spread worldwide and eat everything up. And if one of them accidently comes across a special laser, they will materialize in the real world." Told Kuran.The two looked at him and asked, "Where did you come from?""Long story, but you have to believe me this: This laser is the reason why I end up here together with Roxas," explains Kuran and the sergeant just called, "Kohut! My cruiser."The soldier tossed something over to her and it turns into a sort of hover board."Why is she this way?" asked Kuran and the soldier just told them, "It's not her fault. She is programmed with most tragic back-story ever. The one day she didn't do a perimeter check… her wedding day. ""Let me guess… her husband was taken by these Cy-Bugs?" asked Kuran and the soldier corrects, "Eaten"Kuran looked down. "I can understand her… lost a lot of important people myself."Felix rushed over. "Wait, ma'am! I'm going with you."Kuran followed as well. "I'll do the same.""Like fun you two are. If you die outside your game, you don't regenerate." Was her reply, but Felix countered, "Well, neither do you, ma'am. And it is my job to fix what Ralph wrecks. And I cannot ask you to risk your life cleaning up his mess. No flex on this one, ma'am. I am coming along with you."She sighs and made space for Felix and wanted to talk Kuran off due to the lack of space on her hover board, but they didn't see him.Until he came with a hover bike. Felix asked where he got that and Kuran answered, "I borrowed it from a two-tailed yellow fox with red shoes. I told him I would need it for crashing a virus before it invades the arcade and he just hands it up over with the words 'Then take it and good luck! Don't forget to tell me how she is running… since it is my first prototype'.""You seem to have trust if you sit your ass on a prototype that could blow up," told the Seargant and Kuran laughs, "No matter where I die, I wouldn't be regenerated since I don't belong to any game.""Alright! Time to move out!" told Tamora and they move into the game "Sugar Rush."In the meanwhile Roxas reached the finish line of the race courses and saw that the racers have taken positions and left their cars to stand in front of what seems to be a throne. Also he noticed that all the racers are small girls and their cars where made of sweets as well… must be something to do with the game's name "Sugar Rush."A green sour drop began to hold the following speech, "Citizens of Sugar Rush… all hail our rightful ruler, King Candy."And a man jumps out, which must be King Candy. He wore a purple tailcoat with a white vest covered in glitter, lace collar, and cufflinks. There were also two golden buttons on the back of the tailcoat. A notable feature would also be his red bow-tie, which resembled a candy wrapper. He also wore poofy golden pants and purple slippers with red gumdrops at the tip that jingled whenever he moved frantically and also a tiny, golden crown that is slanted atop his large head. "Hello, my royal subjects! Have some candy! Thank you for that stirring introduction, Sour Bill. And thank you to today's avatars. It was a wonderful day of racing. It was. But now the arcade is closed, so it's time to wipe the slate clean and race to decide our new roster. The first nine racers across that finish line will represent Sugar Rush as tomorrow's avatars!"The citizens are cheering, "Race! Race! Race!""Okay, calm down. Listen! This event is pay-to-play. We all know this. The fee to compete is one gold coin from your previous winnings, if you've ever won, which I have. Let me go first!"King Candy threw his coin into a mechanism and he got registered for the race. Then the shock came as a "Vanellope von Schweetz" got registered and Roxas saw that among the candy like cars was one that looks like it was made of garbage.King Candy tried to calm everybody down and called for the security. One with a tall, slender, brown éclair, police hat and sunglasses, black belt and boots, and a golden badge. The other was a short, stocky, brown donut with white frosting, police hat and sunglasses, black belt and boots, and golden star badge.Roxas wondered if they can be taken seriously, but this 'Vanellope' was now running away. Deciding it hasn't to do anything with him, he went to ask somebody about the way out as a green monster with different kinds of candy on it appeared and called, "You! Give me back my medal right now!"The girl ran away once again and everybody did the same as the monster chased her. Roxas got in the way and called his two Keyblades since he was sure that this thing won't stop at anything and he didn't want to walk about until he found somebody to lead him the way.King Candy gave orders to capture this monster and the Keybearer while they there clashing… well… it was more that Roxas got pushed away several times until a cupcake lands on the monster, leaving it unable to move. Roxas sighs but was suddenly sized by the donut who hits him on the head several times before he and the monster were moved away.They were brought into a castle in which the interior was… pink?"Which king has a pink throne room?" asked Roxas and suddenly the call came, "That's salmon!"King Candy drove in with his white race car and parked it in the throne while ordering Sour Pill to de-taffity the monster. The green drop did like told and King Candy said shocked, "Milk my duds! It's Wreck-It Ralph?""Yeah. Who are you, the guy makes the doughnuts?" asked Ralph and Roxas shrugs. "From what I have seen, he is called King Candy and rules this place…""Thanks! But what are you two doing here? The villain of a 30 year old arcade game and a Keybearer?""I don't know how you know about Keyblades, but I am just lost here thanks to a shuttle that hit me," told Roxas while Ralph answered, "Look, Your Candiness, this is just a big misunderstanding. Just get me out of this cupcake, I'll get my medal, and I'll be out of your way.""Your medal? Bad guys don't win medals," told King Candy and Roxas asked, "Is he even a real bad guy?""Hey! It's not my fault to be programmed to be the bad guy in my game," told Ralph enraged and Roxas just shrugged while Ralph answered to King Candy, "Well, this one did. I earned it over in Hero's Duty.""You game-jumped?" asked Candy in shock and Roxas wondered if this is a bad thing while Candy keeps on, "Ralph, you're not going Turbo, are you?""What? No, no.""Because if you think you can come in here my Kingdom and take over my game with the help of this Keybearer, you've got another thing coming!""What? Until today I never met this guy!" told Roxas as the guards surrounds them which were… Oreos?"Easy, Your Poffiness." Called Ralph. "It's not my fault one of your children of the candy corn stole my medal.""Children of the candy corn? Who'd…? The Glitch! The coin she used to buy her way into the race. That was your medal?""She did what? I need that back!" told Ralph and Roxas asked, "For what do you need a medal?""It's my ticket to a better live!" told Ralph but the King told them, "Well, I'm afraid I can't help you. It's gone, you know. It's nothing but code now. It will stay that way until someone wins the cup at the end of the race.""So we just have to wait until the race is done and ask the winner to give the coin back to Ralph?" asked Roxas and King Candy laughs but Ralph just growls, "Listen, Nilly-Wafer, I'm not leaving without my medal!""You, you are! And this Keybearer will stay in prison! Wynnchel, Duncan, get him out of that cupcake and on the first train back home. And bring the boy into prison!""No way!" called Ralph and Roxas together and Ralph rolled the cupcake he was in and broke through a wall, followed by Roxas. The cupcake broke by the impact, but Ralph grunts in pain as Roxas lands on his back. Soon they were followed by the security that had something like dogs and went into hiding.This was a chocolate lake which was not really Ralph's taste. They got to a track and Ralph mentions, "I have to get my medal back!""I just want the exit," told Roxas, but right now the racers of this game passed them on this road and Ralph rushed after them to ask about his Medal. Roxas just shrugged and goes after him, knowing that one of them could bring him to the exit.The racers came to a place where Vanellope was with her "car" in the middle. "It's that little crumb snatcher," grumbled Ralph and adds, "Looks like she build it herself.""Must be the case," told Roxas and stands up. The girls began to mock the blacked haired Vanellope and also break her car in pieces."Hey! Leave her alone!" called Raph and rushed over. Roxas sighs and came with him. The large muscular man chases the girls away and Vanellope just looks after them and views at the remains of her "car" and starts to cry."What are you looking at?""You're welcome, you rotten little thief," told Ralph to her and she countered, "I'm not a thief! I just borrowed your stupid coin.""Borrowing means you asked him before which you obviously didn't," corrected Roxas."Who asked you?! By the way… this black coat sucks on you."Then she turns to Ralph again. "I was going to give it back to you, as soon as I won the race.""It's not a coin. It is a medal." Countered Ralph and Vanellope just answered, "Coin, medal, whatever. Just go back to your own dumb game and win another one.""I can't. I didn't win it in my game. I won it in Hero's Duty," told Ralph and Vanellope asked with Roxas, "Hero's Doodie?""Not that kind of Duty!" countered Ralph while Vanellope began to laugh. "I bet you really got to watch where you step in a game called Hero's Doodie! What did you win the medal for? Wiping?""I doubt this is the case…" told Roxas while the little girl keeps on. "I hope you washed your hands after you handled that medal. One more, one more. Why did the hero flush the toilet? Say why.""Why?" asked Roxas and she laughed, "Because it was his doodie!" she laughed and Roxas looked at Ralph who just shouts, "How dare you insult Hero's Duty? You little gutter snipe. I earned that medal and you better get it back for me toot-sweet, sister!""Well, unless you've got a go-cart hidden in the fat folds of your neck, I can't help you!" told Vanellope, causing Ralph to snap and he began to thrash around. Then he starts hitting a ball and Roxas said, "This is useless! This is a jawbreaker. You cannot break i-"However, Roxas only jaw dropped with Vanellope as he actually broke it in half with his fists. She moved over to Ralph and asked, "Enjoy your little tantrum, diaper baby?""Leave me alone." Told Ralph but Vanellope just said, "Look, you want that medal, right? And I want to race. So here's what I'm thinking. You help me get a new cart… A real cart… And I'll win the race and get you back your medal.""You want him to help you?" asked Roxas and she said, "All you got to do is break something for me. Come on. What do you say, friend?""We are not friends," told Ralph but Vanellope insisted and offered a handshake. After all she counts inm "My arm's getting tired. Do we have a deal or not?""You better win!" told Ralph and shakes her hand.In the meanwhile Felix, Tamora, and Kuran reach the forest where Ralph crash-landed and she said, "Well, I'll say this much, they don't call your friend Wreck-It for nothing.""True! I doubt that many could cause so much wreckage," told Kuran while flying a bit higher. "The shuttle is over there!""Is he in there?" asked Felix as the Sergeant checked the shuttle. However, from her expression Kuran guessed, "None of them is here…""Nope! Lucky for them! Or I would have slapped their corpses." Was her reply and adds, "Got to find the Cy-Bug before it lays its filthy eggs. She went over to a candy lake with a scanner in hand and said, "It came this way, but the sugar particles in the atmosphere are jamming my sensor. Can't get a read on it. So what is it with this Wreck-It Joker? Why did he go AWOL?""I wish I knew, ma'am. He was acting all squirrely last night… Going on about cake and medals… But I never thought he'd go Turbo," told Felix and Kuran said, "Before I ask you about what 'going Turbo' means… How are you treating him after the arcade closes down?""Why do you ask?" wondered Felix and Kuran said, "Perhaps he doesn't want to be the bad guy anymore"Never thought about that! And about going Turbo… it's clear that you don't know." Said Felix and began to tell about a game character named Turbo in his game "Turbo Time", which was a very popular game. However… one day a new racing game came and got more attention than Turbo Time. Being jealous, Turbo left his game to take over the other and broke both games at the same time, causing them to be unplugged."The selfish man is like a mangy dog chasing a cautionary tale" told the Sergeant and Kuran agrees with her, also understanding now why Felix has to get Ralph back to his game. "Well… I saw a castle over there. I'm going to ask there if they have seen any of the ones we are looking for.""That's a good idea soldier! We'll meet up later!" told the Sergeant and Kuran left for the castle. Once he reached it he knocked on the door and a green pill opens it. "Yes?""Excuse me! But I am looking for a few people… is there a big guy with big hands, a blond young boy in a black coat or a sort of bug?""Two of them have been here… but they escaped… a mistake that I won't repeat," told the drop. Before Kuran could ask what he means the ground under his feet disappeared and he falls into the deeps, finding himself in a prison. Since he already knows that Dark Portals won't work, he tried it as they came here, he summoned an axe and broke the door, going to look for an exit.He found himself in a throne room and whistled at the odd coloration. Suddenly he heard somebody coming and he hides behind the throne. "What do you mean they escaped? I thought you could handle these two!""Everybody is looking for them your Majesty…" told a second voice and Kuran could see that the green drop and somebody who seems to be a king."Ralph was able to break free and this boy followed him…" told Sour Bill and suddenly a voice asked, "Are you so incompetent that you have to blame your underling?""Whaa!" cried the King. "Ma-Maleficent… it's a pleasure to see you again… how are your plans of overthrowing the worlds doing?""There is a change of plans… and for that I need you! I helped you to get control of this… game… now I want you to help me to get the data hidden in the Disney Castle.""You want me to break into a computer? But-"protested the King, but the witch shouted, "Silence! You will obey me or I'll remove you and reveal to everybody who you truly are!"The king jumped and nods. "A-Alright… I… I just have to handle a few things… the glitch, Ralph this Keybearer-""You have trouble with a Keybearer?" asked Maleficent and he nods. "Y-Yeah…""Very well! I'll come back tomorrow night! Better have it handled until then!" told Maleficent, but stopped. "It seems you have an interesting guest over there…""What do you mean?" asked King Candy and Kuran suddenly lost control over his body and moved on its own into the view.Maleficent looked over Kuran. "Interesting… I never thought you would survive that long.""What… do you mean?" asked Kuran and Maleficent smirks. "I made once a contract with your father Kuran Yamo.""Yuma!" told Kuran, growling. "And what do you know about my father?""Simple… Yamo! Don't tell me that you change your name… you stay for me a Yamo even if you call yourself Yuma now. Let me tell you a little story. Here was once a father. This father had only one son who was weak… in his desperation he went to a witch. Saving the life of his son. The witch agrees and filled the boy's body with her darkness… saving his life. And years later she called the father into her service!"Realizing who she meant he shouted, "You lair!""Look into your pitiful heart and look for the truth! The darkness I gave you may belong to you now but I can still control it!"Kuran groans and glares at her. Maleficent laughed and told him, "One day I'll have usage for you! Don't die until then!"With that she disappeared in green flames. Kuran got control back over his body and once he realized it he made a dash for the exit. Everybody else was too surprised for the sudden events that they couldn't react in time.He got out and jumps on the over bike and shoots into the sky. King Candy looked after him. "Now I have more trouble. One after another!"In the meanwhile Roxas, Vanellope, and Ralph were in the near of a facility made of sweets and is titled as Kart Bakery. They sneaked past the guard who was asleep and went to a door with the sign "No Glitches.""All right, do your thing, knuckles. Bust it open!" told Vanellope. Ralph, however, protested, "What's this? You're a full-on criminal, aren't you?""Before we clear this I'll open the door," sighs Roxas, who still wonders why he is going with them. One of his Keyblades appeared and he used it to open the locks of the doors. "Less suspicious when it is open instead of broken open.""Sounds reasonable…" told Ralph and they moved into the bakery."Where are the carts?" asked Roxas as they entered a dark part and Ralph adds, "What is this place?""You gotta make one!" told Vanellope and steps on a red bottom in the center of the room. Now several colored lights goes on, showing different base versions of karts and Vanellope looked at them, running to one and pressed it."What? Bad idea! I don't make things. I break things!" told Ralph and Roxas said, "I… don't know how to make a kart myself.""Looks like you two are going to be stepping outside your comfort zone then Ladies." And a voice told, "Welcome to the bakery! Let's bake a kart!""Another game?" asked Roxas and Vanellope answered, "Yeah, well, it's a mini-game."The voice told, "You have one minute to win it.""What?""Come on you two!" told Penelope and they were in the first part… mixing! And to tell the truth… Vanellope was a nightmare! Ralph had to jimmy into the game to get the separation of trash and real bakery parts by himself and not the mixed up version of her.In the next part they had to pump up, but Ralph broke the important part and Roxas tries to cover that with repeated fire spells. Somehow he managed to get the right heat for the required amount of time, but this was it. By the last part they had to decorate, but… they broke after the four wheels everything and all possible decorates was mixed into a mess."Time's up! Congratulations. You did it, and here's your kart!"The car that came out looked like a mess and Ralph tries to excuse himself like Roxas, but Vanellope loved this cart much to their surprise. And she adds in. "Come on. A work of art like this must be signed."However… the guard woke up by the smell of the smokes coming from the bakery and looked at the security feeds, showing that Vanellope, Ralph, and Roxas were in the bakery and called for reinforcement.At this point the three were finished signing the kart by putting their names on, all three smiling. However Vanellope mocked Ralph by his smiles since it was the first time he did.Ralph countered that he was gassy but they don't believe him. At this point the exit opened and King Candy jumps in and ordered, "Hold it right here, Glitch, Wreck-It Ralph, and Keybearer!"Roxas shot an ice spell, freezing King Candy for a moment and Ralph called Vanellope to start the cart while the three jumped on, but… they learned that she cannot drive at all. So Ralph used his arms to accelerate forward while Roxas shot spells to keep their followers at distance. Once they were out of sight Vanellope led them to the wall of the diet cola mountain and they were about to crash. Ralph and Roxas braced themselves for this, but… nothing happened! They opened their eyes and found themselves in a cave.Once they stopped Roxas asked, "You don't know how to drive but wanted us to get you a kart?""Uhm… yeah?" answered the little girl and Ralph keeps on, "What did you think? I'll magically win the race just because I really want to!""Look you two! I know I'm a racer. I can feel it in my code." Explained Vanellope and Ralph cries, "That's it! I'm never getting my medal back.""Why do you need that medal anyway," asked Roxas and Ralph explains, "This may come as a shock to you, but in my game, I'm the bad guy and I live the garbage.""Cool!" told Vanellope but Ralph counters, "No. Not cool. Unhygienic and lonely and boring. And that crummy medal was going to change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck and I'll get a penthouse. Pies. Ice sculpture. Fireworks!"Then he groans. "It's grown-up stuff. You wouldn't understand," told Ralph and Roxas shook his head. "I think she understands better then you think.""That's right! That's exactly what racing would do for me!" told Vanellope and Ralph asked, "Well, guess what?""What?""News flash! Neither one of us is getting what we want!" he shouts and hits the ground, which caused it to shake a bit and suddenly something exploded. Roxas looked and tells, "Ralph… you shouldn't shake everything… or you'll cause Mentos to fall into Cola!""Wait! What?" asked Ralph and went over and saw that the mountain was actually a volcano. A cola volcano.There was a warn sign for falling Mentos and Vanellope threw something at the Mentos to prove the point. One of them falls into the hot diet cola spring and caused an explosion."That stuff is boiling hot. So watch out for the splash." Warned Vanellope and Roxas answered, "We got it! But where are we?""I think it's some sort of unfinished bonus level. Yeah. It's pretty cool, huh? I found that secret opening, and now I live here." Told Vanellope and showed them her sleeping place. Roxas wondered if she really lives her by herself and she explains that everybody says that she is a mistake and not even supposed to exist. Roxas knew this feeling… being not supposed to exist. And they also learned from Vanellope that she didn't leave the game since she COULDN'T leave the game.With that, Roxas and Ralph looked at each other and nods, beginning to trash inside the cave. Vanellope protested that this is the only place she has but Roxas explains, "How should you learn to drive…"And Ralph finished, "Without a track?"Vanellope rushes to them and their training begin.At first she always crashed into Ralph's legs. Then she crashed into a pillar that lands on Ralph's head and then she crashed so hard into Roxas that she flew at the Mentos and caused a couple of them falling while he was in need to be saved. Ralph threw a piece of candy at him, causing the Nobody to crash into the ground on the other side while the mentos lands into the cola, causing the known reaction and all had to jump around to dodge them.However, she made progress and learned finally how to drive. The only thing that still caused trouble was her glitching, making her suddenly appear in different places. But Vanellope promised to get this under control. Later on they were getting ready to get into race. However, Vanellope rushed back to get something she had forgotten.Ralph chuckles and just mumbled, "Kids."However… they heard a car coming and as they turned around, they spotted King Candy coming to them. "Ralph! Keybearer! There you two are! Hello!" he laughed."You?" asked Roxas and got his Keyblades out but KC reasoned, "I come alone, unarmed."However, he had to dodge a fire ball from Roxas and exclaims "We have had enough of you!" while Ralph storms towards him to attack the King. "Please. Calm down! Please, look. Don't!""We'll beat the crap out of you!" as Roxas got to the other side of the King, trapping him together with Ralph in one place. King Candy got a pair of glasses out and asked, "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?"Roxas and Ralph smirked at each other. Then the big bad guy took the glasses and hit with it King Candy, gave it to Roxas who repeats it.After the King recovered from the hits he stated, "You hit a guy with glasses. That's… well played.""What do you want, Candy?" asked Roxas while Ralph grabs him and Candy took something out and Ralph recognizes it. "My medal! But how?""Listen up you two! I give you your medal back while Roxas comes to my fungeon… after you heard my story," told Candy and Roxas said, "We'll listen to your story! But I only come with you if this story convinces me that I need to be in your fungeon.""Well… do you know what the hardest part of being a King is? Doing what's right, no matter what. So I need your help… Vanellope cannot be allowed to race. So sad this is." Told the King and Roxas asked, "What is your problem with her?""I'm trying to protect her! If Vanellope wins that race she'll be added to the race roster. Then gamers can choose her as their avatar. And when they see her glitching and twitching and just being herself, they'll think our game is broken. We'll be put out of order for good. All my subjects will be homeless. But there's one who cannot escape because she's a glitch. And when the game's plug is pulled… she'll die with it.""You don't know if this'll happen! The gamers could love her! And why should I be in your fungeon?" asked Roxas. King Candy sighs, "Because of your Keyblades. They are not supposed to be in a game due to their power. But since you are already here, you started to affect the game. While the effects are not seen yet, the game will slowly break to adapt to the Keyblade until… it's truly unfixable. But if you leave the break will happen in such a faster way that we need you here until we figured out how to fix it."Ralph and Roxas looked at each other, not knowing what to do. "That is a tough choice… but heroes have to make tough choices sometimes.""In this case the choice is easy! To not trust you!" told a new voice and as the three looked they saw Kuran landing with the hover bike."Kuran! What do you mean to not trust him?" asked Roxas and Kuran told, "This guy worked with a witch named Maleficent to take control over the game! Vanellope is a true part of her game. King Candy tried to remove her from the game and sealed the memories of everybody away!""What proof do you have for such outright lies?" asked King Candy and Roxas just said, "He won't lie to me! He is a friend of my best friend Axel! And if Axel trusts Kuran, then I can trust him as well!""For me it sounds like something was going Turbo here," told Ralph and looked at King Candy angry and Kuran adds, "For the provof… I asked a certain Pill not spill everything or…"FLASHBACK:Kuran was holding Sour Bill in above Pac-Man who was trying to jump to eat Sour Bill. The green pill cried, "I will tell everything! I will tell everything! Just don't drop me into him!"FLAHSBACK END:"Kuran… I never thought you can be so cruel," told Roxas, shocked. King Candy looks angry and snapped his fingers and several Heartless appeared who taken design on the environment like the Fat Guy looking like has made of candy. "Heartless! Destroy them, the car, and the glitch!"With a laugh, King Candy went back into his car and told, "I would like to watch your demise, but I have a race to win!"Roxas and Kuran took their weapons out while Ralph got his fist ready. They stormed at the Heartless and with Ralph's strong punches many were fast destroyed or punched into distance so they could take a formation around the race car in order to protect it. They did well, but Ralph saw Vanellope coming out from the mountain. "I am back! Did you miss… me?" she wondered as she saw the scene. Then she notices a fat body was jumping at her, causing her to cry in surprise and fear."Vanellope!" cried Ralph and rushed to her, punching the fat guy away, but due to the hole in the formation now, another fat body crashed the car and as Vanellope saw this she falls on her knees and began to cry, knowing she wouldn't have a chance of even driving a race anymore.Kuran and Roxas finished off the Heartless but it was already too late… the car was destroyed. Ralph looked down. "I am sorry… I can really only break things… why did I even think I could be a good guy for once?""What… what are these things?" asked Vanellope while still having tears and Kuran said, "Heartless! Your fine King sent them. And it seems he wanted to make sure that first we wouldn't spill that he took over this place and second you regaining your position as driver.""Regaining?" asked Vanellope and Kuran told, "From this pill I know you only need to pass the finish line during a race once to restart the game and take your position as rightful driver back.""That means… I am a driver!" cheered Vanellope suddenly. "Now we only have to get a new car!""Won't work! Candy would make sure we won't get into the bakery!" told Roxas but Ralph just said, "We have to get Felix! He can fix everything with his hammer.""Then we have to find him. He came here as well to find your Ralph," told Kuran but Sour Bill said, "He is in the fungeon right now. He came to the castle and I trapped him in here.""Fungeon… got that! But… what is a Fungeon and why did you just tell it?" asked Kuran, making Roxas realizing that he was wondering the same.Sour Bill replied, "Fungeon is a word play of Dungeon and Fun… and why I told you? If you found out he went missing somewhere here, you would have taken me again, threaten me again to get the information. I just thought I'd avoid that beforehand.""Nice idea!" told Kuran and stuck Sour Bill on a Lollipop. "You stay here!"With that they gathered the pieces and before they went off Roxas asked, "What did you forget?"She took two handmade medals, made of out sweets and put them on Ralph and Roxas. "I made these for you.""Thanks kid!" smiles Ralph and they were off to the castle. On the way were Heartless waiting for them, but while Ralph carries the remains of the kart, Roxas and Kuran took care of any Heartless that tried to interfere. They reached the castle and found the way into the fungeon. The guards weren't even trying to bother them since Kuran already broke some of their spears with his axe and they grew nervous as he took out a sword that was formed like a knife, indicating he might try a piece of them.In the meanwhile Felix was sitting in his jail and notices that the bars of his cell weren't the best. He took his hammer out and tried to mimic Ralph with his catch phrase "I'm gonna wreck it!" and hits the bar… however they got fixed instead and even thicker. He cries, "Why do I fix everything I touch?"However, the wall was broken suddenly by Ralph and Felix could hear Kuran asking, "Why didn't you let Roxas open up the door?""Because we got a little time to get everything fixed and her getting to the race!" told Ralph and turns to Felix. "Felix!""Ralph! I'm so glad to see you!" told Felix while jumping to Ralph's head and embracing it, but jumps off instantly and told, "Wait. No, I'm not. What do you have to say for yourself?!"Before Ralph could even explain, Felix told, "Wait! I don't want to hear it. I'm not talking to you!""Fine!" told Kuran. "Then fix this go-kart up!""I don't have to do boo! Forgive my potty mouth!" told Felix and Roxas mumbled, "I heard worse things than that…""I'm just so, so cross with you! Do you have any idea what you put me through?" Felix went on, "I ran higgledy-piggledy all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk-mix! And then… I met the most dynamite gal. She gives me the honey glow something awful. But she rebuffed my affections. And then I got thrown in jail!""Pull yourself together!" told Kuran, who didn't give a damn about Felix's rants now, but Felix just keeps on. "No! You don't know what it's like to be rejected and treated like a criminal!""Actually I do," admits Ralph. "That's every day of my life.""It is?" asked Felix, realizing that Kuran's question about how they treat Ralph might have some true impact. Ralph answered, "Which is why I ran off and tried to be a good guy, but I'm not! I'm just a bad guy, and I need your help.""You need to fix my cart! This is my only chance to get my racing place back!" told Vanellope, who came in now."Please Felix, fix it!" told Ralph. "And I promise I will never try to be good again."Felix smiles and took his hammer out, fixing Vanellope's cart. They went outside the castle and realized that the race already started. Vanellope jumps into her cart and races off. Kuran got on the Hover Bike and told, "I will hold off everything that smells Heartless!""Alright! We'll meet you up by the finish line!" told Roxas and they split up. Kuran had a good deal to do with flying and racing typed Heartless, but managed to get them off from Vanellope. Roxas rushed with Ralph and Felix to the finish line to wait for Vanellope. They had told her that she only needed to get through the finish line, but she intends to win the race.The first thing they had Vanellope and the other racers do was go in this curved, small canyon where boulders which appeared to be gumballs, rolled in the racers way. Since she did show up late, Vanellope was in last place, but to make things worse, one of the other racers got a power up and began to fire ice cream scoops towards the back. Thankfully, none of them hit Vanellope, since the person was aiming for people in front of her, but others were not so lucky. As the race continued to heat up, King Candy got a power of his own and got in fourth place, with Vanellope right behind him in sixth. She quickly avoided the gumballs however, and managed to hit a speed up maker, which made her in a higher ranking.Then she told one of the racers in front of her, "Behind you!"She passed her by outmaneuvering and told, "In front of you!"The racers then all had to travel up a huge cupcake like mountain, where Vanellope caught up to three other racers, who knew she was the glitch and immediately began to panic. The leader of that group, Taffyta, then instructed one of the other racers to drive alongside the road, where his engine smoke lit up some cherries that blew up. Vanellope immediately noticed though and she sped up, avoiding all the bombs either by driving fast, or through her glitch. Taffyta then took her eyes off the road for a moment and turned to look at Vanellope, laughing. "I told you, you're just an accident waiting to happen!" She said."Come on! You can do it!" told Ralph who was watching the race on a monitor and Roxas said, "Show them what you got!"As they continued to watch the screen, they watched the racers make it to the top of the mountain with the cherry bombs still going off around Vanellope. They then all rode into a tunnel, where the other racers where laughing at the glitch, but their laughing soon turned to screaming when they saw Vanellope glitch in front of them, causing them to spin out of control. They then all flew off an angled ledge, where they flew through the air and towards the other side of the track. But it looked like karma was out to get the three other racers, and they all fell into the gap between the track while Vanellope was the only one who made it to the other side.As she continued to ride, Vanellope talked to herself. "Okay, got to keep it under control, no more glitching!" She said as she rode faster.And all this time Kuran had his hands full with the fact that Heartless tried to invade the race. Ralph and the others then looked up to see Vanellope was in second place, behind King Candy. "Come on kid; let's finish this race without anymore—!" Ralph was cut off due to something hitting him in the face.They looked and saw that Sergeant Calhoun had been the one who hit Ralph on the face. "Hope you're happy, junk pile. This game is going down, and it's all your fault.""My lady, you came back." Told Felix, however…"Can it Fix-It!" She then looked back down at Ralph. "That Cy-Bug you brought with you multiplied!""No, it died in the taffy swamp, believe—" Ralph was cut off once again by the loud buzzing coming from behind the stands. Everybody then all looked up to see hundreds to thousands of Cy-Bugs flying in the air. They all only looked at them as more came out from the large hole they were leaving in."Bull roar," Sergeant Calhoun said as she pulled out of her gun case a gun that matched her armor. She then ran towards the Cy-Bugs and began to shoot them with it, making them explode into the candy pieces that were over them. Roxas also slashed with his two Keyblades every Cy-Bug he could reach. Calhoun flew on her skateboard like hovercraft and flew above the people fleeing. "Listen up people! Head to Game Central Station now!" She exclaimed.As soon as she said this, Ralph and Felix began to guide the people in the right direction towards the station. Ralph looked at the end of the race track and then over to the screen, worried about Vanellope's safety. Then the Cy-Bugs began to fly at the finish line and tried to eat it, but Ralph exclaimed, "NO!" and tried to stop them.King Candy was still in first place of the race, riding as fast as he could towards the finish line. He was heading towards a huge ice cream like cave with no worries what so ever, but little did he know that Vanellope was coming up right behind him. Vanellope then passed King Candy, and she swerved out in front of him, much to his surprise. They continued to fly by, with King Candy trying to find every possible way to get around the glitch, but with no luck.King Candy then looked to his right to see a 'Do Not Enter' sign that was heading downwards, and he decided to take that chance. He rode that way while Vanellope headed the right way, who was shocked when she looked behind her to see the King was not there. Vanellope then raced into the cave part of the ice cream and she continued to drive. Kuran, however, had to break away since he couldn't make it in the cave. But he notices for some reason no more Heartless are coming… until he learned why… Vanellope made it to a huge hill that she rode down that made her pick up more speed. But when the hill speed was over, she was shocked to see King Candy's kart appear in front of her. This impact caused King Candy's kart to go under Vanellope's while they were still driving, which made the King angrier than ever at the glitch. "Get off of my track!" He exclaimed."What are you crazy?!" Vanellope exclaimed loudly, trying to get out from under the King's kart, but every attempt failed. King Candy was now as angry as he could possibly be. He then looked down, seeing the hard candy that was used as the top of his gear and then took the candy cane he used as a cane. He then attached the two together and stood at the highest peak of the two karts."I forbid you to cross that finish line!" He said as he took the make shift staff and tried to whack Vanellope with it, and all she could let out was a gasp.Back near the finish line, Ralph, Fix-It, and Roxas were fighting off the Cy-Bugs while Calhoun was rushing the people out of the game. Felix was the first to look up and see what was happening on the screen. "Ralph look!" He said worried. Wreck-It then looked up to see King Candy trying to beat Vanellope, and could only let out a cry."Kid!" Ralph exclaimed.Ralph continued to watch the screen, where he saw King Candy try to swing at Vanellope. He was trying too hard that the window on her kart was beginning to fall apart. King Candy then finally succeeded in destroying her window, and was even closer to Vanellope, who was still crouched down in the seat of her kart. She knew she had to fight back though, so she grabbed on to the cane Candy was trying to hit her with. "Stop it!" She exclaimed as she held on to the cane, which was also causing her to glitch more."Let go!" King Candy exclaimed as he tried to make Vanellope let go. "I am NOT letting you undo all my hard work!"Just then, Vanellope's glitching traveled through the cane, causing King Candy to glitch as well. But when he began to glitch, he didn't look like himself, he looked like another figure with pale skin and glowing yellow eyes. He had the yellowiest teeth to match his eyes and he wore a white racing uniform with a red stripe going down his helmet. The heroes fighting the Cy-Bugs only looked up at the screen confused, but then Felix realized who it was."Is that?" Felix said shocked, as Ralph then quickly caught on to what Felix was trying to get across."NO WAY!" Wreck-It said, even more shocked then Felix.As King Candy, or Turbo, continued to glitch due to Vanellope holding on to the cane, he only pulled back to look at himself. "What the?!" Vanellope said as she crouched back into her kart. "Who are you?!""I am Turbo, the greatest racer EVER! And I did not reprogram this world to let you and that warthog to take it away from me!" King Candy, or Turbo, exclaimed and slams down on his pedals, causing Vanellope's car to turn on its side. "That's Turbo-tastic!" Turbo exclaimed as he continued to drive, heading towards a rock with a sign on the wall, planning to end Vanellope by slamming her into it. "End of the line, Glitch!"Vanellope only looked out of her kart in horror, but then she realized something. "Glitch! That's it!" Vanellope then began to whisper to herself. "Come on, help me! I know you said you wouldn't do it again but you have to do it one more time! Just focus and concentrate and…" Vanellope then paused. "Glitch!"Just then Vanellope and her kart glitched out of Turbo's way, getting back on its wheels next to him. He looked at her shocked before he rode after her, where she was cheering happily. "Sweet mother of monkey milk I did it!" She exclaimed as she rode out of the cave. She was now in first place! She could win this race if she just rode a little farther!But however, King Candy/Turbo was not happy about this, and only rode after her. But right as he was about to ride out of the cave, a huge Cy-Bug landed in his way. Turbo then let out a yell as the Cy-Bug opened his mouth…Vanellope continued to ride as she looked to see Ralph motioning at the finish line. "Come on kid! The finish line is wide open!" Ralph exclaimed. Thankfully, even though it looked like the Cy-Bugs were going to destroy it, Roxas managed to hold them off- for now. Vanellope continued to ride, but before she could make it to the finish line, even more Cy-Bugs began to burst out of the ground, one of the holes they were coming out of hitting Vanellope's kart. She then flew in the air, thankfully landing on her wheels, but sliding out of control towards a garden full of lolly-pops."NO!" Ralph exclaimed as he ran over to her, followed by Felix and RoxasWhen they finally made it to her Ralph asked, "Kid are you alright?""I'm fine, I'm fine! Let's finish this race!" She exclaimed angrily, trying to get the lolly-pops off her kart. But when they looked over, they saw the Cy-Bugs had returned and were now destroying the finish line."Oh my gosh…" Roxas said, trailing off."Come on kid, we have to get out of here!" Ralph exclaimed, picking Vanellope up and running towards the entrance to Game Central Station with Roxas and Felix right behind them."But I didn't cross the finish line!" Vanellope protested."There is no finish line!" Ralph exclaimed. They then continued to run as the Cy-Bugs destroyed the finish line completely.They then made it over to the exit of the game where Calhoun was directing everyone to get out of there."Move it or lose it, people. Everybody, out. Now!" Told the Sergeant as she continued to fire at the Cy-Bugs, with Felix staying behind to help as Ralph, Vanellope, and Roxas ran towards the exit. Vanellope protested, "This isn't gonna to work!""We got to try!" countered Roxas. However, when they got to the real exit of the game, Vanellope was stopped by a force field and couldn't make it through."Kid!""Ralph I told you I can't leave the game since I am a glitch!" Vanellope said, upset on the other side of the force field. Ralph would not give up though and continued to try and push her in the exit, but every attempt failed. "Ralph stop! It's no use!"Vanellope then glitched out of Ralph's hands and landed on the Sugar Rush side of the force field. Ralph then bent down next to her and breathed heavily as Felix and the Keyblade wielders stood around her with sad looks on their faces. "It's okay Ralph, Roxas" She said. The heroes then looked over to Sergeant Calhoun and Felix, who hovered on the skateboard hovercraft and hopped off."That's everyone, now the only thing to do is to blow up this exit." Calhoun said.Ralph then looked back down to Vanellope, looking like he was ready to cry. "Just go, go without me" Vanellope continued.Roxas and Ralph then looked back over to Calhoun and Felix. "But what about this game?" Felix asked."Nothing we can do about it, without a beacon there's no way to stop these monsters." She explained.Then Roxas notices something. "Where is Kuran?""Probably eaten by these Cy-Bugs if he was on his own out there!" told the Sergeant and got an explosive ready.Ralph then realized something. When he and Roxas were training Vanellope to ride her kart, they trained in that place that was supposed to be a bonus level but was cut out due to delaying the game's release date, Diet Cola Mountain. This mountain had coke as the lava with Mentos hung above it. Even though the volcano like mountain was calm and would not explode unless Mentos fell in the coke, Ralph was about to change that. "Right, beacon!" Ralph said. "Stay with Felix!"Ralph then ran over to the skateboard hovercraft that Calhoun was using and took it, beginning to hover off. "Let me borrow that thing lady!""Ralph, where are you going?" Vanellope said. "I got some wrecking to do." Ralph then flew off, "I'll meet you at the finish line!""Ralph, wait!" Felix exclaimed. Roxas on the other hand jumps on Ralph's back and told, "I won't let you do that alone! Somebody has to watch your back!""Alright! We're gonna wreck-it!" told Ralph.They flew at the top of Diet Cola Mountain, landing on top of the Mentos covering. Ralph only ran over to the center of the Mentos covering of the mountain, in an attempt to hit it in the center. Roxas got his Keyblades out and smashed every Cy-Bug that came too close. However… he notices some shows features of Heartless."Oh no…" told Roxas, knowing what that means… the Cy-Bugs ate the Heartless, turning themselves into a mix of both.As Ralph hit the ground, the Mentos began to collapse and only needed one more hit in the center with Ralph's powerful fists."One more!" Ralph said as he ran towards the center again, but before he could do anything, something came and hit him right in the face. He looked up and was shocked by what he saw."Welcome to the boss level!" A familiar voice said, causing Roxas to look and gasp at what he saw."Turbo!" exclaimed Ralph as he looked at the racer; only the thing was he didn't look too much like a racer anymore. He instead looked like a Cy-Bug, at least a few feet taller than any of them, with wings, and continued to flash between his King Candy and Turbo form."Because of you Ralph, I'm now the most powerful virus in the arcade! I can take over any game I want! I should thank you, but it would be more fun to kill you!" He exclaimed as he let out a monstrous laugh."I should thank you, but it would be more fun to kill you." was his next explanation while trying to claw Ralph, which was blocked by Roxas . Ralph tried to get to the center again; dodging the legs of the now Cy-Bug since his death here in this game would mean his permanent death. The same counts for the Cy-Bugs and Turbo, which was his plan. The Cy-Bugs have an instinct that leads them to a beacon if one is showing up, leading them to their own destruction."Get back here, little guy!" told Turbo while smacking Roxas away."Where do you think you're going?!" Turbo exclaimed as he tried to bring his claw down on Ralph, but Ralph managed to bring his fist up and flip Turbo over, making him closer to the center of the Mentos. "I don't think so!" Turbo said again as he came up from behind Ralph and grabbed him by the wrists and threw him once again. Then the Cy-Bug curled in and rolled over to Ralph and brought him down."I am not through with you yet!" Turbo said to Ralph, who was still in arms reach of him. Turbo then grabbed Ralph and flew higher into the air, far above the mountain."Ralph!" Roxas said as he tried to recover from the darkness attack. But all they could do was hopelessly watch Turbo carry Ralph higher.As Turbo stopped as high as he could in the air, Ralph looked over to see Vanellope, Calhoun, and Felix backing away from the Cy-Bugs, trying to leave to Game Central Station, but since Vanellope could not leave, she was still inside of the game with the Cy-Bugs trying to get to her. "Kid!" He exclaimed, "Vanellope!""Look at that! It's your little friend! Let's watch her die together shall we?" Turbo said as he gripped on to Ralph, holding him in a way so he was forced to look at Vanellope. "It's game over for both of you!"Ralph wanted to cry out to Vanellope, but he stopped himself. He then looked down, seeing that they were still right over Diet Cola Mountain. He then knew what he had to do. "No, just for me!" Ralph said as he managed to get out of Turbo's grip and began to fall.Kuran on the other hand was busy slicing Cy-Bugs since he encountered the first one. Also he saw that a few Heartless were eaten by Cy-Bugs, making them harder to kill. While flying around and slicing Cy-Bugs he notices that Ralph was falling towards the mounting. As Kuran got in the right high he notices the Mentos on the top and got Ralph's plan. However… a large Cy-Bug was trying to reach Ralph from above and was getting closer, looking like he would catch Ralph before the later one could hit the mountain.Kuran speeds up… or he would have if he had notices a Cy-Bug in time. He dodged it but it bit off a part of the Hoverbike. While falling Kuran tried to restart the damaged engine and hopes it would be soon work because he was falling towards the hungry mouths of Cy-Bugs."Come on! Come on! There is somebody I need to help! I have to get over there!" he cursed and slams a few times at the Hover Bike…Roxas notices that a light appeared out of nowhere and as he looked over a few thousand Cy-Bugs were destroyed that looks like an explosion of light and darkness. He saw Kuran shooting into the sky with a bike and wondered where he got that.Kuran looked excited as he realized that the Hoverbike must have gone though a sort of transformation somehow. It was now a black bike with a white tip in the front. On the lower sides were black wings while on the backside was a white large orb holding into place with black spikes and the same spikes goes also in different directions. Smirking at this, Kuran accelerates and the white orb on the backside glowed brightly before the bike shot off with Kuran. They raced at the large Cy-Bug and hit it before it could touch Ralph. From the surprised yell from the Cy-Bug Kuran realized, "One of them ate you Candy?""That's right! And now I am going to destroy you for your-ouch!" told Candy as he was interrupted by a hit from Kuran's fist."I am bad and that's good. I will never be good and that's not bad. There is no one I would rather be…" Ralph then paused as he looked down, seeing the medal Vanellope made him that said 'You're my Hero' and got closer to the Mentos, "Than me."Ralph then hit the Mentos dead on, making every single one of them fall into the mountain.However, this caused Ralph to follow the Mentos and Roxas was about to fall as well. But Kuran used the breaks to get Candy off from the bike and accelerated again with taking a turn that caused the bike to hits Turbo's face. Kuran shot down and called out for Roxas, who jumped on the bike with good timing. Roxas asked what they should to about Ralph and Kruan just said, "Wait and see!"Ralph closed his eyes, but was then shocked, then they felt something hard make contact with them. When Ralph opened his eyes, he saw he was not falling anymore, and instead was on the front of a very familiar friend's kart. "Kid!" Ralph exclaimed happily."Don't worry! I got it under control!" Vanellope said as she sped up her kart and drove through the wall due to her glitch to safety. As they did this, the volcano went off due to the combination of Coke and Mentos, causing all of the Cy-Bugsto fly into the beacon. Turbo questioned what they are doing and was also soon affected by the Cy-Bug's instinct and flew towards the diet cola.He regained his sense one last time to only cry in agony as he made contact with the Cola that killed him for good.As soon as all the Cy-Bugs where gone, Vanellope re-glitched back towards the exit of the game, right in a river of melted chocolate. They then all stood in the river, trying to get it off of them. "Chocolate?" Ralph said confused, but was then happy. "It's chocolate! We are alive!""You did it Ralph! Way to go brother!" Felix said happily as he then looked up at Calhoun. Felix then jumped up and kissed Calhoun on the cheek, which she didn't seem too happy about at first. She then grabbed Felix by the collar of his shirt. "I'm sor—" Felix was cut off since Calhoun returned the kiss, only right on the lips, as they made out romantically.Kuran and Roxas lands on the ground and got off to help Vanellope and Ralph out of the chocolafte and as they turned back to the Hover Bike… it was only a wreckage.Felix finally had fixed the finish line of the race with his hammer. "All fixed!" He said once he was done.Ralph then held on to the back of Vanellope's kart, which she was sitting in, and smiled. "Are you ready for this?" He asked her."As ready as I'll ever be." Vanellope said as Ralph then pushed her over the finish line. As soon as that happened, Vanellope flew up into the air and began to spin. She was then enveloped in light and her clothing changed from her normal attire, to a large princess ball gown. As soon as she landed, the entire land was then enveloped in light as well, and it all returned to its original glory. Even the other racers (who returned as soon as they saw the light) who were so cruel to Vanellope, looked at her shocked."Oh! Now I remember." One of the little green gumballs that was Turbo's old henchmen said as he ran next to her. "All hail the rightful ruler of Sugar Rush, Princess Vanellope."The other racers then began to talk quietly, not believing they remembered everything.Kuran whistled to Ralph. "You are friends with a Princess?""Wow! That takes a surprise" told Roxas."We are so sorry about the way we treated you." The racer, Taffyta, said."I was just doing what Taffyta told me to do!" Another one said as they then all began to fight about it, before Vanellope calmed them down."Hush, hush! As you're merciful Princess, I here by decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be…" Vanellope paused. "Executed.""WHAT?!" The other racers then began to cry out in fear as this happened."Oh no!" Felix said."Oh, this place just got interesting." Calhoun added, Kuran nodding in agreement at this.The other racers then where literally crying on their knees by what Vanellope said. "I'm just kidding!" Vanellope said, "Stop crying Taffyta!""I'm trying! But it won't stop!" Taffyta said as mascara began to fall from her eyes. Their laughter was then halted though when Ralph looked over to Roxas and Kuran."Thanks for your help," told Ralph."Anytime," told Roxas and Kuran said, "How is it to be a Princess?""What are you, nuts? Come on. This isn't me!" told Vanellope and glitched out of the princess outfit. "This is me."All looked odd and she explains, "Look, the code may say I'm a Princess, but I know who I really am, Ralph, I'm a racer with the greatest superpower ever."To prove her point she glitched controlled into different places and now everybody was laughing. Then one asked, "Pardon me for asking, but without a Princess, who's going to lead us?""Me. I'm thinking more along the lines of a constitutional democracy. President Vanellope von Schweetz." Exclaimed Vanellope. "Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?""Hey! The Arcade's about to open. Let's move 'em out." Explains now the sergeant. They said goodbye to each other while Vanellope and Ralph threw some insults out of fun to each other while going to the shuttle. Kuran and Roxas went on the bike that got fixed by Felix and they moved out of the game. Outside waited a man, albeit with light blue skin and covered from head to toe in grey armor. His armor is mostly seamless, the only distinct parts being his knee-high boots, small pauldrons, and what appear to be "sleeves" that cover his forearms only, not his upper arms or hands. He also wears a helmet vaguely reminiscent of a hockey helmet. The armor is covered in complex patterns of blue computer circuitry that glows bright cyan at times. A similar glow emits from his boots and "sleeves"."Greetings user Kuran and Roxas! I have been searching for you for the last 24 hours." Told the man and Kuran asked, "And you are?""Tron! I am a program from Radiant Garden and the User Even asked me to find you after an error caused you to be here.""Does this mean a goodbye for good?" asked Ralph.Kuran shook his head. "I think we can see each other again! We just cannot tell when. But first…"He rushed to the yellow fox he got the bike from and hands it back. "Thanks for letting me borrowing it! It really saved my life, especially after it transformed! But now I have to go! Bye!"Before the fox can say anything, Kuran left and left the Arcade with Roxas by Tron's help.The fox just stood here and looked odd. "Tranformation? I didn't build in any form of transformation! But it sounds good… perhaps I can build one in into the Tornado."Chapter 17: Chapter 17Riku and Sora were on the Gummi Ship and on the way to the next world. The brown haired Keybearer leans back and wondered, "Why did she send us off to find a Key of Darkness? I mean, we have two Keyblades so what is wrong with them?""Apparently are our Keyblades not enough," groans Riku. "She told us that a Keyblade of light and the Way to Dawn are not enough for the Gates we have to pass… whatever this means. Even I don't get smart from this woman.""I hope we find this Key soon… I really want Jack back," told Sora and Riku asked, "Even though he sold you to Davy Jones? You are really a trusting one.""Perhaps he planned that so we can get the key," told Sora and Riku just shrugs. "What's done is done, but don't expect that I will forget this."Then Sora spots a world he knows well and told, "Riku! Let us go to the world over here! Bell and the Beast lives there!"Riku looked over. "You mean one of the Princess of Light? I guess we can look over there… I just hope your friend doesn't try to rip me apart. After all, our last time isn't really making good foundation for friendship.""Don't worry! I will explain it. You weren't yourself way back," told Sora. "I am sure Belle and Beast will forgive you."Riku nods and pulled the Ship over to the world that contains the Beast's castle. They land by the front gates and walked indoors where Sora calls, "Hello? Is anybody here? Beast? Belle?""Belle isn't here… and the master is in his room, mourning about her absence," told a voice and Riku looked around. "Who is there?""I am here!" told the voice and Sora smiles. "Hi Lumiere! But what do you mean by Belle isn't here?"Suddenly a candelabra moves to them, much to Riku's surprise, and even starts to speak "Mademoiselle Belle left us because of her father. You see, the master has a magical mirror that allows him to see what he wishes. He showed it to Belle who wishes to see her father.""I guess her father wasn't in good condition that she had to leave for him," thought Riku aloud. "Better to see if she is alright.""I don't want to bug you with our trouble, but… can one of you stay here? Because of his condition our master is right now unable to protect us and other creatures began to show up except the Heartless.""I can think which creatures you mean," told Riku and turns to Sora. "Better you go to look for Belle. She will trust you and I'll try to have things under control here for now."Sora nods. "Alright! Just be careful Riku!""Same to you! I know how easy you fall into trouble," replied Riku causing his friend to protest before heading out of the castle.And Riku starts his patrol in the castle area. Sora traveled through the path to the village where Belle came from and only had some trouble with a few Heartless which shows up.In the village Sora spots a mob by a house and asked why these people are here. One answered that they were here to bring Belle's father to the insane asylum and Sora reacts shocked, especially as he heard Belle's voice, calling her father isn't crazy.But a short and obese man with brown hair, black eyes and large pink nose, who wears a dark brown trench coat with a red button-up shirt and a black kerchief called, "He was raving like a lunatic! We all heard him, didn't we?"And the villagers agreed to them and the man asked, "Maurice, tell us again, old man. Just how big was the Beast?""He was… I mean, he was… He was enormous! I'd… I'd say at least eight, no, more like 10 feet!" called a man with half bald head with white hair with green eyes and thick eyebrows. He is also thickly mustachioed. Sora got through the villagers and called, "You know the Beast?""I was his prisoner! He is a monster!" called Maurice and Sora looked odd. "He might look odd but he isn't a monster. But why should you have been his prisoner?""Long story Sora! We have a bigger problem," told Belle and the first man called, "She is right! Maurice made even this poor guy crazy! We have to put both of them away before anyone else got mad!"The villagers grabbed the two and Sora shouts: "Let me go!" while Maurice protested as well.Sora then saw a slender man with black hair talking to Belle. She seems to refuse something and runs into the house. She came out and called, "Sora and my father aren't crazy and I can prove it!"Then she held in front of her a mirror, whispering something, and with a flash the roar of the Beast could be heard while the mirror showed the Beast.One of the Villagers asked, "Is he dangerous?""No, no, he'd never hurt anyone." Told Belle. "Please, I know he looks vicious but he's really kind and gentle. He's my friend.""If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for this monster.""He's no monster, Gaston. You are!" countered Belle and then held the mirror from her with the words "She's as crazy as the other two!"Then he talked to the villagers. "The Beast will make off with your children. He'll come after them in the night!"And while Sora and Belle protested about this Gaston keeps on, "We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the Beast!"Then a man stated, "We're not safe until he's dead." And another stated, "He'll come stalking at night."A woman held her child while speaking, "Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!""He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free."And Gaston began to sing, "So it's time to take some action, boys!""Yeah!""It's time to follow me!" sung Gaston and set a hay stack at fire by throwing a torch at it, then continues to sing:Through the mist, through the woodsThrough the darkness and the shadowsIt's a nightmare, but it's one exciting rideSay a prayer, then we're thereAt the drawbridge of a castleAnd there's something truly terrible insideIt's a beast!He's got fangsRazor sharp ones!Massive paws, killer claws for the feastHear him roar!See him foam!But we're not coming home 'til he's deadGood and dead!Kill the Beast!"No! I won't let you do that!" called Sora and Belle adds, "You have no right to harm the Beast!""If you are not with us, then you are against us! Bring the old man!" told Gaston, and the Villagers grabbed the three and threw them into the cellar of Belle's home and closed it up while Gaston explains, "We can't have them running off to warn the creature. We'll rid the village of this Beast. Who's with me?""I am! I am! I am!" the mob members are shouting and began to singLight your torch!Mount your horse!Gaston got on a horse and sung, "Screw your courage to the sticking place!"And the mob continues while starting under Gaston's lead to head to the castle.Through a mist, through a woodWhere within a haunted castleSomething's lurking that you don't see ev'ry day!It's a beast!One as tall as a mountainWe won't rest 'til he's good and deceasedSally forth!Tally ho!Grab your sword!Grab your bow!Praise the Lord and here we go!"We'll lay siege to the castle and bring back his head!" called Gaston and a figure on their way told them, "And I will provide you with help!""Who are you?" asked Gaston and the figure told, "I am only a servant of the Light! The Beast must be a monster of the Darkness that you want to defeat it! I will help you with the Light Bringers!"With that, several golden glowing animals with halos are appearing but went along with the man instead of attacking the man. Gaston called, "God has blessed us with his holy creatures! He wants us to kill the Beast! To the Beast!"Back with Belle, Sora, and Maurice is Belle trying to open the cellar with a stick telling, "I have to warn the Beast!""Then let me help you!" told Sora but looked. "Uhm… where is the lock?"Outside a window was a cup moving and seems to spot something, hopping towards the object.Back to the mob, the villagers and the Lightbringers are still moving towards the castle and the villagers sungWe don't likeWhat we don't understandIn fact it scares usAnd this monster is mysterious at leastBring your guns!Bring your knives!Save your children and your wivesWe'll save our village and our livesWe'll kill the Beast!And on their way they cut a tree down and prepared it to ram any closed doors open and it started to rain with thunder roaring through the sky. Riku just finished his tour through the castle, avoiding the room of the Beast and looked out of the window as he notices the rain, but he also notices that some lights couldn't be from the lighting. After a closer look he called for the servants of the castle and told them, "We are under attack!""What?" asked Cogsworth and he went to the window with Lumire. "Sacre Bleu!""Encroachers!""Warn the Beast! I'll get to the country yard and close both doors up with the Keyblade and try to hold position as long as possible!" told Riku and rushed out, sealing the door behind him while closing up the other door in the courtyard, not even feeling bothered by the rain at the current situation. Unknown to him, the castle ware gathered to form the other defense line. And they sung to itHearts ablazeBanners highWe go marching into battleUnafraid although the danger just increasedThe villagers reach the door, preparing to hit the first one with the tree. They sungRaise your flag!Sing the song!Here we come, we're fifty strongAnd fifty villagers can't be wrongLet's kill the Beast!And they ram the tree at the door several times, singing by each hit Kill the Beast! And as Riku saw that the door began to weaken even with the Keyblade Seal he put on it, he called his Keyblade… or better term Keyblades! He finally found out how to call Burning Heart and he knows that he needs the two blades to attack the invaders. And the door broke open.The villagers looked at Riku and the Keyblade Master called, "If you want into the castle, then you have to get through me!""He is a slave of the Beast! We have to hold him as long the Beast lives or else he will kill us in his name!" called Gaston and at these words the Lightbringers began to attack Riku. He defended against the different animal typed Light creatures, however the villagers walked past him and began to ram the other door with the tree. Riku got some distance before he unleashes a Blast spell to wipe out as many Lightbringers as possible, but after the blast a bear like Lightbringer shows up and it was three times larger than a normal bear. Gritting his teeth, Riku held the two blades up. It won't be easy since several aerial typed Lightbringers are supporting it.In the meanwhile Sora was still trying to get the door open but he didn't find a keyhole he could use nor he had by this door enough space to move his Keybalde for a smash. Suddenly he heard a clicking noise and the door opened. Sora looked who opened the door and called, "Kairi!""Sora! Glad to see that you are alright! But why didn't you tell me you have a cup as friend?""A cup?" asked Sora and indeed a cup hopped into view. "Chip! What are you doing here?""He came with me since he wondered why I was leaving," told Belle, "But we have to get to the Beast and warn him.""Let us help you out first," told Aqua who came into view. She looked at Belle and told, "Hello Belle, I am Aqua! Kairi told me about you.""Bon Jour!" told Belle. "I am Belle and this is my father."Aqua nods and helps them out. Belle and Maurice prepared their horse and one of the carriages of the village."A Princess of Hearts holding a Keyblade… what a shame how low this universe has become," told a voice and Aqua called, "Who is there?"A figure stepped out of the shadows and it was… a person in a large body with the head of a wolf and it shows the mane of a lion. While the face was black like night, the mane shines in a bright white and the armor was golden with designs of the sun. It roared, "I am here! The Defender of the Light, Maluz!""So Maluz! What do you want here?" asked Sora and Maluz answered, "I am here for my task to destroy all Keyblades! They are the reason why the original world of Light broke! And they will be the doom of the universe if they are not stopped in time! Even if you are warriors of Light, the whole existence of the Keyblades will only cause a repeat of the tragedy!""You cannot know if destroying the Keyblades will hinder such catastrophe," countered Kairi and Aqua adds, "You cannot doom everybody because they have a Keyblade.""If this is your belief then I have no other choice!" told Maluz and draws his sword. Kairi, Sora, and Aqua called their Keyblades into their hands and got ready.Sora was the first to move and stormed at Maluz, who in return blocked Sora's swing and used the started movement to get enough momentum to attack Sora with an upward slash. Sora got his Keyblade in a blocking position in time, but alone the force behind the slash made Sora fly back."Sora!" called Kairi and rushed to him while Aqua fired a Triple Firaga at their opponent. Maluz casted Reflega to block the fire balls and called, "Shining Freeze!"An ice crystal shining in a bright light shot at Aqua and she jumped to dodge it, but it was a homing attack so it followed her movement and hit her legs, freezing them while causing a lot of pain at the Keyblade Master. The creature rushed at her, raising his blade but changed his body stance and the way he holds his blade at the last moment to block a fire spell from Kairi, but was surprised as he got hit by a Thunder from Sora followed by an Ars Arcanum.Maluz stepped back at the hits but shocked Sora by the fact that this Keyblade Hunter was only scratched on the armor. His shocked state only last for a few seconds as he was thrown into the air by a Light version of Aeroga.Kairi had used another Fire spell but this time on Aqua's frozen legs to free her while Sora attacked Maluz. She got Aqua free and not a second late since Aqua grabbed her and jumped with her away as the blade of Maluz hit the ground on the spot where they had been.Then he lifts his blade and pointed it upward and Kairi could see that Sora was falling towards the blade. Aqua realized it as well and casts with Kairi a combination of Blizzard and Thundaga shots, bringing Maluz out of balance for a moment and Sora used this to hit Maluz head with a Strike Raid.Maluz roared by this direct hit and holds his head in pain. The three Keybearers now saw an attacking chance and rushed with their best attacks. Sora with Salvation, Aqua with her finisher Teleport Spike, and Kairi, due to her inexperience, used Light Edge, a variation of the Edge attacks, which used the light.Maluz staggered back from these attacks but he grabs his blade which now shined brightly as he took it and slams the blade into the ground. With that, a pillar of light hits the battle field and the three Keybearers were slammed into the ground and were in a terrible shape after the end of the attack.Maluz walked towards the three and told, "You gave a good battle, but you cannot change the course of destiny! Your end is brought by my hands. I am sorry, Princess of Heart, since I wouldn't have to do that if you haven't chosen to take the blade."Kairi looked in fear at him, but suddenly horse cry was heard and Maluz was knocked over by a brown horse that stormed in with a carriage tied on it."Are you three alright?" asked Belle and Sora answered, "Thanks Belle! We owe you something!"Belle helped the three to get on the carriage and once they were in, Maurice called "Ho!" and the horse began to rush out of the village. Maluz stood up after recovering from the hit from the horse and asked, "Why is the second Princess of Heart so foolish to help the Keybearers?"He may not get them this time, but he knew that the Beast won't exist anymore after this day. And the Lightbringers will fight against them. Due to the foolish belief of the villagers, the Lightbringers were sent by God, they would also attack the Keybearers once realizing that the woman and the two teenagers are enemies of them.With that he left this world, in believe he has other worlds to free from darkness.In the meanwhile Riku still had his hands full against this bear like Lightbringer and its support. He managed to kill a good number of these aerial creatures, but killing the bear isn't easy. The only weak point is the head. It slashes and stomps with its paws and randomly shoots light pillars on the ground or roars so loud that Riku was pushed back. Or in other words, this thing is the light equivalent of a Darkside and Groundshaker hybrid. And also the other sealed door was slowly breaking from the constant ramming of the villagers at it and the Lightbringers helping them.Riku jumped again to dodge a stamp on the ground and jumped again to escape the shockwave. Then he aimed at the head of the beast and shot a Mega Flare at the head, causing a lot of damage and all aerial Lightbringers which happened to be in the way were wiped out. However, it wasn't helping as new just ones emerged and Riku groans, "How much more until we got that?"He got into pose again and cursed that he didn't pay more attention to the magic lessons. He absolutely needed a strong magical hit on this beast or a way to get close to the face.Then he had a mad idea: He casted on himself Zero Gravity and flew up, once he was above the beast he broke the spell and timed his momentum to start a Dark Splicer and finished it with a Meteor Spell. The bear like Lightbringer falls on the ground and Riku rushed to the head, and attacked it with everything he got. Then suddenly the bear jumped back on the feet and roared loudly while shining brightly and exploded into thousands of light sparks which turned out while floating to the ground.The feeling of victory was short lived as he heard that the door gave in and the villagers moved into it. He rushed with the two Keyblades in hands at them, quickly dispatching any Lightbringer in his way and stopped as he saw an awkward scene: The villagers got beaten up by the castle ware… Riku was already found it odd that the inhabitants of the castle were all turned into different objects… but the sight of, for example, a chest gulping down a villager froze his brain.Or what's confusing is… one of the villagers got caught by a wardrobe and after some rumbling it came out with a complete different design: Orange towered hair in at least the same size of the man with a green bow with a purple bra, arm-long purple gloves, pink panties, and also wearing green high heels and a green ballerina tutu. Additionally was a pearl necklace and star formed ear rings. The man looked at himself for a second before screaming and running off.With a simple shrug, Riku rushed at the closest of the villagers and hit him with his Keyblades, but after a few minutes of fighting, Burning Heart disappeared and Riku assumed that the Keyblades coming from the amulets can be only hold for a limited time period, added to the fact he cannot summon it back right now, it might not possible to use it again for a while.Right now Lumiere was in trouble since a villager tried to melt him with a torch, but Cogsworth showed up with a gun in one hand, a pair of scissors in the other and wears a bicorn on the head while wearing a sash.He jumps on the banister while holding out the scissors after seeing Lumiere in trouble and rams with the momentum of the scissors into the ass of the villager. He jumped in pain and rushes off.Belle reaches the castle with her father and her friends. Once they were there, Sora jumped out and saw the fight, calling his Keyblade and rushes in. Aqua looked after him and asked, "Is he always rushing? We are barely healed up and he is already fighting again,""Sora is like that! Always ready for his friend," smiles Kairi. "We should help him though.""I hope we don't injure them too much," told Aqua, not liking the idea to fight against misguided people. However they rush in to fight. It was only a matter of minutes before the villagers are fleeing from the castle.Belle rushes up to see if the Beast is alright; the Keybearers followed her since none of them had noticed Gaston leaving the castle as well.However Gaston had found the Beasts room and he raises his crossbow and takes aim. The Beast looks up at him, and then looks back down in sadness again.Gaston on the other hand releases the arrow and it strikes the Beast in the shoulder. He screams in pain and stands up. Seeing a chance, Gaston rushes at him and they fly out the window onto the balcony.Laughing loudly Gaston jumped after the beast and pushes him over the edge of the balcony, causing the Beast to roll down on the roof. Gaston jumps after him and ordered, "Get up!"After kicking the Beast once he called, "Get up! What's the matter, Beast? Too kind and gentle to fight back?"Ignoring Gaston's words the Beast looked down. Gaston went to the foreground and broke a piece of the roof off and went to the Beast and was about to smash the beast as Belle's voice came from the balcony. "No! Gaston! Don't do it!""Belle?" asked the Beast and looked up, spotting her, and as Gaston swings his weapon down at the Beast, the Beast catches it with his hand. Rising up, the cursed man roars in Gaston's face. They pulled over the control of the weapon and it separated, Gaston still having the club in his hands. He swung it against the Beast who just dodged and still attacks. Then they fall down to a different part of the rooftop and Gaston manages to kick the Beast away.He proceeds forward and smashes his club on the head only to discover he hit a gargoyle."Come on out and fight!" called Gaston and told with a provoking tone, "Were you in love with her, Beast? Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?"The Beast came out and Gaston called at him, "It's over, Beast! Belle is mine!"Then he attacked, but the Beast countered and grabs Gaston by the neck and holds him over the edge of the roof. Panicked, Gaston pleaded, "Put me down! Put me down. Please, don't hurt me! I'll do anything! Anything!"The Beast looked angered at Gaston but the anger melts off and he pulled Gaston back on the rooftop. "Get out!" was his only order to him before he let him fall on the safe ground of the rooftop."Beast," came Belle's voice again and the Beast answered, "Belle."He climbed up to her and reaches his hand at her outstretched hand and told while taking it, "You came back!"Sora and the others arrived on the balcony in this moment and Sora was smiling, but suddenly he jumped with the others in shock as the Beast roared and they could see that Gaston was pulling a knife out of the Beast's back. In his pain, the Beast threw his arm back, causing Gaston to lose his balance and with a loud cry the hunter falls to his doom.Belle caught the Beast before he could fall off and with the help of Sora and Riku they pulled him on the balcony. The loyal servants of the beast arrived at the place and saw in shock what happened. Kairi and Aqua tried with different healing spells to help the Beast, but it was a wasted effort."You came back…" whispered the Beast and Belle answered, "Of course I came back. I couldn't let them… Oh this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner.""Maybe it's better this way." Answered the Beast, but Belle protested, "Don't talk like that. You'll be all right. We're together now. Everything's going to be fine. You'll see.""At least I got to see you one… last… time," told the Beast while Belle pulls Beast's paw to her cheek. He holds it there for a second, then drops it. His head falls back and his eyes close. Belle was in disbelief of what happens here and puts her hand on his mouth. Then she began to cry and embraces his body. "No, no! Please! Please! Please don't leave me!"Then she whispered, "I love you…"Everybody looked down in grief, not noticing that the last petal of the rose falls down. But then something strange happened:During this, a beam of light falls like a shooting star. Then another comes. And another, and another. Everybody began to notice what's happening and looked in confusion. Belle stops crying for a second, then starts to back away. The Beast rises up into the air magically and begins to turn. He is enveloped in a cloud of light, and becomes wrapped in his cloak.Underneath, the Beast's body was shifting and forming. A fore paw comes out and the claws turn into fingers. A hind paw emerges and develops into a foot. Finally, a wind blows across his face and the fur melts away to reveal a young man. He gradually descends and is laid on the floor again. The fog disappears and Belle reaches out to touch him. She jerks her hand back, however, when the figure begins to move. It stands, then looks at its hands, then turns to face Belle. It is a human, with the same blue eyes as Beast. It was obviously the Beast, transformed. Belle gives him a mysterious look."Belle! It's me!" called the man. Belle looked at him and spoke after seeing his eyes, "It is you."They kiss and a fireworks display explodes around them. The gloom surrounding the castle disappears, revealing a blue sky. The castle is transformed, with the gargoyles changing into cherubs.The different living objects of the castle began to transform into people again and the former Beast called "Lumiere, Cogsworth! Oh, Mrs. Potts! Look at us!"Chip came in and called "Mama! Mama!" before transforming back and Lumiere just said, "It is a miracle!"Sora smiles to them. "It's great to see you alive!""Thanks Sora! Without you and your friend who knows if Belle would have been able to come back in time. Especially you, Riku! I noticed you fighting in the outside, but everything was without matter for me. Thanks for fighting for me.""No problem!" told Riku. "Glad that I could help, even with the bad past we had.""Do you want to stay for a while? We have to celebrate this!" told Belle, but Aqua shook her head. "I am sorry, but we have to move out. We encountered an enemy who nearly defeated us and we have to train.""You're right… I forgot about what happened in the village," admits Belle, "But please come back once your travel is over.""No problem, Belle! Once we solved everything, we'll come to a visit!" told Sora and they left with a goodbye, all four Keybearers knowing to which world they are going to next.Outside the castle Gaston climbed back to the solid ground. During the fall, he managed to hold onto the rocks so he didn't fall the entire cliff down to the death.He looked back at the castle, noticing the difference and shouted, "I don't know how you do this Beast! But I swear! If I cannot have Belle! Then nobody will have her!"Not noticing the black smoke coming from his body he turned around and spots some Lightbringers coming to him. He smirks and told, "Good to see you! The Beast is still on the loose and we have to act quickly to kill it!"However, the way the light creatures came close made Gaston nervous since as an experienced hunter he knows that this way of approach is only done by wild animals cornering their prey."What… what are you doing? Stay away from me! Leave me alone!" called Gaston but the Lightbringers jumped at him and one last cry was heard from Gaston before the Lightbringers disappeared, leaving behind a smoke of darkness that disappeared in the light.Chapter 18: Chapter 18The dark portal opened and Kuran stepped out together with Roxas, Lea and… Even…Once all of them were out of the dark Vortex, Kuran dismissed it and asked, "So, why did you want us to be here?""Simple! I want to collect combat data from you, and why have something simulated, if a real one brings more efficient information?""And why are Roxas and me here, too?" wondered Lea and Even replied, "To update the data about you. They are outdated due to the fact that you now possess a Keyblade now and Roxas being able to hold two!""I… see…" was the response of Lea and wondered, "Where do we have to go now?""This way," told Kuran and Roxas went in. "Wonder if Phil remembers me?""You have been here once, too?" Kuran cut in and Lea answered, "Roxie over here, got sent into a number of worlds for missions, so it could be he was here a few times. And you?""Was on many worlds before I ran into you, but never bothered to make friends before. And for some it is better you leave once you step in," told Kuran with a shrug and Lead nods. "After Tortuga, I believe you! But don't think I would go easy on you because of that! As Keybearer, I will wipe the floor with you!""Good luck in trying that!" told Kuran. "Once you learned how to swing it properly, call me so I can have some fun instead of a meaningless beating.""HEY!" protested Lea and they continued their way to their destination.Once they were there, Roxas notices, "Looks different then last time! Wonder what happened since I was here…""How about we ask this guy over there?" asked Lea and points to a direction where they see a… being with the lower body resembling of a goat with brown hooves and orange fur. The upper body is body is that of a short man with an enormous gut and some hair on his chest and arms. The top of his head is bald, save for four strands of orange hair, while the back of his hair is about shoulder-length. He has a curly goatee and five o'clock shadow over most of his lower face. His nose is pink and bulbous and his ears are pointed. Also he has black eyes and a thin, brown uni-brow. Finally, there are two brown goat horns sprouting out of the top of his head.And he seems to look at a list. The four walked up to him and Roxas said, "Hello Phil!""Ah! Good you are here! Be so nice and move this statue over there!" told the satyr and Kuran points out, "I doubt that we four could carry a statue like that!"The goat looked up while speaking, "Four? What are- Roxas! It has been a while! Why didn't you show up for training again?""Long story Phil," told Roxas, "But we are here since somebody wants to see how we fight.""What do you mean by that?" asked Phil and Lea replies while pointing at Even, "This guy over there wants to study us by watching us beating some Heartless.""From what I saw by Roxas, I think he wouldn't be disappointed, even if he is still far away from being a Hero! Heck! He isn't even a Junior Hero yet, which should be change soon! You red-head, are not even qualified to trying and this guy with the large sword looks more like an Anti-Hero than an actual one!""I don't know if this is an insult or a praise," countered Kuran, "But did something happen here? I know it looked different a year ago.""Only two words: Fight. With. The. Hydra!" answered Phil and Lea points out, "Which is actually four words! And what is a Hydra?""The Hydra is a beast in the geek mythology, which has the ability to grow more heads for each you cut off. So removing the head isn't the solution to kill it," told Even. "Too bad I wasn't there! It would have been an interesting field study to see how the fight with the Hydra goes.""If Hades decides to trash in again, you might have the chance to see one of his other monsters." Told Phil. "But you are lucky! We happen to run a tournament to celebrate the grand reopening of the Coliseum! I can write all four of you in!""I am only here to observe! But these three are more than willing to join your tournament!" told Even and Kuran whispered to Lea, "Next time I say no to your opinions!"Lea just shrugged and asked, "Sea Salt Ice Cream?""Please?" asked Kuran with a confused face.In the meanwhile, deep in the underworld where Hades lair was placed, was the God of the death roaring loudly while his flames covered his body, turned in a red color, "Never! I will never allow you to have your hands on my deaths here! I am the God of the underworld! You are only a little boy wanting to play games!""I am not planning to take away the ones who are already designated to die… but giving the ones on the line between life and death a fairish chance to change their course," told a young voice and continues, "However if this discussion doesn't lead to anything… how about a bet?""A bet?" asked Hades and adds, "On what did you think?""Each of us chooses a champion for the next tournament and whoever earns the highest ranking in this tournament wins the bet! If you lose, I can install the game on this world, while when I lose, I make sure the losers in my world come to your precious underworld so far it's possible.""So far it's possible?" asked Hades. "Does it mean there will be holes that allow you to pay nothing?""Please! It will be only these who will disappear without a chance to bring them back. And it would be only two or three in a month. So I doubt that compared to the normal participant numbers of the game it would be a large loss."Hades thought about this and called out while holding out his hand, "Deal! But each of us can choose his champion from wherever they come!""That's fine by me! And now excuse me… I have to choose a champion. And no unfair tricks if you were so nice," told the voice after taking Hades hand and disappears."Fool! Soon I will have the death of one of the worlds I never had access to!" smirks Hades and called, "Pain! Panic! Report to me in an instant!"Then he mused, "I could use this chance to get rid of Hercules as well if I play my cards right and I bet this meddling Keybearer will show up as well, counting the luck I have with him. So taking care of three birds with one stone."Outside the coliseum Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Aqua were arriving the place and Aqua said, "It has been a while since I was here. I hope everybody is alright.""They did for sure a good job in rebuilding the coliseum!" told Sora and Kairi asked, "Rebuilding?""It was destroyed by the Hydra as I went with Donald and Goofy to the underworld to save somebody. Hercules joined in as well and that's why the place got messed up.""Sounds like Hercules made progress in his training," told Aqua and Sora asked, "You know him?""We met once," told Aqua, "And I gave him some advice which I learned during my journey.""Then you will be surprised how well it went with him!" told Sora and storms off with Riku laughing, "Seems he is excited to get training from here.""I agree! But now let's make sure we don't lose him," told Riku and went after him. Sora spots his friend Hercules and called, "Hey, Hercules!"Hercules turned around and called, "Sora! Good to see you!""How are things going between you and Meg?" asked Sora and Herc answered, "Everything is alright! Even though it was hard with rebuilding the Coliseum.""Hercules! You really changed from the last time we met!" told Aqua and Hercules turned to her. "That's right! But it has been a while since we met if you recall.""I know! But this is a long story," told Aqua and Kairi came with Riku. As Sora notices them, the Keybearer told, "Hercules! These are my friends Riku and Kairi.""Hi!" smiles Kairi and Riku nods. "Hello!""Welcome!" replied Hercules and Sora asked, "Since the Coliseum is back in one piece, is a tournament running?""Now that you mention it, yes! We started a tournament and there are still spots open!""Can we still join?" asked Sora and Hercules rubs his chin and nods. "I think four are still the slots left for you.""Then let's go to Phil and tell him we are joining!" cheered Sora and rushes off. Hercules laughed, "Didn't change a bit since last time!""Who are you telling that?" asked Riku. "He always jumps into challenges."And they walked to Phil, following Sora and Phil registered them all. Only by Kairi he wasn't sure but to due the insistence of Kairi and Sora, the satyr gave in and was registered. They were asked to go over to a waiting room and Sora stared as he saw three familiar faces. "Lea? Roxas? Kuran? What are you doing here?""Ask Even! He wants to collect data!" told Lea and Riku wondered, "Why is Roxas here?""Lea pulled a stunt with the chest," told Kuran and Riku wondered, "You know that you might have to return the heart back to Davy Jones?""Hey! It wasn't in the chest anymore! Norringhton told me Jack had the heart," protested Lea and Riku groans, "And you believed him?""Your friend doesn't seem to be smart enough to tell that some people might lie," told a new voice and they turned to see a silver haired girl with aquamarine eyes and wears a dark black armor. "I am Yuki!""I am Sora! These are Kairi, Riku, Lea, Roxas, Aqua and Kuran." Told Sora and Roxas answered, "Lea can fall for a few things but is normally smart.""Hope he fights better than he looks like," replied Yuki and Lea protested, "Hey!"Kuran just shrugs and left to not listen to this argument. As he leans to a wall a boy came to him who is skinny and wears a tan jacket with red orange pin stripes at the neck and going down to the bottom where it thickens into a big stripe. It's sleeveless with a true red shirt underneath. His pants are tan with thin red pin stripes around the bottoms they go to his calves. He has horizon blue eyes, dark red hair like Kairi's, and a red head band and black, red, and white sneakers."Who are you?" asked Kuran and the boy answered, "Kiro! And you are?""Kuran! And now get lost," told Kuran but Kiro just shrugs. "Nope! I don't think so! I have a reason to be here and also have a reason to talk with you."Kuran eyed him and sighs loudly, but froze as his glance falls on a familiar figure. He grabs Caring Wing and wanted to rush, but Kiro stopped him. "If you attack him, you will be disqualified!""Why is he here?" demands Kuran and Kiro shrugs. "No clue!"Aqua heard Kuran's demand and as she turned she spots Maluz entering the room. If there wasn't a rule that forbids fights between the participants outside the battles, a full out fight would be here right now. She pulled the others to a corner and told them about Maluz. After she finished the report, a voice asked, "A Keyblade hunter? That's bad."They turned to see a boy with short brown hair wearing a light grey short-sleeve shirt with dark grey sleeveless vest and dark blue jeans. He had also dark brown shoes and on his green-brow eyes he wore small rectangular glasses. On the right side he has a Katana with the handle looks like a Chinese dragon with a silver peal in its mouth."And you are?" asked Riku with suspicion. The boy shrugged. "I am Will! Ended up here as I played around with a dark portal and time manipulating spells. Who knows if this is even the reality I am used to?""You know that dark portals and time manipulating spells are not toys?" asked Aqua and Will laughs, "I know! But I wanted to play around!"Everybody rolled their eyes and Riku went to get some fresh air. On the way he passed a man with pink hair and a girl with golden hair, having a bad feeling about them. Perhaps one of the others knows about them. Then suddenly he saw somebody he didn't expect. "Mickey?""Hello Riku!" told Mickey. "Good to see you!""What are you doing here?" wondered the silver haired boy and Mickey laughed, "I heard about the tournament and thought Sora might want to join here because I need you and Sora to help me with a problem back in my home world. But before that I just wanted to see how good I will do in a tournament. And Master Yen Sid asked me to see how you are progressing.""Then we will see who will face you!" told Riku and smiled and Mickey laughed while shaking their hands.Then a girl passed them and her clothes looked futuristic even though they could make out high heels boots and a mini skirt with a panty hose. They couldn't really tell what kind of hairstyle she wore; only that it was grey and black with light blue details.On her sides she had a pair of guns and in the waiting room she just sat down on a free place with her arms crossed. They could make out a name tag with the name "Tech" on her.They wondered for a moment about her but decided to let in go and Riku asked Mickey, "What kind of help do you need?""I will tell you after this tournament. But now I want to know if any of the tasks given by Yen Sid is done?""Not really! We found the boy that took Aqua out of the Realm of Darkness and somehow Roxas came back, but not much is done. And the one with the golden armor is hunting Keyblade bearers. I bet he is the one the Chronicler is talking about, since he seems to control Lightbringers."Mickey nods and answered, "Gosh! Sounds really dangerous! Good thing that the rules prevent uncontrolled fights and death or we might be in trouble right now.""What do you mean?" asked Riku and Mickey answered, "I can see he is really strong and I doubt that a single one of us could handle him.""I fought him with Sora, Aqua, and Kairi, but we were still beaten by him," admits Riku and Mickey said, "Gosh! Then we have to be careful! But why would he join such a tournament?""Good question Mickey… good question," told Riku and looked at Maluz, who just looked with disgust at the Keybearers.Lea looked back with the same intention, but saw two people he recognized. "Should have known those two are back as well!""Who?" asked Sora and Lea points over to the blond haired girl and pink haired boy. "Marluxia and Larxene, double crossers back in the Orga- Wait! You don't remember them?""Should I?" wondered Sora and Lea called back, "You took them out in Castle Oblivion!""Sorry… but I don't even know what Castle Oblivion is," told Sora and Lea just stared. "Namine messed with your head again or what?""Namine… I only met her briefly before Riku and I had to face Xemnas and Lea shrugs. "Gotcha! Namine made you forget your whole Castle Oblivion adventure. If she ever returns, I might ask her why… on the other hand why should I bother? It's not my memory she messed around with!"Sora wanted to say something, but suddenly Phil came. "Alright people! All of you into the field now! The tournament is starting soon and I want that all of you are at least all here in the opening ceremony!"Without another word he stomps out and all participants followed him.In the Coliseum a large crowd was cheering on the participants and they saw Hercules now walking among them, making Sora guess that Herc is in the fights as well.In front of them on a special tribune is a set of different colored glowing people and a white beard one called, "Welcome! Welcome to the reopening tournament of the Olympic Coliseum, for the offwordlers among you, I may introduce myself! I am Zeus, the father of all Gods here in this world! I thank you all for participating in this tournament! And for those who also don't know: As price for winning the tournament, we, the Gods of Olympus will grant the winner one wish! Of course you cannot wish everything. One of the things we won't grant is ruler ship over the universe and so on. But don't worry! We'll warn you if you request an ungrantable wish!"Sora looked in surprise and Mickey said, "Gosh! Then it makes sense that Maluz is joining the tournament! A wish from the Gods themselves might bring him closer to his goals!"Zeus went on, "Now to the rules: No killing is allowed, much to the dismay to my brother Hades. You can summon anything into the field if you wield the ability in one way or another! The fight ends, when one of the fighting ones is unable to fight! Oh and before I forget: The second prize would be golden statue made by Hephaestus himself! And the third one, a kiss from Aphrodite. Though I wonder why she is offering this up as third place price. I would place it as first prize in a different tournament. Anyway…"He cleared his throat and announces loudly, "May the tournament begin!"For those who have an OC in the tournament: What would your Character wish if he/she wins this tournament?And for the protocol:Yuki belongs to Raziel101Kiro belongs to KHLegacyTech belongs to Crimson-Flazey on DAWill belongs to Fantafyfan101 on DAChapter 19: Chapter 19The first match of the starting round was close to starting and Aqua went with Kiro to the field while the others are taking their seats at reserved places on the tribunes. To avoid trouble, the ones who would fight each other before their round, certain people are placed far away from each other, like Kuran and Maluz who had their seats on the different ends of the Coliseum. Next to Sora and Riku, there happened to be a free seat and somebody approached them. "May I take this seat?"Sora answered, "Sure!" and turns around to see who it was. "Joshua! What are you doing here?""Business!" told the boy while sitting down. "And as I learned that you all are participating in this tournament, I thought I could say hello to you.""I am surprised you are here!" told Riku. "No worries about Neku and the others?""They won the games and are in no danger! Just still stuck in Traverse Town. However, I had to take a leave for my things," told Joshua. "Still not sure how I could leave while the others couldn't."Then he took an object out and hands it to Riku. "Can you watch after it until I ask you to give it back?"Riku took it and asked, "What is that?""Something important for me," was Joshua's only answer and turns to see the field since the fight between Kiro and Aqua was starting soon.Aqua called her Keyblade and holds it to her side, wondering what kind of weapon her opponent would use.A flash shows up on his hand and to everybody's surprise, a Keyblade was his hand. The shaft was silver, the teeth were a hook of sorts, curving around with a point in the middle then making a bump before disappearing into the shaft. The negative space was lined with gold showing that it made the shape of a heart.The center bottom of the shaft had a red cloth wrapped around it and twisted down with two tiny tails. The knot is seen in the hole at the top of the handle which was gold.The top half of the hand guard was a pair of white wings with blue, green and red tips the bottom half were clashing ocean waves and the Keychain was a Thallasia shell."Where did you get this Keyblade?" demands Aqua and Kiro answered, "Sorry! Cannot tell or else I'll get a lot of trouble. I was told that the only thing I can say to this question is that I passed a door that Sora used once as well"Aqua wondered what he means, but knowing he won't tell it, she prepared to fight.Kiro made the first move after the bell rang to start the battle by throwing his Keyblade at the Keyblade Master. Aqua, however, put up a barrier to block the attack and once the Keyblade bounced off, she used a Thundaga Shot as counter, but Kiro jumped over it while catching his Keyblade and tried a Firaga on Aqua. She rolled out of the way and set up something with her magic. Kiro was now close to her and swung his Keyblade, but suddenly Aqua was behind him and to his shock he ran straight into a trap of seeker mines. He wanted to counter, but got hit by a bind spell from Aqua. Unable to move, all mines hit him and was stunned from the side effect. Aqua used the opening to hit Kiro several times. Before she attacked with a spell, a flash blinded her and it took some time before she could see again. As her sight was clear again, she spots a spell flying to her. She tried to block, but it was too late and she got hit. However, she didn't feel pain so the spell must have a different effect. She went to use an Esuna, but… nothing happens!This took Aqua in surprise and looked at Kiro, who was closing in for an attack. Aqua wanted to use a Thunder spell, but even this didn't happen. Kiro hits her and sends her flying before he jumps up and his Keyblade covered in light, hits her to send her down again."Gosh! What is wrong with Aqua? Why isn't she using her moves?" asked Mickey, confused and Kuran replied, "Seal""Seal?" wondered Roxas and Lea went in, "What is that?""A spell for sealing magic away. I read it in the books of Master Ynsadi," explained Kuran and Mickey went in, "Aqua must have forgotten about this spell and now being hit by the effects of this spell she was caught by surprise. I guess once she remembers she will rely on her attack moves until the effect wears off.""Guess you are right about that!" told Roxas. "I have the feeling that she will still give a fight to this boy.""Considering something I noticed about you, I am sure you are right," told Mickey and they turned their attention back to the fight.Kiro was about to attack again, but Aqua rushed at him suddenly and hits before she repeats it a few times. Then she swings her blade a few times, sending Kiro into the air. She jumps up and slashes three times and before she could use another move, Kiro blocked her and waves of light hits her. Both land on the ground with some distance and both threw their Keyblades at each other. The blades met in the middle and the clash caused their Raid attacks to end and the Keyblades bounces off from each other. Both Keybearers called their Keybaldes back and Kiro charges at her, cloaked by a golden Aura, starting to slash multiple times. Aqua got some hits before she could use a barrier and she shattered it, sending Kiro away. Then she jumped up and wanted to use her Magic Hour, but to her surprise Kiro suddenly flew up. Forgetting her attack, she lands back to the ground and watches how the boy got struck by lighting and slams into the ground. Too late, she realized, that this was an attack and she got shocked from the field-covering electricity.Staggering from the hit she lifts her Keyblade to use Curaga, but she staggered again as Kiro hits the ground with his Keyblade followed by fast closing in and she felt the effects of two slashes. As Aqua looked up after the pain ends she saw Kiro in the air, shooting an orb of light which hits her quickly put up barrier and exploded, blinding her in the procedure.Kiro closed in and both Keybearers used one last attack. Kiro tried a fire spell while Aqua jumped to deliver her Magic hour. Her attack impacted, but was suddenly hit by her own attack. Before she was sent out of the battlefield she could see that her attacks seems to bounce off from a barrier made by Kiro. She remembered about a spell that might send attacks back to the foe.She lands outside the area and got on her knees, but it was clear visible that she couldn't fight anymore. Kiro got on his knees as well, knowing if he had fought bit longer against her, he would have lost this round…Mickey looked down with a sight. "Guessed the boy had too many surprises in his sleeve for Aqua.""But he made one major mistake with showing his moves," told Kuran. "We are warned now.""That's right!" told Roxas. "If he had saved the spells up, he still could have his surprise effect.""Just makes it easier for us to deal with him," shrugs Lea and Kuran thought, "There is definitely something odd about him…"Chapter 20: Chapter 20Sora, Aqua and Kairi were with Roxas to warn him about Maluz."Be careful Roxas!" warned Sora. "Even though we three attacked him at once, he wiped the floor with us. If it weren't for Belle, who knows what could have happened.""I have to agree with Sora," joined Aqua in. "Maluz is incredible strong and only hits on his head seemed to have affected him.""Then I'll go for his head," told Roxas and smiled. "I appreciate your warnings and I will be careful out there."As Roxas left for the battlefield, Kairi wondered, "Will he be alright?""As long he listens to our warnings I am sure about it. And we can be assured that he comes out alive due to the rules." Answered Aqua and turns to Sora. "What do you think about the fight?""I just hope Roxas can handle this guy"In the meanwhile Kiro turned around a corner and bumped into somebody. He falls on the ground and groans."Watch where you are walking," told a female voice and Kiro spots Tech in front of him."Sorry! Didn't expect you to show up here.""Forget it! But I know your secret," told Tech and Kiro asked, "My secret?""I come from the same direction, just farther away! And I am looking for you for a deal!""What kind of deal?" wondered Kiro and Tech simply answered, "In case I lose this tournament for some reason, you take me with you! Getting closer to my home is better than making no process. In return I won't spill the bills!""That's blackmailing!" protested Kiro.Tech on the other hand just shrugged. "Look at it like you want!"Kiro sighs. "Fine… but I don't know if we can stay together.""If we get separated, I'll go to Radiant Garden and wait for a few days. In case you don't show up in time, I will tell everything to the first Keybearer I encounter," was her reply, making Kiro groan loudly.Kuran was on his way to his seat as Mickey called, "Kuran, wait!"He turns around and looked at the mouse. "What do you want?""I felt your darkness and learned your tale from Aqua and the others so far they knew it… and I want to help you."Kuran walked away. "There is nothing you can help me with."Mickey reaches his hand out to stop him, but since he didn't know how to reply, he lowered it and looked after Kuran. "Don't let the darkness take out the little light that remains within you…"Roxas stood on the field and eyed his opponent. Maluz seems to be calm and just stood there, with his blade on the ground and his hands resting on the hilt of the shining weapon. Then he spoke after Roxas took his Keyblades out. "Nobody… alone that you exist is a reason to take you out. But having two Keyblades as well only increased the necessity to remove you from existence.""Stop that! I am me! And I won't allow anybody to take that from me!" countered Roxas and Maluz sighs. "You are so misguided. I hope you see the truth once I defeated you, I will remove you.""Isn't going to happen!" countered Roxas and got ready.Mulaz raised his blade and points it at Roxas, ready for the fight. Once the signal was given Roxas jumped into the air and threw one of his Keyblades at Maluz while spinning himself and tried to hit Maluz with his other Keyblade. Maluz used his blade to block the thrown Keyblade and his arm rose to block the other one. Much to Roxas' surprise, a form of light shield appears on the arm and his Keyblade bounces off. Roxas jumped back and called his Keyblade back, rushing forward again, wanting to lock Maluz in a sword fight.His plan worked and Roxas slashed repeatedly at his opponent, using his speed to dodge any blows. As Maluz swung his sword in a vertical slash, the Nobody jumped back and jumps forward again, however Maluz slams his sword into the ground and a light tower erupts, causing Roxas to fly backwards. He hits the ground and groans in pain while struggling back to his feet. As he turned his gaze at Maluz, the only thing he saw before being in pain again was his fist. Roxas stumbled back and Maluz, who had put his sword away, punches repeatedly into Roxas' body, preventing the Nobody from recovering enough to counter these hard hits. Then, to his luck, one of the blows missed and Roxas was able to dodge the following one before rolling out of reach of Mulaz.His opponent took his sword again and called, "Light Flare!"A shining flame shot at Roxas and he didn't take the risk and dodge rolled out of the way and saw that the impact with a wall caused the attack to explode in a bright shining fire that engulfs a large area.Roxas raised his Keyblades and light pillars appeared around him, shooting at Maluz. They impacted and the hunter groans, unaware of a last one that hits his head. He roars in pain and holds his face, giving Roxas a chance to attack. He jumped and prepared his Limit Break Magic Hour. He holds his two Keyblades together in the air and a light beam shoot into the air, slamming into the round repeatedly, hitting Maluz a few times before Roxas stretched his limbs out, increasing the light and the impacts on the grounds.Maluz got on the knees and Roxas walks over, pointing his Keyblade on the head. What he didn't expect was the grin on Maluz's face. Before he knew what happened he felt a kick in the back before Maluz's fist was in his stomach, sending him out of the area. He lands on the ground and slithers on it before he stopped by hitting his head on the wall. Before everything went black for him, he saw that next to Maluz was a kangaroo like Lightbringer.Maluz walked over to Roxas and eyed him. He could end this being with no right to exist here and now, but then he wouldn't be able to continue the tournament. With that, he left Roxas alone once the decision was called out that Maluz won this battle.Roxas groans loudly in pain as he woke up again and he found himself on a bed with Lea on his side. "Roxas! Are you alright?""Axel… what happened?" Roxas asked weakly and his friend answered, "Maluz beat you out of commission. Think the only reason why you are still alive is the fact that killing is forbidden in this tournament.Roxas nods and sighs "I lost… where are the others?""Sora and Kuran are on their way to the field since their fight is the next one. And the rest were going to watch it. I was the only one who refused.""Well… I am here as well!" told a voice and the two turned to spot Kiro approaching them. Lea wondered, "Why are you here? Until today, we didn't even know about you!""I just wanted to see if your friend here is alright. After all, he seems to be important for some people." Answered Kiro and adds, "And he looks like somebody who still has something for the future.""What do you mean by that?" asked Roxas confused and Kiro just shrugs. "It's only a feeling! Nothing more. Think you will understand better once you got a heart."Roxas sighs. "Hope it will be soon. I don't want to wait for too long to have a heart of my own.""Yeah! You can hardly take the heart from Sora!" chuckles Lea and gave his friend a friendly slap on the back.Chapter 21: Chapter 21While Sora and Kuran moved on the field for their fight, Lea walked over to Lemuria and Arlene. "Never thought to see you two again! After all, Sora beat both of you in Castle Oblivion.""Axel!" told Arlene. "You dare to show your face after betraying us?""You two are betrayers as well. And I had one of these icky jobs. But why are you here? What could you wish for even if you somehow manage to win this tournament?"Arlene took one of her daggers out and smirks. "I will just have my fun with the dear Sora… and perhaps I'll show on this Princess of Light what is awaiting him."Lemuria just shrugged. "You will see once the time is here. Too bad that because of the constellation that only one of us will reach the finale, but that's destiny. Why are you here?""Business! Didn't know about the price so I have to think first what I could wish," told Lea but adds, "However, if you're up to anything again, the outcome won't be different then back in the Castle.""Oh Axel… you are so mean… I am really hurt right now," whined Arlene and smirks. "But it won't save you from being cut open with the slow removal of your organs…"Lea shrudders, wondering what is wrong this with woman, but decided to leave them alone… to enhance his chances to survive until his fight.Roxas sat on his seat and sighs. "I don't know who I should wish more luck in this fight. Kuran or Sora?""You seem to care about Kuran," wondered Kairi and Roxas nods. "Yeah! Even though we two don't know each other that long, I consider him as a friend. But Sora on the other side is… well… the source of my existence so it would be natural if I support him."Even just shrugs and said, "It doesn't matter who wins, so long I gather precise information from their fights. I even installed a few devices to record everything for analyzing.""You are really a scientist to the deepest point," deadpanned Roxas and with a shaking head.On the field itself, Sora and Kuran stood there and waited for the signal to start the tournament. Sora holds his Keyblade tight in his hands while Kuran holds in each of his hands one of his blades of darkness.Much to Sora's surprise he suddenly dismissed one and Kuran spoke, "How about to make things on even terms? Each of us only use his sword skills with his represented weapon?""Alright! I am in!" told Sora and holds Kingdom Key even more tightly.The signal came and the two fighters stormed at each other and exchanged their blows. Sora had some trouble in the beginning since Kuran was moving faster with his one handed style, but once the Keybearer got into it, he was able to match each blow of Kuran and even pushes him slightly back with his two handed style.Riku watches the fight and guessed, "They seem to be on even terms when it comes to swordsmanship.""But something feels off about this," told Aqua. "Kuran was trained by a master. Even with only a few years of real training by his master, Kuran's moves are too wild and too undisciplined. Sora, however, surprise me of how good he is able to hold on his own without even proper training by a master.""On the islands, all of us, except for Kairi, had been fighting with wooden swords all the time. So I guess he got some experience before gaining the Keyblade," told Riku. "This counts for me as well, of course.""Of course," laughed Kairi.Sora, in the meanwhile, started to push Kuran back since his attacks became, for Sora, somehow predictable now and could now counter to his attacks. Kuran was going into the fight more wildly now, but it was futile for him. He wasn't able to hold his ground or get a hit on Sora.Then, as he raised his sword for a vertical slash, Sora quickly made a horizontal one, which connects with Kuran's chest and sends him on his back. Groaning he stands up and Sora said, "You know I expected more from what I heard. What is wrong?""What are you talking about?" countered Kuran and Sora answered, "Something is pressing on your heart… I can feel it.""What do you know?" snapped Kuran and made another wild attack at Sora. "You are so full of light! I have trouble to even find your darkness!"He keeps on with his pressure, but Sora was still able to block and keep his hold against Kuran. "You didn't get pumped up with darkness by a witch! Your father didn't sell himself to save you! You didn't watch how the ones important to you vanish without hope for their return!"Sora was now struggling since it became intense, but he slashes Kuran a few times which caused the user of darkness to be pushed back and on his knee. "You know what you will do with your life! I have nothing! Nothing to look forward! I wasted my childhood on hunting him, lost multiple times to him. Even in reach now, I cannot hunt him down! What will wait for me even if I accomplish my goal?""That depends on you," told Sora simply while putting his Keyblade down. "You don't have to do this fight. We can help you to fight Maluz. And you have friends now. Lea and Roxas told me what you went through. They consider you a close friend even they don't know you that long."Kuran stared at the Keybearer in front of him. "Even if a witch filled you with your darkness, it is up to you what to do with it. And even if some of the important ones to you never return, try to hold dear what they meant for you.""What they meant for me… holding it dear…" muttered Kuran and remembered what he long has forgotten.His father once told him, "You may be different from others, but this makes you special. I am sure you will be something great in the future.""Even if it seems the darkness overwhelms you… it is you and your intension that decides what kind of darkness exists inside you," told once his mother and from Ynsadi he learned this lesson, "Even if everybody turns on you, follow your path and your heart will find true bonds."Kuran opened his eyes and looked at Sora and smiles. "Thank you Sora… you really are something.""Glad I could help!" smiles Sora and Kuran smirks. "However! This doesn't mean I let you win! The true fight starts now! I may not have found my path yet, but you gave me a direction. Now see the result of your gift!""You're on it!" called Sora and got in stance. To his surprise Kuran stands different than before. He holds his arm up so his fingers which hold his blade are underneath his nose while his blade points to the left from his view. Also he notices that his blade changed slightly. It bears now a white stripe in the middle of the blades length.The two charged at each other and Sora jumped to deliver a blow from above. Kuran turned his body slightly and also changed the way he holds the blade so that Sora's attack got blocked by a reversed hold on the sword. Sora tried to press the blade down, but since the blade pressed on the forearm of Kuran, it had a good support and now Kuran pushes Sora back by moving his arm forward while moving his hand in normal position. His hand flexed quickly, bringing the sword back in the normal way of grip before Kuran started to swing his blade at Sora.Riku whistled, "Kuran seems to change his tactic.""There is more," told Aqua. "He is using an actual sword art. I recognize it from the teachings from Master Erasqus. It is a combination of different forms. The way how he blocked Sora's attack, is an example from the reverse grip that Ventus would use.""I get your point! But he seems to still struggle to execute his new attack pattern," Riku went in and Aqua thought aloud, "Perhaps he just needs some time to remember his training. After all, he got training from a Keybalde master so this could be his trained style."Riku nods and keeps watching. He notices that Kuran's moves are slowly getting more fluid. The way he attacks are now confident, but Sora still was giving a good match.The two exchanged blows but none of them are backing down. Slowly the whole audience got the impression they weren't fighting but dancing, so fluid are their moves.Their fight keeps on and no end would be seen if here weren't signs that both participants are slowly getting tired. Sweat was forming on their bodies and their heads turned red while it became oblivious that they were panting.Both clashed once more before getting into distance. They looked at each other in their fighting stance, panting loudly.Then they charged at each other once again, but Kuran stumbled and lost his balance for a moment. Sora used the opening to deliver a stab at Kuran's chest, but he was surprised as his opponent got part of his balance back and used a completely unexpected move.Kuran tossed his sword to the other hand in a reverse grip and used hit to block Sora's attack, guiding it into a different direction. Once it was ensured the Keyblade won't hit him anymore, Kuran moved his sword upward, causing the Keyblade to follow and Sora's ankles got hit by a downward moving arm of Kuran. This forced the Keyblade out of the Keybearer's hand and before Sora knew what happened, he felt Kuran's blade touching his neck.A grin was on Kuran's face and he told, "Told ya I won't let you win.""What a good match anyway!" told Sora, panting loudly. They shook their hands before leaving the field.Tired, Kuran sat down and Lea smirks at him. "Way to go bro!""You really brought up an intense fight," agreed Roxas and they spot Aqua coming. "It was a good fight after you had your talk with Sora. But what did you discuss?""Ask him if you want," pants Kuran, "But I am not in the mood to talk right now… just damn tired.""I understand. Then let us do that another time," told Aqua and Kuran wondered if there was more than a friendly face in this blue haired girl.Author Comments:Everybody can bet cookies on the upcoming battlesChapter 22: Chapter 22The next battle was between Hercules and Yuki. While everybody knows Herc, nobody had a single clue who Yuki was. The only thing that was known was she was a girl, but would Herc be able to hit a girl in a fight?Everybody would know that soon since the two are now on the field and got ready for the fight. Yuki just looked emotionless at her opponent and draw her sword.Hercules got on his knees and raised his fists. Once the battle starts Hercules stands still while Yuki rushed over to the hero. He raised his fist and catches, to her surprise, the blade and he rips it from her hands. Then he was about to punch her as his fist stopped. Confused, Hercules tried to get his fist closer to her, but whatever holds his fist in position, it didn't give in.Yuki took the opportunity of this and took her bow out, and also an arrow, before moving into distance to take aim at Hercules.She shoots, but misses due Hercules reflexes.In the meanwhile Sora wondered, "What is wrong? Why did Hercules not hit her?""She must have an invisible shield protecting her. And it looks like Hercules isn't able to penetrate it. Even if he knows what is going on, such a strong shield will be difficult to penetrate without an effective counter," theorizes Riku and Aqua shook her head. "I never heard of an invisible impenetrable shield.""Knowing there is an unknown number of worlds out there, the possibility of such a shield is given." Told Kairi and Aqua had to agree on that. Kuran, however, seems to think deeply, but shrugs. "If I encountered such a shield before, I would remember it… at least I hope so.""Sounds really reassuring," told Roxas with a face and Lea chuckles, "Bet here is a weak point which we can exploit. Better not lose to her or how should I show you how good I am with a Keyblade?""My bigger worries are Maluz right now," told Kuran in a deadpan. "Look how easily he took out Roxas and he had weapons which downright just break by contact.""What do you mean?" asked Lea and Kuran told, "My weapons of darkness disintegrate by contact with his light filled body. The only weapon against him I have is the Keyblade of my master Ynsadi… Caring Wing."Back to the battle field, Hercules was storming forward at Yuki and tried a trick he had used only once… using his head: as battering ram!Yuki was surprised by his action and even more as his body began to glow golden, slowly getting closer, closer then she was comfortable to. Not able to get her bow in position to shoot another arrow, she jumped over him and rushed to her blade.Hercules realizes that his God-like properties is the key against her. He rushes again to her and blocks a swing of her shield and hits her head. She flew across the field and caused her to groan in pain after landing. After a few moments she stood up and got her bow, shooting a few arrows, one of them hitting his shoulder. However, it doesn't seem to slow him down. She blocked his fist with her sword before starting to chant something.Hercules looked confused by what she was chanting, then he got the idea it might be a magic spell and punches once more at her blade, denting it and pushing Yuki back, causing her to lose track in her chant and looked in sheer surprise at her blade. Knowing another punch would break it, she held her hand out and called, "Blind!"The spell hit Herc, but he wasn't affected by the spell. Changing her tactic she called "Icega" and froze the ground. Hercules slipped on it and crashed on the ground. While trying to get his footing back, Yuki chanted again and this time she was able to finish it before Hercules punches her stomach, sending her backwards and she hits a pillar. She falls down on the knees and uses her arms to support herself to not fall unconscious.Herc walked towards her to tell her it is over, but suddenly he stopped his tracks as they heard a loud roar. They looked around and gasped as they saw a dragon flying towards them. Most of the scales were black while the front part of it way in a golden color. On the arms legs and around the torso was a brown colored armor and each of his fingers and toes had curved blades. On the long tail was also a blade-like feather and the strong flapping wings are also black with purple wing membranes. On the ends of the wings was also the familiar blade like feature. It hovered above the coliseum and everybody stared at the mighty creature.It looked at Hercules and roared again before streams of light began to flow into his wings. From there it gets redirected into his mouth and forms a glowing sensation, which blinds everybody who tries to see what is going on. Then it grows more intense while more steams of light flew directly into its mouth before it unleashes a mighty ball of force at Hercules. He raises his arms to shield himself, but it explodes anyway and everybody was blinded by the explosion and the dust that was created. Once the dust settled, Yuki and Hercules were on the ground, both unable to battle.No one could say what happened or how they should handle this… even Phil only muttered, "It never occurred to us to make a rule regarding the case of a draw."Everybody saw that the dragon leaves and Sora wondered, "Whoa! What was that?""I have no clue Sora," told Riku, but Mickey muttered, "What that… Bahamut? The king of Dragons?""Kings of Dragons? Bahamut?" wondered Sora and Mickey explains, "Bahamut is a powerful dragon, some refer to him as the Kings of Dragons. Normally you would never see him, however in some cases you do or you meet somebody who can summon him.""You mean like I summon some of my friends if I need them?" asked Sora and Mickey nods. "That's right! However not everybody is able to do that… so I guess she must be have some powers.""Being able to block his attacks at first by an invisible shield already tells that she has some tricks up her sleeve." Agreed Aqua and Lea chuckles, "That means whoever passes the round, might be able to kick Maluz's butt first.""For that there must first be a decision found for this problem right now," told Kuran and Kairi nods. "I agree with you. But… do you think she would tell us how to summon him? It might help us in case we have to still face him.""Gosh! That's a good idea Kairi!" agreed Mickey and they looked over where the Gods and the judges are discussing the matter on the hand… how to handle this double knockout without knowing who went down first… because the rules clearly states that only one victor can arise from a battle…Time passed and then the judge came forward and announces, "Since it cannot be told who won this tournament battle, the decision is to form the two into a team. This team is the declared winner and they will continue together until they either loose a battle or win the tournament. In case of victory of this team, they will fight to determine the true victor.""Wow… that is…" began Riku and Kuran finished, "Cheap! Seriously? Instead of dealing with the problem seriously they just say 'Let the two fight together until the matter is solved by itself.' They cannot be serious!""Sorry gals! But this is serious! The Gods made such weird decisions in the past. With the only thing we never had a draw in an official tournament battle," told Phil, causing everybody to look at each other in confusion.Maluz looked at the scenery and chuckles after this decision. "Is this the poor attempt to prevent me from reaching the finals and keep me from having my wish?"Chapter 23: Chapter 23The next battle was about to begin and Riku went to ask Lea about Lumaria. Lea just shrugged. "Manipulative, pride in his looks, have superiority obsessions, and a big ego. Swings a scythe and has something for blossoms for using them in his fights. Also he loves pink.""Thanks for the info Lea," told Riku and went on the field. Lea went to his seat and notices that Kuran doesn't look happy. "Something wrong?""You know what is wrong," told Kuran. "I have to face two people instead of one in the next round and I am far from being able to laugh about this.""Don't worry! Hercules will do something about this," told Sora. "After all, he won't allow such an unfair fight if he has a choice.""Do you think he could tell his father to think again about this decision once he wakes up?" asked Kairi, referring to the fact neither he nor Yuki did wake up from their fight yet. If Kuran was lucky, he might only face one or none of them. However, Kuran doubted that since his tendency to luck is futile in this case… he might get more trouble he already has.Mickey on the other hand asked Kuran, "How are you feeling Kuran?""Why should bother with that?" asked Kuran and Mickey replied, "It is a feeling.""Let him be Mickey," told Aqua. "I don't think he will warm up to you anytime soon."On the battlefield Riku was looking at his opponent and he smiles. "So… you are the original Riku. Too bad Sora took me out or else we could have had a nice talk.""You sound like you knew another Riku. Are you referring to my replica double?""That's right! It was, after all, Vexen who gave it to us to test Sora. Too bad it was a failure on the entire length. Wonder what happened to it," told Lumaria and Riku just replied, "Lost to me one time too much.""So you took it out. Good! Then I send you after him," told Lumaria and got his scythe out. Riku answered this by holding Way to Dawn up and both wait for the starting signal.The signal came and Lumaria started the battle with a swing of his scythe that causes a crescent energy wave to fly at Riku. The dark Keybearer jumped above it and aimed with his Keyblade and shot a Dark Firaga at his opponent.Lumaria blocked it and rushed at Riku, who did the same and Lumaria began to twirl his scythe around while Riku swung his Keyblade. The two weapons clashes multiple times and each time emits sparks which flew everywhere.However, Riku underestimated the reach and the speed of the weapon and wasn't able to counter one slash which caused him to skid backwards. Regaining his posture, Riku jumped high and rockets towards Lumaria. He swung his scythe and blocked the strike, but wasn't expecting his opponent to return so Riku was able to hit a second and a third time, causing a shockwave on the final hit.Lumaria narrows his eyes and rushes at Riku. He jumped back as the scythe crashes on the ground, but was caught off guard as suddenly a shockwave hits him. Lumaria rushes than to Riku and slashes the Keybearer multiple times before his weapon bounces off a barrier which erupts in dark energy. Riku used the chance and jumps into the air again, suspending there while collecting energy. Lumaria jumped at the Keybearer, but Riku slashed downward and meteors rains down. The unexpected former Nobody took a full hit from one of the meteors and Riku was rushing up, preparing a strike and suddenly he was behind the scythe user and a gasp came from Lumaria as he suddenly felt the effects of a powerful strike on his body. He falls on his back, but jumped up again and glared at Riku. Then he jumped and crashes his scythe into the ground, causing a fissure, but Riku didn't lose his balance and attacked as well with his Dark Splicer. Lumaria didn't know what happened as he got on his knees and felt his entire body in pain. Panting loudly he forces himself to stand up again and looks at Riku. He got into battle stance, expecting that Lumaria wouldn't be able to hold out much longer."I won't let you get me that easy!" called Lumaria and Riku just answered, "Then you should have taken the training that Sora and I got!"Lumaria roared in disbelief and rushes at Riku, but he only points his Keyblade at his opponent and releases a spell. Upon impact, the Mega Flare explodes and shoots Lumaria out of battle, deciding the winner.Riku put his Keyblade on his shoulder and told, "I really didn't expect the battle would run this way. Guess he didn't take us seriously.""Why does it look like Riku had it too easy," told Sora and scratches his head, "It is like I was expecting more.""Well looks like you didn't get all lost Sora," chuckles Lea. "Just having the problem that it somehow doesn't get straight into your brain.""If we could talk with Namine then perhaps we would know why this is so," told Kairi. "But without her we might never know what fully happened."Lea shrugs. "I can tell a few things that happened back there, but how your final encounter with him went on… no clue!""You were there?" asked Sora and Roxas nods. "Yeah! I remember the day where they left for Castle Oblivion. Axel was the only one who returned, even though I was believing for some time that he was dead.""Well this is the thing if you have to hide after the events and being the sole survivor of this mess. If he and Larxene didn't intend to overthrow the Organization, they might have survived longer.""You don't sound like you were expecting that the Organization would have survived to reach the goal at all," said Aqua, remembering the stories she heard and Lea shrugs. "Not really! In matter of days nearly half of the Organization was gone and then one year later, Roxas left and followed only a few weeks later up with a line of death members with me being rogue. Would have been surprised if this would have gone into a winning situation for the Organization. Not to mention what the original purpose was.""Yeah… I can hardly image you being a clone of Xehanort," told Roxas and Kuran countered, "I may not be in full detail, but I don't think this is a joke that should be made in your current situation.""You are in to this mess as well," countered Sora, but Kuran shakes his head. "I am not a full Keybearer, and may never be one. Not to mention that this mess isn't acting up as far as I understood.""You are right..." told Aqua. "Things are really quiet around Xehanort… too quiet."Chapter 24: Chapter 24Mickey was stopped by Lea as the mouse was on his way to the field. "Lea! What can I do for you?""I want to warn you about Larxene," told Lea and Mickey tilts his head "Larxene? Do you mean Arlene?""That's right! Don't trust her, even if it looks like she is honest with you. She likes to play around and will torture you once you give her the chance. And she is thunder magic heavy. Also don't get to close to her." Explains Lea and Mickey nods. "Alright! I appreciate your concern and will be careful against her.""I hope you listen to me," told Lea and left to his seat. Roxas was already there and asked, "Where have you been?""Warned the mouse about Larxene," told Lea and Roxas nods in understanding. Sora scratched his head. "Why do I have the odd feeling again that you are right?""Again Sora: Castle Oblivion. I think I should tell you the tale once this day reaches its end. I think after the first round is over, everybody will call it a day," told Lea and Roxas thought aloud, "Now that I think of it… where should we sleep?""I am sure we will find something," told Riku to the others. Kuran sighs loudly, "How much I love this."Even just shrugs. "I will analyze the data I got from you all during the night. Then I will ask you all to do specific things to give me further data about you.""When did we become your lab rats?" asked Lea and Kuran adds, "I don't remember that I even signed up for that."On the battlefield Arlene smiles as she saw Mickey. "Ohh… how cute to send me a mouse as my first opponent."Then she took her daggers out. "It will be a pleasure to toy with you until you are unable to play along.""Don't worry! I don't break so easy like that," countered Mickey and got his Keyblade out. The Kingdom Key D."How cute! You even have a small Keyblade," giggled Arlene.Then the signal to start the fight came and Arlene made the starting move by throwing a set of her knives at Mickey.However, Mickey dodged it and shot a fire ball at Arlene, who just twirled around before throwing the next set of knives with a thunder spell at the weapons to charge them. Then she started to move and Mickey had a hard time to follow him, but as she attacked she had to realize that due to his small size and agility, it was a hard time to hit the little mouse.After a set of slashes that missed the mouse she got hit in the face and she stumbled back. Using the chance, Mickey casted Icega and froze her chest. Glaring at the mouse, she formed a ball of electricity and threw it at Mickey. He jumped over it, but was hit by three of Arlene knives. He falls on his back and Arlene chuckles, "What's wrong? Cannot dodge a couple of knives even with your size?"Mickey looked at her and knew now what Lea means with liking to toy around. He didn't let it affect him and casted Stopga, freezing her in time. Then he rushes up and casts a Pearl spell a few times, hurting her severely and once the Stopga ends she falls down, seemly hurt. She got on her knees and cried, "Such a bad mouse! Hurting a girl like that!"Mickey lowered his Keyblade and told, "Sorry about that, but we are here in a tournament!""I know… but still…" told Arlene and suddenly a thundaga hits Mickey. "I am here the one who is allowed to hurt others, rodent!"Mickey shook his head from the hit, but gasps suddenly in pain as Arlene kicks his stomach. He flew back and lands on the ground and before he could recover from the hit, Arlene was already above him and attacks him with large thunder based attacks, causing Mickey to cry in pain.Arlene laughed loudly and told, "That's right you rodent! Cry! Cry for me!"She keeps laughing and lands on the ground, stomping on the ground lying mouse and keeps laughing. Mickey groans in pain as Arlene stopped and once he was back on his feet, Arlene grabs his throat and lifts his head. Then she shocked him with electricity again, laughing at his pained cries. She raised her free hand and wanted to ram her daggers into Mickeys body, but Zeus called, "Enough! The battle is over! The winner is Arlene."Arlene looked annoyed. "Already over? Why didn't you let me have more fun with this rodent?"However, she threw Mickey away and left. His friends rushed over, dragging some of the others with them and Sora asked, "Your Majesty! Are you alright?""Don't worry Sora… I will live," told Mickey and adds after recovering a bit, "Gosh! This Arlene is really a witch.""That is typical for her," told Lea and Kuran adds, "She must have known that she wouldn't have stood a chance against Mickey on the long run so she decided on this cheap trick." Then he turned to Riku who just stated, "I have to watch out when I face her. However, now that I know her tricks, I can surely tell that she won't have it easy, but I still have to watch out.""And if you lose: I take her out for you!" told Lea and Kuran asked, "Sure that you will get it so far?""Why do you say that?" asked Lea and Kuran shrugs. "Just a weird feeling about your opponent.""Tech? She doesn't scare me with her guns," told Lea and Sora answered, "You know, after that fight with Xigbar, I am careful about opponents with guns.""Yeah, whatever," told Lea.In the meanwhile Hercules groaned and slowly woke up, rising from the bed he lied on. "Guess I lost" were his first words, but Yuki, who was on a nearby bed, disagreed. "You didn't. Your dear father came to the idea to make us a team since it cannot be cleared who was out first."Hearing this, Hercules stated, "I have to talk with my father!"Chapter 25: Chapter 25Tech and Lea were on the field ready to fight. The red haired just put his Keyblade on his shoulder and asks, "Ready to lose?"The girl, however, didn't seem to answer as she just raises one of her guns, holding it with both hands and aims at Lea, to shoot once the fight begins.Lea wasn't impressed by this move and got ready.The signal came and Lea began to attack with shooting a triple firaga. Tech just dodged it and shoots a few times with her gun. Lea holds his Keyblade up and blocked a few of the shoots, but one hits his shoulder and another hits his stomach. He stumbles back by the hits and rushes at her. Just as he slashes, she jumps and spins, landing behind Lea. In the moment he turned around, Tech was already armed with both of her guns and began to shoot a barrage of shots. They all impacted with Lea, who cried in pain and felt his body shocked, making him realizing she must have a thunder element in her attacks.Landing on the ground, Lea groaned at first, but then he stands up and laughs. "You know! You are not bad! I had a reason to tell Roxas not to push the wrong buttons with women!"Tech wondered at first why he spoke like that right now, but still held her aim at the red head. Then Lea keeps on, "Since you can give out and keep calm, can you hold yourself cool enough for my HEAT?"With that a ring of fire erupts, trapping Tech and Lea inside of it. She glances around and realizes she doesn't have the means to take the fire out nor pass through it without harm. However, since the fire erupts on a clue, she guessed he was a Pyromatic. She held Lea in view and asked, "Z! Analyze our opponent! What data do we have on him?""Analyze of opponent identify individual as Lea, Keybearer and Fire user. Was known in the old Organization VIII as the Flurry of Dancing Flames. Took part in the second Keyblade War. Further information unavailable due to the corruption of the Database." Answered a computerized voice and showed the available data on her visor."Understood!" told Tech and realizes that she could only get out by beating her opponent. However, she wondered why he did that. Her answer came as Lea jumped out of the ring like the fire wasn't there.She looked around with her guns ready to shoot, but her visor failed to detect Lea due to the high temperature of the flames.Lea jumped back into the battlefield and shoots a Burst Blast at her. She shoots it, but the explosion pushes her back slightly. As she recovered her stance, she saw a wall of flames coming towards her. These flames were low enough to jump over it, which she took as opportunity. However, once in the air, she was greeted by a fireball flying at her. She raises her gauntlet and called, "Cyber Shield!"The fire ball impacted with the new appearing shield, preventing her from harm. However, it wasn't over yet, so much she could tell. Taking both guns, she combined them once Lea jumped back into the flames.Lea was sure to catch her off guard again and jumped out of the flames once more, this time throwing his old chakras, increased in flames. What he didn't expect was Tech aiming at him and called "Ready, Set, THUNDER!" before from the rifle shoots a large sphere of plasma. Without means to dodge or call his Keyblade to guard him, the full hit was taken by Lea and the following explosion rockets him into the sky. Tech took aim at Lea again and shoots repeatedly at Lea, who blocked as much as possible with his Keyblade. He neared the ground again, however, he wondered why she stopped shooting, but realizes too late why: She shoots another Plasma Sphere, this time shooting him out of the Coliseum. With that he lost by leaving the arena.Tech smiles, but forgot about the chakras. During the shoot out from Tech, they were spinning around the field, just like Lea had it planned and closed into their target. Tech saw them coming, but was surprised by their sudden appearance that one of them manages to hit her head, which caused her to accidently throw her rifle up. Then the second one hits the weapon and damaged it heavily by putting a row of holes into it as the spinning weapon runs along the rifle's surface.Tech stands up again and inspects the damage. If she wants to have it fixed for her next fight, she needs a lot of work and luck… since this world isn't really providing the means to repair this thing.From the tribune Roxas winced as he saw what happened with his friend. "Ouch! I bet he will be in a bad shape when we find him again.""That's right Roxas! Hit by such an explosion and catapulted out of the arena… this isn't something you can take lightly," told Kuran. "Better we look for him now."Roxas turned to the others. "You don't mind""Just go and get your friend," smiles Kairi. "I am sure I can do it without your support.""Just be careful!" told Kuran. "Who knows how much difference is between you two."After Tech left the battlefield, Kiro came to her and told her, "Was a good fight.""Thanks," replied Tech. "However, I have no clue if I can continue on the next round with this damage.""Well… we still have our deal here," told Kiro and Tech nods. "That's right! But better not mess up too much. You know what the terms are.""As if I could forget," sighs Kiro loudly and just watches her leave the place.Chapter 26: Chapter 26Now it was the fight between Will and Kairi, which also marks as the last fight of the first round. The two competitors are facing at each other. Kairi had her Keyblade ready while Will drew his katana.He smirks to her and began to speak, "You know Princess, you are unlucky to fight me. You look like somebody else would have been a better choice.""I may still new in the ways of the Keybearers, but I will still give my best," told Kairi and Will smiles. "This is something I want to hear."They face each other and wait for the signal to fight. Then it came and Will stormed towards Kairi, who only raised her Keyblade to block him. His katana hits her blade and bounces off. She jumped away and shot a fire spell at him. He slashes her attack with the katana and surprises her with a fire spell on his own.He rushes to her again and they exchanges blows, but Kairi, due to her inexperience, got pushesd back by him. Then he slashes his blade again, sending an energy blade at her, sending her flying.With a cry of pain Kairi landed on her back and began to stand up. Will went in to hit her again. Kairi saw that and raised her Keyblade to block with her eyes closed so she didn't see what happens.Will stopped as her blade flashes brightly, blinding him. After blinking a few times he spots something and rubs his eyes confused, but still saw it. "A Chocobo?" asked Will in confusion.Kairi opened her eyes and was speechless. From where did this Chocobo show up?"What are you doing here?" asked Kairi to the yellow bird. It didn't answer; it just rubs its head on her where she just rubs his head.Will smiles and the audience made a loud "Aww" but Phil suddenly shouts, "Hey! You are in a battle! You can nuzzle this large bird later!""He is right," sweat drops Will. "So what we do with this bird?""I don't know," told Kairi and began, "I can hardly ask it to attack you so-" However, suddenly the Chocobo rushes at Will. He was thinking this bird couldn't hurt him and raises his blade, but before he knew it, the leg of this large bird hits his head, sending him across the battlefield. It took a few seconds before he let out, "Ouch."Kairi looked at it and told, "Uhm… attack again?"The Chocobo obeys and rushes at Will again. Will got back on his feet and fires a fire spell. Kairi, however, countered with an ice spell and Will was forced to block the bird with his blade. Kairi shouts "Pearl!" and shoots the light based spell at him. Just as she thought she hit him, she was shocked as he blocked it with a second weapon. Roxas stood up from his seat and gasped, "But… that is…"The weapon was red and golden, having lots of edges and a black dot above the handle, with a silver two part handle and Lea asked, "Do you know that?""I don't know, but it reminds me of somebody I fought against… but… who was it… and why… is the memory in such a blur?"Lea scratches his head. "Now that you mention it… I have the feeling, too, that we're missing something in our band as well. It is like; we were not missing anything, but still miss something."Will looked at Kairi and told, "I underestimated you Princess, but I won't do the mistake again."Suddenly she was pushed back by him saw how Will slashes at the Chocobo, which disappears in a flash of light.Kairi wanted to say something and was cut off by Will who attacks her and told, "I am not letting you summon something again!"Summon? Wondered Kairi in her mind. Did she summon this Chocobo somehow?However, these thoughts took her too much time, which gave Will to land hits her several times with his two weapons and made her fall on the ground.As she opens her eyes after the hits, she found his blade aimed at her face. This made her clear that she lost.Later she met up with the others and she told, "Sorry that I lost.""You did your best Kairi!" smiles Sora. "And it was so awesome that you summoned this Chocobo! How did you do that?"Kairi shook her head, "I… I don't know.""Sadly I cannot teach you in this," told Aqua. "We have to find somebody who knows about summoning. I think on a different world will be somebody."Chapter 27: Chapter 27Nighttime was in the Olympic Coliseum and Kairi sat on the balcony of the hotel where they were spending the night now. Aqua came next to her and asked, "Cannot sleep?""No Aqua… I am thinking about the battles today. The boy that defeated you… Maluz and also the sudden appearance of the Chocobo.""I think it took everybody by surprise that you can summon. It is a rare gift, some say even more rare than a Keyblade." Told Aqua and Kairi chuckles, "Given that so many people with a Keyblade showed up in the last time, it isn't that hard."Aqua laughed as well, "You may have a point Kairi.""However…" Kairi points out, "Maluz still worries me.""Me too, Kairi! Who knows what he might wish for… but probably something with destroying all Keyblades or directly the destruction of the Darkness. In fact… I am torn myself regarding this.""Why?" asked Kairi and Aqua told, "My master, Master Erasqus, always taught us to fight the Darkness. However… during my travels, and the time I spent with you, I got some doubts… Riku was possessed by the Darkness once from what I heard, and Kuran is filled by the Darkness, but they are still allies to us. Even if Kuran is just interested in fighting Maluz.""I can see your point Aqua." Agreed Kairi. "But Darkness and Light are both eternal. The best thing we can do is to hold them in balance."Aqua smiles. "Sometimes I wonder which of us is the master in the way you are talking.""Well I have some experience," smiles Kairi in return and the two laughed together.Arlene and Lemuria were in a dark corner outside the hotel and wait there until a dark portal came out and two people in black coats are walking out. The larger one of them told, "So got defeated, Lemuria?""I underestimated Riku. I thought he is that much stronger than his replica, even then I was assuming he was only slightly weaker than the original." Told Lemuria. "However, Arlene here is still in the tournament. In the way she dealt with the mouse, she won't have much trouble to deal with Riku as well… and the others which she has to face in her half of the tournament.""That is good news! Our master will be pleased to hear that!" told the coated man and suddenly the smaller burst in, "But from what you told I guess you have a problem which should be dealt with!""That's right! Such an ugly mix of lion and wolf is here as well, and took Roxas out like he was nothing. And also he seems to control light based creatures," told Arlene. "I don't see him that much of a threat, but he can be bothersome in the long run.""I see!" was the reply. "I assume that we should report that in an instant," told the large one while the small just ask, "Why are we not acting right now? Why are we even hiding? We can deal with everybody right now and get over with this,""We need seven Lights and 13 Darkness for our goal. Both numbers are not reached yet," told the large one. "And we have to remain in the dark, like the master ordered.""I don't care! We just crush the useless ones and get over with that," told the small one, but the large grabs him. "Stay in your position!""Hmpf! Fine!" grumbled the small one and the large one told, "Keep on in the tournament and don't forget the deal we have with Hades.""Don't worry! This flame head will get his will and then we have a piece more in our game!" smiles Arlene. "But I can at least play with some of these Keybearers.""As long you don't kill any of the lights, you are free to act," told the large one. "In the finals we will watch you.""Do whatever you want," told Lemuria. "We'll deal with our part of the plan."The large one nods and drags the smaller back into the dark portal before it vanished.Arlene chuckles and smirks. "They don't suspect a single thing!""I am sure they have not even the slightest idea about the truth in Castle Oblivion," agreed Lemuria. "But we have to be careful… or we might end up like last time.""Last time we underestimated this Keybearer! This won't happen again!" told Arlene and the two left from this hidden meeting.Hercules on the other hand was still in the temple of Zeus and told, "Father! I must question your decision today. It was hard enough for me to fight a girl, and probably have to fight her again, but do you seriously want to force me to face somebody while she fights with me? A fight of two against one?""What is wrong with that my son?" asked Zeus and Hercules answered, "It is an unfair constellation. My opponent won't have a chance since he has to face two at once in a tournament battle. How is he supposed to win against us? This isn't a fair fight father, and what light would put it on me and the Gods if you force such an act?""Hmm… you are right my son! I guess I wasn't thinking clearly by this decision. But I think I have now a good idea how to fix this! Don't worry Hercules, tomorrow you will have a fair fight, which result should satisfy everybody.""I am glad to hear these words father. I promise to give a good fight when your promised idea brings solution to the problem."In the room of Roxas, Lea, and Kuran, Lea was groaning while he was patched up over his body due to the damage his body got after the crash-landing. "I cannot believe I lost to a girl! A girl with guns! Why guns? They are not even real weapons! Only things to quickly kill somebody.""Lea! Shut up! I am try to sleep, you whined about your loss already one hundred times and it is late in the night," growls Kuran. "You and Roxas may be out now, but I am still in and need to rest as much as possible for tomorrows fight, since I will have the hell by facing two opponents at once.""For somebody who is filled so much with darkness, you are not really the type for long nights I guess?" asked Lea and Roxas told, "Lea. This isn't really the time. We should let him his rest. His fight with Sora was really long and intense so I can understand why he is tired.""Yeah yeah," told Lea and sighs. "Guess whining over it won't help to get over with that.""Finally you realize that," told Kuran. "And now sleep before I ask somebody to put you to sleep."Lea rolled his eyes and went down on his bed, Roxas doing the same, and they blew the lights out before falling asleep, towards the next day for the second round.Chapter 28: Chapter 28On the next day everybody went into the Coliseum and all have taken a seat… well… almost all. Maluz and Kiro were on the field since they are going to fight soon while Kairi has to deal with the Chocobo after it appeared again. It listens to hear, but she cannot dismiss it, no matter how much she tries it. However, she refuses the offers from others to take it out for her since she cannot bear it to hurt this giant yellow bird on purpose.Then she heard somebody asking behind her, "Do you need some help?"She turned around and spots a green haired woman in a green revealing dress and yellow boots. She looked confused and asked, "I could need some help… I don't know how to dismiss the Chocobo here.""I know! It was your first summon yesterday. It is a common problem between new summoners. I am Rydia, and I can help you to master the Chocobo summon," told the girl with a smile."Thanks!" told Kairi, "I'll just tell my friends about it. I am just sorry to not being able to watch.""We can also wait for another time," offered Rydia but Kairi shook her head. "No. I want to get a hold on my problem here."Rydia nods and waits for her. Kairi informed her friends about it and Aqua came with Kairi. Rydia smiles, "You brought a friend with you?""I am Aqua… Kairi's master. I am a bit worried about her safety so I thought I'd come with you.""I can understand you Aqua," told Rydia, "And you are free to watch us, but I can assure you that nothing will happen to Kairi here. I'll just teach her a few things about being a summoner."Aqua nods and they went to a free place where Rydia began to tell, "First to dismiss your Chocobo, you have to relax and clear your mind. Then raise your hand or Keyblade and call Dismiss."Then Rydia thought a bit and told, "I would say use your Keyblade. I noticed that it flashed when your summon comes, so I think it is an amplifier for your power."Kairi nods to this and took a deep breath while trying to clear her mind. Then she raises her Keyblade and called, "Dismiss!"The Chocobo disappears and then Rydia told, "That is good Kairi! Now I have to explain to you the nature of a Summoner.""I am all ears," told Kairi and Rydia explains, "As a Summoner you are able to summon different magical beasts to your biding. Depending on your natural strength and training, you can call and control more powerful summons. However, in your current state, I would stick to basic summons and perhaps later on a few advanced ones. For master summons it might take years, even for talented Summoners."Kairi understood and asked, "Then why did the Chocobo show up so suddenly and random?""The first time was the awakening of your gift," answered Rydia. "The second time… was simply the fact you cannot control your gift yet. I can show you a few meditating exercises to control the flow of your magical energy. But first I would say we train a bit the summoning and control of the Magical Beasts."Kairi nods and holds her Keyblade ready for the instructions from Rydia.In the meanwhile Kiro and Maluz are ready to face each other in fight. The signal came and Kiro rushes at Maluz to make the battle short. Maluz, however, rushes in as well and their weapons clashed together. Kiro was pushed back by the sheer strength of Maluz and he threw as response his Keyblade at Maluz. It looked like a Raid attack with water covering the blade.Maluz swung his sword and deflects the attack. While the Keyblade returns to Kiro, Maluz jumped and Kiro was barely able to cast a Reflect spell to block Maluz's attack. The light user raises his sword once more and slams several times at the Reflect spell until it broke. Kiro had prepared this and slams his Keyblade into the ground, causing a shockwave that causes Maluz to fly back.Maluz looks at his opponent and shoots an ice ball at Kiro. He jumped over it, but met with a fireball that explodes with a force that caused Kiro to crash into a pillar. He groans and had weak legs for a moment but casts Cura on himself. Then he was suddenly moving quickly at Maluz and hits him twice with the Keyblade. Maluz staggers back and the two exchanges blows again, but Maluz overpowers Kiro quickly so the boy warped away.Krio went into the air to prepare an attack, but Maluz threw his blade and hits Kiro in a way that causes him to fall back on the ground. Kiro jumped back on the feet and saw Maluz closing in without a weapon. He swung his blade, but to his surprise Maluz slaps the Keyblade out of Kiro's hand. Then he grabs Kiro on his shirt and lifts him up. Kiro grabs his hand and tries to get free. However, it was futile.Maluz presses Kiro at a pillar and began to punch him. While he punches Kiro he growls, "You are so full of light, but betray the light by wielding a Keyblade! I would punish you on the spot followed by purification if there wasn't this irresponsible rule to not kill!"Then he let go and punches him once more, which made him fly and he lands knocked out on the ground.Clear that the fight is over Zeus now stands up and called, "Congratulations for your victory! Now I have an announcement! My son Hercules told me it would be unfair to let him and Yuki fight against Kuran since one of them would be in disadvantage. So I decided that Maluz, Yuki, Hercules, and Kuran are fighting in the next match against each other in an all out fight. The victor of this fight will move directly into the finals!"Kuran groans and asked, "Is he for real?""I fear it is," sighs Hercules. "Father has really odd ideas sometimes. If I had known that he would solve it that way, I would have quit the tournament to make it fair.""What's done is done Herc. We better get the field ready for this all out fight!" told Phil and stomps off.In the meanwhile Rydia was telling Kairi her congrats since she manages to memorize everything she taught the Keybearer. "That is very good Kairi! A real natural. As a parting gift, I will teach you one more Summon spell.""Thanks Rydia. But before I get your gift… where can I get other summons as well?" asked Kairi and Rydia answered, "You can learn basic and advanced summons from other Summoners and scrolls if you find them. However, due to a tradition, each summoner will only teach you one summon. As for the masters… I am sorry, but cannot tell you. This is a secret that you only can learn if one Summoner vows you worthy to learn the master class summons.""I understand! Thank you Rydia," told Kairi and Rydia nods. "Your welcome. Now take this scroll from me. It contains one of my other summons, Goblin. Once you learned it, you can summon a Goblin that will punch your opponent. And also gives you more hands, while you can use the Chocobo for raiding."Kairi nods and thanks for the advice and also for the summon spell and parts ways with her. Aqua smiles at Kairi and the two went back to the Coliseum to learn how the fight was going.Chapter 29: Chapter 29The four participants of this all out battle entered the battlefield. Maluz holds his blade, the same counts for Yuki. Hercules got his fist ready and Kuran didn't call like the minority expected his Darkness blades, instead he grabs the hilt of the Keyblade on his back and he drew it. Maluz eyed Kuran and spoke, "Do you really think you can defeat me with this Keyblade? It failed its wielder so it will fail you as well!""This Keyblade will defeat you!" countered Kuran and was ready to storm at him.Yuki and Hercules assumed that something personal going on between Maluz and Kuran so they agreed silently to let them have their fight first."I don't know if this will end well," told Kairi nervously and Aqua agreed. "I agree. Kuran hates Maluz so much, that I fear he could be lost in darkness."Sora shook his head. "I doubt this will happen! I have the feeling he is coming closer to the light again""Sora! Kuran is not me and we don't know him that much. Who knows why he has so much darkness inside of him." Countered Riku, but Roxas said, "He told that it has to do with a witch named Maleficent.""Her?" asked Riku surprised. "Then we must be very careful."The signal came and Kuran rushed at first against Maluz who blocked the boy's initial attack with ease. Kuran, however, keeps on attacking and Maluz keeps blocking, but was surprised at the speed and strength of the attacks so he lost a bit of ground before he found Kuran's rhythm and was able to counter. Kuran on the other hand realized that his fighting style isn't compatible with the large blade of his late master so he had to improvise, but he has barely time to think about it because Maluz began to go into offensive.Hercules and Yuki were about to fight as well as when suddenly a dozen different Lightbringers appear. Some are spiders, but the minorities are wolf and deer like. The wolves began to attack Yuki while the deer hold Hercules at bay. With their antlers, they are able to redirect his punches into them for safe places and tackle him or hit him with their hooves.The wolves try to bite Yuki, but due her shield, they didn't get close. But the spiders manage to trap her with their spider silk and she was unable to move. Knowing she couldn't attack she began to mutter words and Hercules knew what is going to happen. He increased his efforts and manages to punch one of the deer like Lightbringer in a way that it collides with one of the spiders. Hercules used the hole and broke out and began to attack the deer from the side, each of his attacks hits one Lightbringer and either defeated it or made it fly out of the arena. Soon all of the deer like were gone and he proceeds to the wolves and spiders.Kuran was still attacking Maluz, but suddenly a wolf like Lightrbinger jumped at him and Maluz was able to move away from Kuran. He slams his sword into the ground and rushed at Yuki, punching at her. His fist connects with her shield, but to her surprise it shattered like glass and the fist connects with her stomach. She gasped from the pain and presses her hands on the spot where she got hit. However she didn't have the time to recover.Maluz grabbed her head and slams it face first into the ground, repeating it several times. Hercules jumped in to interference, but Maluz threw her into Hercules arms. The hero caught her, but only moments later he winced weakly in pain and got on his knee as Maluz kicked his armored boot between the legs of Hercules. Maluz kicked again, this time into the stomach, causing him to let Yuki fall on the ground before Maluz grabs Hercules on the head and slams his knee into the face. Hercules falls back and Maluz shot a Light attack at a pillar which collapses and buries Hercules and Yuki under it.Maluz turned around and was barely able lift his arm to block Kuran's attack with his arm armor. The Darkness user jumped back as Maluz tried to punch him and attacks again, this time aiming for the side. Maluz on the other hand rolled away from the hit and rushes to grab his blade. Growling, he roars at Kuran, "I will prove to you that Keyblades and Darkness will never stand a chance against the light!""Just like you prove it with cheap tricks on these two?" countered Kuran and points at the pillar. "You hit a girl without mercy and kicked a hero on a spot where every man would fall! This really shows the power of light!"Maluz roars and rushed at Kuran, slamming his blade at him. Kuran held Caring Wing to block it, but was shocked by the sheer strength of the attack.Grabbing the blade with both hands Maluz began to slam his weapon at the Keyblade held by Kuran repeatedly and in fast pace, now giving a chance for Kuran to move. Kuran holds Caring Wing with both hands in a defensive position and grits his teeth, but the sheer force of Maluz's attacks forced him on his knees. Then Kuran heard something and his face turned white as he saw cracks on the Keyblade.Maluz raised his sword once more and roared, "Keyblades must be annihilated!"Then the sword crushed on the Keyblade and to everybody's shock the blade broke into two parts with several smaller pieces cracking off from the spot where the blade was destroyed. Maluz's blade missed Kuran, but he didn't move, just stared at the remains of his master's weapon.Riku stood up in shock. "Maluz… just destroyed a Keyblade?"Maluz points his blade at Kuran, but as no reaction came, it was announced that Maluz seems to have won this battle. Several people showed their disgust towards Maluz due to his cheap tricks, but since Hercules and Yuki are still alive, even when heavily hurt, there was nothing anybody could do since the rules didn't forbid these actions.The Keybearers got closer to Kuran, who just held the remains close and they could hear him cry."Kuran…" began Roxas, but didn't continue since he didn't find anything to cheer his friend up. Lea on the other hand…"Come on Kuran! Live up! This was only the weapon of a dead person. There is still a lot you can do with your own weapons!" told Lea and smiles as Kuran stood up. He didn't expect to earn a punch now…"HOW CAN YOU TALK LIKE THAT LEA!" snapped Kuran. "THIS KEYBLADE WAS ONE OF THE ONLY FEW THINGS LEFT FROM YNSADI! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK LIKE THAT!"Then a dark portal opens and Kuran shouts before rushing in, "Just leave me alone! I am no good for anybody! A failed being…""Kuran!" called Aqua and rushed after him and Kiro also jumped into the dark portal, just moments before it closed."Congratulations Lea," told Riku. "You managed that we lost him once more, and this time Aqua is with him.""Also Kiro jumped after them… I wonder why," told Sora. "I have the feeling there is more than we know.""True Sora! I have the feeling that he is somehow linked to us, but I don't know how," replied Kairi.Will on the other hand just shrugged as he was on the field. "This Maluz is really a thing! I will be happy to put his face into dirt!""Don't be so overconfident," warned Mickey. "You have still others to face and there is no guarantee that you will be able to defeat Maluz.""I will get this wish! You have my word in this!" smirks Will and walks off. Mickey shook his head. "We have to be very careful with who is still left in this Tournament… but Lea. I have to agree with Kuran and Riku. You don't know how much this Keyblade meant to Kuran and how important his master was for him. If you had spoke like that about one of my friends and mentors, I would have reacted in a similar way.""Thanks for cheering me up after he punched my face. I just wanted Kuran to just move on!" told Lea and earned a slap from Kairi. "Lea! You really don't think straight. Kuran was following Maluz around all the time to defeat him, and now his ambitions are shattered, everything he could hold onto is gone. And if you talk like that then you are not really a friend to rely on. You pushed it too far and now who knows what will happen."Lea sighs. "Fine! I made a big mistake. If I ever see him again, I will apologize for my actions.""Ok Riku! Better you get ready for Arlene," told Mickey suddenly. "Your fight is the next one after everything is cleaned up. We still have a chance to turn everything into our favor."Riku nods and went to the waiting room while the others left the field.In the meanwhile Kiro and Aqua are finding themselves on a field which was dark. For Aqua it was like they were in the middle of the night and wondered, "Where are we?""It seems to be the Night Plains. It is a world close to the Realm of Darkness and as far as I know it has like Traverse Town an everlasting night sky.""You mean there is no light?" asked Aqua and Kiro nods. "No daylight at least… but how the people living here survive I don't know. I only heard of this world from…" he paused to think about what he will say next "my mentors. One of them even originates from here, but never told much about it. I think it was too painful for him.""Why would Kuran go to such a place?" wondered Aqua and Kiro just shrugs, but seems to hide something. Deciding that she couldn't ask Kiro more on the matter, she looked around and notices a forest in the near, her heart seems to tell her to go to this forest.However, she holds her Keyblade ready, not really trusting a world that is so close to the darkness.Chapter 30: Chapter 30As Arlene and Riku are facing each other, the Keybearer holds his weapon in his hands, ready to fight her and he plans to not fail into her little tricks, knowing the witch she is by now.Arlene smirks and teases, "Are you ready to play Riku? I bet it will be more fun than just tossing your Replica around after failing to beat Sora.""I don't think you will have your fun with me once we are done with the fight," told Riku, confident, but Arlene laughs. "Aaah… too sweet… I bet Sora and Kairi appreciate that I show them…" then she smirks at him, "What I have planned for them once I get my hands on their necks."With that the bell rang and suddenly Arlene began to charge power. Riku assumed it isn't safe to come close and shoots a fire spell. However, once the spell connected, it didn't affect Arlene to the slightest.Then suddenly she rushed at him and he jumped over her, just to see a second Arlene suddenly in front of him. This one hits him and shocked him while the tackle alone hurts as well. He lands on the ground, but another hits him. With a groan Riku stood up and looked at Arlene, who laughed and enjoyed the view that Riku gave.With a jump, Riku got back on his feet and closes in at her. But he notices something and dodged as another Arlene was falling down. Realizing she can make clones of herself, he jumped and rolled around to avoid the attacking clones and shoot whenever he could a spell. Arlene was dodging and blocking them, but shoots many thunder based spells at her opponent. More Arlenes appeared. One falls at Riku while the other prepared to unleash a powerful thunder spell, but… he was gone suddenly, then she notices a white orb with darkness rushing from the place he was behind her and she turned around.However, it was too late as Riku hits her with quick slashes over her body, followed by a powerful one that rockets her to a pillar. The incoming clone got hit by strike raid into the face and Riku grabs the clone and threw it at the original.The two merged and she staggered. Open for attacks, Riku used the chance to attack and slashes a couple of times before jumping back. Arlene whines from the hits and shakes her head, growling, "I think play time is over now!"Suddenly three of her appears and rushed at Riku, who jumped over them. Arlene did that a few times and then she tries to slash Riku with her daggers. He blocks it and even used his Dark Barrier to protect himself, which caused her to be surprised. He shot a fireball which missed her, but Riku gasped as he felt pain on his shoulders and realize that Arlene has thrown some of her daggers. He rips them out and tossed them away, none too soon since where the daggers are now, thunderbolts crash into the ground and electrify the surrounding field.Turning to Arlene, Riku raises his Keyblade again, but suddenly the field darkens around him and he found himself surrounded by several copies of Arlene. They slash at Riku at once which brought him to the knees and began to encircle him. He casts Curaga at himself and put up his Dark Barrier in the last moment as they all rushed at him. From above he found another that crashes at his Barrier before jumping off into the middle of the field where she began to levitate and gathers more energy. Riku keeps in the distance and Arlene stretches her arms out and spheres of electricity began to move around the field, giving Riku a hard time to avoid these. One was getting closer to him and was about to touch him.To his luck however, the attack faded just in this moment. He sighs but felt in his back an upward slash from Arlene's knives. Two copies appear and began to slash over Riku's body while the real one was above and uses all known varies of Thunder Spells at Riku. She lands on the ground and smirks at the kneeling Keybearer. As she saw Riku was grabbing something, she got her clones encircling him again and all of them rushes with the real one rushing in as well, but they all were suddenly pushed back by a flaming shockwave.Riku has taken his Amulet to summon the Keyblade Burning Heart, but the sensation he feels is different than summoning the Dragon Keyblade. It felt like more way back as Riku and Fugeo fused as they had been Dreameaters. He had released the energy that built up inside him and stopped that way Arlene's last attack. As she lands on the ground and got up again, she saw Riku flying with the help of two large dragon wings and a tail was spotted by her and the boy held on his other hand a second KeybladeArlene stares at this for a moment, but realizes the potential danger of this. With a scream she let several clones appear and all of them began to throw daggers or shoot thunderspells. The attacks seem to connect, but suddenly Riku disappeared in black smoke and nothing could reveal in which direction he fled. Arlene and her copies looked around and Riku called, "If you want to attempt Xemnas's desperation attack, you have to do better!"Arlene looked up and saw Riku flying there. She saw red flaming orbs on the tips of the two keyblades and Riku brought them together, holding the two like one and the two orbs merged, growing bigger before it rockets down to the ground. Arlene realizes that might happen, but as she began to run it already impacted with the ground and explodes in a large fire ball that destroyed her copies and sends her flying forward.She feels on the ground and groans and stands up, but found Riku in front of her charging in. Before she could react the Keybearer slashes several times with both Keyblades, and then uses a crossed strike to push Arlene back. Riku's two blades merged into a large one and Riku stormed at Arlene.Faster than the crowd could see, Riku was behind Arlene. She just stared into the air while a large cut appears on her clothes and body. While wound isn't lethal, it was too much for Arlene to keep on fighting. First she falls on her knees and then her entire body falls on the ground, spread out on the ground.While Arlene was taken away, Riku's were friends rushing in and congratulates him. "This was awesome!" told Sora. "How you finished her off is so great! How did you do that?""I don't know! I just wanted to use this" told Riku and showed the Amulet while the wings, tail, and Burning Heart began to disappear in flames. Lea wondered, "Could I have it? After all, I am the fire expert here!""Sorry Lea!" told Riku. "But these are given to me and Sora, you have to get your own if you want to use it. However, I am not sure if there were more.""Ah! Come on!" whined Lea and sighs in defeat.Lemuria stands by Arlene and said, "These Keybearers are full of surprises.""And once I am on my feet, he will pay! He won't find any part of his body without a dagger in it, shooting electricity into him," hissed Arlene."Well then it's too bad you are too late for that," told Hades as he shows up. Lemuria asked, "Why?""Why? Because the deal is off! It was so simple… I give you the item you desire for and you make sure you are in a higher rank than these Keybearers. But what do I have to see? The silver haired beat you. Perhaps I should have asked Riku myself to take care of my problem.""What do you mean?" asked Arlene and Hades wondered, "I thought you knew that. Riku over there worked once with us. He was the side kick of the good old Maleficent. Worked with her before, but after realizing that it was no good, I left for good.""You will still give us this item, even if we have to kill the Keybearers," told Arlene while hissing in pain. Hades chuckles. "If you manage to kill even one of them or even Hercules, then I might consider this. I would have at least one small victory in my plans. Now excuse me because my dear brother wants me to see the next battle for some reason."He disappears in a puff of smoke and Lemuria told, "First we fix you up Arlene and then we find out a way how to kill Hercules.""Why not one of the Keybearers?" hissed Arlene and Lemuria told, "You know the orders… no Keybearer kills until we get the authorization."Chapter 31: Chapter 31The Keybearers were talking about if either Will or Tech will face Riku as Tech storms in and hold a gun at Lea's head. Everybody could tell she was anything but happy right now and they just hoped she wouldn't simply shoot the red haired Keybearer.Lea gulped and asked, "eh… Hi? Can I… help you?""Thanks to you I cannot use one of my guns in the next battle!" told Tech. "And I really wish I could simply shoot you for that, but I need to get the prize if I want to get home so being disqualified for killing you isn't an option for me.""I… am glad," told Lea with a sweat drop and let out a loud sigh as Tech left. However he was hit in the chest by a plasma bolt which shocked him. "The rules didn't state to not attack participants which already are kicked out."Sora looked at Lea and shrugs. "She has a point there.""Really helpful Sora," told Riku with a hand on his face and Kairi nods. "I have to agree with him!"Then she casts a Cure on Lea, who groaned, "Tell me next time I fight a girl that I don't damage her weapons in case she wins… I don't want to die! Still too young for that. Perhaps in 2 or 3 hundred years.""Do you really expecpt that Lea?" asked Aqua and Lea smirks. "As long as anybody remembers me, I don't die! Got it Memorized?" while pointing to his head."Why do I have the feeling you said something familiar in the past?" asked Sora with a confused look and scratched his head.Lea shrugged. "In fact I did! When I met Ventus. Hope we get his heart and body together soon. I really want to meet him again after all this time."Roxas chuckles. "Want to relive the past?""Well… Isa being back to his old self would be a nice thing, but currently I have no chance but to fight him if we encounter him. He really changed a lot since then," told Lea. "That's why I enjoyed the time with you and…""And who?" wondered Roxas, but Lea scratches his head. "I don't know, but I have the feeling we're still missing somebody here, except for Ventus and this… how was his name again?""Terra," answered Aqua and Lea claps on his hand. "Terra, thanks!"Riku had his hand on his chin and told, "Now you mention it… I have the same feeling. Could it be Namine?"Lea shook his head. "Nope! Not really. I know we should find a way to get her out as well, but the one I mention is somebody else… but I cannot remember this person at all. I only know there was somebody else."Roxas thought about it as well and tears formed in his eyes. Kairi noticed it and asked, "Roxas? Are you crying?"Noticing the tears, he answered, "I… don't know! They came as I thought about this person…""Gosh! I really wonder what happened that none of you can remember a person that must be still memorized in your heart.""Sorry to burst your bubble mouse! But neither Roxas nor I had a heart in the days of the old organization," told Lea. "So how can a heart remember? And I don't recall that Roxas has a heart now!""You know he's got a point Mickey" told Roxas. "I am Sora's Nobody so I don't have a heart. I may get one with time, but there is no way a heart could remember anything from this time.""This is so frustrating to debate about something without getting an answer," groans Sora. "Can't we just move on and find out once we stumble on something that gives answers?""Come on Sora! Don't get impatient like that," told Kairi. "However he is right I guess… as long you don't remember more or we get Namine back, we won't get any answers from these very vague memories of you three."All agreed and went to their seats. Riku, however, stopped for a moment as he remembered something…He stood on the top of the Memory's Skyscraper and jumped down with Oblivion in hands, having flash backs of somebody which slowly disappears from his memory. Then he fought Roxas and was defeated. The conversation where he asked why Roxas has a Keyblade… sounds familiar. Then they keep talking with mentioning somebody… which is getting harder to remember and then he heard a female voice telling, "Riku please. You have to stop him!"Then he let the darkness take over him and beats Roxas with Ansem's powers…Riku shocok his head and rubs his head. This memory of the confrontation of Roxas… wasn't it different? Now he had two versions of the same event in his mind. Which one is real… which is false?Deciding to wait until he got other clues, he didn't tell anybody about it and went to his seat.On the field Tech and Will were all ready and she raised her gun at her opponent who wields his two weapons."Only one gun?" asked Will. "Are you thinking that low of me or did Lea damage your weapons that much?""Just shut up!" told Tech and waits for the signal while charging her gun."Then how about a little bet?" asked Will and Tech states "I'm listening""If you win I'll let you go on believing what you want to believe, and If I win I'll use my powers to send you home myself. Deal?" went Will in and Tech asked "How do you know where I life?""Have taken a guess by looking at your gadgets." Replied Will however Tech asked "Why you doing this for me?""Cuz Its just the kind of guy I am. Who knows I jus might bump into you again some time." Will said with a smile"Well" she stands "sorry, but I have to do this on my way""Well, if thats the way you want it. But If you want second opinon why dont you ask that neat little gadget on your head?" Will suggestedShe looks to the gauntlet and then back to Will "how do you know of Z?""I overheard you talking to it in you fight with Lea. And putting two and two together I've concluded that it can give you info on people you've barely meet. Right?"She nod to him and he continues "So It's safe to asume that you can draw your own conclusion with, Right?""You don't seem to be a liar" she states and Will ends "I'm not, especially when It comes to helping someone get home... Regardless of time or space.""Ya ready?" he asked with a smug.As answer she aims her gun at him. Will on the other hand grabs the handle of his Katana and take a defensive stance. "Then lets get this party started." He said just before the signal.Once the signal came, Will charges at her and Tech shoots at him. He rolled out of the way and swung his blade, creating a wave with his weapon. She jumped aside and then she releases a barrage of shoots however Will starts to swing his katana defecting most of the blast ocasinaly getting knicked on his cheeks and sides"Gonna have to do better than that!" Will said as he continued to rush at Tech. Jumping back she tried to land a hit on his shoulders. But he summons his second weapon and threw it at her. She crouches and the blade goes above her and start scanning Will.Will continued to rush at Tech and eventually gets close to her and swings his Katana only missing because she used ballet like moves to evade the attacks."Not bad, Let's see how you handle this, BIND!" Will shout as he shot chains of light and darkness from his hands wrapping them self around Techs legs but before the chains could reach her "Cynder Shield!""My my you really are full of surprises...that makes two of us." Will smiled as his Keyblade started to float by itself pointing at Tech. Looking at this she states "So, you can control it with your mind?""Yup." Will said just before his Blade lunged at Tech and taking another swing with is katana. Tech shoots the weapon to redirect its trajectory and prepares to dodge his katana. However the blade repositioned itself again and swings at her while Will did the same with the katana. She dodges some moves but got hit by others. Will suddenly kicks her making her stumble to the ground. Which made she growl and shoots him, but this time the blasts had thunder in them."WHAO JEEZ!" Will said as he quickly duck barely avoiding most of the blastThen with her leg she uppercuts him, causing him to crash on the ground. Tech states "You are a good fighter. I give you that""Thanks, being the fighter that you are I'd say the future is in pretty good hands." Will said rubbing his chin. "But you know what they say: all good things must come to an end!" Will suddenly kicked Tech's gun out of her hands. Surprised she jumped backwards to catch her gun. Then she shoots few times at him, but Will rolled away and shoots a fire spell. It hits her shoulder, but she managed to hit his wrist with one of her shots in a way that he had to drop his katana. With the good one he holds his hurt one. After a quick look Will could tell that Cure won't work on this wound so he took his katana with one hand and grit his teeth from the pain. Tech, on the other hand, grits her teeth as well because of the burn spot on her shoulder. In her head she swore that she hates fire now."I'm done taking chances with you!" Will said as his eyes turned silver and the iris turned into a slit. This caused Tech to scan her opponent now but Will runs at blinding speed almost appearing to vanish and gets behind Tech. In confused called Tech "What? Z! Cyber Shield!""RRRAAHHHH!" Will shouted as his Fist gives off electricity and pounces the shield with great force. The shield barely managed to block to thunder punch and it exploded, sending both Tech and Will flying in opposite directionsShe starts shooting at Will, who runs to avoid her shoots, getting slowly closer to her. Then a tornado surrounds him and her shots didn't show effects anymore and she dashed away from him. The tornado disappears and he dashes as well, getting close enough to slash her but failed to notice that Tech dropped something to his feet. Then he strikes her again, calling, "Zantesuken."This caused her to fly away. She crashes on the ground and moans, but smirks as she got on her feet. With a confused look Will tilts his head. Then he heard a long beep to his feet and he looked down. Down there was a capsule. He laughed weakly as a lamp began to turn on and muttered, "Shit…"Then the capsule explodes and a large amount of electricity hits him, almost frying him. Will coughs and falls on his butt "This hurts…"Then he falls on the back and was knocked out. His floating Blade clashes on the ground now.She chuckles and told, "Now I have to think of how to replace this. But it was still a great fight!"A/N:I want to tell special thanks to Crimson-Flazey and Fantasyfan101, the owner of Tech and Will, for having me letting use parts of a RP they had regarding this fight. ^^ It helped a lot to improve the battle in my opinion and I hope you all enjoy my story s far.Chapter 32: Chapter 32Riku and Tech were back on the field and with a loud sigh Riku asked, "Why do we have to fight now? We both had fights before and should be rested before we get on each other's head.""Tell that to this God over there! He thought it would be nice that we can have the fight tomorrow for the third place and the final battle," replied Tech while holding her gun up. Riku had his Keyblade ready as well and as the fight starts, Tech began to shoot, but Riku turned into darkness and shoots into her direction. Jumping aside, she shot at the darkness but it was too small and fast for her to hit it.Riku came back from the darkness and she used the chance to attack him, shooting electrical bolts. Before it hit the Keybearer Riku answered with shooting a triple firaga and thanked in his mind Aqua by teaching him a few spells last night.Riku staggered back by the hits and groans from the shock of his body due to the electricity. However, he saw that his three fireballs hit the target and Tech had to block them with her shield, making her unable to act for a moment. As she could see again she had to raise her shield again to block a blow of Riku. Her shield lowered and she took aim… however suddenly she couldn't move anymore and Riku warped around her body, slashing over and over before letting go and she whined in pain like time were floating normal for it all of the sudden.She got back on her feet only to get caught in a magnetic force field and Riku knocked her out with strong force. However, his hurt shoulder caused him to stop halfway, so Tech was only sent flying a few meters.She got back on his feet and after quick glance she understood that he tried to catapult her out of the battlefield. Riku began to run while holding his shoulder as Tech began to aim at him, getting ready to hit him with her electric charged attacks.She shoots a few times, missing the Keybearer since he always stopped, jumped, or changed directions as soon she pulls the trigger. Wondering if this guy has a sixth sense or so, she continued to shoot and increases her shooting range, but it soon reached its limit since she couldn't fix everything on her gun with the parts she took off the other.Suddenly Riku threw his Keyblade at Tech and she had to dodge roll out of the flying path to not be hit. She stood up but noticed that it was coming back and she jumped forward on the ground while shooting blindly at Riku's direction.He caught a few hits as he received his Keyblade and rushes at Tech. She keeps shooting and Riku groans in pain by the hits he took, but keeps closing in to her. Then he disappears and she suddenly was hit by a rushing attack of Riku that came out of nowhere. These rushing attacks hit her a few more times before his Keblade was dived into the ground, creating a dark shockwave that caused her to fly.Before she could hit the ground, Riku closed in and attacked her with a spinning move that hits her across the stomach and caused her to be out of the arena.Riku was now on his knees, his Keyblade used for support. Tech knew a bit longer and she would defeat him. Until she realized she already lost by leaving the battlefield. She sighs and told Riku, "You wanted to save your big shots up for him I guess.""I need them more on him looking how dangerous he is," he pants loudly and Tech agrees. "That's right… I think I know what I will do by the fight for the third place. After all, this is the best I can hope for."Riku nods and falls on the ground, his friends picking him up. Kairi looked over her friend and complains loudly at the direction of the Gods, "Was that necessary? His shoulder wound wasn't treated yet, but you forced him to fight your stupid battle?""Pah! If he is a Keybearer, then he can take more than that? After all, I thought some of them knew how to fight!" told a red glowing God and Zeus told, "Ares has a point here. He and Hades offered up that the fight should be done today.""Hades! Should have known," told Sora. "He must have hoped that his fight might kill Riku.""Now we have to patch him up or Maluz might still do this favor," told Lea, "And a backup plan in case this Hades or Maluz try something stupid if things don't turn out like they want. Also, I kinda expect Lemuria and Arlene to pull something out to thank us for kicking them out of the tournament.""Gosh! You really must know them well," told Mickey and Lea shrugs. "Castle Oblivion… we spent a few days there before Sora here showed up and Lemuria began to pull his plans.""I still wish I remember what happened there," told Sora and Lea told, "I can only give you what I know. The grand finale wasn't viewed by me since I was otherwise busy. If we find a safe way to get Namine out of Kairi, then we could get all the answers you wish for Sora.""I know… but this is the problem… how to bring her back without…" began Kairi, but didn't continue, since all knew what happens if they just take her heart out of her body. And it isn't guaranteed that Namine could exist alongside Kairi after this procedure… last time there were a lot of side effects involved like her heart was in Sora and the worlds were overrun by Heartless.Chapter 33: Chapter 33The next day, the last battle! The contest for third place was canceled due to the unfortunate fact that Kuran left the tournament while Hercules and Yuki aren't in position to fight since they still need to recover from the battle they had before. While Yuki only had a bruised leg, one of Hercules legs was broken and on one of his arms was a nasty wound which was bleeding. In other words: They haven't been able to fight effectively against Tech.Tech on the other hand couldn't find any use for the kiss of Aphrodite… so she told that she gives third place up for Will. Not happy about this he went up to the ceremony since Zeus wanted to do that first to build up the suspense towards the final match.Will stood now in the middle of the field while Aphrodite, a beautiful pink skinned woman with blond hair walked toward him. She strokes his hair a little and told, "Congratulations for earning a kiss from me…""Well… thanks!" answered Will and blushes. Then the Goddess of love pulls his head closer and kisses his lips. Will turned completely red and suddenly he was slightly blinded by a flash. Aphrodite on the other hand didn't seem to have noticed it and continues the kiss before slowly breaking it. "Enjoy your now long life…" and began to leave."What does she mean?" asked Will and suddenly XSDStitch stands next to him with a camera in hand asking, "What, you don't know? Everybody who got kissed by Aphrodite is blessed with eternal life.""What? Then why it is only the third prize?" asked Will and XSDStitch chuckles. "Eternal life isn't meaning eternal youth."With that, Will laughed weakly and XSDStitch adds in, "I got a picture of the kiss on this digital camera… and I will make sure all your friends and family members get a copy of it… even our wives. Just have to find creativity and for this story logical explanation to get them sent over.""Thanks for making my life such a wonderful thing," laughed Will weakly.XSDStitch grins and a race car stopped next to them. While putting the helm on XSDStitch told, "It is a pleasure… and now excuse me! I have to write a final battle!"He jumps into the racing car which began to drive off, transforms into a jet and shoots into the sky where it passed a blue glowing portal that resembles a dragon head."Show off…" told Will and began to leave the field while Zeus seems to tell something about congratulations and cheering.Later Riku and Maluz entered the field and Maluz declares, "It will be over quick if you don't resist! Then you will even be able to see how I save the universe.""Sorry! Cannot let you," told Riku. "Because your way of saving would be a disaster for everybody.""You don't understand a thing! But how should you, with so much darkness within you!" told Maluz and Riku told while raising his Keyblade, "I may have fallen into darkness once, but now I walk the way of Dawn!""Insolent boy!" growled Maluz and raised his blade.The signal came and the two rushed at each other. Their blades clashed and Riku got pushed by Maluz's strength.The hunter keeps hitting on Riku's Keyblade in an attempt to take it away from him. The Keybearer, however, keeps defending himself until he saw an opening and dashes away from Maluz and shoots a Fire Firaga, hitting Maluz. He groans, but slashed his sword in a vertical way, sending a shockwave against Riku who just jumped away and shoots a fire ball in return.Maluz blocked the attack and jumps at Riku to attack. In an attempt to block this attack Riku raised his Keyblade, but he still got full force and flew back, landing on his back. Getting up he took his Amulet out and called Burning Heart into his free hand.Maluz shoots two Light-based Blizzagas against Riku, one to him and other to Burning Heart. However, Riku shoots a triple Firaga, managing to disable one of the ice spells. While the remaining two fire balls flew at Maluz, Riku was hit by the last ice spell. His chest was partly frozen, but he began to dash at his opponent. In return Maluz blocked two Firagas with his blade and tries to slash Riku.He dodge rolled and began to slash with both Keyblades at Maluz in fast motion. After of some slashes Maluz covers himself and suddenly a sphere of light shields him, sending Riku away.And also a taurus like Lightbringer appears on the field and stormed at Riku. He had to cross the two Keyblades and do a strong forward push to stop the Lightbringer, but is still pushed back for a meter or two.Then Malus made a movement with his blade and a curtain of Pillars of Light appeared, chasing Riku who quickly dispatched the Lightbringer by jumping and cut it in half with the two Keyblades before running, starting to channel energy in Burning Heart which caused the weapon to start to shine. That there was a flash of light and darkness, and Riku had now dragon wings and dragon tail, starting to fly up, but the light pillars were really high for him. As result the pillars impacted with his body, causing him to cry in pain.After that, a big eagle like Lightbringer appeared and attacked Riku, but he slashed it once before shooting with the other Keyblade a Fire spell into the face. Then he took aim at Maluz and shot two Mega Flares.The attacks hit the area, but Maluz disappeared, but really he was in the sky, held by another eagle one, and shoots his version of a Mega Flare to Riku. But he dodged and shoot a second triple Firaga. Maluz blocked two, but the third hit the Ligtbringer.While Maluz began to fall Riku dived and began to slash over the enemy. Just as Riku wanted to use the finisher, Maluz blocked the attack and grabs Riku's head, spinning around, leaving Riku under him just in the moment that they land on the ground.Riku cries in pain and the wings, tail, and Burning Heart disappears. Trying to get free he pushes at Maluz, but... he couldn't…Maluz on the other hand stands up, still holding Riku and throws him to a side. He bounces off one before landing on the side, groaning and defeated..."Riku!" called Sora and jumped on the field, rushing to his friend.Maluz didn't pay any attention to them and called to the Gods, "Gods of Olympus! I won this tournament so I have the right of the wish now!""That is right," admits Zeus, "And what is your wish?""Destroy all darkness in the entire universe!" demands Maluz, but Zeus shook his head. "I am sorry, but we cannot grant you this wish. Since Light and Darkness started to exist, it is a constant part of our universe. It's eternal like the light now and removing it is like you are asking to remove the light at the same time.""Lair! Darkness can be destroyed! But you fear the consequences since darkness is one of the things you use to control the mortals of this world!" roared Maluz. "But if you fear so much the negative sides for you, instead embracing the positive sides for everybody then destroy all Keybearers in the universe!"Now Zeus laughed loudly. "Destroy all Keybearers? This is also an impossible task! There are many Keybladers and we don't know the whereabouts of all. It would take years to take all of them, given we manage to find them.""So… even you Gods are with these blasted Keybearers and side with the darkness!" he roared and Lightbringers began to show up everywhere, in different sizes. "Then I will clean this world from all darkness and all betrayers!"And the Lightbringers began to attack everything that moved. All who could fight began to attack while the common folk began to run, screaming loudly. They keep fighting and even the Gods used their respective parts to attack. Maluz rushes to the closest Keyblade holder he spots, which happens to be Sora. However, out of nowhere, an Invisible appears and Maluz's blade connected with the one of the Heartless. It took him much time to destroy it, but saw that a lot of Heartless has appeared now.In this chaos Arlene took the opportunity to throw her knives around and some lands close to Riku, then she used her thunder attacks to hurt him, causing him to groan loudly.Smirking, she threw another set only to be blocked by Lea this time. "Sorry! Won't let you do that again!""Then it is time to dance," laughed Arlene and grins wildly.Lemuria was slashing around the Lightrbingers and as he spots the still hurt Hercules fighting off a pair of Heartless, he uses the chance.He rushes at the hero and began to slash his scythe to kill Hercules on the spot. But he was hit by an electrical shot. Falling on the ground he spots Tech aiming and shooting. Lemuria blocks the attacks and as he saw and opening he hits the ground and three large black fields while dozens of cherry blooms storms around the field. Everything unlucky caught in this was hurt. Even maluz roars in pain since he was at the very center of one of the dark fields. Roaring, he rushes now at Lemuria, but suddenly he was picked up by somebody.Maluz looked who dared to do that and saw directly into Zeus's face. He growled loudly, "Hands off of me!""Is that your wish?" asked Zeus and Maluz roared, "Yes it is! Now let go!""As you wish!" grins the God and Maluz realizes the mistake he just did. "Uh oh…"Zeus made a movement like a baseball player and threw Maluz like said item out of this world."One less problem!" laughed Will while he slashes through any Heartless or Lightbringer which came into reach of him. Also, he shoots every now and then some magic around to take care of those who have better defenses.Kairi on the other hand has summoned the Goblin who punches at the enemies while she fought by herself, but relied more on magic spells, shooting at the Heartless some light based spells.However… she felt a presence that gives her shivers. She shrieks loudly as humanoid figures appear. They had predominantly blue skin. Its hands are silver and end in three-fingered claws. Its head is diamond-shaped and sports two short horns on either side of it. Its red eyes are set in a sorrowful expression and it had on the chest an emblem she remembered to have seen somewhere before.Frozen in fear of these creatures Kairi tried to move or call for help… however, everybody was too busy to act so she could only watch how they surround her. From a dark portal a figure in a black coat came out and laughs. "Wow! The Princess is afraid of these just because of something in the past. Even though it is the first time we two meet!"She stares at him and as the Goblin began to fight these creatures, the one in the black coat just shoots a fire ball and destroyed the Goblin. "Surprising that you are a summoner. However, it was more amusing to see your reaction about these guys when you encountered them by this island."He went closer to her and told, "I have the order to not harm you yet, but I think I will just take from you what we need right now and get over with that! Perhaps I'll kill one or two of these lights alongside!"Then in his hand appears a weapon she never expected. It was a Keyblade. The teeth and head are black with a red outline and possess a round, cog-like shape. The handle is red and the guard has the same coloration and cog-like shape as the teeth. The shaft is predominantly colored in shades of grey and sports a copper-colored gear in the center with two intersecting, black chains wrapped around it. Two more chains are wrapped around the base of the shaft in a similar fashion. It also has eyes of darkness; one located in the head of the blade and one embedded in the hilt. Its Keychain is comprised of three small, copper gears and ends in a charm resembling two halves of a gear arranged in an S-shape.Her breath shortened and she stares at the weapon which suddenly touches her chest. Everything turned dark for her and she falls down on the ground.The figure laughed as her heart began rose from her chest and float into his hand. Sora has spotted what is going on and called, "KAIRI!"He rushes over and dispatched the creatures in his way and clashes his Keyblade at the stranger. However, he was able to block any of the attacks and mocked, "Be careful or you might break the heart of your Princess!"Sora looked furious and wanted to rush at the black hooded person as a roar was heard. All looked up and saw Bahamut flying. Yuki must have summoned it and the mighty dragon shoots the Mega Flare to the ground. The explosion destroyed all enemies, except the stranger, Lemuria, and Arlene.After the dust settled down, Arlene and Lemuria were seen to be on their knees but recovering from the hit, while the stranger just laughed. "Good hit! But you need more to take me out!"All turned at him but he told, "Wrong move and this heart shatters!"Suddenly something hits his neck and he dropped both the Keyblade and the heart. Another man in black robe catches the heart and the first cloak wearer. The first one got over the shoulder of the second and this one was much larger.Muttering to the smaller one, "NO harm to any Light or Princess until we gain otherwise orders."Then he turns to Lemuria and Arlene. "Abort the mission! We got what we wanted. This battle was a good distraction."The two nods and Arlene protests, "Come on! I want to play more… and watch this death God looks.""What? You stole it from me?" called Hades and rushes to them, but from the face of the hooded man shoots a red beam at Hades. It hits the God's chest and crashed him into the wall. "Wow… this actually hurt," groans Hades.The stranger tossed the heart to Sora with the words, "We don't need it yet… but get stronger until we need this heart, or when the χ-blade is formed… you will be crushed."Sora glares at him as he left in a dark portal with the other two. Riku mumbled, "So they are with the Organization.""So everything is solved for now I guess!" told Joshua as he came on the field. "Sora… you should give her, her heart back."Sora nods and moved the heart to Kairi's chest. It moves into her and she gasped as she woke up. "What happened?""Long story short: Your heart got removed for a short time," told Joshua. "Now you have it back and you should move on to the other worlds since nothing solves itself if it involves Keyblades."Riku nods. "That is right!""Sorry! But you have to wait here!" told Zeus to Riku. "You are second place and a gold statue isn't making itself without the one showing it being around.""Wait!" called Riku but Sora laughs. "Don't worry Riku! We'll meet up with you later in Radiant Garden! And we leave a Gummi ship for you."Tech looked at Will. "Can we go to Radiant Garden first? I need to tell somebody he is off the hook." and Will shrugs. "Sure.""Well Roxas and I will go with a dark corridor back to Radiant Garden and then we'll think about how to get back to Kuran.""I am accompanying you! I have dozens of data now and I need to analyze them!" told Even as he walked up to them.Kairi nods. "And I'll go with Sora to help Mickey.""Thanks guys!" smiles the mouse. "We should really move now to the castle, since we still need your help friends."Yuki left without further comment or notice for the others. The only thing on her mind is that she has to continue her journey and fights.In the meanwhile, in a white room inside a mansion, a person began to wake up. The person looked around and asked, "How can it be? I shouldn't be here… unless…"The person gasped "Oh no!" and runs out of the room.XSDStitch sighs as he leans back and told to the readers, "Finally over! Bet you can guess who the unknown people are... by two I gave pretty good hints and by the last... obvious if you read my version of the real Organization meeting... even though there is only a little modifications from my side."Chapter 34: Chapter 34Kuran sat on a bed inside his old home within the Dark Plains… or better yet what remains of this place. It has been years since the darkness user left it and it was hard to miss that fact. Everywhere was a heavy amount of dust, the windows are mostly broken and in various parts of this house live animals now and/or plants started to grow in place. It wondered Kuran, and a lot of people do probably the same, how it is possible for plants to grow in a place where the sun never shines.His eyes wandered around in the room he was currently in… it was his old one back in the days where he lived here with Master Ynsadi… most of the things he had here were either broken or sold by Kuran as he left. His elbows on his knees, Kuran leans his head in his folded hands and muttered, "What a mess… why did I even bother to leave this place? I didn't even accomplish a single damn thing in all these years!""I wouldn't say that, Kuran," told a voice. Kuran raised his head and spots Aqua in front of him with Kiro at her side. Surprised, he stands up and asked, "How did you get here?""We jumped after you into the dark portal," told Kiro and Kuran said, "I see… and why do you think I shouldn't tell my statement like it is?""You may not have been able to defeat Maluz, but instead you helped others in your travels," answered Aqua, referring to what she learned from Roxas and Lea."She is right!" adds Kiro. "You can do more than just run after Maluz and try to defeat him. It's just up to you!"Kuran stands up and walks to the broken window, looking out. "What can I do? Aside from what I learned from Ynsadi and my travel through the worlds, I only know how to fight… I don't have any education.""Kuran… I can help you on that if you want. I am a Keyblade Master and as such I am allowed to take appreciates. And there is also Master Yen Sid. I am sure he would take you in as well. Also, you have Lea and Roxas as friends.""Even though Lea was an idiot on what he said about the shattered Keyblade," adds Kiro and continues, "But I remember something that a friend of my father told me once: Even if the darkness has taken you and everything important is shattered, your actions and decisions build something new from it."Kuran looked at the two and sighs. "I know you two want to cheer me up, but… I just don't know anymore what is right or wrong."Then he looked out again and told, "Just give me time to think. Best I take a walk, but two you should better go to the village. The protection of this house has worn off and Heartless could show up anytime.""Doesn't surprise me that there are Heartless with the name Dark Plains," chuckles Kiro, "But what are you talking about protection?""The Dark Plains has only a few villages due to the fact only a handful magicians live here and not many are able to learn the arts of magic on this world," told Kuran. "However, there exists a spell that protects from the Heartless. Just for some reason the spell only works on this world.""That is an odd spell," told Kiro, but Aqua theorized, "Probably the spell uses something that is specific for this world.""If this is so, then good luck finding it. The only two specific things I know of this world is eternal night and that is one large plain," told Kuran and went out of the house. Before he disappeared into the woods he told them, "Just follow the path that is behind the house. It leads you out of the forest directly into the next village."Once he was gone Kiro wondered "Should we follow him?" But Aqua shakes her head. "Better not. He needs time alone and we should give it to him. Let's go to this village and wait for him."And the two began to move to the village, walking on the path that Kuran told them. True to his word they encountered Heartless a few times on their way, but once they reach a sort of border that is marked by a set of small glowing lamps the Heartless attack stopped, and even one that keeps following them stopped at this border.Aqua looked impressed and wondered, "This spell is really impressive. I should ask the magician here if I could learn the spell. Perhaps I or others can find a way to give this protection to other worlds."Kiro laughed and jokes, "Might take time for that. Bet it will take at least 20 years until it works on at least one world."Aqua laughed as well and they entered the village and they started to explore the small place. Soon they found the magician of this place and Aqua started to talk with the old man.Kuran on the other hand strolled around in the forest, always having one of his swords in hand to be ready for defending himself from Heartless which could show up anytime.While he walked he suddenly notices a glow in the sky which rockets down and hit somewhere in the forest. Kuran could tell it wasn't a meteor or familiar thing since now the explosion was heard. He rushes into the direction, wondering what came down. He didn't find an object, but stopped as he heard a female voice asking, "Where am I? Tsubasa? Chris? Are you here?"Kuran stopped in his tracks and turned to the source of the voice, and found after passing a bush a girl looking around. "Tsubasa! Chris!" she called and Kuran answered, "Got lost here?"She turned around and Kuran saw that she has dark orange eyes with yellow orange hair with red clips on the front of them. He also notes she wears a school uniform like he saw on some worlds. "Oh! Hi! Have you seen my friends around here? One has dark blue hair and blue eyes, the other dark purple eyes with pale purple hair.""Sorry! I haven't seen any of them." Told Kuran and the girl laughs. "Well… can you tell me then where the next town is? I kinda want back home.""Towns? Where are you from?" asked Kuran. "In this place only villages exist. And we should get you out here before the Heartless shows up.""Heartless?" asked the girl. "Is that a different name for the Noise?""Noise?" asked Kuran. "I fear I have to tell you that you are not on your home world anymore.""Home world?" asked the girl and Kuran nods. "Yeah! You see… the place you came from is not the only inhabited world in the universe. In fact, there are hundreds of them and each of them is different from the others… this world is called Dark Plains for the obvious reason that it is an endless plain and the sun never shines here.""A world without a sun? Sounds really depressing," told the girl and Kuran shrugs. "It's not like you can have much fun here either with the Heartless around. Now we should go now!""Who are you?" asked the girl suddenly and began, "I am Hibiki Tachibana, age 15 and my birthday is on September 13, my blood type is O, last time I checked I had a height of 157 cm, never had a boyfriend in my life and if you want I can also tell you my weight."Kuran laughed weakly by that and told, "Kuran… Kuran Yuma, age 17, and that is all I tell you now.""It's alright Kuran!" cheers Hibiki with a smile and tilts her head slightly with closed eyes. Kuran really asks himself what he should think of her. So he just tells, "First we want to find a landmark and then we can go.""Didn't you say this is one large plain?" asked Hibiki and Kuran nods. "I did, but there are still landmarks. I know the ones we need for the next village."While they walked, Hibiki suddenly asked, "Is something wrong?""What do you mean?" wondered Kuran and she answered, "You look so depressed and I want to help you." Then she cheered, "Helping others is a hobby of mine!"Kuran chuckles, "That reminds me of somebody… but I don't know if you really want to hear this story… it is really depressing and I have to explain a lot that you never heard before.""I don't mind as long I can help you," she smiles with a wide grin. Kuran shook his head but began to tell his story. However, he only sticks only to the most important parts since the pain of this was too much for going into detail. Hibiki listened to the whole story and suddenly hugs Kuran. A deep blush appears on his face and he asked, "W-W-What… what are you doing?""I want to comfort you," told Hibiki. "Your story is really sad… but you should live on. For the sake of the ones important for you."Kuran looked at the girl "You barely know me and you tell me such a thing?"Then he sighs. "Guess… from what the others say, your reasoning makes a sort of sense… thanks for listening.""No problem," smiles Hibiki, but suddenly they heard cries in the distance and the two looked into the direction of the source. "The village is in this direction!"Then he rushes out with Hibiki following him. They passed the border, but Kuran stops and looked the lamps, cursing loudly."What is wrong?" asked the girl and Kuran told, "These lamps are supposed to glow! If they are not glowing, it means the protection is gone!""Protection? You mean this village is under attack now?" asked Hibiki and suddenly a bunch of Heartless appears around him. Kuran looked around and asked, "Soldiers, sergeants, and even a Commander?" Then he pulled a second blade out and wanted to tell Hibiki to get into safety, but suddenly he hears her starting to sing.He looked up and began confused to ask, "Are you sure it is wise to sing?"Suddenly her clothes were gone, two rings surround her body and after a flash of light she wore black boots with an orange stripe and armor with black, white, and orange colors with a red cross between breast and throat. On her head she had sort of headphones and from the back he could make orange feathers. On the arms she wore black arm long gloves with white armor which also bears an orange stripe. She keeps singing and got in a battle stance, Kuran would take she knows at least boxing. One of the soldiers jumped at her and punches it so hard that it collides with one of its comrades before it was destroyed.Kuran was impressed by that and began to slash at the incoming soldiers but also the sergeants are coming at them. Suddenly a part of the back features of her armor revealed to be thrusters and she shoots at the next Sergeant while part of her arm armor moved back slightly. As her fist connects with the sergeant, the armor moved back in position and released an immense force at this heartless that shoots it on the ground. Kuran took the chance and called an axe, crashing it into the body of the Heartless, finishing it off while Hibiki hits the soldiers that came too close.They repeated the procedure on the other sergeants and soon only the commander were left. They faced it and Kuran wondered, "Why didn't it attack?""Perhaps he wanted to wait?" asked Hibiki, but Kuran shakes his head. "Not likely… Heartless only act on instinct except when you are controlling them. Then they might act like you wish as long it works with their instincts.""That's terrible! Who would want to control these creatures?" went Hibiki in.However, Kuran just told, "Later! We have more urgent problem on hand!""Right… sorry!" replied the orange haired girl. Just in this moment the commandant jumped at them to deliver a kick at them. Kuran runs out its reach while Hibiki jumped away. Once its attack missed, Kuran rushed in and sliced the Heartless a few times, getting its attention. Kuran blocks a swipe of its claws and while it stumbled Hibiki shot in and punched the head. An explosion occurs by contact. The girl got ready to attack once more.However, the Heartless stumbled around a bit before falling down while disappearing in black smoke with the release of its heart.After the heart is gone, Hibiki wondered, "I guess I'll ask later.""That's right," told Kuran. "The village is still under attack."The two rushed in and they soon found the chaos that got hold on this village. Heartless were everywhere. People were running in fear while the Heartless hunt them. Others have taken different tools in trying to actually fight them."That is not good… Whatever happened, it was unexpected or else defensive measures were taken." Told Kuran and adds, "Hibiki! Take care of as many Heartless as possible. I'll try to find a certain person and ask what is going on."Hibiki nods and runs to the closets Heartless, a Shadow, and kicked it before unleashing an impressive skill in Martial Arts against the dark creatures. Kuran took his two blades and runs across the village, slashing through any Heartless that stood on his way. Soon he found a group of Heartless swarming somebody, which turned out to be Kiro. The young Keybearer fought with fierce against the Heartless and shows relief as he spots Kuran. Both were now rushing at the Heartless between them until they were back on back."What happened here?" asked Kuran. "Why is the protection gone?""Nice to see you too, Kuran," replied Kiro and explains while fighting, "As for your question: We were by this magician, talking until a black flame in a glass bowl began to get weaker. He stood up and walked over and performed a magic ritual. Nothing happened and he grew nervous and asked Aqua for help as repeated tries didn't work. Once it was gone, the Heartless came."Kuran knew about what Kiro was talking… this black flame is like a treasure for every village. It was the core of the protection spell. The source of these flames is in the only fortress of this world and even Master Ynsadi traveled once there to get a black flame to protect the house in the forest. And a magic ritual must be performed on period to hold the connection between the flame and the source, since the source also serves as the fuel to keep the flame burning."Alright! I'll try to get to Aqua," told Kuran. "Then I think we need to evacuate the village.""To where?" asked Kiro and Kuran suggests, "Traverse Town or Radiant Garden. Both worlds are used to have guest from other worlds."Kiro nods. "I am with you."The two began to fight their way to Aqua and the magician. They reach the house soon and found Aqua holding her Keyblade while leaving the house with a man. Due to the traditional clothes Kuran recognized the man as the Magician of this village."I take it the flame is lost?" asked Kuran and Aqua nods. "That's right. This village is lost, so we can only try to save as many as possible,""Let's get to the plazam" was his reply, "I'll open a dark portal to either Traverse Town or Radiant Garden, which ever of them is easier to reach. Then we can try to reach the fortress and in case other villages are caught in this as well, evacuate them as well."Aqua, Kiro, and the magician agreed on this plan and they made their way.Once in the plaza, they run into Hibiki. After a short explanation and introduction, they set the plan in motion. First Kuran opened a dark corridor and after a quick check by Aqua they learned that it leads to Traverse Town. Then they began to gather all villagers who didn't fall into the darkness yet. Also, they had to protect Kuran since he needed all of his concentration to uphold the portal.The others had their hands full as a result. Once the last villager passed through, the magician told, "I thank you for your help. In my house is a map and robes which will hide you from the Heartless until you reach the next village."They acknowledge the information and once he got through, Kuran closed the corridor."You know Kuran… I think it is amazing how people can pass the dark corridors of yours without any of the harmful effects of this way of transportation."Kuran just nods weakly since it took all of him to create and maintain this portal for so long. However, there was no time for rest since here are still many of the Heartless. And all of them are now fixed on the four remaining humans. It didn't look good for the four. All of them were exhausted, Kuran not able to open up another dark corridor for now…"I think it was a bad idea to stay here," told Kiro and Aqua nods. "True… we overestimated our position and now we should try to survive here.""Now it would be a good time for a wonder," adds Hibiki in. And the wonder came… in from of a rain… with blades as contents!Dozens of bluish swords went down on the Heartless, eliminating the minority in mere seconds. The only one surviving was a large ant like Heartless, but it didn't have much time to act since into its back a large blade impacted… On the other hand the word large is too weak. This thing was several stories high and some towers would look in shame or fear by this big blade.Kiro whistled, "Quite the Overkill!"They looked up and saw somebody standing on this blade. "Tsubasa!" cheered Hibiki as she recognized the girl on top of it. Tusbasa jumped down and Kuran nods she wore a familiar armor like Hibiki, just with blue colors like her hair and eyes. Also some features of her armor resembles wings.Hibiki hugged her and cheers, "I am glad you are alright!""Thanks Hibiki," laughed the older female, "But we should move on. Who knows if there are more."Kiro laughed. "By this sharp rain, I doubt that they show up again that soon. However, we really have to go. Other places are in danger as well on this world,""This world?" asked Tsubasa, confused. With that Hibiki told her everything what happened and what she learned. Then the other three told the two girls about the Heartless and other creatures which can act hostile towards beings with a heart. Tsubasa listened to all of this and said, "While we should get home as fast as possible, we should investigate if our arrival here could have affected with the protection mechanics of this place. Also, we have to find Chris."With that it was settled. They get the robes and the map. Hibiki and Tsubasa transformed into normal clothes. Kuran notes that they seem to visit the same school, since they wore the same uniform.Afterwards, they got the coats on and they began to travel to the next village.Special Thanks to Pimsan for suggesting that I include Hibiki from Senki Zesshou Symphogear into the story. Just a sorry for not using her like you hoped forChapter 35: Chapter 35None of them knew how long they had been walking due to the fact that no time indicator exists, and the landscape only has very few changes. But they finally reach the next village. From here on it was only a short trip to the fortress, which was visible in the distance. However… the magic on the capes were slowly wearing off and they could be attacked anytime again by the Heartless. They need replacements. Also, they notices that the border didn't glow here as well and no noise was heard. which wasn't a good sign.Kuran called a blade out since he was the only one able to use weapons without calling attention from the dark creatures in an instant.As they walked into this village everything was empty. The signs of battles were visible but no bodies lay around… clear sign of Heartless attacks. They didn't find any survivors either."This isn't good," told Kuran. "If this is happening everywhere, this world could become deserted or lost into darkness.""That is terrible!" told Hibiki. "We should try to get into the fortress soon and find out why this is happening.""Let's look at least if we find new capes. If we use them any longer we become targets for the Heartless again. And without any safe place in the near, it would a terrible fight for surviving," explains Kuran, "But if any of the villagers got their head calm enough than it could be they grabbed the capes and escaped to the fortress.""That could be a problem for us," told Kiro and they went to find the house of the magician… because they are the only ones who can produce this kind of cape since they work with the flame somehow. Kuran just doesn't know how.Then they found the house of the Magician, but… they could tell that looking wouldn't bring anything since the chaos reveals that others already came to find the cape. Hibiki laughed weakly, "I hope we get to the castle without being found by the Heartless.""Better we activate the Symphogear to be ready," told Tsubasa, but Kiro disagrees. "Better not! In worst case you draw them in on this way. That is why neither Aqua nor I call our Keyblades… Heartless are drawn by this thing since they fear it and want to destroy it in return.""Better we go! We should use whatever is left of the magic in the capes!" told Kuran and they all agreed. Running now they head in direction of the Fortress and they agreed also that Tsubasa and Hibiki would hold back their armors until they couldn't run anymore. Aqua, Kiro, and Kuran would use their weapons to clear their path until they reaches the fortress. Once they were here, the Gears get activated and they use the fortress to keep her back clean.Like they assumed the Heartless appeared and Kuran got with his two blades in front, slashing through Heartless while Kiro and Aqua used magic to prevent the others to get to close while Hibiki and Tsubasa were behind them.They made slower process from that, but they didn't stop. More than once one of the dangerous ones got close to them, but they managed to avoid them. They got closer and suddenly something shoots from the sky, eliminating the Heartless. They looked up and Kuran asked, "I assume that is Chris?"Hibiki nods after listening to the song they could hear for a moment. The portal opens and a man winked them. "Get in here!"The five didn't need to be told twice about it. With the Heartless on their tail, they started to sprint. Once they were in, the guard closes it, but the Heartless began to try to break in. Suddenly a few explosions were heard with some more shots following… then silence came.A loud sigh came from the guard and he told, "Never expected that five more would show after many of the villagers already fled here hours ago.""We came from a different village," told Aqua, "And we came to investigate why the protection failed out of the sudden.""Is your village still existing?" asked the guard and Aqua nodded. "We brought them into a safe place.""Somewhat safe place," admitted Kuran. "Only a few places were safe. Anywhere else, attacks are possible.""Still better than the village, I guess. About what happened here, I am not authorized to tell. For that you have to talk with the commander.""Where we can find him?" asked Kuran and the guard explains the way, but adds, "I am not sure if he will meet you or tell you what you seek to know.""We will see about it!" told Kuran.They followed the described way, but… it wasn't a good sight they found on their way. Many in this place are injured and all of the guards, but also the villagers which escaped to the fortress looked tired but on the edge."I guess even here safety from the Heartless isn't secured," told Kiro."You got it damn right! Since I got here several attacks happened. And even five of them were within these walls.""Chris!" smiles Hibiki. "I am glad to see you! Looks like all of us ended up here after we hit this piece of the moon.""Yeah!" agreed Chris, who had a red dress on. "Just weird that this commander told me not to speak with low ranking people or the villagers about other worlds.""They know about the laws of maintaining the world order?" wondered Kuran to himself and spoke, "We are on our way to him. Do you want to come with us?""I guess I can" told Chris. Hibiki smiles and took the hands of Chris and Tsubasa. "It's great that we three are back together."With that chatter began between the three until they reach the door that leads to the office of the commander.Chris knocked on the door and told she wants to speak with the commander. As he refused at first Kuran started, "A Keyblade Master is with us."With that the commander himself opens the door and requested them to come in.Once they are in the office, the commander, a muscular man in his 50s, offered seats and began, "It has been years since a Keyblade Master was here. The last being Master Ynsadi, requesting a flame. Which of you is the master?"Aqua rose from her seat and told, "I am Master Aqua, The reason for being here is to find out why the protection of the villages is failing."The Commander sighs loudly and admits, "Because somebody in a black coat broke in, defeated many of my people, and stole the Darkness Fragment from here. It was the source of the protection.""Darkness Fragment?" asked Aqua. "As in one of the 13 Dark Fragments of the χ-Blade?""That's right," told the commander. "Only the higher ranks and the magicians are aware of the other worlds and the Keyblades. The Keybearers which survived the Keyblade War hid one of the Fragments here, forming the way also our protection magic for our villages. I am not surprised if you don't know about it until now. From Ynsadi I learned that much is lost for the Keybearers, while we did our best to keep the part of history we know alive.""It's true… I didn't learn anything like that from my master," told Aqua, "But I don't know if he knew about it or not. But I wonder why using an object of Darkness as base for a protection against its creatures.""To fool the heartless," guessed Kuran and as everybody looked at him he told, "If I would take one of the uniforms here and wear it, everybody who don't know me would think at first I was a real guard. I guess this spell used the properties of the Dark Fragment to mask the light of the people's hearts AND create the illusion of all being already Heartless. Since they are completely driven by instinct it's a clever way since they would never figure it out on their own.""I think this is a likely explanation," told the Commander. "Since we never knew how it works in detail."Then Kuran asked, "How likely is it that from other villages people will come?""Very unlikely," answered the commander. "As aggressive as the Heartless came after the protection was gone, I consider it as a wonder we can still talk with each other as humans. In my opinion, most, if not all, of the villages are wiped out by now. After all, the attacks began in the very moment as the thief left this world with the fragment. Why do you ask?""We evacuated the village we have been to a different world," told Kiro. "And as much I hate to say it… this world is lost to the Heartless. The only thing we can do is to save so many as possible."The commander sighs and seems to be thinking until to be thinking until he began, "If one of the old commanders were here, they would have refused and fought to the last living being. I, however, realize how lost this situation is and I agree. Where we will go and how we get there?""I will open a dark portal to a world called Traverse Town. It is sort of a refuge for people who lost their world. Heartless still exist there, but the first district and a few other places are safe." Explained Kuran and suddenly laughs."What is so funny?" wondered Kiro and Kuran answered, "It's ironic that I lose my homeland just after returning here.""You were born here?" asked Hibiki and he nods to her. The commander told, "Alright! Time to get the people into safety!"And so they repeated the procedure of the last chapter again. With some differences: They were in a fortress which is easier to defend than an open plaza, more people who can fight are available and this time nobody would remain here!After it was clear that it was the first district on the other side, a few guards passed through to guide the people away from the portal to ensure enough space for everybody. The first people with their remaining belongings left the Dark Plans. Some even took items given by the guards with them to transport as much useable things from the Fortress to traverse town as possible.Once half of the people left to the other world, one of the guards set off the alarms warning about Heartless showing up.Everybody chosen to fight in order for defending this place until the evacuation was over got their weapons ready while the rest tried not to fall into panic. It wasn't hard to guess that it was difficult, but knowing they would be in a safer place soon gave them courage. The sounds of battle were already close by the time the last of the normal people got through the dark portal. With that the commander issued the order to retreat and all are slowly moving back in direction to the dark portal while fighting off close Heartless. Chris, Hibiki, and Tsubasa did their best to cover the people, but caused a lot of damage on the fortress. The commander didn't show any care since he doesn't expect that they would return here anytime soon. Once the soldiers were in, the commander went in. Then the three girls surround the portal while Aqua moves backwards into the portal while shooting spells. Kiro did the same. Kuran told the girls to move in and once they were, he jumped and closes the corridor as soon as possible.On the other side Kuran pants loudly and asked, "Did we get all through?""According the numbers I am given, I lost three men, but it could have been worse," told the Commander. "They fell into darkness while giving us the chance to escape.""Honorable, still terrible but honorable," admits Kiro."So… what will we do now?" asked Hibiki and Kuran thought aloud, "First, getting you back to your home world… I don't want to know what is happening up there if your gears are the only effective weapon against your troublemakers… then back to Radiant Garden I guess to meet up with the others.""How about we just go there right now and borrow a Gummi Ship? I happen to know which world they came from since I saw Tsubasa on a poster as I was there," told Kiro. "After returning it, I go home then… sorry, but I have to deal with my own problems which could affect the universe as well."Kuran looked at him. "Sounds like a plan…"Looking to Hibiki, he told her, "It was a nice trip with you… even with the trouble we had on our hands.""It was something else!" smiles Hibiki. "After helping your friends in saving the universe… how about you come for a visit?""Once I find your home world I will!" smiles Kuran. The commander nods to them. "I thank you all. I hope you three don't mind to help out here until we finished settling down on this world."Hibiki smiles. "Helping people is a hobby of mine!"Kuran laughs and opens the dark portal to Radiant Garden, knowing he needs rest after that."Kuran…" began Hibiki and as he turned around he asked, "Yes?""One more thing…" she started and suddenly she moves in and kisses his lips. His eyes widened and raised his hands, not knowing what to do or why she is doing that.She broke it and blushes. "Uhm.. Good bye! Hope to see you soon!"With a red head she runs away and Kuran mumbled, "Bye…"He walks to the corridor with Kiro and Aqua, telling, "She stole my first kiss…"Chapter 36: Chapter 36The Gummi ship that transported Sora, Kairi, and Mickey docked into the hangar of the Disney Castle.Smiling, Sora greeted Chip and Dale, introducing the two to Kairi who thought it was nice to meet them.The two walked up to the garden and straight to Mickeys office.Kairi looked amazed about the large bookshelves in the room. Sora took the chance and asked, "Your Majesty, where is Jiminy by the way?""Don't worry about him Sora," answered Mickey. "Jiminy is currently visiting Pinocchio to see how he is doing as real boy."Pinocchio is a real boy now?" asked Sora in joy. Kairi turns to Mickey. "For what do you need our help, your Majesty?"The mouse sighs loudly and tells, "It is about some troublemakers of our world. They suddenly started to target the castle. I don't know if it is for the Cornerstone of Light or the data about the worlds. Xehanort and his organization is more important I know, but the only clue we have about them is that they stole something from Hades and they don't seem to have any interest for the Princess of Heart.""Do you know who was the one with the Keyblade?" wondered Sora and Mickey nods. "I have a clue, but I want to talk with Aqua first to ensure if I am right.""Alright then! Who are the trouble makers? And where are Donald and Goofy?""Donald and goofy are patrolling to find them. And of those trouble makers are first the Beagle Boys. They are thieves and while not the smartest, they are persistent. You will recognize them by their clothes. All of them wear blue pants, red pullovers with numbers, black shoes, black masks, and blue caps""Got that!" told Sora. "And who are the others?""The next one is more dangerous and is to be taken seriously. It is a witch named Magica de Spell. A duck with black hair, black lipstick, black shoes, and a black dress. Also always in company of a black raven," explains Mickey and Sora jokes, "She seems to like the color black."Mickey shook his head and told, "Don't take her lightly. As a witch she is powerful and dangerous. The last thing we all want is her teaming up with Maleficent.""I think I understand," told Kairi. "Who is the next?""The next is the last, but the most dangerous one. The Phantom Blot! He is a tall person who always wears a dark cloak and hood that conceals his true appearance. The only thing you see on him are his white eyes. He shares with many the traits of being scheming, manipulative, cunning, and so on. However, his intelligence puts all others into his shadows. He builds all kinds of devices for his plans and we barely manage to arrest him, with the result that he escapes soon after. And his ability to disguise himself makes it almost impossible to find him." Told Mickey."I take it we have to deal with him first," guessed Sora, but Mickey sighs. "I wouldn't call for your help if this were easy things to do. But for now, please escort Minnie and Daisy to the town and enjoy the festival.""That would be so cool!" cheers Sora and Kairi laughed at the behavior of her friend. "Sora," she laughs.Mickey smiles as well. "I will follow up once I am done here with something.""Alright!" told Sora. "See you later!" and left with Kairi.Mickey sighs loudly once they left. "Why now of all times does it have to happen?"Sora and Kairi meet up with Daisy and Minnie. After a a short introduction, Kairi wondered, "About what is this festival?"Minnie explains about the festival and finishes, "And the Million Dreams Award is the prize for the citizen we think is the most admirable one."Kairi thinks about it and admits, "I think I would like to see what this award is.""Just stay here long enough and you will see it. And perhaps you can win it by chance. It reminds me on the festival 11 years ago. We had three winners back then. Terra, Aqua, and Ven.""They have been here?" asked Sora and Minnie nods. "Indeed Sora! They have been here and helped some of our citizens here. And due to the Million Dreams Awards they got their own ice cream flowers, made just for them.""Would you mind if we get some of this ice cream?" wondered the Keybearer."Of course Sora. And if you two are interested, I would like to show you our newest attractions here in Disney Town."Sora and Kairi agreed and went with the Queen and Daisy to a stand that is run by the Duck Triplets Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Sora also spots an ice cream machine which is made to make tall ice scream stacks. He asked them if he could use it and they didn't mind. After a few tries Sora got the hang of it and in the end the triplets were balancing stacks of 20 meters.Kairi wondered on how they are planning to eat this amount of ice cream while giggling at the ducks trying to balance the big towers."Well… we will think of something," told Sora. However… uncomfortably were the three little ducks no longer able to hold the balance of all the ice cream. As the result, the ice cream rains down on them. The females were able to get away in time, but the other four weren't that fortunate.After this rain died down, Minnie began, "Oh dear, I hope you are alright.""We are fine!" told Huey and Dewey adds, "It's just a cleanup necessary with Sora here helping us.""We can handle it." agreed the third of them while Sora laughed weakly with scratching his check with his finger.After cleaning everything up the four move to a building with the label "Hall of Heroes." Minnie explains they finished the building recently and in there are all known heroes of this world. Also most of the heroes are only local active, barely seen outside their home place. The four explored the hall and Sora was amazed of the different types of heroes known in this world… he even read the plates of different ones like Darkwing Duck or Gizmoduck.Then they reach a part of the hall where only two statues are standing. One was a duck in a jumpsuit with a belt, pair of boots, a mask, and a sailor cap. On the back he wears a cape. The other reminds Sora of Goofy in a jumpsuit and a cape."Why are these two alone in this section?" wondered Kairi and Minnie answered, "Because they are retired. These two have been great heroes of our town until they disappeared. Their names have been Supergoof and the Duck Avenger. Supergoof had all sorts of super powers while the Duck Avenger relied on different types of gizmos. I wish one of them or even both would return to show up again in our troubled times.""Don't worry!" told Sora. "Kairi and I will deal with the bad guys here.""Your kind words give me hope, Sora," smiles the Queen. However, suddenly they heard somebody calling for her. They went outside and found Horance running around, calling for Queen Minnie. As he spots them, he rushes over. "Your Majesty! I am glad to have found you.""Horance. What is wrong?" asked Daisy and Horance answered, "It is the Beagle Boys! They somehow got into the Fruit Ball Tournament and are using dirty tricks to win their matches.""Oh no," told Minnie, "if they win, they are allowed to take the special tour through the palace which also bring them to the Cornerstone of Light. And who knows what they would do with it if they are given the chance.""Is there a way to stop them?" asked Sora and Horance rubs his head and told, "We can't just arrest them since they just got out recently for past crimes and they somehow managed to not commit any crimes since then. But according to the rules, they have to get a winning streak of 4 games to win the tournament. And we just happen to have place for one more team. Also the rules of this game are very easy so you shouldn't be too troubled to learn it.""Alright! Let's do it!" told Sora with confident while Kairi wondered, "Can we register a Chocobo or a Goblin as team members as well?""Well a Chocobo no, but a goblin is allowed, provided you find one in time." Answered Horance. Kairi nods and summons a Goblin as they got to the registration.Only a short time later they got their first match. The rules are simple: The object of this game is to score more goals than your opponents in three minutes. During the match, different types of fruits were launched into the field and one team has to get it into the goal of the other team. However, nobody is allowed to leave the field during the match. Sometimes walls would appear randomly that gives the game also a tick of tactical thinking.The three did well in their match and won it. Sora and Kairi smiles that they got the rules that quickly and proceed to the second one. This was more difficulty, but they managed to get through as well. The third was then with the Beagle Boys. If they win this one they would have three wins in a row, something that they don't want to risk since they could do something by the final match that could end ugly.The match began and the first fruit happens to be grapes. Sora hit it, but the Beagle Boys seems to punch it around in their field until it broke into smaller pieces which all lands on the side of Kairi and Sora. They went to hit the grapes, but suddenly they explode, causing them to fly around. Unable to react on anything, the Beagle Boys got three different fruits into their goals, making three points.Sora groaned and asked, "How the hell did they do that?""I don't know," told Kairi. "But we better be more careful."Sora agreed on that and they hurried to parry or hurl the fruits back with the Goblin Kairi summoned. They managed to get points as well, but more and more things happens. One time Soras feet were suddenly frozen to the ground while Kairi jumped one time to hit an apple, but was suddenly teleported a meter next of it.While this strange match keeps on, Donald and Goofy arrived the place just as one of the explosive grapes lands in front of their feet and explodes. Goofy hit a wall while Donald was sent flying into the distance."Donald! Goofy!" called Sora in concern, but Daisy called, "Don't worry! They got through worse!"Sora nods and concentrates on the match.Only one point decides between victories and lose. Both sides did their best and Sora tried even harder together with Kairi since something is against them as well. Kairi jumped for the next fruit, hoping she wouldn't be teleported again. Sora saw something pointing at Kairi, but got tackled then. Kairi manages to hit the fruit directly into the goal.Confused, the Beagle boys stopped their tracks to think what just happened and the Goblin manages to hit a second fruit, making a second point just before the time was over."Yeah! Victory!" cheered Sora. However, the Beagle boys weren't happy. They stomped to Sora and Kairi asking, "Alright! What did you do that you suddenly won? There is cheating involved!""That's right!" answered Sora. "But not from our side, but from yours!""How dare you!" told the Beagle Boy, but Minnie told, "Stop! Sora and Kairi won this round fair and square! I am sorry, but you have to leave now!""Oh no!" told the Beagle Boy and suddenly grabs Daisy, holding her hostage. "You bring us straight to the Cornerstone of Light or we might accidentally harm this little lady here!"Sora clenches his teeth in frustration while Kairi wanted to send the Goblin, but knew she would only put Daisy in harms way by such an action."Also! Bring us now to the Cornerstone right now!" ordered another beagle boy, but Minnie told, "You won't get away with that!""Oh, they are going to get away from this! Just not in the way they plan!" told a new voice. The Beagle Boy looked around and the one holding Daisy asked, "Who is there? Show your-"He never finished his sentence since a boxing glove hits his face straight, causing him to let go of Daisy and fall down. The duck runs into safety while somebody else lands in front of the other two. The glove disappears into the belt of the newcomer and everybody shouted, "The Duck Avenger?""That's right!" told the Duck Avenger and a Beagle Boy stammered, "That… that… that cannot be! You disappeared!""I retired in belief Disney Town wouldn't need me anymore! I was wrong though… now they need me again and once I dealt with you and some others, I think I go back to regular duty!" was the hero's reply. The two Beagle Boys laughed and one told, "Too bad we have help now! You don't win this time!""If you are talking about Magica De Spell: I knocked her away from her position. She may have escaped for now, but I get you and she comes next."The Beagle Boys raised their arms, surrender by knowing they don't have a choice here. The guards came and brought the Beagle Boys away, this time into the castle's prison since they took Daisy as a hostage.The Duck Avenger turned to Sora and told, "Nice job in beating them in Fruit Ball! Until next time!"With that he jumped on the roofs and disappeared from sight. Sora looked after him and calls, "This is awesome! We saw an actual hero!""Sora!" called a voice and they turned to see that Donald just arrives in the place, panting loudly. "Where… where are they?""Already arrested," told Kairi. "The Duck Avenger took care of them.""What? He is back?" asked Donald. "And he didn't tell me…""What do you mean?" asked Sora and Minnie explains, "They are close friends. Donald was really sad as he disappeared years ago. However, with Magica de Spell and the Beagle Boys working together… that isn't good."In the castle Mickey saw how the guards brought the Beagle Boys in and learned what happened. "Working together? Odd… I have a bad feeling about this."Once in jail the Beagle Boys wait until nobody heard them. "At least we are in castle. Just not in the way we hoped for.""Our job was to get in, regardless the way." Told another.High above the castle Magica de Spell was flying on a broom and muttered, "The interference of this blasted hero wasn't planned. But I will still stick to the plan." Then she began to laugh loudly with her raven laughing as well.Chapter 37: Chapter 37The final match in Fruit Ball wasn't so spectacular like the one against the Beagle Boys but it was a fair game. It was just uncomfortable for Sora and Kairi that they lost this final match."I cannot believe that we lost," groaned Sora while Kairi just smiles. "Come on Sora! Take it easy. After all, we managed to beat the Beagle Boys and this was why we joined the tournament, remember?""I know Kairi, but it would have been great if we had managed to pull it off to win the tournament." Protested Sora and Goofy began, "Don't worry Sora! I am sure that many will vote for you due to your actions.""Yeah! Not everybody would have challenged them knowing they would cheat." Told Donald. "But I am still surprised that they're working with that witch.""Didn't they do it in the past before, Donald?" wondered Goofy and the duck answered, "Of course they did! But in these cases it has been two targets in one place. This time they had a common goal.""What are they after normally?" asked Sora and Goofy told, "The witch is after the fortune of Donald's uncle and the Beagle Boys are after his Number One Dime."After shocking Goofy with a Thundaga, Donald shouts, "It's the other way around you goofball!""Sorry Donald! It has been so long since we dealt with them that I forgot.""Number One Dime? What's that?" wondered Sora and Donald hits Goofy to prevent him from talkimg before answering Sora's question: "Uncle Scrooge's Number One Dime was the first dime he ever earned. He tells it is the base of his entire fortune.""Build a fortune with a single dime and still have it? Impressive," thought Kairi aloud."Well, what should we do now?" asked Sora and Daisy suggests, "How about the racing track? Chip and Dale made different vehicles for this year's race, inspired by the tales they heard from Jiminy and some people which joined the race once.""Can I use something from them for joining the race?" asked Sora and Minnie giggles. "It's the idea behind their work. They even had help from somebody of a different world. Too bad he couldn't make it today…""Alright! Where is the race?" asked Sora."Follow me please," answered Queen Minnie and she leads them to the racing track. Once they were here, Chip and Dale greeted them.Minnie and Daisy went to the tribune since they won't join the race due to their position. Kairi won't join the race as well due to the fact she has not a single clue how to drive any of these vehicles and didn't want to risk any accidents due to her lack of knowledge. After all, she has only little experience about driving a Gummi Ship. The only thing she wanted was to stay with Sora as long as possible.However, she got separated from him as she started to talk with Chip and Dale about driving one of these vehicles after the race.Sora on the other hand looked through the different vehicles the chipmunks made. He found one designed like a skateboard. Somehow he got a nostalgic feeling in his heart. Wanting to take it he reaches out for it, but a voice stopped him. "Excuse me?"He turned around and spots a duck with blond hair, red lipstick, white shoes, and a blue dress. Tilting his head Sora asked, "Yes?""My reflection doesn't show up when I look into my hand mirror. Could you please be so kind to look at what the cause of it could be?""Sure!" told Sora and took the offered mirror and looked into it. He saw a reflection of himself, but something was strange… his reflection looks sinister. It had red eyes, black stripes in the hair, spikes on the shoulder parts of his jacket. Under the eyes are tattoos of the half from a black broken heart. Also on the right ear hung an ear ring which had a red stone. Scratching his hair Sora asked, "What's up with this mirror? I don't look even close to this reflect - AHHHHHHH!" shouts Sora as a flash from the mirror blinds him. As he could see again he was in a strange grey place with a sort of wall where his odd reflection grins at him, showing a set of fangs. Sora wondered even more what is going on.Suddenly the reflection laughs. "You are such a loser for falling for this simple trick! Even a small child could have been able to tell that is a trap!""Who are you? And what is going on?" demands Sora and the other answered, "I am Aros, the one who dissects all! And for where you are…"Then the woman appears and explains, "You are trapped inside the mirror, while your negative reflection took your place.""Wait, what?" asked Sora and the woman laughs. "This is a magic mirror which switches the one who looks into it with an opposite version of this person. You can say, I freed your evil twin while trapping you in this prison."Then she was covered in smoke while laughing. As the smoke cleared, Sora recognized the duck form the description he got form Mickey. "Magica De Spell!""Oh, you heard of me? I am flattered," chuckles Magica. "But enough for now! I am a busy witch and have little time!""Then let me take care of this loser!" demands Aros. Magica, however, put the mirror away and told, "You won't! He is my bargain chip against you. As long you do your job I will give you the mirror and you are free to do what you want! However, if you disobey me even once, you are back where you came from within seconds!""Grrrr! Fine! What do you want me to do?" asked Aros, not liking the thought of obeying this witch."You take part in the races here and cause distractions. However, no harm to the Princess of Heart! We properly need her later," told Magica and showed a magical image of Kairi. Aros whistled. "There is a Princess of Heart? In our reality she is a Bitch of Darkness. And she looks better… I really like this mirror version of my universe! You told no harm to her, but can I still have my way with her right?""As long she is alive and her heart intact, I don't care. But if you break her in a way that she becomes useless, grave punishment awaits you." Told Magica and disappears in smoke."Got that," told Aros and looks. "So the loser of my reflection wanted to take a board? Pah! Real men goes for a big, loud, and cool motorbike!"Looking around he saw what he wanted and went over, but Magica de Spell appears again in front of him."What do you want?" he demands. "I hardly could do anything you know?""I am aware of this," was her reply. "But I wanted to give you something and I had to get it first."She took a bottle with a yellow liquid out. Aros wondered, "What's that? And why didn't you bring it with you earlier?""I didn't want to lose it before you showed up. It was hard enough to find all increments, especially the last one. It is a transformation potion, which will transform you for 10 minutes into your counterpart. It will help you to cause even more confusion," explains the witch but Aros wondered, "Why not longer?""Would have taken months and due to the short time I had to prepare, this was the best I could do! Not to mention I had to find the mirror as well!""Alright, alright! I get your point!" told Aros and Magica de Spell left once more."Hope the next time I see her is when she fulfills her part of this bargain! Then I can rip her witched heart out! Would make a good addition to my collection," he laughed and took a crystal box out were dozens of tiny hearts floats around. Putting the box away, Aros drank the contends of the bottle and groans at the terrible taste, also the weird feeling he gets afterwards as his entire body and clothes changed to a degree to look like Sora. After it was over he muttered, "Once I get him, I'll punish him even more for not only making me feel awkward, but also look awkward like him!"Then he grabs the bike and started the engine, driving to the exit where Kairi, Chip, and Dale were still talking."Hey! Nice choice," told Chip once they noticed him, and mistakens him like planned as the real Sora. Dale answered to what Chip said, "Indeed! We designed it after the vehicle that Terra used years ago!""Really? That's… nice," told Aros, forcing himself to smile. Kairi giggled. "Would have thought that your choice was on something close to a skateboard, but not a bike.""Well…" he began, "I wanted to try something new. Hey babe! Want a ride with me?""Babe?" wondered Kairi in her mind since Sora never called her that. Before she could answer however, Chip interrupted, "Sorry Sora! Won't be possible.""Yeah! The race starts at any moment by now," agreed Dale."Perhaps later then," told Aros and went to his start position. Kairi looked after him. "I have a strange feeling about him."On the start are different citizens of Disney Town. Aros recognizes them as the mirror versions of people he met. However, he only knew one of them by name… in his reality the name was Dlanod, which means in this reality the name would be… Donald! The duck saw Aros and was fooled by his appearance as well, while calling out, "Hey Sora! What do you think of my race car? The boys got it for me and it's designed after my car."Aros looked at the design… and assumed the car of Donald must come from the trash yard. Gulping down the urge to tell that, his reply was, "Then you must have… an interesting car.""That's right Sora!" Told Donald, "That's why you won't win this race!""We will see that, Duck!" shouts Aros. You will eat my dust!""Oh yeah? We will see who get the glory!" shouts Donald, challenged by this.Aros laughed and got ready. The countdown went down and once it reaches zero, all racers shoot off.Donald and Aros were already in the middle field and both seem to be good drivers since they make good advance in the field. However… Aros starts to get reckless and rams the other vehicles in away that they either crash into others or get catapulted out of the track. From the tribune Kairi wondered, "Sora… what are you doing? I don't know you're like that. It's like you are somebody else."Aros laughed loudly, having the fun of his lifetime until Donald called from behind him, "Sora! What got into you?""I told you to shut up and eat my dust!" roared Aros and looks at the duck. Donald cried in surprise and lost for a moment the control of his vehicle. However, he regained control and shouts, "You are not Sora!"Aros wanted to mock the duck by asking how he got the idea, but he notices that his traits which differs him from Sora are showing up again."Guess the 10 minutes are over and this gave me away…" he thought and laughs at Donald. "That's right Duck! I am Aros! You can say I am sort of an evil twin of Sora!""Gosh! I didn't know Sora has a brother," told Goofy who stands as guard next to Minnie, but Kairi shook her head. "He doesn't have siblings. This Aros must mean something else.""What did you do to Sora?" demands Donald in the meanwhile."You can ask him in Hell!" was Aros's reply and in his hand a Keyblade appears. The Keychain was a heart cut by a blade while the guard was made by a pair of barbed lance tips, the hilt was longer than Sora's Kingdom Key and had a small crown on the tip. The blade were like the one of an ax with razor like teeth. Aros grins. "Say hello to a Mega Flare from my Kings Tyrant!"And the spell shoots out of the weapon's tip, racing with high speed at Donald who cries in surprise…In the Disney Castle Mickey was finished with his business and wanted to leave the throne room to join his friends.However, he heard from behind him, "Are you leaving? I would prefer you to stay here."The mouse jumped around in surprise and called, "Phantom Blob! How did you get in?"The criminal in black robe simply told, "I had assistance. And I wouldn't call the guards or… something might happen.""And what?" asked Mickey about to call his Keyblade. The Phantom Blob explains as reaction, "For example, Magica here might accidentally smash her mirror."The witch came into sight with a mirror and pretends to look at her reflection with it before showing Mickey the trapped Sora inside the mirror. The villain continues while showing a glass object with Jiminy in it, "Or I might step on this cricket here…"Mickey gasped in surprise and lowered his defenses. With that, a Beagle Boy suddenly grabbed Mickey and the king asked in surprise, "How did you get out?"One of the other Beagle Boys told, "The Blob gave us the means to break out and get him in.""Yeah!" Answered the other. "Our job was to get into the castle and open a way for these two in.""Why are you after the Cornerstone of Light?" demands Mickey and the Phantom Blob counters, "Mickey… do you really think we are after it? Sure the Beagle Boys claimed it earlier, but this was a mere distraction to get the attention away from our real target.""Oh no…" told Mickey, realizing the true goal of the villains actions.A picture of the Kings Tyrant can be found by deviantart with this ending: /d6ovf09Special thanks for Ultimatekeywarrior for making it :)Chapter 38: Chapter 38The Mega Flare impacted and exploded, taking several drivers as well in one shot. Aros laughed loudly, but as he had to duck a fire ball he looked confused and spots Donald. The duck must have dodged the blast while many others were caught in the spell. Everybody could see that the ones hit by the spell were lying around, blacked and groaning in pain.Growling, Aros aimed again at Donald and shoots this time a Triple Firaga. Donald, however, countered it with his variation of the Blizzard Spell, but he only was able to hit two of the Firagas. The last one clashes with the car of Donald.The duck flew out and called, "MOMMY!"With a crash he lands into the center of a windmill and his body rotates around because of it. Aros laughed and speeds off in the direction of the goal. Once he passed it, he aims his vehicle at the tribune, where Queen Minnie and the others are standing and speeds on before jumping off to let it crash into it.Minnie, Daisy, and Kairi tried to get away in time while Goofy jumped to stop the gear. Shield versus bike! A rather unusual match!With obvious outcome…The bike crashes into Goofy, causing the dog to fly away with a loud "yaaaaaaa-hoo-hoo-hooey!" and disappear from sight while the rest traction of the bike was enough to destroy the tribune. However, Goofy's action bought enough time to get the three girls out of danger. Growling loudly, Aros told, "You are really annoying!"Kairi drew her Keyblade. "Where is Sora?""Like you want to know," chuckles Aros. "Only so far… he is inside of what brought me here! For the rest, I am the wrong person! And now I am going to have my way with you!"Aros rushes forward, but suddenly flew back as something punches his stomach. Groaning he looked up in surprise and spots a Goblin in front of him. "A Goblin?"Then he looked at Kairi, starting to laugh madly. "Wow! You are summoner? I really love this universe!"He stands up and slices the incoming Goblin into two pieces and rushes to Kairi, swinging his Keyblade at her. Managing to block the worst, she still falls down from the force behind the attack.Aros grabs her neck, choking her while lifting up. "You must be really important when I get told not to harm you…""Kairi!" called Minnie and Donald rushes in ready to cast a spell, but Aros points his Keyblade at them. "One more move and I break her neck!"They stopped for a moment, but as Aros thought he felt a slight wind, Donald told, "In this case, I have nothing to worry!""What?" asked Aros, confused. "How can you tell that? I have here your prin-" he stopped as he saw that in his hand is no longer Kairi, but a puppet. "-ces…"After staring for a moment at the puppet, he asked, "How the hell is that possible?""Ah-hyuck! Perhaps you didn't pay attention?" asked a voice and they turned around to spot a figure holding Kairi."Oh my! First the Duck Avenger and then Supergoof. We are really lucky that they decided to help us once more," told Minnie while Supergoof put Kairi down.Aros stared at them for a moment before calling, "Are you stupid or what? I can see who this really is and bet your bitch of a princess can tell it as well! This is-" however, he didn't go further since Supergoof tied him up together with his mouth. While the mirror version of Sora struggles to get free, Supergoof told, "Ah-hyuck! Here you go! A tied up villain, ready to be put away!"With that Supergoof, shot off. Kairi went over to Aros and kicked his Keyblade away while taking off what covers his mouth, asking, "Where is Sora?""Like I know!" he laughs. "I am only told to deal with you losers, after that I would get him for the kill! Otherwise I would be back where I came from! And believe me… I don't want going back! I want to stay here and have the time of my life!""Tell us now where Sora is!" told Minnie, but Aros asked, "Or what? You'll overwhelm me with your stupidly and niceness?""Your Majesty!" called Goofy as he came back. "I am glad you are alright.""Goofy! Where have you been? We would have been in deep trouble if Supergoof didn't show up!" called Donald. "Not that it would have helped if you had showed up in time."Aros rolled his eyes. "Oh my… how stupid can you get? It's like this witch with her mirror for having me not kill everybody but distract you.""Witch with mirror? Are you talking about Magica De Spell or Malificient?" asked Minnie. Aros looked at her. "Do you really think I would bother to tell you that?""Well… since you are the opposite of Sora, I am sure we know how to bring you to talk!" told Minnie and he laughed. "And how do you plan to do that?""You will see!" told Minnie. A short time later Aros was crying for mercy in exchange for his information. Kairi and the other could only laugh as Aros tries to get away from a woman who wants to get motherly with Aros, with hugging and kissing him.Minnie giggles, but told, "I think he has enough for now."The woman nods and steps away, not really wanting to stop. Aros was panting as Minnie came and she wondered, "Well?""Magica De Spell. She used a Magic Mirror to switch me and Sora, however, this loser is still in the mirror and she threatened me to send me back if I don't follow her orders," told Aros."Gosh! Why would Magica de Spell want somebody to get our attention to him?" wondered Goofy and Donald agreed. "Yeah! This doesn't make sense!""Except… oh no! Mickey!" told Minnie and Kairi realized what she means. In all the chaos they didn't notice that Mickey wasn't here yet… which was odd since he should have been here already!In the castle Mickey was in front of the villains Phantom Blob, Magica de Spell, and the Beagle Boys, leading them to the place where the object they wanted is stored. And he hasn't really a choice, since they hold his friends Jiminy and Sora as hostages and would bring great harm to them if Mickey didn't cooperate with them."Why are you not going faster?" asked one of the Beagle Boys while the other asked, "Yeah! Don't you care for your friend?""If I were moving faster, you would ask in reply why I am running and would do the same threat!" countered Mickey, looking angry at the situation. The Phantom Blob replied, "He has a point there. Be happy that he is cooperating with us.""You know Phantom Blob! Somebody might miss me when I don't show up soon!" told Mickey, but Magica De Spell laughed. "For that I took care of, Mickey! This mirror not only captures the one looking into it, it also releases a mirror version of the victim. And this copy is keeping your people busy.""What?" asked Mickey and the Beagle Boy answered, "You heard it right, Mouse!"Mickey grit his teeth and they reach the room where the object in question is located. After opening the room it lied in a glass container in the middle of the room. Gesturing to it the, mouse told, "Here is it! Take it and release my friends!""You know… I have been thinking. Why don't we keep them and use them as bargain to prevent you or anybody who thinks of him as important person to interference with our plan," told the Phantom Blob."You monsters!" called Mickey and the Phantom Blob answered, "Thank you for recognizing my best traits" while bowing to mock Mickey, who grits his teeth. The Beagle Boys smashed the glass container and one told, "They are pretty small… are you sure they are that important?""They contain all data of the worlds. The valuable of these micro books cannot be measured in numbers. That's why our greatest wish is the reward for them," told The Phantom Blob."So you are working for Malificient!" told Mickey and a Beagle Boy told, "That's right mouse! Pete showed up one day and told us if we get these books they will grant us our wish!""Of course, she also informed us it takes a bit time and further partnership to get our goals through, but these books are the start for our relationship if we succeed," told the Phantom Blob. "And now lead us to the Gummi Ship hanger so we might take our leave.""And how do you know how to use a Gummi Ship?" asked Mickey, but the simple answer was, "Simulators are not top secret."The mouse glares at them, but went on his way. They reach the garden where the entrance to the hangar is hidden and opens it.Just as they wanted to enter it a voice called, "Not so fast!"They turned around and spots the royal guards with Queen Minnie, Kairi, and Aros, who is still tied up. Donald called, "Let go of the King this instant!""Why should we?" asked the Beagle Boy and points to their hostages. Gritting his teeth turned Donald's head red. The door to the hangar opened and the villains slowly moved down to the Gummi Ships while the others followed them.Once they are down, the Phantom Blob told, "Give us a Gummi Ship and your prisoner and we will release the cricket and Sora. After we escaped we let your King out on the next world we encounter.""How do we know you would stick to your word?" asked Kairi and they laughed, "Do you have a choice?"Chip and Dale went to get a Gummi Ship ready, both not happy about the fact they would give it this time to bad guys. Once the ship was ready, they tossed the glass object with Jiminy over. Kairi captured it carefully and let the cricket out."Now the other part!" told The Phantom Blob. With gritting teeth they let Aros move over while Magica De Spell walks as well with the mirror in hand."You won't let this loser go!" roared Aros as he ripped himself free of the ropes tying him up. While Magica was surprised as he rips the mirror out of her hand and threw it to smash it."Stop that you idiot!" called Magica, but it was too late… in the very moment the mirror was smashed a blinding light came and Sora stood on the remains of the mirror."What? Why is he here? And alive?" asked Aros and Magica told, "Because this mirror wasn't meant to store him forever! It was meant to either send him into your universe to complete the switch permanently or to reverse it! I am rather surprised you are still here!""Looks like you lost your advance!" came Mickey's voice and turned to face him… with his friends! He must have used the confusion and blinding light to get free and join up with his friends."But we won't give up so close to this!" told Magica and uses a smoke bomb. Wind spells were used to get the smoke off, but they weren't in the same place anymore. Somehow the short time gave them enough to get on board of the Gummi Ship. Starting the engines they forced the chipmunks to open the exits or they might trash everything with the on board lasers.Using the opening the villains shot out, leaving this world behind."Damm! They got away!" told Mickey and Sora told, "Sorry Mickey! Just because of me they were able to get away with the dairies.""Don't worry, Sora!" told Jiminy. "What they stole weren't the real ones. They are at Yen Sid right now, what they stole were copies we made from them and they are incomplete. While these copies still contain enough information to cause trouble, the really critical data aren't included. It was impossible to copy them. Like the Data Version of you or Riku.""Which I am glad," admits Mickey. "I don't want to think what could have happened if they got the real books.""Yeah… but this Aros could be troublesome in the long run," told Kairi and Minnie nods. "I agree with you! That is why I think you should continue your travels. As much I hate to not see you or Mickey by the Million Dreams award, the fate of the worlds are more important.""Alright! Perhaps we'll have more luck next year," told Sora. "But where we should go now?""I think it is a good idea to move to Radiant Garden." Told Mickey. "I talked with Aqua and agreed to meet up there if something happens. And since Kuran ran away from the tournament, I am sure she will try to get him over there.""We'll prepare the take off!" told Chip and Dale and went off to prepare.Inside the stolen Gummi Ship the Phantom Blob asked, "What do you mean earlier you are surprised to find him still here?""Simple!" told Magica. "In the books where the mirror was mentioned is a warning that breaking the mirror will reverse every incomplete switch. That's why he should be back to your universe.""Now that I am still here," began Aros, "I think we should reconsider our partnership!""What do you mean?" asked the Phantom Blob and Aros smirks. "I tag along with whatever idiotic plans you have, but in return you have to find me the means to travel freely around the multiverse.""Hey! Who do you think who you are?" asked one of the Beagle Boys, but gasped as he felt his Keyblade on his chest. Falling back down, his heart left his chest. Aros took a crystal box out and the heart floated into it, joining many other hearts inside of it. The other two gasped and Aros told, "The one who could rip you apart in seconds! I'll let your companion have his heart back later! It isn't worthy to be part of my collection.""You are collecting hearts?" asked Magica de Spell and Aros answered, "Only those who are unique in a way! After all, I am Aros! The one who rips all apart!"With that, the mirror version of Sora laughed loudly that gave everybody a chill while they head to the rendezvous spot with Pete who would lead them to the current whereabouts of Maleficent…Chapter 39: Chapter 39The Dark Portal opens and Kuran left it together with Aqua and Kiro. Kiro thanked for taking him with them and left to borrow a Gummi Ship from Cid. Once he was gone, Aqua began, "Kuran… we should get to the others and head to Master Yen Sid to inform him about the current situation.""Yen Sid? The retired Keyblade Master?" wondered Kuraan and Aqua asks, "You know him?"He shakes his head and answered, "Only what I heard from my Master Ynsadi… which wasn't much."Aqua nods and looks at him. Also he returns the gaze and said nothing.While looking at each other they grew uncomfortable about the silence, but none of them could say something to break it. After all, they don't have anything to talk about."Aqua! Kuran!" called a voice and they spot Roxas and Lea as they turned around to the source. They were coming towards them and Lea told, "Hi! Did you two enjoy your trip, wherever it lead you?""Not really!" told Kuran. "We had trouble with Heartless and the consequences of thievery. However, I was still in need of this trip."Lea nods. "Alright! And Kuran… Sorry about earlier. Wasn't thinking about your feelings back there. I spent too much time without the ability to feel anything at all.""It's alright Lea! But you really should think next time before you talk… or you might end up getting killed because you upset the wrong person.""Geez! You really have a pessimistic lookout here!" told Lea and Roxas told, "Isn't that normal for Kuran?""Got a point here Roxas!" laughed Lea and Kuran chuckles. "Anyway… do you know where we find the other Keybearers?""Riku is posing around for his statue while Kairi and Sora went with this mouse to clear something on his world." Told Lea and Kuran thought aloud, "So we can't do anything except wait for them?""We still could mess around with time and space to break the fourth wall, crashing the story by telling the Author's Plans… getting yourself a girlfriend," offered Lea and wanted to keep on, but a falling rock hits his head and on it was the warning written "Tell my plans and you will wish you never returned to the realm of living! Silently, XSDStitch!""So much for that plan," told Roxas and Lea complains, "Why do I get punished for things he put into my mouth?""Perhaps because it is supposed to be funny?" asked Aqua and Lea told, "Haha! I laugh myself to death.""I don't think this is something I would allow Lea! After all, you died once before in front of my eyes" told Sora's voice and they turned around to spot Kairi, Sora, and Mickey together with two more Kuran recognizes from his bought information… Donald and Goofy."Aqua! I am glad you are alright. Same goes for you, Kuran… it put an ease on my heart to see you haven't fallen into darkness," told Mickey and Kuran countered, "Would have been a better option if it would have stopped something else.""Huh? What do you mean?" asked Sora and Kuran told, "In my home world, the only protection from the Heartless is gone… while not fallen into darkness like other worlds, the Heartless completely took over it and I doubt that anybody is still alive there.""I have to agree with Kuran," told Aqua. "I was there as the protection spells failed and the people were instantantly attacked by the Heartless. We managed to evacuate several of them to Traverse Town, but compared to the possible number that could have lived on this dark world, it's not many.""At least you managed to save some of the people there," told Kairi. "I just hope the ones lost can be recovered.""For that we have to get first back the source of protection," told Kuran, "and given what it was and who is interested into it, I think it is of great importance to you.""What was it?" asked Goofy and Aqua looked down while answering, "One of the thirteen dark pieces of the X-Blade""What?" came from everybody but Kuran and Aqua and Donald wondered, "How could the people of your home world rely on something dark like that?""They had no other choice but to do so in order to survive," guessed Kairi and Kuran nods. "The today's generation that grew up in the Dark Plains never knew it better than knowing that an object of darkness is the source of their protection.""Oh…" told Sora, who understood it now. "So they couldn't rely on the light?""The Dark Plains is a world close to the realm of Darkness. The only light are the stars and the fire we make. Nothing else," told Kuran and the others nod in understanding.Mickey rubs his chin and thought aloud, "Gosh! According to that the thieves must have been the organization… and I think it is safe to say that the item stolen from Hades was also a fragment of the X-Blade."Aqua and Kuran looked confused and Sora filled them in how the finals of the tournament in Olympic Coliseum ran. Nodding, Kuran told, "Bet Maluz will come again with more forces at us.""Is to be feared," told Mickey. "I'll go and request Sid to get the Gummi Ships ready so we can take off as soon as possible. We can leave a massage for Riku here to follow us. Kuran, you might come with a Gummi Ship too instead of using a Dark Portal.""Whoa whoa! Stop right there! Who said I am member of this party now?" told Kuran. "I am not really the best useful member here! Don't have a Keyblade, have no idea how to cast even a simple fire spellm and the only thing I know is how to fight with an ax, swords, and daggers, which I can create myself.""Yeah! Not to mention he cannot fill the role of one of the seven Guardians of Light," protested Donald, but Goofy told, "Uhm Donald… we don't have Keyblades as well nor we can be a Guardian but are still helping out.""Goofy has a point there," told Kairi and Aqua told, "Kuran… you might not qualify as Guardian, but in you are more than you believe. I am sure in the future you find your place in this universe.""Couldn't have told it better Aqua!" smiles Sora.Kuran scratches his head and told, "Need to think about it. So I'll take a walk… and don't worry! One of you can come with me to ensure I won't run away again.""Then I'll go with you!" smiles Sora. "Since you are a friend of Lea and Roxas, I think we can be friends as well."Kuran chuckles. "So you are just going with me to befriend me? You are really something, Sora.""Isn't that well known?" chuckles Kairi."Alright! Then it's settled. Goofy, Donald, and I go back to Cid and get the Gummi Ships ready," told Mickey, "while Sora has an eye on Kuran.""If you don't mind, Kairi," told Aqua, "I would like to train with you until we have to take off. Here we have plenty of space for some lessons that couldn't be taken in the crowded space of a Gummi Ship.""Then until later," told Kuran and heads off while the others did like planned. During their walk through the streets of Radiant Garden Sora told, "You know… it is odd that you are full of darkness, but it isn't corrupting you… and that traveling through the Dark Portals doesn't seem to affect you as well."Kuran shrugs. "What can I say? I have no clue why it isn't affecting me in a negative way… I only know why I have so much darkness.""Really? Might be an interesting story," argued Sora, but Kuran shook his head. "Not really… in fact I am not in the mood to tell it.""Oh… alright," told Sora and they went around a corner where they bumped into two kids. One was a small slender boy with black hair and wears a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers.The other boy was also small and slender but had blonde spiked hair with blue eyes with spectacles. His clothes consist a blue vest, a white shirt, red shorts, white socks and black shoes."Watch out were you are running," told Kuran, but the first boy called, "I was looking for you!"He flashed a piece of paper before quickly turning it away. "Time Police! I have to ask you to follow me!""A kid and time police?" thought Kuran, but Sora… "Time Police? Awesome!""Follow me!" told the so called "Time Police" and runs away while dragging the other kid with him. Excited, Sora runs after him while Kuran just groans and follows as well to not lose Sora.They jumped over a cliff and Kuran gasped that Sora was so na?ve to follow them. He looks over the cliff and stares in disbelief as they float in mind air until… it is shown that they sat on a sort of ship that could camouflage itself.Sora smiles and told, "Jump in Kuran!""Al… right..," came from him and he jumps in. The flying car, which is a sort of two piece orb with four seats. It first half is made of glass while the lower one is red with wings and on the side were a sort of extra machine.While flying above Radiant Garden Kuran asked, "Why do you need us?""The Bowler Hat Guy manipulated this boy's machine and stole from both of you something," told the black haired boy. Sora wondered, "What should he have stolen from me?""No clue!" told Kuran while reaching for something but notices… "What the… Its gone!"Sora looks. "What is gone?""Something very important to me! It was on a chain I had on my pants," told Kuran and Sora notices that the chain that was usually seen by Kuran's pants was indeed gone. With that, Sora checked his pockets and told, "Where is the…?""What?" asked Kuran and Sora answered, "The Dragon Amulet! The one given by the Chronicler!""Stolen by the Bowler Hat Guy! I saw him, how he held your items up and how he manipulated Wilbur's machine," told the black haired boy."Are you even a real time cop? This doesn't sound convincing for me," told Kuran, but Sora countered, "But he showed us his badge!""That's right!" the boy told and flashes his badge again, but Kuran grabs it and looked at it. "Odd… I never thought that a badge would like a coupon for a tanning salon.""What?" asked Sora and he looked with other boy at the black haired one. "Ok! You got me! I am not a cop, but I really am from the future.""This thing is convincing enough for that if you look that way," comments Kuran. "I doubt that this thing would be an alternate version of a Gummi Ship.""In fact… it's the advanced version," told the boy. "But you will see soon enough!"Then a bubble surrounds the vehicle and after a flash the bubble bursts and they found themselves into a futuristic town. The only thing Kuran recognized here were the castle, which was in a cleaned and repaired state."Are we… really in the future?" asked Sora in awe and the black haired boy told, "Yep! We are!"They flew around the city and they found on the ground that was labeled as "Insta-Building" and indeed within seconds a complete new building grew from this place.Or they passed a spot where people get into bubbles and float around. In fact this future has a touch of childishness in a good way thought, Kuran to himself.One of the bubbles lands on a sort of landing platform were a robot finger burst it and the woman was sucked into a tunnel. They continued to fly around and the blond haired boy told, "Never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime""Sorry to burst your bubble, but… time travel was already in my line of adventures," told Sora and the black haired boy laughed. "You mean the episode with you saving Disney Castle? It's well known today.""Seriously?" asked Sora and the boy nods. The other told, "This is beyond anything I could've imagined.""Travel around with us too and you will believe anything told to you," muttered Kuran, recalling what he heard from Sora and what he with missed by his own travels."This means I could really change my life," suddenly told the boy and Kuran asked, "You don't plan to… change the past?""What?" asked the boy while stopping the car. The other told, "Wilbur, this is a time machine. So why don't you take me to see my mom now in this ship?"Wilbur seems to think how to prevent this and the blond haired boy told, "I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up.""The answer isn't a time machine," countered Wilbur and Kuran adds, "Who knows how much it could change the present and future. Present probably not much, but think about this future.""Yeah! Even Merlin told me to not mess with the past," told Sora. However, the boy was stubborn. "Sorry Wilburn, but you don't know what I went through.""Lewis now!" called Willbur as Lewis forces himself on the controls. They fought over the control, flying wildly around until Kuran grabs them and threw them off while pulling the controls up. "Stop fighting! Explain me how to land this thing and then we can discuss this out!""NO!" called both and jumps on Kuran. The ship thrashes around uncontrollable and crash lands in a garden.Wilbur groans. "I am so dead.""Because I kill you?" groans Sora, but Wilbur shook his head. "My parents… I'm not allowed to look at this thing, let alone drive it! And Kuran was also in the past a horrible driver of flying cars!""What was that?" asked Kuran, but Wilbur shook his head. "Nothing""Well… that confirms I survive long enough for this future…" sighs Kuran, but Lewis asked, "Isn't there like a time machine repair shop or something?""No!" told Wilbur and Kuran guessed, "Its a prototype?""One of only two time machines in existence," conformed Wilbur. "And theBowler Hat Guy has the other one!""And who can fix it?" asked Sora and Wilbur answered, "Good idea! You're smart. You fix it!" and drags Lewis to the remains. However, Lewis countered, "Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing!""Except…" began Kuran to think, "But better I get the confirmation elsewhere… Wilbur will probably not tell me.""Yes, you can," told Wilbur. "You were one of the people who broke it, so you fix it!"He turns to Kuran. "No offense, but looking at you, I think you are a better guy at other things than fixing things.""Sounds like you know me well," told Kuran and Wilbur laugh. "How do you come to this idea?""Under one condition!" told Lewis. "I fix it, you take me back to see my mom.""What? Are you crazy? Do you know what you could cause? I am not that smart, but time paradox is even for me a known term," told Wilbur and Sora wondered, "Is it even possible to change the past? I mean… rules of time travel and so.""Did you see that he left his body behind?" countered Kuran and Sora answered, "Good point."The two argued for some time until Wilbur said "Touche" and they shook hands. Then they began to transport the time machine remains off. Wilbur explains, "We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need.""What about your parents?" asked Lewis and the answer was, "Mom never goes in there, and Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning. You've got till then to fix it.""Then he needs blueprints or else he has to do back engineering and THIS will take time," told Kuran. "Or at least if I heard it so well.""Wow! Must have missed a lot of school since I don't know that!" admits Sora and Kuran sighs. "I haven't been in a school for my life! Only a few teachers, but they are dead.""Oh… sorry!""No worries! I got someone who could help us with that," told Wilbur and they arrive at a door with a large R on it. A voice asked, "Who dares to disturb my sanctuary?""Carl, it's me. Let me in," told Wilbur and the voice told, "None may enter unless they speak the royal password.""Carl, what are you talking about? We don't have a password," told Wilbur and the answer was, "Yes, we do. I made one up while you were gone.""And how is he supposed to know that?" asked Kuran and Carl answered, "Good point…"With that, the garage opens up and they saw a… gold and slender robot with very flexible limbs. He told them ,"Welcome back, little buddy. So what's up with the stolen time machine. Did you find it?""It seems he didn't return with it," told a female voice. They turned and spot Kiro with a girl next to him. She has blue hair with black stripes and wears a pair of snowboard sunglasses. Wears also a black sleeveless shirt, a pair of pants and has on the wrist leader bands. "Also, he busts the other prototype.""Kuran? Sora? What do you two doing here?" asked Kiro in shock. Kuran shrugs and answered, "Hello Kiro! The time of separation was rather short from my point of view.""Short? You mean…" began Kiro and shook his head. "Wilbur! What are you thinking?"Carl looked and saw the other guest, but as he spots Lewis he freaks out, runs to a sort of glass dome and got sucked up while the head was following up. Sora told, "Wow! This robot has a long neck.""Every flexible part of his body can be very long," told the girl simply and told, "Since you know the others already, I'll bother to introduce myself as well: Serena.""Nice to meet you Serena!" began Sora. "I am-""I know who you are Sora." Told Serena. "Don't ask why because it would only confuse you, I get trouble with a few people wanting to protect the past as it stands right now and we have bigger trouble of you being here.""Wow… this is cold," told Sora with a shiver. Then suddenly Wilbur puts on all three of them hats with fruits on them. Lewis told, "This is unexpected.""If my family find out I brought you from the past, they'll bury me alive and dance on my grave." Told Wilbur. "I'm not exaggerating. Well… yes… I am… but not the point.""Wow! And thought I had dark sights on things," told Kuran, but Sora told, "Perhaps he is related to you.""Would be a good joke if this is the case…" told Serena and Kuran asked, "No feelings or why are you talking so… calm?""She is always like that," told Kiro "Except for one event, but I hope you won't see it.""This coming from a Keybearer, it is really convincing to not want to know something," told Wilbur, but returns to his chatter, "The point is, your looks, especially Sora's and Lewis's hair are dead giveaways.""Why would our hair a dead giveaway?" asked Lewis and Wilbur told, "That is an excellent question."Then he began to leave and Kuran asked, "Where are you going?""Another excellent question," told Wilbur and Lewis told, "But I don't want to sit here."Then Wilbur reappears form this glass dome and told, "Stay!"Then he is gone. Lewis and Sora tried to move but each time they did Wilbur came back to check them. The game went on for a few rounds.Then as Wilbur seems to be gone, the two move to a close glass dome and both sucked in, crying loudly.Kiro just stares in disbelief while Kuran just asked, "Since I have the feeling all secrets are revealed anyway… how about you tell me what we would find out anyway?""Better not…" told Kiro, but Serena just shrugs. "Lewis will find things out anyway in the long run. So telling Kuran won't hurt.""I don't believe it," told Kiro. "You of all people are suggesting doing something like that? Why?""Only three words: Two people here," told Serena and Kiro looked odd until he caught the idea. "You mean they…""Yep!" told Serena and turns to Kuran, starting to explain things.Sora and Lewis arrived in this moment in the front of a house and they move over there. However, as they closed in to the door, two heads appear from the plant pots to each side of the door and one told, "Hey, ring my doorbell."The other told, "No, no, no, no, ring my door bell."Sora and Lewis moved uneasy and pressed both doorbells. The two beings looked at each other. "I don't know how it counts.""Draw or not draw?" went other one and both said, "Draw!""Weird…" told Lewis while the door opens and Sora told, "Not so weird like an octopus with a single red eye…"Lewis looked, screams, and runs away. "Hey wait up!" told Sora, being sure he could deal with this… octopus thing, but he shouldn't lose Lewis. While running they meet up with an older man. Well… it's rather running into him, but leave that away. The man turned around and told, "Well, hey there, little fella!"The first thing the two notice on this guy is… he wears the clothes in the wrong way and has a smiley on the back of his head…"Now, I know what you're thinking, and my clothes are not on backwards," told the guy but adds, "My head is!""Weird…" told Sora and the old man keeps on laughing, "Oh, I used to tell that one to my science students. They didn't laugh either.""What a surprise," told Sora and Lewis nods, but the guy wondered, "Anywho, what's your name, fruit-heads?""Lewis…" "Sora.""Lewis and Sora huh? Well… say… you two haven't seen any teeth around here, have you?" asked the man and both shook their heads. He shows them holes in the garden and told, "Been digging holes all day. Can't find them anywhere.""All right, look, old man, I need to get back to the garage," told Lewis and Sora adds, "And we don't know where to go… Wilbur brought us here and told us to stay there,""Well, sure, I'll get you two there in a jiffy. I know a shortcut," told the man and Sora told, "Thanks."Moments later from the ground of a room a hidden door opens and the old man told while Sora and Lewis looked around, "Welcome to the garage.""I thought the garage looked different last time," told Sora and as the man realizes where they are he said, "Well, I'm completely lost."Then a girl in a green dress told them, "Hiya Grandpa!""Hey, Aunt Billie." Replied Grandpa. "Lewis, Sora, and me are looking for the garage.""We have a garage?" asked somebody else in a rather odd outfit and helmet. Grandpa answered, "Apparently so."Then the man asked, "Lewis, will you give me a hand and time my race?""Your race?" asked Sora. Billie told them, "Okey, Gaston, my toy train's ready for you."And then a life sized train stops behind her… with the fitting number 502."That's a toy train?" asked Lewis and Sora told, "I don't' want to know how an actual train look for her…"Gaston came with a sort of cannon next to the train and Lewis told, "On your mark, get set, go?"The cannot shot off like the train and Gaston hits a pillar while the train passed next to it. Sora looked at the time. "3.7 seconds.""I win!" cheered Wilbur, but suddenly the pillar falls on him.Wilbur just came back to the garage. "Ok Lewis, I got the blueprints.""Kinda late," told Kiro. "He already took off and Serena explained everything to Kuran.""Wait… WHAT?" asked Wilbur in disbelief. "We have to find these two!""I'll help you!" told Kiro while Serena told, "I stay with Kuran and play cards.""You play cards?" came the surprised question from Kiro and Wilbur. Serena tilts her head. "Because I don't show feelings doesn't mean I am unable to play.""I never will understand this girl…" told Wilbur and Kiro adds, "Gave up on that after the third month knowing her."Chapter 40: Chapter 40During the trip through the Robinson's household, Grandpa, Sora, and Lewis ran past a chubby guy in a chair on their way to the next room."That's Uncle Joe, he works out!" said Grandpa."Working out?" wondered Sora since Joe wasn't even moving a finger.The trio found themselves in a toilet (Wonder how three people could fit in there… not to mention in the movie were only two!).Sora went in, "This isn't the garage""I know!" Grandpa admitted, sadly hanging his head.Next Grandpa had Lewis looking inside a turkey."I don't think the garage is in here either," the boy replied looking inside. Suddenly a flying saucer flew over them it was followed by a man in a red and white outfit with the same slicked back hair as Wilbur's."Egads a very GRAVE matter indeed!" he shouted."That's Uncle Art," said Grandpa."A REAL Superhero?" asked Sora excitedly."Quad 4 Alpha Omega Galaxy needs a large cheese and sausage thin crust! I'll be there in thirty minutes or it's free!""He's a…" Lewis wondered."Pizza delivery guy!" Grandpa finished. Sora blinked at this weird future once again."Sora? Lewis?" asked Wilbur as he and Kiro popped up in the living room, finding no one in sight.Somehow in the meanwhile Sora, Lewis, and Grandpa were on the roof of the building."What are we doing up here?" asked Grandpa. Sora answered while getting a little exasperated, "Looking for the garage.""Oh yeah." Grandpa Bud then grabbed his hand and they bounced off the topiary, which was bouncy like a trampoline."WOHOOO!" Sora cheered.In a huge paint splattered room there was a bright-redheaded guy with goggles flying around and spraying paint. He splattered orange paint on a picture of a city and a set of the buildings moved. It was actually a hat worn by a lady in a black and white city themed dress with bright red hair as well."LAZ! You stop painting my head or I'm telling Ma!" she yelled."AW Lighten up, sis," the brother replied, painting on a blank canvas with a pain gun in dot form."Laz I mean it!" she shouted. Suddenly a guy in a white shirt with a yellow tie and brown pants appeared."Children PLEASE your mother is trying to take a nap," he told them and then… he shows a puppet which shouts, "WHAT IS ALL YELLING OUT HERE!?""HE/SHE started it!" yelled the siblings, pointing at each other."I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYMORE!" she screeched as Sora and Grandpa watched."Now sweetie." she slapped him."DON'T YOU SWEETIE ME. I'm going for a drive!" she left and then a car was heard as it screeched away."Hm that's weird, she usually takes the Harley," mused Grandpa."Sora! Lewis!" yelled Wilbur while popping up in the toilet with Kiro. He shook his head and asked, "I know I am not supposed to break the fourth wall, but how did the two and your grandpa fit in here earlier?""Seriously? None of us has a plan," told Wilbur. "And we have to keep on before XSDStitch gets our heads like with Lea in the last chapter.""Good point!" told Kiro, the sight shifting back to the trio in front of a door."I think my wife Lucille is baking cookies," Grandpa said, opening a door in the room she was dancing. "BAKE THEM COOKIES, LUCILLE!"And they were back in the yard (Seriously! How get they around that fast and why so often in the year?)."Why does your dog wear glasses?" asked Lewis the dog was white with brown spots."Oh! Cause his insurance won't pay for contacts!" answered Grandpa.Sora looks at Grandpa. "Was it supposed to be a joke?""That's uncle Spike!" said Grandpa, pointing to the left. "And there's Uncle Dimitri," he said, pointing to the right. The door opened and purple tentacles streamed out of the door. "And there's-!""AHHH!" screamed Lewis. "That's the monster!" whimpered Lewis, hiding behind Sora."Oh NO, Lewis, that's no monster, that's our butler, Lefty!" said grandpa. Lefty held out a tentacle towards Lewis and Sora."Ni…nice to meet you," Lewis answered and both shakes it nervously."Hey Lefty, any idea on how to get to the garage?" asked Grandpa Lefty growled. "No that's true, we haven't asked her yet," Grandpa agreed."Who?" Sora asked Grandpa,"Wilbur's mom, Franny. I think you'll like her!" Grandpa replied opening a large door with gold music note handles and music immediately erupted from the room. Inside conducting was a lady with a gray and red top to her dress the skirt was white and black stripes pointing down with yellow polka dots on them."Hey guys!" she said and the two then saw who was singing."Frogs!" asked Lewis."Taught 'em everything they know!" said Franny."Franny, this is Lewis and Sora," said Grandpa as they came over and the two shook hands with her."Nice to meet you ma'am" said Lewis."Good timing we need someone on maracas!" Franny happily replied, handing a couple to Lewis."You asked me over and over and over have ya seen my peacock feathered hat!" the lead frog sang. "If it was under a four-leaf clover I'd be on the lawn looking for that!""Where is your heart at nobody knows that even though him you, me and the army's searching!" the lead frog leaped onto Lewis's head. He had a large set of teeth which made him suspicious. "I've got a feeling you will be reeling when you are bad and the circus comes to town!""Grandpa I think I found your teeth!" said Lewis pointing to the frog."And you see me leaving as a magician or something like that!" Grandpa squeezed the frog and out came the dentures."Sasprillia my teeth are back!" Grandpa cheered."Ring-a-ding-ding" said the frog, jumping back to the platform. Suddenly, all of the Robinsons came bursting in (minus Wilbur) to cheer Grandpa Bud for finding his missing teeth."Right, well, glad I could help with the teeth, but wow look at the time!" told Sora and he went off with Lewis, only to run into Kiro and Wilbur."Lewis! Sora! I told you to stay in the garage!" told Wilbur and Kiro asked, "What did you do?""Uh, meet Wilbur's family," replied Sora nervously."WHAT MY FAMILY!" Wilbur exclaimed."Yes," replied Lewis. Then Wilbur grabs the two and pulled them into a closet away from everyone, then he pulled the light chain, beginning, "Pop quiz, who've you met what have you learned?""Okay Bud, Joe, and Fritz are brothers. Fritz is married to Petunia and is she..." asked Lewis, snapping his hand open and closed."Cranky? YES!" answered Wilbur and Sora went on, "Tallulah and Laszlo are their children Joe is married to Billie, Lefty is the butler, Spike and Dimitri are twins, BUT I DON'T know who they're related too.""Neither do we, go on," said Wilbur and Sora wondered, "Then how did they got into family?""Can only reply my last answer," told Wilbur. "Go on.""Lucielle is married to Bud, the grandpa, and your dad, Cornelius, is their son," goes Lewis on, but Sora asks, "What does Cornelius look like?""Thomas Gottschalk," answered Wilbur and Lewis wanted to keep on, but instead… "Wait…"He took a script out and asked, "Weren't you're supposed to say Tom Selleck?""Change of plans… the author is German, in the German version of the movie Thomas Gottschalk is used in the script and don't know about Tom Selleck. Also, he wasn't in the mood to look him up in Wikipedia," told Wilbur and Sora countered, "And how are non-Germans supposed to know? I mean look at me! I am a Japanese video game character who grew up on an island! How I am supposed to know that Thomas Gottschalk is a German radio and television host, entertainer, and actor. Or that he is best known for hosting a show named "Wetten Dass…?" until 2011 before a terrible accident during the show caused him to leave the show, not to mention he is since 1991 the testimonial personality in television advertisements for Haribo confectionary?""You just explained it Sora…" told Kiro. "Even though you broke the fourth wall.""Oh… Sorry! Let's move on!" chuckles Sora nervously. Lewis nods and told "Okay, Cornelius is married to Franny, and her brothers are Gaston and Art.""You two are forgetting something." Told Wilbur and Sora wondered what he means until Kiro points to Wilbur. Then he answered, "Oh right! Wilbur is the son of Franny and Cornelius.""And nobody realized that you two were from the past?" asked Wilbur and the other two shook their heads. With that a sigh of relief came out of him. Then he turned the lights off and they returned to the garage where Wilbur began to work on the time machine. However, during the work, Lewis told, "I don't even know what I'm doing.""Keep moving forward," told Wilbur and Kuran shook his head, sighing loudly. Sora looks at him and wondered, "You know something?""From her, with the promise not to tell anybody," told Kuran. Lewis and Wilbur keep talking with the same telling, "Keep moving forward.""Why are you saying this?" asked Sora and Wilbur told, "It's my dad's motto.""Why?" asked Sora and Wilbur answered. "Good question!"With that they learn the story of Robinson Industries, the world's leading scientific-research-and-design-factory. Wilbur's dad runs the company. Also they mass produce his inventions. Motto: "Keep Moving Forward". And as additional information they get: He invented everything you can see in the future!"Even the time machine?" asked Sora and Wilbur nods. "Yep. Five years ago, Dad wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. He wants to build a time machine, so he starts working. We're talking plans. We're talking scale models. We're talking prototypes!"Snapping his fingers Wilbur revealed a bolt on a pedestal."That's a prototype?" asked Lewis and Wilbur replied, "The VERY FIRST….or…what's left of it.""YIKES!" Jumped Sora."Yeah…dark day at the Robinson house!" said Wilbur with a sigh. Kiro nods. "I can imagine!" said Kiro.They passed two more, one a wheel the other a chair, "Prototypes #2 and #3 NOT much better!"Number Six looks like a crashed rocket, number 58 got a "little" warped in the middle, number 212 became a green radioactive substance… or at least I think it is radioactive since it glows and the others are wearing protective clothes. 485… could fit on this one picture with the melting clocks in there. 952 was completely disarranged.Then Wilbur shows cards who all other prototypes went on. The first was a hand with it's thump pointing down, followed by a sad smiley, and the last a toilet where Wilbur points to the lower end."But he doesn't give up!" went Wilbur on and Kuran told, "Stubborn guy he is.""Tell me about it!" told Wilbur and went on, "He keeps working until he finally got the first prototype!" pointing to the one they came with, "And then he did the same over and over until he has the second prototype!""Small thing…" told Sora and Wilbur sighs. "I'm assuming that's a joke. I'm ignoring you for time reasons. This my friends, is merely a model because, unfortunately, time machine number two is in the hands of the Bowler Hat Guy.""Odd that he didn't show up yet," told Sora and Kuran said, "We are off screen now while he gets some screen time.""Fourth wall Kuran!" warned Serena and Kuran shrugs. "Nearly everybody broke it so far, so it won't hurt if I do the same!"Just in this second the second time machine arrives the future (Or is it the present for this point of view?) and lands in the garden of the Robinson family, turning the machine invisible. Then he opens the hatch and told, "Now let us grab this boy so he can explain how this machine works."However, his hat floats off his head and a metal arm appears form the underside, stopping the man. After a few beeping sound he exclaimed, "Sit here? But I want to look, too."Then from the underside of the hat came a smaller one out, causing the man to fall back, calling, "A mini-Doris! I didn't even know you could do that. It's so cute."Then "Doris" took a controller for the mini Doris out and he took it with the words, "Let's take her out for a spin."Doris and the mini-Doris flew away while the man sat in the time machine which now became completely invisible.They flew to a window where they spot Wilbur, Serena, and Kiro who are walking with Lewis, Sora, and Kuran to dinner after the first try to fix the time machine failed. Also they wear now normal caps since… Wilbur and Kiro had trouble taking them seriously with the fruit hats. Serena on the other hand didn't even bother to think about it.The man shouts in excitement and thought how to get his target out. "I'll blow the house up! No… no… then he would be dead… Oh! I know! I'll turn him into a Heartless! That's brilliant! Or… no… I don't control any Heartless and have no clue where to find one… This may be harder than I thought."In the meanwhile Doris left the mini version behind and sneaks into the house where the family and the guests are sitting at the table while the frogs are high above them and sing for them.Carl served the meal for each of them with the words, "Ladies and Gentlemen, dinner is served" And from his chest dozens of tiny little Carls runs out and told all the same: Dinner is served.Then the meal started and… all of the weirdness of this family is shown. Kuran whispered to Sora, "I wonder how somebody could let this family be formed… not to mention: Where are the twins?""They never leave their plant pots, in hope that anybody might press their doorbells. Don't ask me why," told Wilbur and Serena asked, "Ever checked if they are even human or family members?""Excellent question," admits Kiro and ate his pasta while Wilbur disappears under the table to talk with Carl. As he came back, his mother was asking if any of their three unknown guests are class mates of Wilbur. Serena and Kiro are better known in the household due to some reason… They all told no while Wilbur told yes. Then he told, "Yes and No. Lewis is a new transfer student while the other two are friends of Serena and Kiro.The two mentioned looked at Wilbur. While Kiro rolled his eyes, Serena just kept eating her pasta. Then they wanted that the three take their hats of while Wilbur tried to prevent this.He secretly threw at his mother a meatball and points to her brother which… causes a figh between the two, with the winner being Franny."Is dinner like this every night?" wondered Lewis and Art answered, "No, yesterday, we had meatloaf."Later they tried to get PB and J, but the tool used wasn't working so they had Lewis to fix it. However… it exploded in their face and Lewis was depressed on the ground, excusing himself."You failed!" cheered Grandpa and Gaston told, "And it was awesome!"Kuran and Sora looked at each other. "They cheer on failure?"And the praises went on from the other members. Then the explanation: "From failing, you learn. From success, not so much.""Even life lessons can come from it," told Serena, but looked at Kuran.Then Gaston told, "If I gave up every time I failed, I never would have made the meatball cannon.""I never would have made my fireproof pants," told Grandpa… while he was under fire. Then the fire went out and the pants… turns to ashes. "Still working out the kinks.""Did you set him on fire?" asked Kiro to Serena and she just told, "Asked for it."Then Franny finished, "Like my husband always says…"And Carl displays a fire work, flags, and even a flash board telling "Keep Moving forward" while from somewhere a choir was singing it.Outside the Bowler Hat Guy was out of the time machine and put on the ground Sora's Dragon Key Amulet. Then he took a sort of gun out and reads and book with the title "Force Summon for Dummies, By Cedric the Sorcerer and Dr. H. Doof.""Alright… what is written here… take safe distance from the object for summoning. Then take, aim, and shoot the Force Gun at the object. You can build your own force gun by with the included blueprints or buy it from the Doofenschmirtz shops," the man read out loud, but very slowly like he has trouble with reading. "Well or you can steal it in the past," he laughed and walks a few meters and aims at the amulet.The beam of the gun hits the amulet and began to glow brightly until it disappears and a purple dragon appears."Yes! Yes! Now! Get the boy!" called the man. The dragon turns around and asked, "Why should I do that? And who are you?"The man looked confused and opens the book up, then he found a warning. "If the summoned being has a consciousness then hold something for mind controlling ready like the Mind Controlinator to prevent it from attacking you.""You are up for no good I assume," called the dragon and got ready to attack, but the man called, "Mini-Doris! Help!"The little hat sat down on the dragon's head and in an instant the dragon looked dumb in the air and said, "I will listen to your orders…"He laughs loudly and told, "Now Doris will proud of me! Using a dragon to get the boy!"Meanwhile in the dinner hall Doris was up on the top of the room while Franny makes a toast to Lewis's failure, which was still odd for all non Robinsons, but Serena. Wilbur's mother wishes him a success in the future from this failure."Wow! You are so nice to him," told Sora and Lewis agrees, "If I had a family, I… I'd want them to be just like you."Kuran looked at Lewis. "So you are an orphan?"Lewis nods and Kuran told him, "I can understand you… I grew up as an orphan, too.""How did you become an orphan?" asked Lewis and Kuran told, "Father disappeared and my mother died.""Oh… I was left at an orphage by my mother," told Lewis. Grandpa rubs his head. "Why does it sound familiar?""Oh… To Lewis!" told Franny and every Robinson splashes their glass over their face. Kuran was really lost at this while Lewis just did the same.Doris had the chandelier ready to let it fall on the Robinsons as suddenly a roar was heard. Lewis looked around. "What was that?""Probably Tiny the T-Rex! Best dancer we know!" told Kiro and Lewis asked, "You have a T-Rex as well?""Funny story behind that, but yes," told Kiro and Kuran asked, "I assume it is easier to ask what this family does NOT have?""Pretty much, yes," told Wilbur, but Serena told, "It wasn't Tiny.""How can you say that?" asked Sora and Serena told, "Simple… Tiny's roar are two octaves higher than this roar and Tiny isn't purple or has yellow horns and wings," while pointing to the window.Indeed there was a dragon and Sora wondered, "Spyro?"The dragon crashes through the window and snaps after Lewis. However, he was pushed back by a potent ice based spell from Serena. "I hate fights after dinner… they always affect negatively on my stomach.""That is your biggest problem?" asked Sora in disbelief and Kiro just told, "Like I told to Wilbur… gave up on trying to understand her after three months."Suddenly they heard the "Toy Train" of Billie and she exclaimed, "Choo-chew on this!"Then the train rams the dragon out to the garden where freed himself and flew over the entire train, landing in the garden. Sora wanted to call his Keyblade, but got offered a blade from Kuran. "I think Wilbur would freak out on us if we show his family your Keyblade.""Good point!" told Sora and took it while running outside with the rest of the people here. The dragon breathed fire at them, but suddenly his eyes got covered with colors as Laszlo used his paint gun only to find shortly afterwards the butler Lefty on his face. However, he got rid of him by using electricity."Come on! Why is he so mad and attacks us now?" asked Kiro while shooting a light based spell. Kuran jumps and hits one of the legs, but the blade just scratched off the scales. Looking at this he sighs, "I wish I could cast spells.""You cannot use magic?" asked Sora and Kuran shrugs. "Never had lessons or a Keyblade that allows me to do that.""Touché," told Sora while Serena points up into the air. A flame in the size of a marble shoots up and Lewis wondered, "Is that all?"Then a rain of fire balls lands on the purple dragon, forcing him on the ground while Ace was in his flying saucer and shoots pizza dough at the winged lizard until he was completely covered with it and stopped moving. Franny laughs. "You were facing the wrong family!"However, suddenly the dough froze and the dragon broke free once more, roaring loudly. Then the flying saucer was hit by rocks and crash lands on the ground. The dragon turns his attention back to Lewis, who was running, but roars as a giant thunder bolt crashes into the dragon. Turning around he spots Serena casting spells. He wipes his tail at her, forcing her to create a protective barrier and it was frozen by him, imprisoning her effectively since she was busy now to free herself with her magic. Kiro got close to the head and swung at the snout, realizing he might have done a mistake as he dodged a fire ball from him. However…"Sora! Kuran! The head!" he called and Sora looked telling, "He has a sort of hat on!""Might be the cause, knowing how weird this future is," told Kuran and called, "Need a cannon!""Take my meat cannon," called Gaston and threw it over, which was caught by Wilbur who brought it to Kuran. Kuran took one of his daggers out and modified it while the others bought time. Once it was in the cannon, Wilbur took aim and shoots the dagger.The hat separated from the dragon and he roars, collapsing on the ground. The tiny hat tried to fly away, but Kuran was faster with his ax and cut it into two."Overkill," sweat drops Kiro while Sora was by Spyro. The dragon opens his eyes and asked, "Sora?""Spyro! Are you alright?" asked Sora and he nods. "Yeah… but… this weird guy took somehow over my mind.""The Bowler Hat Guy!" told Wilbur while putting his fist into his free hand.Sora nods in understanding. "Alright Spyro! Take a rest…""Don't forget to tell me about this adventure," told Spyro and disappears, leaving the amulet behind. Sora picked it up and told, "Didn't know this thing can summon him.""Now you know," told Kuran. "At least you got something back."In the meanwhile Doris came back and the Bowler Hat Guy explains sadly, "Little Doris now sleeps with the fishes."Doris took the control and hits with it the man several times for fooling her plan and probably also losing her miniature version.Back to the family and guest, all seems to be fine and Lewis told, "You all sacrificed so much for me.""Well of course! We are your friends!" told Sora while Wilbur told, "Well of course.""You are a special kid," told Art and Wilbur told, "Okay, everybody, it's been a long hard day filled with emotional turmoil and dragon fights so why don't you all hit the hay and Lewis, Kuran, Sora, and me will get going?""Do you have to go now? I mean, you know, it's getting late," told Franny, but Serena told, "He needs to or bad things happens.""Like what?" asked Franny and Serena told, "Time machine.""What?" exclaimed Wilbur while the rest of the family got shocked. On a cue Sora and Kuran took their hats off and Lewis did the same."And one of them is broken," told Kuran while Serena told, "The other is stolen."Franny looks at her son and told, "I'm calling your father.""Wait! If I have to leave, can I at least go back and find my mom?" asked Lewis, but Kuran told, "I don't know if this is a wise idea, Lewis.""But why? I mean… you could also find your father," told Lewis. Kuran sighs. "As much it is tempting, I learned by my travels I cannot have everything I want… sometimes I have to accept things of the past to life on. Who knows what could happen if I go and change my past… it could turn everything worse. By you… it is probably the same. You are twelve right? That means it was a dark time for the worlds out there which didn't change until Sora showed up.""I know, but Wilbur promised it," told Lewis and Franny asked her son, "You promised what?""I was never gonna do it, I swear," told Wilbur and Serena told, "Bad timing for that."Lewis runs and told, "I can't believe I was dumb enough to actually believe you were my friend.""You are my friend," called Wilbur and Franny explains, "Mister, you're grounded till you die.""Can it wait until we fixed this mess?" asked Kiro and Sora asked, "Can't we just ask Yen Sid or Merlin to help us?""Won't work," told Carl. "Tests with the time machine showed that if you mix up magical time travel with travels with the time machine NASTY side effects happens! That's why some of the prototype were failures.""Good to know that," sweat drops Sora."Better find Lewis," told Kuran and they run to find him. However… they just found him entering the second time machine and flying off."That is bad," told Kuran.And they began to search the town. Then Kuran saw an old building and asked, "What is this place?""This?" told Kiro. "It's an old orphange. Closed years ago and Lewis lived here.""Think it is a good place to hide?" assumes Serena. "Better check it out.""Yeah! Or my existence might end," told Wilbur and Sora asked, "Why?""Lewis is Wilbur's dad," told Kuran and before anybody could ask he adds, "She told me.""Was told to tell him," answered Serena. "With taking the promise not to tell until the time is right.""Then why is the Bowler Hat Guy interested to destroy this bright future?" wondered Sora and Kuran told, "That is what we have to find out once we get Lewis back."They found the time machine on the roof and with a good placed dark portal they got Lewis and his machine. They told the Bowler Hat Guy their good bye and left. Wilbur told, "Bet you are glad to see me!"Then Lewis hit him and told, "That's for not locking the garage door.""You know about that?" asked Wilbur and Lewis told, "I know everything! That the Bowler Hat Guy is my roommate, that he blames me for his failure in a baseball game until today, that his hat is a dangerous invention of mine, and that I am your dad!""Got to admit, this will be a great story to tell me someday," told Wilbur and Kuran wondered, "I wonder when he will tell you."Suddenly Doris plugged herself on Kuran's head and took control over him. He grabs Lewis's invention and jumps into a dark portal, landing on top of the second time machine. After placing the box down, Doris made Kuran jump down while detaching herself.He lands hard while Lewis's roommate and Doris made their way to the past to change the time line."Lewis, you have to fix the time machine," told Wilbur, but Lewis told, "No. No, I can't!""You can!" told Sora. "This is your future. Just believe in yourself!""And it won't be a future unless you fix this time machine," told Kuran and Serena said, "Doris is using him. She will take control once she is mass produced.""How do you know?" asked Sora and she answered, "Once realizing who this hat is, I remembered a story about her from my father. He helped to deactivate her in the first time after taking over a test subject. And I so I guessed it.""Look I messed up," told Wilbur. "I left the garage unlocked, and I've tried like crazy to fix things, but now it's up to you."Suddenly Wilbur, Kiro, and Serena disappears and a storm happens, changing everything around them. The only thing left is Lewis's invention, which reads the memories of people. And where they saw that mass produced Doris took over Radiant Garden. Also that Lewis's roommate didn't want this. Doris climbed up on the top of the machine and looks at Lewis, Sora, and Kuran."No. No, this can't be happening! No!" called Lewis, but Kuran told, "This is happening... and our only chance is that you fix this mess."Then the controlled Robinson family came out and Franny told, "Sorry, but it already happened."They moved forward to capture the trio. Kuran took his swords out and said, "Lewis! Fix the time machine and get into the past! We'll stay here and buy time.""But," began Lewis, however, Sora told, "Believe in us! We won't fail that easy."Lewis nods and went to the time machine while Kuran and Sora fought against the possessed humans, trying to disengage them without killing.Slowly they got overwhelmed and two hats show up to take over them as well. However, they heard the engine of the time machine starting and Lewis flew away.Kuran smiles and told, "Now it is up to you, boy."Then the hats took over Kuran and Sora. The two tried to stop Lewis, but just as the dark portal opens to intercept the boy, the machine disappears in time.Lewis just arrived in the time were the Bowler Hat Guy signed a contract for the Memory Scanner calling, "Goob, stop! You don't know what you're doing!""Yes, I do. I'm ruining your future!" told Goob, however, Lewis countered, "She's using you, Goob, and when she gets what she wants she'll get rid of you.""What? What?" asked Goob and Doris threw him away, while taking several arms out, spinning the claws around to cut her inventor into pieces. However Lewis promised her something: That he will never invent her!With that Doris began to crumple as the laws of time took effect, erasing her from time!Then he looked at Goob he told "Come on, Goob, I've got to show you something."In the future Goob saw the consequences of Doris's actions and told, "Doris. I thought she was my friend."Then her loss of existence took effect once more and the future returned the way it was. Even Wilbur, Kiro, and Serena reappeared. Serena told, "It's odd to have witnessed my own erasing in time and reappearing.""Totally agree with you," told Kiro and as Sora and Kuran came to the he told, "How about being possessed by a hat only to notice the next thing is that it just disappears?"Then Lewis lands with Goob. They were ready to attack, but Lewis told them to stop them. Afterwards, he told Wilbur to adopt him, however… once they turned back he was gone. Only thing left was girly note book where a list was in it. The last point of this list was "?" meaning he doesn't know what to do with himself now… also under the book was something else. Sora looked and wondered, "Isn't it… but I was told that I would face danger."Kuran picked it up and asked, "You know what it is?"Sora nods and Kuran told, "Keep it for yourself please… it's one of the last things I have left from my family… I don't want to lose it again.""Alright Kuran! You have my word!"Then they meet up with the other Robinsons and they wondered if they are all right. And they assured them they are alright, until the door from the garage opens and the adult version of Lewis shows up telling, "Franny, they're gone. Oh this is terrible! Franny, where are you? The time machines are gone!"Then he saw his past self. Then Franny points to her son. While Lewis glares at his son, he sighs. "Ratted out by the old lady. Harsh."Kuran and Sora waits while the adult Lewis took his past self somewhere to show something. Then he returns and all sat into the time machine, ready to get back to the past."So… if the time travel laws are right… this might be a future to look forward," told Sora, but Wilbur told, "Because of the time machine, the rules are slightly different. It isn't set in stone. But with the right choices, it will be written.""Got to remember that!" told Kuran and then he asked, "how do you know that?""Ask Serena," told Wilbur while they made the time jump. However… it wasn't the time they came from… it was a rainy day!They looked at Wilbur who just said, "We agreed that if Lewis fixes the time machine, I'd take you back to see your mom."They watch how a woman whose face they couldn't see moves to the orphanage and put down a baby on the front door, ringing the bell. Lewis got out of the time machine and was ready to confront her, but… he didn't do that. Returning to the time machine he told, "I already have a family."They nod understanding and this time they went to the right time. Wilbur set them down where he took them. After leaving the time machine, Wilbur hugged Lewis and told, "I never thought my dad would be my best friend."Then he let go of him and explains, "Now, now, don't make me come and bail you out again.""I won't," told Lewis and Sora told, "See you again in the future!""See you later!" told Wilbur and went back to the future. Lewis runs to get back to a science fair and Sora asked, "Should we go after him?""Guess it isn't necessary," told Kuran. "We have to meet up with the others."Sora nods and they went to the meeting point. Kairi spots them and asked, "Sora! What took you so long?""It's a weird story!" admits Sora and Kuran went to Aqua. "Can we have a moment?""What is it Kuran?" asked the female Keybearer and Kuran took his scarf off. On his neck a scar is revealed and told, "This was from a Heartless, but why I want to talk is about this!"He points to a necklace he hid under his scarf. The pendant was formed like the symbol of the keybearers. Kuran took it off and explains, "Ynsadi gave it to me as I became his apprentice… however, I think I am still not worthy to wear it. Can you please look over it until I am?""Kuran..." began Aqua as he gave it to her, but told, "I don't get depressive. I just want to make sure I won't lose my goal. Maluz is still within my list, but… it is for me more important now to find out who I am and where my place is. My heart tells me I am close, but there is still something missing."Then he turns to Roxas and Lea. "Are you in the mood to come with me to find out what I'm missing?" while taking his scarf back around his neck."Of course Kuran!" told Roxas while Lea smirks. "We can let you running around completely by yourself. Who knows what will happen.""I know I can count on you!" told Kuran and laughs. "If any of you wants me to face Yen Sid, you have either to wait for me or catch me!"With that he runs off with his two friends and left via dark portal. Aqua laughs while putting the pendant away, so it is safe until Kuran can get it back. "Kairi. Do you mind if we have a few more trips? I want to show you a few more things before we meet with Yen Sid. And I think it will help with your summoning training.""That's alright Aqua!" smiles Kairi. "I learned a new spell here from the Gullwings and I'd like to try it out.""What is it?" asked Sora and Kairi smiles. "It is called Shiva.""Then Mickey and I will go to Yen Sid and tell him everything," explains Sora. "You just have to let me know what I have to tell him."They agreed on that and Aqua left with Kairi once more to visit a few more worlds.Back in the future, Kiro wondered, "Did they really tell you to reveal this?"She took her sunglasses off, revealing her green eyes, and explains, "They didn't… I read it in the dairy of…"Kiro nods in understanding. "So you knew it from the start.""Yes!" finished Serena.Special thanks to KHLEgacy for letting me use his OC Kiro. And here a few last words from him:Kiro: thanks for having me please read and review and be sure to check out my creator's stories?Me: And thanks for being here! Until NExt time!Chapter 41: Tech And WillIn Radiant Garden a Dark Portal opens and out of it came Tech and Will. Once they left it, the portal closes and Will wondered, "Soooo… who exactly do you need to talk to?""You will see soon enough," answered Tech with a wave of her hand, "but right now I need to get some components for Alpha and Beta." Showing her still damaged guns. Will nods and asks, "Alright, so know any good places?""Perhaps a Moogle shop may have some," explains the girl. Will told as they approached the nearby shop, "If not, I know this great place that's ripe with Oricalcum that you could use.""Very well," was her reply and then she asked the shopkeeper, "Hello, I need to check what you have to sell.""Why hello there. What can I help you with?" asked the shopkeeper with a smile. She puts Alpha in his sight and told, "I need some components to repair this."The shopkeeper looked at the weapon, however, he told as he made his way to the back, "Hmm, I don't think I've seen anything like this before. I'll see what I can do."While waiting for him, she looked at the items in the front of the shop. Will wondered, "See anything you can use?"With a shaking head she answered, "Not really, and you?""No luck… Sorry," was his reply. Tech points to an Ether and told, "You should get that Ether over there just in case of an emergency.""Sure! Anything else?" asked Will and she points to a Drive Recovery, "I never saw that.""What, that thing? It helps gather energy for magic and stuff. It could probably give Alpha and Beta and good boost in power," explains Will and Tech replied, "Really? I should get them then. How much does it cost?"Will looked and said, "Not much since there's a sale. Ok so that's an Ether and a few Drive Recovery. Oh wow pure Mythril, definitely getting that...Hmm maybe try another store?""Sure. We can try later," waiting for the worker to come back and checks how much munny she has."So, Got what you're looking for?" the shop keeper asked."Yup," Will said as he showed the shop keeper the items. And he told, "Alright that'll be 200 munny."Tech pays half. "Have you found any components for Alpha?""I don't seem to have anything except a few Gummi blocks, sorry," the shopkeeper said."Those will work," Will said as he paid the other half and took the merchandise and told Tech, "You know, you can't really blame him, I don't think this technology exists yet.""Figures. No one ever has it," sighs Tech deeply and Will countered, "With that said: I don't think these shops will help.""Yeah...well, at least we can have some food," went Tech in and he smiles. "That's always a plus."Tech giggles and look for a shop that sells food. Then Will points to a concession. "Hey, there is a good spot.""Yeah, seems good," admits Tech and the two walked up. The salesman asked with a smile, "Hello, anything I can get for you?""Let's see here, well those hot dogs look good," told Will and the salesman states, "Excellent. Anything for your girlfriend?""Girlfriend!?" shouts Will and Tech steps away from Will with a blush on her cheeks. "We… we are not a couple… just friends.""Plus I'll have you know I'm already taken," explains Will and Tech adds, "We just want out hot dogs please.""Here you go." The man smiled as he handed Will and Tech their hot dogs."Thank you," Will said as he paid for the hot dogs and sat down at a nearby bench. Also, they bought two soda drinks."Ok so not like it's my business, but how'd you end up in the past anyway?" Will asked before taking a drink."My father is a scientist and developed a time machine prototype according old research data he found and I volunteered for experimenting it," explains Tech and he asked, "Sounds like a brilliant man. Probably should have thought on how to bring you back, huh? Did he also make your gear also?""He thought it would work, unfortunately it didn't. And about my gear, I made it," was her reply and he chuckles. "Wow, chip off the ol' block, huh?"With a giggle she took a bite of the hot dog while he keeps asking, "So how far in the future are you from?""Well, according to my calculations, 2751 years," answered Tech and Will whistles. "Not bad for a prototype. So why do you need to talk to someone anyway?""Tell you later," was her counter. Before he took a bite of this hot dog, he told, "Well alright then."After they ate their hot dogs, Will randomly asked, "So, random conversation changer: Were you surprised that the third place kiss was for immortality?""Must say I was, but...I don't think I would like to be kissed by Aphrodite," came from her."You have to admit: That would have made great fan-service," Will snickered."I'm kidding... any way, I can't help but wonder if that's true.""About immortality?" wondered Tech."Yeah...Well only one way to find out." Will said as he put down his food and pulled out his katana. Without pausing he suddenly stabbed himself in the chest. A few people nearby spat out their drinks and foods while others just looked in horror. Also Tech was in shock as well and was unsure what to do. "Will? You ok?""Hmm, actually I feel fine - OH DEAR GOD THAT F***ING HURT! HOLY S*** WHY DID I DO THAT!? OWWWW! GOD DAMN IT!" yells Will."C-calm down...I will take it off," she holds the handle of the katana."N-no that's alright," Will said as he calmed down."Whew. Ok so, apparently being immortal DOES NOT mean you cannot feel pain," Will said with a chuckle. Tech looks at him. "You sure you are ok?""Yeah it's all good," Will said as he pulled out his katana. She looks at his chest after he did it. The hole in his chest slowly closed up. "Woah cool.""Yet it's freaky," admits Tech. Will sat down and continued to eat. He then looked at the crowd still with horrified expressions. Then he told to everybody, "I'm fine."Tech looked a bit embarrassed. Then Will finishes his hot dog. "You ready?""R-ready for what?" asked Tech and Will answered, "Um, didn't you say you had someone you needed to talk to?""Err… ok!" came from her and he answered, "Still a little freaked out?""I think so," nods Tech to him. Then he keeps on, "Well this trip isn't about ME now isn't it?""I don't get your point," she confesses in confusion. He smiles. "I'll worry about being immortal and you worry getting home, 'kay?""Okay," Tech replied shortly. Will asked, "So you ready to go?""Yeah, I'm ready," nods Tech and he said, "Well then, after you m'lady."She blushes after being called lady while Will couldn't help but laugh. After a moment Tech laughs shyly back. Then Will started to follow her as she made her way.As they reach there Tech looks around the shops and people around them. After a while she went on. "Guess he's not here right now."'Man this suspense is killing me' Will thought. "So what now?""Is there anything else we can do in here?" wondered Tech and he answered, "Maybe see the sights and buy some souvenirs.""Very well. You know any good place to visit?" asked the girl from the future and after a thought Will told "Well, there's a string of shops nearby.""I don't have much more munny left. They better be cheap," explains Tech. Will took Tech to the center of town and saw a large group of people."Wow I can honestly say I don't think I've seen such a large group here before. Wonder if there's a festival going on," Will wondered."Probably there is. See? There are balloons and decorative things all around it," explains Tech and points around. Then Will laughs. "Food, games, and prizes for almost nothing? Well that's one way to be cheap."Tech nods and told, "I think I'll give it a shot." And the two made their way. Then she spots something and grins. "Ha! A shooting game!""Oh man this is going to be fun to watch," chuckles Will and she moves near the worker in the shooting game. The man at the game stand asked, "Why hello there young lady. Care to take a shot?""Surely. I'd love to. Where is the gun?" asked Tech and the man hands her a small pistol. "You have 30 seconds knock down as many targets as you can. Knock them all down and you'll win a nice prize," the man said as multiple targets popped up. "And begin."With that said, Tech began to shoot and had no difficulty to shoot all of them as soon as they appeared. A small crowd cheered as Tech shot all the targets. "We have a winner!" the man said as he handed Tech a large chocobo plushy."Oh," she giggles and grabs it. "Thanks!"Will smiled as he ate some cotton candy he bought. she moves closer to him. "Look what I got.""Jeez, if I didn't know any better I'd say you never had any real fun," Will muses and Tech asks, "Huh? What do you mean, Will?""It's nothing. Come on let see what other stuff they got," came his answer. With an ok she goes to look around.After an afternoon of games and rides the two sat down on a bench. The two then heard someone. "Hey there." The two looked."Kiro? What are you doing here?" Will asked and Kiro told, "I was looking for you.""So I take it that he's the one you needed to see?" asks Will and Tech explains, "Yup. I had to say something to him.""Well alright." Shrugs Will and Tech told to Kiro, "Listen Kiro, I don't need your help anymore, which means I don't have to keep your secret as well.""Say what now?" asks Kiro in panic and Tech told, "That you are Sora's son!""Whoa! Did NOT see that coming!" explains Will. Kiro told her not tell that to anybody else here at this time period."I won't tell! So you are off the hook now," explains Tech and Kiro sighs loudly while Will continued to eat his cotton candy. Then he wondered, "Why did you even hold it as a secret?""Sora and the others would probably freak out knowing this," explains Kiro. "Not to mention the rules of time traveling.""Yeah that's true," Will shrugged. "Anyway, my lips are sealed.""Thanks," told Kiro with a sigh and with a goodbye he left. Tech turns to Will and wondered, "Well, what we do now?""Well unless there's anything else, we can start with sending you home," Will said to Tech. With a sigh she told, "Fine.""Alright, but we should get to a more open area, things can get a little...hectic," Will said as he began to make his way to Dark Depths. They move to an open arena where Will prepared the Dark Corridor back to her timeline.Side Chapter featuring Tech and Will before they went home ^^ Thanks to their owners to let me use them.Chapter 42: Chapter 41The secret hideout of Maleficent…The witch was standing in a computer room that was recently installed in this place so the Phantom Blob and two other scientist that the witch recruited for her pursuit to take over the world. One was currently on his own world due to the fact he tries to fulfill his own goal for two reasons: First to hide the fact he is working with Maleficent since this scientist is known for having schemes on nearly daily basis. The other is to provide a different world for headquarter since he dislikes the current location.The other was small nearly bald man with remains of red hair and a mustache. He wears thick glasses and a lab coat. Working on the computer with the Phantom Blob they tried to decipher the data of the books. Maleficent grew impatient and asked, "What is taking it so long to analyze the data?"The small scientist turns around and told, "It isn't so easy Maleficent… you must see it is a sheer amount of data we have here, and it seems critical portions of these data are missing.""What are you suggesting with that?" asked Aros as he came into the room and heard this small conversation. The Phantom Blob explains, "What Professor Nimnul is suggesting is that we only got our hands on incomplete copies of the books. Sadly the missing fractions are the key elements to enter the data world of the books and also prevent us to extract the heartless of these books. However we are still able to work with the obtained data effectively.""That is good," smiles Maleficent. "That means we can formulate a perfect plan to conquer all the worlds soon.""And then I can finally get rid of my lousy copy!" smirks Aros, however, the Phantom Blob told, "Regarding that… I would like to set out a few proposals, Maleficent.""I am listening," told the witch and the Phantom Blob told, "First of all, we have only Aros here in terms of Keyblades, while our enemy has so far we are aware 3, probably more since they seems to pop up in the recent time. So I would suggest that we try to find out to where the Keybearers are going next and recruit or execute some of them.""I like that idea!" told Aros and the witch told, "The keybearer is the strongest when he is together with his friends.""I am aware of it, however, Aros here has proven to be capable. It was just unfortunate circumstances that captured him. If we manage to lure one of them away, we can destroy him while the Heartless keep the rest busy.""That plan might work… and your other proposal?" asked Maleficent. The villain cleared his throat and told, "It is about the missing information. I have thought about how we learned of other worlds and the Princess of Light… and how we can probably extend our base of information.""Now I am all ears!" smirks Aros and listens to the Phantom Blobs thoughts.Deep in a jungle Aqua and Kairi were busy cutting their way through and Kairi wondered, "Why did my feeling bring us into a place where Sora would enjoy it more?""I don't know," told Aqua, "But since you had an uneasy feeling about this place, I trusted your feeling in this since you are a Princess. Also, it is a good place to train how to fight without harming the environment, given we find a place where we aren't eaten by mosquitoes.""I grew up on a tropical island, but the mosquitoes there weren't that bad like here," admits Kairi. "In fact, I would prefer to be on the islands since we would have already hit a beach from where we easily could have go around the island to at least learn it's size. But here… who knows how big this is and where we are.""This is something you have to learn as well," told Aqua. "To find your way, even if here is no clear path.""Did you have to learn that as well?" asked Kairi and Aqua nods. "Master Erasqus brought us to a familiar place a few times for this occasion. However, it was before Ven came to us."She nods and they finally found a clearing and they rest up for a while. However… Kairi asked, "Aqua… can it be that I am not used to the heat anymore?""How do you come to this idea?" went Aqua, worried, and the Princess of Light answered, "Because I see a house in the air, carried by dozens of balloons."The Keyblade master turned around and looks into the sky, dropping her jaw since she saw this house as well. "Kairi… I see it as well! I think we have to investigate it."The two Keybearers began to move towards the flying house and notice it was moving. They had to correct their course several times for making sure that they won't miss it. As they got closer they saw the house was pulled by a long rope. So they went to find the other end of the line and they found two people tied on the other end. One of them was a small obese boy with black hair in a scout costume and has a sash full of badges.The other was an old man with white hair and eyes brows on his square shaped head. On his big round nose were thick black spectacles. He wears a dark-brown coat with a white shirt where a black bow-tie was. He wore light brown pants with a belt and shoes of the same color. Also on the coat was a bottle cap for some reason…And he uses a cane with four tennis balls on the end. Also, the rope they are using wasn't a rope… it was a garden hose. The two stared at this for a while until the boy called, "Mr. Fredicksen! Look over there""What is it?" asked the old man as he saw Aqua and Kairi. "Didn't expect company here.""Us neither," admits Aqua and wondered, "What are you two doing here?""I'm helping Mr. Fredricksen here to get his house to the waterfalls," told the boy. "I am Russel!""I am Kairi and this is Aqua!" told the Princess of Light with a smile and asked Mr. Fredricksen, "Why do you want to place your house by these waterfalls?""It is a long dream I had with my wife! Now she is gone, I decided to at least fulfill it for her. That why I took our house with us," told the old man and adds, "And now excuse us! We have to hurry before the helium get out of the balloons!""Perhaps we can help?" asked Kairi and Russel told, "This would be great! You see… we have to be careful right now or the house floats up with us in the end. You two might help us to hold the house down and move faster.""Hmpf! As such girls would bring enough weight for this task," told Mister Fredrickson, "But you can try if you want.""Of course," told Kairi and Russel took out of his backpack a real rope and the two Keybeares tied it on the hose, effectively weighting down the house. The old man chuckles. "Looks like your weight was all we needed additionally."They walked then for a while until Russel slowed them down since he had to go somewhere. They rested up while he disappeared in the bushes to he could release his needs.While they waited, Mr. Fredrickson grew impatient since this boy took his time until… they heard his voice, "I found the snipe!"The girls turned around and looked awkward at what the boy found… it was everything but a snipe… it was an incredibly tall and slender bird with short wings, long beak and colored feathers… and Mr. Fredrickson only told, "Did you?" without even looking.Then the boy asked, "Are they tall?" with the answer, "Yes, they're very tall."Kairi and Aqua looked at each other, thinking that the old man didn't really pay attention to what Russel is telling since to the boy's question if they have lot of colors he answered that they would… even though snipe was a very small bird with mainly brown to black feathers and white stomach with a thing and long beak.Then the boy asked, "Do they like chocolate?""Yes… chocolate?" wondered Mr. Fredrickson and slowly turned around and gasp in surprise while pointing at the bird. "What is that thing?""It's a snipe!" told Russel, but Kairi told, "Russel… no clue what this animal is, but it is EVERYTHING but a snipe.""That's right," told Aqua. "Too big, and wrong colors."Then suddenly the bird laid down on its back, put Russel on its stomach, and held him with his beak and wings in place while whipping around. Then it jumped around and made all kinds of tricks with Russel, showing for a slender bird it got some strength into its body.Kairi walked up and told, "Looks like it likes you Russel."Then the bird took Kairi as well and after her initial surprise was over, she laughed and enjoys the ride."Can we take Kevin with us?" asked Russel and Kairi asked, "Kevin?""He needs a name," told Russel and Aqua chuckles. "I hope it isn't a girl."Mr. Fredrickson tried to get Kevin away, however… his attempts were everything but successful. So they went on. They came after a while out of the jungle into a rocky surrounding and while they walked they heard a voice, "Hey, are you okay over there?"Kevin run away by the voice and Kairi called, "We are okay! But where are you?"They looked around and saw in the fog a man standing and they moved over there… however, as the fog lifted, it was revealed that this man was actually a rock formation looking like a man. Russel chuckles. "You were talking to a rock."Then he spots a different formation, "Hey, that one looks like a turtle.""True!" told Kairi. "And over there we have a horse.""This one looks like a dog!" told Russel and suddenly the "rock" in the fog moved and reveals to be a real dog, to be exact, a golden retriever with a brown collar.Kairi giggles and told, "This is a dog.""We're not allowed to have dogs in my apartment," told Russel and Aqua told, "I think this is the least of our problems.""Why are you saying this?" asked Russel and Kairi told, "It's a feeling…""We have your dog!" called Mr. Fredrickson and wondered to who the dog belongs to."Sit, boy," told Russel and the dog did it which made Russel tell, "Hey, look, he's trained. Shake"The dog gave a paw and as the command speak came, the answer was, "Hi there."The old man and the boy jumped in surprise while Kairi and Aqua weren't fazed by it due to their previous encounters with talking animals. "Did that dog just talk?""It seems like that," told Aqua while the dog agreed on it. "My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you. My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master, and he made me this collar so that I may talk.""Your master must be a genius to make a collar that allows you to speak," told Kairi and Aqua wondered, "Where is your master?""I can lead you to him later, but my pack sent me on a special mission all by myself since I'm a good tracker. Even these weird creatures that helps my master now after the visit of this odd looking one weren't sent with me," told Dug and Aqua asked, "Odd creatures?""Yes! They are golden and all of them have a sort of ring above their head, also they remind of different animals, but I can tell by the smell they weren't any animal I saw in my life," came from him. Kairi and Aqua faces each other and exclaims, "The Lightbringers!""Lightbringers?" asked Russel and Kairi told, "They are beings of pure light with the goal to destroy the darkness.""Pah! They must be pretty stupid! Everybody knows that darkness is just the result of a place without light!" told Mr. Fredricksen. Kairi wanted to object to this, but Aqua held her shoulder and shook her head, indicating not to say more due to the world order. Not that anybody would take this old man serious, but better not risk anything.Then Kairi changed the topic to something Dug told earlier. "What is your mission by the way?""My mission? Oh right! Have you seen a bird?" asked Dug and Kairi told, "We saw a lot of birds here… you need to be more specific on this topic.""I want to find it and I've been on the scent. I am a great tracker. Did I mention that?" asked Dug and Aqua answered, "You mentioned it before."Suddenly, Kevin tackled Dug to the ground and the dog told, "Hey, that is the bird. I have never seen one up close, but this is the bird. May I take your bird back to camp as my prisoner?""No you can't," told Aqua. "We don't know what the Lightbringers would do with Kevin… after all, we saw what they did to others just because they weren't like how they should be in their eyes.""Can we keep him?" asked Russel suddenly, earning a no from Mr. Fredrickson, but the boy keeps on. "He is a talking dog.""It's just a weird trick or something. Let's get to the falls," told the old man and Kairi told, "But it is still impressive the talking part."However, he was stubborn and keeps walking. Russel, Aqua, and Kairi were pulled alongside him, the three surprised how strong he was in his age. Kevin followed them and so did Dug, trying to convince Kevin to be his prisoner.On their way, Mister Fredrickson tried to loose Kevin and Dug, but… it failed since the two found the four pretty fast. Later, as it began to rain, they used the house to have a cover and Aqua made a fireplace and surprised the other two as she suddenly had her Keyblade in hand. Also, they were surprised as a fireball left the tip and ignites the fire place.Aqua told them, "It's a trick I learned… and before you ask if I could teach you: I don't think it is possible since there are a few requirements for it.""Alright," told Russel. Then he tried to set up a tent, but failed miserably. After that he sighs and sat down next to Mr. Fredrickson and the two began to talk. Kairi and Aqua decided to get into a corner and went to sleep.On the next day the old man woke everybody up to make them move. Kairi had a troubled sleep due to the fact she never slept on hard ground before. On the other hand Aqua was more used to it due to her time in the realm of darkness, even thought she never slept much due to the constant threat being attacked by the Heartless.The two didn't notice anything until Russel was awake and shouts, "Where's Kevin? He's wandered off! Kevin! Dug, find Kevin!"Aqua and Kairi looked at him and now they noticed the bird was gone… this boy is good in noticing things fast. Dug listened to Russel and began to look, but as Kairi walked around and looked up, she told, "You can stop it… Kevin is on the house."They looked up and the bird was indeed there. And were collecting and eating food from the house. Mr. Fredrickson protested about it. Then they heard distant cries and Kevin cried back. Kairi wondered, "What is going on now?""The bird is calling to her babies," told Dug and Aqua chuckles. "Kevin is a she?""Her house is over there in those twisty rocks," explains Dug while Kevin digs in more to get food for her babies. "She has been gathering food for her babies and must get back to them.""Kevin is leaving?" asked Russel and Kairi thought aloud, "Better make sure she gets to them, knowing the Lightbringers are here.""Sorry, but we've lost enough time already," told Mr. Fredricksen. "The helium is already getting out and if we don't hurry, we might get nowhere."They got ready while Kairi decided to follow Kevin… if it weren't for the fact that suddenly more dogs show up. Along with different Lightbringers with them. Aqua and Kairi had their Keyblades ready, but by these numbers it would be difficult to fend them off while protecting Russel and the old man. Then a doberman pinscher shows up and… as he talked it sounds like he took helium in since it was high and pichy. "Where is the bird? You said you had the bird."Then Dug answered, "Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Since I have said that, I can see how you would think that.""Where is it?" asked the doberman pincher and Dug told, "Tomorrow. Come back tomorrow, and then I will again have the bird. Yes."The doberman growls at Dug. "You lost it! Why do I not have a surprised feeling?""What is going on?" asked Russel and Kairi told, "I think this other dog is the alpha of the pack and now he is angry because a bird isn't here."Russel wanted to ask if they are talking about Kevin, but a finger sign from Kairi told the boy not to mention Kevin at any moment. Then the doberman turns to them and told, "Well at least you now have led us to the small mailman and the one who smells of prunes. Also the two females with the odd unidentified smell."Odd unidentified smell? What is that supposed to mean? Was the thought in Kairi's head right now. Dug looked down and the alpha dog keeps on, "Master will be most pleased we have found them and will ask them many questions. Come!"Russel told to Kairi, "I can understand now why you don't seem to like them… I really have a bad feeling about them.""Wait! We're not going with you! We're going to the falls!" told Mr. Fredricksen, but as the Lightbringers got closer and the other two dogs growled at the four, he changed his mind. "Alright we'll come with you."They led them to a canyon where many other dogs showed up and their final destination was in front of a cave where dozens of dogs and many more Lightbringers came closer to them, showing signs of threatening them. Then they heard a man calling "Stop" and all remained on their position, looking at the entrance of the cave. Then the question was heard, "You came here in that?"Mr. Fredricksen looked up and told, "Yeah… but only with the boy here… the two girls showed up out of nowhere from my point of view.""In a house? A floating house?" came from the person in the shadows and began to laugh. "That is the darnedest thing I've ever seen. You're not after my bird, are you?""Depends," told Kairi. "After all, in a place like that live a lot of birds.""Yeah that's true! But if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar, I'd be happy to oblige."And then all others laughed and adds, "Well this is all a misunderstanding."Then a slender elderly man with aqua colored eyes showed up. He had a hocked-nose with white hairs, rings around his eyes, is mustachioed and dressed in a light brown winter coat, dirty short-sleeved shirt, tan pants and brown shoes and held a cane in his left hand.Suddenly Mr. Fredricksen asked, "Wait. Are you Charles Muntz?""Yeah, well, yes," came from him and then the question came, "THE Charles Muntz?""Adventure is out there!" was the reply and the old man freaks out. "It's really him! That's Charles Muntz!""Who is Charles Muntz?" asked Aqua and Mr. Fredricksen told to her, "That's him!" Then he turns to Charles. "I'm Carl Fredricksen." He shook Muntz's hand and told, "My wife and I, we were your biggest fans."Charles points to Aqua and told, "Oh, well. You're a man of good taste" and laughs. Aqua has the feeling that Charles missed the point of they showed up in this place otherwise then a flying house."Now, you must be tired. Hungry?" asked Charles and them all nods. The old man called to everybody, "Now, attention, everyone! These people are no longer intruders! They are our guests."The dogs cheered on that and got close to the four while the Lightbringers just disappeared. They were led into the cave where a blimp was placed with the name "Spirit of Adventure". They set up the house next to the blimp and entered the airship.Dug was stopped by the other dogs and it doesn't seem they were happy with the golden retriever. Inside the blimp they were greeted by several museum worthy objects, all found by Charles himself. He told his visitors that most of his collection were in top museums and only the best pieces he kept for himself.The two old men talked about several adventures that Muntz had while Kairi notices that the dogs are keeping this place in check… Muntz must have a great talent for taming dogs.While they talked a few dogs brought wine and three glasses. While losing some of the wine, they poured it into the glasses and Muntz offered Aqua and Carl a glass. Before they could drink, Alpha told dinner was ready and Muntz notices that the translator was broken. He took a moment to fix it and the voice of alpha… very deep and threatening.Kairi agreed with Russel as he told, "I liked his other voice."Then they moved to the dinner room where they learned that the meal was made by a dog… named Epsilon. While Kairi and Russel had to defend their food from the dogs, Mr. Fredricksen told that Mr. Muntz was the reason why a woman named Ellie had the dream to live in this place.They also learned that… he won't accept thieves here to steal what is right. Before he could explain what it was Aqua asked, "How did you into contact with the Lightbringers?""Oh! You know what they are? Then you are better informed than me as I saw them first…" chuckles Muntz. "One day this fella named Maluz showed up and told me if I bring the Lightbringers all over the world to make this world a better place, they would follow my orders and help me to archive my goal. Of course, I didn't say no to such an offer."Kairi looked at the old man. "With all respect Mr. Muntz… but the experiences Kairi and I had beforehand were not the most pleasant ones… especially with Maluz.""So are you the ones he warned me about?" asked Muntz and Kairi wondered, "Depends on what he warned you about.""That people will show up, with weapons never seen on this world, to steal what is rightfully mine!" he shouts and lifts a blanket, revealing the skeleton which has roughly the form of… Kevin!Kairi realizes the threat and asked innocently while holding Russel's mouth, "And… what is that?""It is something where I got called a fraud… and in this labyrinth it lives in nobody can go in… or you will be lost forever in there. I've lost so many dogs…" told Muntz and Aqua was sure once he learns that they know this bird, they would have a lot of trouble."Ever tried it with chocolate?" joked Kairi, however she covered her mouth fast, realizing her mistake. "Chocolate?" asked Muntz, but Carl saved them. "Well, it's been a wonderful evening, but we better be going.""You are not leaving," told Muntz, but Aqua told, "We don't want to take advantage of your hospitality."However, Muntz insisted that they would stay until… they heard Kevin's cry. Kairi silently made the boy clear that he shouldn't mention that they know the bird while Muntz looked out and saw the bird on top of Mr. Fredricksen's house, crying loudly."It's here…" told Muntz and turns around, only to find out the four were gone. He ordered to get them and the dog began to rush after them while the Lightbringers appear to follow suit. They grabbed the ropes of the house and began to flee while Kairi and Aqua took their Keyblades out and shot randomly at the incoming forces. Then Kevin jumped down and took Carl and Russel on its back, starting to run.Aqua threw her Keyblade and to Kairi's surprise it transformed into a sort of vehicle. Deciding to ask later, the two Keybearers jumped on it and flew alongside Kevin while Kairi decided to use her most recent summon: Shiva!A blue colored woman in blue clothes appears and froze everything in sight. While most of the dogs escaped, a lot of Lightbringers were frozen and splintered into pieces as they were unable to stop in their frozen state and hit either the ground or walls.Due to this confusion the others were able to escape, however… one of the Lightbringers got Kevin's legs in the process.While a heal spell and a bandage helped, it would still take time for the bird to recover completely from this wound. And from the distance her children are crying. They began to bring her home.While they walked Mr. Fredricksen told, "It is crazy… I finally met my childhood hero and he tries to kill us.""Believe me… we witnessed it a lot," told Kairi and Aqua explains, "Many people who are with the Lightbringers follow a false sense of justice, so sadly it is. Even the Lightbringers believe it is justified to try to destroy darkness.""From where do they even come?" asked Russel, but Kairi shook her head. "We don't know their true origin."Then Kairi went to Aqua. "I didn't know the Keyblades could do that…""I didn't think it was right to tell you yet, Kairi. After all, they might replace the Gummies for us, but without a fitting armor it would be a very dangerous travel.""Oh… so just using them isn't possible for us?" asked Kairi and Aqua nods to that.They keep walking until they reached the entry to the canyons. And there they heard a familiar voice. "Master! I am glad that I finally found you!"They turned around and saw Dug coming towards them. Russel smiles. "Dug! I am glad you are alright.""In the chaos I found a chance to flee and once I picked up your scent, I followed it until I found you," told Dug and Kairi asked, "What is with your pack and the Lightbringers?""For some reason they didn't follow me. If you ask me they are pretty dumb," explains Dug while Kevin reacts to the cries of her children and cried back, standing up from her position and began to walk over to the canyon entrance. They cheered for Kevin to get to the babies as suddenly a light shines on her. They looked up and found the blimp of Muntz above of them. Kevin tries to run, but his hurt leg doesn't allow it so and a net lands on him, pinning the bird down."Kevin!" called Russel while running to him. Hawk like Lightbringers came to pick Kevin up, but Aqua and Kairi shot different spells to stop them, while Russel and Carl tried to free Kevin. However, as Mr. Fredricksen saw that the LIghtbringers attacked his house, he rushes over, ignoring the calling Russel. Also, Aqua and Kairi were forced to stop the assault at the airborne enemies since ape like ones lands on the ground and attacked the two.Russel tried to free Kevin, but the hawk like Lightbringer grabbed the net and lifted it up, with the captured Kevin. Additionally, Russel's foot was caught in the net and was lifted up as well. He cried for help, but neither Kairi and Aqua were able to help due to their own trouble and Mr. Fredricksen was only interested in protecting his house because of Ellie.Once the Lightbringers boarded the airship, the blimp changed course and flew away. With that the remaining Lightbringers also left. Once it was sure all of them were gone, Kairi asked, "What was the meaning of this?""Excuse me?" asked Carl and Aqua explains, "You abandoned Russel and Kevin to save your house. Why?""Because of Ellie… it was her dream that we live by the falls one day… I cannot betray her," told the old man, but Kairi asked, "Would she want that you bring the house to the falls at the cost of losing friends?"Mr. Fredricksen wanted to protest that Kairi doesn't know Ellie, but stopped… because she was right!"I was such an idiot," he sighs and told, "We should try to free our friends. Aqua… do you think you can bring us up there?"However, the Keyblade Master shook her head. "Sorry… but with my Rider I can only take Kairi with me… any additional weight and we cannot lift up.""Then it is time we lose some weight!" told Fredricksen and points to the house. Understanding his intention, they went up there and took out everything that was in the house. During this action Kairi found a scroll and looked at it. While she couldn't read the necessary parts, she understands what this scroll was. "Mr. Fredricksen! Where did you get this scroll?""Ellie found it as we renovated this house after we bought it. While we never tried to learn what it was, she thought it was nice to keep it. Why do you ask?""I know what it is and could take use of it… can I keep it?" asked Kairi. Carl seems to think and told, "I guess I can let you have it… Ellie wouldn't mind!"Once the last piece was out, the house was light enough to lift into the sky once again, with a clear course: Muntz's blimp!And much to the two girls surprise Mr. Fredricksen used his cane not a bit during the whole time. They soon caught sight of the blimp, even though a blimp was built for flying while a house with dozens of balloons isn't.As they got closer they noticed that the exit shaft was lowering in mid air while the blimp itself was turning. Realizing what it means Aqua jumped off from the house and got on her Keyblade Glider to fly over. Not a moment too soon as Russel was falling off. Aqua manages to capture the boy, but her glider wasn't designed to fly with two passengers where one of them were tied on a chair."Aqua! I am glad to see you," told Russel and she told, "Agree, but now we should get you to the house."They returned to the house that somehow got unnoticed under the blimp. However, they ruined a wall in the process since the Keyblade master had all hands full to stay on course AND not lose Russel…Once they got there Aqua noticed that Mr. Fredricksen and Dug were gone while Kairi pilots the house. Aqua wondered, "Where are the other two?""They went over to the blimp somehow! No clue how they did it, I only know they did," told Kairi while Aqua freed Russel. Then the Lightbringers appears and also biplanes by dogs piloted. And they began to attack the balloons. Kairi went to a window and shot at anything in reach with her spells while Aqua flew out to engage the enemies in mid air. Russel tried at this moment to pilot the house.Inside the blimp Fredricksen manages to free Kevin, but Muntz intervened in their try to escape and while Muntz fights with a sword, Fredricksen uses his cane, which made the fight mixed with their age awkward. Then due to the fact that the blimp shook since Dug was chased by the other dogs to the bridge where he unintentionally messed around with the controls, the blimp shook around, giving Kevin and Mr. Fredricksen a chance to escape to the top of the blimp chased by Mr. Muntz.Back in the house Russel ran to a window and as the biplanes made a formation to attack, Russel called while pointing into a random direction, "Squirrel!"The dogs piloting the planes lost their head by that and crashes into each other, causing them to take out themselves… however, there were still the Lightbringers!Kairi turned to Russel. "Russel! Fly us to the blimp! Aqua and I cannot defend the balloons munch longer by these amounts. Our best hope to get Kevin back is the blimp.""Aye Aye Captain!" saluted Russel and took course. On top the blimp were Kevin, Mr. Fredricksen, and Muntz. While the last followed the other two, Kevin and Fredricksen are looking for a way to escape. To make things worse, one of the dogs brought a flint to Mr. Muntz before Dug showed up, however, he didn't dare to attack Muntz for two reasons: Lightbringers blocked his way, Muntz had a flint and the Lightbringers appeared around Kevin and Fredricksen.Muntz took aim to shoot at the two, but suddenly he turned around as he notices a shadow covering him and jumps down on the ground. Just in this moment the house flew close over the top of the blimp. Jumping off form it came Russel and Kairi while Aqua lands and strikes a few of the remaining Lightbringers down while the rest were pushed off by the house that descends into the clouds. Fredricksen looks after it while Kairi told, "Sorry… but we couldn't have protected it anymore without risking our lives.""I think it is probably better so… It was just a house," told Mister Fredricksen as suddenly a shot was heard. They turned and saw Muntz, who declares, "I will bring this bird back, even if it is dead! I won't let anybody get into my way! I will prove the world I was right!"He began to rant around while slowly black mist appears on his body. Realizing what is happening and knowing the consequences, Aqua called, "Mister Muntz! Stop it! You will only destroy yourself!""NO!" called Muntz. "I went after this bird for a lifetime! I won't let it get away!"Then he shoots again, misses Aqua, and hits instead a Lightbringer. Then the Lightbringers began to surround Mr. Muntz, who looked confused. "What are you doing? They are your target! Attack them!""I wanted to warn you," told Aqua. "The Darkness began to possess you and the Lightbringers goal is to destroy the darkness at all cost.""No… no…" told Muntz. "You cannot do that…"The Lightbringers attacked him, stockpiled on him, and the last thing heard was his loud cries of agony. The light creatures got off, leaving this place and where Mr. Muntz was, only a mist of black smoke was left that disappears in light."What was that?" asked Russel and Kairi told, "The consequence of teaming up with Lightbringers… like Heartless, you have to watch out, or they turn against you.""There are still his dogs… what will become of them?" asked Kairi and Dug told, "This won't be a problem! I became their alpha.""Well with that it is settled!" smiles Mr. Fredricksen. They went into the blimp and flew back where Kevin lives. She brought her babies and they enjoyed the time with them. Then Kevin called for her babies to go home. As they went back to their mother, Mr. Fredricksen wondered, "Where's my cane? I just had it here."Then Kevin spat it out while her babies spit out the tennis balls that were on the lower end. Fredricksen laughed weakly. "Keep it… a German saying states Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft.""Uhm… what does it mean?" asked Russel and Fredricksen told, "I explain it later."Then they wave Kevin goodbye as she and her babies went back to the canyons. Mr. Fredricksen turns to Aqua and Kairi, asking, "Can I bring you somewhere, ladies?""No thanks," told Aqua. "We have our own way of traveling."He nods and with Russel they told goodbye before taking off with the blimp."Well… this was something else," told Kairi. "I just feel sad about Muntz.""I know Kairi… I do the same, but… he brought it to himself alone," told Aqua before the two got ready to return to the Gummi Ship.In the meanwhile, in the lab of Even, the scientist was busy to analyze the data he collected during the tournament as he heard a voice asking, "You are Even the scientist, one of the former apprentices of Ansem the Wise?""Yes it's me! How can I help you?" asked Even without looking and the voice asked, "Can you perhaps help us with something… you see… we need a man who is able to make replicas.""You know about the replica project?" asked Even now, looking and gasping as he saw who was in front of him."Indeed! And we need you for a special kind of replica," chuckled the man in front of them while stepping closer.Chapter 43: Chapter 42In a storm with thunder and lightning, also with a lot of rain of course, sat a young llama with a black head, neck, and tail with red fur under some leaves and looked sad… very sad. On the edge of crying. Then XSDStitch's voice told, "Sad right? Well… any who watched the original movie before I came made it to a chapter of this story knows that this llama isn't a llama! It was once human. A human named Kuzco, actually Emperor Kuzco. How did he end up as a llama if he is the ruler of this place? Well… looking into the past will bring answers."The screen jumps to the beach of Destiny Islands, where a silver haired boy stands there and watches the sunset, telling, "This world, is too small."Then the screen changes to the same place, but at night where a dark portal opens and a man in a dark coat steps out with something wrapped in a white blanket over his shoulders and the man moves-"STOP!" called XSDStitch. "We are too far back! It's nice to watch the beginning of Birth by Sleep, but the official first Kingdom Hearts game is Kingdom Hearts while Birth by Sleep is only a later added prequel. Now we move to the real place and watch the real part of the chapter! And Celebi… stop messing around with my time settings on the time machine! Mr. Robinson only let me borrow this time machine with the promise not to mess with time. Not to mention… why are you even here?""Because I like to mess around with you," smiles the Grass/Physic legendary Pokemon. "And you didn't use me in this fanfiction so far.""Because it is a Kingdom Hearts story with no planned Pokemon chapter," told XSDStitch. "And now we resume with the chapter before we bore the reader with the nonsense of an author arguing with a creature that doesn't exist in real life.""Fine…" sighs Celebi. "Have fun!"The screen jumps to a room inside an Aztec palace where just in this moment Kuran steps out with Lea and Roxas. The three looked around and Lea told, "Well… this is a nice place.""I agree… wonder what kind of adventure we'll have here," answered Roxas and Kuran shrugs. "We will see once we start exploring the place."The three went to explore the castle until they walked up a few stairs and heard somebody asking in a snobbish tone, "I would like to know which side of this mountain get the most sun?"Then somebody else answered, "Oh, I-I'd say just on the other side of those trees. When the sun hits that ridge just right, these hills sing."The three came into a room where there were two people. One was slender with long black hair and thick eye brows. The eye color was brown and wears a red and yellow robe, a crown, and black sandals. Also, aqua colored earrings are seen on him. The other one was obese with black hair and brown eyes together with green poncho and black sandals.The slender one told, "Well that settles it.""Really?" wondered the other and the first keeps on. "Yep. Problem solved. Thanks for coming.""That's it? That's all you wanted me for?" asked the obese man and the slender said, "I just needed and insider's opinion before I okay-ed this spot for my pool.""Your pool?" asked Kuran as he steps in. The one with crown asked, "How did you get in? Any way… to answer your question."Then he hits the top of a village model on a hill with a model of a castle with the words, "Boo-yah! Welcome to Kuzcotopia! My ultimate summer getaway complete with water slide.""What?" asked the man and Kuran together while Roxas and Lea came in. The young guy told, "It's my birthday gift to me"Then he hugs it and told, "I'm so happy…""Seriously… you are mad," told Roxas and the man in poncho asked, "What is happening?""Well, let me clear it up for you. At my birthday celebration tomorrow I give the word, and your town will be destroyed to make way for Kuzcotopia. So if were you, I'd pick up some change-of-address forms on the way home.""And if I were you, I would change these plans!" told Kuran. "You cannot just force a whole village to leave their homes for your luxury! After all, there are for sure other and better places for it!""Listen up! I am the Emperor here! Not you! So my word is law," told the emperor. Kuran wanted to get this Emperor, but suddenly he, Roxas, and Lea were grabbed by the soldiers which were red on the one side and on the other side blue, wearing some clothes, a hat, and spears.The emperor winked to the three before they flew out of the window…The man went after them in worry if they were hurt and found them in the flags outside the palace. Well… he found Lea and Roxas hanging there. Kuran was more unlucky and lands face down into the solid rock, lying there, and somehow his body is leaving a crack mark on the ground.In the meanwhile, in a cave walked an extremely old, elderly women, shriveled, completely bald having lavender skin, wrinkled face, red lips and yellow eyes. And she wears a black dress. One could guess she is either a special kind of Heartless from the time around the dinosaurs or so… And No! The worlds of Disney's Dinosaurs or other movies playing around this age aren't counting! Well… this woman is Yzma and she was working for Kuzco as his adviser, but… due to the fact she tried to rule the kingdom behind the Emperor's back, she got fired.While walking around she curse, "Damm Kuzco! What is he thinking about firing me? I practically raised him!" Then she took a hammer and destroyed a statue of the young Emperor. It was soon replaced by a muscular man in blue and gold clothes with black hair and… no clue how to describe his hat. This guy was Kronk! The current right hand of Yzma. Every decade or so she gets a new one… and this is the current version. Strong, athletic, and a heart of gold if the right conditions are met. However… he is also dumb and dimwitted. If you threw a cookie at him, calling to catch, he would try to catch it with his mouth, even jump after it when it falls over an edge… like the edge of a cliff.After replacing the statue he told, "Yeah, you think he would've turned out better.""Yeah… figure," told Yzma and then the question came, "Shouldn't you have already taken care of this fool? Did you even get the information we asked for.""Yeah, I know! But finding a good opportunity to get rid of him is hard. Not to mention that I don't know what you are talking about," told Yzma and looks to Kronk. However he shook his head, "I didn't say anything.""What? But then…" she began, but as she turned around she laughs nervously. "Oh Aros… it's … nice to see you.""Now tell me if you finally got the information and how you plan to make this world to a base for us," told Aros without hesitation. Yzma laughed and told, "About taking care of Kuzco… I will think of something right away and for the information, we gave the scrolls we found to a set as flowers and sent them as presents to this one guy… since it wouldn't be so suspicious then leaving the palace for a few days, especially so close to Kuzco's birthday.""Yeah! Not to mention how long we had to search for," told Kronk. "We found it in the last corner of the library. And boy! I think the only bigger one is the library in Seafang."Aros raised an eyebrow. "I don't know if you are right, but sounds big.""I was stuck there for a week, eating rats or unreadable pages from books to keep myself alive and don't ask where I got something to drink," told Kronk. Yzma deadpanned. "You know that there were signs pointing to the exit? I thought you were gone for so long because you checked each book twice. You could have told me that you got lost.""But Yzma. You didn't ask for it… you only wanted to know if I found what we are looking for," countered Kronk. Aros slapped his face and asked, "Why I am working with you again? Oh right… the deal…""I don't know what your deal with Maleficent is, but I will get rid of Kuzco!" told Yzma and began to shoot with a machine gun at a wall painting of Kuzco. Then suddenly a soldier showed up, took the machine gun, and hands a letter to her. She reads it loudly, "Punishment for using to modern weapons in a not so advanced world. Pay 5000 money or go directly into prison.""Sounds like a Monopoly card," told Kronk while Yzma paid the money. "Well, it's better you're takin' out your anger at these statues and wall paintings instead at the real Kuzco by using a potion or the Heartless."With that, Yzma lowered the hammer she wanted to use to crash the wall painting."THAT'S IT KRONK!" she stated laughing. "I'll get rid of Kuzco!""I'll get rid of Kuzco!" she stated."The real Kuzco?" Kronk asked."Of course, the real Kuzco! Don't you see, it's perfect, with him out of the way and no heir to the throne I will take over and rule the empire!" she stated laughing."BRILLIANT!""Yeah, but how does that work with you being fired?" Kronk asked."The only ones who know about that are the three of us soon to be the two of us. TO THE SECRET LAB!" Yzma yelled rushing up to what looked like a monster head on the wall."Pull the lever, Kronk!" she stated Kronk pulled the lever and,"WRONNNGGGG LEEEVVVVERRRR!" she yelled falling."Uh oh, we should really mark those," Kronk mumbled as Yzma emerged from the door with an alligator biting her butt and after whacking it away she growled, "Why do we even have that lever?""Get out of my way!" she snapped pulling the right lever, they were instantly flipped into a small cart."Please remain seated and keep your arms and legs in at all times," said the mechanical voice as they rocketed off to the 'secret' lab. When they got off they were dressed in mad scientist garbs and with a high five they began to scheme."How shall I do it?" Yzma asked. "I know! I'll transform Kuzco into a zebra. This zebra will put in chains, which are attached inside a cage. This cage will be brought into a lion pit I buy beforehand and have hungry lions in there. Then I open the cage and let the lions do their work!""IT'S BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, I TELL YOU GENIUS I SAY!" Yzma stated knocking over a ghastly purple vile which lands into a pot with plant. There was a smoke before the plant turns black and disintegrates into ash before the same burns up as green flames and leave a hole into the ground.Yzma and Kronk looked at the hole and she told, "Or to save time and money, I'll just poison him with this."Then she hands the vile over to Kronk. "Take it, Kronk. Feel the power." And he answered, "Oh, I can feel it.""Our moment of triumph approaches. I will rule this world and the witch gets her breeding place for the Heartless!" laughed Yzma and Kronk asked, "Uhm… how are Heartless even reproducing?""Don't know, don't care! It's dinnertime!" told Yzma.Then in her home Kronk prepared the last pieces of a dinner where Yzma is asking, "So, is everything ready for tonight?""Oh yeah. I thought we'd start of with soup and a light salad, and then see how we feel after this.""Not the dinner. The, you know…" told Yzma. "Oh right. This…" answered Kronk. "Got you covered.""Excellent," told Yzma. "A few drops in his drink, and then I'll propose a toast… and he will be dead before dessert!""Which is a real shame, because it's gonna be delicious," told Kronk.Then Kuzco shows up with, "Boom, bam, baby! Let's get to the grub!""I am one hungry king of the world," was his exclamation and Yzma offered a toast before the meal. Kuzco agreed and Kronk got the drinks with preparing the poison."A toast to the Emperor, long live Kuzco!" Yzma declared. Kuzco spun his cup on his finger while Kronk quietly relayed to Yzma that all the cups were poisoned. Yzma tossed hers into a nearby plant while Kronk pretending to drink it, letting it pour to the floor while Kuzco downed it all."Mmm tasty!" he stated before his head suddenly hit the table with a thud face down.Yzma laughed. "Good work, Kronk!" she stated."Now to get rid of the body!" she stated."OKAY! What are we talking about?" Kuzco asked, his head suddenly shooting up, shocking Yzma."Uh, we were just making a toast to your long and-" Yzma started to say before poof, Kuzco had llama ears."He-healthy rule!" Yzma finished with a forced smile."Right, so what are you gonna do?" Kuzco asked as his neck got long and harry, while Yzma had just looked to her left to see that the plant she "poisoned" actually had the form of a llama now, exclaiming what is going on. Not to mention… by the spectacular way how the poison works, she should have been suspecting it wasn't the poison. Just stating an obvious fact."I mean, you've been around a long time and I mean a really long time," Kuzco started, one of his arms suddenly gaining a hoof at the end. Yzma grabbed two broccoli and hit one with the other over and over."I mean that's gonna be tough for a lady hitting their stride. Hey Kronk, can you top me off pal, be a friend?" Kuzco laughed, holding the cup with another hoof as his face now llama like."HI-hic-T Hi-hic-m on-hic th-hic-e he-hic-ad!" Yzma cough spoke, but Kronk was still confused."More broccoli?" he tried. Yzma then punched her palm with her fist and Kronk seemed to get it because while Kuzco continued talking, he was hit with the broccoli dish."WHAT! A LLAMA! HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" Yzma shouted."Yeah, weird." Kronk replied shaking his head.Yzma held out her hand with a glare and Kronk passed her the bottle."This isn't poison you dolt this is extract of llama!" she snapped, throwing the vile at him."You know in my defense you should really re-label your potions, they all look alike," Kronk defended."TAKE HIM OUT OF TOWN AND FINISH THE JOB NOW!" Yzma snapped."Uh, what about dinner?" Kronk asked."Kronk I'm sure its delicious and yes you worked hard on it, but there's no time and this more important!" Yzma retorted."What about dessert and coffee?" Kronk asked, hungry."Alright a slice of pie and some coffee, THEN TAKE HIM OUT OF TOWN AND FINISH THE JOB!" Yzma yelled, her pale skin turning red.In the meanwhile Kuran, Lea and Roxas were helping the peasant whose village should be destroyed to load his cart which was pulled by a normal llama. The three learned his name was Pacha and Kuran told, "Sorry that we couldn't do anything for your village.""Don't worry about it. We will manage somehow. Thanks for your help anyway," told Pacha. However, he looks very sad and Kuran keeps on. "Let us help you at least to find a new place once we get there."Lea shrugs and notices a guy who presses himself on a wall with a sack in his hand. Tilting his head Lea muttered, "This guy doesn't realize that two giant reliefs are pointing at him."The man who was pressing at the wall was Kronk who had in the sack the unconscious Kuzco. The henchman of Yzma went on a bridge with water underneath it and let the sack drop it there. Once he did it, he told, "Mission accomplished."However. he looked after the sack and was unsure if he did the right thing… then two miniature versions of him appear on the shoulders. One dressed like a devil, the other like an angel. "My shoulder angel."The shoulder angel told, "You're not gonna let him die like that, are you?"Then the devil countered, "Don't listen to that guy. He's trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm gonna lead you down the path that rocks.""Oh, come off it," told the angel and the devil said, "You come off it!"Then the two are having a fight of constant repeating the word you until the devil told, "You infinity."Once the angel gave up the devil explainsm "Listen up, big guy. I got three good reasons why should just walk away. Number one: He's got that sissy stringy music thing" and points to the good counterpart. The angel counteredm "We've been through this. It's a harp, and you know it.""Oh, right. That's a harp and that's a dress." "Robe" "Reason number two: Look what I can dom" told the devil and made a handstand with only one hand. I would argue with the fact that Yzma would send the Heartless at Kronk if you ask me… "Hey! author! You should step out of this breaking fourth wall part!" told the devil and the angel adds. "I agree on that."Shut up! My story, my rules! And "Emperor's new Grove" is known for fourth wall breaks and other crazy things!The devil and angel looked at each other and told together with Kronk, "Touché."Then Kronk asked regarding the earlier handstand, "But what does that have to do with anything?""He has a point!" told the angel and Kronk just jumped suddenly and captured the sack just before it fell off a waterfall… a waterfall with a few kilometers of heights. The zooming out only proves it that the edge of this waterfall is nearly on top of a mountain. Makes one wonder how they have an artificial river in a town that is built on top of a mountain. And in this distance a chimp eats a bug.… … … What does it have to do with the story again?Nothing? Thought so… back to Kronk!Yzma's right hand was running through the streets of the town telling, "Oh boy. Think, think, think. What to do, what to do? What do we do with the body?"Like told earlier: Heart of gold in a good time, but anytime else: dumb like a rock. He keeps on talking. "Come on, Kronky. Come on, Kronky. Okay. What do I do? What do I do?"As he rushes down some stairs he didn't notice the cat on one of them and steps on her tail, which results the cat to cry and attack Kronk. He let go of the sack with Kuzco in there and tries to get the cat off. He rushes down and tries to find the sack, but… it was gone and was only able to catch a glimpse of the owner of the cart where the sack with the transformed Emperor land. Strange that nobody has noticed the additional sack yet."This isn't good. I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me," Kronk muttered then became very nervous and guilty and afraid of Yzma.Pacha, Lea, Roxas, and Kuran were making their way through the mountains, which wasn't really an easy trip and after crossing a long bridge, which also were very high. Note to myself: When I write my holiday guide of worlds, add a warning that this world isn't for people which are afraid of highs.Also, there was a jungle to pass before the four arrived the village which really looked like the small scale model Kuzco had. They moved up the way and go to the top of the house, which was Pacha's and two children rush to him. A boy and a girl. One of them told that a bug was eaten, making Pacha assume that their mother was baking again. "Don't tell her I said that.""I heard it," told Pacha's woman, who was a beautiful woman with a big stomach. It was easy to assume that she was pregnant with a baby. She told the two children to move aside and she greet her husband but also asked who their guest are."I am Roxas, and this is Lea," told the blond Nobody and Lea asked with his catchphrase "Got it Memorized?" while pointing to his head and Kuran told, "I am Kuran.""Please, come in!" told the woman and invited the guests in. While moving in Kuran told, "You seem to have a nice family.""That's right, Kuran. They are my pride," answered Pacha and notices Kuran's face. "Did I say something wrong?""Has nothing to do with you," replied Kuran. "I just envy that you have a family.""Oh… did you lose yours?""Pretty much," nods Kuran. "I may have a glimmer of hope, but… it's very unlikely that this comes true.""Don't think so negative! Even if there is only the slightest hope. You shouldn't give up," told Pacha and Kuran nods. "I will think about it. Now let me help you to get the stuff off the cart."Suddenly the screen halted and the llama Kuzco shows up."Uh, hey there, uh one sec," he laughed nervously and pulled out a red maker. "This story is all about me! Yep! That's right! Not about these two goons."He crossed Lea and Roxas out, who was going to the house. "Or this guy." crosses Pacha out. "Or this!" crosses Kuran out. Then he circles the sack with the marker "It's all about me! These lame 41 chapters before my arrival are just build up for ME! Once I am back human, I will get the ultimate Keyblade, yep even more ultimate then Ultima or this X-Blade. Seriously! Why describe a weapon with only one letter? Anyway… I beat up Xehanort, his 13 Darkness and I win over the hearts of all 7 Princess of Light. Will be a tough mission to choose one of them. Especially since none of them can keep up with my awesomeness!"Dude! What are you doing?"I am making sure that everybody knows WHO is the real main character in this story!" told Kuzco.Sorry! But you are only a character showing for this world. And you are interrupting the story with this nonsense. So now get lost or I'll feed you to the next wild animal I find. Preferring a dragon."Come on… you don't want to tell me that you would be able to find a dragon here? I mean this is my world! I am the ruler here so why should I care?" told Kuzco and suddenly a roar was heard and not a dragon but a T-Rex stops up to Kuzco. He looked up and sweat drops. "I think we should continue with the story."Finally… thanks Tiny!Tiny nods and runs off as a LARGE bone was tossed. Not an everyday sight to see that a T-Rex acts like a dog…The story moves on and Kuran notices the sack began to move. He asked Pacha what was in there, but… he was sure this wasn't his sack. He opens in and the head of a llama sticks out. He pets the head and asked, "Where'd you come from, little guy?""NO touchy..." groaned the Llama, dizzy. Wait... a talking llama?"GAH DEMON LLAMA!" Pacha cried backing away, making the others back away."Demon Llama? WHERE?" the 'Demon' Llama cried, turning towards Pacha's llama. They both screamed at each other as the red llama jumped out of the cart and began to run on two feet, but began to lose footing and rolled into a wall."Ohhh my head," the llama groaned while Kuran and Pacha looked at it, Kuran having a sword out."Okay Demon Llama, just take it easy I mean you NO HARM!" Pacha stated, and the llama told, "Uh what, what are you- wait I know you two, your that whiny peasant and your that guy who snuck into my palace!"That comment made Kuran and Pacha gasp and do a double take. "Emperor Kuzco?" they asked together."CHEYAH! Who'd you expect?" Kuzco snapped. The two exchanged nervous glances a little afraid to answer."You are not really looking like the Emperor," explains Kuran."What do you mean I don't look like an Emperor?" Kuzco asked as if Kuran was being stupid."Do this," replied Pacha, wiggling his fingers and raising it up to his eye level."What is this some country game you peasant folk like to- GAH IT CAN'T BE!" Kuzco cried, seeing his hand was now a hoof. He rushed over to where he last crashed, which was a small well full of water. He looked in and sure enough, he was a llama. "OH NO, NO MY BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL FACE! I'M AN UGLY, STINKY LLAMA!""Kuzco you have to calm down!" states Kuran. "And what happened?""I'm trying to figure that out, alright?" Kuzco replied, going to walk only to fall on his stomach and starting to whine again."I can't remember! I can't remember anything…..wait a minute I remember you. I remember telling you I was going to build my pool where your house was and I remember you heard that and you both got mad at me. OH!" he cried then eyes narrowing hatefully on Pacha and Kuran. Kuran steps forward and asked, "And what does it have to do with you being a llama?""Then you both turned me into a llama! And kidnapped me," accused Kuzco. Kuran looked at the llama and began to laugh. And while laughing he explains, "Me? Turning YOU into a llama Too much the honor! Seriously! If I were able to do that, a lot of my personal problems would be solved a long time ago!"Keeping on laughing he continues. "Nope! Didn't turn you into one! I don't know any magic at all! Not to mention… why bother to take you with us if we turned you into a llama in the first place?""Why should I know? You are the criminal master minds, not me!" states Kuzco and Kuran finally stopped laughing. "Sorry… but it wasn't us!""You are right. That's giving you way too much credit," told Kuzco and Kuran shook his head while Pacha looks in disbelief. Then Kuzco states, "Okay, I have to get back to the palace. Yzma's got that "secret lab," I'll just snap my fingers and order her to change me back.""If you know about this lab, it cannot be that secret," states Kuran. "And your plan has two holes: First, why would this 'Yzma' believe you that you are the Emperor since you are not really looking like… well… you! And the second hole is that you never would find the way on your own. You need help and for that there is a price.""What price?" asked Kuzco with narrowed eyes and Pacha understood what Kuran is pulling. "You won't build your pool here. Look somewhere else for a good place.""You wanna run that by me again?" asked Kuzco and Kuran told, "We can't let you go back unless you change your mind and build your pool somewhere else."Kuzco, now excepting he was going to have to walk like a quadruped, just gave them an angry smile."I've got a little secret for you two, come here, no closer." Pacha leaned in to hear what he had to say. Kuran didn't since he had a guess what he will tell."I DON'T MAKE DEALS WITH PEASANTS!" he shouted in his ears, proving Kurna to be right."Then I guess none of us are taking you back," Kuran replied while Pacha was checking for loss of hearing. Kuzco retorted, "FINE! I don't need any of you, I can find my own way back.""I wouldn't recommend it. It's a little dangerous if you don't know the way," Pacha pointed out, but Kuzco mocked, "Nice try, pal.""Kuzco it's not a lie!" warned Kuran and Pacha states, "Your Highness please, there's poisonous snakes, jaguars, and quicksand!""He isn't kidding there!" warned Kuran, but Kuzco ignores them and Pacha gave up. "Fine! If there's no Kuzco, there's no Kuzcotopia.""And who will be in his place?" asked Kuran. Pacha thinks about it. "I think the Emperor's adviser."He wanted to leave, but looks at the jungle with a guilty look. With rolling eyes Kuran told, "Before you are so stupid to go after him, let me get Roxas and Lea… we might survive this dumb self centered llama if four of us are handling him."Pacha nods and waits for Kuran. Now a look at the llama turned Emperor…"Pfft scary jungle, yeah right," He mumbled before passing a nearby leaf."Oh a leaf, oooooh it might have attacked me!" he stated, laughing."Oh it's scary tree, I'm afraid!" he stated mockingly."Please, never find my way. I'm the Emperor and as such I have an innate sense of direction! ... okay where am I?" Kuzco asked, now lost. A fly buzzed by and was trapped in a web."Help me, help me, help me!" it said over and over again until a spider came and chomped down on it over and over viciously. Then it states, "Too late.""Okay, that was the freakiest thing I've ever seen.." Kuzco muttered.He was suddenly startled by a sound of rustling. Kuzco screamed as a 'scary' squirrel came out to greet him. It made rodent chatter as it offered Kuzco a nut, although being scared wasn't something the Emperor had taken kindly to."Awww for me? Why I don't know what to say," Kuzco replied sweetly before banging the poor squirrel on the head with the acorn."Hit the road, Bucky!" Kuzco snapped, giving the angry squirrel a raspberry as he went. He suddenly dropped into a large jaguar den.Bucky suddenly appeared and prepared a balloon which looks like a llama in hand, and pulled a thorn from a nearby plant."No no!" Kuzco tried to get the squirrel to stop, but since Kuzco had meanly refused his gift and threw something at his head, he popped the balloon there was a loud pop. Kuzco, who was waiting for a bunch of growls, saw that the jaguars were still asleep."HA! GASP!""GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"Kuzco was now running for his life to be not eaten by the wild animals, but his run led him to the edge of a cliff."You killer jaguars," muttered Kuzco and gulps as he realizes how deep this cliff is going. He saw himself at the mercy of these black jaguars, even the cubs. Then they turned as they heard a Tarzan like roar and they saw Kuran and Patcha swinging down to them. Kuzco gave them a "you're in" look, but the jaguars ducked Patcha and Kuran lands in front of them but had only a dagger in hand. Kuzco looked uncertain. "What? Only this?""Didn't went like planned and bigger could hit you," told Kuran, but Pacha suddenly was back and accidentally grabs Kuran. However, he manages to get Kuzco in return."Don't worry your Highness, I got ya, your safe now!" he stated. However, as he looked forward he called, "Pacha! Look out!"And they crashed into a tree and was spun around and tied to it. "Now I wonder where the others are…""Maybe I'm just new to this whole rescuing thing," began Kuzco, "But this, to me, it might be considered kind of a step backwards, wouldn't you say?""Well… it could be worse," states Pacha and as the tree began to crack Kuran countered, "Never say this in a bad situation! Because it always will."Kuzco had only one thing to say: "I hate you both…"Then two screams were heard while the tree with the three people were falling towards the river.In the meanwhile, to an appointed spot, Lea and Roxas were waiting. Lea looked at his friend and told, "They are taking a long time.""Don't worry! I trust Kuran!" told Roxas and suddenly they saw the tree falling down from their spot and Lea told, "I think we shouldn't have trust Pacha to handle this…""Agree…"After landing in the river the three had a wild ride before reaching a calm area of the river.After this Kuzco states, "I don't know about you two, but I'm getting all funned out.""Uh-oh," told suddenly Pacha and as Kuran looked he just states, "Great…""Don't tell me," started Kuzco, "We're about to fall down a huge waterfall.""Yep," told Pacha and Kuzco keeps on, "Sharp rocks at the bottom?""Most likely," told Kuran and shrugs. Kuzco also shrugs. "Bring it on.""BOOOYAAAHAHAHAHA WHOOOOHOOOOOOHOOO!" screamed Kuzco as the log crashed into the lake below.Short time after Pacha, Kuran, and Kuzco resurfaces, the last unconscious and got underwater again. The two dived after him and pulled him out of the water, while Roxas and Lea came to the shore.Trying to get Kuzco awake, Pacha slapped the llama a few times and called him to wake up… as it was futile he groans, "Why me?"Then Pacha began to give the llama a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or in short CPR, by pressing the chest and… putting his lips on him to press air in. While doing it the Emperor opens his eyes and pushes Pacha away while crying loudly.Lea, Kuran, and Roxas looked at each other and Kuran states, "Awkward…""Say it out loud…" told Roxas and Lea told, "While my trademark quote is about memorizing things, I would like to forget that sight."Later everybody was preparing a camp while Kuzco was gargling water, trying to clean his mouth of the peasant dirt from Pacha."For the last time it was not a kiss!" Pacha stated as Lea was trying to get a fire going,"Well whatever you call it," Kuzco stated, using the spitting prowess llamas were famed for to aim a bit of water at the fire much to Lea's dismay. He groans and took his Keyblade out and shoots a fireball at the fire place, lighting it up."Hey! What is that?" asked Kuzco and Lea told, "My weapon.""Anyway this kiss was disgusting!" countered Kuzco and shakes his body, spraying the water everywhere, getting the fire out and Lea was now on the edge of just killing the llama in front of him."But now that you've all come to your senses and are here, you'll all take me back to the palace, I'll have Yzma change me back, and then I'll begin construction on Kuzcotopia. OH YEAH!" Kuzco stated with vigor.Pacha laughed. "Okay I think we got off on the wrong foot here," he stated as Kuzco used his poncho for a towel."I think if you put some thought into it, you'd decide to build your summer home somewhere else," Pacha told him. Kuzco looked at him and asked, "And why would I do that?""Because…" began Pacha and Roxas told, "Deep down, you'll realize that you're forcing an entire village out of their homes just for you.""And that's bad?" asked Kuzco and Lea nods. "Well yeah?""Nobody is that heartless," told Pacha and Kuran rolls his eyes, knowing from his own experience there are a LOT of people that heartless. To prove his point Kuczo just told, "Now take me back.""What? Wait!" told Roxas. "How can you be this way?""All you care about is building your summer home and filling it with stuff for you," told Pacha and Lea sighs. "This is got too much spoiled in his childhood."Kuran shrugs. "Tends to happen in royal families.""You're the only ones that don't seem to be with the program," told Kuzco and Pacha told, "You know what? Someday, you're gonna wind up all alone with nobody to blame but yourself.""Thanks for that," states Kuzco. "I'll love that way. Now, for the final time I order you to take me back to the palace.""For me it looks like you're stuck out here," told Pacha. "Because unless you change your mind, I'm not taking you back.""Because unless you change your mind, I'm not taking you back," mocked Kuzco and looks at the other three, but Kuran just states, "None of us knows the way. Only Pacha."As the three went back to their conversation, they were suddenly hit by rocks and they turned to Kuzco who just told, "Huh? What? I didn't do anything. I didn't- Somebody's throwing stuff. You gonna build a fire or what? What's going on?""He is never going to change his mind," told Kuran. "I wonder why we are still here.""Because you follow your heart in this case?" asked Roxas and Kuran sighs. "One of the few times I wish I didn't start with that."Finally they got the fire on and sat around it, but Kuzco didn't join them and tried to sleep. However, since he wasn't used to the wild environment, he was freezing while Roxas had to borrow from Lea his coat who seems to not mind the cold at all.Pacha just walked over and placed his poncho on Kuzco. The llama looked back at Pacha as he joined in the fire place again and seems to talk with the other three about something. Once Pacha was asleep as well Lea asked, "Why don't you just open up a dark portal to make this a short trip?"Kuzco listened in and wanted to ask what is going on as Kuran answered, not aware like the others that the llama was awake, "I thought about it Lea. But as spoiled and self centered Kuzco is, a trip through the dark corridor might affect him negatively. I don't want to be the cause of this guy losing his heart. Whatever it is left from it."Roxas nods. "I can understand you… it has at least the nice side effect we are still able to try to change his mind."Kuzco lied down and close his eyes…Chapter 44: Chapter 43On the next day Yzma was standing next to a picture of Kuzco and told, "And so, it is with great sadness that we mourn the sudden departure of our beloved prince, taken from us so tragically on the very eve of his 18th birthday. His legacy will live on in our hearts for all eternity." While Kronk sobbed about how Kuzco was a poor guy and never had a chance… then Yzma finished: "Well, he ain't getting any deader! Back to work!"Then everybody moves without a second thought and redesigned everything to fit their new queen. During the work, Aros went up to her and told, "Now we finally get our new breeding base for the Heartless.""Yes," smirks Yzma and turns to Kronk. "Kronk, darlin', I must admit you had me worried when you mixed up those poisons. But now that Kuzco is dead, all is forgiven.""Ah. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's… He's dead, all right," told Kronk and Aros asked, "You sure he is dead?""I mean, you can't get much deader than he- than he is right now," stammered the big guy and told, "Unless, of course, we killed him again."Aros and Yzma looked at Kronk and he point his Keyblade at Kronk. "Tell me he is dead!""I need to hear these words," told Yzma and Kronk just asked, "Do you need to hear all those words exactly?""He is alive?" called Aros and hits into the ground with his Keyblade so hard that part of the balcony broke apart and lands on the guards below."Well, he's not as dead as we would've hoped," told Kronk and Aros asked, "Give me a good reason why I don't rip you apart right now!""I just thought I'd give you the heads-up in case Kuzco ever came back," told Kronk and Yzma told "He can't come back!""Yeah. That would be kind of awkward, especially after that lovely eulogy," told Kronk and Aros just snapped his fingers and the Heartless appears while Yzma told, "Be glad you are the only one with muscles who can carry my carriage! You, Aros, and I are going out to find him. If he talks, we are through! Now let's move!"Kuran was on a nearby lake to wash his face and sighs, then he saw Pacha and Kuzco sitting next to each other, seemly talking with each other. Then it seems they shake hands . Then he stood up and called, "Guys! We get Kuzco back to the palace!""He change his mind?" asked Lea. "Is that true? I mean, it means he would do something nice for somebody else other than him.""He did!" told Pacha and Roxas told, "Seems even he can change.""I have a strange feeling," admits Kuran and they began to make their way. They reach a cliff with a long bridge. According to Pacha, they would be within an hour after passing the bridge. Kuzco states, "Good, because believe it or not, I think I need a bath.""I believe it," told Kuran, "and once we returned you, I'll look for an Inn and get a bath… only, a change of clothes might be difficult.""Why?" asked Roxas and Kuran told, "I have only this set of clothes I am wearing right now.""Better we get you a change once we get home," told Lea and Kuran told him, "We have to talk about that later."However, suddenly Heartless appears and blocked the path on both ends of the bridge. They heard a laughter and Aros walks in. "Good thing I looked for you on my own!""Who are you?" asked Kuran while drawing his swords and Aros told, "Why should I tell the dead my name?"Then he shoots a Firaga into the middle of the bridge. Kuzco runs to the end that leads to the palace while the others retreat to the other side. Pacha called, "Where are you going?""Well, I was gonna have you imprisoned for life, but I kind of like this better," told Kuzco and adds, "And I had to say something to you to get you moving.""Why I am not surprised you lied to us?" told Kuran and deflected one of the Heartless. Kuzco wanted to leave, but… Aros blocked his way with his weapon pointed at him. "Going somewhere?""What do you want?" asked Kuzco and Aros simply told, "Just getting rid of you… there is somebody who wants you dead after all""What?" asked Kuzco and Aros keeps on, "And I bet Hades will gladly tell you who was the one who did this to you!"Then he prepared to slay the llama. However, he falls and cries. Kuzco looked down and found a dark mist on the ground which disappears while Kuran and Lea somehow appear on his side, fighting the Heartless that wanted to jump at the Emperor. Because of the looks of the Heartless, Kuzco was in the near of the two fighters, but… Lea came to the idea to use a fire spell at CLOSE distance against a group of Detonators. The following explosion took all remaining Heartless out, but… caused Kuran, Lea, and Kuzco to fly back to the other side of the cliff. The last two landing on Kuran.Roxas and Pacha runs up and asked, "Are you alright?""Yeah… I am," told Lea and wondered, "How could I forget that Detonators explode by fire.""No clue," told Kuran. "Next time I kill you if the blast doesn't do the job.""Yeah… I am fine," told Kuzco and Pacha told, "Good!"Then he punches the llama with the words, "That's for going back on your promise!"Then Kuzco kicked him. "Yeah. That's for kidnapping me and taking me to your village, which I'm still gonna destroy, by the way." However then he adds, "No touchy!"Pacha hits him which caused the Emperor to hit a nearby rock and Pacha exclaims, "I don't believe it that we risk our lives for a selfish brat like you? I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but, oh, you proved me wrong."The two keeps fighting and arguing while Kuran asked, "How about we wait until they are finished and THEN we look how it goes on?""How to pass the time?" asked Roxas and Lea told, "Well… how about poker? I still got the deck that Luxord gave me as a welcome gift.""Sure! If you teach us," told Roxas and Kuran sighs. "Why do I have the feeling that will be a long way."While they were playing Lea asked, "Where did you send this guy to?""Well… to a place where he will be real busy for a while," told Kuran.The scene changes to a place where was a large tower with a blazing eye. And Aros was in the middle of a camp where he is slicing one ugly ork after another without any end in sight while two small figures in ork armors pass by unnoticed."Mister Frodo. Who do you think he is?" asked the first and Frodo told, "I don't know. He must be mad to take the orks on his own, but since he has all the attention from the orks, he is helping us in our quest.""Modor? Never heard of it," told Lea and Kuran told, "Better that way… I barely got out there alive."Then the two beat up Kuzco and Pacha shows up to them and Kuran asks, "You settled your differences?""Yeah… after falling off the cliff, saving each other, and him saving me," told Pacha and the three sweat drops. "And we didn't notice a thing?""Well you didn't expect it would get that bad," assures Pacha. "Now we should go… with the bridge out we have now a four-day walk to the palace.""Why don't you use the trick you did to cross the canyon?" asked Kuzco and Kuran admits, "Was thinking, but it is too dangerous… without the right protection the chances of surviving are low.""And you have the right cloths?" asked Kuzco. Kuran told, "I have a natural resistance while the other two does. Sorry, but due to how they are cut, you two wouldn't fit in and all off your body needs to be covered by these kinds of clothes."Kuzco looks at them but told, "Then let us go."In the meanwhile Yzma crossed on a map several villages out with, "No,NO, no! We've searched every village surrounding the palace and Aros just left on his own!""Kronk!" she yelled into a phone of sorts, and Kronk called back, "Kronk here!""I'm getting tired, pull over!" she yelled, and his answer was, "Sure thing. Kronk out!"As Kronk stopped Yzma got out using the guy as a stair case much to his discomfort.She was now getting stuck in mud and losing her shoes quickly."Grr these were my best shoes! I hate this jungle!" she stated, pulling her scarf out of the mud, then a swarm of wasps attacked her.Jane, Tarzan, and Professor Archimedes Porter are looking around, not noticing Yzma running away from wasps in the background and Archimedes told, "It's fantastic! This part of the jungle shows things I never expected to be here!""But there are also animals which I would rather find in South America," notes Jane as Yzma ran the other way."It is because you are completely wrong here! By the great tree you passed you were supposed to turn left and not right into the dark cave," told XSDStitch's voice. "In fact, you are right now in South America.""Oh! That explains it!" told Archimedes. "Would you be so kind to bring us back?""My pets will do that," told XSDStitch and a set of giants eagles grabs the three as Yzma ran back towards Kronk and falling in the mud.Bucky the squirrel from yesterday offered Yzma an acorn that didn't end well."GET AWAY FROM ME!" Yzma screeched, scaring the poor squirrel into Kronk's hands, yelling at her then turning to Kronk to ask."Yeah, tell me about it," the squirrel now had a bit of a sad face and continued to chatter to Kronk."No it's not you, she's not the easiest person to get close to. There's a wall there trust me," Kronk replied."Are you talking to that squirrel?" Yzma asked, wiping her face."I was a Junior Chipmunk. I had to be first with all the woodland creatures," Kronk explained. "Please, continue."The squirrel then went on to tell him about last night, much to Yzma's dismay."UH! Why me WHY ME?" she complained."It doesn't always have to be about you, this little guys had it rough. Seems a talking llama gave him a hard time the other day," Kronk pointed out, changing Yzma's mood instantly."Talking llama! Do tell!" she stated to the squirrel who hid in Kronk's hair and angrily chattered, shooing her away."Uh, he's doesn't really want to talk to you," Kronk replied politely."Well then you ask him!" Kronk sighed, he hated being the middle man.The squirrel continued making several motions to charade something."Jaguars, no kidding?" Kronk asked. Bucky had went into the motions of popping a balloon when he saw Yzma and stopped."Uh, could you give us some room?" Kronk asked."Oh. Sorry," Yzma replied. The squirrel eventually made her back up to the top of a nearby tree. One could wonder how she got up there."HOW'S THIS?" Yzma bellowed and the squirrel nodded."YEAH THAT'S GOOD!" Kronk called."NOW ASK HIM WHICH WAY THE TALKING LLAMA WENT!" she yelled."Uh, squekidy squeak squeakin?" Kronk asked. The squirrel pointed and the two rushed towards their target. And they made their way with the Heartless following them and Yzma had an evil grin on her face.Somewhere on the way Pacha began to carry Kuzco while the other three had their doubts about this."Low blood sugar huh?" asked Pacha and Kuzco replied, "Yeah, it's a curse.""Once we eat something you walk the rest of the today's score," told Lea. "Got that memorized?""Yeah, yeah," told Kuzco and wondered, "When do we get something to eat?""Since we are here in a jungle, only one place exists for a meal: Mudka's Meat Hut," told Pacha and they reach the hut, but… they saw that here was a "llamas forbidden" sign. Pacha and Kuzco looked at each other and Roxas deadpanned. "You two have an idea?""Welcome to Mudka's Meat Hut home of the-" the waitress started then glanced at Kuzco dressed as a girl, who giggled and hid behind a fan, "meat. What'll ya have?""Five specials!" told Pacha and asked the others, "It is alright with you?""You know what I like, Pumpkin. I'm just so happy that everyone can get together. You've all gotten so big," answered Kuzco with feminine voice… at least he tries to, but seems to convince the waitress somewhat and Pacha told, "We were on a honeymoon and our friends are helping us with the package.""Bless you all for coming out in public," she replied, then left to give the orders to the chef. Roxas admits, "Never thought it would work.""Kid! When do you learn all my plans were brilliant?" asked Kuzco and Lea began, "Walking alone into the jungle, chased by jaguars, lying to us to get you to the palace, running while we fought against Heartless only to end up in the arms of the enemy, and fighting with Pacha so much that you two nearly fall to your death… sounds really brilliant for me. If I want to die I will ask you for a plan.""With that attitude you let everything sound bad," told Kuzco. Then the five specials were served… which turned out to be pill bugs. Kuzco looked flat out disgusted and was joined by Roxas and Lea. Pacha, however, looked very excited and vigorously popped it open and began to suck on the insides. Kuran just shrugs and copied Pacha and sucks the insides as well.Roxas ask in disbelief, "You are eating that?""Of course," told Kuran. "If you had been traveling around like me, you learn you can eat everything. By some things you just have to look out since it could end up as your last meal.""Well… if you are hungry you don't mind what you eat," guesses Lea while Kuran and Pacha popped the bugs open for the others, before returning to eat. Roxas looked and tried a piece of it. His eyes widened and told "That isn't even half bad!" before digging in.Lea and Kuzco looked at each other and stand up. "Where are you goin'?" asked Kuran and Kuzco answered, "We are going to have a word with the chef.""You two are getting us thrown out," told Pacha, but Lea told, "Please… with this disguise he is invisible. And we have our right to get something that we CAN eat."Roxas looked at Pacha and Kuran. "Why is this not going well?"Then Yzma and Kronk walked in and she complains, "We've been going around in circles for hours and lost all Heartless we took with us! That's the last time we take directions from a squirrel! I should have dealt with Kuzco myself when I had the chance!"With that second Kuran, Pacha, and Roxas had their ears close to the two without getting noticed."Oh you've got to stop beating yourself up about that," Kronk told. Her fury causing Yzma to bend a fork, at this point everyone was nervous, trying to figure out what to do. Then Kronk told, "Oh hold on I'll get ya another one."The three hid their faces behind the menu cards and Kronk asked, "Excuse me, do you have a spare fork?"Kuran held it out and Kronk answered, "Thank you! Hey! Don't I know one of you?"Kuran and Roxas looked at Kronk and shook their head. "Somebody like you could not be forgotten.""Hmm… true! You don't look familiar! But you… do. Just don't remember where. Junior Chipmunks? Wrestled you in high school? Come on, someone help me out here, aha! Interpretive dancing! I was the one in the back row due to my weak knees.""Doesn't ring a bell," told Pacha while Kuran used the chance to slip away to the kitchen door. As he tried to get Kuzco's and Lea's attention, the two were complaining about the food and asked if anything edible existed. Kuran shook his head and just grabs the llama who complains he was still hungry as he hid. Just one moment to late because Kronk came in and asked on the policies by special orders… however, due to Kuzco's and Lea's previous work, the chef snapped."That's it buster you want a special order then YOU make it! I QUIT I try, and I try but no! NO ONE is satisfied that's it said and done there no respect for anyone with vision anymore!" the chef stated, packing everything including a Meowstic plush and a pot with chili into a suitcase and leaving."Wait, please don't go!" called Kronk."Ordering!" yelled the waitress. "A bunch of door stops a catch of the day and a steak cut in the shape of a trout."And here something unexpected happens."You got all that honey?" she asked."Route 66 with grandma's basket, onikers with pants, seven to-go pizzas, and four franchise anniversaries back to back two on the same year got it!" was his reply. In their hideout Kuran told, "I'll get the others later… I'll get you to safety first.""In a minute. I am still hungry," told Kuzco, who was simply walking out now. Kuran sighs while rubbing the sides of his head. "Why I am even bothering?""Because we are all idiots?" asked Lea."I'll make it easy for ya. I'll have an omelet and some coffee," explains Kuzco and the second where Kuzco went out Yzma came in, snapping, "What are you doing, Kronk?"Kronk wasn't listening, in fact he was filling orders quite quickly. And only said, "Pick up!""Fine, while you're at it make me the special and hold the gravy!" growled Yzma and Kuzco replied as he came in after her leave, "Hey, you know what make my omelet a meat puff and make the coffee soda.""Gotcha," Kronk replied.Pacha and Roxas made their way into the room to get Kuzco, as did Kuran and Lea only to hide while Pacha plastered himself up against the Mudka's Meat Hut cut out and Roxas was hit by the doors."Kronk, can I get the potatoes as a side dish?" she asked and Kronk replied while cutting a steak in the shape of a trout, "I'll have to charge you full price."Yzma growled at this, leaving as Kuzco came in."Hey how about a side of potatoes my good man?" Kuzco asked."You got it, want some cheese on them?" Kronk asked as Yzma came in, and Kuzco left."Thank you Kronk, cheddar will be fine," she replied, leaving."Cheese, got ya!" Kronk replied."Spuds yes, cheese no," Kuzco replied,"Hold the cheese!" Kronk noted."No I want the cheese!" Yzma stated going in and out,"Cheese it is!" Kronk noted,"Cheese it isn't!" Kuzco stated as Lea and Kuran watched them go back in and out over and over as did Pacha, but he was only moving his eyes. Roxas wanted to groan by the constant hits with the door."I want cheese!" Yzma stated."Alright then," Kronk replied."Cheese me no likey!" Kuzco stated."Cheese out." Kronk noted."Cheese in!" Yzma stated."Aw come on make up your mind!" Kronk stated. Kuran shook his head. "After this I want holidays…""I join up," told Lea. "And judging Roxas's condition, he is in as well.""On second thought make my potatoes a salad," they said together, confusing Yzma, who went to sit down. Across from her was Kuzco. They were practically face to face. Each time one of them lowered the menu, the other raised it so none of them realized who the other was. It was already a wonder that Kuzco didn't recognize Kronk on the way.The other four stood there and thought of something on how to get out until Kuran whispered something to the waitress. "No problem honey, we do that all the time." Yzma glances over to Kuzco again and wanted to speak as…"ONE TWO THREE FOUR!" yelled a bunch of the staff as Yzma had the stuffing scared out of her by singing."HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ALL OF US TO YOU! WE WISH IT WAS OUR BIRTHDAY SO WE COULD PARTY, TOO!" Pacha and the others took this opportunity to escape the restaurant with Roxas grabbing Kuzco.As the song finished Kronk came out happy and excited. "It's your birthday?""What is the big deal?" asked Kuzco as they got outside and Kuran explains, "Kuzco there's a couple of people in their looking for you!""Who were they?" asked Kuzco and Roxas answered, "A big guy and a skinny old women!""Wait, was this woman scary beyond all reason?" wondered the llama and all four answered, "OH YEAH!""THAT'S YZMA AND KRONK! I'm saved!" Kuzco cheered, wiping off make up and a flower he had use to pin up Pacha's poncho. However, Lea warned, "Sorry to break the news, pal! But they were out for killing you.""Kill me, their whole world revolves around me!" Kuzco replied in a bit of a laugh. Kuran grabs him. "I won't let you go."Kuczo glared at him. "OH I see, none of you want to take me back. You all want to keep me stranded out here forever!""Kuzco that's not true!" countered Roxas, but Kuzco keeps on, "Yes it is. All you guys care about is that stupid hill top. How selfish can you get? I can't believe I almost fell for it!""Whoa! Now we are the selfish ones?" asked Lea and the llama snapped, "Yes you are, none of you care about me so just get out of here!""Fine!" Pacha replied turning his back the others just glared as Kuzco ran off.He quickly saw Kronk and Yzma come out of the restaurant, going behind a log he was about to jump out at them when…"This is all your fault! If you hadn't mixed up those potions Kuzco would be dead now! There's going to be no more distractions until we hunt that llama down and KILL HIM!" shouts Yzma while Kuzco just watched them leave in horror, and she keeps on "That brat must be eliminated. The Empire will be free of that lazy slug.""Yeah, I just realized no one seems to really care that he's gone, do they?" Kronk mused, carrying off the little back pack hut.And now we are back to the beginning of the last chapter. Now you might realize how he became a llama and how it became that way."Hey, give it a rest up there, will you?" asked Kuzco.I am only telling the story!"Just leave me alone," told Kuzco and laid down in the rain…The rain stopped and Yzma and Kronk made camp. Kronk's tent was so tiny that he could only use it as a tiny blanket. None the less, he snored the night away, until he woke up that is."GASP! The peasant, those guys!" Kronk growled."They didn't pay for their meals," he noted, then collapsed, falling instantly back to sleep for about two seconds."GASP! This peasant, who's the same peasant who I saw disappear into the crowd with Kuzco, GAAAASSP! He must have taken them back to his village we find the village, we find him, and if we find him we find those guys..and Kuzco. Oh yeah its all coming together!"Kronk stated, but paused. "What are these guys with him to do with that? Probably playing a role I am not aware since I don't know them, but the rest makes sense!""YZMA!" Kronk yelled rushing into her tent."WHAT?" she growled, shooting up. Her lips were swollen from wasp bites, she had a couple grubs in her ears, a night facial, and dragon fruit slices over her eyes. The sight made Kronk scream in horror a couple octaves higher than normal."THIS HAD BETTER BE GOOD!" she growled through gritted teeth as the dragon fruit fell off to reveal cucumber slices.The next day Kuzco wandered to a llama field. He waved to the other llama, but they took no noticed and even walked away. He sadly ate some grass and dirt which did not taste good."BLAEH!" he stated, but as he raised his head he saw Pacha and the others. Kuran, Roxas, and Lea were talking while sitting on a table and enjoy a good meal right now while Pacha talked to a llama. "Call me crazy for following him out here, but as much as he denies it. I know there's some good in him. Besides, I couldn't leave him out there all alone, he's a lousy llama and I mean a really lousy llama," Pacha told one of the llamas, then noticed Kuzco."Pacha, listen about what, I said. I didn't mean…" Pacha held up his hand."So you tired of being a llama?" he asked. Kuzco's eyes welled up with tears and the llama cries, "YEEEE-HE HE HE HE ESSSSSS!""Let us get some supplies from my house," told Pacha, but Kuzco points to Kuran and the others. "What they have is not enough?""They only took so much to have a good meal here. The only reason why they are here is to rest up for a few days before continuing their travel," told Pacha and the two move up. As Kuran notices Kuzco he groans, "I need a new brain.""Because you are going to help him once more even though you have had enough of him?" asked Roxas and Kuran nods. Lea just laughed. "Seems we are in for the icky jobs."They rush back to the village to gather the supplies as a pair of old man told, "Hey Pacha, you just missed your relatives.""Relatives?" Pacha asked, worried, sparking worry in Kuzco and the others as the man replied, "Yeah, we sent them up to your house.""What did they look like?" wondered Kuran and got as an answer, "Well there was this really big guy and a scary old woman, um, how would you describe her?""Scary beyond all reason?" the other man asked and the first said, "Yeah that's it!"The five looked at each other and rushed up.Up at Pacha's house Yzma was talking to Pacha's pregnant wife, Chicha."So tell me again how you're related to Pacha?" Chicha asked."Why I'm his sister's, nephew's, brother's great aunt," she replied with Chicha giving her a glazed look."Erm, twice removed," she added sipping, her tea.Kronk, on the other hand, was playing with Pacha's kids Chaca, a girl with pig tails and a dress, and Tipo, a boy with a top not and pants."Ninety-nine monkeys jumping on the bed!" Chaca happily chanted while skipping rope with Kronk and her brother."One fell off and bumped his head," added Kronk."Listen, I'm sorry, but Pacha's not here. But I'd be more than happy to tell him you stopped by," Chicha replied."Would you? That would be just riveting!" Yzma replied, 'accidentally' knocking over her tea."Oops, clumsy me I'll get it!" Yzma stated."No, no! Allow me," Chicha replied somewhat regrettably. Yzma then back flipped into the other room and did jump rope with Kronk to talk."She's hiding something. When I give the signal, we search the house," Yzma explained."Okay, but I still have ninety-four monkeys to go," Kronk replied.Yzma growled then back-flipped onto her seat back in the living room. Not bad for a scary woman with an unknown age. Whatever she took for breakfast, I want it as well if I reach her age."So while we're waiting for Paka," Yzma replied."Pacha," Chicha corrected."Right, Pacha. Perhaps you could show us your lovely home," Yzma suggested."Actually, why don't stop on by when Pacha gets home. I'm sure he'd love to show you the-" Chicha suddenly saw Pacha motioning to meet him out back."Whoa, excuse me would you? I think I left something in the oven," she stated, running off, prompting Yzma to get Kronk."This is my variation of double dutch. On the signal we switch," Kronk explained as he skipped both ropes."Kronk it's time!" Yzma stated, getting caught and stuck skipping the ropes as Kronk took that for the signal to switch.In the kitchen Pacha explained everything to his wife. She understood and the five left as fast as possible. Kuzco wondered, "Is it wise to leave them alone with those two?""Oh don't worry, they can handle themselves," Pacha replied. In the meanwhile, Chicha and the kids had tricked and locked Kronk and Yzma in the closet."There is no handle in here!" Yzma snapped."There's not? Are you sure?" Chicha asked, holding the handle in her hands while Chaca and Tipo giggled."I've had enough of this, tell us where the talking llama is and we'll burn your house to the ground," Yzma stated, but Kronk told, "Uh, I think you mean or." Yzma just huffed and snaps, "Tell us where the talking llama is OR we'll burn your house to the ground!""Which is it that's a serious conjunction," Chaca replied."Break the door down!" Yzma barked at Kronk, who studied the door and he replied, "Are you kidding? This is hand carved mahogany.""Fine! I'll break it down myself!" she stated, counting down. However, Chicha opened the door and Yzma, after slipping on a newly polished floor and going through honey and a pillow and used as a pi?ata, saw Kuzco and Pacha running out of the village together with Kuran, Roxas, and Lea."KRONK THEY'RE GETTING AWAY! KROOOOONNNNNKK!" she screeched."Uh, I gotta go!" Kronk replied, having only gotten down to thirteen monkeys.A map version of the world shows the two parties rushing towards the palace. The first group, consisting Pacha, Kuzco, Kuran, Roxas, and Lea, had red dashes underneath their feet.Yzma and Kronk, the second group, giving chase saw that purple arrow heads were under their feet. Red dashes decorated the mountain range path to their confusion. They shrugged it off and continued.Switch back to the map where map figures of Yzma and Kronk following Kuzco and Co., who had gone in a big circle. Yzma and Kronk weaved their way up.Back to the regular scene. The heroes found themselves facing a large canyon. Pacha shot an arrow and hit a tree that was across. Everyone got across using the rope as a zip-line, Kuzco the last across started to go out of control, but was helped by Pacha. They then saw Yzma and Kronk coming.Kuzco snapped the rope and turned to run like the others. Yzma, however, pulled a string with glider wings coming out of the tent. She was in while she and Kronk got on goggles. They then took off and began to glide across the canyon. Yzma cheered at the success.However, they were struck by a lighting and fall down like rocks and on the map was a cloud with the lighting seen with the dots pointing down.The others reach the hidden entrance of her lab and Lea wondered, "If she made so much work to hide her lab, how do you know about that?"Kuzco shrugs. "Used money of the Empire to make it. One of the smaller reasons why I fired her.""You fired her?" asked Kuran. "No wonder she is mad, but still doesn't explain the killing part.""She ruled also the Empire behind my back," told Kuzco and Roxas told, "Guess this explains it.""Now… pull the lever!" told Kuran. Roxas did like asked and… Kuran falls down. The others looked at the hole in the ground and Lea wondered, "Why does she even have this lever?"Then the splash could heard and dog whining as it sounds like Kuran using his weapons to fend off the crocodiles. He came back and asked, "Why does she has this lever?""Beat you to that," countered Lea and Kuran rolled his eyes while pulling the other lever. They land in the roller-coaster ride and Roxas told, "I would enjoy my first ride in a roller-coaster if it weren't leading to a mad scientist lab.""Agree," told Kuran and the ride began. They cried loudly and on the end all they're on their feet, but only Kuran and Roxas were in the mad scientist clothes… Kuran in Yzma's suit, which was too tight for him, and Roxas in the one of Kronk, which of course is too big for him.The two looked at each other and took the clothes off and they began to search for the antidote. Pacha asked on the way, "What does it look like?""I don't know. Just keep looking," told Kuzco and Lea called after opening a cabinet, "Guys! I found something! One of these has it to be.""Let me see," told Roxas. "We have here lions, tigers bears, snakes, chocobos, Veemon, Pikachu, Moogle, Mobian, Koopa… but where is.."Then suddenly a voice told, "Oh my…"They turned around and saw Yzma getting out of the shadows, asking while holding up the bottle with the potion that turns into human, "Are you looking for this?""How did you get back here before us?" asked Kuran in surprise. Yzma went to answer, but… simply couldn't. Turning to Kronk she asked, "How did we, Kronk?"Kronk thought for moment. Wait… he can THINK? No matter for now. He pulled down a map where the dots of the two sides were seen and told, "Well, you got me. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.""Oh well… back to business," shrugged Yzma and Kuzco began, "Okay, I admit it. Maybe I wasn't as nice as I should have been. But Yzma, do you really want to kill me?""Just think of it as your being let go, that your body is part of a permanent out placement, and your life is going in a different direction with no other option!" she replied venomously, scaring Kuzco. And Kronk points out, "Hey, that's kind of what he said to you but you got fired.""That what's called a cruel irony. Like her dependence on you," sweat dropped Roxas and the old woman replied, "Indeed, but you are not expecting this!" and hits a button.Two giants wheels raised from the ground and both wheels are spiked with different blades and knives. Kuran whistled. "Wow! You got yourself a wheel storage for your knives.""You like it? I installed it recently. Of course, your ability to make weapons out of darkness would make things easier… but I don't have the time to find out how it works, not to mention that will be dead soon!"She grabbed one of the best knives and tossed it to Kronk. "Now, Kronk, finish them off!"The big guy had a troubled look on his face as a voice asked, "You're gonna back down now are ya big guy?" as his shoulder devil appeared."Where's my shoulder angel?" Kronk asked. He then appeared, getting his hair done. To straighten him up Kronk told, "Yo!""Sorry, what I miss?" his shoulder angel asked and Kronk explained to them, "Well Yzma tossed me this knife and wants me to, ya know."The others were confused, since they couldn't see his shoulder angel and devil. Kuran scratches his head. "Going to kill us or not?""KRONK! Why did I think you could do this one simple thing? It's like I'm talking to a monkey!" she spat."Whoa now!" both the shoulder angel and devil replied."A really, really big stupid monkey named KRONK!" Yzma keeps on."Ouch," Kuran and the others noted."And you want to know something else? I've never liked your spinach puffs!" she stated, making everyone gasp."NEVER!" she declared. Kronk then started to cry. His shoulder devil told, "That's it! She is going down!""Don't forget!" countered the angel "Everybody receives their rewards from above"Kronk looked up together with the angel and devil. They spot a chandelier and they muttered "That'll work" and did something unexpected to all, cut the chandelier down on her, but she was so thin and bony that it went right over her."That usually works," told Kuran as he went up next to Kronk."And so does this!" she stated, pulling a switch and underneath of the two a hole opened. Kronk told, "Ah. Should have seen that coming.""I hate this world," muttered Kuran as he falls down with Kronk and the angel and devil hugged each other before falling down as well. Then she snapped her fingers and Heartless appears. Roxas and Lea began to rush to fight them. Yzma laughs loudly and was too busy to realize that Pacha sneaked up to her and grabbed the vile."Give me that vial!" she shouts while hitting Pacha's head and he tossed it to Lea, only to receive a kick between the legs. The bottle falls, but Roxas was able to catch it. With the result that Yzma jumped on him to take the vial, but Kuzco hits Yzma like a ramming rock and threw her in the direction of the other vials and… she used the opportunity while the vial was rolling on the ground to push all other vials on the ground.Lea looked at her and she just told, "Oops. Clumsy me."The four are checking the vials and Yzma pulled on a string and an alarm was heard and she told, "Better hurry. I am expecting company."Then secret doors opened and Kuzco's guards appear and she yelled, "Kill them! They murdered the Emperor!""Seriously?" asked Roxas and Kuzco called, "No wait, I'm the Emperor! It's me, Kuzco!""They're not listening!" replied Lea and adds, "Take them all. We'll try to transform back while running away."Roxas threw his Keyblades at a nearby table to knock the potions on it at the soldiers. As result of this stunt, all of them turned into animals. Yzma just shouted, "Get them!""I turned into a cow," told one of them. "Can I go home?""Yes, you can go home," states Yzma. "But the rest, get them!"The remaining chase after them and even some Heartless appears to get into their way. While Lea roasted one of them, Roxas hands one vile to Kuzco. "Try this one!"Result: We have now a Koopa!They rushed by some chairs and they jumped on Kuzco to use his turtle like armor as a skateboard as one of the guards, which became an octopus, hit the spot where they had been with three axes. However, at the end of the chairs were the next guards waiting. Lea took the next bottle and told, "Better be with wings."He transformed and flew in the air. "Yeah we're flying! What am I by the way?"Roxas looked at Kuzco and told, "Canon-wise I shouldn't know that, but… you are like the bird that Aqua and Kairi met. And this bird was unable to fly!""Oh no…" states Kuzco and they fall down. After a hard landing they stand up and run again away from guards. Now Pacha tried his luck and Kuzco was now a rabbit. "Not really helping… I choose now the next vial! This one!"They listened to Kuzco and… they had now a Wailord. He looked down and told, "Don't say a word…"The bridge began to crack and Roxas asked, "How much weight do you have now?""Around 400 kg," told Lea and Kuzco asked, "And that is too much?"All nodded and in this moment the bridge broke and they were falling into the canal. The three other held on to Kuzco and as they resurface Lea told, "Out of fighting for me now.""Why?" asked Kuzco and Lea answered, "I cannot use my powers since they are fire based."Then Yzma called, "Quick! Drain the canal!"Kuzco got the next vile and was now… "Yea! I'm a llama again!"Then after a few seconds, "Wait…"Then they were sucked into the deep as the water was let out of the canal, all of them were crying.In the meanwhile with Kronk and Kuran."That move you did was pretty drastic for telling you she doesn't like spinach… but admit all other things she said hurt as well," spoke Kuran and Kronk told, "Yeah… now that you mention that, it was drastic. However, all of it could be over by now if it had worked.""Point," nods Kuran and asked, "So… you have a shoulder angel and devil and nobody can see them?""That's right! That's who was talking… and the two also gave me the reason to save Kuzco in the end," replied Kronk. Kuran whistled. "If I had such shoulder beings, some of my trouble could have been avoided since they happened because of my own stupidity.""Well, I would let you borrow mine if I knew how. And who knows when I need them," shrugs Kronk and Kuran asked, "When we get out here… what will you do?""I guess I'll start a troop of squirrel scouts," told Kronk. "And you?"Kuran shrugs. "No clue! Just have to see where my path leads.""If you ever need help, just ask me! Of course, after we get out of here and I have my life under control…""Of course," laughed Kuran.Roxas had in the meanwhile used his Keyblades to hold at the rim of the nose of Kuzco's palace while the others did the same. Yzma spots them and told, "There they go! After them!""Come on men! Nobody lives forever! Charge!" called one of the transformed guards and jumped after them. However, the four were already climbing up the nose so the guards didn't manage to catch them, so they fell into their doom… or not! A trampoline seller was by the main gate and all of them hit one of the trampolines while the guard of the door told the seller they didn't order a trampoline. One could think they would go back to the others, but… instead they all hit a suddenly opening door where somebody threw out the trash.Once the four had solid ground under their feet Pacha told, "Okay, only two left. It's gotta be one of these."However, Yzma appears and hit all of them. Then she wanted to grab the vials, but Kuzco attacked her and by the fight one of the vials broke. A giant poof of smoke appears and an evil voice began to laugh… red dangerous eyes were seen in the smoke with sharp fangs…Then…Yzma's new body became clear as the some cleared…And she was a cute kitty cat!"You know... in the smoke and the laughing, it sounded more dangerous then she actually is now.""I'll take that!" Kuzco stated smugly as he took the potion, but Yzma hissed and Heartless appeared. She then attacked Kuzco."GET HER OFF! GET HER OFF! GET HER OFFF!" Kuzco yelled. Pacha tried to help, but Yzma clawed his hands and this made Pacha fall off the edge and dangle for life. Kuzco then hit his head against the wall, knocking Yzma out, potion in hoof, and everybody yelled, "Drink the potion!""Okay, GAH WHERE'D IT GO? WHERE IS IT?" Kuzco screamed when he realized that he no longer had it."Looking for this?" Yzma asked in a high pitched voice. making everyone even the Heartless stop and stare at her. Then she coughed. "Is that my voice…is THAT MY VOICE?" she asked in disbelief. Everyone, even the Heartless, nodded."Oh well," Yzma replied, shrugging it off."Don't drop it!" Kuzco begged as she held it over the edge with an evil grin."I'm not going to drop it you fool! I'm going to drink it and once I'm my beautiful self again, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AH HA HA HA HA AH!" she declared, trying hard to get it open but failing. It then bounced off the wall and Yzma jumped after then looked at me.Roxas pulled Lea close. "Which beautiful self?""I guess she is talking about her looks somewhere in the deep past… wouldn't surprise me if she knows how everything looked like before the Keyblade war.""I thought this potion turns into human and isn't a youth potion," told Roxas and Lea shrugs. "Perhaps she thinks so.""Uh oh… wait… how did I manage to be in mid air while you two had your secret conversation? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed, falling. Kuzco and the others watched this as she plummeted.Kuzco rushed after the potion which was spared the same fate, however, Roxas and Lea were still busy with Heartless and could not help Pacha, who was starting to fall!"Kuzco!" Pacha called."Be right there, give me a minute!" Kuzco stated, trying to reach it. Pacha called over and over and Kuzco was torn."KUZZZZCCOOOOO!" Pacha cried. Just as he was about to slip, Kuzco grabbed him."The vile!" Pacha stated as it fell."For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline," told the guard at the ground and the seller told, "You could have told me that before I built up this trampoline."Just in this moment Yzma, who was screaming, hit the trampoline then was sprung upwards."AHHHHHH!" she screamed until the potion was back in her hands. Laughing, she passed everyone who had regathered. She then hit a wall with her head, the vile landing on another ledge."The vile!" called Roxas."You thinking what I'm thinking?" Pacha asked Kuzco, who grinned.The two push against each other's backs, arms wrapped around, and started to scale. They had just almost grabbed the potion when Yzma, who recovered, got there first, grabbed it."I WIN!" she cheered, then SLAM. Kronk burst from a door, the potion flew into Pacha's hands."Wow! What are the odds of that trap door leadin' us out here?""How is Kuran?" asked Lea and Kronk answered, "He is fine! Just want out for fresh air! Can you help us to get down?""Sure! Just let us find out how," told Roxas. In the meanwhile, Pacha and Kuzco hugged then quickly pulled apart, Pacha handing him the potion with the cork out for him to drink."Well, see ya on the other side," Kuzco replied, drinking it down.On the next morning Pacha came with the other three to Kuzco's quarters. The Emperor looked at Pacha and states, "So, you lied to me.""I did?" asked Pacha and Kuzco went on. "You said that when the sun hits this ridge just right it sings. Well, pal, I was dragged all over those hills and I did not hear any singing," Kuzco stated, making everyone smile, Pacha in gratitude."To think I didn't gave him credit that he could change in the beginning," told Kuran. "It's funny.""So I'll be building my summer home on a more magical hill," told Kuzco and took his model. "Thank you."Pacha chuckles. "Couldn't pull the wool over your eyes, huh?""No, no, I'm sharp. I'm on it. Looks like you and your family are stuck on the tuneless hilltop forever, pal," replied Kuzco and Pacha told, "You know, I'm pretty sure I heard some singing on the hill next to us."Kuran laughed by that and told, "Wow! Why didn't you say that from the beginning? Then we could have saved a lot of trouble?""Well it isn't his fault when his memory played a prank on him! Want to join in on my summer residence once it's finish? Guys like you are now welcome in my house," told Kuzco and Pacha said, "I don't have house like him, but you are welcome to mine as well.""Thanks guys! But we need to move one," told Kuran and opens a dark portal. Then Kuzco asked, "Say… if this is the dark portal you talked about some nights ago… would it be still dangerous for me to pass through?"Kuran guessed Kuzco had listened to this specific night and answered, "To be honest? I see better chances for you to survive a trip now. But better not risk it.""Yeah… this empire still needs its Emperor!" told Kuzco as the three visitors left. Then he turns to Pacha. "Now we going to make my holiday home!"Chapter 45: Chapter 44As Kairi and Aqua land on their next world, they found themselves in a deep forest. And it wasn't hard to tell that this forest was still untouched by humans since the animals didn't seem to be afraid of them."Isn't this beautiful, Aqua?" asked Kairi with a wide smile and the blue haired Keyblade Master could only agree to the Princess of Heart."I wonder if we're here find a clue about the Organization or the Lightbringers," added Aqua. "Wouldn't surprise me if they would show up here as well.""First of all we need to know if anything is even happening here," thought Kairi aloud and Aqua smiles. "You are making very good progress, Kairi!"Then they began to make their progress through the forest until they found two people. One was a slender and tanned woman with black hair, dark brown skin. She wears a brown dress that reminds Kairi of the ones in some Indian movies she watched once. And around her neck she wears a blue necklace with a white stone. Also, she bears red lips and a tattoo on the left arm. The other was a white blond man with blue eyes and wears a blue conquistador uniform.They seem to talk with each other. Then they were looking at a tree and they are… talking with it?Aqua and Kairi looked at each other and went over. They could hear from the tree, "My bark is worse than my bite. This also counts for the two visitors that just arrived."The woman and the man turned to spot Kairi and Aqua. Since they were already spotted, the two Keybearers just went over and Kairi began, "Uhm… hi?""Who are you two?" asked the man. "I didn't know that a ship came with women. At least in my ship there was not a single one."We prefer to travel in a way without getting much of attention," told Aqua and the tree chuckles. "Indeed! You Keybearers don't want to get caught with the affairs of others… however… I can feel that two great forces are gathering here… and I have to ask you to keep the balance of this world intact by going between the two forces.""Oh right… that is why I wanted to see you again, Pocahontas. The men which came with me are starting to believe that your people have the gold they were looking for!""But didn't you tell them that we don't have any gold?" asked Pocahontas and the man shook his head. "They don't believe me… and there is something else. Dark creatures appeared around and seems to listen to Ratcliffe. I don't know that I should think of it.""They must be Heartless," told Kairi, but Aqua said, "They could be also Unversed."Kairi had to fight the urge to react in panic to the name. Deciding to ask Aqua later on this, she wondered why she is so afraid of them."Perhaps we can help? We dealt with them before and perhaps we get this Ratcliffe so far that he gives up on them," told Aqua and adds, "I am Aqua and this is Kairi.""I am John Smith," told the man and Pocahontas said, "Like you heard before, my name is Pocahontas.""I hope you have real luck with Governor Ratcliffe since he is really not a man which an easy talk is possible," warned John Smith.Unknown to them in a tent was Pocahontas's Father Chief Powhatan, standing alone and was worried about the coming battle. His scout told him that dark creatures were now on the side of the savages and outnumbers the warriors of all tribes he gathered to face them off. Suddenly he noticed somebody was behind him and he turned around to find out who it was. It was a creature he never saw. The face was of a wolf, but it had a lot of hair and wore clothes that shine. It was a material he didn't know…Then the creature spoke, "I can see you fear for the sake of your people and of the sake of the lands you live in. I have deep respect so I'll decided to aid you in your need."Then creatures, shining beings like the sun, appears around him. "The Lightbringers will drive the savages and the darkness away from these good lands so that your people will live in peace."Powhatan smiles to this. "I thank you that you come for our aid. Now I know we have a chance to win this battle. How can I thank you?""The end of the Darkness in this world is thanks enough for me, great chief," told the creature and made a bow. "I will come to your aid once your warriors and these savages are coming into contact.""Tomorrow I will lead my men to the battle to drive them away," promised Powhatan. With that, the creature disappeared in a bright light, causing the Indian chief to shield his eyes.In the meanwhile Kairi, Aqua, and John Smith are reaching the camp of his people and an obese man with black short pig-tailed hair and goatee in maroon clothing walks to Smith and asked, "Smith! Where have you been?""I was scouting the terrain, sir. And I found these two women out there," lied Smith and the man looked at the two women. "They probably must have been kidnapped by these savages and managed to escape afterwards.""We weren't kidnapped by anybody. We traveled by our own to this country," corrected Aqua and Ratcliffe looked odd. "You have courage I have to tell you, walking around in these filthy clothes in such a savage cursed land."Then he turns to Smith. "But excellent, Smith! You must know the Indian's whereabouts by now. We'll need that information for the battle to eliminate these savages once and for all!""You cannot do that!" told Kairi. "The Indians here don't have any gold! They know how to navigate the river and know the lands.""And they know what you can eat in these lands," told Smith, showing the man that gathered around them by now a corncob."They don't want to feed us, you ninnies! They want to kill us, all of us! These two women are sent by the devil to device us! Only this way their appearance and their behavior can be explained! They want to keep the gold for themselves!"Then John called, "But there is no gold!""And I suppose your little friends here told you this?" asked Ratcliffe and Smith answered, "Yes!""Lies! Lies! All of it! Murderous thieves! There's no room for their kind in civilized society." But this is their land!" "This is MY land! I make the laws here. And I say, anyone who so much as looks at an Indian without killing him on sight will be tried for treason and killed by the Heartless!"Aqua and Kairi then moved forward and Aqua said, "Let go of the Heartless! They are dangerous, you risk the lives of everybody here!""Take these devils in disguise and bring them into prison! We will execute them in front of these barbarians to ensure they know we don't fall into their witching curses!"Later in the night, Pocahontas and John Smith sneak out to meet up with each other and were surprised that somebody else was in the meeting point.Both asked the unknown people, "Who are you?"The one who seems to lead the people said, "I am Kuran! These are Lea and Roxas.""Need some fire to light the night?" asked Lea and Roxas said, "I don't think so, giving they were coming here without additional light.""Where are Aqua and Kairi?" asked Pocahontas, which caused Kuran to look at her. "You know them?""We met them, and given your reaction you know them as well!" told John. "They are imprisoned by Ratcliffe, claiming they were witches or something like that. He wants to kill them in front of your people as sign they won't fall for your people tricks.""Oh Aqua! Where did you get in again," sighs Kuran and Roxas said, "I'll make more worries about Kairi. I don't think Sora could handle it if he loses her! Not to mention that we lose Namine as well!""Then it is better we-" began Kuran, but notices that Pocahontas and John were kissing right now and wanted to leave as he suddenly heard a battle cry and another Indian came. He had markings formed like bear prints on his chest and a knife in his hands and glowing bear like creatures were with him."Lightbringers!" called Roxas and summoned Oathkeeper and Oblivion in his hands, storming at the light creatures. Lea materialized his Keyblade and called, "Here is Lea!"Kuran just chuckles and stormed in with his Dark Sword as well. While they fought the Lightbringers, John and the Indian were wrestling with each other. John had trouble to keep the Indian from killing him with the knife. Suddenly they heard a shot and the Indian falls on the ground… dead.A man came out with a rifle and John recognized him. "Thomas! What have you done?""You killed him!" cried Pocahontas and wanted to attack Thomas, but was held back by Lea. "It won't change a thing if you get on him now!"Suddenly they heard voices and Kuran reacted quickly. "Roxas! Take him and get lost! I'll try to buy time!""And me?" asked Lea. Kuran just said, "Do what you can do best: What comes into your own mind!"Lea nods and runs away with Roxas and soon afterwards dozens of Indians and Lightbringers came and took John and Kuran in capture.They were brought in front of the Chief after he learned of the death and told to John and Kuran, "Once the sun raises they will die first!"Then he turned to his daughter. "I told you not to leave the village! And now is Kocoum dead! Bring them away!Later in the tent they were held in John asked, "Why did you do that?""To buy my friends time… and besides: I escaped more than one situation… Just need the right moment, but I think I can do more if I stay instead of running.""Huh! You have much of confidence," told John, but Kuran countered, "I just learned to trust the ones around me."Then Pocahontas came in and John was surprised and they began to talk. Since Kuran thought it was rather personal between the two, he didn't pay attention to this and just closed his eyes.Back in the camp of John's people Thomas was reporting the situation and Ratcliffe used the situation and called, "I told you those savages couldn't be trusted. Smith tried to befriend them and look what they've done to him! But now I say it's time to rescue our courageous comrade and show them what we will do with them! At daybreak, we attack!"Everybody cheered on this and Aqua, who heard this from the place where she was held with Kairi, sighs, "Seems we are in trouble."Kairi nods and sighs, "Yeah! So hanging around isn't helping."The reason why they didn't try to flee yet is that they were tied on the hands and the ties were placed that they are forced to hand on the ties. "Traditional way to keep witches from casting their spells" was the explanation. Theoretically, Kairi could have summoned one of her creatures, but with the Heartless here and all the men with weapons it would have only worsened up the situation for them.Pocahontas was sobbing as Roxas and Lea came. She told them, "They're going to kill them at sunrise…""Then we have to stop them!" told Roxas, but Pocahontas countered, "I can't… I have been following the wrong path. I feel so lost.""Listen girl!" began Lea. "Kuran was also going a wrong path, but he did the right turn afterwards. Everybody makes mistakes, but as long you don't lose sight of your goal, you will find your path!"Pocahontas looked at Lea and then at Roxas… beginning to understand.On daybreak where both parties are on their way, dragging their prisoners along with them.They arrived at a place and saw that the Indians were about to execute John as Pocahontas was suddenly getting in between and called, "No!"Then she adds, "If you kill him, you'll have to kill me, too."Her father looks at Pocahontas and told, "Daughter, stand back.""I won't!" protested the Indian girl. "I love him, Father. Look around you. This is where the path of hatred has brought us. This is the path I choose, Father. What will yours be?"Powhatan looked around, seeing all the people ready to battle, but then he began to speak loudly, "My daughter speaks with a wisdom beyond her years. We have all come here with anger in our hearts… but she comes with courage and understanding. From this day forward, if there is to be more killing… it will not start with me."Then he ordered to let the prisoners free. Once John was free, he and Pocahontas were embracing each other while Kuran looked at his two friends. "You were ready to bust me out, right?""Of course! Except you would have escaped like from the situation in Radiant Garden!" jokes Lea and Kuran just smiles… he really knew he can trust the two.Suddenly they heard Ratcliffe order for attack, but as the men refused he took a rifle and shot at Powhatan, but John jumped in the way, taking the bullet. Then the men began to rebel at him and freed Aqua and Kairi.However, Ratcliffe ordered at last, "Heartless! Take all these savages and traitors into their graves!"With that cue the Heartless began to attack. The whites and Indian began to battle. But not as enemy… instead as allies with sharing the same enemy.Kuran, Lea, and Roxas stood back-to-back and Kuran said, "Can you two handle these?""Sure! But one more and there would be trouble…" told Roxas and Lea adds, "Then I take this one!""You want to fight, too?" asked Kuran and stormed at the Heartless, slicing one after another with his sword. Then Kairi called, "Roxas! Protect Kairi and John!"The blond nobody nodded and rushed over, just in time to slice one soldier who wears a conquistador helm instead of the usual one. Kairi used a new summon, Carbunkle. It healed everybody who was hurt during the battle, but also puts attention on the hurt John. She fought with her spells together with Aqua.Then a voice roared, "You said you would destroy the savages when I allied with you! But you betrayed me! You have the same darkness like everybody else on this vermin world! So everybody has to perish the fate every creature of darkness has to face!"Kuran recognized the voice and indeed now the Lightbringers are storming into the battle. He sliced his way through the Heartless and Lightbringers and looks for Maluz. Then he spots him and called, "Maluz! It's time we end madness now!"The wolf with lion mane turned with his large sword. "Kuran! You never know when to give up! But this battle field is where you will be purified from darkness!"With that they stormed at each other. Kuran took his sword into a backhanded position and placed the flat side on his forearm to block a vertical slice of the large lade. The blade made of darkness began to crack from the light and force of Maluz, but Kuran concentrated more darkness into the sword, fixing the damage. However, Maluz wasn't stopping there. He lifts the sword again and this time Kuran had to jump aside to not be hit. Then he attacked, but was blacked by an arm protector and the light of his armor damaged the sword again.Kuran grits his teeth as more darkness poured into his weapon, but keeps pressing, knowing that time is against him. But Maluz seems to know this and keeps blocking Kuran's attacks and forces the young man to be into defensive. Then he made a horizontal swing and hit Kuran's sword.It began to crack again, but Kuran used this time every bit of darkness he could affort. But since Maluz keeps pressing down and even adds more light into this attack, Kuran was forced to draw darkness from his surroundings… which was now trying to reach for his heart… but he didn't want to give up!Even as black swirls appear around him he didn't stop. Maluz noticed that even one of Kuran's hands became black and asked, "Why don't you give up? Just let me remove the darkness inside of you!"Kuran looks up. "I won't let you get away! Even if I lose my heart in the darkness! I won't give up and let you kill my friends!""Even after breaking your master's Keyblade you are persistent!""Because I know now my way!" called Kuran. "I will walk the road of darkness! To reach and protect the light inside the darkness!""THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LIGHT IN DARKNESS! DARKNESS WANTS TO CONSUME ALL LIGHT SO DARKNESS HAS TO BE DESTROYED TO ENSURE LIGHT WILL ALWAYS EXIST!" roared Maluz and kicked Kuran so hard that he flew back a few meters.However, the blond man just struggles back to few. "Light… and Darkness are eternal… one cannot exist without the other… however…"Kuran called a new sword. "After my defeat way back… I traveled a lot of places, met new people and know: Light and Darkness are not necessarily evil! It is how we use it! And I know how I will use my Darkness! To ensure the worlds, the people, and everybody I care for are safe!""I WILL SHOW YOU HOW UNETERNAL DARKNESS IS!" roared Maluz and they stormed at each other again.Kuran used all Darkness he could offer and even more. To ensure this light wielding warrior won't harm his friends, he will stop him, even if he would lose his heart into Darkness.But in the very moment their two weapons touched, something happened: Maluz was suddenly forced back by a great force while from Kuran's chest a great light was shining and streams of darkness surrounds him.Everybody, even the Heartless and Lightbringers, stopped the fight and stared at the event unfolding in front of them.Kuran looked confused as well then suddenly he was sucked into a tower of darkness but a light shines from the center of the tower and Maluz muttered in disbelief, "A Light within Darkness?"Then the tower explodes and a completely black person with yellow eyes was standing there, holding a large blade like weapon. Some could swear this is a humanoid Heartless, but the figure moved the left hand which was holding the blade in front of the face, the eyes just above the hand protection, and the blade pointing to the side.Then the darkness fades away like smoke and Kuran stood there. Holding a Keyblade in his hand.Two black feathered wings are around the handle while the hilt was two streams of black encircle an empty space, ending into a hawk like black head which almost forms a circle. Inside the hook was a large white orb hold in place with black spikes. The same black spikes are on the outer edge of the hook, pointing to the side, making them the teeth of the Keyblade. The Keychain of this Keyblade was formed like a black wayfinder with a white center.Kuran opens his eyes and said, "This is my Keyblade… Light Within Darkness!"He moves his arm and holds the weapon now with two hands, admiring it. "I finally did it… I have now my Keyblade.""THEN BRING IT ALREADY TO THE KEYBLADE GRAVEYARD!" roared Maluz and stormed at Kuran, restarting the whole battle again.Kuran blocked the attack like before, with the flat side of the Keyblade pressed on his arm in a reverse grip. However, this time the new Keybearer followed a feeling that wasn't there before.A dark orb with white center formed in his free hand and while blocking the sword he pressed the orb into the now exposed stomach area of Maluz and in an explosion of darkness, the light bearer was shot away with cracks on the armor.In disbelief he started to rush and attack without sense anymore. Kuran dodged and countered everything that Maluz threw at him. However, Kuran was now in even feet with the Keybearer killer and felt a power building up.After a last counter, Kuran jumped back and began to float into the air. The Keyblade was also floating above his head while streams of darkness with a few light orbs surrounds them.Before anybody could react to this, Kuran disappeared and in random pattern, Heartless and Lightbringers are sliced into pieces and even Maluz got hits from this attack. Then Kuran reappeared in mid-air with his left arm outstretched at Maluz with the Keyblade floating in front of the open hand.An orb of Darkness with a white glowing center forms on the tip of the Keyblade and once it reached the size of a basket ball, the orb shoot at the ground and hits Maluz dead on.It exploded into a field covering orb of darkness with a pillar of light shooting out of the center. Once the light and darkness cleared, none of the Heartless or Lightbringers are still here. Only Maluz was remaining, kneeling on the ground, his sword and armor cracked to a point where pieces are falling off.With a loud roar Maluz shouted, "I will get you all, Keybearers!"Then he disappeared into a blinding light.Kuran pants and falls on the ground, damn tired after this event. However, Lea and Roxas are rushing to him. "You did it! You finally got your Keyblade!""Now you will be in no time flat the master of dark Keyblades," chuckles Lea. "Of course, after me becoming a master."Kairi and Aqua laughed at it, but then they remembered that John was still hurt from the shot before the battle. Instantly they rushed in to help him…With the hope they are not too late!On the next day…Ratcliffe was tied up and brought to the ship while John was with everybody else waiting for Pocahontas.Thomas kneeled besides him and said, "The ship's almost ready. We'd better get you on board. We'll lose the tide.""No, not yet. She said she'd be here," told John then somebody said, "Look!"Everybody turned and saw that Pocahontas came with several Indians, bringing baskets of food. Then she went to John. They spoke to each other befor saying goodbye to each other. Then Powhatan told, "You all are always welcome to our tribe."Kuran said, "We will come back once we settled with our own trouble. Sorry to drag you in."Just as he turned, Aqua grabs him. "Sorry! But you have to come with me! I bet Yen Sid will see you after you discovered now your true Keyblade!"Roxas and Lea laughed and they went to the Gummi Ship, with the next goal in sight: Yen Sid's mysterious tower. Aboard Kuran wondered, "How was I able to beat Maluz? I never had the strength before… and I don't think the Keyblade alone was the reason for it."Kuran optained a Keyblade:Name: Light Within DarknessAffirnity: DarknessAttack: 7Magic: 1Ability: Shining Darkness = Each Darkness based attack cause additional 20% Light based damageChapter 46: Chapter 45In the hideout Pete was walking up and down while the Beagle Boys played poker. Magica was using her crystal ball to check on various things while somebody in the shadows was reading cards.The fat minion of Maleficent told, "They are taking too long. They should be already back by now with the message that we have now this world of hers in our hands.""Be patient! Soon Aros will return to report in," told Magica and Pete asks, "How do you know, Magica?""Because this duck trust her crystal ball. You should have some faith into the powers of the mystical. Or do you prefer if I read you the cards? My friends of the other side might tell you the future for a price," told the man in the shadows and Pete just sweat dropped. "N-N-Nevermind"Then the door opens and Aros came in, holding something in his hand. Pete stomped on his feet and told, "Finally you are back! Where have you been?""Getting rid of frustration!" told Aros and tossed the object he had to Pete. The cat looked at it and screams as he realizes that he was holding the head of an ork. Falling back, he went unconscious. Magica looked less impressed by that and asked, "These beings doesn't exist in Yzma's world. So why did you make a detour to a different world?""Why don't you ask your crystal ball?" snapped Aros and Magica told calmly, "Because it is easier to hear it from you instead of looking through the complex vortex of time. Even a powerful witch has trouble to find specific events. ""Fine!" growled Aros. "Some guy made a drop hole under my feet that ended up in a different world where I had to slay my way out first. By the time I got back Yzma was defeated and a cat.""Transformed into a cat you say?" told Magica and the man in the shadows chuckles. "This definitely improves her looks. Because…. Well…""Looked scary beyond reason?" asked a Beagle Boy and another told, "Yes that was it! I bet if she came from our world, she would be able to tell stories about our grandpa being a baby."But the third shook his head. "I think she is even older than that.""Fact is we lost this world!" told Aros, stopping the Beagle Boys argument. "And we have no to rethink the plan. Where is she anyway?""Off to make a deal with somebody," told Magica. "For the time being Pete was supposed to watch over while we were waiting for our agents to fulfill their work.""And how are they doing?" asked Aros and Magica told, "By Yzma I don't need to tell. This guy over here needs to wait for his operations for a time. The rest is the status unknown right now. Did Yzma at least recover the information we are seeking for?""She sent it as flower present to one of the other guys," told Aros. "I am off to recover it and get a few new hearts for my collection.""I am really considering reading his future," told the man in the shadows, "since it might be interesting for him.""I would agree with you if it weren't something else that needs our attention," told Magica and a Beagle Boy asked, "What is it?""A strong force in a world that isn't inhabited anymore. While this world had a strong radiation from the beginning, it spiked a few times. It is like somebody wants to draw attention to this place. Once Maleficent is back, I will inform her since the Keybearers will most likely go there.""That means we get finally some real work?" asked the Beagle Boy and Magica told, "It depends what you consider as real work. By the mentioning of work, weren't you supposed to clean the bathrooms today?"While the gummi ship flew in the Star Ocean Kuran looked out of the window, watching the worlds passing them. Lea came up to his friend and wondered, "Na! What is going on in your dark head?""How do you get the idea something is going on?" asked Kuran and Lea just told, "Let me tell you something, Kuran! Roxas and I hung around you long enough to know some aspects of you well enough to predict you.""So easy I am to read?" asked Kuran and Lea nods. With a sigh he told his red haired friend, "I am thinking about what happened earlier on this world. It cannot be that I beat Maluz just because I got my Keyblade. Something else was affecting the situation as well. I can feel it.""But you cannot tell what it is?" asked Lea and Kuran nods. With a pad on the shoulder Lea told, "Just ask the good old Yen Sid! I am sure he has either an answer or knows how to obtain the same.""Makes me really curious to meet him," told Roxas as he steps into the conversation and Lea said, "Yeah! You two will love and hate him."Kuran and Roxas looked at Lea, but the two decided not to ask him. Suddenly Kuran turned around and Roxas asked, "Kuran! What is wrong?""I don't know… I just had the feeling that this world in the distance there… has a strong darkness," replied the Keybearer and Lea asked, "That place? Got sent there once to find something. But except dozens of Keyblades and a random armor that only kneels around, there is nothing really to find. Just like in Castle Oblivion. Nice place as headquarters once you figure out how to stay without getting lost, but that was it.""But something is in the castle," reminds Roxas. "After all I faint as we visited there once.""That's true," told Lea. "Guess this was because Namine was busy with Sora's memory back there and you just had a good load of the loose memories which was too much for ya.""Namine? Sora's memory?" asked Kuran and Lea told, "Oh yes! You weren't in the organization so you cannot know. We met a special Nobody who was able to manipulate the memories of Sora. Marluxia was in charge in Castle Oblivion and wanted to control Sora so he used Namine in try to turn Sora into his puppet. Long story short this backfired in the long shot, with interference from Riku half of the organization was wiped out and Sora had his one year beauty sleep.""And where is Namine now?" asked Kuran and Lea told, "Well… either still inside Kairi or she might be out since this one guy took her heart for some moments before she got it back."Roxas jumped. "But if this is the case, we should go searching for her.""Whoa, Whoa! Calm down, Roxie! First we go to look at Yen Sid since Aqua won't listen to anything else and then we can start looking for your girlfriend.""Namine isn't my girlfriend. I even barely knew her," told Roxas and Lea laughed. "But you still act like you heard that your lost lover is still alive.""Not funny!" countered Roxas.Lea keeps laughing and they soon land in front of the Mysterious Tower and Kuran whistled. "Small place this guy has.""Don't let you be fooled by it's exterior," warned Lea. "This place can be bigger than anything you saw yet.""Then I am really interested to look inside," told Kuran while Aqua told, "You better not make an escape stunt like back in Radiant Garden.""Don't worry Aqua! Last time I did, I ended up in a cave and nearly died because of an exploding volcano."They looked at him, but decided not to ask. They entered the tower and after a small staircase they reach Yen Sid's study. The only wizard sat on his chair while Sora, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy were already there.They all turned their attention to the newcomers and Sora smiles, "Kairi, Aqua, Roxas, Lea, and Kuran! Great to see you all!"Mickey nods. "I agree with Sora. We have been waiting for you."Donald and Goofy nod and as they spot Roxas they called, "Ven?""Ven? Who is Ven?" asked Roxas and Sora told, "Uhm… Donald… Goofy… this is Roxas, my Nobody.""Your Nobody?" asked Donald. "But he looks a lot like Ventus.""Who is Ventus?" asked Roxas again and Lea told, "A guy who looks like you, just different clothes and some armor on the shoulder.""And he is a friend of mine," told Aqua. "He, Terra, and I were all apprentice to our Master Erasqus.""Oh… and where is he?" asked Roxas and Aqua told, "In a hidden chamber inside our old home after I used the Master Keeper to transform it to ensure he is safe.""This is a matter we will discuss later," told Yen Sid suddenly. "First of all, I would like to know what you witnessed before coming here, and I would like to see these two new faces by myself. Come closer Roxas, Kuran."The two step forward and Yen Side studies the two while stroking his beard. He closes his eyes and told, "This generation of Keybearers are holding many surprises. Roxas, you might be Sora's Nobody, but I can also see a lot of Ventus in you. It might be because of the special connection Sora has with him.""Has it something to do with the four souls I am supposed to have?" asked Sora, referring his time on the Flying Dutchman. Yen Sid nods. "Indeed, but first I want to talk about Kuran."The retired Keyblade Master looked at Kuran. "You are like your old Master described you. And you turned out very well during your travel. Also, the strong darkness is clearly detectable for me. A wonder that you didn't lose your heart now… and now, both of you, show me your Keyblades."Roxas and Kuran looked at each other, but both summoned their Keyblades. Yen Sid looks at the held out weapons and nods. "Roxas… your Keyblades are the result of Sora's connections, but you are on the way to become your own individual. Your Keyblades might change over the course of this evolution of yours."Roxas nods in understanding and dismissed his Keyblades. Then Yen Sid raised and asked Kuran to hand over his Keyblade. He hesitated since he barely got it, but listened to the wizard's words and hands it over.Yen Sid studies Light Within Darkness and told, "Your Keyblade really represents your position, and also I believe that your chosen path is carved into it. It's curious since Keyblades of hearts and of darkness are rare, but this weapon feels like a combination of all three types of Keyblades. It might be it holds essence of the keys of Light, Darkness, and Heart, but if I had to categorize it, I would place it as a Keyblade of Darkness."He hadns the blade back to Kurans hands "You have a difficult path but if you can follow it to the fullest, you might be a great Master one day, given you pass the tests ahead of you. In fact many promising bearer of the keys are gathered here. However… Mickey. I may ask you to go to gather Master Riku. After all, even if he gets a golden statue, his presence is more important.""It isn't necessary," told Riku who just came in. "Zeus was so nice to give me a lift here."Yen Sid nods and told, "Now that we are gathered here, let's gather together what you learned so far from your travels."Each travel party told about their travels through the worlds and everybody paid attention. Once Aqua ends with what they witnessed in Pocahontas's world, Yen Sid began, "A lot of wheels are in motion… an evil doppelganger of Sora is now on the loose, two of the Fragments of Darkness are lost to Xehanort, and Maleficent now has access to data she should never get access to. Not to forget that the Lightbringers are still not defeated. This war might turn out into an unpredictable all out war that even Xehanort cannot use for his plans.""Well! Then we better gather our forces so we can do good," told Lea. "I mean, we know where Ven is, right? So why don't we just pick him up and wake him up somehow?""And how should we wake him?" asked Sora, but then somehow he realizes, "I… I am the key? Right?""That's right," told Yen Sid. "According to the data which was hidden inside of you and the journals, we assume that Ventus's heart went to you after he defeated his dark evil side Vanitas.""You had a sort of connection before with Ventus, so he went to you after his heart got broken again. Probably to rest to get healed," adds Mickey. "And since this was over ten years ago, we cannot expect you to remember.""Then how about we look for Namine?" asked Roxas. "After all, there might be a chance that she is out again.""Your guess might be true, Roxas," told Yen Sid and Kuran told, "On the way here, I felt a strong darkness on a world we passed, perhaps we'll find one of the fragments there.""Which world was it?" asked Aqua and Kuran told, "According to Lea it contains a lot of Keyblades and a single armor.""The Keyblade Graveyard?" asked Aqua in surprise. "You felt something there? And what did the armor look like?""Red and golden armor with a Keyblade that has a blue handle and a long brown blade and teeth on both sides?""Yeah like that!" told Lea. "Wait! You know it?""In Disney Castle, there was once a portal that lead to a strange place where I fought him. He wondered why I am not his Chosen One," explains Sora and Yen Sid told, "I guess Terra's Will got into his armor, forming a Lingering Will. Only those with a strong mind are capable of doing that. To return Terra we needs his Lingering Will for sure, and his body which might be difficult due to the existence of Ansem and Xemnas.""I guess I know what this means… but how to recover it without it attacking us?" asked Roxas and Kuran told, "How about we take Aqua and bring her to the armor? And with his Chosen One, it might go well.""Then we have to take Riku with us," explains Aqua. "Because he used the Inheritance Ceremony on Riku ten years ago."Riku looked in surprise and told, "Guess I have to review my memory as well. Once we get the Lingering Will we can go to that.""Well… while Aqua and Riku are gone… what will we do?" asked Sora and Aqua said, "I would like to take Kairi with me since there is one more lesson I would like to teach her before we need somebody else."Yen Sid nods and told, "Since Kuran noticed the Darkness he should go with you as well. As for Kairi, I will get a teacher for her to learn to use her power better. As for the rest, I have other missions. I received word from Merlin that the scientist Even is missing. Sora, I would like you go with Donald and Goofy to investigate this event and find clues who might have did it. Also, have an eye out to find Namine if she has indeed returned. Roxas, I would like you to stay here with Lea to train under Mickey's eyes to master your art with the Keyblades."They all nodded to their missions and then Yen Sid told, "Riku… on your travel, if there is time, then train with Kuran here as well. While my old friend Ynsadi might be able to teach him a lot, he has still to learn a lot before he can call himself a Keybearer.""Understood!" told Riku and Kuran nods. "I am looking forward to receive your lessons, Master Riku.""Riku is enough," laughs the silver haired boy. "After all, you look a bit older than me.""Yeah… people might wonder why I am calling you Master," laughs Kuran. "So… Gummi Ship or Dark Corridor?""Gummi Ship," told Riku. "Too many bad memories with the Dark Corridors.""Which reminds me," began Aqua, "Master Yen Sid… do you happen to have armors for us? Mine is broken down due to the years which have passed without giving it the care it needs. Also, all others need their armors sooner or later.""I am afraid I cannot grand this wish," told Yen Sid. "The armors in my possession are all used so you cannot have them… only a new armor will be able to fit itself on the new wearer. We need to find first a smith who could produce us these armors. However… the last one I am aware of disappeared years ago. I have no clue who still might be able to produce them. Until we know for sure that we can obtain new armors or that they are lost to us forever, we have to travel with the help of magic and the Gummi Ships.""But the magic side isn't perfect I guess," Kuran went on and Yen Sid nods. "Indeed! It takes a powerful magician to teleport freely between the worlds… and also a lot of rest is required afterwards before usage can be considered again.""In this case we should take off now," told Riku and the others agreed on that. While Sora went with Donald and Goofy to Radiant Garden, Aqua, Kairi, Riku, and Kuran were on their way to the Keyblade Graveyard. Lea and Roxas stayed behind to get training from Mickey.Since to Radiant Garden was only a short trip from the Mysterious Tower, Sora was first with his two friends to reach their destination. Once they are down there, they head for the restoration committee building and found Merlin there who seems to be packing. "Hi Merlin!""Oh! Hi Sora! Just in time. I was packing for a short trip," told the wizard in blue clothes. "An old friend of mine needs my help due to something that is happening on his world, and I wondered if you could help out there.""Sorry Merlin! But we came because of Even," told Sora. "But once we are done with this, we are glad to come with you.""Alright Sora! The others are in the castle to investigate the crime scene. Well… given that there is really a crime. Perhaps this guy is just out to get more data for his research," told Merlin and Sora wondered, "Merlin… do you happen to know what type of research he was doing? Well except for what he was gathering during the tournament we have been.""Nope! Have no clue on that. However, he requested me to help him with something. I was thinking about it as I heard about my friend so I went to tell him to ask me another time since my friend made it sound it is urgent. And the good Arthur is a smart boy so it must be really something big that his wisdom isn't enough.""So his name is Arthur?" asked Sora and Merlin nods. "Indeed! It's an interesting story how I met him and how he got into the position he has today. I might tell it to you once we have more time, but now you should do your investigations while I keep packing."Then he got on a chair and wanted to say something as Donald asks, "How do you plan to pack while standing on a chair?""Oh! This is something you might enjoy," chuckles Merlin. "In fact, that is the reason why before Radiant Garden fell into darkness I wasn't the favorite of the companies which specializes in moving homes. Since I refused to teach them how I am doing it.""And why?" asked Sora while Merlin told, "Because they are not wizards."Then he began to sing."Higitus Figitus zumbabazingI want your attention everything!"All of Merlin's objects turned to his direction much to everybody's surprise.We're packing to leave. Come on, let's go.A sugar bowl began to jump towards the bag, but Merlin stops."No no, not you! Books are always first, you know." And he starts singing while everything began to fly towards while starting to shrink.Hockety pockety wockety wackAbracabra dabra nackShrink in size very smallWe've got to save enough room for allHigitus Figitus migitus mumPres-ti-dig-i-ton-i-um!Cicero you belong to the CsAlphabetical order pleaseAli-i-ca-fez bal-a-ca-zezMalacamez meripidesDiminish diminish dictionaryThose words in your vocabularyHockety pockety wockety wackThat's the way we have to pack.Higitus Figitus migitus mumPres-ti-dig-i-ton-i-um!Higitus Figitus zoomacazamDon't get in a traffic jam"The sugar bowl began to hit the other dishes and Merlin told,"Sugar bowl you're getting rough.The poor old tea set is cracked enough."Then he continues.Hockety pockety wockety wackOdds and ends and bric a bracHigitus Figitus migitus mum,Pres-ti-dig-i-ton-i-um.Higitus Figitus migitus mum,Pres-ti-dig-i-ton-i-um!And all of his things are packed, leaving an impressed trio of a boy, a duck, and a dog. They began to applaud for him and Merlin told, "Thanks! Thanks! I am glad you liked it.""Well we are off now to see the others. Good to you seen", told Sora and they left.They head for the castle and by the gates they saw Yuffie. She notices them and smiles. "Sora! Donald! Goofy! Great to see you!""Same here!" told Sora. "How is Cloud?""It would be easier to tell if I knew where he is. I mean this guy has a cell phone, but doesn't answer any calls. Not that I am expecting that calling somebody's cell phone who isn't on this world is possible," explains Yuffie and Sora told, "Yes… can you lead us to Even's lab? We were asked to look at it.""Sure thing! Leon is up there with one of Ansem's old guards to check this place over and over," was her reply and she leads the heroes to Even's lab where Leon was indeed and somebody Sora never saw before.They turned around and Leon told, "Hello Sora!""Hi Leon! Who is that?" asked Sora and the big man answered, "I am Aeleus. Your friend Riku might identify me as Lexaeus. I was once Number V of the Organization 13, known as the Silent Hero.""If you were a hero, why did you work for them?" asks Donald and Leon told, "This doesn't matter, what matters is now that he is himself again and working with us now, together with some other former members.""How many former members are there exactly?" asked Goofy and Aeleus told, "Besides Lea and Even there is Dilan and Ienzo.""Alright… so what did you guys find so far?" asked Sora and Leon told, "We only know that all of a sudden the surveillance of this lab turned off due to a virus. While Tron was busy to get rid of this virus Aeleus went to check on Even, but as he came here, he was already gone. He cannot have left since the exits are still under surveillance. Only the lab was affected by the virus.""There are small signs of resistance, however. Who came here, overpowered Even with ease, which concludes to somebody who wasn't fazed by Even's ice abilities. It's a proven fact that all of us former organization members kept control over our Nobodies powers.""So there is no clue who or why he was kidnapped?" asked Sora. Aeleus shook his head. "While we don't know who did it, we can safely assume that they were after the Replica Program. It was Even's masterpiece.""Replica?" asked Sora and Aelous told, "Artificial copies of other beings. You can consider them as special Nobodies since they don't begin to exist if somebody with a strong will lose their heart. I don't know how many replicas were produced since I was taken out as I encountered Riku after Vexen made an replica of him but got annihilated by Axel.""Why would Lea do that?" asked Sora. "Good as Nobody he was fixed on getting Roxas back as I met him, but…""I am sorry, but Axel was always difficult to read. From what I heard after being myself again, the only person Axel, or Lea now he is called again, always seeks out for his own interest. And Roxas has an important position in his interest so he is the only one safe around him," told Aeleus. "At Least from what I know.""I think he is loyal to his friends" told Sora "Just took him some time to find them.""That's your opinion," told Aeleus. "Very well… since we looked over the place over a few times already, I think your job is done here. We gave you everything we could offer in this case and from here on you have to work on. We will still try to solve it by ourselves.""But we still have a town to restore and the Heartless are acting up again, like something is coming. And we also get now visits from the Lightbringers, which doesn't make things easier.""Alright!" told Sora. "We go to help Merlin out in his world and try to find out where Even is. You can count on us!""See you soon," told Leon as the three began to leave.Chapter 47: Chapter 46Aqua looked at the world below the Gummi Ship as they reached their destination. A heavy sigh came from her and Kuran asks, "Is something wrong?""Coming back to this place brings a lot of memories back… and many of them are not of the good ones," told the blue haired Keyblade Master. Since Kuran had no clue what happened in detail, he asked, "Is it where you lost your friends due to the first try of the X-Blade?""You know about it?" asked Aqua and Kuran shrugs. "Lea told me… he thought it's better to let me know what is going on since I am involved with you now.""A surprisingly smart move," told Aqua and adds, "I hope I am ready for what we will encounter.""We are still here," told Kuran and moves with her to Riku and Kairi.After leaving the Gummi Ship they found themselves in the rocky badlands of the Keyblade Graveyard. In fact, their position is on top of a hill and Aqua looked around. "I think I know where we have to go."The others nod and followed her lead. They made it to a large arena where dozens of Keyblades are sticking out of the ground, with a crossroad in the middle of the field."Here was the moment were Terra, Ven, and I met together before we faced Xehanort and Vanitas," told Aqua, then she points to a direction. "And we head at this direction to face the two. It was a thought fight and I had in the end to fight against Ven since he and Vanitas reunited once again.""Reunited?" asked Kairi and Aqua told, "Ven and Vanitas are the two sides of the heart. Vanitas originated from the darkness of Ventus. And now that I think of it… he looked oddly much like Sora. Only the hair and eyes set them apart… black and yellow.""Sounds more like a demon version of Sora if we haven't Aros already," told Kairi and Kuran nods. "Only one meeting with this guy and I knew he was business.""Not really helping," told Riku and asks, "Is this the place where the Keyblade War happened?""I assume so since there are so many Keyblades… marking the graves of the fallen Keybearer," told Aqua.Then they began to move in one direction in hope they would find what they came for.It took some minutes before they spot a kneeling figure in the distance. However, as they spot it, they began to run to see if they found what they are looking for. Indeed there was a golden and red colored armor kneeling on the ground with a Keyblade in the hands. The armor raised its helmet and looked at the newcomers. After studying for a moment he asked, "Aqua?""Yes Terra! It's me!" told Aqua and the figure raised. Then he turns to Riku. "You are the one I have chosen."Riku nods and told, "Indeed I am! And I am a Keyblade Master now.""You succeed where I failed," told the armor then he turns to the last two. "Who are you?""This is Kairi, my successor," told Aqua. "And this Kuran. He was the student of a Keyblade Master named Ynsadi… however, his master died, but now Riku took for now the role of the master.""We are here because we were looking for you," began Kuran. "To help us in our fight against Xehanort.""XEHANORT!" called the figure and raises his Keyblade. Kuran steps back with his hands raised, "Whoa! Calm down! I am not with him.""Well but we are," told a voice and they turned around and spot Xigbar together with Ansem and Xemnas."What are you doing here?" asked Kairi and Aqua narrowed her eyes and Xigbar chuckles. "You still have this look, girl! Doesn't really fit ya! And wow! Your new friend over here looks like I drowned his goldfish! Just like the others.""Ok! Before I bash your skull into the ground, how about you tell me who you are?" asked Kuran while calling his Keyblade."Well since you ask so nicely I will tell ya! I am Xigbar, but some might want to call me Braig. I am the right hand of the old coot Xehanort. The other two are his Heartless and Nobody Ansem and Xemnas. And about the reason we are here… let's say we found this little armor by luck but it failed to notice us. So the old coot wanted that we somehow get some of you to come here and pick it up. Also, he told that we were supposed to deliver a message.""What massage" asked Riku and Ansem began, "Xehanort is willing to give you three presents. One now, to help you to gather your numbers.""The other when all seven guardians of light and the 13 seeker of darkness are gathered," continued Xemnas and Xigbar finished, "But the last one comes was the good old Xehanort not able to tell. But ya know! If it wouldn't bring me trouble and seemly trouble to get through the plan, I wouldn't give ya your present! Bad memories and stuff.""What would be your first present?" asked Kuran curiously and Xigbar told, "This is something between the junk of metal and what we brought here at first. Can't believe one of us had to kidnap that scientist just to use the Replica Program a few more times.""What?" asked Riku. "He wants to make replicas again?""Only a few… and one of them is here right now! In fact, he is behind us. Took some effort to gather the data to form this guy and get his heart in place. Well ten years are a lot of time. However we were so free to put a mind in there. So if your metal friend wants it, you have to break the will first!"With that the three disappears in darkness and left were a new figure. Instead there is a tall young man with brown hair that reaches to the base of his neck in the back and is styled into rather messy, vertical spikes and bangs that frame his face. He has blue eyes and slightly tanned skin.Also, he wears two intersecting straps over his chest, though his red ones are rather different, dropping much lower down and almost resembling criss-crossed suspenders. And a badge was on his belt. He wears a skintight, black, high-collared shirt, showing that he is rather muscular. The pants bear a distinct feudal Japanese style; his belt is tied like an obi-sash and he wears hakama. The hakama are dark grey near the top, with several loops for his belt and two buttons, both of which are undone. The rest of the pants are tan with a small, lighter stripe of tan on the bottom hem. Here was also a plain black wristband on his right arm, while his left arm is significantly more armored.Aqua gasped, "That's Terra.""I would rather say a replica body of him," told Riku. "Really a nice present.""Like it?" asked Xigbar, who was back in a different place. "Like I said, it took effort to get enough data to get this body down properly, not to mention to get his heart in place. The only thing missing is his mind, so we put a simple battle orientated one in. If this piece of junk defeats the replica you might get your old friend Terra back. Farewell!"With that he was gone. The replica body moves towards the others and the armor moves to engage the body. The others wanted to follow, but once the armor was away from the other four, a barrier appears, keeping the four out while the two parts of Terra were looked inside there. Kuran tapped on the barrier and told, "I guess we can only watch and hope.""Or we keep ourselves busy," told Riku. The others wanted to ask, but… it wasn't really necessary since they all saw what was coming. Heartless, Nobodies, and a different type of creatures Aqua recognized instantly. "Unversed!""You know these?" asked Riku and Aqua nods. "I'll explain later… only so much: If they are here, then this means Vanitas is back.""Guess this was the guy who took Kairi's heart," told Riku and he notices that Kairi was stepping back, looking in fear at the Unversed. Kuran shook her. "Kairi? What is wrong?""I fear she is afraid of the Unversed," told Aqua. "Her first encounter with them was when she was a little girl and she was frightened of them. While she didn't look affected way back after I protected her, but it seems she got a trauma from it.""Oh great," told Kuran and got his Keyblade out. "So we have to protect her as well while we deal with that. How about we take care of the Unversed first? Then she might snap out of it.""That's a good plan," told Riku. "Hope you know some spells because simple sword swinging won't be enough.""Never got lessons," told Kuran and Riku sighs. "Great! Then let's use this to get some basics, so far we got enough breathing room."Kuran nods and got in his battle stance before swinging at the first Nobody who got in weapon's range.Inside the barrier "cage" the armor and replica body of Terra were clashing their weapons, both the Keyblade Earthshaker, at each other and it seems in close combat they were equal. However, the replica body seems to use more simple tactics. Reason might be the simple mind that Xigbar mentioned.The armor raised his Keyblade after deflecting a blow and the earth began to shake, boulders shooting out and hit the replica body, catapulting into the air where it impacted with a meteor. It crashes on the ground and explodes, damaging it heavily. It went back on its feet and casts a series of Dark Firaga. The armor took the hits while getting close however, it didn't expect the powerful swing afterwards which sends it flying, hitting the barrier before falling on the ground.The armor raised and rushes at the incoming enemy once again.Outside where the three moving Keybearers busy to fight the hordes off while making sure none of them would get to Kairi. Kuran spots some airborne Unversed moving to her and he threw some daggers at them. As he was preparing the next set he looks surprised that his already thrown daggers multiply while flying to the enemy and instead of three hitting a single one, all three were hit by dozens of daggers, disintegrating while the remaining daggers rained down on a different spot and took some more Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed out. Whistling, he threw the other three he had to a direction were none of the other three were and saw how a good number of the horde were taking down by a few dozen Daggers of Darkness.Then he creates a Sword of Darkness and he threw his Keyblade into one direction. The blade began to be coated in darkness and light while it spins around through enemies before turning and flying back to Kuran who used his Darkness sword to defend himself until his Keyblade returns.Riku had watched this while fighting himself and he went to Kuran's side telling, "You seem to be advanced at the attacking moves.""Well… this with the daggers never happened before," admits Kuran and Riku guessed, "You seem to be good with weapon based attacks. However, this might cause in return that your magic won't work like the others.""As long I am able to fight for what I believe in, I am happy," told Kuran and used his two weapons to perform a combo that leaves a path of destruction upon his targets. Then he jumps into a dark portal to get behind a fat body and slashes the back a few times before swinging his ax. He missed the body, but as the ax impacted with the ground, a darkness explosion happened and took out or damaged other enemies heavily.Looking around Kuran wondered, "What the hell is going on here?""Your weapons of darkness are affected as well by the Keyblade," assumed Aqua and Kuran told, "Riku and I were that far already. I just wonder how it is possible.""For that I have no idea," told Aqua and they head to defeat a set of Heartless which were coming closer to Kairi. However, she attacked them with spells and managed to summon two of her creatures. Watching this Kuran guessed, "Looks like as long we get the Unversed away from her she can defend herself."Aqua agreed and called over to Riku about this. He nods and the three concentrated on the Unversed more to keep them away from Kairi.Back in the caged battlefield the armor fell on the ground after getting another heavy hit from the Body Replica of Terra. More and more cracks are covering the metallic body and it was sure that it wouldn't hold out any longer… it has to end this now!The armor stands up and as the opponent came, it slashes it to send it into the air and jumps after it to crash the body back to the ground with a spinning attack.Once the body lands on the ground, the armor rushes over and attacks the body with a series of charge attacks before jumping and crashing down along with meteors.The body kneels down, not able to continue the fight. The armor stood in front of the body and touched its shoulder pad. The armor disappears and only some of the arm armor is left. The body took the one he already wears off and took the other on, touching the same spot the armor did before and was covered in the said armor. Then he grabs his head in pain and cries out.He shakes and tries to get helmet off which didn't succeed. Then he was on the knees and hands, panting loudly while the armor began to break apart. Panting, he took the other armor back and touched it, but nothing happened. Not minding it he looked around and notices a keyhole on the top of the current prison. Raising his Keyblade, he aimed at it and a beam shoots out.In the meanwhile Aqua, Kairi, Riku, and Kuran were still busy with the enemy horde and Aqua and Riku used their strongest spells and attacks to a point where they are tired. Kairi was also not in a good shape since her summons had to be replaced from time to time, taking a toll on her magical capabilities. Kuran was used to such situation so he was in better shape, but unable to fight well enough to cover up the tiredness of the other three.Suddenly the Heartless and Nobodies are leaving while the Unversed stopped in their tracks, remaining silent before disappearing as well.Lowering her Keyblade Kairi wondered, "What happened?""I don't know," admits Aqua but adds, "As long nothing worse comes, it's alright for me."Kuran falls on his butt and laughs. "Perhaps they were only here to entertain us while the armor and body are fighting."Riku looked at the barriers and told, "You might be right.""Huh?" asked Kuran and turns around, seeing that the barriers are disappearing and revealing that the armor was broken down and the body is still there, but hurt from the fight.Aqua walked forward to the boy standing there and asked, "Terra?""Yes Aqua… it is me," told Terra. "I am sorry for what happened.""It wasn't your fault. Xehanort is the one to blame," countered Aqua, but Riku told, "However, bringing you back for us doesn't make up since he probably only did that to get his plan in better motion.""I think so as well," told Terra and looks at his hand. "It's odd… it feels like my body, but… at the same time it doesn't.""Well since none of us is a replica we cannot tell if your feeling is just natural or not," told Riku. "And we can hardly ask my replica since I took care of it long time ago.""Well I think I can ask you later about that story," told Terra. "But now… I want to know what we will do now?""I think we'll make a stop somewhere to train Kairi and Kuran a bit more," told Aqua. "Kairi is pretty far now for what lies beforehand and she needs a different teacher soon since her talent is within the summoning, something none of us has.""And Kuran here got his Keyblade recently and his already affected existing attacks and abilities heavily. He needs to learn to control it and at least get him the basics of magic down," told Riku. "Also back to the Olympic Coliseum?"Aqua shook her head. "No. I think we should head to a different place, which can be used better for this kind of training we all need.""Where?" asked Kuran and Aqua told, "The Mirage Arena. I had been there to train myself a few times to prepare for what lied before me as Master Erasqus sent me out to investigate the threat to the universe which turned out to be the Unversed.""I did the same," told Terra. "But in the end it didn't help much against Master Xehanort' s tricks.""I think you were caught off guard and none of you knew what was going on back there," told Kuran. "So I guess you don't need to blame yourself. And I never have been there so we should go now."They agreed and went to the Gummi Ship. Terra was surprised about the Gummi Ship technology, but understood why such vehicle had to be invented… after all, traveling through the vast seas is dangerous without protection and without access to new Keyblade Armors their options were limited. On the way to the Mirage Arena Terra asked Kuran, "How did you get into contact with the darkness?""I don't remember it," told kuran. "I was a baby when it happened, however Maleficent claims my father took me to her and made a deal… I don't know what my father's side of the bargain was, but her part was saving my life. Which was as result planting the strong darkness inside of me.""How… can you live with it?" asked Terra. "I want to understand.""I think Riku will agree with me here when I say… it is about accepting the fact you have strong darkness inside of you, but prevent to succumb into it. It is a hard battle, but I believe it is worth so long as you know for what you are fighting for.""I see," told Terra and Riku nods. "I agree with Kuran. While I was tricked by her and later by the Heartless of Xehanort, Ansem, I began to resist the darkness and took it as part of me, but never let it control me again once I got into the Mark of Mastery Exam."Terra nods and looked out of the windows. "I guess I have a lot to learn from you two. Do you mind if you take me as your student as well, Master Riku?""Guess giving you lessons on how to handle your darkness is possible," told Riku. "However, I have to spend more time with Kuran since he needs still the basics about magic and get his new abilities under control. While in the fight we had been stuck before you got back to yourself in a way, Kuran's new-found power and the lack of control it helped a lot, but…""I need to be more precise about it in case we don't face an army and should get an overview what I am now able to pull out," finishes Kuran. "This is what you want to say, right?"Riku nods. "That's the case.""Which is good since we get close to a world and I think it is the Mirage Arena… it definitely doesn't look like any other world I saw until now," told Kuran. Terra looked out and nods. "Yes, it is the Mirage Arena.""Time for our lessons," chuckles Kuran and leans on a wall.Pete walked around in the Keyblade Graveyard mumbling, "Why do I have to go here to check out these radiations of darkness? Couldn't one of the others have done it as well?"Then he stumbled over something and falls down with an "ouch!"He got up and rubs his head, looking over what he stumbled. "Oh great! First this big field with broken Keyblades and now this junk! Who left the remains of an armor here?"Since nobody answered him (Well… who would be on this place anyway right now?) he just told, "Nah! I'll just keep looking for this radiation of darkness and get back to Maleficent. The only question is… where do I have to look for it?"Chapter 48: Chapter 47Sora, Donald, and Goofy appear alongside Merlin in the middle of a hall where the first thing the four saw were several soldiers pointing their weapons at them."Wak!" called Donald and pulled his staff out while Goofy had his shield and Sora of course his Kingdom Key. Merlin on the other hand just said, "Stop, stop, stop. No need to jump like that. It just me, the good old Merlin."The soldiers eyed them, but as they seem to recognize the old wizard they lowered their weapons and got back to their post. Merlin stroke his beard and explains, "While they were always surprised by the way how I get back, I never saw them that jumpy. The situation must be more dire than I thought. Well… better we get to Arthur and hear from him on the matter.""Alright," told Sora. "Please lead the way, Merlin."With Merlin in the lead they reach a large door blocked by a pair of guards. The old wizard cleared his throat and told, "I am here to talk with his Majesty King Arthur."However, the guards blocks the way and one told, "We are told to let nobody into the chambers of the King.""Nobody but Merlin! Why do you guys wear helms if apparently nothing is under the same," told a voice and an owl lands on the helm of one of them."Hello, Archimedes," told Merlin. "It has been a while. How are you doing?""How I am doing? Except the fact it is hard to be taken seriously as being an owl, I am doing well! Where have you have been anyway? You just left one day and didn't show a single sign of yourself for the last few years.""I was in Traverse Town by a request of a friend and later in Radiant Garden to help out the people to restore it to the old glory," told Merlin. "Though there is still much to do.""I bet they will make some progress since you are not helping them right now," told Archimedes, sarcastic, and hits his foot on the helm of the soldier. "And what are you waiting for? Make the way clear for them."The guards looked at each other before opening the doors. The owl flew in while the others step into the chambers. Once they are inside the doors closed and a young man with blond hair and beard walks to them. He wore fine clothes and a sword on his side. With a smile he told, "Merlin! It's great to see you again!""Hello, Wart," told Merlin. "It has been some time! And boy did you grow once more when I was gone?"Wart chuckles and told, "I don't think it was possible in any way given my age.""True enough. Well I better introduce you the others I brought with me. These are Sora, Donald, and Goofy. All of them are great warriors and whatever the reason is why you called for my help, they can provide big help as well.""Welcome, Sora, Donald, and Goofy. I am Arthur, King of this land," told Wart and with that Goofy and Donald bows while Sora just put his hands behind the head and told, "Nice to meet you!""Sora!" protested Donald and Goofy, still not able to believe how less respectful Sora shows towards noble people."Don't worry! I rarely call Wart here with his title, except it is something public," told Merlin and then turns to Arthur. "So my dear Arthur… what trouble brought us here?""It is a set of creatures that appeared recently. At first we feared them because we didn't know what they are… but then as they began to attack the dark creatures we began to accept them. It went well with them for some time before they started attacking humans. First huge offenders like murderers, but now they even attack boys who simply played a prank on peopl," told the King and Sora asked, "Are they golden with halos above their heads?""Yes, yes they are," told Wart and with that Sora told, "The Lightbringers!""Lightbringers are these creature's names?" asked Arthur and Sora nods. "It is. They are made of light and their goal is to destroy the darkness. Uncomfortably they jump at any sight of darkness, even it is what people normally have.""I heard of these creatures," told Merlin. "And like the Heartless they need somebody to lead them into a world. Without a leader they cannot hold their place here.""That means we have to find the leader and remove him?" asked Arthur and Sora nods. "That's pretty much the idea. We just don't know who it might be."Arthur walked up and down to think about it, but he seems to have idea who or where it could be… until he asked, "Perhaps Madam Mim?""I doubt that," told Merlin. "That she might be the reason why the Heartless are here is more possible than being with the Lightbringers.""Who is Madam Mim?" asked Sora and Merlin answered, "A witch that likes to cause destruction. If you ever face her, don't trust her to stick on the rules.""Alright. Thanks for the warning," told Sora. "So where should we look for the one behind the Lightbringers? It could be anybody who believes to act with good intentions. Even Maluz himself.""But Sora! I thought you told us Maluz was thrown into space," told Goofy, but Donald countered, "You buffoon! I doubt that something like that could simply stop this guy! However, my spells will."Arthur looked at Merlin and asks, "I guess they are from a different world?""Yes, that's true… and they visited a lot of other worlds," told Merlin. "What?" wondered the trio and Sora asks, "You know about other worlds?""Yes! Merlin told him!" told Archimedes. "Was part of the lessons he gave him as he was still a child. I still think it was one of the dumbest things he could have done to break the world order rules.""Archimedes. Be polite," told Merlin. "And I thought a well educated boy should even know about other worlds.""Yeah! Even he is king now he cannot tell about that without being declared CRAZY!" countered Archimedes and Sora asks, "I take this is normal?""For these two? Yes, Sora," told Arthur. "To where you should look… the Lightbringers were first spotted by the stone so looking there might bring some clues. I'll gather my knights and soldiers in the meanwhile because I want to start a raid to wipe as many out as possible to limit the causalities.""Which stone do you mean?" asked Sora and Archimedes told, "The stone where Excalibur was in! You see, Arthur became king because he was able to pull it out of the stone.""A sword in a stone? Sounds cool!" told Sora. "Where do we find this famous stone?""I better show you the way! You look like a trio that could get lost even in the garden of your grandmother!" told Archimedes and the three protested loudly by that opinion. Merlin chuckles and told, "I'll stay with Arthur here and provide him my magic for countering the Lightbringers and any Heartless that might show up on the way.""Alright! We'll come back once we found something," told Sora and they left with Archimedes leading them. They reach the place where the stone was. The three looked around, but Sora just told, "Also, I don't see anything.""I am not surprised! The only thing worth to see is now with Arthur," told Archimedes. "Since then this stone is seen as a plain stone.""But why did the Lightbringers show up here first?" asked Goofy while scratching his head."How am I supposed to know?" asked Archimedes. "I only know they did."And like on a cue a set of squirrel like Lightbringers the size of dogs show up. Archimedes looked at them and told, "And they are the ones that show up the most for some reasons.""Better we get rid of them," told Sora and summons his Keyblade, striking down the closet one while Donald casts a Thundaga Spell with Goofy slamming into another one.It took only a short time before the creatures of light were defeated. Sora dismisses his Keyblade and told, "That was easy.""Since being here didn't bring anything but a fight, we should move somewhere else," told Archimedes while landing on Sora's shoulder. "There are lot of other places to look at.""Say, Archimedes… what are these others places?" wondered Sora and Archimedes explains, "While they show up everywhere, the most sights were in three forests. One where Merlin and Arthur took a walk in before he became king, the other the one where Merlin and Arthur met the first time. And the third… let's say they might have gotten Madam Mim with some luck. Other places with a big encountering rates are like stated here and the old castle where Arthur once lived and worked. More exactly they jump out of the water that surrounds the castle. The last place was where Madam Mim and Merlin had a Sorcerer Due.l""Sounds like there is a conalction," told Goofy and Donald countered, "It's connection!""Now you mention it," began Archimedes, "All of those places were places visited by Wart!""So whoever controls these Lightbringers must have a connection to Arthur," told Sora and Archimedes told, "In this case there are not many we could ask. Since only a few know about Arthur's story before he drew the sword out of the stone. In fact, only two I know about it.""And who are they?" ask Goofy and Archimedes told, "Sir Ector and his son, Kay. Though they have been cruel to him in the past, they got respectful towards him after Arthur became a king.""Perhaps one of them thought he does something good by bringing the Lightbringers in," told Sora and Archimedes nods. "That could be."With that they made on their way to get to Sir Ector's castle.In the meanwhile, deep in a forest in a cottage, spells flew anywhere while Heartless jump around and fight randomly appearing Lightbringers. Inside the cottage was an ugly woman with green eyes, purple hair, wearing a purple shirt and a crimson skirt with purple shoes.She shoots another spell that destroys the last of the current wave of Lightbringers. Groaning loudly she sat down. "While I enjoy destruction, these constant fights against these Lightbringers are getting on my nerves! Even me, the most powerful witch of this world, can only take so much without any rest. Not that my life has been easy… first Merlin's sick sickness, then this squirrel in the incomplete potion, and now these lightfreaks! This is too much for a single decade!""Then perhaps you should have moved to our hideout like we offered to you as you joined us," told a voice. The witch turned around and laughs. "Ah! Magica De Spell… what brings you here?""Orders from Maleficent, Madam Mim," told Magica. "On this world is something that might be of interest.""And what is it?" asked the other and De Spell asks, "Before I tell it to you… what was that with squirrel and potion?""A few years ago I wanted to make a potion which could have spread a disastrous epidemic. However, as I was halfway done a squirrel fell in with some other indigents, turning the whole potion over. Something with long life and other fine effects. And the squirrel got away before I had the chance to kill it.""Then why didn't you simply make another potion?" asked Magica and Mim laughs. "Didn't get everything I need for it yet. Some of the indigents are only available once a decade or a hundred years."Magica nods to the other witch and told, "That is unfortunate for you… but back to business: You know about a sword in the stone?"Mim laughed. "Sorry! But the sword isn't in a stone anymore! This boy I wanted to destroy if Merlin haven't interfered got this thing and became king. Since then I have hard time to get on business if I have to recall my reason for joining this group for you.""I am still aware of that," told Magica. "Even if these two pieces are separated, there is still something of value… something for what we are searching for now.""Now I am listening," chuckles Mim and took a seat. "Tell me Magica… what do you want me to get for you guys?"Back by Sora and co they reach the castle of Sir Ector. As they reach there they spot a fat, red haired main training with a thinner looking but muscular man. The four moved to the two and as they notice them the fat one asks, "Who are you and what do you want?""I am Sora! These are Donald and Goofy," told Sora. "Merlin asked us to help him and from Arthur we know in what.""Well that explains who you are and what you want," told the other. "However, what brings you here?""Well we got to the conclusion that the places with the biggest amount of these creatures are places connected to King Arthur," told Archimedes. "That means it must somebody with a connection to him who is in charge of them.""You mean somebody is controlling them?" asked the fat one and they nodded. "Kay, do you know who could do that?""How should I know?" asked Kay. "One thing for sure, if I would control them, I wouldn't allow them to act like that in the kingdom.""Sir Ector, if neither you or Sir Kay are after this," told Archimedes, "Do you have at least a clue who it could be?""Nope. I mean, I doubt that dogs would be able to control them or did I miss something?" asked Ector. Sora, Donald, and Goofy seem to think of it. However, Sora told, "So far we know… only people were able to control them, and a guy named Maluz.""Maluz?" asked Sir Ector. "What does he look like?""Golden armor, wolf head with the mane of a lion," told Sora and Ector shook his head. "No… I have no clue. The name sounds familiar, but a creature looking like that would stay in my memory.""Yeah… nobody would really forgot somebody like that," told Kay while scratching his head. Sora sighs. "Looks like we are out of clues now.""Seems like that," told Archimedes. "Except…""Huh? Except what?" asked Sora and Archimedes shook his owl head. "There would be one more, but… it cannot be for various reasons.""Like?" asked Donald and Archimedes told, "It is several years in the past. Arthur never had contact with this one since then and I doubtt here would have been an understanding how things works, at least from our view of point. Not to mention we don't know if still alive.""Well in this case I guess it is alright to say we ran out of options," told Sora. Then a slender knight in purple and pink clothes with half bald head and grey hair and mustache appears. Walking up to Sora he asks, "Do you happen to be Sir Sora?""Don't know about the Sir, but I am Sora," told the Keybearer and the knight told, "I am Sir Pelinore. King Arthur sent me to find you since he requests your assistance since in a nearby forest these Lightbringers showed up in bigger numbers. However, all other knights were busy to hold them down in other places. And these dark creatures, Heartless I think was their name, appeared as well. While the Heartless and Lightbringers fight against each others, many more still are attacking the people.""Alright!" told Sora. "We're on the way!""I'll bring you to the forest, but then I have to leave you. I need to protect the people as well," told Pelinore and the others agreed on that.The mentioned forest wasn't far, in fact Archimedes recognized it. "Ah! I know that Merlin and Arthur went here on a walk once and I couldn't sleep due to the squirrels running around.""You don't know what they have done here?" asks Sora and Archimedes told, "Nope! At least, I don't remember it."Then they spot the Lightbringers. The Lightbringers were ready to attack and Sora called already his Keyblade with Donald and Goofy preparing their weapons as well. However, a female voice called, "Stop!"Everybody, even the Lightbringers, turned to the source and they spot a young woman with reddish orange hair wearing a form fitting golden armor and a bow on her back. She told towards the Lightbringers, "Why do I have to tell you all the time to stop to attack the people?""You are the one behind the Lightbringers?" asked Sora and she nods. "Yes… but I never wanted that they attack innocent people. All I wanted is to help and get recognized.""Seems that backfired completely," told Donald. "Because everybody is now trying to get rid of them, along with the person behind them!""I know and I am running to get things under control, but they keep doing things I told them not to do," told the woman. Sora looks at her and told, "I think we can find a solution. After all, you had only the best intentions. I am Sora! These are Donald and Goofy.""I am Hazel," told the woman. "I got this name from my teacher.""Your teacher?" asks Goofy and Hazel nods. "Yes… from him I learned everything I know and he gave me this armor and bow.""Who is your master?" asked Sora and Hazel answered, "His name is Maluz the Golden Light.""MALUZ?" exclaimed Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Then Sora asks, "Big guy in golden armor with a big sword. Head of a wolf and mane of a lion?""That's him… why do you ask?" wondered Hazel and Sora told, "He tried to kill me and my friends several times.""But why would he do that? I mean, you look nice and you don't seem to have darkness," told Hazel. The three looked with questioning eyes at her and she told, "Maluz told me that only light should exist and darkness is the source of all evil… so it should be destroyed. However, I think it is extreme… there must be some other way, that is why I didn't pass Maluz's last task yet.""What is your last task?" asked Sora and Hazel told, "To purify this world from the darkness completely.""Then it is good you didn't do that. Light and Darkness are eternal and one cannot exit with the other… if you had removed the darkness here, then this world would die," explains Sora and Hazel took a step back. "But it was never my intention to murder anybody.""I believe you!" told Sora. "Better we get to Merlin to ask him what we should do about this."Suddenly Hazel looked very unsure, but it went unnoticed by the friends.Chapter 49: Chapter 48Sora and his friends went with Hazel back to the castle where Sir Kay spots them. "Ah, Miss Hazel! Nice to see you again. Did you think about my offer?""I did, but my answer is the same like last time. My heart belongs already to somebody else," told Hazel."You know each other?" asked Goofy and Hazel nods. "We met once while I was on training. Apparently he and his father were on a trip to check something out for Arthur."Sir Ector who came in slaps his forehead. "Now I remember where I heard the name Maluz before: This girl told me about him. But I never thought he would look like some kind of beast.""Believe me. He is a beast, and due to his views he tried to kill some friends of mine. I also was a target of him," told Sora and Hazel wondered, "Maluz was so kind to me, teaching me everything I know today. So why is he have so much hatred against you?""Because we have something he views that might endanger everything. While it is true that some are abusing it for their own goals, most I know with it are responsible," told Sora. Donald crossed his arms and told, "I think somewhat responsible is the better term.""Donald!" countered Sora and the two began to argue while Hazel began to laugh at the antics of the two… whatever Master Maluz told her, he obliviously didn't meet these two on a personal level.This picture went on for a while until Goofy told, "Uhm… Sora… Donald. Shouldn't we get her to Merlin and Arthur?"The two stopped, staring at Goofy since he was right! They quickly said their byes to Sir Ector and Sir Kay and went back to the castle where they were directed to the throne room where they studied a map.Merlin looked up. "Ah! You three are back! But who is the girl behind you?"Sora wanted to answer, but was interrupted by Hazel. "I am Hazel. The Lightbringers are here because of me. However… I never meant harm to anybody.""So you claim that you had good intentions with them, but they slipped out of your control?" asks Arthur and Hazel nods. "That's right. And… it has been a while. Though I think you looked better without the beard."Arthur stared at her. "I cannot recall to have met you before."She stroke a hand through her hair and told, "Well… it isn't easy to be recognized if you looked different in the past."However, before this conversation could continue, the castle suddenly shook and they rushed to the next window to see what is going on. In front of the castle was a Heartless. And what a big one!Imagine an Invisible Heartless, 10 to 20 times bigger with a knight's armor, calling with each move dozens of other Heartless. Sounds bad right?Anyway… what disturbs more was the laughter that could they hear while the Heartless are going to wreak havoc.Merlin and Archimedes looked at each other and they called together, "Madam Mim!""Madam Mim?" asks Sora. "Is this the one behind this mess?""That right boy!" called a voice. "Cause I'm the magnificent, marvellous, mad Madam Mim!"With a puff of smoke the witch stands in the throne room and laughs. Then she hopped up and down like a child with her hands clapping together. "I am really loving this destruction caused by the Heartless. I wish if it weren't for Maleficent I would just let it destroy everything.""You are working with Maleficent?" asks Sora and Mim mused, "Oops, I guess I slipped it. Wanted to tell that anyway! Now hand over this sword and I'll call the Heartless back!""Why do you want Excalibur?" asks Goofy and Mim told, "Most powerful sword on this world. Don't you think it has some kind of value for the likes of us?""I won't let you have Excalibur!" called Arthur and draw his sword. Madam Mim grins and snapped her fingers, causing soldiers, magician, and dual blades. Sora, Donald, and Goofy got their weapons ready and Madam Mim laughed. Merlin points at her with a staff and called, "I challenge you to a wizard duel.""Oh! I was waiting for that!" called Mim. "This time you won't win by making me sick!"Sora and the other two looked odd at Merlin. However, Arthur just told, "It's a longer story.""Uhm… alright!" told Sora and he rushes at the Heartless while Merlin and Mim began their magical fight. Since no rules are set this time… the outcomes of their transformations are different. Or who of this world could tell that Madam Mim just transformed into a Spear Dragon to impale Merlin who countered by making himself into a Gengar, causing the witch to pass through him and hitting the wall behind the "ghost".Arthur was finishing off a Dual Blade has he tried to block the kick of an incoming soldier. However, the soldier was never able to touch the king since an arrow of light hit it. He turned and saw Hazel shooting light arrows at the Heartless. In a calm moment she whistled and Lightbringers appear, beginning to attack the Heartless since they were the ones with the strongest darkness. Even the Heartless outside were facing the light creatures. Only the largest one of them seems only to be annoyed by these light creatures nothing more.Sora pondered what to do and then he remembered something. "Guys! Do you think you can hold on your own here for a while?""What are you doing, Sora?" asks Donald and Sora told, "I am trying something! If it works, this Heartless won't bother us anymore.""Oh brother," sighs Donald and told Goofy, "Better we don't disappoint him!""Hyuck! I agree, Donald" laughed Goofy while smashing a magician with his shield.Sora rushes on the roof of the castle and took his Dragon Key Amulet out. Sighing loudly he mumbled, "I hope it works like I thought it will."Holding the valuable item up he called, "SPYRO!"The crystal flashes and a rock shook due to a torrent of fire underneath out of the ground and ice formed around it while thunderbolts hits the structure. Then the fire and the bolts disappear while the rocks and ice shattered, revealing the purple dragon.Flapping his wings he looked at Sora but also spots the giant Heartless. With a knowing nod towards Sora, Spyro speeds up and greets his opponent with a fire ball.The Heartless roared and slashes its enormous sword against the dragon. Spyro dodges and attacks once more, this time with a release of electrical torrents, which also destroyed some random Heartless and Lightbringers on the way.Sora saw that Spyro could handle the situation for himself right now and went back to his friends. Once back with them, he slices a Heartless in half that wanted to jump at Donald's back.With that in the throne room was empty from Heartless, but… "Where is Merlin? And Madam Mim?" asks Sora.Goofy points to a hole in the way. "Madam Mim turned into an ape and hit Merlin who was at this time a rock.""A rock?" asks Sora confused and Hazel told, "First he got into a sort of blue ball with arms, legs, and his beard. He got above Mim and turns into a rock to smash her. She dodged it and hits it after turning… what did you call it?""Ape," told Goofy."Thanks," told Hazel and adds, "We better get out and help so far we can,""I agree on that," told Arthur. "The people should see that their king is fighting for them."They rush out and attack any Heartless which comes in the way. Knights and troops watching this get encouraged and fought with new energy. However… a few still wondered where the dragon came from and why it is helping them.They catch up to Merlin and Madam Mim. Both were worn out by the fight and Mim growled, "I might not defeat you today, Merlin! But this place is gone for with the Heartless rampaging around!"However, they turned as they heard a crash. The large Heartless was on the ground and a large rock sticking out of the chest. The dark creature fades and a large heart raises into the air before vanishing.Madam Mim laughed weakly. "Well… looks like I have to think things over."With that she took her broom out and disappeared into the sky, but was sent flying as she was hit by a fire ball of the dragon. She cries loudly while leaving a trail of black smoke behind."Glad that's over," told Sora, but Merlin disagreed. "I don't think so, Sora!"He points to a direction and saw that the remaining Heartless and Lightbringers were still fighting and Hazel seems to have lost control over them for good since no matter what she calls to them they weren't listening to her."What?" asks Sora. "Why are they no longer listening to her?""Because I took over," told a voice. Sora turns around and calls, "Maluz!"Here was indeed Maluz. However, his shape was far from the best. Hazel noticed it and asks, "Master Maluz! What happened to you?"The lion/wolf hybrid growled, "That blasted darkness user got a keyblade! We have to hurry to get the destruction of darkness down as fast as possible! Starting with this world!"He turns to King Arthur. "You have seen what darkness is doing to your world! Allow me to get rid it for you!""After what the Lightbringers have done to my people, I refuse! They are bad as the Heartless and I refuse to let any of them act like they please anymore," told Arthur however Maluz just growls, "That you just decided the fate of you and your world!"Raising to attack, an light arrow hits Maluz and Hazel suddenly called, "Stop!"Maluz turned around, not fazed by the light arrow and looks at her while she aims with her bow another light arrow at him. "Hazel! What is the meaning of this?""I only want to help Arthur, but seeing what the Lightbringers have done, I don't know if this course is the right one," explains Hazel. Maluz narrows his eyes and growls, "I took care of you! I trained you! I taught you everything you know! AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?""I am sorry," told Hazel and shoots the arrow. It hit Maluz in the head, however, he acted like as if the arrow wasn't there. In fact, the arrow disappears and the light user roars "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR BETRAYAL!" and a burst of light hits the girl. She cries in pain while her armor disappears and flew at a wall. Gasping in pain and with wide eyes, she collapses on the ground."HAZEL!" called Sora and rushes to her side with Arthur and the others. They tried to wake her, but she didn't move. Sora stands up and got his Keyblade in hand, glaring at the leader of the Lightbringers.Maluz got his sword out, which still shows cracks, and Sora wanted to make a remark on that, but suddenly Maluz gasps and holds his side while muttering, "Damm! I am still recovering."He turns to Sora and growls, "You have seen us the last time, Keybearer!"Then he disappears and with the lack of a leader on this world, the remaining Lightbringers took their leave as well.Sora dismissed his Keyblade and turns to the others. "How is she?""I don't know, Sora…" admits Merlin. "This blast seems to be intense. While she is awake now, I don't know if she will get through."Indeed Hazel was breathing hard and looks at Arthur. "I… only wanted to be with you…""Don't talk! You need to save your strength," answered the king. However, Hazel just giggles and smiles. "It… was great… to see you again…"And with that her eyes close and she was covered in a light which fades away. Once the light was gone, the only thing left was a squirrel. Goofy scratched his head. "A squirrel?""I… I think I know this squirrel," told Arthur. Merlin looked as well and nods. "I guess you are right about that, Arthur! This is the squirrel that you encountered years back."Sora looked up and Merlin told, "While giving Arthur his lesson, we turned into squirrels once, and this one fall in love with Arthur.""Oh… so… her love to him made her human?" asks Sora, but Merlin shook his head. "No… there is more! I think magic turned her into a human, but now the spell is broken."He nods, but doesn't know what to tell more… he knew her only for a short time but considered her as friend… he cannot believe she was gone now.Then small coughs were heard and they looked at the source. The small squirrel was the one coughing, weakly opening their eyes."You're alive!" told Sora with a cheer and Merlin told, "Quickly! Bring her into my room!"With that said, they got into his room and Merlin took some potions and spells to treat her. Once he is done, he told, "She will live, just needs a lot of rest now. Incredible that she survived."Sora wanted to agree on that, but suddenly Sir Ector bursts in and called, "King Arthur! King Arthur!""Calm down, Sir Ector! What is wrong?" asks Arthur and Ector told, "Somebody has stolen the stone!""The stone where Excalibur was in?" asks Merlin and Ector told, "That's right!""Why should anybody steal this stone?" asks Archimedes. "The sword is much more valuable.""I think Madam Mim was only here to distract us," told Merlin. "It was odd she didn't even really try to keep fighting even with the Heartless gone. By the way Sora… if I were you, I would send the dragon back to his home.""Why?" asks Sora and Merlin explains, "Simple! Your Dragon Key Amulet can summon the dragon for a much longer time then your other summons. However, it takes magnificently lot more time to recharge. Not to mention we have here dozens of knights running around with the idea of getting honor by slaying a dragon."Without a second to think, Sora rushes out and found Spyro defending himself from dozens of knights which want to have the "honor" to boast that they have slain a dragon.Sora called to Spyro and used his Keyblade to end the summoning. A last glance came from the dragon before returning to his own world. Sighing loudly, Sora lowered his weapon, but still wondered why somebody would steal a stone…Magica De Spell and Madam Mim were walking in a hall with Heartless carrying the stone where the sword was in once in. On the way Mim asks, "Why did I have to distract them so you could steal this stone?""The Blob found something that includes the capture of this item," told Magica. "But I don't have the full details on that… and back to your incomplete potion… which effect does it have in its incomplete form?""Expands your life a lot and allows you to survive deadly blows once or twice! However, once completed, it would have caused a lot of suffering, like people deadly sick, plants stopping growing, rivers filled with anything but drinkable water, and so on! However, with this squirrel falling in, it got these nasty nice effects and the hair ruined the potion.""So your world could have the oldest living squirrel now… nice," chuckles Magica and keeps walking.In the meanwhile, in the Mirage Arena, Aqua and Riku were overlooking the training of Kairi and Kuran while Terra was sitting elsewhere to think about the topics he talked with the others earlier, setting in the events of the last 10 years.Kairi and Kuran were facing right now a Heartless which manipulates the time and was in fact a giant clock with arms and legs.It wanted to use one of the time based attacks again, however, Kuran was planning to interfere with that and used a Portal of Darkness to get close, shouting a warning to Kairi. However, she already casts a Warp spell to the object the Heartless has summoned to unleash its attack.And now with the odd chances the warp spell hits the object in the second where the time based attack was unleashed WITH Kuran coming out of the other end of his dark corridor.The two spells intervened with the Dark Portal and Kuran could only shield his face from the bright light forming before an explosion happened.Kairi covered her eyes from the dust and as she looked up again… everything was gone. "Kuran? KURAN!" called Kairi, now fearing for her friend.Chapter 50: Chapter 49Roxas and Lea were finished with their training and plan to go to their usual spot for an ice cream until the others would come back.Just as they left the tower Mickey came to them and wondered, "Where are you two doing?"Roxas turned and told, "Going to Twilight Town for something.""I guess this is a thing between you two, so I shouldn't disturb you," told Mickey and Lea smirks. "Got that damn right, mouse! It's a tradition between friends and sorry… I don't see you as a friend here. At least not a close enough friend for this.""We considered letting Kuran join in, but since he isn't here we cannot ask him," told Lea. "However, once we all are free, we will definitely do that together.""Alright! I wish you fun guys! Just in case an emergency shows up, where can I find you?" asks Mickey."If this emergency isn't happening in Twilight Town, Clock Tower or a shop. Probably the first since we only need one thing from the shop."Mickey nods and went back into the tower. Lea and Roxas on the other hand went to Twilight Town, going to the shop where they usually buy their Sea-Salt Ice Cream. Once they had the ice cream they went to go to the Clock Tower, but just as they wanted to enter the station, they heard somebody calling, "Hey you! What do you think you are doing?"The two turned and spot somebody Roxas recognizes instantly. "Seifer…""You know him?" asks Lea and Roxas answered, "In a way… was part of the simulated Twilight Town and a bane of existence.""Hey! Don't ignore me!" protests Seifer and the boy on his side, Rai, adds, "Don't ignore Seifer, ya know! He is the leader of the Disciplinary Committee, ya know. "The girl on the other side remained silent. The name of her is Fuu and belongs to Seifer's trio. Lea just shrugs. "And? I don't think you have to stick your nose to our business. Just doing what we do a lot when we are here in town.""I never saw you two before! So don't tell me you come here frequently," told Seifer and took a struggle club out, pointing at the two Keybearers.Lea chuckles. "Ya know! We did for the minority of a year. We just didn't come here in the last time since we had been busy.""Let's go Lea. We cannot reason with him properly and the ice is melting," told Roxas and Lea nods. "Got a point there, Roxas."The two turned to go on their way, but Seifer told them to stop. Then Fuu simply said, "Capture.""Great idea, ya know!" told Rai and took out his own struggle bat and charges at the two. As he got closer, he jumped and aims to hit Lea's head. But what he hit instead shocked him. Lea had noticed the attack and summoned one of his Chakras to block the hit and push his attacker back."Don't start a fight with us and we won't mop the street with you," told Lea and points to his head while having his Sea Salt Ice Cream in hand. "Got it memorized?""Fine!" told Seifer. "For now you win, but if you cause trouble here, I will discipline you!""Don't worry on that. If you find us within trouble, it is more like it found u,s" told Lea and Seifer made a sign that indicates he will have an eye on them before leaving. Roxas watches them and wondered, "Does he bully the others here like in the simulation?""What do you mean?" asks Lea and then he got it. "You mean the simulated friends you had in this copy version of the town?"Roxas nods and Lea shrugs. "Since I can agree with you on the bane part, I guess he does.""After the ice cream I would like to see them. I know they probably don't know me, but I just want to meet my friends again," explains Roxas and Lea laughs, "I bet you become their friend for real and not only a simulation."Then they went on their usual place on the clock tower where they looked at the sun which was on its usual position in the sky while eating their ice cream. No words were spoken since they just wanted to enjoy being together again. However, both felt something was still missing… as if there should be one more person besides them to make it truly like back into the days of the Organization. At least the enjoyable parts of their life within Organization XIII. Once they finished their ice cream they wanted to move, but… they changed their minds as something passed the clock tower. And this something was more specifically Duskflier, one of the most dangerous Heartless around. The two friends looked at each other and rushes to the spot where the Heartless seems to head.On their way they also faced Heartless, but were disposed quickly until they reached the Tram Common. What they saw made their drop their jaws in disbelieve. The place where rampaged by Armor Heartless, the Duskflier, Destroyers with Guardians and Watchers as helpers and also the bladed Heartless Zip Slasher, Heat Saber and Stalward Blade.The two friends looked at each other and Roxas told, "I don't know who is behind this, but this is an overkill.""Well… looks like we are stuck to the icky job here," told Lea, but then a voice came, "But you are not alone!"They turned and spot Sora along with Donald and Goofy. Roxas told while holding both Keyblades, "Good to see you Sora!""We wanted to go directly to Master Yen Sid, but due to a feeling we went here instead," told Sora. "And I can see I was right.""I think we have to agree her Sora!" told another voice and Riku came along with Kairi, Aqua, and Terra… but Kuran was missing."Where is Kuran?" wondered Sora and Aqua told, "Honestly we don't know… he disappeared during a training match and didn't came back. We looked for him, but didn't find anything and on the way to Yen Sid we noticed a stronger sense of darkness here.""Whoever called all these Heartless wanted our attention," told Riku. "So I think this is a trap for us.""The only question remains who would like to trap us?" shrugs Lea but adds, "Who is your new friend though?""I am Terra," told the brown haired Keybearer. "And we don't have time for explanations with these Heartless around."They agreed and got their Keyblades and rushed to fight. Kairi went to the Destroyer and summons Shiva which froze the Heartless. The minions of the Destroyer shattered by impact, leaving them defeated and Kairi went to attack with her summon the frozen darkness creature.Aqua and Terra stood side on side to each other before the brown haired man rushes to block the attack of an incoming Heat Saber. The other two bladed Heartless came, but were countered by Donald and Goofy while Aqua used her variety of spells to attack the Heartless and went in to help Donald in close combat.Riku was against the armor Heartless and was blocking the blows of the claws before countering with a quick attackSora was going for the Duskfleir and the beast was shooting its fireballs at Sora, however the projectiles missed him. Using the wall to rush up he jumps at the beast and smashes his Keyblade at its head. It cried in pain and flips to send Sora away. To his luck he lands on the roof of a house where he got up to his feet and quickly casts some of his long raged spells. Few missed, but the rest impacted. The Heartless rushes and prepares to stomp on Sora, but the brown haired Keybearer jumps down and the impacts of the Heartless and its following shock wave didn't hit anything. Aiming his Keyblade again, Sora shot more projectile spells, all impacting with the Heartless. It cried again and took off, flying at the clock tower.Not wanting to let it escape Sora rushes after it, leaving unnoticed by the other Keybearers, but two other sets of eyes notices his movement and follows him. Each of them having different intentions.As Sora reaches the place in front of the Tower and glares at the Heartless which just stood there and cries at the Keybearer.Starting to rush, Sora aims to hit it hard with the Keyblade, but fell over and cried in pain as a fire ball impacted with his back.Groaning in pain he tries to stand up, but was kicked back on the ground and said foot stood on him. Sora grits his teeth since the burn on his back also pains and tries to move the feet on his chest. Looking up, hegasped since he looked straight into the evil grinning face of Aros. "Hello Loser!""Aros!" exclaims Sora. "Let me go!""What? And let you fight alongside your friends?" asks Aros while summoning his Keyblade and rested it on his shoulder. "I don't think so… you see… Maleficent don't like to see you and your friends running around with these pretty keys. Agreeing with her on this point, we were on the term that we lure you here and separate each of you."Sora glares at his counterpart and Aros laughs. "This expression of yours is just lovable! Too bad I won't be able to see it ever again once I am done here! First I kill you, and then your friends follow your fate! Bet Hades will thank me for delivering a set of Keybearers to his front door… as permanent guests!""Did you plan to kill him without any audience?" asks the Phantom Blob as he came to the place.Aros looked at the cloaked man and wondered, "Why are you here? Can't you see that I am busy?""Maleficent wants that I record how you finish your work to… see what she can expect from you," told the blob and Aros huffs. "This so called fairy isn't trusting anybody! Wouldn't surprise me if we try to back stab each other!"Turning back to Sora he wondered, "Where did we leave off… Oh, right! Your last living moment!"Sora glares at Aros and got his Keyblade, but Aros was faster and hit Sora's weapon hard enough to make it fly away. Then two soldiers appeared and held Sora's arms. Raising Kings Tyrant up, he mused, "Perhaps I should… give you something else first!"Turning to the Duskflier he ordered, "Fly back and destroy the other Keybearers!"The Heartless roared and took off, flying to the direction of the other Keybearers. Sora looked at the flying darkness creature but told, "My friends will beat you and these Heartless!""Tough words for you! For your information… this thing can take a lot of abuse before giving in. And while taking it, he delivers a lot to level this place within hours," told Aros and began to laugh, but stopped as he heard a roar. Turning to the source he saw a red beam shooting at the Heartless, taking it out with one shot. Then a red dragon rises into the sky.Realizing the trouble, Aros turns around to at least kill his counterpart. Just as his Keyblade was ready to strike down, a light was seen for a second on his forehead and his expression became a shocked one.The Keyblade on his hand falls down and disappears while the body just falls on the ground, lifeless. Sora stares at the body and felt that he saw that before… he just couldn't tell where and when. The Heartless he controlled let go of Sora to attack him, but the experienced Keybearer called his weapon and took care of them in seconds."Sora!"Sora turns and saw a girl running towards him. She had blue eyes, blond hair and wears a simple white dress. It took him a few seconds before realizing who it was. "Namine?" he asks and moves to her."Glad I came in time," told Namine. "But… I didn't realize I could… do that to him.""Guess being my doppelganger seems to make him vulnerable towards your powers" told Sora and Namine nods."Seems instead of getting rid of at least one of you, we lost our Keybearer," told Phantom Blob while moving to the body of Aros. "While the body isn't dead, his mind is wiped thanks to you.""How do you know about what happened to him?" asks Namine and the Phantom Blob answered, "The dairies. Only incomplete copies, but still enough to know about you Namine, Nobody of Kairi, the Princess of Heart."The Phantom Blob snapped his fingers and the Beagle Boys rushed out of the station and picked the body up. Sora wanted to interfere, but suddenly a Heartless lands in front of them.It is a vaguely humanoid Heartless with an emaciated, legless, dark pink-skinned appearance. Its eyes are yellow and glowing and are surrounded by black rings. Its head somewhat resembles a human skull and sports a wide crest on its head that resembles a headdress. Two black, angular, curled horns are present on either side of its head. It appears to have a very long neck and it wears a black and steel blue garment that covers its neck and shoulders. The Heartless emblem is on the front of this garment. Its lower body is covered by a short, black and steel blue skirt with white bandages wrapped around it.It also wears black gauntlets decorated by jagged yellow and grey lines. It carries a large, black staff with a wide, steel blue, anchor-like blade on one end and a small, angular, heart-shaped one on the other end."But… I thought I defeated it back in..." began Sora, but the Blob explains while leaving with the Beagle Boys and Aros body, "While some Heartless seem to exist only once, many hearts have been released in The World That Never Was. Many of the captured hearts became Heartless once again, this one being one of the reborn Heartless."Then they were gone and Sora prepares to attack the Heartless. The grim reaper was ready to attack as it cried after a large blade penetrates it in a diagonal angle from above and three more came.The Heartless struggles and tries to get rid of the weapons stuck into it, but a colossal blade crashes into it, cutting the Heartless's body clean into half.Namine and Sora stared as the Heartless slowly disappeared and somebody called, "Sora!"Sora turned around and called, "Kuran! Where have you been?""Long story!" told Kuran. "Just glad that I got it right.""Got it right?" asks Namine and Kuran told, "Part of the long story… and I prefer to tell the very easy short version with the others around… the long and complicated version of it, sometimes there was no universe on the stake.""Is it… that complicated," asks Sora and Kuran shook his head. "Only if I include all details.""Then the easy and short with the others," told Sora. Nodding, Kuran asks, "Say… who is your friend here?""I am Namine," smiles the Nobody. "Kairi's Nobody.""Well… Lea and Roxas had already guessed you are around, Namine," replied Kuran. "Nice to meet you!""Same here," told Namine. "But we should move to the others… they might still need our help."Kuran nods and snaps his fingers and the large blades disappears. Sora asks, "Where did you learn that?""Part of the complicated version," told Kuran and they move to help the others. As they reached there, however, they just saw how Fugeo was sent back to his world. No Heartless were left, but… the damage was still done."Looks like it will take time until this place is fixed," sighs Namine."Namine?" asks Kairi as she spots her Nobody. "You're here?"She nods. "Yeah… woke up some time ago in front of the mansion. After that, I met some people and we became friends. However… I got separated from him as the Heartless attacked.""NAMINE!" called somebody and they turned to spot Hayner, Pence, and Olette coming towards them.Namine smiles. "I am glad you three are alright!""We're glad you are fine," told Olette and smiles. "Sora! Donald, Goofy! Nice to see you again.""Same here!" told Sora and Hayner told, "Welcome back, Kairi."However… as they spot Lea…"YOU!" the three shouted and point at the red haired Keybearer. Lea raises his hands in the air. "Whoa! Calm down! I am with the good guys now!""That's right!" told Sora. "He helped out a lot.""In this case," told Hayner, "You're fine then.""Thanks! I am Lea! Got that memorized," told the pyromancer and then wondered, "Where have you been Kuran? Missed ya in the fun we just had.""Mix of time spell, warp spell, and dark corridor," told Kuran. "Got tossed around in different universes. By the way: I am supposed to say 'Hi' from Will.""Different universes?" asks Sora and Kuran told, "Alternate realities, different timelines… pick one of these terms.""From what I hear it sounds you have been around a lot… but your absence from us was fairly short," told Terra and Kuran shrugs. "Don't ask me… for my taste I was pretty long gone. You just don't see it on me since I got hit by something that slowed my aging down… need to find a way to fix it.""Uhm… why?" asks Hayner. "I mean if you age slower, wouldn't you live longer in return?""Don't want to outlive my friends that much," told Kuran."Anyway… we have to head back and decide what to do next," told Aqua. "This attack here was likely an attempt to force us to move.""Sorry… but it was Aros's move to kill us," corrects Sora. They looked at him and Kuran guessed, "Better we fill our rows up and finish with one of the troublemakers we have to deal with.""I agree with Kuran," told Riku. "We have Xehanort and his organization still out there and Maleficent with her allies.""Whoever we take down first, the other must be dealt in the sequel," shrugs Lea. "Also back to the old mage."Kuran crosses his arms. "You won't change, right?""Why should I?" grins Lea.Kuran rolls his eyes.Back in the Mysterious Tower Kuran told what happened with him and the different universes he went through.The wise Yen Side stroked his beard for a while before speaking. "You encountered many adventures in the time of your absence… and learned a lot from them. But this move of Sora's other self is disturbing… we cannot risk to lose any more time. It is time to retrieve Ventus from the sleep he put into all these years.""Great! Where does we have to go for his body?" asks Lea and Yen Sid explains, "It was once known as the Land of Departure, like Aqua and Terra will remember. However! Due to the sealing of Master Aqua, it is now a different place which listens to the name Castle Oblivion."Namine gasps. "There… was somebody else in the castle? But… why…""Why did nobody find him?" asks Lea. "I remember that I was sent there to search for something and found nothing.""Because only I know where we have to search to find the room where Ventus is resting," told Aqua. "The castle is made to lead anybody being there into oblivion if they don't know what they seek.""I was looking for an exit and later dealing with what have remained from Ansem," told Riku. "Sora… was lured into a trap.""Can't remember that I ever was in such a place," told Sora and Namine told, "I am to blame for that… after you recovered Ventus, I will fill you in.""So because I didn't know what I was looking for, I never found anything? But why did I still get out?""Probably due to your former status as a Nobody. You already didn't exist so you couldn't fall into oblivion even more, at least from the… view of the castle's magic," explains Aqua."So… how do we get there? Gummi Ships?" asks Kuran."Not wanting to waste more time I see… but you have to wait a little more. Mickey is back on his world to gather a Gummi Ship that contains enough space for all of you.""So that's why he didn't show up as the tumult in Twilight Town happened," mused Lea. "Figures.""Tell him that," told Roxas, "Because I see a big Gummi Ship coming towards us."Chapter 51: Chapter 50The Keybearers were in front of the Castle Oblivion and the first thing that was said came from Lea. "You got to be kidding me! In this thing is our missing Keybearer?""Yes… is there a problem Lea?" asks Aqua and Lea sighs while holding his hands up. "Nothing… I only searched this place through a few times to find something for the organization, back stabbed and killed some of the members, and met Sora here for the first time.""I don't remember that I was ever here," told Sora. "But it looks kinda familiar.""Let Namine tell you the story… she is aware of everything that happened here," told Riku. "For now we have the task of getting Ventus out of here.""I agree with Riku here," told Terra, "But… I didn't know our home could be transformed like that.""Only masters of the Keyblade are told of this," explains Aqua. "I even didn't know until Master Erasqus told me after the exams.""Since there are some people familiar with this place… is there something we should pay attention to?" asks Kuran and Lea sighs, "Yeah… kinda need special card to get through the doors.""What about the battling?" asks Riku and Lea laughs. "Oh this? This was something we established to have better chances with Sora. Was only held up by us and kinda stayed that way for unknown reasons while I stayed here. After passing a few times the effects got worn off.""Not necessary," told Aqua. "Since I have the Master Keeper, I can open any door at will, even the hidden ones.""Hidden ones?" asks Lea. "Does it mean there are rooms I wouldn't have been able to access even if I had known about them?""That's right," told Aqua. "It was made to lead unwelcome visitors into oblivion.""You scare me with that thought," told Lea. "But how come me and my companions were not in forgotten? So far I can tell Sora and Riku ripped all stationed here except me apart.""To oblivion is more than one meaning," chuckles Kuran, "And like you said.. they were sent to oblivion by Sora and Riku.""You got a point there," laughs Lea. "Well we are better off going in now to make sure we find the guy before Xehanort or somebody else decides to show up here.""Which is very likely," told Terra. "Xehanort knows about the true form of this world and I am sure he will be curious to see what Aqua has created in detail.""Then let's better hurry up!" told Sora and rushes to the door. Riku shook his head and wondered, "When does he think before acting?""Never," told Kuran and Roxas as one person, while heading to the door. Lea and Riku looked at each other. Riku wondered, "How does Kuran know Sora that well?""Don't ask me," told Lea with a shrug. "While we three hang around a lot since we met, Roxas is more of a thinker than Sora… except his temper raises.""Yeah… I know how he is when angry, " admits Riku and heads with the red head to the door as well.Terra was on his way as well, but notices that Aqua stayed behind while putting a hand on her chest."Aqua… is something wrong?" asks her friend and she answered, "I just have an odd feeling of returning here…""I know what you mean… I think if it weren't for my foolish actions and Xehanort's doings, this place would be still the same and Master Erasqus would be still with us," answered Terra, but Aqua began, "Terra…""Ven is waiting for us," told Terra and Aqua nods while heading to the door as well. Kairi was already long gone to Sora and the group opened the large door of the Castle and entered the complete white halls of this place.Once they are inside they close the door and Lea asked, "So Aqua… in which direction does we have to go?""It's isn't high, in fact third floor," told Aqua and Lea nods. "Then we should move."The others agreed and they went to the door. Aqua tapped it with the Master Keeper and the door just opens, leaving an empty hall which they could safely pass. On the other side they went up the stairs where they stopped as they saw a figure in front of them.The figure raised its head and they realized it was Maluz. The gold armored warrior raised and glares at the Keybearers."So you came… back to the scene of your crimes," told Maluz and raised up."Scene of our crimes?" asks Sora and Maluz answered, "This place was once a beautiful world… but you Keybearers let darkness claim this world, reforming it into this twisted place.""I had my reasons to reform this world, so it would be protected from further disturbance," told Aqua. "And Xehanort is responsible for this. We are here to gain somebody in our task to stop him.""A second Keyblade War," told Maluz. "This is what YOU seek!""That's ridicules!" told Sora. "Why should we seek for a war that could destroy everything?""Because you ignorant fools only fight for power! That is why mankind copied the X-Blade," told Maluz. "I don't know why the counterpart of Kingdom Hearts chose the form of a weapon, but this decision was the end of a world without darkness. Now I learned from somebody who wants to protect the light that you seek for a second war, one to reform the X-Blade and claim Kingdom Hearts for yourself!""You are completely wrong!" told Kuran. "We don't seek for such a thing!"Maluz growls. "Even until the end nothing but lies are leaving your mouths! I will destroy you with the power I found while recovering from my loss! I will smash you ALL!"A beam of energy impacted on the spot where the Keybearers are standing, exploding. Maluz grins and steps forward, but was surprised to find Kuran leaping at him unharmed. Their weapons met and a glance behind Kuran reveals a protection shield that took the impacts. With more strength he pushes Kuran back.Once the shield was down they wanted to rush at Kuran, but he called, "Stay back! This is my fight!""Kuran!" protested Aqua, but then she saw something in his eyes and decided to trust him. Nodding, she told, "Alright Kuran…"The weapons of the two clashed again and Maluz asks, "Want to get revenge?""This is no longer revenge! It's protecting my friends!" told Kuran and shoots a few simple spells at Maluz. However, he countered with his ultimate spells. The spells of the Dark Keybearer were destroyed, but the ultimate rocket at him.Acting fast, Kuran jumped back, drops his Keyblade, and had in each hand a set of his knives. Then he threw them. In mid-air the darkness knives multiply and were enough to weaken the ultimate spells to give Kuran the edge he needs to avoid being hit.Calling his Keyblade back into his hand he rushes forward and exchanges blows at each other. However, Kuran had to break off more often due to Maluz's superior strength and his ability to use spells were devastating for Kuran since one hit could reduce him to dust, frozen to the deepest part, or whatever the base effect of the spell is.During one of their blow exchanges Kuran asks, "No Lightbringers to cheat the battle?""They are busy to remove the darkness of this place!" roared Maluz and kicked Kuran. He had to struggle to remain on his feet and regained balance. However, this moment of distraction… was more than enough time for Maluz. Before Kuran could tell what is going on, Muluz punches his stomach and uppercuts him.With a groan he lands on the ground and Maluz put his armored foot on him, smirking while pointing his sword at Kuran's throat. "Any last words?""Aren't you missing something?" ask Kuran and Maluz wondered what he meant… until he realized something!He didn't hear any of these Keybearers and none of them had interfered to stop him. Looking around the room he realized the Keybearers slipped past him somehow.He realized this fight was all along just a trick to keep him busy while the others could do whatever they planned to do and buy time. Roaring at this he slams his blade down. However… he didn't expect that it would be so easy to cut his blade through a body and into the ground… it only feels like he hit the ground. Peeking down he saw the remains of a dark smoke and his blade did indeed only hit the ground.Kuran were rushing from the side and Maluz just managed to move his blade well enough that Kuran were able to hit the weapon. However Kuran seems to have expected it since he made a movement that forced the weapon out of the hands, landing dome distance.Maluz looked with full of rage now at Kuran and jumps at him. Grabbing his hands, he concentrates his light completely on his own hands, burning the darkness in Kuran's body. The boy groans in pain and was even forced to let go of his Keyblade and got on the knees.Gritting his teeth, he looks with a pained look on his face at Maluz and the warrior of light states, "Once I end you… your comrades will be next!"Then he let go of Kuran's hands to pin the boy on the ground and press his hands on the chest. The eyes of the Keybearer widened and he cries while the light burns the darkness of his body, darkness that became essential for him to survive. Unable to concentrate enough strength to form a Dark Portal, he grabs Maluz's arms and tried to lift him, but his opponent was too strong… too heavy!Maluz laughed while Kuran suffered from this and smirks brightly. "Good bye, you dirt of darkness!"And he channeled in one paw enough light that should burn Kuran's chest into dust and slams it into his body.Kuran gasps and his limbs became weak… falling on the ground while the darkness was purged from his body… however, he didn't want to give in… he wanted to live… live to find his place!Deep inside his body… began something to react with his wishes…Maluz looked satisfied while he looked at how his enemy died by the intense light that droves the darkness away, but… he notices a change… something he… he thought that it was just destroyed."No…" he whispered and growls, "No… NO!"He grabs his sword and prepared to stab Kuran with it. "YOU WON'T USE IT AGAINST ME!" and slams his sword down, but it was too late.A dark pulse emits from Kuran's chest, pushing the blade and Maluz away.Kuran gasped and sat up, panting and choking from this experience while clutching on his chest. Looking up, he wondered what just happened... he was sure that he would be dead by now.Looking around he saw that Maluz seems to be on the ground now… with some luck he wouldn't wake up for a while. Kuran called his Keyblade back and thought a bit what to do.He summons one of his Darkness blades and he holds it up and it seems he wanted to penetrate Maluz with the weapon, but… as he threw it, it digs into the ground next to the foe."I am not like you…" told Kuran. "I won't just kill you. Perhaps you will still realize how wrong you are before the end comes."Turning around he rushes for the stairs to catch up with the rest.Minutes passed and Maluz groans, "Damn you… I never thought you would even have a grasp on what you have…"He notices the blade stuck in the ground and understands the message. Grabbing this weapon of darkness, he roared while breaking it apart. "YOU WON'T LEAD ME INTO A FALSE WAY JUST BECAUSE YOU PITY ME! I WILL DESTROY YOU AND ALL OTHER KEYBEARERS AND YOUR WORSHIPERS OF DARKNESS!"Suddenly a dark portal opens and a dark armored figure walked out. Fixing on Maluz, he moves closer and the light user asked, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU WITH DARKNESS?""You are an error," was the simple reply and Maluz roared and attacked. However… he never expected what would come next.Maluz was staring lifeless at the ceiling, his own sword stuck in the chest and a blood of golden color was forming around him before slowly disappearing in light."Error removed," told the being. "Lightbringers… error! Must remove them." and began to leave the castle, to face the Lightbringers.I am thinking of giving Kuran a musical theme. Does anybody has opinion what could fit him?Chapter 52: Chapter 51Aqua and the others were walking within the halls of Castle Oblivion until she steps inside a room which seems to be completely empty. After a quick look around Lea asks, "Aqua… I don't know what you are thinking, but this room has been the storage in the time the Organization had been using this place."Riku looked around and asks, "If this was a storage, then where is everything?""After searching through this place down a dozen times, I was told to take each time I have to look around a few of the items we had here back to our headquarters," told Lea. "Because with the time we slowly gave up on finding the room. Still wonder how Xemnas knew there had to be such a room.""Properly due to the fact that Xemnas is Xehanort's Nobody," assumes Kairi. "After all, normally Nobodies have the memories of their Somebodies.""Except our dear Roxas here," chuckles Lea and Roxas shrugs. "Not my fault on this place.""That's true," told Lea. "But now we should learn why you brought us here, Aqua."Terra looked at Aqua. "I have to agree with him. The longer we wait here, the higher the risk that others might come, and Kuran cannot handle the whole Organization if they decide to show up here.""And that assuming Kuran already defeated Maluz, but we know he could be still fighting him," told Sora and Riku told, "Or worse.""Come on! What could be worse than fighting this guy right now?" asks Sora and Riku answered, "He could be dead now.""I think Kuran is just fine," told Roxas. Aqua nods. "Let us believe in him! But you are right… we should move on."Then she called the Master Seeker Keyblade and held it against a wall. A Keyhole appeared on the wall and as the beam of the Keyblade hit it, a door appears in bright light . Once the door fully materialized, Aqua proceeds to open the said door.The room looks like the one they know from Radiant Garden, but with the difference of being white and having a completely different symbol on the walls. They looked at the throne and spot a boy with a face that reminds a lot of Roxas. Sora walked forward. "So… this is Ventus?""That's right!" told Lea. "I remember him clearly. Wonder how he would react if he learned what had been going on the last 10 years!"Then he thought for a moment while they move into the room. "Now that I think of it… I kinda foreshadowed my future when we met.""If I had known what will happen in the future way back, then I think I would have prevented that you ever had any contact with Roxas."They turned around and spot Lea's former friend and the Somebody of the Nobody Saix: Isa!The Keybearers called their Keyblades and from a different angle another voice told, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!"They turns and spot Braig standing there, with his weapons pointed at them. As a matter of fact, the room began to fill with the members of the Organization, except for two… and one of them was Xehanort."Well well… thank you for guiding us here," told the voice of the old Keyblade Master while he stepped in, with Lemuria and Arlene on his sides."Xehanort!" called Sora and was about to storm at him, but Xehanort just waves his finger. "I wouldn't rush if I were you my boy. You are surrounded, and on a territory which holds countless secrets, secrets that even Master Aqua doesn't know."Then he turns to her. "Though I would like to know… how did you get out of the Realm of Darkness? Because we would have noticed if any of the other Keybearers had traveled down to find you… or could it be that boy which holds so much darkness?""You know about Kuran?" asks Sora and Xehanort rubs his chin. "Kuran is his name? An interesting name for an interesting boy. However… we have more important things to apply. If he survives the storm that is coming, I might find myself to spend the time to study him.""You sound like Even," Lea comments dryly."Even? Oh! Him! I nearly forgot him completely," told Xehannot and nods towards Xemnas. He nods and left the room. Once he returned he tossed the scientist at the others. Terra and Riku caught Even while the rest looked at Xehanort.With a smirk on his lips he states, "Since he is done with the work I have for him, I return him alive to you, as my second gift. Now only one is left, but you will learn about it soon. First of all we are here to gather the seven Guardians of Light and the thirteen Seekers of Darkness""I won't join you!" told Sora with a glare. However, Xehanort just chuckles. "So you prefer that I use Roxas, your Nobody as my thirteenth vessel?"Gesturing to him who just glares as well while Xehanort keeps on. "Or… perhaps the boy who doesn't have heart right now"They gasped and looked over to Ventus. They knew he doesn't have his heart right now since it sleeps within Sora's heart, but how did Xehanort know it?"Oh… this is easy to explain if we think about HOW he could be survive with me being dead," told a figure and three of the Keybearers stiffen up, namely Aqua, Terra, and Mickey."This voice…" began Mickey, "Vanitas!"One of the members of the Organization pulled his hood away to reveal his face. It confirms Mickey's suggestion that it is Vanitas, but the rest of the Keybearers gasped. "But… he looks like me," states Sora.Vanitas shrugged and told, "Yup! No clue why we have the same looks. But it won't matter once I am done with you and this weakling Ventus.""We beat you once!" told Aqua. "And we will do that again!""Oh… cocky right? Well how about you show it to me," told Vanitas and got into battle stance, his Keyblade ready."Hold it back, Vanitas," told Xemnas. "But I have to admit… since we know every of the lights, it would be only fair to introduce the members of Organization XIII. Most of us you know already… like myself from now and the past, Braig and Isa, and, of course, Xemnas and Ansem. Not to mention the Nobody of the dragon Retac, Xartec. Well… the being formed as I took Terra as my vessel is here as well, called Terranord… to differ him from me and my younger self."Aqua clenches her Keyblade a bit more since she had to fight him once, in belief she could have saved Terra… which she probably could have if it had been possible for both of them to escape the grasp of darkness."Now to introduce the last two of the Organization…" began Xehanort and one of them lifts the hood, revealing a grey haired man with the same yellow eyes like most of the other Xehanort vessels. "I am Ordo… Order is my prime objective."And the last lift his hood, but only states, "I'd rather we just skip the formalities.""Luxord! Long time no see!" told Lea. "But… what are Arlene and Lemuria doing here then?"The two looked at each other, realizing how many they actually are! Lemuria turns to Xehanort while getting his scythe out. "What is the meaning of this? We are already thirteen! So why still want to get one?""We are missing one member… you two just end the role I had in store for you," told Xehanort and Lemuria wanted to force Xehanort as he heard a gasp from Arlene. Turning around, he saw a sword sticking out of her stomach before being violently removed. As she was on her knees a voice told, "Payback from tossing me around."Then she collapsed on the ground due to the wound. Behind her was the holder of a blood dripping Soul Eater and it's holder looked like Riku."You?" asked Riku and his counterpart asks, "Surprised to see me? Can't blame you since it really looked like I were to die as you defeated me way back.""The Replica," cursed Lemuria and acted quick enough to avoid the Spear of Xartec. Swinging his scythe around he got to Arlene and disappeared with her in a dark portal."Does he really think she will survive this wound?" asks the Replica while stepping into the room."Their roles are done in this story," told Xehanort while calling his Keyblade. "And now! It is time that the 13 darkness is taken! Sora! It is your choice which of you three will be!"The keyblade of Xehanort got ready to shoot his heart while the other organization members rushes and locked everybody in combat to prevent them from intercepting. Only Sora was left out in the combat, but the appearing Unversed made clear his only purpose is now to choose which of them would be the final darkness.Disregarding the risk he got in battle stance and called, "You won't get any of us!""Then you made your choice, boy," told Xehanort and suddenly the Unversed jumped at him and held onto him to restrict his movements. Isa fought furiously with Lea to prevent any interference from him again.The heart was shot and everybody could only stare helpless while the heart travels fast paced at the young Keybearer.Sora closed his eyes and waits for the heart to impact into his body… but… nothing came!Sora opened his eyes and saw a figure in front of him, going on their knees. Gasping loudly, he realized that it was Kuran!"Interesting. The boy with darkness decides to side with the light, only to become a seeker," mused Xehanort and everybody only stares at what just happened.The Keyblade master held his hand out. "Now my new vessel! Come and join us!""Not… yet!" growls Kuran and punches the ground, creating several corridors of darkness under the feet of the Organization and let them fall.They Keybearers rushed over to Kuran, but he blocks them. "No! You have to grab Ventus and leave!""But Kuran!" began Sora, but Kuran stops him while groaning, "I… cannot resist his heart for long! It's… it's too strong!"His eyes began to turn yellow and his hair switched to grey, also continues, "They… won't… be away… for long!""Better we leave," told Terra. "We cannot help him anymore for now!"Kuran groans and made one more Dark Portal. "Brings you… to exit."They nod and began to walk through it, but Kuran asks for Sora to stay a bit longer. Nodding, he walks over to him and Kuran removed something from his side and hands it to Sora. Recognizing what it is, he nods and left, even though it hurts his heart to leave somebody he already considered a friend behind.But then Kuran felt somebody on his side and saw Roxas, "Told you… to leave!""I won't lose one more of my friends! Not again!" countered the Nobody even though he doesn't know to who he is referring right now.Kuran's hands pressed at Roxas's chest, forcing him to get through the Dark Portal and close it. Just in time as 12 Portals of Darkness opened and the Organization came out."Buying time for your friends with a trick like this… very entertaining," told Xehanort. Kuran raised and told, "The boy cannot hear you anymore."He turns around and states, "His heart submitted to ours.""While you weren't the one I originally wanted, I welcome you to the Organization," smirks Xehanort. "The Keyblade war can begin now!"The Keybearers just left the castle with the Gummi Ship and had a sour mood. Even Even's feelings were down since Kuran was such a good research object for him.Back in the Tower they reported everything to Yen Sid and after stroking his beard he states, "It saddens me that the recovering of Ventus cost us a Keybearer with potential and filled the last of Xehanort 13 seats.""Yeah! So much for our plan to go with him on ice cream," told Lea and then he glances to Ventus. "But at least we got Ventus back and have still Sora…""I feel bad," told Sora. "If… it hadn't been me, Kuran wouldn't have made this sacrifice…""He did that on his own terms, Sora," began Roxas. "He probably knew what is going to happen if he interferes, but thought you are more important than him.""However, by some of the members, I am confused why they joined up with Xehanort," told Terra. "What are they gaining from this?""I guess we are going to learn this in the coming war," thought Aqua aloud. "We better prepare for the worst and wake Ven up."Riku nods and got his Keyblade out. "I think this is the best we could do. We cannot just stop now.""Kuran's body and heart still exist," began Lea. "As long we kick Xehanort's heart out of his body, we can get Kuran back! And this is only working if we get our war preparations done!"Roxas turns to his friend and the red haired Keybearer told, "Promises to keep. I'll always be there to get my friends back.""Alright!" told Roxas. "Let's wake Ven up."Riku nods and got his Keyblade ready to open a road to the dream world, to separate the hearts of Ven and Sora and return Ven's to his body.In a dark place are two beings meeting. One of them states, "You cannot be here… your presence will hurt him.""I didn't know what I would find here… now I know it. I wish I could leave," told the other. "But why are you here?""My presence outside of here will only hurt him and others," told the first and the second asks, "Why?"A sigh could be heard. "Because I require something from others which would harm them if I would take it… this place is the only place I can be without hurting others.""I understand," told the second. "But I cannot leave since I require something that is out of reach, and nobody knows when the chance of returning there will be given.""But your stay will hurt him," told the first and the second agreed. "You are right as you stated it before. But I can't… only if you could offer me what I need.""But… I need to be here because…" the first hesitated, but the second interrupts. "Let us help each other… you give me what I need, you get something to hold back the need you have from others. I will lend you my power to leave this place with me. We will be one until we find a way to return me to my original place and hold you out of this place here without harming others."The first being was silent for a while and then nods. "For his sake and the sake of others, I agree.""What is your name?" asked the second and the first told, "My name is…"Chapter 53: Chapter 52Dive into the heart… Riku wondered slightly how often he will visit this place. He and Sora went to get to Ven's dive, but they were surprised that they land in Sora's Dive instead. The two looked at each other, but they decided to think about it later.They looked around if something unusual is here and then the center of the pillar they are standing on began to glow. A light raised from there and Sora walks over it, holding his hands on the light like he was holding it."Hello!" smiles Sora. "It has been a while since we talked with each other.""I agree," told the light. "I have been asleep for a long time, only wakening recently. I am glad that my armor was able to provide some protection from the darkness. However, it got infected by it.""I know," told Riku. "It became a Nightmare which me and a friend of mine defeated together.""I saw the battle and I am ashamed that I couldn't help you," told the light and Sora told, "Don't worry, Ven! You weren't in the condition to fight, but now it is time to return to your body and wake up.""You are right," told the voice, "but I need a guide to find my way back.""For that we two are here," told Riku."Then I am ready," told the voice and a Keyhole appears in the sky. Riku wanted to get his Keyblade out, but the voice told, "Please use mine" and in Sora's hand appears a Keyblade. Riku nods and took it, aiming at the Keyhole while Sora had a hand on it. The beam shot there and the Keyhole shines brightly.Outside they observed the sleeping figures of Riku ,Sora, and Ventus as from Sora three lights raised. One is larger while two smaller are escorting it. Once the one light went into Ventus's body, the other two went into the bodies of Riku and Sora.Soon the two wake up and Sora asks, "Did we make it?""Probably," told Riku. "Ventus just needs some time to get adjusted to being back in his body and to wake up."Sora nods and they all wait for Ventus to wake up. During their wait, Roxas shifts around uncomfortably and Namine asks, "Something wrong, Roxas?"He shook his head and told, "I am not sure… not only will I face the person who looks like me, but also we have to think how to continue our fight. It makes me just nervous.""Nervous?" asks Riku. "I thought a Nobody cannot get nervous.""Hey!" told Roxas. "I am person, too!""I only made a bit of fun," told Riku with a chuckle and Sora was laughing as well.Then Yen Sid looks up at Ventus who was stirring now and yawns loudly before opening the eyes. Aqua and Terra went in front of him and the blond haired boy asked after he was awake enough to recognize anything, "Aqua? Terra?""Morning, Ven!" smiles Aqua. "It is good to see you are awake again.""Where are we?" wondered Ventus as he looked around, "And who are these people?"Then his eyes fall on Roxas and asks, "And… why does he look like me?""What is the last thing you know?" asks Aqua and Ven told, "That I thought Vanitas in my heart… then I had a long sleep and… it felt like a dream but I also knew it was real, but it's blurry right now. The next clear moment I know is waking up here and seeing your faces.""Well… then we better begin to explain everything to you," told Aqua and Yen Sid agrees. "That's right. Before we can discuss further what to do, Ventus should know what is happening right now, and what he missed in his long sleep."Then Ventus got explained about the past 12 years and it took a while before they finished. After they end Ven sat down and said, "Xehanort is back… got 12 clones and Vanitas is one of them? And here I foolishly hoped that defeating Vanitas would stop this.""We all hoped that it ends back then," told Yen Sid. "But Master Xehanort's cunning was far greater than any of us expected. However, we still have the chance to end this. Xehanort might get the war he wants, but if we react carefully to their moves and prevent them to collect all the pieces of the X-Blade, then we might win this one with only a little more than it is already done.""So we are going to look for these pieces if I get it right?" asks Lea and Yen Sid nods. "That's right… and we have to protect the Princess of Light.""This might be difficult since we are only 11 if we take help from Donald and Goofy. Also, we already lost two of the pieces of darkness. That means only five can go search for the pieces of darkness while the others have to guard the princess.""I am afraid at first only four can go to search," told Yen Sid. "Kairi's teacher wants to see her as soon as possible for her lessons in summing.""How about we just get more help?" asks Lea. "I am sure we can get some of the former members and also some of Sora's friends to help out in the six worlds we have to head for protecting the girl. And for Kairi we just have to look after her back while we deal with Organization.""By the way…" stated Roxas. "Vexen, what exactly did you for Xehanort?""After kidnapping me? He wanted me to make a couple of Replicas. One of them was Terra while the others are members of his Organization, to stabilize them in this time to prevent their return before the end of the war.""Is this even possible?" asks Mickey and Yen Sid nods. "Xehanort's method of time travel wants that you leave the body behind and have other vessels. While for the attempt to make Sora one of the 13 they were able to stay for some time, they had to return in time. I assume the Replica Bodies were meant to hold them in time until their purpose is done and they can return in their time. Which means, of course, once we defeat them, destroying the Replica Bodies, they are forced to turn back to their time.""But why did they let him go?" asks Lea and points to Even. "I hardly think they would allow the expert of Replicas running around.""Due to the nature of the Replicas, I cannot say I am able to help you," told Even. "As Xemnas ordered me to start this program, he especially wanted that no counter measure could be found for them. Ergo the only way how to destroy them is to fight them like in the past.""How smart of you," told Donald dryly and suddenly Even told, "But he wanted one more Replica! However, I wasn't allowed to do the end phase and I had to explain Xemnas and Xigbar how to do it before they pulled me to Castle Oblivion.""And you don't know him?" asks Sora, but Even shook his head. "Nope! Never saw him before… but Xehanort describes the person as an old friend.""That doesn't sound good if it is a friend of his," told Riku. "But who could it be?""As long we don't find clues about the identity we just have to be careful," told Yen Sid. "And how should we decide how we act next?"Suddenly Roxas cries and falls on the knees, clenching his chest with a loud groan while darkness was swirling around him."Roxas! What's going on?" asks Lea and grabs his friends on the shoulders.Roxas was unable to answer, but behind him a dark corridor opens and as it closed again, the darkness surrounding Roxas disappears and a figure in a dark coat was standing there."Who are you?" asks Sora while getting his Keyblade ready. The others followed suit while Lea helped Roxas to get into distance.The figure in dark coat just raises his hands in defense to indicate it doesn't mean any harm.Then it turns to Roxas and Lea, telling with a female voice, "It's great to see you in person again, Roxas, Axel.""Name's Lea! Got it memorized?" countered Lea. "And who are you?"The figure looked down for a moment before removing the hood, revealing a black haired girl with blue eyes, smiling to the two.Namine gasped loudly in surprise while Lea and Roxas stared at her, Riku did the same as his mind hits him on this as well.After a while, to came from Roxas, "Xion… but… how?"Chapter 54: Chapter 53Everybody stands in confusion in the room except Xion. For Namine, Riku, and Roxas it was confusing why she was alive, Lea wondered why he even forgot about her, Sora since he remembers her seeing in her dreams without real explanation who it was, and the rest… just not sure who this Xion is and how they are connected with some of the others."Xion… how?" asked Namine and Xion smiles. "It is… not easy to explain since I am not sure myself," told Xion. "I only can tell… that a friend of yours did something to make it possible for at least some time.""So it isn't a permanent solution?" asks Roxas sadly and Xion nods to him."Uhm… if you don't mind, how about you explain what is going on?" asks Mickey and Xion nods. "I think it is fair for all of you."She folds her hands in front of her chest and sighs to clear her throat. "As you heard from Roxas and Axel heard, my name is Xion. I am… a replica of him, created to absorb him and the memories of Sora.""What?" asks Sora and Even caught up. "Her real name is No. I from the replica program and Xemnas ordered me to make her in case Sora and Roxas are useless for the Organization's goal.""Sora's memories, however, caused her to form a personality of her own, but… her existence as well Roxas hindered my process to restore Sora's memories so they had to be gone. At least I thought that in this way while DiZ pressed me on it. I am sure… if I had more time, I would have found a way.""Would she now affect Sora once again?" asks Riku, not comfortable with the idea to act against Roxas or her again.Xion hesitates and told, "I hope not… Kuran… he does his best to hold me without harming anybody, but he admits he don't know how long he can hold it.""How do you know about Kuran?" asks Aqua suddenly and Xion answered, "We… met inside of Roxas. Somehow he transferred his heart to Roxas, but since… he is forming a heart of his own, Kuran's presence would have hindered if not damage the process completely.""Now I get it," told Namine. "He is using darkness to temporally fill the gaps of your existence… but Kuran was right. It only holds temporarily, in fact it could stop working any moment.""I know it is only borrowed time," told Xion, "But until it is over, I want to help you.""Can you communicate with Kuran?" asks Master Yen Sid and she answers, "Not sure… before I left with his heart in Roxas's body, we had a normal conversation, but now… I cannot hear anything.""It could be that in this state it is like with Ventus's heart… while it is inside of you, he cannot interact with you directly. Or he isn't in talking mood since he has to spend his energy to keep you running until we find a better solution," explains Namine as a theory.Even rubs his chin and told, "I am sure we could 'fix' her if we use data of Roxas, Sora, and Kairi and also Namine's abilities.""Do you think it is possible?" asks Roxas and Even nods. "I am sure, but I have to run tests and simulations first, which takes time… until it is time to try it, it is better you are on the move.""Also back to our original discussion… what are we doing now?" Terra went on and Yen Sid hums. "Now that we have one more who can fight with us, we should first recruit individuals who knows about the worlds and the world order to avoid greater trouble.""For that we could ask some of my friends over in Radiant Garden," told Sora. "Other than those… we have to look.""Let's try Traverse Town as well," offered Riku. "Perhaps we can ask some of the people living there to help us.""And I will go to teach Kairi a few things about summoning!" called a voice. They turned around and saw three fairies floating in the air: The Gullwings!"You?" asks Sora, Donald, and Goofy together and Yuna smiles. "Yep! Us! I am a Summoner myself so I can teach your friend over here a few tricks.""Never expected that my teacher would be…" began Kairi, unsure how to put it in. "Small?" asks Paine. "Don't worry! I am used to it!""I never thought I would meet somebody who has a familiar name like me," told the third one of them and looks at Riku.Riku wanted to ask, but Yen Sid told, "It is better you leave for now to start the lessons… while we decide where the others are going.""Alright!" told Kairi and left with the Gullwings.Then the rest discussed for a while and the plan was now the following:Sora, Donald, and Goofy were going to ask their friends to defend the Princess of Light.Xion, Roxas, and Lea are going to find other dark pieces of the X-Blade.Aqua, Terra, Ventus, and Mickey patrolling in the different worlds with the Princess of Heart. Riku would come with them for a while to introduce each of them to the Princess of Light. Later, his job would be to transport the ones helping them to the different worlds and then later join up with Sora to search with him for the dark pieces as well.Even and Namine would return to Radiant Garden to find a way to stabilize Xion for sure, when the attempts of Kuran's heart to hold her are not working anymore…In the meanwhile the evil fairy Maleficent has a meeting with her… colleagues. She gestured to Lemuria and began, "Thanks to our new… friend, Lemuria, who so kindly joined our cause in exchange to save his friend, we know now what Xehanort is planning. Uncomfortably, the effects of the war he wishes to start will clash with our goals. Of course we cannot let it happen, so we will… help these meddling Keybearers to… stop them, or at least have damage control.""Helping them?" asks one of the others. "Wouldn't it the same as giving up on our goals?""Not exactly!" told the Phantom Blob. "It will merely buy us time to gather everything we need for our plan and also take off one of our enemies. After Xehanort's defeat, the Keybearers will be weakened and tired, giving us the perfect opportunity to act on our own. Of course we cannot openly interact with them or they might raise suspicion. But whenever the Organization meddles with our plans openly, we can fight with them with the excuse we have an common enemy.""I agree with the Phantom Blob," told Magica De Spell. "As long we have good excuses to fight with them and don't back stab them until the threat is over, the Keybearers won't bother to engage us, instead focusing on the bigger threat.""At the suggestion of my friends of the other side," told a voice, "We should start with preventing them to gather the seven known targets. We pretend to have business on these worlds if we encounter them and retreat before they can take us out, however if the Organization member shows up we fight them with all might.""But I have to warn you," told a female voice, "We know that we cannot rely on the Heartless since they ally only with the strongest and in worst case they might be used against us.""She is right," told Pete. "It happened back in Hallow Bastion, remember?""I am aware of it," told Maleficent. "So those who are able to act in battle without Heartless are now tasked to interfere with the Organization as good as possible while the rest will search for our main objectives."Everybody understood and the meeting were dismissed and the Phantom Blob asks, "What are we doing with Aros?""Treat him as good as possible! We need him back in shape as fast as possible. No matter if his memory returns or not.""I understand!" was his reply and he left.In the room "Where Nothing Gathers," the true Organization XIII have their first meeting in their completed form. Xehanort was on his seat and told, "I will speak congratulations for filling our seats with the last member and now we will start with searching for the remaining 11 pieces of darkness and the gathering of the seven Princess of Light.""I may bring a correction in here," told the version of Xehanort that controls Kuran's body, "But we only need to look for 10 more pieces of darkness"Xehanort looked at their newest member. "Kuranort seems to know something."Kuranort, who hates his name by the way but… for some reason Terranort and Braig seems to enjoy that since they suggested it. Also the young Xehanort told they should use name. Anyway, he raises in his seat and told, "I now learned already where one of the pieces of darkness exist and I will recover it once the time comes. I will inform you later where to find it and when I will recover it."Xehanort nods and spoke, "The Keybearer will for sure try to protect the Princess of Light for now while trying to counter our attempts to collect the remaining pieces of darkness. However, they have only limited numbers and don't know where they have to search so I suggest we use their current restrictions to target both sides of the X-Blade. "Then the old Keyblade master explains how they will act, not aware of one major complication that is waiting in the shadows…Chapter 55: Chapter 54Sora, Donald, and Goofy were in Radiant Garden and talk with Leon about the Organization and the need of help to defend the Princess of Heart. Leon's arms were crossed as usual and listened. After Sora was done he concludes, "So you need so many people as possible to keep the princess safe while you and a few other Keybearers are going to hinder the Organization's process.""That's right" told Sora. "Can you help us?""I'll go and ask the others. You can count me in, but I am not sure how many you will be able to gather from this world. Most of our resources are bound in restoration and defending this world, the same counting for the people we have here," explains Leon and Sora just told, "As long we get enough people to form a defending line between the Organization and the Princess of Light, it's fine!"Leon nods and turns to ask other members of the Restoration Committee who could help Sora. As he returns only Aeleus was with him, stating, "All other members were either busy with their tasks or were not fit for this guarding mission.""Oh…" told Sora, crestfallen. "I guess two are better than none.""Sorry Sora, but you have chosen a bad timing given that we discovered more of Ansem's works which could help us in restoring the place further and deal with the Heartless better," explains Leon. "I told everybody I will be off for a while to help you, but it is only temporally since I am needed here.""Me for my part can help you through the entire quest if necessary. It is the best I can do for helping the wrongdoings of the original Organization. And it is my duty as a former guardian to help defend my home. In this case, helping defending the Princess of Light is also indirectly defending this world.""What about any other of the former Organization members?" asks Goofy and Aeleus answered, "Dilan is not on this world right now. Saying he needs to find himself again.""Perhaps we'll find him on the trip. Now let's go!" told Sora. They boarded the Gummi Ship and Sora looks at a paper. "Ok… where would Riku be right now with the others?""Right now they would be in Agrabah," told Donald after looking into the paper as well. Sora nods and Aeleus told, "I bet they won't stay long since Jasmine has guards defending her, together with this boy Aladdin and this genie. Also, they were on caution after getting the warning.""How do you know about all of them?" asks Donald, confused, and Aeleus answered, "Were on the reports of Roxas from the days of the Organization.""Which was the next world they going to head?" asks Aeleus and Sora looks at the paper. "To Belle! After all, since the Beast is no longer a Beast, we don't know how well he can still defend her.""The Beast is no longer a beast?" asked Aeleus. "When did that happen?""Some time ago," told Sora and Aeleus adds, "With some luck they don't know it yet and might wait with her for now. Long enough to set a new defense line."They set course to Belle's world.In the meanwhile, on the world of Agrabah, was a slender woman with tan skin and black hair shaped like a corba's hood, wearing a sleek violet dress with a snake armband were on a hidden place, performing an ritual."Soon dear brother… our revenge will be ours!"Chapter 56: Chapter 55Riku, Aqua, Ven, and Terra reach the world of Agrahbah and were walking in the streets of the town. Terra asks, "So here lives one of the Princess of Heart?""Indeed!" told Riku. "Her name is Jasmine. She is also a real princess of this place.""Then there was a change of government in the meanwhile…" told Ven and Terra asks, "How do you know?"He points to a wanted poster which is signed by Nasira, the new ruler of Agrabah. Riku shook his head. "Odd! Because Aladdin is the friend of Jasmine so far I know from Sora.""That's why we are on the way to the palace," told a voice and the Keybearers turned around. Riku asks, "I assume you are Aladdin?""That's right!" told the boy and Genie laughs. "Hey, Riku! How have you been?""You know him?" ask Aladdin and Genie answered, "Sora summoned me once while being with Riku so of course I met him before! Still having trouble with the darkness?""I got it handled in a way," told Riku. "And didn't think that Jasmine was already in trouble.""Does anybody know who this Nasira is?" asks Aladdin and everybody shook their heads. With that they went on their way to the palace but the royal guard attacks them so they had no choice but to fight them. For some reason no Heartless appear yet, but this is something they just accept to be a fortune turn of events.They reach the palace gates and Ven asks, "What is our plan?""Confront Nasira and find out what this Nasira has done to Jasmine and the Sultan," told Aladdin and Genie told, "A brilliant plan!"Then he transforms into a large robot. "This Nasira will no longer be a threat to Agrabah.""We just have to get in," comments Ven and notices they were standing suddenly on a platform connected to a catapult… with Genie holding the release. Riku laughs weakly. "You… are not seriously planning to… use this to get us in.""Bet I do!" laughs Genie and pulls the release and they were catapulted into the palace, all of them crying loudly and as they land, they land into a big pile of pillows. Genie laughs. "You didn't really think I would risk our lives right?""Genies never kill," explains Aladdin while Terra told, "It would have been nice to know it beforehand.""That's Genie for you," explains Aladdin. "But I understand your point! But now we should hurry to the throne room!"The others agreed and they stand up to rush to the room. On the way they found a few guards but nothing that was able to stop them. With a loud bang the doors of the throne room opened and the heroes storms the place.However, they were stopped by zombie like beings in their tracks and the woman on the throne spoke. "Isn't it our guest of honor… I am glad you could make it here, Aladdin! And such a surprise… you got company. I bet you are all Keybearers.""That's right," told Riku. "So I assume you work with Maleficent?""She told me a few things about other worlds yes, but what happens here is on my own accord," told Nasira and then Aladdin demands, "What have you done with Jasmine and the Sultan?""I disposed of them. Now that I am the ruler of Agrabah, their services are not required anymore. And once Jafar is returned in this mortal world, YOU WON'T BE EITHER!""Excuse me," began Genie, "but I am not sure if I heard you right. The Jafar I know is dead, gone, finished, sleeping with the fishes, no longer along the living. You are hear what I am saying?""Well… what a surprise," told the witch. "Isn't it the famous genie of the lamp. Oh I heard a lot about you.""Really? Oh well Darling I am know around this little town. I did a theater here about ten thousand years ago and I am still adored by the critics."Riku looked in surprise and wondered, "Who could still tell about his performance after so much time?""Don't ask me," told Ven. "I am lost anyway."Nasira told, "I was looking forward to this moment."Then they realized what is about to happen and Terra jumps with Riku to stop Nasira, but Genie cried, "A fan! I suppose you want an autograph. On the second thought, maybe not. Looks like it gotta hurt. OHOH!"With a that Nasira used a spell and Genie was gone. "Genie!" called Aladdin. "What have you done with him?""Patience! Your time will come soon enough! Guards! Take these insignificant fleas to the dungeon! I will be shortly to deal with them personally."With that dozens of guards were storming into the place. The Keybearers and Aladdin fought against them, but since they don't wanted to kill the humans they were overwhelmed and chained up before transported to the dungeons. The Keybearers are chained up on the walls so they were forced to stand on their toes, their arms far above them,, hands together to prevent them to use their Keyblades to free themselves."Now I hope they didn't catch Abu," told Aladdin and Riku asked, "Who is Abu?""My friend! He is a monkey and has a collection of picks. He used it once before to free me from this dungeon," told Aladdin.While they talked a red parrot came in and told, "You are some people! A bunch of Keybearers are unable to beat Nasira in their initial encounter. And you, Aladdin. Why didn't you ask me about Nasira? Then I could have told you that storming directly into the palace would be a bad idea!""I thought you were gone after Jafar was beaten," told Riku and the parrot turned, "Riku! Old boy! How have you been? We haven't seen each other since Maleficent introduced you to the gang. Afterwards we had some back luck with Sora, as you surely know.""Shut up, Iago," was Riku's reply. "You don't happen to have a lock picking monkey with you?""Yeah yeah, I come to your rescue and you only are interested into the monkey! He is right behind me!"With that said, a monkey climbed down and shows the pick, wanting to start with Aladdin's chains but Aqua asks, "Could you free one of us first? Then we could use our Keyblades and the freeing process would go faster."Iago notices her and whistled. Flying to her knee he told her, "Of course the flea bag will free you from your chains first. It is a disaster to see somebody like you chained up on the wall of the dungeon.""In this point I agree with her and… Iago! Wow, didn't see that coming," told Aladdin and Abu nods in agreement before climbing to her chains and picked the lock.After the Keyblade Master was freed she rubbed her wrists to get a feeling back there and summons her Keyblade. Abu went to free Aladdin while she freed the others.Once everybody was ready, they head to the exit of the dungeon and Aladdin asks, "You seem to know Nasira! Who is she?""Jafar's twin sister. They were also close as siblings could be. So far I know they are twins. She is a necromancer and was able to bring Jafar back if she finds a fitting spell. However, she is still able to summon zombies for doing her dirty works. Originally she refused to work with Maleficent, but since a few people put an end of Jafar I can see that she wants revenge for his death.""Anything else we should know about her?" asks Ven and "Yeah! She was asked to join since she seems to be the only one able to control a certain Heartless type. At least the only one we were able to find.""What type of Heartless?" went Riku in and Iago thought, "Not a clue! You see, I had other things in mind.""Then let us be surprised," told Aladdin and they began to move again inside the place. This time they encountered a good set of Heartless and they just reached the entry hall of the palace as they saw Nasira leaving.Intending to follow her they went for the door but stopped as several Heartless appeared. Most of them were Bandits, but also one kind none of them recalled to have seen before. A large man with black shirt, yellow wristbands, white pants, a red band around the waist and a turban with gem and golden line. One of his teeth is missing and he wears a beard."Razoul!" told Aladdin and the man told, "Where do you think you are going, Street Rats? No one gets through these gates without dealing with me first."They all got their weapons ready and they engaged each other. While Razoul heads directly for Aladdin, the Keybearers began to deal with the Heartless.Terra smashed some of the Bandits but once he took his bunch out, they reappeared, but they look more beaten up. Terra smash them again but they keep showing up and this unknown Heartless holds a scepter which glows up each time he defeats one of the Heartless.Ven and Aqua made the same discovery and Riku notices it and got with his Amulet his second Keyblade out.The four Keybearers regroup and Aqua told, "It seems we have to defeat these before we can do it with the others.""And I would bet we have to defeat them at the same time or they bring each other back to life," guessed Terra and Iago remembers now. "Now I know! They are called necromants! They can bring back defeated Heartless. However, they can only recall a limited number of Heartless back. And they had another downside, but I never knew which one.""Let's care about it when we deal with them," told Ven and they head for the Necromants. They had to defend themselves from the attacks of the recalled Bandits but also from spell attacks from the Necromants. However, Ven manages to defeat at first one of the Necromants and as it was defeated, the Heartless it brought back, vanished again.Ven chuckles while holding his fist up. "Seems if they die, all other die as well!"With that discovery they were able to dispach the other Necromants as well and as they defeated the last one, no Heartless were left since the remaining Necromants keeps reanimating each other until the point where the last one triggers a chain reaction which meant the end of the Heartless.Turning around to help Aladdin with Razoul they saw that the leader of the guards were falling down and groans like snapping out of a state of hypnosis. "Thanks street rat. I can't believe that evil witch has taken over the palace. It's up to you now to rescue the Princess and the Sultan!""Then we should move now," told Ven. "But how to stop Nasira in her task?""Well…" began Iago, "I heard in an oasis lives a mystic. Perhaps she can help. However, I cannot tell if she is still alive since it was a long time ago I heard about the mystic.""Looking if this lead might help us is worth the try I say," told Aqua, "We have to save the Princess and stop Nasira"They nod and head out of the town, and then a carpet flew to them. Iago told, "Now he shows up as we didn't need him earlier.""Calm down, Iago! You know that carpet would be here earlier if he wasn't visiting somebody," told Aladdin. "I still wonder who was the one you are visiting.""Unless he starts talking we will never know," told Riku. "But even if it can fly us to the Oasis, we are way too many to fit on it.""Don't worry, Riku" told Aqua. "Ven, Terra, and I have our own way of long distance travel.""Really?" asks Aladdin and with that the three Keybearers threw their Keyblades into the air and they transformed into their Glider forms, which impressed the others. Riku told, "You have to show me how to do it one day.""When we have some time and space I am glad to show you, Master Riku," told Terra. Aladdin and Riku went on the carpet and they flew with the Gliders to the Oasis Iago told about.Once they reach it, they found a tent and entered it. Inside they found a woman in green ropes. Aladdin spoke, "You must be the mystic… I have been told you might be able to help us."She looked at the newcomers and spoke, "Yes, yes Aladdin, boyfriend to the Princess and future Sultan of Agrabah, and also you, they bearers of the Keyblades. I have heard all about you. Now lets get down to more… serious matters. You came to me for seeking a way to save your friends?""That's right," told Aladdin. "Do you know where they are?""I am only a link to the mysteries of the unknown. It is the spirits that leads us the truth. Let's see what they tell us," told the Mystic and she looked into her crystal ball.She casts a spell and then spoke to the group. "To save your friends, you need to go to five places. On three of them one of the missing friends are hidden. In all of them is a magical artifact, which grants you the ability to stop the one causing all the trouble you are going through.""Which places are they?" asks Aqua and the Mystic spoke, "The first is a cave full of wonders… the second is a pyramid of an old king… the third is on a different oasis, the fourth is in the palace of Agrabah, and the last is far in the desert, only the top of an old city being seen.""And what we will find on these places?" asks Terra then the Mystic answers, "The Cave of Wonders contains the Genie, and also the remains of four serpent idols which needs to be restored. In the pyramid is the Princess but also a crystal guarded by a god of death… this crystal has the power to restore them. In the different oasis you will find the two pieces of the scarab that once brought forward the Cave of Wonders. In the palace you need to find a map, a map that shows the road to an ancient city, where you can stop this madness. In the final destination, a creature of no heart guards in its inside an object… however, I cannot determinate what this object it""Oh! I know what it is," told Iago. "Jafar found it once in his travels to get magical items. He stumbled once on an object which was very ancient and contained the power to activate the scarab once it is completed. After the Cave of Wonders were brought fourth, Jafar hid it inside a mechanic Heartless. In fact there were two of them. One easy to find and the other to guard this table. However, the easy to find one were destroyed in the last year.""How do you know?" asks Aladdin and Iago told, "The sandstorm that hit Agrabah after Jafar and I were in this lamp was caused by it. It was a backup plan of Jafar… if it hasn't been destroyed, Agrabah wouldn't be here anymore.""I guess you have a solid point there," told Riku. "I can guess who it was, however, I need to confirm it first which is not possible right now… by lacking the people I need to ask.""Now we know what we have to do," told Aladdin and Terra nodded. "That is right. I think it is best if we split up, so we can cover everything up faster and we can move forward the city together.""Alright! Then who is going where?" asks Aladdin.They debate where is going to where and they decided on the following:Riku would return to the palace with Aladdin who travels afterwards further to the Cave of Wonders.Terra heads for the pyramid to save Jasmine and also get the crystal.Aqua went to find the other oasis to gather the pieces of the scarab. Iago would go with her since he knows what the scarab looks like and Ven would head for the Heartless which guards the table.With this set up they split up for their tasks.While Riku and Aladdin were on their way to their destinations, Aladdin wondered, "Why did you join this group of Jafar's to leave them later? Realized they would not win?""Its complicated by that, but… it was just a long chain of wrong decisions… and also the foolish decision to trust somebody untrustworthy.""I see," told Aladdin and Agrabah came to sight… and what they saw made the two gasp in surprise.They land on one of the larger houses of the town and looked at the palace… it was heavily damaged. Holes in the towers, parts of the walls destroyed, and even one of the towers were gone."What happened here?" asks Aladdin and adds on, "We only have been gone for a few hours.""I don't know, Aladdin. But I think I go to investigate the matter. You better go and get to the Cave of Wonders," told Riku. Aladdin crosses his arms and told, "I rather not want to leave you alone here.""I understand since it is your home, but we rather don't want Jafar back… and who knows how far she is with this task?" countered Riku and Aladdin nods in understanding, flying off with carpet.Riku looked at the palace and told before hurrying off to the palace, "Better I hurry and find the Sultan and the map."Aqua was in the oasis which should have the scarab and walked around a small river to reach her destination. Some bandits tried to capture her, but they weren't a challenge for her magic spells.It wondered how river can exist in an oasis and moves on to find the object. She passed some grass and looked in surprise to find a giant spider net with a spider of said size on it. A bandit was jumping on it and the spider turns very fast at the bandit and jumps on him. Aqua winced by his cries and as the spider let go of him, he was wrapped in web, put down on the ground below the net… where others in spider silk wrapped objects can be found.She doesn't think that this spider holds the pieces of the scarab, but it was clear for her that this spider shouldn't stay here or else it could be a threat for any who get caught by it. Calling her Keyblade, she neared it but stayed out of the net. She watched the spider which was just resting on the net… Aqua thinks it only reacts if something touches the net. So she went behind it and threw her Keyblade, hitting the rear of it. It winced and turns around, storming at Aqua. She dodges it and runs around again, throwing her Keyblade again.She repeated the procedure a few times before she shoot a few fire spells on the net, causing the spider to fall. It climbed out of the hole and turns at Aqua, storming to her. Putting up her shield the spider slams against it, dazed by it. The Keybearer used the chance and used her strongest spell on it. It cringes by the powerful blast but falls into the hole again, landing on its back and stopped moving. Looking into the hole she notices her fire spell burned everything that could burn and now there was a terrible smell. Not wanting to stay any longer she turned around as she noticed something reflecting the sun light. Against her better judgment she went down and found two pieces of something. She picked the two pieces up and holds them close to each other, resembling a scarab."Guess this spider had it all along," mused Aqua. "Though… how did it end up here in the first place? If it was used to summon the Cave of Wonders… shouldn't they be near of the said cave?"Aladdin just reached the Cave of Wonders and descends to its deeps, the fourth time in his life. The first time was to get the lamp, the second to stop Jafar, and the third time to get a treasure so they could get Jafar's lamp.He watched out for the traps and Heartless on his ways, but for some reason only the traps are here, not even a single Heartless or any other kind of enemy were on his way. He found a room where the mentioned remains of the serpent idols. Putting them in a bag he continues his way but keeps an eye on Abu since the monkey tried to steal treasure here but they were not allowed to touch anything.They reach a spot where djinni was in a pot, only his head sticking out in a sort of force field. He spots Aladdin and called, "Al! Buddy! I am glad to see you! And here I thought I have to spend again ten thousand years here.""Don't worry, Genie! I won't let you down," told Aladdin and kicked the two snakes on the side of the force field away, causing it to lose power and smashed the pot afterwards to free his friend. The blue being cracked his neck a little. "Thanks, Al! Tight spots like these cause my neck to be stiff."Then a roar was heard and they spot Abu having touched a gem and Aladdin told, "You knew from the last time we are not allowed to touch anything!""Better we get out of here!" told Genie and they get on Carpet and start flying. They had to dogde rocks, magma, and even molten gold. Aladdin turned to Genie and asked, "Can't you do anything?""Sorry, but Nasira somehow managed to seal my powers off. Unless we find a way to break it, we are not able to do anything here," told Genie and Aladdin told, "Oh great!"They managed to get out of the cave and landed in front of a camel on which the mystic was sitting. "Oh, Aladdin! I knew I would find you here. It seems your trip in the cave was successful.""It was… and it could have gone smoother if Abu had behaved himself," told Aladdin and the monkey looked down in shame.The mystic gave a chuckle and told, "Go back to my tent. I will go to see how your friends are doing in their part of the task. Then I will return as well and explain to you how to stop the evil.""Alright! Thanks! I am in your deb,t" told Aladdin and flew away with Genie and Carpet. The mystic laughed. "Don't worry about it! You already repaid me."Terra reaches the great Pyramid and walks around the outer perimeter to find an entry. In fact, he stumbles upon on three of them so he entered the middle one, but a man stands there and told if Terra wishes to enter the pyramid, he has to find the two chronicles of the death.Sighing, Terra went into one of the other doors and had to dispatch a mummy upon entering. The followed the pathways, even had to get up on some pillars to reach a higher level he came across a room with 13 doors, all of them decorated with three symbols. Entering one of them he saw on the left side a black board and on the other side seems to be a sort of opening. Terra put his Keyblade into this opening and the black board showed several symbols, with three of them lighting up.He exit the room on the other side and found himself in the same room again. He went through a few rooms until he realized: One of the doors had the same symbols like on the board. He entered it and found himself in a room with two closed doors and another opening, this time formed like a Keyhole. Terra held his Keyblade at it and after his key did its work, one of the doors opened and Terra found a room with a stone tablet. Guessing it was the first book he goes for the exit but had to fight with an eagle man first.Terra blocked its strikes and counterattacks with his heavy attacks until the enemy collapses on the ground. Then Terra keeps proceeding and asks, "You gotta kidding me? First an eagle man and now a skeletal horseman?"The pile of bones forming the horseman, however, was soon done for after five hits of Terra's Keyblade. Passing through the door it was guarding, he found himself outside again and heads for the next door.After jumping on platforms, using his Keyblade, smashing enemies, and even flame throwing snake heads, he got a hold on the second of the chronicles and heads back for the first door he passed after reaching the pyramid. The old man thanked him for the chronicles and used it to open the door for Terra. He moves into the halls and moves through the mummies, animal men, and traps until he reaches a room with a puzzle. He moved the stones so a beam of light would hit the door to open it. Moving through he saw a man in a dark coat."I have been waiting for you," told the one in dark coat. "If you look for Anubis, I already had my game with him.""What do you mean?" asks Terra, having his Keyblade ready. "Let's play a game. I hold up four cards. One contains your Princess, one the crystal you are looking for. The third is a joker and you get both without a fight. However, the last one is a King. If you draw him, we are going to fight, which will be a game on its own.""And why should I play this game with you?" asks Terra, but the reply was, "Want to risk any harm on the Princess and the crystal?"Having a point Terra told, "Fine!"The Organization member holds up four cards, the back facing Terra. The Keybearer points to one of the cards and it got tossed to him. Looking at the card he saw the crystal and with a flash it was in his hand.The Organization member shrugs. "Looks like you only got one of the prizes! See you later!"Realizing what he is planning, Terra rushes over to attack, but his opponent was already gone in a corridor of darkness. "Damn!" and rushes out of the pyramid.Ventus reaches, according to Iago, the place where the Heartless was. After landing the boy asks the parrot, "How did Jafar got on this Heartless?""Funny story! He teamed up with somebody to make this, however… I was at this time doing something else so I don't know all details," told Iago. "But why did I have to come with you?""To show me the way," told Ven and they proceeded as suddenly the ground began to shake. Then they saw a part of the Heartless emerging from the sand before diving down again. Then it came again before diving like a shark. Then he jumps out of the sand with a shriek. It was a massive seemingly mechanical one with an egg shaped body with rotating rings. Each ring is white with black and yellow highlights with rectangular pillars. Most of these pillars are blue but a few were gold and copper. It's rear sports a grey turbine which is used for locomotion. The neck is black and gold while the small head is spherical and white. The usual yellow eyes are on the head and the Heartless emblem rests between these eyes. On the head is a large jagged mouth and two short "horns".Ventus got his Keyblade ready while the Heartless moves in the sand and Iago… he flew into safety.At first the Heartless moves half submerged and Ven rushes over and hits its side until it submerges. It rises up and shock waves rush at Ven. He runs aside, also climbs on a building and realizes: The attacks doesn't affect the stone buildings. After the waves ended, Ven shoots a few spells at it before it submerges again and reappears in a different spot. This repeated for a few times before it tries to ram him, however… it hits the rock on which Ven was standing. It was dizzy now and Ven used this moment to hit it several times before it submerges again.It raises from the sand completely and a tornado began to form around it. Also, cube shaped objects were shot out of it. While running away from the tornado, Ven hits one of these cubes and it flew back to the Heartless, damaging it.Grinning at this discovery he sends more of the cubes back until the wind shield drops and it collapses on the ground. He closes in and attacks it more. After his last attack the head cracks and it shrieks again before vanishing, leaving only a stone tablet behind. Ven picked it up and mused, "Seems I got what I came for."He got Iago, who was only shivering in fear, and flew back.Chapter 57: Chapter 56Riku walked within the remains of the castle and mumbled, "This might take a while to fix this… and where is everybody?"No answer came, but he found Razoul and several other guards in a room of the palace. They were all out cold and not moving, like they were in a sort of force field."They were in a freezing field," told a female voice. He turns around and spots VERY slender woman with white hair and green eyes. "Hello, Keybearer. I am Mirage… and I am sorry about the destruction here. In the mistake of thinking this world isn't habitated, we tested a robot here. However, it grew out of control and is now on a rampage. We were able to isolate it and is dealt with it by a specialist.""Then why are they in this force field?" asks Riku and she answered, "To prevent that they notice anything about our interference. Once we cleaned up we will take our leave.""And the Sultan?" asks Riku. "I came here to save him.""The Sultan of this place is in a cage, which is protected by a Heartless Armor," was her reply and points to a direction to her left. "Down the hall and you will find them.""Thanks!" told Riku and rushes off. Mirage turned around and asks somebody in the shadows, "Why not let him face the Omnidroid?""Simple, Mirage," grins the one in the shadows. "The last Omnidroid is still not upgraded from its encounter with the hero it encountered… and I want a model which can face him first. Not earlier.""Understood!" told Mirage. "We are nearly finished with our clean up. Though I still wonder why the inhabitants were not noticed by the drones as we looked for a testing arena.""Seems I have to look through the programming again," told her boss and turns to leave, but grins. "Though I wouldn't care if the Omnidroid had destroyed the entire town."Then he stopped and turns to Mirage. "And I want some drones watching him. Of how he fights we will gain valuable data to prepare one version especially for Keybearers."In the meanwhile Riku runs down the hallways and stopped as he reaches a hall, with the Armor Heartless waiting for him. The keybearer got his Keyblade ready and faces it.Before this mechanic beast could move against Riku, he shot a triple firaga at the head before running up and jumps to deliver additional damage by hitting the head with his Keyblade.However, he had to dodge roll away as its gauntlets spun around. Afterwards, the legs began to stomp around and Riku slashes Keyblade at one of the legs, destroying it effortlessly. It confused him a little since the limbs usually can take more hits. The other leg came and Riku could dispatch it easily as well which causes him to doubt that he faces a real version of this Guard Armor.The arms spin again against Riku but he dodged it and released another triple Fireball at the head, followed up with a Dark Fire Spell against one of the claws. The claw finished and the remaining one flew at Riku. He jumps above it and it got stuck on the ground. Not wanting to risk anything, he slashes his Keyblade through it, dispatching it as well.Turning to the torso, which still had the helmet on, he grabs his Keyblade with both hands and holds it in a defense position as the torso spins and tries to hit Riku. However, he manages to block the spinning attack with his Keyblade and the torso fell on the ground with the helmet.He uses the chance to unleash a combo of Keyblade strikes and close range attacks, finishing with a powerful Zantetsuken, which actually cut the helmet in half, making it disappear in darkness.The torso was disintegrating in darkness as well before a large heart flew away. In place of the torso was now a small man and Riku asked, "Are you the Sultan?""Huh? Yes! Yes I am the Sultan of Agrabah! What happened? The last thing I remember is that somebody took me from my room and then… darkness," was the older man's reply. Riku told him, "A sorcerer named Nasira, which seems to be Jafar's sister, put you into a Heartless and I had to face it… also, something caused a large destruction of the palace.""Oh my! Where is Jasmine? And Aladdin?" asks the Sultan and Riku told, "Aladdin is just working on stopping her and I am helping him with a few other people… I came here for a map towards an ancient city.""Oh! Of course I know which map you are referring to. Come with me! I will give it to you," told the Sultan and went out of the room they are in. Riku followed him and the Sultan was terrified by what happened to the palace. He hopes that they could rebuild it and restore the peace of his town. They reach a library and the Sultan took a scroll out. Handing it over to Riku he told, "Here! This should lead you to the city. Good luck on your task.""Thank you, Your Highness!" told Riku and runs off. As he reaches the gates of the palace, Aladdin lands with Genie and Abu in front of him. "I see you just finished your part of the task.""That's right," told Riku. "The Sultan is safe.""Oh boy!" told Genie. "We have to fix this little seal problem or it might take forever to repair the palace.""Seal problem?" asks RIku and Aladdin nods. "Nasira put a seal on Genie's powers so he is unable to help us.""I see… then let's return to the tent of the Mystic and wait for the others… wish the king could help us.""King?" asks Aladdin and Riku told, "We travel with a king who helps us… however, due to a problem on our way of transportation he had to turn home for repairs… he just manages to bring us here.""I see," told Aladdin. "Well then let's go."Riku nods and went on Carpet. They head for the tent where Aqua and Ven were already waiting. Terra came soon as well, but… alone!"Terra! What happened?" asks Aqua and Terra admits, "I was too late! Somebody of the Organization took her. I only got the crystal.""Oh no!" told Ven. "Better we make sure they don't get the others!""Until Mickey returns we are unable to leave," told Riku. "So we can still help Aladdin here.""Can you take me with you?" asks Aladdin. "I don't want to just sit here and wait like last time Jasmine got kidnapped.""Sorry Aladdin… but I am not sure if this is possible," admits Aqua. "We will ask our Master, but… there is a rule that doesn't allow actions like that.""As this rule was kept anyway in recent time," told Ven, "I mean… Sora's interference with all kinds of worlds, the Organization isn't really looking after it and also some other people.""You have a point," admits Terra, "but somebody has to keep on the rules.""We should stop this and concentrate on the tasks on hand. We should concentrate on Nasira first and then we figure out how to get Jasmine back once we can safely say the other princesses are safe for the moment," told Riku."I have to agree with the white haired Keybearer," told the Mystic. "You have to head for the ancient city and use the crystal to restore the broken artifacts. Then with the help of the Scarab, you will be able to stop Nasira once for all, but be careful… many dangers awaits you within the city.""Thanks!" told Aladdin. "We will be right on our way."The other nods and they head to the ancient city, following the map. They reach a pathway and after a look at the map…. They start dashing! Why? Because the only entrance into the city is through a magic portal. And said portal will close in around 2 minutes!They didn't bother with the enemies on the way. If one happens to be in the way, either Ven or Aqua used a spell to get it out of the way. After passing platforms, lava, skeletons, and souvenir shops they reached the portal which is about to close. The five just made it in time to pass through it just as it closed.They pant loudly and took a few minutes to rest. Then they continue their way. At one point three platforms with Kali statues blocked their way. They pushed them aside and with that they start moving and they had to fight all three at once who all had four swords. They had some trouble to get a hit on them, but after a few ones they hit the Kali statues were no more.Then they go by a building with the three Kali statues again but notice an open door behind it. They went through it and found themselves in a large room with seven doorways. One is open while the others are closed. They went through the door and they found an obelisk, and a spot which glows. They looked at each other and Ven asks, "Should we risk it?""Does we have any other choice?" asks Aladdin and Iago laughs. "Does it seem like we have a different choice? I would say we leave, but I bet you won't turn around if I say that!"They pushed the obelisk into place and a music starts to play. However, since there as no other change they head back and found one of the other doors are open. Realizing what this means they rushed and repeated it until all doors were open and they head for the last one which had opened.They reach a large platform and the Mystic appears in front of them. "Good! Now place the four serpent relics on the ground, and the crystal between them. Then the restoration will begin and your quest is finished."They nod and got the artifacts prepared like told. Once Terra put the crystal down, the pieces of the artifacts began to reform and took the shape of four serpents. Then the crystal itself shattered. The Mystic claps her hands and told, "Congratulations! Now hand me the two pieces of the Scarab and the tablet, and I shall speak the words which will seal the fate of Nasira's plans."Ven and Aqua took the items they gathered out and hands them over to the Mystic, but suddenly she laughs and blasts all five with a spell before transforming."Thank you for falling into my trap. I will take care of these artifacts now… good luck next time," told Nasira and disappears through a magical portal. Groaning, they recovered from her magical attack and they attempt to jump through, but only Riku and Aladdin managed to get to the portal in time. On the other side Aladdin wondered, "What is this place?""On the first glance I would save it is a cave within a volcano… I guess it fits to be Nasira's lair," told Riku and Aladdin agrees. The two began to move through this dangerous place filled with lava pits and snake minions, fire snakes, living fire balls, and a cottage shop for undead minions.At the end the two reach the top of the volcano and Nasira asks, "What? You?""We are here to stop you!" told Riku and got his Keyblade ready while Aladdin adds, "We are not finished with you yet!"However, Nasira uses the spell described on the stone tablet and zaps Jafar's ghost, who grew in size. She laughs and told, "You are too late! I have the magical artifacts and my brother Jafar shall be resurrected!""We'll see about that!" told Aladdin and Riku told, "You should have stayed down!"Nasira began to float on a rock and told, "Jafar's life will be restored at any second! You are too late!"She floats around and pulls one of the serpents out, aiming at Jarar. Somehow knowing they shouldn't let her do it, Riku threw his Keyblade, knocking the Serpent out of her hand while Aladdin rushes forward and destroys it with a swing of his own blade.Nasira curses them and shot fire balls at the two. Riku and Aladdin runs in opposite directions to prevent her to hit either of them.She was pulling out the next one, but this time a Thunder Spell stopped her tracks and this serpent was destroyed as well. She increased her shots, however, by the third one a rock hits her head and Riku was the one smashing it. After blindly blasting the field around, she couldn't make out either of them and pulled the last one out… only to have Soul Eater smashing it in her hand.Aladdin looked at Riku and asks, "You have a second weapon?""Three if I use a magical talisman!" told Riku. "Which is probably a good time now!"He called Burning heart, no moment to early as the gem on Jafar's turban began to shoot energy balls at them. Riku got the two blades in a defending position and holds the blasts off, telling Aladdin, "I'll let you deal with it!"Aladdin nods and jumps to grab Soul Eater and with a time threw it hits the gem and shattered it. Jafar roars loudly as he disintegrates and Nasira calls, "NOOOO!""THIS ISN"T THE LAST YOU SAW FROM ME!" calls Nasira and rushes off. Riku lowered the two blades and told, "Guess she will try to find a new way.""Next time we will be ready for her," promises Aladdin.Suddenly they found themselves in the palace and Genie laughs, "Thanks for beating Nasira guys! I got all of my powers back and can now repair the palace!""So you brought us here then?" asks Riku and Genie answered, "That's right!"Terra looked down. "I am sorry I couldn't save Jasmine…""We should be all sorry for falling into Nasira's trap," told Aqua. "But we can still win this and save her.""Win what?" asks Aladdin and Riku told, "Somebody is planning a war and Jasmine is part of the gamble because of her status as Princess of Heart.""Don't tell me another Keyblade war!" told Genie and Ven asks, "You know about this war?""Of course! Was part of it in the last moments. You see the last one grew so intense that everything, not only Keybearers, were pulled into it," explains Genie. "To prevent that the 20 pieces of the X-Blade got hidden. Seven inside chosen pure hearted girls, don't ask me why, while the other 13 got separate places. However, I can only help you with the location of 3 of the dark pieces.""Three is better than none," told Riku. "Where are they?""One is in the hands of an Olympic god named Hades," told Genie but Riku told, "Is already stolen.""Oh man… the Dark Plains?""Is gone as well.""And Heart of Darkness in New York?" asks Genie and the Keybearers looked at each other and they told, "No clue!""Then I would go there! Ask for a dragon which is in duty of protecting magical beings! They should be able to help you in this!""Thanks, Genie! That helps a lot! We promise to stop this war and bring Jasmine back," told Aqua and Aladdin told them, "Good luck!"Once the Keybearers are gone Genie told, "Better I get to work! When Jasmine comes back, she should find the palace back in old shape!"Nasira has returned to the hideout where Maleficent was already waiting. "Did you get what you are told to find?""The Scarab that once brought the Cave of Wonders out," told Nasira and hands the two pieces over. Then suddenly she got zapped all over and Heartless began to jump on her. "What?""You attacked the Keybearers even though you are told to work against the Organization! Now one of the princess are lost to them!""I WILL AVENGE JAFAR AND BRING HIM BACK!" shouts Nasira and Maleficent leaves, telling to Lumaria, "She is all yours!""Alright!" told the pink haired man and raises his scythe above Nasira.Chapter 58: Chapter 57Xion, Lea, and Roxas reached their first destination and found themselves inside a clock tower. They looked around and found a couch, heat plate, a television and a few other equipment for living.Lea crosses his arms. "Who the hell is living inside a clock tower?""I don't know," told Roxas. "But since nobody is here, we aren't disturbing anybody. Better we leave and look for clues if one of the Dark Fragments are here.""I don't think it is a good idea," told Xion from the outside. Roxas and Lea looked over and follows a sign to come over. She points down and the building that the clock tower stands on seems to be used by the police force."Ok…" began Lea. "Now we have to wonder how to get down WITHOUT them noticing us.""No clue…" admits Roxas and then looks at the sky. "Perhaps we can try to sneak out once the sun is set. I mean, there should be less people at night time.""That could work," mused Lea. "Given we aren't on a world with a crime rate that satisfies a police force that makes this building full at any daytime.""Don't give us that kind of nightmare," told Xion "I am not interested to be arrested because we got into a part of a police buildings were we don't belong. And we don't have any papers, which would cause us even more trouble."And so they were waiting for the rest of the day. They happen to find how to leave the tower, but they still have to get through a police department. Deciding to think about it later they turned the TV on and watched different movies through the day.As the sun was starting to set they sat up and looked outside. Less police cars are there from their point of view and they turned to the exit the tower… only to be greeted by a gun aiming at them… which was held by a woman with black or blue hair with dark skin. She wears a red leather jacket and a pair of jeans.The three raised their hands and Lea told, "We aren't looking for trouble.""Then why are you here?" asked the woman and Lea continues. "Simple! We just happened to end up here. We were just about to leave."Suddenly roars were heard form outside and the trio jumped around instinctively and called their weapons out, shocking he woman of the sudden appearance of these strange weapons.Roxas asks, "What was that? Heartless?""What kind of Heartless are roaring like that?" asks Xion and Lea answered, "I am not that eager to find out!""What are you talking about?" asks the woman who was still blocking the way with a gun ready to shoot."It is better if you never have to learn it!" told Lea."Lean about what?" asks a voice and they turned around, Lea dropping his Keyblade in shock. "I… cannot believe it!""We saw a lot… but this…" adds Roxas and Xion were not even able to speak up, but all three thought the same: This is mind blowing!In front of them were 6 creatures. Five of them were walking on two legs, had wings and tails. The last were walking on all four.The one looking like the leader had lavender skin and long black hair with a dark loincloth with a black belt. On the forehead were horn like structures and the wings are folded like a cape.The next looks like an elder with tan skin, long white hair, and golden webbing in the wings. The left eye seems to be blinded and wears a red shirt with black shoulder armor and tan trousers. Also on the side of the loincloth was a shirt.The third is in the same time the smallest of them with an olive-colored skin. No hair and the wings are not on the back, but between arms and legs like a flying squirrel.The next was red with a wild mane of white hair. Two horns are on the forehead and they face resembles of a flying dinosaur and wears like most of the others a loincloth.The following teal one was the fattest of them and has fin like ears.The last without wings and all for was in a deep blue color, fan shaped ears, two small horns above the brows, and three spikes running on the back, not to mention a short tail. It growled at the humans in a dog like manner.The leader asks, "Elisa… who are these humans?""I would like to know as well, Goliath!" told Elisa. "I found them here as I came up to greet you!""I guess this will be a very long talk we are about to face," sighs Lea loudly. "Hope you don't mind the talk."In the meanwhile, in a castle on top of a skyscraper was a man in a black suit with a short beard with brown hair sitting in a chair looking through the window of his office. Then a blond haired man with glasses came in and began, "Mister Xanatos! A guest has arrived with wishes to speak with you. It is about the crystal you bought recently.""Why should I accept a visit from anybody at this time?" asked Xanatos and the answer was, "He spoke about a deal which will give you information worth more than any object of this world."Xanatos turned his chair around facing the other man and told, "Alright Owen… send him in! I don't think it hurts to hear our guest out, even it is only to have a good laugh.""Of course, Mister Xanatos!" told Owen and went out to retrieve the guest, who was standing inside a sort of gallery and gazes at the portraits hanging on the walls. This guest wore a black coat and hides his face. Owen spoke up. "Mister Xanatos is now awaiting you.""Of course," told the voice. "And I have to admit… Mister Xanatos has an amazing collection… I wouldn't be surprised to find objects here which were thought to be lost for centuries.""I am sure a few of the objects Mister Xanatos owns fits the description," admits Owen while guiding the man to Xanatos.Back in the Clock tower everybody was sitting on different places. Xion, Lea, and Roxas have learned that these creatures are called Gargoyles… and in return they told Elisa, Maza, and the Gargoyles about the reason of their coming and from where they came… at least so far the rules allowed it."So… you came from a place which isn't like any other place we ever encountered," spoke Goliath. "In order to stop humans to gather objects which were the fragments of a mighty tool which could bring doom to everything we know if in the wrong hands. Only to cause a war which could result at the same.""And you came to Manhatten in hope one of these pieces happen to be here?" asks Elisa. "How do we even know what it looks like?""From one who had one of these parts we know it emits a dark mist and it resembles a crystal. We hope this description fits to not just this one piece.""Thousand years ago, we would have been able to tell you where to find it," spoke the elderly one named Hudson. "Since in the gargoyle clans run a legend about such an object how you described it. While it has slight differences in the clans, the main content is that this object should never be in human hands, since they would be never ready to hold the power the object as long any evil exits on the world. But since every living being has evil in their hearts, the day will never come. Even we gargoyles are warned never to seek out for this object for the good of everything.""And now we have to search for it? How ironic!" told the red one, Brooklyn. "But where could we find it?""I think I know where to find it!" told the fat one, Broadway. "In the television yesterday was something about it.""I admit in the last few days I had a lot to do so I didn't had the chance to read the newspaper," told Elisa. "So help us out, Broadway.""Such a crystal was found in the ruins of a place named… uhm… I forgot it, but point is that Xanatos has it since these ruins belonged to him," explains Broadway.Goliath doesn't look happy and told, "So we have to talk with Xanatos to acquire this object. But what should be done if we get it?""We never really thought about it," admits Roxas. "Our main concern is right now to prevent the organization from getting the pieces. Never really made plans of afterwards.""Well I don't blame you on this lack of through," told Hudson. "You are young and in a situation like that, it is natural to think first of the most oblivious thing.""So we have to go to Xanatos now," told Elisa. "But will he be willing to meet us?""He has to meet us!" told Goliath and rises up. "We demand from him to either hand it over or we ensure nobody will ever be able to get a hold of this fragment.""You know that we cannot carry all of them?" asks Brooklyn. "Not to mention that we don't know if Xanatos allows these three to come up with Elisa.""Then how about we use the helicopter?" asks Lexington. "We still have it, even though we never used it again since the day where we captured Jackal and Hyena.""You guys have a helicopter?" asks Lea in surprise and Brooklyn nods. "Yes we have one! Got that from a few bad guys and Lex here repaired and customized it. Though we only used it once.""How about you customize it again and hand it over to us?" asks Lea. "I bet we have some nice usage on it once a few modifications were made.""Lea! Do you even know how to use a helicopter?" asks Xion and Lea admits, "Nope! But it is something I could learn to fly!"Xion and Roxas were not really sure about their friend's idea… but it isn't like he would try to fly it right now, right?BEEEEP! Damn wrong!As soon this unlikely group got to the helicopter, which was colored in different dark colors, donned with a pair of Gargoyle wings as decoration, Lea asked Lex for a few lessons in flying this vehicle… with everybody screaming as the helicopter made its way through the town. The flight was unstable and Lex was screaming at Lea how to fly correctly, who tries in panic to get the copter under control!They were dashing at a building as Lea pulled the controls up and flew above the said building… and after that he finally got a hang on flying it."Next time you are taking lessons from somebody who knows how to teach!" told Elisa. "In a simulator! I don't want to die because of you!""None of us want that," told Broadway."Sorry guys!" told Lea and Lex explains, "I didn't think it was so difficult to show somebody how to fly.""I think I said this already about the police… if humans were destined to fly, they would have wings," add Broadway and Lea told, "Now hold back! I am flying this thing now, right? So now tell me where we have to go!"Lex points to the top of a building and Lea asked, "You are kidding me, right? To a castle on top of a skyscraper?""I think I can understand how it feels to you… we have been on this very castle as we awoke from our sleep which lasted for a thousand years," told Goliath.In the meanwhile…Xanatos and his guest were walking on top of the castle and told, "The information you provided me are alone worth the stone you mentioned. However, as a business man, I want something solid as well.""We assumed already so much," told the man in the coat and pulled out a book and a small chest, holding it at Xanatos. "This book contains all information you need if you want to travel to other worlds… also in the chest is a material which is required for such travels. Both will serve well as long you fulfill your end of the bargain.""Don't worry! I have the crystal transported to me as we speak. Just have some patience. Until it is here you are free to keep hold on the book and the chest," replied Xanatos.Owen just came with a briefcase and opened in front of the two man. "As Mr. Xanatos instructed, the crystal in question was transported here on the fastest way we could afford.""The fragment of Darkness…" told the man and hands over the book and chest. Then he took the briefcase and closed it, holding on the site. "It was a honor to do business with you.""May I know your name before you depart?" asks Xanatos and he answered, "My name… is Ansem."Suddenly the sound of a helicopter made them turn and Xanatos recognized it as the one once used by the Gargoyles. "What? They still had it?""Don't worry! The Heartless will deal with them," told Ansem and from the darkness different types of airborne Heartless appear. Opening a portal of darkness he attempts to leave but a roar stopped him and he was tackled by something red. Lex took over the controls of the helicopter and moves it closer to the castle grounds to make it easier for the humans to exit it safely while the other gargoyles jumped out of it even by high air.The three Keybearers rush over to Ansem who just looks at them. "The traitors are coming at me.""I don't think we are traitors if we never were part of your version of the organization," told Lea and holds his Keyblade out. Xion and Roxas followed suit and Ansem looked in interest.At Xion! "Interesting. You hold the Keyblade of somebody who is in our group. I thought you were holding the one which is used by Sora."Xion looks in confusion and inspects the Keyblade… to realize it wasn't the Kingdom Key but Light Within Darkness!"What the?" asks Xion confused, but stopped her tracks as a Heartless attacked her, forcing her to act against this creature of darkness.Roxas and Lea dealt with Heartless as well and Ansem looks at his first attacker. "I assume you to leave me alone or you will regret it.""I am not scared of you! This coat lets you look like a joke," told Brooklyn, but as a large Heartless appears behind Ansem and the said man began to float, he corrected himself. "Ok… this is looking threatening!"And with that Ansem's shadow attacked the red Gargoyle.On the other hand Xanatos was retreating into the castle and told Owen, "Get the Steel Clan ready and my power suit!""Of course, Mister Xanatos," told Owen.Back to the battlefield the Heartless were still attacking everything in reach and the Gargoyles managed quite a number on them. Elisa, however, had to retreat as soon as her ammunition ran out and was convinced by Roxas that unarmed combat is anything but wise against these creatures.Brooklyn was still struggling against Ansem, but he got help as Goliath interfered in one of the Heartless attacks. Also he punches Ansem himself who lost the briefcase and lost concentration for a moment.Goliath wanted to grab him but the Heartless claws at the gargoyle and was sent back. Brooklyn took the briefcase and made an escape which was cut short after a while due to the Heartless. So he tossed it to Hudson, who catches the briefcase and runs to leave the castle. However, Heartless got in his way and he used his sword to fend them off.Ansem made short process with Goliath by sending him a set of Heartless in the way and Hudson never knew what hit him as Ansem attacked the old one.He grabs the briefcase and laser shots interfered with the fight. They looked up and Goliath like robots flew down and from the right arm laser cannons came out, shooting at everybody.Ansem's Heartless protects him from the blasts and as he was sure to hold on to the briefcase, he opened a dark portal again and told, "I would stay longer and destroy you, but my orders are clear. The fragments are most important.""Damn! He escaped!" growls Roxas and made a short process of the Heartless around him, storming at a robotic Goliath and smashing it to pieces.In the resolving chaos the Heartless also attacked the Steel Clan which in turn attacks aside from the gargoyles the Heartless. And the Gargoyles… they team up with the Keybearers and attacked the other two parties.As the threat of the Heartless were minimal and the current Steel Clan units on low number, Lex lands with the helicopter briefly to recover his clan and friends before flying off.The last of the Heartless was destroyed as Xanatos came to the scene in his fighting suit and told, "Next time I should do it like Tony Stark and have suit up systems installed in all kinds of places.""Mister Xanatos!" told Owen who arrives the scene as well. "During this battle we received great damage and also lost the crystal… how do you think we should cover that?""Tell the press that thieves have been here again," told Xanatos. "And we still got a win from this event! Dozens of new worlds are waiting to be visited by David Xanatos.""Of course, Sir!" told Owen.Back in the clock tower Lea sighs, "Man! We really messed up! Ansem could escape… with the briefcase…""Which means he also have the Fragment of Darkness," told Xion who was still staring at the Keyblade. Why is she using a different one before her merge with Sora?"Well… he might have the briefcase! But he doesn't have this!" told Brooklyn and took the Fragment out.All of them looked in surprise and Elisa asks, "Why do you have it?""Well in the confusion I took the crystal out before passing the briefcase to Hudson! I hoped this Ansem guy wouldn't expect that anybody would pull this crystal out of its transportation and it seems I was right about it!"Roxas took the Fragment from Brooklyn and told, "You are a genius!""Thanks!" told Brooklyn. "I have my times.""Then I say this visit was an accomplishment!" told Lea. "So it is time to go!""Yeah," told Roxas as he pocketed the Fragment safely. "There are other places we have to check out.""And you don't forget about the helicopter please," told Lea to Lex. They high-fived and Lex answered, "Don't worry about that!""I wish you a safe travel," told Goliath, "And may you fulfill your protecting duty."Chapter 59: Chapter 58Xehanort walked through the castle and grins, satisfied. They already got two of the princesses and one more piece of darkness. However they also lost one fragment to the Keybearers. Due to an information he remembered from the time where his past self was traveling through time, it didn't matter… as long all Princess of Heart and all fragments of darkness are collected and brought together in a final clash between the two sides, the X-Blade will be formed. Nothing can change this in his opinion.In front of him opens a dark portal opens and a girl rushes out. It took a moment for the old Keyblade master to remember who it was: If he isn't wrong this is Snow White. Which means Braig finished his task.What surprised Xehanort, however, is the fact that Braig walked out of the Portal backwards while shooting his weapons into the portal before it closed. Turning to Xehanort he starts, "Old Coot! We have a problem!""Did you encounter the Keybearers?" asks Xehanort. Braig shook his head by the question and told, "Nope! It was a knight in a dark armor! Babbled something about that this princess here is an error and needs to be killed.""Princess an error to be removed?" asks Xehanort. He stroked his beard and thought about this a moment. While having an idea what Braig could mean, it was literally impossible to be here… or at least on the world of the princess… except…"Call everybody back," began Xehanort. "Even if one of the others is close to recovering a Dark Fragment. If this knight is the one I think of, then our plan is at risk on the Princess side!""Alright! Leave it to me!" told Braig and went to get other members which already returned to help gather the others.Xehanort on the other hand opens a dark portal and leaves for a place only known to him. It seems to be an old library where a ghost seems to read one of the books. Turning to the visitor the ghost asks, "You are back, Master Xehanort. Something unexpecting must have happened for you coming back. After all it has been years since I last saw you. And Keybearers who spend so much time like you in here, aren't coming back in most cases.""I didn't intend to return I admit," told Xehanort. "But you are right. Something unexpecting happened… something I never thought it would still exist if I am correct with a guess.""So you need books about contents of lost knowledge," mused the ghost. "What exactly?""Something about how the balance of light and darkness was kept before the world broke apart" told Xehanort and the ghost told, "Ohhh! This might be difficult… while not many books are here about these, they are in the farthest corners. It might take a bit before I find all of them.""Just bring what you find," told Xehanort. "Then I can start the research."The ghost nods and heads out. The old Keyblade Master runs a hand along the books and thought to himself "It would be shame if this place will be forgotten once more if my scheme fails… I should do countermeasures against this"Then the ghost came back with the first book and Xehanort began to study. And five more books should follow. It was a long and tiring study even with the rather small amount of literature worth to read on the topic. However, he wasn't the youngest anymore so it wasn't a surprise that it wasn't easy like last time he was here… which was again years in the past.He found the information he was looking for and… it really made a tremble on his plans! If nobody deals with this, then not only are Xehanort's plans at risk, but also the universe itself. While the latter would be still in case with Xehanort's plans, the difference is that by his plan it is only one of the possible outcomes while by the other cause of trouble it is ensured.He went to learn everything which is necessary to know about this new threat. Or at least what is known about it and made his way back to the castle. The ghost said goodbye to him while bringing the books back to their places.On a side note: Xehanort was fascinated that a ghost could move solid matter. Seems depending on the place and world ghosts have different abilities.As he returned was Isa already waiting for Xehanort and told, "The order of instant return is issued, however, it will take a while since some of the members are not in position to leave in an instant. Be assured that they will hurry.""Good! Because it is important what I have to say. And I can tell that none of us will like what I have to tell. For various reasons," explains Xehanort and heads to his seat, waiting for the others.Chapter 60: Chapter 59Kairi sat in the middle of the training room in Yen Sid's tower and meditates. Admittingly she doesn't like this exercise much, but her teacher, Yuna, told her that every Summoner has to do this exercise to learn to remain calm enough in battle for summons.Admitting that Yuna has a point, Kairi sat cross legged on the ground and had her eyes closed. It wasn't hard to stay focused during the meditation since she has never done that before… and so many things which happened since they learned the first time other worlds really exist are running through her mind. Also, she asks herself: How will she fit in? Only being a Princess of Heart which can defend herself? Or is there a larger role for her in this war?Also she has an uneasy feeling about something… she couldn't determine what it was, but out there is something which gives her a shiver on the back. Aside her fear towards the Unversed.This fear of the Unversed… this is also one of Kairi's key problems: What kind of help will she be if she is unable to fight when these creatures enters the battlefield? While she has no trouble fighting Heartless and Nobodies, Unversed are her worst fear.She sighs loudly and looks down since she couldn't continue the meditation due to the fact that she cannot push her thoughts away.However, suddenly the Gullwings appeared in front of her and Yuna told, "Pack everything together, Kairi! We're going to a change of place!""Huh?" wondered Kairi and Yuna explains, "I thought we could have a real combat training on one of the other worlds instead of the targets here in the tower. Also in here is everything too controlled as get you really ready for a fight. I know with this Keyblade Master you got some experience in real fights, but she cannot tell you anything about Summoning since she isn't one herself. And a tournament is hardly a real training situation since you only face one enemy at once."Kairi nods in understanding and as she got her belongings she wondered, "Where are we going and… how will we reach the place?""About the world: We thought we'd go to Olympic Coliseum. You have been there once and we know that we still have a safe training ground but closer to real battles. And about getting there: We called a friend of ours."Kairi looked at the three and wondered who their friend would be.Outside lands a Gummi Ship and a man came out. He was around six feet tall, has short brown hair with blond highlights and sharply styled sideburns. He wears an embroidered gold and olive green vest over a high-collared shirt and tight black leather trouser with leather shin pads and steel, open-backed sandals. He has two pouches attached on two crossed, gold-buckled belts and a collection of rings and bracelets on the left hand and earrings on both ears."Hello, Balthier," told Rikku. "Thanks for coming for our call.""No trouble ladies!" was his reply. "As a leading man I have to help damsels in distress.""I don't see us being in distress," told Kairi and Balthier bows in front of her and asks, "And you are, young lady?""She is Kairi!" told Rikku. "Princess of Heart, Keybearer, and Summoner in one person!""That's quite a accomplishment. I am only a lone Skypirate on the other hand," told Balthier and Rikku told, "Don't tell us things! Where did you leave Fran by the way?""She has to deal business with her people," told Balthier. "That's why I was able to accompany you since it will take some time.""Yeah yeah! Lets go!" told Paine. "I want to get it over fast! We have better things to do than babysit a princess.""Paine!" told Yuna. "That wasn't nice!""She is a princess and we babysit her! What's wrong with that?" asks Paine and Kairi answered, "I can hear you and I am not defenseless.""Whatever!" told Paine and went into the ship. Balthier helped Kairi in, much to her surprise, and took off to Olympic Coliseum.On the travel Kairi asks, "How do you know him?""Oh! That's easy! We run into each other as we were after the same treasure. Was a nice little adventure even though…" told Rikku and Yuna told, "Even though it turned out we were going after a picture.""A picture without any worth," told Paine and Balthier laughs. "But it was still some adventure we had and the picture.""Sounds like you had fun," told Kairi and Yuna nods. "It was if we blend out some of the battles."Kairi chuckles and looks out of the gummi ship and notices they are already getting closer to Olympic Colosseum.And after reaching it they exits the ship and made for the Colosseum where Phil was looking at a list.Approaching them, Kairi told, "Hello, Phil."He turns and told, "My! I didn't think you would come here that fast! Did you miss me?""Eh… no," told Kairi. "I am here for training.""Of course then! I'll get the pots!" told Phil, but Yuna told, "Sorry, but pots won't do. We need combat training for her…""So you want to fight Heartless? No trouble at all!" told Phil. "I make sure it is what you need but stay safe. How about a date afterwards?"Kairi made a step back and the Gullwings are doing the same. Balthier told Phil, "I think the lady here has already a date with fate."Phil grumbled and prepared the field for Kairi so she can train there. Soon everything is ready.Before Kairi went on the field Yuna explains, "Don't forget Kairi, depending on how powerful the being is you want to summon, the more time you require to summon it. While with the time you will get faster, it still requires time. So if nobody is able to defend you during the summon, summon something small to buy time.""And then I got to summon something big," finishes Kairi.She went on the field and faces the Heartless waves there. Like advised, Kairi summons while defending herself her Chocobo which drew the attention away from her. Then she goes for one of the bigger Summons which happens to be Ifrit, whose flames devours the Heartless.Yuna congratulates her and they started another round. This time Kairi had to summon a Golem as well to have enough time for Ixion, but she manages the task.Then Yuna came over to talk with Kairi about a few details. What they didn't notice… is that a dark portal opens up. Only as metallic steps where heard they turned to the source. They spot a bulky black armor with a red cape on the back.The person stopped in front of them and draws a sword and told, "You are an error! You must be corrected!""What?" wondered Kairi while making a step back and prepares a summon. The knight steps forward and told, "Initiate correction!"And he raises his sword, swinging at Kairi. She jumps back and holds her Keyblade out. The Chocobo appears and attacks, but was struck down in an instant and the knight holds a hand out and a pulse of darkness swept Kairi of her feet.Groaning, she went up only to get pushed back more as she had hastily block an attack of the knight. The knight moves towards her again, but the helm were hit a few times by bullets and Balthier walks in with a gun aiming at the knight. "It's isn't fair to attack a woman like her.""Resistance is futile!" told the knight and steps forward again. Kairi shoots a few spells as Balthier shoots a few more times.Yuna had already registered that this knight might cause trouble and had already started to summon. And she has chosen to use her strongest summon! Bahamut!The mighty dragon roars loudly as it crashes on the ground and shoots an energy blast at the knight. A large explosion was seen.The smoke cleared and…The knight was still here! Yuna couldn't believe her eyes since she thought she had very potent summons. The only way to pull a more powerful Bahamut summon into the line was getting Kairi, but they don't have the time for that.The knight raises his arm again, but it was grabbed by Hercules and got tossed to the other end of the arena. Seeing it didn't faze the knight he called, "Run! I'll buy you time!""Thanks, friend," told Balthier. "We will make sure your efforts weren't wasted!"Kairi nods as well and the five began to flee from this world while Hercules was wrestling with the knight. However, even the son of Zeus wasn't a match for this knight!As he was on the ground, groaning in pain and having many punch wounds, the knight looked around and told, "Error lost! Restart search!"And the knight disappears into a dark portal.Chapter 61: Chapter 60On the gummi ship Lea was piloting the gummi ship while Roxas just looks out and Xion was gazing out of the window.Roxas looked over and wondered, "Is something wrong?""It's more something confusing me," told Xion and called the Keyblade. "Why do I have this Keyblade all of the sudden?""But.. that's Kuran's Light Within Darkness!" told Roxas. "Shouldn't you be holding the Kingdom Key like Sora and I, when I am not using dual wield?""I know, but still I have it," sighs Xion and looks at the blade. Then Lea guessed, "Perhaps because Kuran's heart is in her? That it making you somehow easier to wield his Keyblade instead of the Kingdom Key?""That could be," told Xion and then she asks, "Are we close to the next world?""Almost," told Lea. "It is already in sight."Suddenly blue smoke appears in the ship and a blue man dressed as steward appears. "Welcome to Genie Travels! Thanks for choosing our flight company!""Genie?" asks Roxas confused and earns looks from Lea and Xion. Roxas laughs. "Met him once on a mission… though why are you here?""Bringing you greetings from Riku and also tell you that I can bring you to a world where one of the fragments is hidden.""Alright… then tell us where to go!" told Lea, but suddenly Genie disappeared and the next thing they knew is that a second ship is over their gummi ship and shoots through the space.Due to the force the three were on the wall the back of the ship and as this "genie-ship" stopped with screeching breaks and their faces are stuck on the front window."One trip to New York!" told Genie. "Thanks for taking my fast travel services!"And with that he dissapears. The three groan as they recovered from this trip and Roxas told, "Remind me to never ask him for trips again.""Don't worry… if you do I'll smack you," told Lea while rubbing his face. After a while they land on the world and they looked around."Where in this place are we supposed to find the fragment?" wondered Xion while looking around."We will find something. I hope," told Roxas and they began to walk through the town. It doesn't seem that anything magical was common in this place except for magic tricks so Lea reasoned that they cannot just ask for a magical item because of that.During their walk they found a park and on the sign was written: "Central Park""Well at least we found something green on this world," chuckles Lea as they went in. They walked around in the park and they even bought a few hot dogs as they getting a little hungry.Later they sat on a bank and Roxas wondered, "Where should we look now?""I admit: I am lost on this as well," told Lea, but as they heard screams in the distance Xion suggests, "Perhaps the trouble which is running now is a lead?""Why did I sign up for this again?" asks Lea while the three jump up and run over. And as they could guess, they are finding Heartless chasing after… unicorns?The three stood dumbfounded around and Lea began, "Well… considering what we have seen, I shouldn't be surprised that we run into unicorns at a date.""Given how little magic we saw on this world, it really surprises me," admits Roxas.The Heartless than notice the Keyblades and lost their interest to the unicorns as the Keybearers are the larger threat.Suddenly a burst of flame hits the ground between the two sides and a red dragon lands between them. The dragon has a yellow belly, black hair with a shade of green and the claws are grey."Hey you, what is going up here?" asks the dragon, then seeing the weapons he states, "I never saw this big keys like yours and also you don't appear to belong to the Huntsclan. And who are these guys?" while gesturing to the Heartless."We are willing to explain once we dealt with them," told Roxas and dashes forward and slays one of the closer Heartless. Xion followed her friend and Lea just sighs. "Always the icky jobs."Then he snaps his fingers and a good dozen of the heartless burst into flames. The dragon whistles and points to Lea. "You have to show me the trick sometime""Sorry! Don't know how to teach you without killing you twice," told Lea and the dragon looks in confusion before hitting a Heartless with his tail and breaths fire.The battle went on for a few moments before the Heartless were gone and the dragon asks, "Ok! What were they?""They are called Heartless," explains Lea. "Nasty creatures and always after your heart. Also wishing to destroy weapons like what we have since they are the pretty much the only way to deal with them permanently.""Ok…" told the dragon. "And who are you?""I am Lea! Got it memorized?" asks Lea while Roxas told, "I am Roxas and this is Xion."Then somebody shouted "Jake!" and a dog came running up to them. Huffing loudly he puts the front paws on the "knees" of the back ones. After catching a breath he told, "Why did you just leave like that? You are now late for your training!""Sorry, Fu! But there was a kind of emergency," told Jack and Fu asks, "What kind of emergency?""Heartless attacking unicorns and then us," told Lea and Fu looked them. "Heartless? You know about the Heartless?""Wait! You know these creatures?" asks Jake and Fu nods. "Yeah I do! And now you all come! First we have to erase your memory because nobody is supposed to know of Heartless and dragons.""Not even Keybearers?" asks Lea and Fu answered, "They are an exception because of their job."………Fu Dog suddenly had something ringing in his head "Wait… are you saying you three are Keybearers?"Roxas nods and Xion shows the Keyblade she is holding. Fu Dog holds his head. "Oh my! I never thought I would see one of these things again after all these years!""Uhm… does anybody mind to tell me what is going on?" asks Jack and Fu told, "No time! We have to go to your grandpa in an instant!"Some time later they were in a sort of electronic shop and a little man in blue robes and a white beard was standing in front of the Keybearers after punishing Jake for being late to training."So… the Heartless found their way to our world and somebody is after the Core of Darkness," he spoke. "These are very bad news. And even though Keybearers are not allowed to meddle with the affairs of other worlds, your mission to prevent to get the Cores gathered grants the exception of the rule.""Grandpa! Why did you not tell me about other worlds, Keybearers, or this Core of Darkness" asks Jack and his grandpa told, "Because you weren't ready for that! Only dragons which finished their training are worthy of such sensible information.""Why are you calling it Core of Darkness?" asks Roxas. "We know it as Fragment of Darkness.""The object you are looking for has many names, depending on which world you are in," explains the old man, "However: I doubt that anybody could get their hands on the core, since we dragons hid it eons ago in a secret place.""You don't happen to know where it is?" asks Jake and his grandfather responses, "I won't tell you even if I do know. Because the first thing you would do is going over and get your hands on it by yourself to see if it is cool.""Ah man!" told Jake and Roxas wondered, "Is there is a way to find out if it still safe without revealing the location?""Let me see on that," told Fu Dog and pulls a book out, but then he put it back. "On the second thought… due to the how much the Core must be kept secret they are never written down in any of the normal journals. We have to go to Drake Island for the only journal which contains the information.""However, since you three are not magical beings, even with the Keyblades, it is impossible for you to enter. Or at least getting allowed to go there.""And how about you just go and ask?" asks Lea while Fug Dog told, "I don't think this would be the problem to just go over for me. It just take some time due to the procedures.""That would be the best," told Jake's grandfather. "Until then I will train Jake."And with the following hours the three watched Jake training and… they wondered how household chores could help to improve the skills as dragons.Jake admits that some chores turned out to combat practices in a way, but for the most: He wasn't sure!"If I were a dragon, I would be turn out to be a horrible student," laughs Lea. "Because I hated the chores back in the Organization and sneaked away when it was my turn.""Yeah! In many cases I was stuck with them afterwards," complains Roxas and Xion shrugs. "Perhaps I was not available that much, but… I only had very few chores.""Coma, being lost, hanging out with Roxas when you didn't have a Keyblade, running away a lot," counts Lea together. "I can see how this could be a reason for not doing any of the chores when it is your turn.""Did I hear something about chores?" asks Fu Dog as he comes back. "Oh! I can see why!""So you know about this kind of training?" asks Roxas and Fu Dog nods. "Yes I do! And for the Core of Darkness… I have two bad news and a good one.""First the two bad news," sighs Lea. "Then the good one might cheer us up.""Alright! The first bad news it: The Core isn't on Drake Island anymore. Got stolen after a great conflict centuries ago," explains Fu Dog. "And the second bad news is, nobody knows about the whereabouts.""And what is the good message?" asks Jake and the talking dog answered, "We know what to look for!"He pulled a small journal out and opens it. The image of a black spear with red highlights could be seen. "This is Gallangr! A sort of evil brother to Gungnir, the Spear of Odin.""Evil Brother?" asks Xion and Fu Dog explains, "The Spear was forged with the same materials like Gungnir, even the same place and equipment. However, instead of the power from Odin, it was fused with the Core of Darkness. Whoever wields this weapon will have access to the powers of darkness but also receives a corruption beyond imagination. This spear's usage was a reason for the destructions of a few forgotten empires and even sunk Atlantis. At least our version of it…""There are more?" asks Lea in surprise. "I thought the only Atlantis existing was the one a friend of ours visited some time ago."Fu Dog laughs. "Yes and no! Atlantis was once a larger town, but due to a catastrophe and a war at the same time, the town got split and moved to two worlds. Our world and another, but this is all we know about it. Our side doesn't know anymore about the catastrophe or the war aside from it was thousands of years ago.""Alright…" told Roxas. "So we have to look for a spear whose location is unknown.""Wait! I have seen this spear before!" told Jake. "Of course! Rotwood talked about it! It was recently found by an archaeological dig. And he told something about a theory that this is supposed to be a spear wielded by somebody big and that the name was transferred incorrectly… though I didn't pay attention and that's why I don't know where it is.""Who is Rotwood and why didn't you pay attention?" asks Xion and Jake answered, "Rotwood is my teacher and even has classes about magical creatures. He believes in them but man! He doesn't have a single thing about them right. I mean he believes that dragon claws smells like strawberries."They look at him and Lea asks, "So… we have to talk with him about this spear without relieving that magical beings exist?""That's pretty much the thing, yeah," agreed Fu Dog and Jake's Grandfather told, "Be Careful! There are not only your enemies but also our enemies out there… if they learned about the spear as well, we will face great trouble.""And who are your enemies?" asks Roxas and Fu Dog told, "Aside from a couple of rough magical beings, the worst thing we have to face is the Huntsclan. They would use the spear in an attempt to destroy all magical beings and if they learn about other worlds every bit of magic in the universe.""Great… so we have to prevent that another party could join our little war we have on hand," sighs Lea. "Why are our jobs always getting ickier?""Because we have a talent for them," told Roxas.Lea only rolls his eyes on this.Some time later they were in front of Rotwood's home and Jake knocks on the door.A man with a clean head with only having red hair on the side and wearing a monocle an old styled suit opens the door. He eyes Jake and asks, "What do you want, Jake? And who are these people with you?""Hello, Professor Rotwood" told Jake. "I told some of my friends about the spear and they want hear more directly from you."This seems to lift Rotwood's mood up and he asked them in. None of the four knew how long Rotwood had been talking, but they learned that he believes the following things about this spear: Gallangr is its true name due to the runes on the spear, and that Gungnir was just a product of errors of how the story was kept told until written down in the Nordic cultures. That the spear holds no real magical abilities, since magic isn't anything scientific. Instead it told abilities were results of the told stories and the abilities of the used materials of the spear. And that Odin wasn't a god but a great warrior and was made a god in the afterlife…While the last one was a theory people could talk about, all other things that Rotwood thought about it were completely false due to the information the group had. But they didn't dare to tell him that. Xion asked as the man took a pause from his theories, "Can you tell us where the spear currently is? We would like to have a look on it by ourselves.""Well of course!" told Rotwood and went to search something. He pulls up a paper and explains, "The spear is currently analyzed in the New York State Museum.""A spear found in Scandinavia is here in New York?" asks Roxas in confusion and Rotwood shrugs. "I don't care about the reason why it is here instead in Europe.""Probably the same reason why a gorgon was in the Museum of Art," thought Jake to himself… after all it didn't make sense that a "statue" from the old Greek is in New York either.Then they listened for two more hours before Rotwood finally let them go. Once they were out of reach of him Lea asks, "Why did we go through the torture again? We could have simply asked about the whereabouts.""Rotwood and I have already some issues," told Jake. "It was easier that way or else we were still busy to find out where the spear is.""Yeah! In a museum," was Roxas reply. "Not the best of places if we want to get it.""Do you think it is cool for me either? Due to my duties as American Dragon I have to help you steal an artifact which could be reason for a great disaster in the magical world. And since such a museum will be probably secured, I have no idea how to get this spear without us being arrested or revealing the existence of dragons."Back in the electronic shop they told Jake's grandfather and Fu Dog about their discovery and… they had no idea either how to retrieve the spear. After all none of them were thieves.In a different place stood a man in a dark coat in front of a man wearing a dragon skull over a black ninja mask. Also the man has a coat and wears a purple uniform with a symbol on the sides of the shoulders and on a black belt."You are telling me your group is going to help us archiving our goal, if we get you a spear?" asks the man with the dragon skull and the man in black coat told, "Indeed, Huntsman! I can see that the magical beings are a distortions of order in your eyes. I am willing to give you my organization's help to place the order fitting for this world if you bring me the said spear.""Then why are you not going by yourself?" asks the Huntsman and the man in coat simply told, "While I see it is necessary to create chaos to form order afterwards, I prefer to be not the one creating them. I am the man for making order.""Fine then! You get the spear in exchange of 'order'!" told the Huntsman, but his partner warned, "Don't expect the order you wish for too soon. The spear only contains a piece of the puzzle which must be solved first.""I understand!" told the Huntsman and began to leave for gathering his man. The man in coat told, "You have your dreams of order, but I see the order necessary. We will have a conflict about the differences."Later by the museumare the three Keybearers and Jake on top of a tree from where they can look at the said building. While they looked at it, Roxas stated, "I don't really feel comfortable with breaking into a museum.""I don't have a problem with it," admits Lea. "I just have the problem that we cannot afford to be caught in the process."Suddenly the alarm of the museum was heard and they looked over. Some people are leaving the building and… one of them is holding the SPEAR!"Guess this takes it out of our hands!" told Lea and the three went down. Jake remains back in case they are just burglars. After all he cannot reveal himself towards humans.Lea managed to get ahead of the burglars and holds his chakras at them, telling, "Mind if you just hand over this spear? Because I heavily doubt that you have permission to have it."The burglars, however, went into a battle stance and Roxas, who entered with Xion, states "I guess they won't move" while the two get their Keyblades out."And I suggest you drop your weapons before you get hurt," told a new voice. Lea, Xion, and Roxas turned to the source and they found themselves in front of several people holding a sort of staffs, aiming at them.Their apparent leader steps forward and told, "You are not stopping us from getting our way.""And you may be?" asks Lea lazily and Jake in his dragon form appears. "They are the Huntsclan! And this guy calls himself Huntsman, though I prefer to call him Hunts-Fool!""So you are with a dragon." asks the Huntsman. "Then I have no issue to take care of you! Attack!"His subordinates stormed forward and the first already run as they caught fire by Lea's pyromatics. Jake used martial arts against his opponents and did very well.The burglar with the spear went over to hand the weapon to his superior, but Xion got into his way and attacks with her Keyblade. What she didn't expect is that the Huntsman defends himself and that the Spear glowed darkly before shooting a beam of energy at Xion.Groaning in pain by the hit the burglar stared at the spear and as the Huntsman demands the spear, the only response he got was… a blast into the face as well.The burglar laughed at this new found power and slams the top of the spear into the ground and a shock wave shoots out which forced everybody on the ground.Walking over to the Huntsman the burglar declared, "You won't order me anymore! I have now the greatest power of the world! Come my minions! Come to your master!"On that clue Heartless began to raise from the ground and Roxas muttered, "Now I want to know how he knew about this?""Probably some of the magic infused with the Spear," told Jake. "Believe me… I saw this a few times. And none of these few times were going well.""Any other news?" asks Lea and Jake nods. "Yeah… we can have a truce with the Huntsclan on this one.""Why should they?" asks Lea while the burglar prepares to kill the Huntsman as the Huntsclan were fighting against the new threat. Jake got up and tackled the burglar and told, "Because I saved him and that we have the only thing capable to take these things out."The Huntsman glares at the dragon but told, "Give me better reasons for not getting your head now!""How about that if we don't care of this guy, this world will be toast? What would bring it for you to have all magical beings killed if all non-magical ones are killed as well?"The Huntsman glares more but told, "Fine! But as soon this is over, I will have your head!""Good luck on the last part," mocked Jake and Lea told, "I'll leave this to you four! I am more helpful to do mass damage to the Heartless"Lea turned and attacks the Heartless with his fire based attacks.Xion and Roxas looked at each other and shrugs. Turning to the Huntsman and Jake they wondered, "What's the plan?""I am for forcing him the spear out of his hands somehow and then we think about how to get rid of this thing," told Jake and the Huntsman told, "On the last part we have to fight, but it must be out of the hands of this traitor!"They head for the burglar, but again Heartless got into their way while the mad man laughed and shoots energy beams everywhere, destroying large portions of the place they are currently in.Then he aims for one of his apparent enemies as suddenly grey creatures surrounds him. "What the hell?""Nobodies?" asks Roxas as more of them appear and attacks the Heartless, for some reason ignoring the Keybearers."I guess I shouldn't have relied on you… you created more chaos than I expected, which I am displeased since in this chaos no order can be born," told a voice and the member of the organization came out of a dark portal.The burglar looked in confusion, but aims the spear at the newcomer's head. However, the blast didn't hit its mark… instead it was redirected and hits the burglar who cried in pain and drops the spear.Two Nobodies appear and took the spear, handing it over to the organization member. With that the Heartless numbers diminished very quickly and were soon gone. Only the Huntsclan, Nobodies and the Keybearers remain with Jake.Turning to the Huntsman the member told, "You created a chaos without purpose… no order can come due to your failure. Our deal is off.""Oh no! We went the trouble to get this spear for you! So you are now handing it over to us!" told the Huntsman, "Or we will force you!""I fear you won't be able to," was the reply. "Nobodies… teach these fools a lessons in order born from chaos."With that the Nobodies began to attack the Huntsclan and the Huntsman roared in anger while deflecting an attack from one of the larger ones. The Keybearers and Jake wanted to interfere, but as they run they fell through a dark corridor and found themselves on the Liberty Statue."Ok… this is weird!" told Xion and the Organization member came and told, "I have no battle with you. While you are partly the source of this chaos, the reason behind it was to make order. The Huntsman made chaos just for the purpose of chaos. That's why I removed you from this battle. Next time we might to fight each other, due to our different views of order"With that the Member was gone and Jake sighs. "Looks like we failed this one.""Yeah," told Lea. "Look at the bright side: Even if the Huntsclan survive this battle, they were busy to clean their traces up. Which might take a while.""You have a point there," told Jake.Back by the Huntsclan the ones in front of the New York State Museum managed to defeat the Nobodies, but they had a lot of wounded as a result. Afterwards the Huntsman also received a message…The Nobodies had invaded their headquarters and caused chaos there as well. The Huntsman roared in anger and swore revenge on the Organization.Unaware he has no means to find them.Chapter 62: Chapter 61Sora, Donald and Goofy were with Aeleus and Leon in front of the castle from the former beast. They went to the main gate and knocked on the door. It took a moment before the door opens and Lumiere opens the door it."Ah Sora! I didn't aspect you would come back this soon! Who are your new friends?" asked the man and Sora smiles "These are Aeleus and Leon. And one of them would stay here for a while… because of Belle.""What is about her?" asks Lumiere in shock and Sora told "There is a group of bad guys which wants to kidnap her. They wear coats like the guy we fought before as we helped to recover the rose.""Ah! I can see what you mean… uncomfortably one of these people is already here… though he said he didn't intent to kidnap Belle. Rather that he is waiting for you.""WHAT?" were the shocked explanation of the three while Aeleus thought aloud "Something must have happened that halted their intentions for now since the member who is already here, isn't kidnapping her.""How can you know that?" asks Leon and Aeleus told "Simple… I cannot see Xehanort waiting any longer. I was there as he formulated his plans after becoming an apprentice of Ansem. While being able to wait for his opportunity, he would never miss an opportunity it to claim anything he would need for said plans.""Then let's deal with this guy!" told Sora but Leon objects "I don't think it is wise. After all… if this member is willing to wait for you, it must be something that could also be trouble for us in the long run. Let's at least wait and hear what he wants from you.""Sora, I think Leon and Aeleus have a point here." Told Goofy and Donald asks "Oh yeah? And how do you know? What if this member is just waiting for an opportunity to deal with us?""Simple: Xehanort wants a battle between 7 guardians of light and 13 seeker of darkness. Meddling with these numbers doesn't seem to be smart, even for me" replied the anthropomorphic dog."I guess Goofy has here a point" told Sora "Let's go to this organization member. If he is up to no good, we will deal with him."Lumiere leads them to the Parlor where Prince Adams, who was formerly the beast sits in front of the organization member.Spotting the group told Adam "Sora! Good to see you.""Hi! How have things been?" wondered the keybearer and then he looked at the organization member in the room. "Xemnas!" called Sora and got his Keyblade ready. The former leader of the organization XIII turns slowly around and told "Greetings Keybearer. I wasn't expecting it would be you who come to this place. Destiny has really an odd sense of humor.""What do you want?" spat Sora while Donald and Goofy were ready to fight as well. Only Aeleus and Leon seems to be calm.Xemnas shock his head "Always eager to run into fights. However this isn't necessary except the reason why I was sent here happens to appear.""Ehh… what?" asks Sora confused and Xemnas told "I was send sent by my full self, Xehanort to off offer you and the other Keybearers a temporary truce until a bigger threat towards the Princesses of Hearts is dealt with.""A bigger treat toward the Princesses of Hearts?" asks Sora and Adam began to speak "Don't ask me! He only told me that he wishes to be a guest until you are here and then his mission is over.""Your mission?" asks Sora, slowly getting lost. Xemnas nods and spoke "It may confuse you even more… but I am ordered to protect the princesses for the time being until the threat is over.""Protect them?" was the surprised question from everybody and Sora asks "Protect them from who? From us?""No… an old power which was thought to be lost forever has emerged again… and this power is seeking out for those with pure light in the heart to correct it. Which of course means the death of said individuals. We encountered it as we were about to claim Snow White and you should be grateful we have her now… or else she would be dead.""Release them right now!" shouts Sora but Xemnas shock his head "If we let the Princesses of Hearts we have now go… we would release them to their death. Xehanort self wishes to speak with you on this matter personally. He awaits you in the world known as Keyblade Graveyard. There you will discuss the terms of our truce. You have my word as long this threat is around, we won't kidnap any more princess… only relocate them if nessescary.""And who tells us this isn't just a trick to lure us giving you the princesses without struggle?" asks Leon and Xemnas laughs "I have no means to prove the truth of my words, except for my word. However since you don't trust it, you are free to leave somebody with me to have an eye on me, while the rest of you contact the others and move to the Keyblade Graveyard… other members of the organizations are by the other remaining Princess but Kairi. We don't know where she is currently but we have a report from the Dusks that she was spotted in Olympic Colliseum… before she was forced to flee from the threat I told you about.""Kairi!" asks Sora in shock "Is she alright?""For the time being," told Xemnas "Until the threat finds her again. That's why we want this truce with you… even with us they won't be safe and it will be only a matter of time this threat will find finds them. And we cannot keep moving ahead of it forever. None of us would gain anything from it."Sora grits his teeth. While he cannot trust Xemnas or any organization member, not even Xehanort himself, he couldn't effort to ignore a threat which could harm Kairi. Turning to Leon he asks "Leon… could you have an eye on him while I try to get in touch with the others?""Of course Sora! His story sounds reasonable enough to investigate it at least." Replied LeonXemnas crossed his arms and told "That is something I want to see you try.""Thanks Leon" told Sora, ignoring Xemnas on the last one and storms out, followed by Sora and Donald. Aeleus stays behind."You are not following them?" asks Leon and Aeleus told "I prefer to have an eye on my former superior.""Do what you think it suits you" told Xemnas and sat down on a couch like it was a throne. Aeleus turned to Adam and asks "Do you mind to introduce introducing us to the princess? It would be better if she knows about the two of us before we surprise her with our presence.""I think this is reasonable, though I don't know if Belle wants to get into the near of anybody with a black coat again" replied Adam and Leon just said "Then we take turns in introducing."While Sora, Donald and Goofy ran out of the castle, they stopped as they saw in the front gate something approaching.It was a large dark knight with a sword by his side. From armor design and blade Sora guessed this guy has something to do with Maluz "Who are you? And are you with Maluz?"The being stopped for a moment and spoke "Maluz: Not registered! Unknown Keybearer: Strong Light! Error! Detecting Darkness! Unusual Light/Darkness Balance! Within parameters!""Huh?" asks Sora and continues "What are you talking about?""Detecting being with pure light! Error! Must correct Error!" the being said. Sora got the feeling this guy means Belle and got his Keyblade out "If you want to get to Belle, you have to get pass us first!"The being stood again and spoke "Keybearer turning to obstacle! Threat level: Unknown! Calculating Levels!""That's it!" spat Sora and dashes forward with his Keyblade ready to attack. The knight took his sword in both hands and prepares a battle stance as well.And the two clahes their weapons together. Expecting to be a grapple battle like way back against Shan-Yu in Lands of Dragons put Sora in all of his strength in.Sora keeps pushing at this knight and glances to him. Donald and Goofy watched as well but… they were staring at this match! And Sora joined at the staring as he realized… the knight didn't any effort to push back.The knight just stands there, blade locked with the keyblade and… does nothing while Sora tries to push the armored being back without any effect.Then the knight made a move… sending Sora sky high. As he lands again, he found himself having broken through the main gate, his head nearly touching the first step of the stairs within the main hall."Sora!" called a voice and as he get up groaning that Belle is coming down "What happened?""Trying to figure out" groans Sora while getting back to the feet."Sora!" called Goofy as he rushes in "Are you alright?""I am… where is Donald?" asks Sora and Goofy told "He is trying to stop that knight.""The knight also found it's way to this world…" told Xemnas as he came out "I have hoped he would take more time before finding the way here""You know about him?" asks Sora and Xemnas told "I was warning you about the Dark Knight… I also would have been more direct if it weren't for my somebody's orders. However now that the Dark Knight is here, I am allowed to name the threat by name. Neither the organization nor you keybearers have the strength to defeat him. Xehanort however is aware of a way… but we are unable to walk down the necessary path.""So are you suggesting we should run?" asks Sora but turns as he hears a cry. He just had time to recognize Donald before the duck lands on him.The two groans in pain while Xemnas spoke "It is enough that we move the princess from this world to a different place. Since you travel with a gummi ship, you are able to lose him quite effectively since his means of traveling are dark corridors.""For that we need to reach one of the possible spots to transport to the gummi ship" told SoraXemnas turns to the exit and spoke "Bring the princess of this world… I will try to holds him off. However I can only by buy you a few minutes at most."Leon and Aeleus came to his side and Leon spoke "So much I don't like working with him, Aeleus and me can help buying some time"Sora nods and stands up "Alright! When Riku and the others come, tell them what happened. We go with Belle to Radiant Garden."Leon nods and pulls his weapon out while Aeleus followed suit. Then the three headed towards the exit to engage the Dark Knight.Sora, Donald and Goofy went with Belle to one of the other spots within the Castle where they could leave this world. Thankfully the transformation of everything after the curse was broken didn't effect the spots. They got on one of them and teleported away.Outside the front gate was a large mess due the fighting styles of the three defenders but the Dark Knight doesn't have even a single scratch. Aeleus was lying on the back groaning in pain while Leon was using his gunblade to hold himself on his knees. Xemnas wasn't any better, being forced to hold on his side and on the knees as well.The knight was walking towards the main hall as it stopped the tracks. It turns the head around for some moments before stating "Target Lost! Start Search Parameters."Then a dark corridor opens and the knight walks through. Xemnas looks to where the knight was and stated "The Keybearer managed to escape with the princess…"Then he forces himself back on the feet and told "When you see other keybearers, tell them about what happened here."Then he opens a dark corridor and went through. Leon looks over and mumbled "After this round… I can see why these guys are considering a truce with their worst enemy…""The question is: Is our side also desperate enough to accept this offer? Because it is clear the dagger for our backs will be ready" told Aeleus while trying to get up.Adam came to the place and after a glance at the damage he states "Even after the worst Heartless attacks it didn't look like that here… I guess it takes some weeks to get THIS mess cleaned. Better than Belle now being harmed in any way. Wish I could be at more use…""It isn't your fault" told Leon but Adam told "You have no idea about what I was so you do have not the room to speak"Leon looks at Adam, wondering what he is talking about due being unaware of the prince past as the Beast.Chapter 63: Chapter 62Namine and Even were working on the procedure and the machine which should stabilize Xion... however they weren't making any progress since one major problem kept showing up: They were unable to make a fitting replacement of Sora's memory of Kairi.Namine sighs loudly and sat down... if she were able to replicate the said memory than the disappearance of Roxas and Xion wouldn't be necessary to wake Sora up in the first place back at the time were the first organization was around. Though she doubts that DiZ would have agreed on this… he was completely consumed in his hatred for nobodies at this time.Even sat down as well... they didn't share a word but it was clear what they thought... if they somehow could work around the problem.In this moment came Ienzo in and told "Even! Here is a girl who was interested into the assistant job you wrote out."Even looked at him and told "Let her in... I have nothing better to do right now."The young man nods and makes space. From the door comes a young woman with a grey pair of pants, a black jacket, purple shirt and black shoes. Her hair color is purple with pink eyes.She waves a hand and told "Hi! I am Faith.""Welcome Faith." told Namine and told "I am Namine, and this is Even.""Pleased to meet you! Hope my suddenly appearance won't cause any trouble." told Faith and Even shock his head "Don't worry about it. I can need a new assistant since we are currently shorthanded with addition that some of my equipment needs care while Namine and me I were on a problem" told Even "Ienzo can you show around and tell what her duties would be.""Got that!" told Ienzo "Thought if you don't mind… what kind of problem are you working on? Perhaps I can help." suggested Faith.Even shock his head "I doubt you were on would be any help since this happens to the expertise of Namine and mine… and we are the only ones who understand the whole situation due said expertise.""Let her give a try." reasoned Namine "Perhaps she can give us a new view of the subject. A different view might give us the edge to help Xion and on the long run Kuran.""Did you say Kuran?" asks Faith suddenly "As in… Kuran Yuma?""You know him?" asks Namine and Faith nods "You can bet on it! What happened to him?"Namine looks down sadly "He took something meant for a Keybearer named Sora and is now a puppet of Xehanort. I don't know if you know or heard of him but he is the reason why Maleficent started her conquer over the worlds, which resulted in disaster over many worlds.""So… he is also the reason why my world is gone." answered Faith "And he made Kuran a puppet? Where is he? I want to give him a mind on what he did to me!""If we knew where Xehanort's location might be is, we would be in less problems." answered Even "And even if we knew how to get Xehanort… we still have a minor problem with somebody else.""You mean this Xion right?" asks Faith "Who is this?""Xion is a being called Replica." told Even "I created them through data of other people… it took quite a while to create the first successful one but the project brought some interesting results, but also some that I am not proud of on hindsight. We are not sure how but Kuran's heart escaped into her and stabilized her for the time being.""Stabilize her? What is wrong with her?" wondered Faith and Namine explains "It is a very long story but to make it short: For her to exist she needs a certain memory but this memory belongs to somebody else. Kuran's heart is filling these memories with darkness currently. However it is only a temporary solution. What she needs are these particular memories. Though if we remove them from the one they belong to, we might damage him with unforeseen results.""And how about you just copy these memories?" asks Faith however Namine shock her head "I can create fake memories or relocate them… but I am unable to replicate said memories."Faith nods and suddenly had an idea "Can you relocate these memories also in objects? Like a crystal?"The nobody thought about it for a moment and then she told "I guess… but for that the crystal needs to be able containing such a thing like a memory. And I am not expert of crystals.""My people were such experts and we can even manipulate them." told Faith "All we need are the right crystals and merge them into three new ones. Two were for storing memories while the third duplicates the information of one crystal into another.""Fascinating." told Even "It is a great theory and I think, it is worth to investigate it. However I am afraid I am not aware of a world which could contain any crystals, except for a few elementary ones.""I fear I cannot contribute any help on this one." told Namine however Ienzo helped out "While we don't know any worlds with crystals, doesn't mean we have no information about such worlds."Even looks up and asks "May you tell us what is in your mind Ienzo?""Simple: Before we were relocated to Castle Oblivion, I installed a hidden system into the computers of this castle. The idea was to create backups of anything which happens in the systems of the World That Never Was and the few computers we took with us to Castle Oblivion. While the connections with both computers were lost, the system did record everything until it happened. I am sure in the scout mission reports might be such a world. After all while not every world were deeper in the interest of the Organization, we still made records of all worlds we found." Explains the grey haired boy."This is brilliant Ienzo. Let's see if in the old systems were any worlds of interest." told Even and they went into the computer room.Down there Ienzo types a few orders and a computer voice told "Greetings, User Ienzo. How may I be at your service?""Tron!" was his reply "Search for a hidden system within your parameters. Use for the search the Admidistrator ID Zexion. Password. Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas, Xion and VI13-6. System name: OrgXIIIBackup""Of course! I start the search with given variables." told Tron and Faith whistles "You have an sentient computer?""It wasn't from us." told Ienzo "Our master, Ansem the Wise, copied the computer system of a corporation named ENCOM and reprogrammed it. It went under other reconfiguration over the years, making it what it is now.""Though the current Program in control has always been here… it just took over after the Master Control Program has been deleted. It was necessary to save the town so far we are informed." told Even."I have found and accessed the requested system. What would you like to do?" told Tron out of the sudden and Ienzo explains "Search in the files about worlds which has high usages on crystals. However the crystal should be not only elemental. We need strictly reports about worlds where crystals are used for greater arrangement of tasks.""Of course! I scan the files now" told Tron and on the screen were several screens open which indicates that several files are being scanned at the moment.It took some time but Tron seems to have found something, bringing up a file named 'Atmos'.Ienzo reads the file and told "It seems the world which contains the crystals we seek, uses as main transportation flying vehicles. And the population inhabitants so called 'Terras'. Island like mountains which stick out of a sea of clouds. The land under these clouds are inhospitable and even dangerous. Reaching this world is the smallest of problems we have to face… the larger one is moving around there. From the scout reports it seems we don't possess anything which resembles their type of vehicles.""I think we will get around." told Faith "We just have to get there.""I am not sure if Cid has still a Gummi Ship left." mused Even "But I am sure we will find something if we look around.""Then how about a Star Shard?" offered Namine and Even shock his head "To unsure if the user cannot control it.""And?" asks Faith "As long it can bring me to this Atmos, I really don't care about this. And besides: If this Star Shard is like a Crystal, then I am able to control it.""But then you would be alone in a different world." told Namine "Are you sure you can do it?""Don't worry Namine." told Faith "I can defend myself.""Alright." told Namine and the little group moves to the headquarters of the restoration committee. Nobody was here at the moment except for Merlin who recently came back from his home world to check on things."Oh! Hello!" told Merlin "Can I help you?""Hello Merlin." told Even "We were looking for a Gummi Ship or Star Shard to travel to a different world… we have a theory now on helping Xion however but we need some more materials.""I assume these materials don't appear in Radiant Garden then." told Merlin and then he saw Faith "My my… it has been some time since I last saw one of your people! I thought you were gone for the darkness for sure.""You know my people?" asks Faith in surprise while stepping closer "Indeed! I was on your home world a few times during my studies. Though I wonder… where is your own crystal?"With a sign told Faith "I… must have lost it as my world fell into the darkness… afterwards I was for a long time in the control of a dark being. It's a long story of why I am here.""I see!" told Merlin "Well I happen to have a Star Shard in my possession, though I rarely use it… after all I am a powerful sorcerer who can just teleport between the worlds! Just let me look where I put it down."Faith glances around the house and mused "He needs somebody to clean this place up…""Indeed!" told Ienzo "By such a mess it is impossible that he-" "FOUND IT!" told Merlin and holds the Star Shard up. Walking over to Faith he hands it to her and asks "You know how to use it?""I will figure it out." was her answer "Thanks Merlin.""Not a problem dear!" chuckles Merlin and close his eyes during it. Then he started to ask "So… what's your…" however Faith wasn't here anymore… "Name?"He looks around for a moment and told "Guess she used the Star Shard… if she didn't had it right now, I would have wondered if she learned this disappearing trick from Batman…"Faith has indeed used the Star Shard and moments later, she found herself on a mountain sticking out of a sea of clouds and she heard voices inside a nearby cave.She went in and founds a sort of green guy and an anthromorphic reptile arguing over something. After getting a closer look she recognize it as a crystal… as one which existed in her world as well.Then the green guy did something which caused her to scream "Don't do it!"However… it was too late! The guy has gulped down the crystal and turns to her with the lizard as her scream."Ehh… who are you?" asks the Lizard and Faith told "Later… just get away from him before the crystal activates!""What?" asks the green guy in panic. He notices purple waves from his stomach and muttered "Oh-oh…"The lizard and Faith began to ran, only for the green guy to fly towards the lizard and the collision came.They were now sticking together back on back while Faith hold on a nearby rock. The green guy shouts "Get off from me!""No! You get off me!" told the Lizard and Faith told "You two are stuck together thanks to that crystal!""Oh boy!" began the lizard "Repton says he hates me so much already!"Then he tried to pull the green guy off only to hit himself from a wall. Faith took the opportunity and holds her hand out and manipulated the crystal within the green guy with her powers… however she couldn't deactivate it in this situation… only weakening enough to prevent it to attract more objectsThen a boy with red hair came and asks "Ok… what is going on here?""This green fool gulped down a Graviton Crystal and now it is active." told Faith "And within a few hours it will be permanently permanent."He wanted to ask for details but they heard the sounds of bikes and snarls. Turning back he told "Time to go! We have to figure this out on the condor."Three more people came. A blond haired boy, a blue haired girl and… somebody with blue hair and a horn as nose came while the red haired boy climbs a rabbit/lemur-like creature with blue and white fur."Ehh… Aerrow… what is going on?" asks the blond haired boy and Arrow told "We clear it later! First we have to get on the condor!"With that they lift up the Lizard-like being and together they transported him and the green guy attached on the back on board of a ship. It looks old and battle scared together with the symbol on the sides of hulls around the engines.Faith has learned in the meanwhile that this lizard is a Raptor named Leugey and the green skinned one is Stork, a Merk which were people, who gets frightened a lot… which makes Faith wonder why this guy is working with the others.The red haired boy is Aerrow, the leader of the group which are sky knights known as Storm Hawks. The blue haired girl is Piper and an expert on crystals and also the tactical of the group. The one with the horn is a Wallop named Junko, obliviously the muscles of the group. The blond haired guy is Finn and… he earned already a slap from Faith for trying to flirt with her. And the last of them, the animal is Radarr though she wasn't sure if he is a full member of the Storm Hawks or a Pet."So… you said earlier that if we don't separate them soon, they are stuck forever?" asks Aerrow and Faith nods "That's right.""Then do something!" shouts Stork "I can feel his germs crawling over me.""I got an idea!" told Junko and pulls from somewhere a flamethrower out, turning it on with a grin. Faith steps back and told "Junko… I doubt this is the right approach"In this moment Leugey began to wake up and… as he saw a grinning Junko with a flamethrower in his hands, he began to scream and starts running, trying to get through the metal doors and in the end he dashes for the windows while Stork shouts "I'll never survive!"The Raptor crashes against the glass and falls on the ground… with pulling the controls hard. The condor starts to fall towards the ground fast and Finn panics "Any more of this and we won't survive either!"Aerrow got on the control and pulls the controls up, saving them from passing through the clouds into the dangerous lands underneath them.Leugey stands up and told "Rapton has got to be mad! I gotta go!"He turns, hitting Aerrow with Stork's feet and they began to storm towards the ground again. This time Faith was there and did the same trick Aerrow used to stabilize the Condor. Then Aerrow took over while Leugey panics "Boss gotta be mad if he saw me with our worst enemies."Faith looks to him "Or he will be mad for you being here but not learning their secrets."Aerrow understood what Faith is pulling and told "I would be mad with my people if they were by the enemy but not taking all secrets they could learn."Leugey looks at the two humans and asks "Uh… you think?"Everybody grins and nod to him. While Finn and Junko tell him about... their "Secrets" were Piper, Arrow and Faith talking."Ok you two" began Aerrow "What would you need to separate the two?""I think the combination of a few crystals would be enough to turn the crystal completely off, allowing them to separate." told Faith "However Problem is, these crystals are very rare at my home… and I bet this counts for all of Atmos.""Which means here is only one who could have them all." told Piper and Aerrow told "Let me guess… Gundstaff? This isn't gonna be easy…""Why?" asks Faith and Piper explains "He is really tall.""It is better not to ask how tall?" asks Faith and the two are nodding "How great."Later as they stood in front of Gundstaff's door, which was a complicated flight since… thanks to Leugey, Faith knows now that Raptors and baths are not mixing, what sky sharks are and that they have terrible table manners which involves flying knifes.She look up at the height of the door and told "I regret that I made even the 'Don't ask' question… what is he? A giant?""I told you: He is very tall." told Piper and Faith laughs weakly "I am not surprised if we are like vermins for him."They found a hole where they could sneak in and were walking silently inside the house of Gundstaff. Faith looked around while they walked and was nearly stopping as she saw a chicken… a chicken of the size of the castle in Radiant Garden!"Ok… better we don't wake him up." she whispered since they could hear clearly snoring noises from the table. She looks up and gulps at the mace laying there. She doubt that anybody of them could survive from this thing alone from the sheer size.Piper stopped and whispered to the others "What we need is in the crystal vault." while pointing to the door of said vault."Right!" told Arrow and whispered to the others "Just stay quiet and we are home free."Leugey shouts loudly "Ehh what? I can't hear you! Your talk is very far away!"The others topped and turns to him and mention him to be silent and he told "Sorry!" only to make them the mention again."Maybe he is still asleep." whispered Stork but as they hear a roar and something hitting a table, Leugey told "Nope, he is awake."Earth shaking foot stomps were heard and in front of the group was the giant Gundstaff. He shouts while raising his mace "Vermin! My laboratory is infected with tiny vermin!"And he began to trash his mace into the ground, with everybody running off to be not hit. Leugey shouts "Hey! Nobody calls us Vermin! Eh… that is bad right?""Yeah!" shrudders Stork and the giant spoke "So the vermin speaks.""I am not a Vermin! I am a honorary Storm Hawk" told the Raptor and Faith asks "When did he become a honorary?""As we were looking for a reason for him not to jump off the ship as you took a look at Piper's crystal collection." told Aerrow"So honorary yeah?" asks Gundstuff "In this case I mush you first!""From now on, no more new members." told Aerrow and orders "Now!"Everybody runs into the giants view and each of them calls at him, to distract him while Piper and Faith grabs Leugey and heads for the Crystal Vault.As they were in the vault told Piper "Wow! There must be thousands of crystals! I just could spend days here-" but she stopped as an angry roar from Gundstuff and his mace hitting the ground were heard."Maybe next time." sweatdrops Faith and looks around "Now we have to find the right Crystals for seperating the two!"Then she spots two boxes "And I am lucky!""Why?" asks Piper and Faith points over "These two smaller boxes! They contain the crystals I came for. And here I thought we had to make them as well.""Then let's grab these first and toss them over and then we have to make the combination." offered Piper and Faith nods.They made it with the help of some tools a winch traction and Leugey pulled Piper over every crystal she told them to move. Faith assist assisted and suggested a few different ones, in order to raise either the effect of the combination or to reduce the number of crystals.Suddenly the door of the Vault was broken down by Gundstaff. Faith and Leugey could see that the other Storm Hawks were sitting tight in a box, trying to get free. He saw Piper with his Crystals and began to smash at her, with Faith and Stork telling Leugey to pull around the rope to get her into temporary safety.As she was near one of the boxes with red crystals, she grabbed one and threw it at the Giant, which causes it to explode. Blinded by the light he swung around the mace.As he hit the wall by accident, a very large crystal fell down, landing on Gundstuff's head. Afterwards his tossed up mace lands there as well and he collapses on the ground.Piper cheered and got down to threw the crystals into a large bowl and the shiny stones reacted to each other, forming a new one. Piper told "One Combo-Deactivation Crystal Coming up! Nothing can stop us now!"However they stopped at the sound of a motor bike and Piper was grabbed by a different Raptor and he told "I believe you have something that belongs to me!""Oh, ah… me?" asks Leugey and the other Raptor told "Fine! Two things!"Two more Raptors came and Piper was tossed over while Faith managed to slip out of their attention to hide, thinking of a good way to help her… then she remembered about the content of one of the other boxes… and with a grin she began to climb."Oh boy, boss!" told Leugey in the meanwhile "You gonna not to believe what happened to me." and starts telling the things that happened to him with the leading Raptor shouting "Quiet!"Then the attention goes to Stork "So you swallowed it? Then things could get… messy!""I don't think so!" shouts Faith. Everybody looks up and she starts tossing crystals down on the ground. Where the crystals hit, froze the ground and all Raptors were now running to not get frozen.Aerrow, Finn and Junko were joining into the room while Piper uses the distraction to free herself from her hostage situation. One of the Raptors were pushed into one of the thrown crystals and was now a frozen statue while Leugey slipped on the ice and lands on Stork… who spit the Graviton Crystal out in the impact.Faith dropped the crystals she were holding and shrugs "Perhaps we should have tried this earlier…"Then she got down and Aerrow told "Let's beat it!"With that the group began to run off the place and into the Condor, flying off from Gundstuff home. After leaving this place, Stork left for the bathroom for the rest of the week while Finn asks "What about Rapton? He has now the Graviton Crystal."Faith and Piper began to laugh and Faith told "Without me, there is nothing that lowers the Graviton Crystals power…"So it is now back to full power with all its Gravitation Force!" told Piper "Which means he goes through the same dillema with greater effects""I think Rapton realized by now it is more trouble than it's worth." told Aerrow and turns to Faith "So… what will you do now?""Now that I have the crystals I am looking for, I go home and solve the problem that brought me here in the first place." told Faith and Piper asks "Can we bring you home?""It's enough if you bring me to a hub where I can board another ship." told Faith "I have somebody to pick me up."Chapter 64: Chapter 63Yen Sid sat on his chair and stroke his beard, thinking about what he just learned from King Mickey… it disturbs him to know that Xehanort seems to have already captured some of the Princesses of Hearts but more disturbing was the fact that he seems to seek a truce with the Keybearers.Yen Sid has heard about the Dark Knight but his resources weren't reaching far enough to know more than these knights appeared in the time of the Keyblade War as counter measures of an event happening in that war.However the event itself was lost like most of the knowledge about the Keyblade War. But after the war all of these knights and their counterparts were supposed to be gone. It seems everybody had been wrong. Looking up he turns to Mickey and asks, "Where are the others right now?""After we arrived the castle of the former Beast, we picked Leon and Aeleus up and brought them back to Radiant Garden. We met up with Sora and Belle is right now in Disney Castle, the others are on the way to the Keyblade Graveyard to meet with Xehanort. Though we have been unable to contact Xion, Lea and Roxas yet. The same counts for Kairi… not a single clue where they are."Yen Sid raised and moved to one of the windows. "I am sure we will be able to contact them, when the time is right. For now we have to deal with the Dark Knight or else the princess of heart Princesses of Hearts won't be safe ever again. As for Kairi… I am sure she is being kept safe for now by the ones traveling with her while the other three - I don't think one of them could make a difference right now with this new threat but they would be able to keep collecting the fragments of darkness.""I think that's a good idea. After all Xehanort would be back to his old schemes once this threat of his plans is gone," spoke the former Keyblade Master."I think it is better now to meet up with the others," thought Mickey aloud and Yen Sid agrees. "Do that Mickey. And I hope this is the last surprise fate has in store for us… for the moment.""What do you mean?" asked Mickey and Yen Sid spoke. "This is a matter discussed when we are not in such dire times."With that the mouse nods and runs off while the old man stares at the stars outside his tower.At the same time but on a different place. The Keyblade Graveyard… a place with hundreds of Keyblades stuck on the ground. One of the last remaining places remembering from the first Keyblade war. Seven figures are walking between the blades of fallen Keybearers. Five of them were Keybearers as well, the other two, a dog and a duck."Oh boy," began Donald. "Never seen so many Keyblades before.""The same goes for me," told Goofy. "It's hard to believe that so many Keybearers have existed so far in the past.""So little does the goons know by you?" asks a voice. "And I thought you share everything with your friends, Sora."They turned and spot Xehanort with Sa?x and Xigbar."Xehanort!" shouts Sora and got his Keyblade ready, his two friends Donald and Goofy followed suit. However Aqua told "Sora don't… like we have any reason and fight him now, we should first hear what he has to tell us about the Dark Knight.""So… you heard already of him Aqua?" asks Xehanort and she nods. "Sora told us about him after running into your Nobody."Xehanort rubs his chin "Well... since Xemnas told you about him, Sora must have the pleasure to know how powerful the Knight is."Sora glares at Xehanort and he only chuckles. "From the glare I assume you didn't stand a chance against him… how does it feel to be forced to run away?""Shut up!" told Sora and Riku had to hold a hand on his shoulder to stop him. Then he looks to the former Keyblade Master. "Why are you proposing a truce with us?""Straight to the point are we?" asks Xigbar. "Point is: none of us stand a chance against this little beast, even we have our trouble with him!""However… he will be trouble for you too," told Sa?x and Terra wondered. "Because of his hunt against the Princesses of Hearts?""Indeed!" told Xehanort "The only solution we have right now in our current situation is to hide the seven princesses from him and relocate them if necessary. However… even you should know that running away from a problem, isn't solving it.""So you are suggesting we need to work together since this Knight is against both of our interest, no matter how much they are the polar opposites," mused Riku. "However one common thing exist to our goal: keeping the seven princesses alive.""At least the need them alive until we got the X-Blade kiddo!" told Xigbar and Sa?x added. "Afterwards they are out of our interest until then…""Not really something which makes us trust you," told Ventus and Xehanot nods. "Indeed… I am guessing you are thinking of relocating the princesses to Disney Castle due to the Cornerstone of Light.""How did you-" gasped Sora and Xehanort chuckles. "I am aware of the Cornerstone, long before I allied with the darkness. I know about its darkness repelling properties… however it is also only a temporary solution. The Cornerstone has limits and the Dark Knight produces too much darkness to get repelled.""You mean… Disney Castle is not safe?" asks Aqua and Xehanort told. "It is a safe place… for the moment.""Then how we deal with this Knight?" asks Sora and Terra wondered. "More important… what is this Knight?""The Dark Knight," began Xehanort. "Is something created during the Keyblade War. With its counterpart the White Knights, they were supposed to suppress anything which didn't hold the balance of light and darkness. In simple words they were build to counter Heartless and Light Bringers as well their equivalent elements. History is lost of what happened but they were supposed to be gone… and now one of the Knights has reemerged.""Then it's simple: find a Light Knight and let them fight!" told Sora but Xehanort shock his head. "Even if we were lucky to find one of them, it wouldn't work. They were made to not fight each other.""Made? You mean… they are not living beings?" asks Riku and Xehanort told. "Perceptive Riku. Yes they are machines, built as automats. And since they were created before the X-Blade was broke, they were of course not programmed with the concept of the princess of light Princesses of Heart.""Then how we stop it? If their creator built such machines, there must be a weak point in case they have to be stopped," told Terra and Xehanort laughs. "Uncomfortably my resources are not suggesting something like that… but here is a plan: force! We have to gather something to enhance the force at the armor great enough to let us attack it's inner workings. Once we destroyed its core, we won't be having any trouble with it anymore.""Sounds easy," told Sora but Xigbar laughs. "But when it comes to doing it, we are far from having it easy.""Then what are you suggesting?" asks Aqua and Xehanort told "First of all… we need seven fragments of darkness. These we could use to… mask the light of the princess of heart Princesses of Hearts to fool the Dark Knight's sensory abilities for quite a while. Then we can investigate the destructive power of some items, scattered on some worlds.""So now we have to help you finding the fragments to make it easier to make your goal?" asks Riku and Xehanort told. "Of course we could just let it go by but… both of our sides have in complete already four pieces so three more won't hurt anybody.""If it buys us some time, then I think we could risk it," told Aqua. "But under the condition the fragments and the princess of light Princesses of Hearts are under our watch.""I agree," told Xehanort. "And once we are done with this conquest, we take all a rest since we need to regain our strength for the Keyblade War."Sora glares at Xehanort and shouts. "We will stop you with that!""Anyway… I think as good will for our intensions we will give you something… the dark fragments we collected so far and somebody who will be our representative," reasoned Xehanort and from a dark portal his young version came out. "Greetings Keybearers. I hope our cooperation will bearing bears good fruits."This time it was Riku who was on the egde and Sora was also not looking in a trusting matter."I think it is my time to leave," told Xehanort. "After all we have to bring you our end of the bargain… however the last three fragments must be delivered by you since a few of your friends are still looking for them.""Fine!" told Aqua and Master Xehanort began to leave with Xigbar and Sa?x. As they were back in their headquarters Sa?x asked. "Do you think it is wise to hand them over what we collected so far?""Of course," told Xehanort. "They have all the princesses at one spot as well the minority of the Dark Fragments. It will help us a lot afterwards and we still need them because I already know what we are going after the defeat the Dark Knight but without Keyblades of light, it would be out of our reach. Get Repliku and Vanitas… I have a mission for the two."Chapter 65: Chapter 64In front of a school building tells a large sign with an 'M' on a corner "This week: Fantasy Convention".Inside the school every student walk with a costume representing a different species or character from fantasy novels, movies and games like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening or Harry Potter.A teenage girl with red hair and lips both hair and lips red wears a witch dress and was by her school closet to open it up until a boy called "Hey Kim! You are going as witch?"She turned around and spots a boy who seems to have colored in blue with a black wig which sports a very long plait. And… it seems he took cloths sported by Native Americans in very bad western movies.Kim looked at the boy and asks "Ron… as… what are you going?""Seriously Kim? Didn't you watch the movie Avatar?" ask Ron in disbelieve and Kim replied "Sure I did but…""Stoppable! What is the meaning of this?" asks a rough voice and as they turned they spot a man inside an a knight armor… which was painted like a brown suit."Mister B!" told Ron "What is the meaning of what?""Your costume!" told Mister B "First of all it is against the rules to wear clothes like you do and second this is a costume party for a Fantasy Convention and not a Science Fiction Convention!""What? But Avatar is a fantasy movie!" protested Ron and Mister B just told "No! It is a science fiction Movie!""Ron… Mister Barkley is right," told Kim and Ron wondered. "Is that true?""It is!" told Barkley "And as punishment you will instantly go and dress up as something else while writing a 250 page report about the difference of science fiction and fantasy!""But-but-but," stuttered Ron and Barkley bellowed "NO BUTS AND NOW MOVE!"Ron screams and runs off. Barkley turned to Kim and told, "While I think witches belongs to Halloween and horror stories, they are official part of the fantasy genre so I let it pass."Kim sighs and muttered, "When I think that I was planning to go without any costume here… wonder who came to this idea."Then she opened her closet which holds a computer and it's its screen just went on, showing a boy in a mage costume, "Hey Kim! Nice witch outfit""Thanks Wade… though I cannot believe I am actually wearing it," told Kim. "So what's the sitch?""Somebody requested a meeting with you to discuss a mission. It seems this client wants you to find somebody, bring this person here and protect her until they could pick the person up," explains Wade and Kim asks. "And who is the client?""I don't know," told Wade "He contacted us through and Internet Café and as I checked the security videos over there, he was the one on the computer wearing a black coat with the face covered by the a hood. Also he paid by cash. So I have no idea who it could be.""Wade… by such a dubious figure I am not sure if I should go meet him," told Kim but Wade countered. "In the contact mail, he already told that he will be waiting for you in the Bueno Nacho. And I doubt that you can convince Ron not to go over there today. Or any other time in the near future.""You have a point there Wade," sighs Kim and Wade adds. "Also I should mention that he claims that not only the life of the person we should look out is on the line but also possible the fate of the world.""And why is the world in trouble again?" asks Kim skeptically but only earned a shrug. "Details only by the meeting.""Fine! Then I go to this meeting! When is it?" ask Kim and Wade answered. "Just after school when you usually go over with Ron.""Then I ask how he knows around which time I usually hang out with Ron in the Buenos Nachos," told Kim but Wade laughs. "Ehh… Kim… it is on Wikipedia on your article.""I have a Wiki entry? Why didn't I know that?" asks Kim and Wade answered. "When do you ever look up your name on the Internet?"On that had Kim no answer.Later after school were Kim and Ron on the way to Buenos Nachos and Ron complains, "A guy in black coat, who doesn't tell us his name and just claims the fate of the world is on the egde? This sounds like some dark member of a strange cult! I bet he only want us to find the sacrifice for their ominous god.""Really Ron… you had better theories," sighs Kim but Ron insisted. "But think about it Kim: Why should anybody hide his identity if he doesn't have anything to hide?""Perhaps he has his reasons," replied Kim and once they entered their favorite fast food restaurant they stopped by the entrance. On their usual table was indeed a man sitting completely clothed in a black coat. And he had two portions of Rons favorite meal.He spots the two teenagers and mentioned them to sit down with him. Absently they did like mentioned and took a seat in front of them."Don't worry… they are not poisoned and I will be honest with you discussing the matter," told the man and lifts his hood, revealing his face."My name is Ordo," Was his reply "And like I told, I want you to find somebody."And he places a photo down showing a girl. Kim took it and asks "Who is she?""Her name is Kairi. Her last name is of no importance. She was accompanied by a man and three small fairies but they got separated when they got attacked.""Wowowowowow! Stop! Are you telling me fairies exist?" asks Ron and Ordo replied. "You run into magical items which transformed somebody into the Egyptian jackal god, mystical ape relicts, a transforming sword and other magical or mystic items and find it hard to hear fairies exist?""He has a point Ron!" told Kim and wondered. "Wait… I don't recall any transforming sword.""A story which should remain secret," told Ordo and Kim countered. "And I will solve this secret!""Good luck on that," told Ordo but Ron asks. "How do you know about all that?""My organization has… its sources," told Ordo."O… k…" told Kim. "And who attacked them?""Monkeys wearing ninja suits," was his reply and Ron asks "Wait… ninja monkey? Don't tell me…""Sounds much like Monkey Fist," told Kim. "But what use does he gain from her?""I assume he needs… something she posses for his own goals," told Ordo. "However it was out of my abilities to learn his scheme.""Oh! Telling us how she could help him would be enough for now," told Kim. "And don't mind Ron… he just has some problems with monkey monkeys," looking over to her friend who was hugging his feet. "I don't want to meet Monkey Fist, I don't want to meet Monkey Fist.""Ah right… his Monkeyphobie…" told Ordo and Kim sighs. "Don't tell me you are even informed about our past life?""Correct," told Ordo. "It is the best for in order to know about the ones you are working with… and as for the question: she posses a special item which reminds on a large key. However one of the free three fairies are missing too, so I assume she being held hostage: you see she and others who hold such a key like hers are… mostly prone to protect others. One of their more most confusing attitudes in my opinion.""Large Key? Could be interesting!" told Kim. "Alright! We are looking for her!""Good! I have three more requests: once you find her… don't mention my name and keep her close to you until somebody can pick her up. And if an individual in black armor appears: don't engage him! No living being is a match for it and running is the only solution until we find a working countermeasure.""I bet I can find the measure," told Kim while Ron recovered from his initial shock about dealing with Monkey Fist and asks. "Wait! Why shouldn't we mention you?""We have a… difficult time with each other. But don't worry. The one who will pick her up is a friend of hers… I assume the one named Sora will come since he has the strongest connection with her.""So I have to look after her until a Sora shows up and picks her up. No problem!" told Kim and grabs Ron. "Come Ron! We have to go!""But the nachos!" told Ron and grabs the two packages. As they left mused Ordo "I had assumed this… Ron Stoppable would have questioned my intensions and the organization… seems the chaos factor he presents, also affects my theories. The chaos in a formulary which brings order… curious"Outside Kim called Wade and said, "Wade. I need a ride to Monkey Fist… wherever he is right now and information about giant keys"Wade took his soda away and asks, "Monkey Fist and a giant key? What is Monkey Fist doing with a giant key? Not to mention… what does it have to do with your client?""In few words: I have to rescue a kidnapped girl. Apparently she has a giant key and Monkey Fist has interest into the key.""Alright… might take a while since I have to search all websites about mystic objects first and clear up which are reliable information," told Wade. "And Monkey Fist has been spotted in South America."What? Is he now interesting into the Mayas?" asks Ron randomly and Wade told "Could be… he 'hired' somebody to lead him to the known Maya temples.""Alright Wade! Then get us a ride over," told Kim and Wade told. "Already done that! In three hours one of your former clients will be flying down there anyway so he will pick you up on the way.""Why are all mystical objects in places which are hard to enter?" sighs Ron and Kim told. "Because it is the cliché.""Thanks for telling that! Seriously why can't one of these artifacts be in a better place like… you know… Disneyland?" wondered Ron and Kim just asks. "You know that mystical objects are normally found in places which are hard to get by, surrounded by wild environment that they are old? Really old?""I know Kim!" defends Ron. "But it is getting on my nerves that we always have to face danger before we reach the bad guys.""Well Ron, that's part of the job" was Kims reply "And excuse me but I have to get my equipment and my mission clothes.""Guess the same counts for me," told Ron and they head home.A few hours later in a plane which is heading towards South America, the owner thanked Kim once more that she helped him by preventing Drake to steal from stealing something from him… which Kim replied that was nothing and everybody could build something out of random items like McGyver, to stop Drake from stealing it.Then Wade called and Kim asked "What's the sitch?""Hey Kim!" replied Wade. "I didn't exactly find anything about monkey related ruins which wasn't already tried by Monkey Fist but I found something about the giant key it that was mentioned.""Then let me hear it Wade!" told Kim and Wade explains. "In a series of old cultures are several references… most of them are not easy to find and the apparently appearance of these keys varied… as well how they looked like. I assume each bearer of these keys had own designs.""Keys? Here were more than one?" asks Ron and Kim wondered. "What is so special about these keys?""First: they are highly mystical! From the references I found it seems they can unlock anything from a simple lock to a series of mystical portals," told Wade. "Second: They are not only giant all purpose keys, they are also handled as weapons. Some refer them as substitute for a sword while others reference as wands. But all sources are agreeing on the point that these Keys are dangerous for any opponent.""So that's a reason to want one… but why did Monkey Fist have to kidnap this…" Kim stopped and looked at the picture she had for the on written name "...Kairi to gain one for themselves?""I am not sure," admits Wade. "Nothing is telling about stealing adepts but… Keybearers only appeared when something was happening and only stayed until the crises was over.""So they are some sort of heroes?" asks Ron but Wade told. "Not sure… since they only appear when very specific things happened however even here the sources are wary. I guess the best would be to ask Kairi once you saved her.""Good idea Wade! Any closer details on where they are right now?""Yes I have!" answered Wade. "They are by an recently discovered Temple which was buried fifty feet under the ground. A few months ago they brought some of the top pieces to surface and they dig out the rest. Nothing interesting was found though ultra sound measuring showed there is a chamber they weren't able to enter yet. They didn't even find an entrance yet.""Then inside there must be something Monkey Fist wants to get hold on," mused Kim. "And since nobody seem to be able to enter this chamber, an universal key like Kairi's might do the trick.""That's… rather cheap," reasoned Ron and Kim asked. "Which of our villains doesn't make cheap moves?"By the mentioned temple were Monkey Fist standing in front of the said temple and told to his monkey, "Keep looking! The Keyhole to the chamber must be somewhere!"The Ninja Monkey were crawling all over the place to find for their master the mentioned keyhole. It took a while but one screeches around and points to a spot in the middle of the temple's side. Monkey Fist climbs up there and looks what his minion found. He smirks and laughs "Finally! Now girl! Get over here and use the Keyblade to unlock the hidden chamber of this temple!"Kairi didn't move but Monkey Fist told, "If you don't move, then I have no chance but hurt your friend here!"At this one of the Monkey hold up an old lantern with Yuna sitting there, tied up with strings to prevent her casting any summons. Kairi glared at the monkeys and their leader before moving up to Monkey Fist's position. Of course it took her some time since she wasn't able to climb like a monkey.As she got up she looked at the Keyhole and Monkey Fist ordered "Do it! Or we boil her alive!"Kairi looks over to Yuna who just shook her head in a 'no' but Kairi didn't want to sacrifice her so she summoned her Keyblade out and holds it at the Keyhole. The beam of the mystic weapon shot to the keyhole and it glowed up for a moment before it dissapeared.Money Fist watched it and asks "And? When will the chamber open?""I don't know," told Kairi. "First time I unlocked a Keyhole at all. I don't know what is supposed to come next"Then the ground began to shake and Monkey Fist told, "This is better not one of your tricks or you know what will happen!" told Monkey Fist.A part of the Temple's stairs started moving down, forming a way down into the depths of the temple and Monkey Fist told, "Finnaly! We can enter the chamber!"With that he jumps to the entrance and told, "You are all coming with me!"Kairi shrugged the grabs of the Ninja Monkey off telling, "I can walk on my own."They descended the stairs until they came to a small hall with a single statue of an a warrior in a fighting pose. Kairi looked around and asked, "All this for a room with an statue?""Many would think so!" told Monkey Fist. "But in truth this statue is a lock as well… and only a true master of Tai Shink Pek Kwar can open it!"Kairi looked confused and Monkey Fist grins, "You are wondering how a martial art style which came from asia is able to have any sort of impact here in South America?"Then he laughs loudly like a monkey, "The answer is simple! This temple is also a grave for a great Master of the Tai Shink Pek Kwar who traveled in his lifetime around the world and legends say even beyond our world! In his grave is also his most powerful weapon! The Ape Fist Blade!""You want this weapon for world dominiation?" asked Kairi with crossed arms and Monkey Fist laughs, "Of course! For what else I would need such a powerful weapon?""Dunno," told Kairi. "For example defending the world?"Monkey Fist looks at first to her and then he began to laugh loudly, "Me! Defending the world? That is a good one! I think about it once I am in control of the world.""Was worth a try," thought Kairi and watches as Monkey Fist made Kong Fu like movements on the statue. A click could be heard once the last hit connected with the chest of the statue and it began to sank into the ground while another door opens up, revealing another set of stairs.They walked down and this time it was a large hall they end up… filled with different treasures and a sort of sarcophagus with a statue behind it holding an object."Finally! The legendary Ape Fist Blade is now mine!" told Monkey Fist but a voice told, "I don't think so Monkey Fist!"He turns around by the voice "Kim Possible! I should have known that you are were trying to stop me! But it doesn't matter since I have two hostages! One wrong move and both will pay for it!" told the villain and holds his fist up but Kairi said, "I doubt that you could handle the blade even if nobody is trying to stop you.""And what makes you so sure?" asks Monkey Fist and Kairi gestured to the weapon, "Because I can see it is a Keyblade… and Keyblades of death Keybearers are anything but useful for fighting. I saw one breaking as somebody fought with a Keyblade of a dead Master""Do you really think I would fall for these lies? I can tell you are only trying to stop me with words! Too bad it isn't working!" countered Monkey Fist and began to move towards the legendary weapon.Just as Monkey Fist wanted to grab the weapon, a cry was heard and everybody turns around. Somebody was falling the stairs down and collides with the Ninja Monkeys. Even the one with the lantern was hit. Kairi made a dive jump to catch the lantern, opens it up and took the strings off, "Are you alright?""Yeah! Now that I can move again, I feel much better," told Yuna while Monkey Fist shouts. "Ron Stoppable! I should have known you would be here as well! Why didn't you show yourself earlier?""Uhm… I was waiting by the entry but then… monster monkeys appeared out of black smoke and in panic I fell down all these stairs!""Ron… there is no such thing such as Monster Monkeys," told Kim.Monkey Fist opens his mouth to say something but paused before telling, "No matter! I have now the legendary Ape Fist and I will rule the Earth with it!"Then he turns around and lifts the blade from the statue and holds it. He notices something on the statue and began to laugh loudly, "This is even better than I expected!""Eh… what?" asks Ron and the villain points the blade at them. He opens his mouth to speak but had to pause for some reason before telling, "This weapon is even more light than I thought! Now I can… what?"The weapon disappeared from his hands and reappears in the hands of the statue. Monkey Fist turned and looks very confused about it. Kairi spoke up, "I warned you… your legendary weapon is a Keyblade and only Keybearers could take hold on it… if it doesn't break before.""But it was stated to be indestructible!" told Monkey Fist and Kairi explains further, "I have seen one of these breaking apart. Apparently they tend to break when their wielder is dead.""So you are telling me this weapon is useless for me?" asks Monkey Fist and Kairi nods. The Martial Arts master glares in hatred at them and told, "Destroy them!"And the Ninja Monkey jumped to attack. Kim began to threw around the monkeys with her own martial arts while Ron… just runs around in panic. Kairi hits the Monkeys with her Keyblade while Yuna began to summon up some smaller beings to aid them in battle.The Monkeys hit the walls and each other in this conflict but Kim wondered, "Monkey Fist! Why aren't you fighting yourself?"However… no answer came since he wasn't there anymore… the same counts for the statue! Only the weapon it hold was left on the ground."Where is he?" asks Kim and at this question the Monkeys began to retreat…Ron sighs loudly and told, "Glad this is over that soon""Too soon," stated Kim. "Monkey Fist never left without a fight.""There is always a first time Kim!" told Ron "Be glad it was this easy this time! Just leaves the Monster Monkeys up there!""Ron! I tell you here are no Monster Monkeys!" countered Kim and turns to Kairi "I assume you are Kairi?""Yes it's me! Thanks for helping me out," told the Keybearer and Kim told. "No problem! In fact we were asked to look for you and after you until somebody can pick you up.""Who asked you?" asks Kairi and Ron told. "He doesn't want you to know his name for some reasons. I still believe he is up to something evil!"Kim sighs loudly. "Sorry about Ron… he is… a bit odd.""I noticed it," told Yuna who sat on Kairi's shoulder now and Kim continues. "Anyway… would you like to stay at my home until somebody come and pick you up? The one who asked us assumes a boy named Sora would most likely come.""Thanks!" told Kairi. "I appreciate it.""Then get home!" told Kim. "Just watch out my little brothers.""Alright" told Kairi and they began to leave this place.Once they were gone a ghost lifts from the Sarcophagus and looks around, "Odd… I could swear I just felt the presence of a Keybearer together with a Fairy, a heroine and a user of the mystical monkey power, worthy to wield a Keyblade… guess I was wrong," and he disappeared back to his resting place.In the hideout of Maleficent's group was their leader standing in the meeting room as she notices somebody coming in. She tilts her head a little to the newscomer direction and told "Monkey Fist… I didn't expect you… to come back here that soon. Did something happen?""My plans for the Ape Fist didn't work," told Monkey Fist. "Apparently it was a Keyblade all along it . I wasn't worthy to wield it yet. However… I found something else which brings us closer to our goal!""And what is it?" was her question, now spending all of her attention toward the Martial arts master. He smirks and told. "The statue which held the Keyblade! It is one of the objects we are looking for! While my Ninja Monkeys distracted my enemies and the Princess, we took the opportunity to move it. However some of the Heartless seem to have been too eager to jump into action… because they scared off my arch foe! If bringing you this statue wasn't too important for our goals I would have dealt with them directly! However due to your orders and the too high risk of failing I retreated.""Very well Monkey Fist! You served our cause well. However, for now I would advise you to stay low in your world... we already disposed one of our members and I don't want to dispose the next one that soon. Not until the puzzle is complete.""Of course Maleficient!" bows Monkey Fist and slowly retreats, starting to plan his next moves for his own goals.Chapter 66: Chapter 65Lea, Roxas and Xion walked in a port and Xion wondered, "Where are we?""Not a clue," admited Lea. "Although I don't recognize this place, I have the feeling we I have been before."Suddenly they were run over by somebody and as they looked who it was, the only thing Roxas could ask asked, "Will?"Suddenly a few dozen blades and guns were pointed at them and a bald man came to them, "Welcome to Singapore!""Well… now we know," sighed Lea. "And if we survive this meeting, I am going to burn somebody."Later that day two pirates were coming to Singapore in their boats, hiding in the fogs of the canals. They watched soldiers patrolling around. Finally they reached a hidden spot where they were meeting with fellow pirates. The two were lead to a bath house. By the entrance they were asked to put their weapons down, which the two did so.However the woman of the two was stopped and the one stopping her told, "Do you think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery?"The captain of the two answered, "Well, when you put it that way…""Remove. Please."The woman sighed and began to place down from various parts of her clothes four guns, a set of bombs, a miniature cannon, three daggers, one long blade, an axe and finnaly a bottle of poison from… between what woman's have in front of their body. However she was again told, "Remove. Please."After a change of clothes by the woman the pirate duo was lead through hordes of man in the bath house, some of them having toads on their heads growing. Finally they reached their bald headed leader who had their back turned to them for now. He slowly turns around and his 'guests' slowlybowed down. Then the man spoke "Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore."Barbossa raised and nodded while the bald man told to a woman, "More steam."She bowed and pulled on a rope with a rock tied on it and some seconds later steam raised from the ground. Then he stepped towards Barbossa and spoke, "I understand that you have a request to make of me.""More of a proposal to put to ye," answered Barbossa. "I've a venture underway and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew.""It's an odd coincidence," was the reply and the woman asked. "Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?""No. Because earlier this day, not far from here, thieves broke into my most revered uncle's temple and tried to make off with these," replied the bald man and raised a scroll into the view. "The navigational charts. The route to the Farthest Gate."After tossing it to one of his man he continued, "Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond this one?""It would strain credulity at that," was Barbossa's answer.After a gesture to one of his henchman, four people were brought in. But the pirates only recognize Will and Lea… they don't know who the boy or girl with them are. Sao Feng walks to them and told, "These are the thieves. Are their faces familiar to you?""How often do we have to tell you?" asked the red haired of them. "We have nothing to do with the adapted thievery of this guy here."However he was ignored as the pirate captain received 'no' from his guests and spoke, "Then I guess they have no further need for them."Then he adept to hit one of them with a blade but the woman's reaction stopped him. He put his weapon away and spoke, "You come into my city and you betray my hospitality.""I assure you I had no idea…" began Barbossa but the other spoke. "That they would get caught!"He turned away and continued, "You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones' Locker. But I cannot help but wonder… Why?"Barbossa tossed over a coin and explained, "The song has been sung. The time is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court. As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honour the call.""More steam!" was the answer of the Pirate Lord but as none came he shouted. "MORE STEAM!" and short time later the steam came and he spoke. "There is a price on all our heads.""Aye," answered Barbossa and the Pirate Lord kept on, "It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore… is by betraying other pirates.""We must put our differences aside," told Barbossa "The First brethren Court gave us rule of the seas. But now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett.""Against the East India Trading Company, what value is the Brethren Court?" wondered the Pirate Lord. "What can any of us do?""You can fight!" told the woman. "You are Sao Feng, the Pirate Lord of Singapore. You command in an age of piracy where bold captains sail free waters. Where waves aren't measured in feet, but in increments of fear and those who pass the test become legend. Would you have that era come to an end on your watch? The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!""Elizabeth Swann," began Sao Feng. "There is more to you than meets the eye, isn't there? And the eye does not go wanting. But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question. What is it you seek in Davy Jones' Locker?""Jack Sparrow!" told Will and Lea asked. "How did he end up there?""Got eaten by the Kraken," answered Will and Roxas wondered. "So… your trip is about to bring somebody dead back?""Sounds good to me… we bring him back, let him do whatever he is supposed to do and afterwards I grill him," told Lea and then it was Xions turn to ask, "Why?""Because of what he did to Roxas!""Jack Sparrow sold me indirectly to Davy Jones.""Lea… please let me beat him up first," told Xion and the red haired guy grinned. "With pleasure!""Thought Though… why would you want him back?" asked Lea and Barbossa answered. "He's one of the pirate lords.""The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead is so I can send him back myself!" told Sao Feng and Lea panned. "He has lots of friends.""Let's say… it is easier to count who isn't after his neck," told Will and Roxas asked. "And such a guy is Sora's friend?""Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight," told Barbossa. "He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died. So we must go and get him back."Sao Feng however told, "So you admit you have deceived me."Then he ordered "Weapons!" and the pirates on board are showing well equipped. Barbossa tried to reason, "Sao Feng, I assure you, our intentions are strictly honourable."Then suddenly four blade shoot out of the ground and Elizabeth and Barbossa grabbed them. Then Sao Feng grabbed a man and told, "Drop your weapons or I kill the man!""Kill him," answered Barbossa. "He's not our man.""Great… another party is joining into our mess," groaned Lea. "There are days I should have spent in bed."And suddenly somebody shouted, "Charge!" and soldiers came storming into the building and the fight began. While everybody was busy with fighting the soldiers, Lea used the distraction to finally burn his ropes and freed his two friends.Without hesitation they called their Keyblades and began to fight their way out. Reaching Will, Roxas sliced through the stomach of a soldier while using his other Keyblade to cut Will free.Then two rows of soldiers were formed and their leader told, "Ready."And on 'Fire' the ground under them explode. Roxas looked to Lea who just shrugged, "Not me… though he said fire."They began to make their way out of the building and followed the lead of Will and Elizabeth. Xion noticed that more pirates were coming out of the new formed hole and were following the small group. However they stopped at another group of soldiers, which was ready to fire.Lea noticed and reacted quickly and on the 'Fire' this time… they faced a Mega Flare from Lea. Xion and Roxas were looking at him and he just told, "They said fire."And they kept on fighting. After Xion sent one of the soldiers to the water she noticed an monkey carrying a rocket around and wondered, "Monkey and rocket?"Roxas turned to the monkey as the animal placed it down on a chest. Then the monkey lit it with a candle a nearby parrot states, "Fire in the hole!""I agree on that," told Roxas and watched the rocket flying into a building… which exploded due to the fireworks inside there. Then they heard from Barbossa, "Thank you Jack!"They ran up to him, followed by Lea. A woman joined up with Barbossa who saw Will coming to them with a pirate crew."You have the charts?" asked Barbossa and Will told. "And better yet. A ship and a crew""Where's Sao Feng?" asked Elizabeth who joined up with others as well."He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove," was his reply and then they got to the ship.The ship set sail and left Singapore. Elizabeth went up to the woman and told "There's no place left for Sao Feng to cower. Do you think he will honour the call?""I cannot say," answered the other woman, Tia Dalma. "There's an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear."The ship sailed the course set by the charts. However Barbossa remembered, "We are lacking the Keys""Don't worry," told Tia. "These three bearers of keys will be able to unlock the locks to Davy Jones' Locker.""Us?" wondered Roxas and she hissed. "Indeed! Nobody of Sora.""You know?" he asked in shock and she explained. "Here are only a few secrets for me to hide."They look nervously at each other and hope they were in the right thing. However Tia told, "You are searching for the 20 pieces… one of them is in the hands of Davy Jones! Encountering them is your fate."Roxas seems to be very uncomfortable about this thought.They kept sailing and… it got cold… very cold! Lea happened to turn out the most prominent member on board due his fire… at least twelve pirates are always close to him to get some of his fire.Xion was freezing as well despite Lea's help and they had to prevent her fainting as one of the pirate's broke a frostbitten part of his body off.Ragetti, one of the pirates complained, "No one said anything about cold.""I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering," told Pintel an Ragetti repliws, "Why don't that obeah woman bring Jack back the same way she brought back Barbossa?""Because Barbossa was only dead," was her reply. "Jack Sparrow is taken, body and soul, to a place not of death, but punishment. The worst fate a person can bring upon himself… stretching on forever. That's what awaits at Davy Jones' Locker.""And we are going there freely?" asked Roxas. "I wish I could leave."Xion went over to Will who tried to study the charts, "Nothing here is set. These can't be as accurate as modern charts.""No," told a pirate next to him. "But it leads to more places.""Like?" asked Xion and the man told. "Legend says to places like Davy Jones' Locker or other worlds."Then Will read out loud parts of the map, wondering what they mean… Over the Egde. Over again. Sunrise Sets. Flash of green.They went to Barbossa and Will asked "Do you care to interpret, Captain barbossa?""Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?" asked Barbossa and Gibbs answered. "I reckon I seen my faire share . Happens on rare occasion. The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky. Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it. Some claim to have seen it who ain't and some say…""It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead," told Ragetti. He noticed how everybody looked at him and he told, "Sorry.""Trust me," told Barbossa. "Young Master Turner, it's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem. It's getting back.""Yeah… I have my share of this" told Lea. "Same for Xion here.""You have been dead?" asked Will and Lea told. "Sort of… still very different from a normal death."They came close to a large ice wall and Tia told, "It is time now."Lea, Roxas and Xion looked at the wall and noticed three keyholes. They nodded to each other and held the Keyblades out. Each of them shot a beam which hits a keyhole.Then… the ice began to break apart and revealed an ice cave behind it. The ship went in and Lea mused, "So this is why you needed us. Hope you are not going to throw us overboard now.""Of course not," told Barbossa. "Or else I would get rid of good people who could fight for our cause.""Which I still am not sure if the right one," told Lea. Barbossa didn't bother to answer that and sailed into the depths of the cave.Nothing big happened in the cave but as they came out again… they found themselves in the open seas and it was night. Everybody wondered why the sudden change of surroundings but they didn't complain since it was much warmer now.Xion and Roxas were looking at the distance and Xion told, "You know… I miss being on the clock tower and eating ice cream with you two guys.""Yeah. Me too," told Roxas. "In fact I missed you a lot. Well at least as long I was able to remember you."Xion blushed and smiled to him, "Thanks Roxas.""Not a problem," was his reply. Then he looked down to the water and notices noticed something, "Odd…"Xion wondered, "What is odd?""We are gaining speed but no additional wind came up,""Did you just said speed without wind?" asked Lea who appeared right behind them.The two jumped in surprise and Roxas asked "Lea! How long have you been here?""Just arrived to look at you," told Lea and leant over to look at the water. "We are really getting faster… oh no!"Lea suddenly rushed forward and was joined by Will and they reached Barbossa and Will told, "Barbossa, ahead!""Aye," replied the captain. "We're good and lost now.""Lost?" asked Elizabeth and he answered. "For certain, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was.""What is worse? That we are gaining speed without wind or we are lost?" asked Lea. Will didn't waste time and told, "To stations!""All hands to stations!" agreed Lea who was running to warn his two friends as the ship went faster. While Will shouted "Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way," the two keybearers were already staring at what they were closing in. Roxas turns to Barbossa who ordered "Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true!""Are you crazy?" asked Roxas while the crew went on to see what was going on… and they saw they were going close to a waterfall."You've doomed us all," told Elizabeth while Barbossa just replied. "Don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again, and these be the last friendly words you'll hear.""If we survive this, I kill you, revive you and kill you again!" told Roxas. Barbossa laughed and told. "Being dead isn't that terrible young Roxas."Everybody rushed around and tried to get the ship into safety. However they were already caught in the torrents of the waterfall and couldn't get away of it. Roxas and Xion were screaming while hugging each other and Lea was hugging the mast. Everybody followed example and held on something. Barbossa laughed madly while the whole ship began to fall of the waterfall, and for everybody, everything went black.And a voice told, "Strike your colours, you blooming cockroaches. Dead men tell no tales."Roxas groaned as he opened his eyes and heard Gibbs saying, "This truly is a godforsaken place.""Yeah," told Lea who looked through what got washed up from the remains of their ship. "And I fear we won't be staying here for very long… at least not alive.""We are not dead?" groaned Roxas and was suddenly hugged by Xion who called his name."Nope!" told Lea. "But I think we were better off if we were… no water or food left and no ship. Also it doesn't look like we get any resupply from this place.""And where is Jack?" asked Roxas and Elizabeth told. "I don't see anybody""He's here," told Barbossa. "Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took.""Good to hear!" told Lea. "But doesn't solve the problem we have no ship here.""Witty Jack is closer than you think," told Tia while stroking… a crab in stone form?They looked to the direction she was looking and Xion stated "Please tell me I am hallucinating…""If you are…" began Lea. "Then we share this one."From the distance came the Black Pearl, moved by countless of these stone crabs and Jack was standing on the Pearl with proud as the ship got moved from the desert sand to the sea."Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. It's Jack" told Gibbs and Lea stated. "This guy knows how to make an entrance…"As Jack got on land again, the original Pearl crew ran up to Jack while the others followed them with a slower speed."Mr. Gibbs," told Jack to the old man who answered. "Aye, cap'n.""I thought so," spoke Sparrow. "I expect you're able to account for your actions, then.""Sir?" asked Gibbs and Jack explained. "There's been a perpetual and cirulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? Why is that, sir?""Sir, you're…" began Gibbs. "You're in Davy Jones' Locker, cap'n.""I know that," told Jack. "I know where I am. And don't think I don't.""Jack Sparrow," told Barbossa as he got close and Jack replied. "Oh, Hector. It's been too long. Hasn't it?""Aye, Isla de Muerta, remember? You shot me after this brat with a Keyblade helped you to best me in combat.""No, I didn't," told Jack and noticed Tia. "Tia Dalma, out and about, eh? You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any dlirium.""He thinks we're a hallucination," told Will and Lea laughed. "Considering how long he must have been here, I am surprised he isn't crazier than before.""William, tell me something: Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel, or rather, damsel in distress? Either one," wondered Jack and as answer came "no.""Well, then, you wouldn't be here, would you?" retorted Jack. "So you can't be here. Q.E.D., you're not really here.""Quite a logical thought," told Roxas with a sweat drop and Jack laughed. "Zola! You look different! The clothes are a nice match to you. While the hair… how did you change them?""And I thought I look more like Ventus," muttered the blonde Keybearer and Jack turned at the voice of Elizabeth. "This is real. We're here."Jack stares at Elizabeth for some seconds in confusion before rushing to Gibbs and asked, "The Locker, you say?""Aye," told Gibbs and Elizabeth explained, "We've come to rescue you.""Have you, now?" asked Jack. "That's very kind of you. But it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't, you're the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure if I'm in the mood.""I see my ship," told Barbossa. "Right over there."Jack looked over and told, "Really? Than it must be something very small right behind the Pearl… since I cannot see it.""Don't tell me these two are figthing about who is the captain of the Pearl," told Lea and Elizabeth told. "It's pretty much the main problem of these two… Barbossa used to be Jack's first mate before the former rebelled against him.""Tough love huh?" asked Lea. "Well… we have bigger problems to deal aside from who owns a ship.""We have Beckett having Davy Jones' heart and controlling the Flying Dutchman," told Roxas to Jack. "And he hunts down anybody who is associated with pirates.""He's taking over the seas!" added Elizabeth in and Barbossa continued. "The Song has been sung.""The Brethren Court are gathering," finished Tia and Jack mused with a raised eyebrow. "I leave you lot, alone for five minutes, and look what happens. Everything's gone to pot.""Aye Jack," told Gibbs. "And our world needs ya back something fierce.""They can't gather without you," told Will. "And you need a crew."Jack looked at everybody, "Why should I sail with any of you? Most of you have tried to kill me in the past, some thought about it and one succeeded."Everybody, except the keybearers who had no idea what was going on, looked at Elizabeth who looked rather guilty."She didn't tell you?" wondered Jack. "Well you'll have load to talk about while you're here."Then he walked up to Lea, Roxas and Xion."You can burn things… but again you want to burn me for Zora so no," he told to Lea and went for Roxas and Xion. "I don't know you and you are too young…. Now, as dear William mentioned, I cannot crew the Pearl by myself," Jack pointed. "So form a line and I'll select a crew."Surprisingly, the group obediently formed a line, save for Tai Huang. He stood at the head of his crew of men. Jack began to pace down the line, selecting a few, "Gibbs, you can come. Marty, Cotton...""AWK!"Jack shrugged, "Cotton's parrot, I'm a little iffy. Then again, it'll give me someone to talk to."He continued his selection with Pintel and Ragetti, "You two scare me, so you're out," he came across Tia Dalma next. "And you..."Tia snickered, "Now, Sparrow," she spoke gently, running a couple of fingers beneath his beard. "Don't tell me you did not enjoy it at the time."Jack turned away bashfully for a moment, then nodded, "Fair enough. You can come too."Then he came up to the next man and asked, "And who are you?""I am Tai Huang," was his reply and nods nodded to the sailors behind him. "These are my men.""I see," Jack acknowledged. "Where do you put your allegiance?""I serve the highest bidder," Tai Huang replied."I have a ship," Jack offered.Tai Huang smiled, "Then you're the highest bidder."Jack smiled, "Good man!" he said and then reached into his pocket. "Prepare to cast off!"Every crew member he had selected moved immediately towards the Black Pearl while Jack removed his compass from his pocket. Opening it up, he waited for the arrow to settle on a direction. He felt he'd be waiting for a while due to the arrow continuing to uncertainly spin and never settling anywhere for more than a second at a time."Jack!" Barbossa drummed his fingers upon the charts in his hand. "Which way you going, Jack?"Jack was frowing as he realized he had to take all of them with him.On board of the Pearl Barbossa ordered, "Trim that sail!""Trim that sail!" Jack copied."Slack windward braces!""Slack the braces!""Haul that pennant line!""Haul the pennant line!"Barbossa turned to face Jack, "What are you doing?""What are you doing?" Jack demanded."No, what are you doing?" Barbossa countered."What are YOU doing!?" returned Jack."No! What ARE you doing?!" Barbossa continued."What are you..." Jack forced himself to cease this argument before he stood firmly before Barbossa. "On a ship, the captain gives the orders.""The captain of the ship is giving orders!" Barbossa insisted."It's my ship," Jack reminded. "That makes me the captain.""They be my charts," Barbossa countered. "So it be my ship!""That makes you chartman!" shouts Jack and then Pintel shouts, "OY STOP IT THE BOTH OF YA THAT'S AN ORDER!"Everybody looked at him and he told, "Sorry, I just thought with the captain issue in doubt I'd throw in my name for considerations… Sorry""I'd vote for you," told Ragetti.Roxas turned to Will and asked, "Are these two the only ones who can be considered as captains?""Sound sad but yes," told Will and Roxas sighed. "This will be a long journey."In the evening everything was quiet, though Pintel and Ragetting were bored and looked for something to get some entertain while they were fishing in the front of the boat.Then Ragetti saw something in the water and gasps in surprise as he dropped the pole. Then with Pintel he looked again and they saw bodies floating in the water."Eerie," told Pintel. "That's downright macabre""Wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of 'em?" spoke Ragetti.They grabbed one of the cannon balls and moved over to drop it but… they just drop it on the ground as they saw Tia giving them a look and Pintel stated "Be disrespectful, it would.""They should be in care of Davy Jones. That was the duty him was charged with by the goddess Calypso," explained Tia. "To ferry them who die at sea to the other side. And every ten years he would come ashore to be with the she who love him, truly. But the man has become a monster.""So he wasn't born with tentacles in the face?" asked Lea who joined in and Tia answered "NO, him was a man… once.""Now it's boat coming," told Ragetti.The others came to see the boats and Xion hit Gibbs on the leg as he was starting to load a gun. Then she asked, "They are not going to harm us?""Unlike the Heartless, we are nothing but ghosts to them," told Tia and Barbossa offered. "Is best just let them be."They looked once more to the boats. They could see people that did not look dead. They were simply floating by silently in the boats they settled in. There was a large variety. Most of them were English people, still dressed in their everyday attire. Even children were among them."Such a bastart," mumbled Lea as he saw the children. In Beckett's attempt to eradicate pirates, even simple families have died.Elizabeth noticed one figure in particular, "Father?" she got to the rail and looked out. The man wore the traditional uniform of a Gouverneur. "Father! We're back! Over here!""Elizabeth?" told Will and Xion added "I don't think we're back..."Elizabeth took a moment to register what the two mean meant. She gasped softly, then called out again, "Father!"Governor Swann was not deaf to them, fortunately. He turned his head and looked up. "Elizabeth!" he cried out. "My darling...are you dead?" she shook her head in denial. "I see...I think I am.""You can't be!" Elizabeth denied. "You're right here!""I must warn you while I can," Swann called back. "There was a chest, you see. The one that gives Beckett his power. Inside, there was that heart. I found out that if one is to stab the heart of Davy Jones, the one who does the deed takes his place. The Dutchman must have a captain.""Nothing new to me," told Lea and Will asked. "How do you know?""Made a deal with Jones… Roxas for his chest. Though I never told him that the heart wasn't in there anymore. Still wonder how Beckett got it… I thought Jack had it.""In truth somebody else had it!" told Willm "And I know who.""It was silly to die for, in my opinion," Swann chuckled as he registered the information. "But I hope that it helps you."Elizabeth ran to the deck and took up a long roll of rope. She hurled it out to sea and the rope draped perfectly aboard her father's boat, "Take the line, quickly!"Swann made no attempt to grab the rope at all. He smiled up at his daughter and his eyes began to water with happiness, "I've seen how corrupt our so-called allies really are, Elizabeth," he admitted. "I see the truth that the pirates are fighting against that corruption," he smiled even more widely, allowing a few tears to flow. "I am so proud that I could call you my daughter.""Father, take the line!" Elizabeth cried desperately. It slid off the boat and into the water with Swann having never tried to take it. His boat was quickly drifting past the Black Pearl."I'll give our love to your mother," Swann promised."No!" Elizabeth ran for the stern. "Father, come back!" Will rushed after her, fearing she would do something rash. His fears were confirmed when Elizabeth used the rigging to climb to the railing."Elizabeth!" he called. He took hold of her hand and pulled."Father, I won't leave you!" Elizabeth squealed through her tears. She struggled more, but Will soon pulled her back on deck. Instantly, she turned around and buried her sobbing face into his chest.Will held her, as he knew he should. He looked to Tia Dalma, "Is there a way?"With a grave look, Tia shook her head, "Him at peace now."During one of the hot days the crew was complaining about the lack of rum while Tia told, "If we cannot escape these doldrums by nightfall, I fear we will sail trackless seas, doomed to roam the reach between worlds… forever.""Since we are lacking water now," started Lea. "Forever seems to come a little too soon. Not in the mood to die again.""You were dead as well?" asked Barbossa and Roxas told, "Long story… but technically, Lea, Xion and I have been dead once.""How was the afterlife for you?" laughed Barbossa and Roxas told "Uhm… like in the body of somebody else for Xion and Me…""I woke up back alive once I was dead," told Lea. "But our death was bond with complicated cases. Not so simple like for example cutting your head off."Xion shock her head, "Why are you talking and not doing anything?""Aye," agreed Gibbs. "There's no sense to it.""And the green flash happens at sunset, not sunrise.""OVER THE EDGE!" shouts Gibbs "It's drivin' me over the bloomin' edge. Sunrises don't set."Jack on the other hand was on the map, trying to get a course while mumbling, "UP is down… Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?""Clear as mud, Jackie.""Mud isn't..." Jack lifted his head. "Wait...who's there?"Emerging from his dreadlocks, one of the miniature personas of Jack emerged, hanging onto the beaded charm that hung from one of them, "Stab the heart," he urged."Don't stab the heart!" Jack turned to his other shoulder to see second version of him stepping out. "The Dutchman must have a captain.""That's more unhelpful than 'up is down'," Jack replied. "Why not give me the options and consequences so I can think this out?""Very well," said the first imaginary Jack. "You could sail the sea forever."Jack smiled, "I do love the sea.""What about port?""Port's not bad," Jack admitted. "But I prefer rum.""Indeed," the first Jack agreed. "Rum is good.""Not that kind of port. Making port," corrected the second Jack. "Going ashore to get the rum," he dropped his voice. "Once every ten years.""What did he say?" the first Jack asked."Once every ten years," Jack repeated.The first Jack inhaled nervously, "Ten years is a long time mate.""Longer if you count the defecit of rum," Jack agreed."Eternity is longer still," the first Jack reminded."How will you spend it, then?" the second Jack asked. "Dead or not dead?""Perhaps as 'The Immortal Captain Sparrow!" the first Jack offered tantalizingly."Ooh, I like that!" Jack smiled widely."Yes you do," the second Jack. "But it won't matter what you like by the time sunset comes around."Very slowly, the pieces began to fall together in Jack's mind, "It isn't sunset..." he placed his fingers on the centerpiece, which showed two ships opposite each other, one upside-down. Turning it, he reversed which ship was right-side up and which was upside-down. "Sundown. And rise...up!" he arose excitedly from the chart and ran for the railing. "Good God, what's that?!" he leaned over the side of the railing, which attracted a few glances. "Do you see that?"The others came and tried to find something. As they don't see anything, wondered Xion, "Do see what?""There!" shouted Jack and ran to the other side, with everybody following him, trying to see what he sees. As they didn't see anything, Jack runs back to the other side and the ship began to move according the sudden shifts of weight."What is he doing?" asked Roxas. "All he does is rocking the ship this way."Pintel went ot Ragetti and told, "He's rockin' the ship!""We'll tie each other to the mast, upside down, so when the boat flips, we'll be right way up."Barbossa shock his head, "Time it with the swell," and goes below the deck, ordering the crew. "Loose the cannons, you stinking bilge rats! Unstow the cargo, let it shift!"The below-deck crew untied the nets and the cannons and allowed them to roll and tumble along with the ship. The additional weight significantly increased how much the ship tilted each time.Pintel and Ragetti were laughing at each other as they were tied upside down on the mast."Guys…" began Roxas. "I have no idea how you did that but… WHY DID YOU TIE ME UP AS WELL?" revealing he was tied upside down the mast as well… must to his unfortune.Xion was just staring and asked, "How did you do that?""One more should do it!" Barbossa cackled. "Put all you've got in your miserable bodies into one more!"The Black Pearl's weight shifted again and the crew made one final sprint during the brief moment that it was level. It was the greatest struggle of all to take hold, but everybody managed to grab onto the railing and gripped it tightly. The force behind the tilt gave everybody only their hands to prevent them from falling. Their legs seemed to kick behind them, as if they were swimming. The Pearl was tipping over very slowly, bringing about its inevitable capsize. One of the man couldn't hold anymore and fell down. He lands landed on the other railing safely… only to have one of the cannons land on him."Ladies and gentlemen!" Jack announced. "You are witnessing an opposite force at work here," their feet danged beneath them, getting closer to the water. "Now up..." the ship descended more quickly as the weight began to take a toll on it. "...is down!"Everybody took a deep breath of air while the Black Pearl was completing its flip to allow its bottom to stick straight up into the air. The sudden plung took Will by surprise and he released the railing. Elizabeth released it with one hand to reach for her fiance, who drifted away. She nearly panicked, but Will was resourceful very quickly. He took hold of the rigging and held tightly. Everybody was fully secured now.Waiting expectantly was the only option the crew had left. The sea water was completely surrounding them and they couldn't hold their breath forever. Were one to be watching the sun on the horizon, they would have seen the setting sun. Its peak dipped down, as if swallowed by the water. The moment it had set was the moment a green flash fired up into the sky.Around the ship, the surroundings began to change as the realm they resided in began to change. Rather than floating upside down at the surface of the ocean in Davy Jone's Locker, they now clung to a ship that was completely upright and lingering at the dense, crushing depths of the sea. It began to rumble and rise at an alarmingly quick rate.Then everything shifted once again. The Black Pearl broke the surface of the water. An explosion arose from the sea in the spot where it came up. The sea poured out of every orifice on the ship while the crew was tossed from the railing and scattered upon the deck.Pintel and Ragetti sputtered and coughed up some water, as upside-down and trapped against the mast as when they had first tied themselves to it, "This wasn't a good idea, was it?" Ragetti thought aloud."I warned you," told Roxas with a dry look. "And this was also the reason why I didn't want to be part of this…""Blessed sweet westerlies!" stated Gibbs. "We're back!""Nice to know," stated Lea. "But couldn't have been done without us getting wet?""What's wrong with getting wet?" wondered Xion and Lea answered. "My fire is weakened… though nice to have a sunrise now."Suddenly Barbossa took a gun out, aiming at Sparrow. Gibbs took his out, aiming at Barbossa. Will aimed for Barbossa, the same for Elizabeth.Jack took his gun and aimed at Will, who aimed with a second one back to Jack. Sparrow noticed Elizabeth aiming at him as well, taking a second gun to return the favor.Xion heard another click, turned and saw the monkey aiming a gun at the parrot, the parrot asking, "Parley?""Seriously?" asked Lea. "We just made it out and now you are fighting among yourselves?""We need our pistols! Get untied, hurry!" shouted Ragetti.Roxas sighed and asked Xion, "Would you please?"Xion nods and took the Keyblade out and cut the rope, causing the three tied up man to fall on the floor/deck.In the meanwhile the gunpointing members of the crew started laughing, lowering the guns, just to point them back at each other."Alright then," told Barbossa and continued, "The Brethren Court is gathering at Shipwreck Cove. And, Jack, you and I are agoing. There'll be no arguing that point.""I is arguing the point" countered Jack. "If there's pirates gathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way.""The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett," argued Elizabeth. "To fight Beckett, and you're a pirate!"Then Will intervines, "Fight or not, you're not running, Jack.""If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one," explained Barbossa. "'Till there be none left but you.""Quite like the sound of that," grins Jack. "Captain Jack Sparrow, the last pirate.""You want to be hunted by the whole world?" asked Lea. "Since no other pirate is left, every single ship out of bounty would be after you.""How does it fill in your plans?" asked Roxas and Jack replied. "I'm still working on that. But I will not be going back to the locker, mate. Count on that."Then he fired his gun… or… he would have. But no more than a click didn't came from his weapon. All other are attempting to fire as well and Lea laughed, "Folks! We have been under water for a moment! Didn't you even consider it for a single second that the gunpowder is wet?""We can still use them as clubs!" suggested Ragetti and hits Roxas on the head, knocking him out. Pintel told, "Effective."Then they go for the charts and looked before Will pointed on an island, "There's fresh water on this island. We can resupply there and get back to shooting each other later.""How about we solve the main problems of ourselves and THEN we go back to shooting?" suggested Lea. "Then we don't have Becket or Davy Jones to worry about.""He has a point," agreed Will. "But let's just see how things works out""You lead the shore party. I'll stay with my ship," stated Jack and Barbossa told. "I'll not be leaving my ship in your command.""Why don't you both go ashore and leave the ship in my command?" asked Will and as the two captains look at him, he added, "Temporaily."Xion sighed, "How about you leave the ship on somebody you three trust while all of you three go and fetch the supplies?"Now all three were looking at her and she asked, "What?"Some time later they were on the beach of the island and Xion wondered, "Why am I here again?""For suggesting that we leave the ship in your command," told Pintel and Ragetti told. "No! For suggesting that pirates are trusting a pirate!""But… aren't we all pirates?" asked Pintel and Ragetti shrugs. "What's your point?"Lea sighed and walked on the beach, then he spotted something together with Jack and Barbossa, telling, "That sucks."They stand in front of the remains of a Kraken and Barbossa asked Jack, "Still thinking of running, Jack? Think you can outrun the world?"Then he continues "You know, the problem with being the last of anything… by and by, there be none left at all.""Sometimes things come back, mate," replied Jack. "We're living proof, you and me.""Aye, but that's a gamble of long odds, ain't it?" wondered Barbossa. "There's never a guarantee of coming back. But passing on, that's dead certain.""Why should Jones kill his pet Kraken?" asked Lea, remembering what Roxas told him about the life on board of the Flying Dutchman."Proberly Beckett's idea," told Barbossa. "To prove his control over Davy Jones.""That is bad," told Lea and Jack nodded, "Summoning the Brethren Court, then, is it?""it's our only hope, lad" told Barbossa and Lea told. "Last or only hopes sucks due the odd luck with them.""There is less in the world," told Jack and turns around.Once the rest of the shore expedition was ready, they moved into the depths of the island to the water spring, only to find a corpse in it.Xion gasped and Lea sighed after looking at the corpse, "No sense in checking the water. This guy is long enough dead that we would only poisoning us by drinking it."Ragetti turned the body and told, "Eh, I know him. He was in Singapore!""That's a trap!" shouted Lea and got his Keyblade out, only to hear Pintel, "We got company!"They turn and saw a ship getting close to the Pearl. Then suddenly the crew members from Singapore were pointing their guns at everybody, most of them at Jack who pointed at Barbossa, "He's the captain.""Seriously?" asked Lea. "That is what you have to say about this?"Back on board of the Pearl, they saw the ship taken by the crew of Sao Feng, who stood on board othe Pearl. Barbossa walked up to him, "Sao Feng… you showing up here, is truly a remarkable coincidence.""Especially since we had no clue where we would show up when returning from the Locker," remarked Roxas. "After all we could have shown up somewhere, where this island wasn't the first option."Sao Feng just grinned and told, "Jack Sparrow. You paid me great insult once.""That doesn't sound like me," told Jack and got a punch from Sao Feng. Lea leans to Gibbs and asked. "Does anybody living he didn't piss off once?""So far I know… it is a very small number," told Gibbs.Jack got his nose back in position and asked, "Shall we just call it square, then?"Will came in to view, pointed to Elizabeth and ordered, "Release her."Everybody looked confused and he told, "She's not part of the bargain.""And what bargain be that?" asked Barbossa while Sao Feng ordered, "You heard Captain Turner. Release her.""Captain Turner?" asked Jack and Gibbs explained, "Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!""I need the Pearl to free my father," told Will and Roxas replied. "You know that you cannot just kill Jones! You would be in his place. And then Becket would still have the upper hand, since he would have your heart.""It is the only reason I came on this voyage" told Will. Elizabeth stared at will. "Why didn't you tell me about this plan?""The same reason why you didn't tell me about you killing Jack: it was my burden to bear.""He needs the Pearl," began Jack. "Captain Turner needs the Pearl.""And you felt guilty" he continued, pointing to Elizabeth before turning to Barbossa. "And you and your Brethren Court."Then he asked, "Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?""Well… Sora would have," told Lea. "If he hadn't his hands full with something else."Some of the Pearl group raised their hands, even the monkey and Jack stated, "I'm standing with them."However… Sao Feng grabbed Jack and pulled him over and stated, "I'm sorry, Jack, but there is an old friend who wants to see you first.""I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends," mused Jack and Sao Feng forced him to look at the sea with the words. "Here is your chance to find out."In the distance was another ship and Lea sighed, "Great… just what we needed."The ship was from the East India Trading Company and brought Jack to their ship while bringing soldiers on the Black Pearl. Sao Feng went in front of the one leading the boarding crew and told "My men are crew enough.""Company ship, company crew," was the reply while Will protested. "You agreed. The Black Pearl was to be mine."Sao Feng nodded, "And so it was."Then one of Sao Fengs men punches him, bringing him away while everybody got into chains. Xion wondered, "What are they doing with us?""Knowing our luck: hanging us," told Lea. "Or at least they will try it."Sao Feng protested, "Beckett agreed the Black Pearl was to be mine."However he got as answer "He's not going to give up the only ship as can outrun the Dutchman, is he?""Shame they're not bound to honour the code of the Brethren, isn't it?" began Barbossa. "Because honour's a hard thing to come by nowadays.""There is no honour to remaining with the losing side," countered Sao Feng. "Leaving it for the winning side, that's just good business.""Losing side, you say?" questioned Barbossa and Sao Feng answered. "They have the Dutchman. Now the Pearl. And what do the Brethren have?""We have three Keybearers, one of them a princess of light," answered Barbossa. "Also… we have Calypso."Sao Feng turned to look at the chained people. Then Sao Feng laughed, "Calypso...Keyblades. Old legends.""No! You saw the keys. And the goddess herself, bound in human form. Imagine all the power brought to bear against our enemy. I intend to release her. But for that I need the Brethren Court."Then he grabbed something Sao Feng wore and told, "All the Court."Then they are talking about what to prose and accepting to each other before Sao Feng told, "The girls?""What?""What?" came from the said girls and Will told "Elizabeth is not part of any bargain.""No one takes Xion from us once again!" shouted Roxas but Barbossa just told. "Out of the question.""It was not a question," countered Sao Feng but then Elizabeth and Xion looked at each other. "Done!""What?" asked Will and Lea told. "Not done!""You got us into this," told Elizabeth. "If it frees us, then done!" countered Elizabeth while Xion told. "If I can help then I am with her.""They're pirates!" Roxas tried to reason while Xion told. "Pirates that Sora would be willing to trust!""But we aren't Sora!" countered Roxas with Xion telling. "But part of him!""We have an accord?" asked Barbossa.Chapter 67: Chapter 66Jack Sparrow. Pirate with a questionable fame, notorious and not even an oracle could foretell his next move. And right now he was aboard of the Endeavour, brought inside an office where a man in black clothes and a white wig was waiting, looking out of the window telling, "Curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack. Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat the Flying Dutchman."Jack began to look around for values while the man continued, "And so despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?"Then he turned around and told the captain, "It's not here, Jack.""What? What isn't?" asked Jack and the answer was. "The heart of Davy Jones. It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and so unavailable for use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain."Jack shrugged, "By my reckoning, that account has been settled.""With your death?" the man, whose name is was Beckett questioned. "Yet here you are."Jack smiled and picked up a cane, standing beside a portrait of Beckett holding the exact same one, "Close your eyes and pretend it's a bad dream. That's how I get by.""And if Jones were to learn of your survival?" Beckett replied. He took a pitcher of brandy and poured it into two small glasses, one of which he offered Jack. "Unless of course, we could arrange a deal. One which requires absolutely nothing from you but information."Jack looked at the table. He spoted nine coins on it and accepted the glass of brandy. Nonchalantly, he took the one Beckett held as well. "No doubt it is regarding the Brethren Court. In exchange for fair compensation, I assume?" he drank the first glass. "Square my debt with Jones..." He downed the second. "Guarantee my freedom?""Of course," Beckett assured, pouring some more. "That's just good business."Jack accepted another glass and poured the contents down his throat before setting it down, "Were I to be put in a divulgitory mood, what might I divulge?""Everything," Beckett whispered. "Who are the Pirate Lords? Where are they meeting? What are the purposes of the nine Pieces of Eight?"Jack cooled himself off by waving a turquoise fan at his face. "Tell you what: you can keep Barbossa, the belligerent homonculous and his wooden-eyed friend, both. And Turner. Especially Turner," he closed up the fan. "The rest will come aboard the Pearl with me to Shipwreck Cove. Once there, I will hand you the pirates and you won't hand me over to Jones. Bloody fair deal, I think.""And what becomes of Miss Swann?" asked Beckett with Jack counterasking. "What insterest is she to you?""Jack…" Beckett allowed. "But as I recall, you have a neat little compass that could point me to whatever I want.""Points to the thing you want most," Jack said." Which isn't the Bretheren Court.""Oh?" Beckett raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it, Jack?"Jack unclipped the compass from his waist and tossed it to Beckett. "What you want most is me...dead."Beckett opened up the compass and waited a few moments. His expression when he saw the compass' arrow stop told the story. "Damn..." he closed the compass and tossed it to Jack while Jack closed up the fan and tossed it to him. "It appears you are right. So in theory..." Beckett lifted a pistol from his pocket belt and pointed it at Jack. "If I kill you, I could cut out the middle man and find Shipwreck Cove on my own.""With me killed," Jack replied. "You'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold nigh impregnable, able to withstand blockade for years. Then you'd be wishing, 'If only there was someone I had not killed inside to ensure that the priates then come ouside.' Don't you think so?""You would be able to accomplish that?" Beckett asked."You may kill me, but you may never insult me," Jack replied. "Who am I?" Beckett's mouth hung agape, unable to provide an answer. "Plain and simple: I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."The glass window of the cabin shattered under the force of a blasted cannonball. The pirates aboard the Black Pearl had begun to riot. Jack stumbled back and Beckett fell against the table. Quickly, Jack shook the hand of Beckett, "Deal!" he declared before he scuffled for the doors. He opened them up, then slammed them into the bodies of two redcoats who attempted to charge. He stepped over them and made to exit the cabin onto the deck while more cannonballs plowed through the ship as he passed.Beckett went outside and saw that Sao Feng's ship was leaving while on the Pearl everybody was fighting.Roxas had his two Keyblades out and slammed them into everybody who wasn't a pirate. Also he kicked one one between the legs before slamming the hilt into the head of the crouching soldier.Lea didn't use his Keyblade, instead his chakras and just captured the returning weapons as he noticed a rifle pointed at him. Here was a click but… no 'bang'. Confused the soldier looked at his weapon and then at Lea, who just cross sliced the enemy with his two chakras. Then he took the gun, aimed at a random soldier and shot. After tossing it down to the body at his feet he exclaimed, "Never try to shoot a pyromancer… your gun might not ignite!"Then he shot a fire ball into the body of a soldier who was running at him.Back on the Endeavour, Jack had been busy. He held a rope that was connected to the sail. He tied it to the back of a cannon and held a wooden pole that maintained a spark in his hand. Beckett was just arriving the scene and he looked back and forth between Jack and the elaborate setup Jack had created. Also he saw a figure representing him in the mouth of the cannon."You're mad!" he declared.Jack shrugged indifferently, "Thank goodness. If I wasn't, this would probably never work," he lit the cannon's fuse and was pulled through the air. Beckett ducked aside before Jack had gotten the chance to fire and avoided the blast. The cannonball blasted into the mast and exploded.The crew of the Pearl rushed upstairs to the stern portion of the ship to grab the rope that their captain had been holding onto. Before they could reach it, it slid over the edge of the ship before anybody could grab it. Barbossa turned away to think of a plan, but did a double-take on his turn. Jack now stood above them, leaning casually against a large lantern while the carved patterns of the stern wall allowed him a foothold."And that was without a single drop of rum!" he boasted. He hopped down to the deck and stepped forward, facing Will. Instinctively, Pintel and Ragetti seized Will's arms, "Send this pestilent, traitorous, cowhearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig."The two diligently went about accomplishing that task, "The rest of you, man your stations!" Jack called out.Lea and Roxas looked at each other and Roxas wondered, "Does he plan everything or just makes it up as he goes along?"They turned to see if the Endeavour was following them… only to see that one of the masts broke and fell into the ocean. It was clear that they could take a while before they had a chance to follow the Pearl.Lea shrugged, "Not a single clue… the only thing I trust him that is that he would sell my grandmother behind my back if it brought him his desired profit."On board of Sao Feng's ship, were Elizabeth and Xion, both clothed in Singapore robes. And they turned as Sao Feng came in."By this time tomorrow, we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove and you will be free... Calypso.""Excuse me?" asked Elizabeth and Sao Feng explains. "Not a name you fancy, I imagine out of the many that you have but it is what we call you.""We being who?" asked Xion and Sao Feng answered. "The Brethren Court, Princess. The First Brethren Court, whose decision I would have opposed. They bound her in human form so the rule of the seas would belong to man, and not…" he paused and looked at Elizabeth who finished. "To me.""But one such as you should never be anything less than what you are," told Sao Feng turning to Xion. "The same for you, Princess of Heart. You shouldn't be a mere soldier of any force. You should lead… you belong to be a queen.""Nice speech for a captor," told Xion while Elizabeth told. "But words whispered through prison bars lose their charm.""Can I be blamed for my efforts?" asked Sao Feng. "All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it my be. Also all men are drawn to those who are meant to rule.""And some justifies their crimes by offer desire," told Xion.Sao Feng replied, "I offer simply my desire.""And in return?" asked Xion and Sao Feng answered. "I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them.""And if we refuse to give them?" asked Xion and the pirate told. "Then I will take… your fury!"Sao Feng rushed at them but stopped as Xion held Light Within Darkness at the pirate, "Move closer and you will die!"They heard a bang and suddenly a cannonball shoots through the wall, hitting Sao Feng square in the stomach. Xion looked to at the hole and stated, "As it couldn't get worse."Elizabeth moved to the hit pirate and asked, "Sao Feng?""Here…" told the dying pirate. "Please."Sao Feng handed his pendant over to Elizabeth with the words, "With all nine pieces of eight… you will be free. Take it! You are captain now."Then Sao Feng found the strenght to pull her closer and told, "Go in my place... to Shipwreck Cove."Then a few of the ship's crew came down and told, "Captain! The ship is taken. We cannot…"However he stopped as he saw his dead captain. He asked Elizabeth, "What did he tell you?""He made me captain," told Elizabeth and Xion asked. "Is it really the best time to be captain of a fallen ship?"Then they moved to the deck of the ship to see what was going on. Many of the attackers were British soldiers, including the one that was holding her in place. The majority were the fish-like men of Davy Jones' crew. The ship that ran alongside the ship was, in fact, the Flying Dutchman. The rest of the crew, at least the men still alive, were now under the careful guard of Jones' men. Among all the navy-coated soldiers and the disgusting monsters that surrounded her, Elizabeth spotted a uniform of bright blue, who had spotted her as she had arrived on deck."Elizabeth?""James?" the recognition caused the soldier holding her to loosen his grip. She pushed his arm out of her way and she rushed to him. "James!" She rushed up and hugged him, happy if only to see the familiar face of James Norrington.Norrington returned her embrace with just as tight of a hug. "Oh, thank God you're alive!" he gasped. He released her and smiled gently, "Your father will be overjoyed to know that you're safe."Elizabeth frowned, stepping back from Norrington, "My father is dead.""What?" Norrington shook his head. "That can't be true. He returned to England."Elizabeth's expression grew even harsher than before, "Did Beckett tell you that?"Their conversation was interrupted when the thumping of a peg leg alerted the deck to another captain's presence. For the second time, Elizabeth laid eyes upon the tentacled menace known as Davy Jones. Up close, he looked even angrier. He marched towards the crew and leaned towards them, "Which one among you do you name as captain?" he spat."Captain?" and the man quickly pointed to Elizabeth. "Her! She's the captain!"The rest of the sailors were quick to copy his example and lifted their fingers to single out Elizabeth as the captain.Jones took a couple of steps towards her, "Captain? A woman?""Tow the ship," Norrington ordered briskly. "Bring them aboard. The prisoners will go to the brig," He looked back to Elizabeth. "The captain shall have my quarters."Elizabeth looked up at Norrington, "Thank you, sir, but I'd prefer to remain with my crew," she tried to pull away, but Norrington followed."Elizabeth," Norrington stepped into her path. "I swear, I had no idea.""No idea which side you chose?" Elizabeth challenged. She stood at the head of the Singaporean crew that now belonged to her. Xion joined in and told, "Brilliant idea to hand over the heart to get this position."Norrington looked at the young girl in confusion… how does she know that it was him who gave Beckett, Davy Jones heart.Later their ship was tied to the Dutchman by a thick rope, and the ship was dragged behind them. Elizabeth and her crew were led to the brig immediately. She didn't have time to focus on what was happening right now, nor the fact that she had been taken to the brig within five minutes of becoming a Pirate Lord. The more urgent issue was finding someone who could help her and she was having a hard time finding the man with the name she needed."Bootstrap?" she called to a pufferfish sailor. "Bill Turner?"The sailor took a disgusted look at her, then threw back his head and laughed loudly, storming off as he did so. Elizabeth frowned. She had attempted this with several other sailors while aboard the ship, but not a single one laid claim to the name she was calling out. Just as she had just about walked away from the bars, one finally spoke without scorn against her."Bootstrap?" the voice was a low growl that guided Elizabeth to the opposite end of the cell. Within the wall, she could make out several forms of sea life. Coral, anemones, and plankton grew rampant on a particular area. Surrounded by these forms of life, a man with a starfish attached to the left side of his face was shown, "You know my name?""Yes," she confirmed, walking closer. " I know your son. Will Turner."Bootstrap's mouth dropped open. "William?" he exhaled, then laughed hard. In his happiness, he peeled himself away from the wall. "Haha! He made it! He's alive!" he looked up to Elizabeth. "And now he sends you to tell me he's coming to get me, right? God's wounds. He's on the way!"Elizabeth nodded, "Will is alive. And he does want to help you."Bootstrap looked to Elizabeth again. After a moment, his expression drooped and he shook his head, "He can't help me. He won't come.""You're his father!" she received a response in the form of Bootstrap's finger pointing in her face."I know you...he spoke of you," Bootstrap realized. "He can't save me. He can't come because of you.""Me?" Elizabeth inquired."You're Elizabeth," Bootstrap whispered.She had no reason to hide this fact, "Yes, I am Elizabeth, but...""If Jones is to slain, he who slays him must take his place as captain of the Dutchman forever," Bootstrap stood up to his full height, only about a head taller than Elizabeth. "The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me… he loses you."That truth replanted itself inside Elizabeth's mind. If Will did save his father, she and him would be separate for years. The man she loved would be sailing the seas for all eternity while she would wither away and be left behind, "I see..." tears formed in her eyes at the thought of losing her love."He won't pick me. I wouldn't even pick me," he took a deep inhale and the wall seemed to come to life once again. It extricated its hold over the sea life that covered his body. "Tell him that it's too late to save me. Tell him to stay away. I'm already part of the ship… and the crew."After a second, Elizabeth realized that he had gone still, "Bootstrap!"His eyes were opened up again, "You know my name?" the enthusiasm of his first awakening had returned, as if his memory of the previous conversation had vanished. "You know my name?" he asked again happily.A bit confused, Elizabeth nodded, "Yes...I know your son.""William!" Bootstrap chuckled a bit. "He's coming for me! Wait and see!" the sea life pulled him into the wall again, fastening him there. "You'll see... he promised..." Bootstrap became still, becoming as he had just described himself: part of the ship.On board of the Black Pearl, Will was tying the body of a dead British soldier that had been left aboard the ship. Then he cut the rope to send the barrel into the water. He held up the knife his father had given him, staring at it with a conflicted mind. A choice lay before him, a choice that now presented complications he had not counted on, which made the decision immensely difficult to make.Then he looked at the bowsprit, where Jack casually sat. The captain was unmoved and got to his feet, "You escaped from the brig quicker than I thought, even when I was accounting for the fact that you're a very crafty individual. You've impressed me by twice the usual amount tonight. Well done!" Will didn't lower his knife, still tense. "William, tell me, do you notice anything?" Jack held onto a rope as he stepped along the bowsprit. "Or rather something that is not there to be noticed?"Will looked out of the corner of his eyes at the bow area where he was currently working, "You haven't raised an alarm," he observed."Odd, isn't it?" Jack replied. He looked out to the water, watching the barrel that Will had just pushed overboard floating away. "Not as odd as this. Come up with this by your lonesome, did you?""I said to myself: Think like Jack," Will smirked at Jack, but Jack looked unamused."This is what you've arrived at?" Jack gestured to the sea. "Lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove so as gain his trust accomplish your own ends?" Jack shook his head distastefully. "It's like you don't know me at all," Will didn't respond, instead turning away. Jack raised an eyebrow, "And how does your dearly beloved feel about this plan?""Which plan?" asked a new voice and Lea could be seen. "What is going on here? Why is Will not in the brig?""You stay out of this! It's something between me and Jack!" told Will angrily. His hand shook a little bit, but he calmed down, lowering his knife. "I'm losing her, Jack. Every step I make for my father is a step away from Elizabeth.""If you choose to lock your heart away, you'll lose her for certain," Jack hopped down from the bowsprit and onto the deck. Jack tapped Will on the shoulder, gathering his attention, "I may have the machete to your intellectual thicket, avoid the choice altogether.""Sounds a plan to me," told Lea. "After all from what I heard, your father is serving on the Dutchman. And to free him you have to kill Jones, which in turn makes you the next captain.""Change the facts," countered Jack, while pulling Lea over to Will. "Let someone else dispatch Jones.""Are you suggesting yourself?" asked Lea and Jack answered. "Death has a curious way of reshuffling one's priorities. I slip aboard the Dutchman, find the heart, stab the beating thing, your father's free from his debt, you're free to be with your charming murderess.""And you're willing to cut out your heart and bind yourself to the Dutchman forever?" Will scoffed."No, mate," Jack smiled. "I'm free forever. Free to sail off the edges of the map and from death itself.""But you have to ferry souls to the next world," Lea reminded. "That's the duty of the Dutchman's captain. If you don't do the job, you'll end up just like Jones."Jack grimaced at the thought, "I don't have the face for tentacles. But immortal needs to count for something, doesn't it?" Jack's face furrowed up in thought, then went back to normal when his eyes lit up with a plan. He reached down to his waist and unclipped the compass from his belt, placing it in Will's hand.Will blinked and Lea asked, "What's this for?""Think like me," Jack assured. "It'll come to you."Without another hesitation, Jack leaned forward, breathing in Will's face. Will, in his rush to get away from the repulsive smell, rushed back too quickly and hit the railing of the ship. He toppled over it and into the water. After a moment, Jack pushed the next body-rigged barrel over the side of the ship and lifted his hat to Will, who was now struggling to stay afloat, "Give my regards to Davy Jones!"Lea stared at Jack and asked, "What was that for?""Oh right! Forgot about you," told Jack, grabbed Lea and pulled him and then pushing him over the railing. Then he called down, "Don't worry! I make sure Roxas is fine!"Turning around he muttered, "Don't want to be killed by his friend Zora."Will, gaining his bearings, paddled over to the barrel and hoisted himself over it. As he gained a firm spot upon it, he glared up at the Pearl as it sailed away from him, "I hate him," he grumbled.Joining the overboard man, Lea came and muttered, "You and me both… I think we have to gamble about who kills him first.""So the other can do it when he comes back?" asked Will and Lea told. "Now you mention it… I let you do it first! I want to burn him to ashes."Back by the Flying Dutchman, the crew was sneaking out of the brigs as well. Xion wondered silently, "Why did nobody take into the account that I could open the door?""Not a clue," told Elizabeth and just as they reached the tow which connected the Dutchman to their own ship, they saw Norrington in front of them, blocking the way."Elizabeth?" asked Norrington. "How did you get out?""Does it matter?" asked Elizabeth and he nodded. "It does! Because I just wanted to free you.""Why?" asked Xion.Norrington stood firmly, "I'm choosing a side," he said. He leaned in towards Elizabeth. "Do not go to Shipwreck Cove. Beckett knows of the meeting of the Brethren. I fear there may be a traitor among them."Elizabeth harshly shook her head, "It's too late to earn my forgiveness."Norrington rounded on her, "I had nothing to do with your father's death!" he fiercely claimed. After a moment, he sighed, "But that does not absolve me of my other sins."Elizabeth took one look at the ship now belonging to her, "Come with us," Norrington's attention was averted from keeping watch to stare directly at her. She made eye contact with him, "James, come with me.""Who goes there?" Elizabeth stumbled back to the railing and looked upward. Bootstrap was looking down upon her and Norrington and he proceeded to come away from above deck, making his way down towards them by way of the stairs."Go!" Norrington urged, "I will follow!"Xion listned to this with the rest of the crew and began to climb over.Elizabeth stayed her gaze on his face, watching his lip tremble, "You're lying," she accused.The sword in Norrington's hand lowered and the admiral faced his former fiancé for what he knew would probably be the last time, "Our destinies have been intertwined, Elizabeth. But never joined," Norrington leaned down and planted his lips upon Elizabeth's in a kiss. Unlike Sao Feng, Elizabeth calmly allowed Norrington this final farewell. When he broke away, he lifted his sword. "Go now... " Elizabeth heeded his words and climbed up to the railing. As soon as she had took hold of the rope and was tugging her way down it, Norrington lifted his sword to disuade the approaching Bootstrap, "Back to your station, sailor," he demanded.Bootstrap took a look at the ropes. He stated, "No one leaves the ship.""Stand down!" Norrington spoke, more sternly than before, "That's an order!""That's an order..." Bootstrap chuckled. "Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship.""Steady, man!" Norrington bellowed."Part of the crew, part of the ship!" Bootstrap snarled back. He raised his voice, "All hands! Prisoner escape!""Belay that!" Norrington cried, pulling out his pistol. His eyes traveled between the ship and the prisoners. If the crew arrived, the escapees would be in worse shape. With a sad, regretful expression, Norrington pulled his pistol and fired upward at the ropes. They disconnected from the Dutchman and the remaining prisoners were sent into the water. At the very least, they'd be able to swim back to the ship and turn sail to get away. Norrington turned to deal with Bootstrap."Gaah!" Norrington's breath left his body. Bootstrap held in his hand a long piece of scrap wood. The other end, sharp and pointed, stuck about six inches out of Norrington's back. Bootstrap let go of the wood and stepped back.Elizabeth was submerged in water as soon as the ropes hit it. When she was brought back up to the surface, she could see Norrington a moment before the makeshift weapon was stabbed into him, "James!" she shrieked. "No!" her gaze was fixed upon the falling man slumping to the deck. Elizabeth quickly tore herself away, as she'd freeze up from shock if she allowed herself to linger at his final moments. His sacrifice would be in vain if she didn't start swimming towards her ship now.On deck, the rest of the crew had gathered around the dying Admiral Norrington. Murmers of, "Admiral's dead..." were spread quickly. The crew took a long moment to contemplate what this meant for them. Gasping for air before them was the representation of control that the East India Trading Company had over their heads."To the captain's cabin!" the hammer-head declared. The crew was in a delighted uproar when this news was realized. In higher spirits, they returned to their stations. Davy Jones stepped past them and knelt over Norrington. He looked back to Bootstrap. Formerly a traitor, Bootstrap had been put back in line and was obeying his captain. With a stern nod, Jones dismissed him before looking into Norrington's eyes."James Norrington," he whispered. "Do you fear death?"Norrington's body twitched a little more. With his right hand, he thrusted his sword at Jones. Jones didn't even flinch as it pierced his body and went straight through his back. A meaningless act was performed on him, one that left nothing but a trivial stab wound. Norrington's body then failed him and he was still."I take that as a 'no'." Jones rose to his feet and tugged the weapon from his chest to examine it. "Very nice sword," he stated before returning to his cabin. However… instead of being able to take his heart back, he found several soldiers pointing their guns and two small cannons at the chest with the beating heart.Mercer came into the view and told, "The Dutchman is under my command.""For now," told Davy Jones and left the cabin.On the next day the Pearl came to an island and Gibbs warned everybody, "Not for naught it's called Shipwreck Island. Where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."Roxas, who had been all day busy to find his friend Lea without prevail, turned to Gibbs and Sparrow, stating, "For a bunch of clever pirates, you have awful skills in naming things.""Aye," agreed Jack and Gibbs and then Jack told. "I once sailed with a geezer who lost both of his arms and part of his eye.""What you call him?" asked Gibbs and Jack simply stated, "Larry."Roxas tilted his head in wonder what was that for… this was not really the best name you could come up with such a fellow.Then he returned to his search for Lea as he saw Barbossa speaking with Tia, "I do not renege on a bargain once struck. But we agreed on ends only. The means are mine to decide.""Caution, Barbossa," warned Tia. "Do not forget it was by my power you return from the dead. Or what it mean if you fail me."Barbossa's hand got bony while Tia hold it. Then it turned back, and she let go before trying to leave. However the captain hold her in return and exclaimed, "Don't you forget why you had to bring me back. Why I could not leave Jack to his well-deserved fate. It took nine pirate lords to bind you, Calypso. And it'll take no less than nine to set you free."Then he called for Pintel and Ragetti, ordering them to bring Tia down to the brig. Roxas decided to hold the new pieces of information back for himself at the moment and asked, "Captain Barbossa. Have you seen Lea?""Not since he made this firework yesterday to get the Heartless off my ship," told the captain and Roxas told. "Don't tell that too loud. Jack would think otherwise of who owns the ship.""I am fully aware of Sparrow's believes, master Roxas. Don't bother me with more senseless squabbling now"Roxas sight and went back to search Lea.Back to the Endeavour, Davy Jones entered the captain's cabin and told, "I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup.""Apparently you can," countered Beckett and then he pointed to his guests on the table. "I believe you know each other already."Turning around with cups of teas in their hands, Will and Lea are greeted Jones and the captain of the Dutchman called to Lea "YOU! I make you join my crew for eternity by fooling me! And Master Turner… come to join my crew again?""Not yours," told Will and turns to Beckett. "His."Then Will and Lea looked to each other and turned to Jones again, "Before we forget…" began Lea and Will finished. "Jack Sparrow sends his regards.""Sparrow?" asked Jones in confusion and Lea wondered. "You failed to tell him that we went to his locker and took Jack together with the Black Pearl out?""What else have you not told me?" asked Jones and Beckett countered. "That I have a business partner that wants something from you… he called it a fragment of darkness."Lea looked up in surprise, "You know about it?""Only what my business partner told me. He told me everything about the heart and in return he wants this object…"Then a soldier came in and told, "Sir… a man showed up and claims to have a business with you… he wears a black coat and doesn't show his face.""Bring him in," told Beckett and the soldier nodded and left. Short time later the man in black coat came in. Lea jumped up and called his keyblade but the man told, "Lower your Keyblade, Lea… I am not here to fight… in fact: I have a message for you in case I find you.""From your voice I take you are not Master Ordo," told Beckett and the man answered. "Master Ordo got a different task due unforeseen circumstances. My name is Kuranord and I have all negations rights Ordo had."He lifted his hood and Lea glared to the Organization XIII member but sat down again, "What is your message?""You should meet up with your friends… they have news for you which aren't the best… for neither side," told Kuranord and Lea asked. "Why should I believe you, you thief!""Can you risk not trusting me?" countered Kuranord and turned to Beckett. "We gave you everything we agreed on. Now we want our payment.""Of course," told Beckett. "Jones… the Fragment. Hand it over please."Jones growled but pulled from the place where his heart was once the fragment out and handed it over to Kuranort, "Thank you… I take my leave now. My orders are clear on this matter.""Of course," told Beckett. "We have here an issue far more troublesome to discuss."Once Kuranort was gone Beckett told, "I believe you're familiar with a person called Calypso.""Not a person," spat Jones. "A heathen god. One who delights in cursing men with their wildest dreams, and then revealing them to be hollow and naught but ash. The world is well rid of her.""Not quite so well, actually," told Will and Lea explained. "The Brethren Court intends to release her.""No! They cannot!" shouted Jones. "The First Court promised that she'd remain imprisoned forever; that was their agreement!""Your agreement, you mean?" Beckett challenged. Jones' angry demeanor seemed to wither as he turned away and spoke further."I showed them how to... bind her," he admitted. "She couldn't be trusted." His eyes drooped on his face, as did his tone of voice. "She gave me no choice," he shook his head and spoke firmly again. "We must act before they are allowed to release her!"Will stood up in awe, not even putting his teacup down, "You loved her," his face formed itself grimly. "Then you betrayed her.""She pretended to love me!" Jones insisted, marching towards Will. "She betrayed me!"Will looked up into the eyes of the captain and didn't back down, "Then I only wonder which betrayal led you to cut out your heart," Jones lifted his crab-claw of a right hand and slapped Will's teacup from his hand. It crashed against the floor, shattering into several pieces."Do not test me!" he angrily spat."I hadn't finished that," Will calmly replied, bringing more anger from Jones. "Now, if you will, these are my terms," he pointed to Jones. "You will free my father," then he turned his finger to Beckett. "You will guarantee our safety, along with Elizabeth's.""Along with the safety of mine and my friends Roxas and Xion," added Lea."Your terms are steep, gentlemen," Beckett weighed his options in his head. "I can only hope that you can present us with a fair value in return.""I only have one price in my mind," Jones stated. "Calypso murdered.""Calpyso is on the Black Pearl," told Lea and Will told. "Jack has sailed the Black Pearl to Shipwreck Cove.""And with you two no longer aboard her, how do you propose to lead us there?"Lea and Will look between Jones and Beckett before Will showed the compass of Jack and Lea wondered, "What is it you want most?" and Beckett began to grin.Barbossa pounded a round table, at least thirty feet long, to call attention to the meeting at hand. The one's required to be attentive involved the nine Pirate Lords and their crew members.There was Ammand, a corsair from North Africa. He had a stern face that wore a mustache curving upward on both sides, about an inch to the left and right of his nose. He led a crew of corsair pirates. He was the Pirate Lord of the Black Sea.The next was from France: Captain Chevalle, Pirate Lord of the Mediterranean. His face was donned in make-up that gave him a very pale complexion as well as a mustache and beard that had been etched on.Mistress Ching, the only female Pirate Lord in the court, ruled piracy in the Pacific Ocean. Her complexion was also painted with heavy white make-up. Her eyes were very dark and foggy.Jocard, Lord of the Atlantic, was a tall, Jamaican man adorned in the uniquely designed clothing of the region. He had dark brown skin with a braided goatee hanging from his chin.The Indian Ocean's Pirate Lord was a man called Sri Sumbhajee. He wore a green turban with a gold plate embedding the front and only his nose, cheeks, eyes, and forehead were not covered by grey facial hair. He also remained quiet, having his men speak for him.Eduardo Villanueva was the Spanish Pirate Lord, overseeing the Adriatic Sea. He was very plump and his facial hair covered all colors of the spectrum. His mustache was brown. His beard was white with patches of grey and black near his chin.Then there was Jack and Barbossa, Lords of the Caribbean and the Caspian Sea, respectively. Sao Feng, as of right now, was not here. Jack was casually playing with the swords that were pierced into a globe near the table, each marking the area of dominance where each Lord reigned with their piracy."Ladies and gents!" Barbossa called out. "As he who issued the summons, I now convene the Fourth Bretheren Court," Ragetti shuffled around the table to Sri Suhmbhajee, holding out a large bowl-shaped hat with red fabric lining the inside. Barbossa, meanwhile, continued. "To prove your Lordship and right to be heard, present your Pieces of Eight, fellow captains."Suhmbhajee reached into his pockets and dropped a small calf-horn into the hat. Chevalle was given the hat next, with him placing a card, the Queen of spades. Villanueva placed a broken bottle neck attached to a string inside."These aren't pieces of eight," this fact became apparent to Pintel quickly. Roxas nodded to him, "They look like pieces of junk.""Aye," Gibbs confirmed, as Jocard placed tobacco cutters in the hat. "The original plan was to use the nine Pieces of Eight to bind Calypso, but the First Court was broke when they were first brought together.""So change the name," Pintel suggested. Meanwhile, Mistress Ching deposited a pair of spectacles."Really?" Gibbs said with scorn. "Present your Nine Pieces of Whatever You Happen To Have In Your Pockets At The Time? Oh yes, that sounds very piratey.""He has a point," sweatdropped Roxas.Ammand spat into a tiny goblet before he dropped it into the hat. Barbossa's turn came and he held out his hand. "Master Ragetti, if you would be so kind."Ragetti looked up to Barbossa, "I kept it safe for you," he said with assurance. "Just like you said to do when you gave it to me.""Aye, you have, and I be grateful that you did your duty," Barbossa congratulated lightly. "Now I need it back." With no further delay, he smacked Ragetti's head, popping out the wooden eyeball and placing it inside the hat."Sparrow!" Villanueva's voice called thickly towards the other end of the room. Jack still stood idly by the globe and Ragetti faithfully rushed over, holding out the hat before Jack. All eyes were on the captain, whose hand hovered next to his head, where a charm carrying a coin danged from the end of it. Jack extended a finger from his hand instead of taking the charm, about to make a point."I feel I must remind everyone that we are one Lord short," he stood firmly and grinned. "I'm content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng is ready to join us.""Sao Feng is dead!" the voice that attracted all the attention belonged to Elizabeth, who now headed a crowd of sailors from Singapore. She had even put an outfit befitting of the former Pirate Lord himself, wearing armor in the same guise as the other sailors. "He fell to the Flying Dutchman!" cries of shock, paranoia, and protest were flung about the room while Elizabeth stepped up to the globe and stabbed her sword into the globe, piercing the South China Sea."He made you captain?" Jack cried incredulously. "Are they just giving away this title away now?""XION!" called Roxas and rushed over to her. "I am glad you are alright!""Thanks Roxas!" replied the girl. "Thought it was close at a time. While I had my keyblade, we also got unexpected but now dead help.""I bet Lea would have something to say… if he were here," replied Roxas and Xion wondered. "Where is Lea?""Not a clue! He just disappeared recently! And now that I think of it… I didn't see Will since his arrest as well.""He was arrested?" asked Xion surprised and Roxas nodded. "Due to his betrayal""Not much surprising I guess," replied Xion.Elizabeth stepped up to the table, trying to quell the escalating yells, "Listen to me!" she yelled even louder. "Our location is betrayed. Jones is under the control of Lord Cutler Beckett and they are on their way right now!""Who is the betrayer?!" Jocard demanded to know."It is not anyone among us for certain!" Barbossa replied."Where is Will?" asked Elizabeth realizing he is missing and Jack just replied. "Not among us! Just as the red haired friend of these two kids among us.""It matters not how they found us!" countered Barbossa. "The question is: what will we do now that they have?""We fight!" declared Elizabeth and everybody laughed and Ching explains. "Shipwreck Cove is a fortress. A well supplied fortress. There is no need to fight if they cannot get to us.""There be a third course," explained Barbossa. "In another age, at this very spot the First Brethren Court captured with the help of a Keybearer the sea goddess and bound her in her bones."Everybody agreed on this and Barbossa told, "That was a mistake. Oh, we tamed the seas for ourselves, aye. But opened the door to Beckett and his ilk. Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strenght of his back alone. You all know this to be true."Then he walked around the table, "Genlemen. Ladies. We must free Calypso."Everybody was silent by these words and Roxas wondered, "Uhm… wouldn't she be mad at us for being imprisoned for so long? Not to mention… you are holding her in the brigs right now."Xion looks at Roxas and muttered, "How dumb can man be?"Then an uproar came and Ammand demands, "Shoot him.""Cut out his tongue!" Jocard added."Shoot him and cut out his tongue!" Jack suggested. "Then shoot his tongue as well!" he took a quick look at Barbossa. "Also, I'd recommend that beard be given a trim."One of Sao Feng's former man explained, "Sao Feng would've agreed with Barbossa.""Calypso was our enemy then and she will stay our enemy!" Jocard replied."It's unlikely her moods improved over all these years!" Chevalle agreed. Roxas and Xion looked at each other… they just had this conversation."I still agree with Barbossa!" Villanueva declared, setting his gun on the table. "Calypso should be released!"Chevalle took a look at the gun. "You threaten me, Captain?""I silence you!" Villanueva shouted. He pulled up the gun and Chevalle responded with a punch to the fat Spaniard's face. As sudden as it would happen in Tortuga, a massive brawl was started. Pirates began to beat each other up with their fists, broken bottles, and anything they could find. Many were thrown across the table or sent sliding along it. The crews of the Black Pearl and the Empress were the only ones not involved in the fight."This is madness!" Elizabeth gasped."This to politics," Jack muttered. Roxas looked at this and wondered, "How did you manage to survive that long?""Not a clue," agreed Briggs."To think," Elizabeth shook her head. "All this happens as our enemies are bearing down on us."Barbossa rolled his eyes, "If they not be here already," he agreed with a grumble.The brig of the Black Pearl was bare of all except one occupant. Tia Dalma sighed heavily, sitting upon a bench with a few candles lit beside her, atop a small table. Within her hand, her fingers brush gently along the open heart-shaped locket she had worn on her neck. After such a fury as the one that she had displayed against Barbossa, only the locket could soothe her. It played a lullaby, an innocent twinkle of notes echoing through the silent room. She allowed it to pass for several moments before she closed it.The tune stopped, then began again. She turned her head in confusion. She knew that her locket was not the source of the noise music, but the exact same melody was being played nearby. Peeking out the bars, from where she could barely fit her arm through, a silhouette made itself clear as it stepped into the light. Within the slimy grasp of a tentacle, a similar locket was held. Lifting her head, Tia smiled when she saw the curved brim of a hat, forming an equally curved V-shape at its peak."My sweet," she murmered. She sniffled, holding tears that threatened to flow. "You came for me."The scowl of Davy Jones, even shadowed, was apparent. "You were expecting me," he stated."Aye," Tia replied, her voice weak from the happiness she felt upon seeing him. "It has been torture trapped in this single form. For many years, I've been cut off from the sea. From all that I love. And from you.""Your years were deservingly spent," Jones sneered. "I spent ten years devoting myself to the duty I was charged. Ten years I ferried souls from dead at sea to the other side," even in light of the enchanting tune of the locket, he still claimed a fierce appearance. "When it was all over, when we could have finally been together again, you weren't there," he forcefully snapped the locket shut. "Why weren't you there?"Tia shook her head sadly. "It is only my nature," she admitted. "Would you love me if I were not the thing that I am?"Jones turned away in a huff, "I do not love you," he growled. Tia followed his attempt to avoid her."You were many things, Davy Jones," Tia said. "But not cruel. Your purpose, and so yourself, have been corrupted," she moved her hand, reaching for Jones' chest. "And you dared hide away what always should have been mine!"Jones felt his body seize up when her hand made contact. Suddenly, he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. His body was warm, no longer the form of the slimy, grotesque monster that he had become. His tentacled beard shriveled away and flourished, leaving a beard that was gray, but healthy. His scaly flesh gave way to the less smooth, but much more comforting skin. Human skin. He gasped heavily, feeling the oxygen flow through him.A warm body came with a warm feeling to. He looked upon Tia Dalma with a longing in his eyes, a longing he had not felt for her in a long time. His hand, human as well, shook for a moment before he lifted it to Tia's cheek, stroking it. And her hand was doing the same upon his face, "Calypso..." he whispered.Tia looked him straight in his eyes and spoke again, "I will be free," she promised. "When I am, I can give you my heart. I can make it so we are together always. I only wish you had a heart to give," with a fierce motion, she removed her hand. Jones' transformation disappeared and he was a cold, heartless octopus-man once again. In shock, he forced his left hand, the crab claw, to clamp Tia's neck. She glared at him harshly, despite being in his mercy, "Why did you come?"Jones, calming from his outburst, released her and pulled his claw back. However, it was now too large to fit through the bars, and he clumsily pulled a few more times. Then, with a heavy sigh, he walked right through the bars, pushing on through like he was made of water. "So, tell me, what fate you have planned to befall your captors.""The Brethren Court?" Tia snarled. "By the end of their lives, the last thing they will know is just how cruel I can be!" satisfied, Jones turned his back on Tia and started his walk away. Tia turned to speak again, keeping him a moment longer, "And what will be your fate, Davy Jones?" she inquired.Jones turned his head, his eyes remaining solemn. He spoke again, only his voice no longer had sharpness in its tone. He cast that manner of himself aside to speak in the voice of a lover, "My heart will always belong to you."Tia's eyes widened happily upon hearing the words. She turned away so he would not see her well up. The two did not face each other again and Jones disappeared, returning from whence he came, a shriveling sound marking his departure.Though no fatalities had been observed, the pirates of the Court continued to brawl unrelentlessly. Barbossa finally stood on top of the table and fired a single shot at the ceiling. The crack of the pistol was enough to get everybody to go still and pay attention."It was the First Court who imprisoned Calypso!" Barbossa reminded every pirate. "If we were to set her free, she would grant us boons out of her gratitude!""Whose boons?" Jack questioned. "Yours?"Barbossa dismounted the table, "If you say you have an alternative, please share.""Cuttlefish," Jack began, garnering confused stares from the others. "Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish. Free spirits, peaceful. Lock them up together and they'll devour each other without consideration. Human nature, eh? Or maybe fish nature," he strolled up behind Mistress Ching, gently laying his hands on her shoulders. "So we could stay here, all holed up like this, and half of us would be dead within a month," one person from her crew became edgy, so Jack pulled his hands away. "That's pretty grim no matter how you slice it," he pointed to Barbossa. "Or, as my learned colleague naively suggests, we could release Calypso and pray that she will show mercy," he paused in his steps, creating dramatic emphasis. "I rather doubt that. We cannot pretend that she is not a monster which fury hell hath no?" he turned to face his end of the table and began to finish his thoughts. "With this in mind, we are left with but one option. I agree with, and I can't believe the words are coming out of me mouth..." with a gulp of regret, he gestured towards Elizabeth. "Captain Swann. We must fight."Elizabeth blinked in surprise of Jack's statement, as unsure as everyone else about what had just escaped Jack's mouth. However, Barbossa issued a rebuttal upon Jack almost immediately after he had finished speaking, "You've always run away from a fight!""Have not," Jack argued."You have so," Barbossa insisted."Have not!""You have so!""Have not!""You have so and you know it!""Have not! Slander and calumny!" Jack retorted quickly. "I have only embracedthat oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit that here and now that is what we all must do: We must fight to run away!""Aye!" Gibbs agreed. The rest of the Pearl's crew, save for Barbossa, drew their swords as well. The smirk on Barbossa's face was not gone just yet, though."Ask per the code, an act of war," Barbossa began. "And this be actually that, can only be declared by the pirate king.""You made that up!" Jack protested."Did I, now?" Barbossa challenged. "I call for Cap'n Teague, Keeper of the Code!"Jack's expression sank instantly. Meanwhile, one of the India pirates cleared his throat, preparing to speak for his Lord, "Sri Sumbhajee proclaims this all to be folly!" His voice was more powerful after that, due to the fact that he began speaking for himself. "Hang the code! Who gives a..."BAMM!Everybody stared at the pirate as a hole has appeared on the forehead and fell backwards on the ground… no one had to look to know that this man was now dead. Then they turned to the spot where the shoot came from, a small puff of smoke faded to reveal another captain, Teague, one who bore a striking similar look to Jack. Dreadlocks and a long coat, a large hat, and several rings on his fingers made his appearance. The only difference was the leathery look that encompassed his skin. He blew softly on the pistol, clearing the smoke."The code is the law," he stated plainly. He stepped down the staircase that led into the cabin of a ship, making his way towards the table. The demeanor of every pirate changed, as they had slowly begun to sit down again when Teague started his approach. Nobody dared challenge this man. If one were to take a look at Jack, they would've seen the twitching corners of even this confident pirate's mouth when Teague stepped behind him, "You're in my way, boy," Jack shuffled aside without a question."Wow…" muttered Roxas and Xion whispered. "I don't want to be on his bad side…"Teague stepped up to the table. With one hand, he motioned towards himself. Two elder men with heavy white beards upon their faces carried a large square object between them, covering the entire end of the table when they settled it down. The item was clarified to be a large book, entitled Pirata Codex."The code!" Pintel whispered in fascination."As set forth by Morgan and Bartholomew..." Ragetti murmered as well. Since Barbossa had taken his wooden eye, Ragetti had no alternative but to wear an eyepatch over his right eye-socket. Pintel took a quick look at it, pondered it in his head, then nodded gently in approval.The Pirate Code book was binded with metal hinges and a lock between the front and back covers, preventing it from forbidden access. Teague turned away again and whistled. A dog came which carried a ring with only one key on it and dropped it on Teague waiting hand."What?" Ragetti questioned. "It's that... how did...?"Teague shrugged casually, "Sea turtles, mate.""Care to explain what you mean?" asked Xion and Ragetti told. "We left this dog on an island which inhabited by man eating people… we were in a hurry to be not captured.""And now it is here?" asked Roxas in confusion and Pintel nodded, "Yeah."The dog barked twice in agreement before it hopped to the ground and ran off. Teague inserted the key into the lock and pushed open the giant book. His finger trailed down the page he had flipped to and he muttered to himself softly, "Aha... Barbossa is correct.""Let me see that," Jack said. He bent over to look at the page where Teague's finger had been. "It shall be the duty of the Pirate King to declare and parlay with adversaries.""There's been no King since the First Court!" Chevalle informed. "That's not likely to change now.""Not likely indeed," Teague agreed, retreating from the area and sat in a chair several feet away from the meeting. He picked up a guitar and began plucking it to a gentle tune."Why?" Xion wondered aloud, as did others who were unaware."Popular vote is how a Pirate King is elected," Gibbs explained."Aye," Barbossa confirmed. "And each pirate only ever votes for hisself."Jack's opportunity was conceived at that moment, "I call for a vote!" groans were heard unanimously among the Court, but they went along with this request."I vote for Armand, the Corsair!" Armand voted."Captain Chevalle, the penniless Frenchman!""Sri Sumbhajee votes for Sri Sumbhajee.""Mistress Ching!""Gentleman Jocard!"Elizabeth shrugged and continued the pattern, "Elizabeth Swann."Barbossa smiled, "Barbossa.""Villanueva!"Jack was the only vote left and everybody waited expectantly. Even Teague stopped playing his guitar to hear the result. Jack wore a smile before he spoke, "Elizabeth Swann."Elizabeth blinked several times, "What?""Strange, isn't it?" Jack replied. Teague casually began playing his guitar again. However, there was uproar in the rest of the court. Every pirate was angered by the fact that Jack had done the selfless thing instead of what they all had believed he would do. "Am I to understand that you lot will not be keeping to the Code, then?"The mere mention of a Code violation alarmed Teague, causing him to snap the top string of his guitar, creating a loud sound that caught everyone's attention. Combined with a harsh glare from the Code Keeper, the rest of the pirates fell silent once again."Would he really shoot all of the Pirate Lords just for this?" asked Xion and Gibbs answered. "Believe me: Nobody is doubting this!"Very well," Mistress Ching spoke, giving in. Though blind, she gestured to where she had heard Elizabeth's voice, giving attention directly to her. "What do you say, Captain Swann, King of the Brethren Court?"Elizabeth smiled, taking a breath to take in the victory for a moment, "Prepare any vessel that floats. At dawn, we will be at war."Another small shock would follow, for Sri Sumbhajee arose from his chair, "And so, we shall go to war!" the whole court did a double-take when they heard the incredibly high pitch that Sri Sumbhajee's voice had, but they were all cheering the next moment. If this had just inspired Sri Sumbhajee to speak, this was clearly a rare day. Barbossa sighed gently, then jerked his head upward as a signal to Ragetti. The lackey understood and quickly hid the hat containing the Pieces of Eight inside his coat.Xion and Roxas were just still staring at Sumbhajee… how could such a guy have such a voice and be Pirate Lord? Nobody would take him seriously.Jack looked upon the first uproar of happiness in today's court, brought about by his hand. As the others started to leave, Jack altered direction to face Teague, whose expression remained grim as ever, "What?" he wondered. "Don't look at me like that. You've seen it all, done it all. You survived. That's the real trick, isn't it? Surviving?"Teague shook his head gently, "It isn't just about living forever, Jackie," he placed his guitar beside the chair, which could appropriately be called his throne. "The trick is to live with yourself forever."Jack nodded in understanding. His mouth twitched a bit before he spoke again, more casually. "How's mama?" Teague stared blankly at Jack, not even altering his expression as he lifted a shrunken head before the captain. It was black in color, had rotting dirty-blonde hair, and bones crossed over its mouth. Jack's eyes darted back and forth between Teague and the skull and forced a smile, "She looks... great!"On the next day, every pirate ship was ready for the fight against the EITC, waiting for their enemy. Then from the fog in the distance, a ship began to appear… as it got clearer, it turned out to be the Dutchman."The enemy is here! Let's take them!" called one of the pirates and everybody cheered on this at the upcoming fight, except for Barbossa with the coming reason: more ships began to emerge from the fog and soon it was clear they had to face an entire armada.With that all of them became silent. Except for Cotto'ns parrot… it just stated, "Abandon ship. Abandon ship," while flying away.Then on the Pearl everybody turned to Jack who just muttered, "Parley?"True to his suggestion, a sandbar was located about halfway between the two fleets, an ideal place for negotiation was entered by the negotiators of each side. From the pirates came Barbossa, Elizabeth, Jack and the two keybearers Roxas and Xion.From the other side were Beckett with Davy Jones, standing in a bucket of water and with them were Will and to Xion's and Roxa's surprise was Lea with them."You two be the curs that led these wolves to our door," told Barbossa to Lea and Will. Beckett told, "Don't blame Turner. He was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left."Everybody looked to the left and everybody looked to Jack who just looked back after seeing nobody was next to his left."My hands are clean in this," declared Jack. "Figuratively.""My actions were my own and my own purpose," told Will and Lea told. "I just tagged along after Jack threw me and Will overboard.""Jack had nothing to do with it," countered Will and Jack just said. "Well spoke. Listen to the tool.""Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman," explained Elizabeth. "I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost.""No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it" told Will and Xion explained. "Your father is completely submitted to Davy Jones Crew! He is part of the ship now!""Then I have even more reason to free him," told Will."If turner wasn't acting on your behalf," began Beckett. "Then why did Master Lea say otherwise while how did Master Turner come to give me this?"And he showed Jack's Compass. Then he continues, "You made a deal with me, Jack, to deliever the pirates. And here they are."Roxas looked at Jack and asked, "How could you ever got Sora's trusts?""Well, Zora is bit too na?ve for his own well being… he should have known to not trust a dishonest pirate," countered Jack while catching his Compass as Beckett threw it over. Then the man told, "Don't be bashful. Step up. Claim your reward.""Your debt to me is still to be satisfied," declared Davy Jones. "One hundred years in servitude aboard the Dutchman. As a start.""That debt was paid, mate. With some help," told Jack while gesturing to Elizabeth and Jones told, "You escaped.""Techically," told Jack and Elizabeth added. "I propose an exchange," letting everybody turning to her."Will leaves with us…" she explained. "And you can take Jack.""What about Lea?" asked Roxas but Elizabeth told. "We don't have anything to exchange for him.""Done!" told Will while Jack told. "Undone.""Done," told Beckett and Xion told. "You cannot hand over one of the nine Pirate Lords!""King," she just smiled and Jack told. "As you mommand, your nibs.""Blackguard!" shouted Barbossa and swings his sword at the fellow Pirate, unnoticely cutting Jacks coin off and the ape called Jack leaped down, getting the Piece of eight for its owner. However jack noticed it but before he could act, Barbossa came close and told, "If ye have something to say, I might by saying something as well.""First to the finish, then?" asked Jack and began to move over while Will came to them. Once Jack was between Beckett and Jones, the captain of the Dutchman asked, "Do you fear death?""You've no idea," told Jack while Beckett told to the pirates. "Advise your Brethren: You can fight, and all of you will die. Or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die.""You murdered my father," began Elizabeth and Beckett told. "He chose his own fate.""Then you have chosen yours," told Elizabeth. "We will fight. And you will die.""So be it," exclaims stated Beckett while the pirates and Keybeares began to leave.On the way back to the Pearl Will asked, "King?""Of the Brethren Court," replied Xion. "Thanks to Jack.""Maybe he really does know what he's doing," told Will and Roxas told. "I don't know! Or else he would have found a way to stay away from Lea… he didn't forget about the episode where I had to serve on the Dutchman."Later Jack and Lea were down on the brigs of the Dutchman and Lea told, "Bravo! Thanks to you we are both on the Dutchman! And I am only inches away from burning you alive!""Then what is stopping you mate?" asked Jack and Lea grabbed his throat. "The fact that Beckett told me earlier he plans to execute Xion and Roxas in front of my eyes and letting me go so I could tell every Keybearer not to go against their company! Instead we should consider to work for him as slaves!""Well… considering this it is better than working 100 years on this ship," told Jack and Lea let go but punched him. "Then tell me what we could do to save them and get off this ship!""Stab his heart," offered Jack. "And I live forever as captain of the Flying Dutchman.""You forgot something!" told Lea. "You can only set food on land for only once every 10 years. Not to mention how to stab it while we are in the brig?""How about your fency Keyblade?" asked Jack and Lea pointed to the door. "They were smart enough to close the door with an one way lock! I have to hit the Keyhole which is nearly impossible from inside here.""This does seem to put immortality a bit out of reach," agreed Jack, trying to think of his next move.Chapter 68: Chapter 67Back aboard the Pearl exclaimed Elizabeth to everybody, "We'll need to use the Black Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack.""Oh, will we now?" asked Barbossa while watching as Tia Dalma was brought on deck and Xion wondered. "What is going on?"Roxas shrugged, "I only know she was brought to the brigs on Barbossa's orders.""We will free Calypso now," told the captain and Roxas looked and told. "Wait… are you telling she is Calypso?""Aye!" was the reply and Will protested. "You can't release her.""We need to give Jack a chance," told Elizabeth but Barbossa shot back. "Apologies, Your Majesty. Too long my fate has not been in me own hands."Then he took the pendant which proved her right as Pirate Lord and added "No longer."He stepped away immediately and dropped Jack's beaded coin and the necklace into the hat with the other seven items."Be there some rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked."Aye," told Barbossa. "The items brought together, done. Items to be burned… by a keybearer and someone must speak the words: Calypso, I realese you from your human bonds.""You really should have taken Lea… he is the fire expert," told Roxas but Barbossa told. "Any keybearer who can set this on fire will be enough."Roxas sighs sighed and took one of his blades out and shoots shot a fireball at the items and Xion wondered, "That's all?""Tis said it must be spoke as if to a lover," added Barbossa and Roxas instantly steps back a some centimetersThen he turned to Tia and spoke the magic words, "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds!"………Nothing happened."Is that it?" asked Roxas."You just didn't say it right," Barbossa stepped away and raised an eyebrow calmly towards Ragetti. "You... you need to say it right," slowly, Ragetti made his way towards Tia Dalma. "Calypso..." he spoke with a softer tone than Barbossa's yell to the sky. He leaned down by her ear and whispered, "I release you from your human bonds."Tia, her face bearing a weakened expression, was finally eased into a semi-relaxed state. The hat holding the items reacted as well, spitting up fire and causing Tia to seize up and tremble violently. The other sailors held her in place before the hat, making sure that she inhaled the fumes of the burning items that were being offered for her release."Tia Dalma!" Will cried, lunging forward. He was still held back in part by the Singaporean sailors, but he was now only a few feet from the waking goddess. "Calypso…" her eyes opened wide and she spun her head to face him. The hat dropped to the deck of the ship and spilled. The charred remains of the items plopped onto the deck, little more than ash, "When the First Court imprisoned you, who told them how?" Tia's angry expression became more profound, as did her trembling. "Who was it that betrayed you?""Name him!" Tia snarled.Will stared sternly into her eyes, "Davy Jones."Tia's face contorted again, only this time to an expression of sadness. It clenched slowly beyond that into a complexion of suffering. The trembling turned into swelling. Tia was growing bigger and causing the ropes to unfurl, though they remained around her body."This is it!" Pintel declared, keeping hold of his rope and backing away from Tia. "This is it!"Indeed it was. Tia was growing and growing by the second. Twenty feet she reached and she still didn't stop. The ropes were tightened and being tugged at. Some of the men struggled to keep hold of them as the tug threatened to let the binds of Calypso slip away. Harnesses tied to posts aboard the ship snapped pieces of it away. The deck cracked in some places from the sheer weight and pressure it was being dealt.Then it was over. Tia Dalma stood in the center of the ship as she had only moments ago. The only difference was now that she stood about fifty feet tall, a goddess with a large stature to match her great power. Were it not for the very lengthy ropes around her body, she would have freedom to crush every crew member and sink the Black Pearl. As a goddess, no one could predict what kind of power she might exert.Barbossa got down on one knee and bowed his head, "Calypso!" the rest of the crew followed suit. "I come before you as a servant, humble and contrite," he raised his head and looked up at the giant woman before him. "I have fulfilled my vow and now ask for your favor," Tia stared down at the miniscule people before her as he spoke. "Spare me self, me ship, and me crew, but unleash your fury upon those who would dare claim to be your masters or mine!"Tia seemed to smile again, as if perfectly willing to abide by this request. Then a low rumbling seemed to well up inside her. She opened her mouth and a low noise, one that seemed to present a very deep voice mingled with that of Tia's regular voice, shouted out gibberish at the sailors, shrieking curses at them. The rumbling of the ship alerted every person to their feet. She struggled against the mast for a few seconds before her body began to decompose.At least that seemed to be what was happening, at least. Her body instantly began to break down and the pieces of it rained onto the deck of the ship. The screaming crew soon could see that a giant pack of crabs, entirely identical to the ones that had rescued the Pearl from the Locker, falling towards them. The crew dealt with the barrage head on, scrambling for space where crabs would not topple over their heads. The massive downpour resulted in the crabs overflowing the deck and toppling over the edge of the vessel and into the ocean.Some remained on the ship and Roxas had to pull one off which was holding on his nose and asked, "Does Barbossa have more great ideas?"But as he saw Ragetti he instantly had his hands between the legs… since two crabs were holding on a very painful spot on the one eyed pirate."Not very helpful goddess," told Xion. Barbossa just stared and told, "Our final hope has failed us."The wind reacted to his statement, seizing and carrying away the hat of one of the sailors aboard the ship. It picked up, ruffling the rolled-up sails of the Pearl and making its ropes taut. The ship itself seemed to creak in anticipation, yearning for battle.Elizabeth observed the activity shifting around her, "It's not over," she realized."We can still fight," Will agreed."We've an armada against us," Gibbs said solemnly. "And with the Dutchman, there's no chance.""It's a fool's chance," Elizabeth replied. Then she smiled. "But a chance nonetheless."Barbossa stepped up to Elizabeth, "Revenge won't bring back your father, Miss Swann. It is not something I be intending to risk my life for."Elizabeth nodded, " You're right," she admitted. She looked at them, "But what shall we die for?" she walked towards the railing. "You will listen to me," she ordered, then she shrieked. "Listen!" she climbed up to the railing and stood where everybody could see her. Her wavy hair flew in the wind as she held onto the rigging and spoke. "The Brethren still looking here to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead. And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No! No, they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons. They will heard the ring of our swords, and they will know what we can do. By the sweat of our brows and the strength of our backs and the courage of our hearts."She took a deep breath, lowering her voice, "Gentlemen… hoist the colors."Will nodded, "Hoist the colors.""Hoist the colors," Roxas said, summoning his Keyblades."Hoist the colors!" Pintel cried out. Murmurs such as this were mimicked among the rest of the crew, chattering all around."Aye," Gibbs murmured. "The wind is on our side, boys! We need nothing else!""AYE!" that was the unanimous cry of the Pearl's crew as they stuck up their swords.Xion held up her hand and summoned 'Light Within Darkness', smiling brightly, "This speech inspired me!"Elizabeth smiled at the effect of her words, then turned to face the other ships, making eye contact with Tai Huang, the interim captain of the Empress, "Hoist the colors!" she bellowed again. Huang drew his sword and cried out. The cheering, the inspiration, the energy, the pirate pride soon infected every ship on the line. The flags donning the symbols of piracy were raised, including the Black Pearl's own black flag: the Jolly Roger, donning a skull and two crossed blades.Beckett's commander approached him aboard the Endeavor, "We have favorable wind, sir."Beckett glanced up. "Ah, so we do," he sat at a small table, pouring some sugar into his tea and mixing the brown liquid. "Signal Jones to give no. That should brighten his day."The order was given and two flags were waved accordingly as a signal. Mercer received it at the helm of the Dutchman, "To arms!" he commanded. "We are to give no quarter!"No quarter was a sailing term meaning that no mercy would be shown. Total annihilation was the objective of this battle. Jones stared at Mercer for a moment as this order was conveyed. His face then turned upwards to face the sky. A fog was beginning to settle in and dim the area. Heavy clouds began to grow and swirl, releasing lightning and thunder over the massive area of open sea in which this battle would take place."Calypso," Jones whispered to himself. Another flash of lightning came, followed by thunder and a steady stream of rain. The steadiness took only two seconds to raise a downpour, followed by an outright storm of water coming down upon them. Jones closed his eyes, allowing the precipitation to cover his sea-monster face. Then his eyes sprang open and he bellowed to the sky, "AAAAAAAH!"Unfurling from their fastenings were the sails for the Flying Dutchman. The sails caught in the wind and the ship was advanced forward, heading directly towards the small fleet of pirate ships. Opposite them, the Black Pearl was setting sail as well. Sailors aboard both vessels began to man their stations."Have you noticed, on top of everything, it's raining?" Pintel complained."That's a bad sign!" Ragetti agreed, following him below deck. Gibbs on the other hand called. "Man the capstan. Raise the main topyard. Keep that powder dry."The rain remained relatively steady in its heavy downpour, but the clouds and the stormy activity increased. Lighting struck at the surface of the sea and the wind affected the rain's falling patterns, leaving almost nothing dry. One strike of lightning signaled a depression in the ocean, literally. The water actually seemed to drop downward as if there was a sudden hole that it flowed to. Then the center of this depression darkened, as the water at its based swirled to the point of oblivion.Gibbs peered over the side of the ship and easily spotted this new obstacle dead ahead. "Maelstorm!"Elizabeth and Will rushed over to Barbossa, who was facing out at the sea, "Captain Barbossa!" only a subtle glance was given to them when Elizabeth referred to him as captain. "We need you at the helm!"Barbossa looked Elizabeth in the eye. A certain gleam had taken it, glistening despite the clouds and the rain that darkened everything around them, "Aye, that be true!" he pushed Cotton from the wheel of the ship and took hold. "Brace up the yards, you cavalry of deck apes!" he spun the wheel with a forceful push. "The dying day is the day worth living for!"They began to divert their course, starting a maneuver to circle the giant bowl-shaped whirlpool that covered the battlefield of sea. The Dutchman was still advancing towards the massive depression."Veer off!" Mercer urged.His orders were interrupted by Jones, who shoved the redcoat, steering his ship out of the way, taking his position at the helm, "She'll not harm us!" he assured. He spun the wheel back on track, heading for the maelstrom. "Full forward and into the abyss!""Are you mad?" Mercer bellowed over the downpour of rain."Ha!" Jones sneered. "You afraid to get wet?"Mercer looked on nervously, but didn't stop Jones as he steered the ship straight into the maelstrom. The fast-moving water pulled it along, moving it closer to the Pearl. Though it circled from higher ground, the brilliant vessel was losing its lead on the Dutchman."She's gaining on our stern!" Will warned."More speed!" ordered Barbossa, turning the wheel towards the maelstrom. "Haul wind and hold water!"Even as the Pearl began to venture slightly into the mass of dangerous waters, the Dutchman had been propelled much closer, leaving them in range."Bow cannons!" Jones snarled. The front flaps of his ship opened up and the triple- barreled cannons where were thrusted into view, aimed straight at their target. One was fired, followed in short succession by the other. The barrel of the first had already rotated and fired another one at their enemies, leaving little time to react.The wheel of the Pearl suffered a strike, as well as a few spots on deck. A sailor was sent overboard by the blast of the cannon, "Turn us away or they'll overbear us!" Will urged."Nay!" Barbossa defied. "Cut across to faster waters! Further in!" he turned the wheel more and the Pearl made the same descending motion into the swirling vortex of water. Before long, it was leaving the Dutchman well behind it, though the two ships remained across from each other, on opposite sides."Man the cannons!" Gibbs called out. "Keep the powder dry!"A good portion of the crew retreated below deck and rolled the cannons to firing position. Roxas took a spot by the railing and aimed his Keyblade directly at the Dutchman. Taking an approach from higher ground, Xion climbed the rigging up to the crow's nest and pointed the Keyblade she held. The ships, distant as they were, were now board-to-board, a perfect opportunity for anybody to take."Fire!" Barbossa ordered."Fire!" Elizabeth shouted in agreement."Fire!" Gibbs yelled to the crew below deck. "Fire all!""Fire!" the spell was uttered by both Roxas and Xion, sending their projectiles across the air and zooming towards the Dutchman. The crew of the Pearl lit the fuses of the cannons and their payload of cannon fire was heaved towards Jones' ship as well. The attacked ship was not about to waste any time before dishing out their own offense."Fire!" Jones bellowed, ushering forth the blast of his own cannons, obliterating other random spots on the Pearl. On both sides, opposing cannons were forced back, crew members were shoved to the ground or overboard by the blasts and circling of the ships within the maelstrom gradually brought them closer together as they sailed."It be too late to alter course now, mateys!" Barbossa cackled happily, with a thrill to be in the midst of battle.In the brigs of the Dutchman was Jack walking up and down, thinking about how he and Lea could escape."Think like the whelp," he muttered to himself over and over again. The other apparitions of himself constantly chanted the same thing until one of them finally reached the door of the cell and was able to examine it."Half-barrel hinges," he announced. Then he added, "Leverage."The bench of the brig was immediately put to better use as Jack shoved it through the bars. He pushed down on it and the old trick Jack had learned was put in motion once again. Then Jack kicked down the cell door and he walked out, "Wish us luck, boy. We'll need it!" a brief silence followed his departure."Why didn't he use this earlier!" shouted Lea and rushed after Jack, wondering if he was crazier than he originally thought.Jack stepped through the ship, searching for his confiscated weapons and hat. He had only a small hunch, but he decided to try the captain's cabin first. He hesitated upon entrance due to the rumbling caused by the impact of a cannon ball on the outside of the ship, but he proceeded. However, another hesitation presented itself when he saw two redcoats on either side of a post.On top of the post was the chest, which contained the heart of Jones. Posts on both sides of this one had been constructed as perches for two small cannons. The two spotted him and instantly pointed their weapons at Jack, "Don't move or we'll shoot!" the first one warned. Another cannon impact caused a burst of steam to enter the room, startling the two guards."Good one," Jack complimented. He walked directly to his right when he saw his sword and hat resting on top of a table. His movements were tracked by the cannons, "I've just come to get me effects," Jack promised, holding up his sword before he slipped the strap over his shoulder. He picked up his hat and placed it on his head, "Admirable as it may be, why are you two here when there is an absolutely exhilarating battle going on out there?""Someone has to stay and guard the chest," the second redcoat told. "It's just orders is all. Have to follow orders," quickly, the two turned their cannons back onto the chest."Got to question our orders in these strange times, though," the first guard spoke up. "We try to stick to the book, but this vessel has suffered an extreme drop in military discipline.""I blame the fish people," the second said."Oh, that's lovely," the first responded. Jack, who had walked over by the chest, lifted his hand and opened his mouth, as if to speak. However, the redcoats didn't even seem to notice, "You think that by the mere dint of being fish people, they are automatically deemed to be less disciplined than non-fish people?""From what I've seen of them, it seems contributory," the second defended. "I'm only suggesting.""But it has a ring of truth," the first guard affirmed. Confident that their conversation was distracting enough, Jack gripped the handles of the chest and began to calmly walk away from the two soldiers. "And if there were no fish people, we'd have no reason to guard the chest.""And if there were no chest, we wouldn't need to be here to guard it," the second one finished. Returning their gaze to the chest, they were incredibly surprised to find that the chest had left its post, right out from under their noses. They stared in awe, then looked at each other in confusion.And Lea was staring in awe as he found Jack outside of the captain's cabin WITH the chest in his arms, "Don't tell me that Jones hand it over to you.""Nope! I bet he won't be happy when he learns I took it once more," told Jack.After circling the maelstrom and firing off cannons, the Dutchman was ordered once again by Mercer, "Prepare to board!" he yelled. Jones, still steering, kept his eyes out for incoming cannon balls. At the opportune moment, he saw one coming towards the area they both stood in."Cover!" he leaped away from the wheel and plowed Mercer against the railing, pushing him away from the incoming projectile. The redcoats stationed alongside them were not so lucky. The ball barreled straight into them and kept going, knocking them forcefully across the deck.Seeing the results of the hit, Jones grabbed Mercer and his tentacles began to strangle the man while taking the key from him. Once Mercer was dead, he let go of the corpse and began to step down the stairs to his quarters… only to find Lea and Jack with the chest that contained his heart."Look here, boys. Lost birds," told Jones. "Lost birds which never learned to fly."Then he drew his blade and Jack answered, "To my great regret. But never too late to learn eh?"He got on the railing and hit the chest on the wall, releasing a rope he grabbed on and got pulled up. He swung and landed on one of the masts. Everybody watched this and Lea muttered, "How mad is he?"Jack on the other hand was smiling with the acknowledge to have gotten away from Jones… only to turn around and see him coming, "The chest, hand it over.""I can set you free, mate," countered Jack but Jones just answered. "My freedom was forfeit long ago."And the two began to fight on top of the Flying Dutchman which was still sailing inside the mealstrom. The only pause they made was as they heard an explosion below them.Lea was standing in the middle of a large scorch mark of the ship with a group of the crew being burned. One hand holding the keyblade while the other holds a chakram. Looking up Jack told to Jones, "I should have gotten him on the good side as I had a chance""Bah! Both of you will serve me for hundred years!" shot Jones and they clashed swords once more while the ships still bombarded each other with the cannons. They got closer and the crew of the Dutchman began to swing over on ropes to board the Pearl. Some of them were not lucky enough to reach their goal since they either were hit by random cannon balls, bullets or spells form Xion and Roxas. Also one got on board while Roxas was near… only to get cut in half by two keyblades.Xion joined some of the crew from the Black Pearl to board the Flying Dutchman. Once they were on board they began to fight against the crew and Xion stabbed one of the nearest crew members before seeing Lea."LEA!" shouted Xion and rushed over to him to cut a closing Dutchman's crewmember."How did you get out?" asked Xion afterwards and Lea told. "Jack!""He is really a strange man," told Xion and Lea agreed on it while they were clashing swords with their opponents.Barbossa who fought against one while standing on the wheel, used said object to break the fishman's arm.And while a fresh bunch came from the Dutchman, Will went to Elizabeth. "Will you marry me?"They cut a fishman before Elizabeth answered, "I don't think now's the best time."They finished off two more before Will answered, "Now may be the only time."Then they killed two members of the EITC before Will declared, "I love you."Two more fishman came and they stroke the swords with them while Will explained, "I've made my choice. What's yours?"Elizabeth waited for some moments before declaring, "BARBOSSA! Marry us!"Roxas was helping Barbossa as Elizabeth order came and he asked, "Marriage? Right now?""I'm a little busy at the moment!" told Barbossa while fighting with one of the fishman. Will killed another enemy before telling, "Barbossa, now."Barbossa was trapped between two sailors. He leaned back to force the sword of the right-hand attacker to pierce the chest of the sailor on his left, then stabbed the original attacker with his own sword, "Fine, then!" he bellowed, climbing onto a podium in front of the wheel. He kicked aside another sailor and stood up, placing a hand over his heart. "Dearly beloved, we be gathered here today…" he turned to engage in a brief duel with one of Jones' men. "To nail your gizzards to the mast, you proxy cur!" he cut the sailor across the face and kicked him to the deck.Seeing no easy alternative, Will and Elizabeth separated momentarily to push aside any resistance before clasping hands, "Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?" Will asked.Elizabeth nodded ecstatically, "I do!"Will smiled, "Great!""And Will Turner!" Elizabeth returned. "Do you take me to be your wife…" they turned to duel with two of Jones' advancing men. They used strong, forceful strikes to push them away and Will stabbed his foe immediately. "In sickness and in health…" Elizabeth held her sword up to block a chop from the other sailor while Will reached underneath and shoved his sword into his stomach. "With health being the less likely?" Elizabeth finally finished.Will yanked his sword from the body and the couple clasped hands again, "I do!"Barbossa, watching over, swung his sword back and forth to each side of him to fend off various strikes from two enemies, "As Captain, I now pronounce you…" he broke sentence briefly to kick one of his enemies over the railing. "You may kiss…" he interrupted himself again to shoot an oncoming sailor in the face. "You may kiss…" he was cut off again when he had to hop off the podium to avoid a swipe at his legs. Below, on deck, Elizabeth and Will had pushed away the last adversary, now having killed enough to leave each crew member to occupy themselves with the rest.Barbossa pulled his sword back and made a wide, violent swipe at two more of the sea-sailors, knocking them to the floor. "Forget it!" Roxas bellowed at Will and Elizabeth. "Just kiss already!"The couple used their free arms to hug each other around the torso and then leaned into each other. Their lips met and the battle around them seemed to merely ignore them, slowing down time as they kissed. They were tied in the bond of marriage, a bond they knew would last from this moment until the day they died.After stabbing a sailor before using his other Keyblade to cut a fishman, Roxas exclaimed, "I heard of marriage on ships but this is a new level!""When we are already in merry mood, how about you and your girlfriend?" asked Barbossa while shooting another sailor."Xion and I aren't a couple," told Roxas. "And she is right now on the Dutchman".The crews of the two ships were still fighting and killing each other. Jones and Jack were still fighting at each other. Once their blades were locked again, Jones told, "You can do nothing without the key.""I already have the key! A blade of a key!" exclaimed Jack but Jones laughed. "You don't!"He showed the key to Jack, "Keyblades don't work on the lock!""Oh, that key" told Jack, freed his blade, tossed Jones back a little and cut the tentacle which was holding on the key to the chest. Davy Jones cried in pain and attacked Jack who disarmed Jones followed by a 'slap' with the chest. Jack attacked again but Jones captured his blade with the pincher hand and broke the blade.Jack saw himself in trouble as the masts of the two ships collided and Jack fell off by the shock which hit both ships. Jones jumped and grabbed the chest only to see what Jack was holding on it as well… or rather hanging on it. If jack fell now, he would be landing in the eye of the maelstrom.Jones raised the claw and shook the chest, sending Jack flying. He got on one of the lines which were swinging around with a fishman holding it. Jack told, "Oi, my pistol".He took the weapon, hit with it on the fishman's head like a club and send the enemy into the water. While swinging he aimed and shot, forcing Jones to drop his the chest.Will had watched all of this and boarded the Dutchman as result. He spotted the chest and the key. Grabbing the two items he ran to a spot where he could work but he was spotted by a fishman, having the head of a hammer hai. And he attacked Will with an axe.Pintel and Raggetti in the meanwhile came to the grandious idea to put Jack, the unded monkey into one of the cannons and shoot shot him directly at the Dutchman, landing on the hammerhead fishman. Holding on the enemy, the fishman stumbled back and fell over. Will looked down and told, "Thank you, Jack."Jones came down in the meanwhile and grabbed his blade which was admired by a sailor at this time and killed the man.Jack Will, on the other hand was so unfortune to run into his father, who attacked him. Will did his best to defend himself until Xion went between them, "Will! I buy you time.""Thank you Xion," told Will and retreated, only to be attacked again by a fishman, forced to drop the chest to defend his life.Lea saw the chest and moved in to grab it before Jones, only to have Jack landing in, drawing the blade.Lea looked odd at Jack, "You know you have a broken sword?""Oi!" exclaimed Jack, starting to run, followed by Jones. They ran around a construct with a kraken carven on it before Jones wondered what he is was doing and began to move through the part.Jack reacted quickly and span the construct around, along with Davy Jones. As it stopped, Jones just shouted at Jack with moving his tentacles around. Jack cried and began to run. Jones wanted to follow but a fireball hit his face, distracting him before chasing after Lea.Elizabeth was holding on a rope on the Black Pearl and looked back at the crew. Gibbs and Roxas were holding on a rope and Gibbs told, "GO!"Elizabeth swang over and engaged Jones who was exchanging sword blows with Lea at this time. Davy Jones glared at the pirate king and told "Harridan! You'll see no mercy from me.""That's why I brought this!" told Elizabeth, referring to her sword.Having some free space now, Jack used the chance to take the key out to open the chest of Davy Jones.Jones had 'dispatched' Lea by kicking him away and forcing him to engage with Bootstrap Bill. Also he punched Elizabeth, forcing her to lay on the ground. Just as he wanted to kill her, Will stabbed Jones in the back. He cried in pain but then told like it was nothing. "Missed. Did you forget? I'm a heartless wretch."He bent Will's sword to make him unable to draw it out of Jone's body.Xion came to Lea's aid after having been distracted to defend herself against three fishman at once. They forced the crewmember of the Dutchman on the corner and Xion exclaimed, "We won't kill you! Will made a promise and we are not the ones who take it from him!"Then the two left to help Will and Elizabeth. And they needed it. Will was on the ground and Elizabeth saw her fresh husband being in trouble. However Jones noticed the looks the two were exchanging and realized their feelings."Love…" he told. "A dreadful bond. And yet, so easily severed. Tell me, William Turner, do you fear death?""Do you?" asked a voice and Jones turned around, seeing Jack, holding his heart, and the broken sword. It was clear the pirate lord intended to stab Jones' heart with it.Jack smirked and told, "Heady tonic, holding life and death in the palm of one's hand.""You're a cruel man, Jack Sparrow," told Jones and Jack just retailed. "Cruel is a matter of perspective.""Is it?" asked Davy Jones before stabbing Will into the heart. Everybody who saw this gasped and they rushed to Will. Jones retreated, leaving the sword inside of Will, starting to laugh."Will?" asked Elizabeth. "Look at me! Stay with me! You're all right."Lea looked helpless at this mess while Xion used cure… which didn't work at all. Jones was about to attack the group but was suddenly tackled. Tackled by William's father Bill Turner. The sight of his dying son, freed him from the control of Davy Jones and he attacked the captain to get revenge.However Bill got overpowered and Jones declared, "You will not forestall my judgment!"Then he punched Lea who wanted to attack Jones and added, "Neither will you!"Suddenly Jones gasped, holding on the place which once contained his heart. Turning around he saw Will holding the broken sword… which was impaling Jones' heart.Looking up with last of strength he told, "Calypso" before falling into the center of the maelstrom. Davy Jones, Captain of the Flying Dutchman, was no more.Barbossa noticed the Flying Dutchman was going down and ordered, "She's taking us down! Make quick or it's the Locker for us all!"Ragetti armed one of the cannons and Roxas ignited it with a fire spell. Two cannonballs, connected by a chain flew up and destroyed the connection between the Dutchman and the Black Pearl. Once the ship was free, Barbossa turned the wheel, to maneuver the Pearl out of the maelstrom.On board of the Flying Dutchman Will began to give off his last breaths, with Elizabeth breaking down.Xion and Lea just watched them while Jack noticed the ship's crew came, singing, "Part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew…"Jack grabbed Elizabeth since they had to leave and the two keybearers followed suit. She protested but Lea told, "Will wouldn't want you to die here!"Elizabeth just stared at Lea while Jack and Xion prepared the ropes, so they would be carried off the ship by a loose sail. Once they are done, Lea and Jack grabbed on the ropes while also holding on Xion and Elizabeth. Xion shot at the last part that held the sail on the ship and the wind carried them off board as the ship sunk in the bottom of the maelstrom.Also as they were out of the mealstrom, it died down and the five landed in the water. The Pearl came by and took them aboard.Gibbs came to them and started, "Thank Goodness Jack. The armada's still out there. The Endeavour's coming up hard starboard, and I think it's time we embrace that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions"."Never actually been one for tradition," told Jack. Roxas noticed Jack's mood and asked Xion, "What happened?""Will… he's… he's dead," told Xion, shedding tears. Roxas gasped and told, "Poor Elizabeth… losing her husband that soon after the marriage"."Marriage?" asked Xion and Roxas told. "They married during the battle… Barbossa did the ceremony.""Not the best time for this," told Lea and Jack ordered. "Close haul her. Luff the sails and lay her in irons.""Belay that," shouted Barbossa. "Or we'll be a sitting duck.""Belay that belay that" ordered Jack. They tried to protest again, but Jack wouldn't have it. "Belay! Belay! Just...shut it!" he argued.Across the water, the lieutenant was looking through a telescope, watching as their enemy stayed, exactly where it was, "What is he waiting for?""He expects us to honor the agreement," Beckett answered.The flaps on either side of the Endeavor opened up, revealing dozens of cannons. One side of the ship sported more cannons than the Pearl had on its entire ship. It began to advance towards the Pearl's starboard side."Nothing personal, Jack," Beckett assured, more to himself. "It's just good business."An even larger geyser of water exploded from the sea. It was well-concealed for a few seconds, among the pouring water and debris falling into the ocean, but the shape of an all-too familiar ship made itself clear. The crocodile mouth at the bow of the ship and various carvings on the side painted a vivid picture of the Flying Dutchman."Ah," Beckett pointed. "She survived".The Dutchman had resurfaced, but it was not the same ship. It had been stripped of its former demeanor defined by moss, seaweed, clams, and sea creatures in general. The plant life had been torn from it and the weedy boards had been ripped away. Even the sailors aboard the ship gazed with ecstatic relief at their skin, visible to them for the first time in many years.Bootstrap unstuck the starfish that had attached itself to his face and glanced to the stern with a smile. He was not surprised at all that his had happened. Just like the Dutchman always needed a captain, the world was always in need of the Dutchman. There had to be a ship to allow said captain to ferry souls lost at sea into the next world.Will Turner was that new captain. With a wide smile, he gripped one post of the wheel with his right hand. He adorned his black jacket from before, but now held a visible scar on his chest. A grey bandana covered his head while the rest of his hair hung down to his shoulders, "Ready the guns!" he ordered.Hearing the voice of Will made Elizabeth smile and Lea pointed out, "Guess we got a new ally!"Jack reacted by, "Full canvas!""Aye! Full canvas!" agreed BarbossaThe three ships formed a triangle, but not for long. The Dutchman and the Pearl both made the same turn, hard to port, and headed not directly at the Endeavor, but alongside it. Beckett's vessel continued to move straight, but the two pirate ships were closing off its escape, right between them both.Beckett's calm was gone. His face had relaxed, but only to droop in a soft frown and a dismal look in his eyes. It was two against one. Despite the sheer amount of cannons he had, he was in shock. The fact that he had come so close to being defeated had been inconceivable to him. Now that it had taken place, he was in too much shock to even say the word 'fire', to the desperate urging of his crew."Sir, orders!" the lieutenant pleaded. "Give the order!" Beckett would do no such thing, continuing to stare blankly ahead, not wanting to witness the beginning of his destruction.Xion and Roxas each took a place at the Pearl's railing, pointing at the opposing ship with their weapons, "Orders, captain?" they said simultaneously.Jack smirked, "Fire"."Fire!" they replied."Fire!" Barbossa called out."Fire!" Will called to his crew aboard the Dutchman."Fire all!" Elizabeth cried triumphantly.From either side of the Endeavor, cannon fire pierced its hull. The soldiers aboard the ship still awaited orders, even as some of the cannons were blown away from their posts. The Keybearers cast Thunder spells upon the side of the ship. Because of the water, the electricity became super-conducting and smashed apart the lower areas of the ship, allowing water to flow inside."Sir, orders!" the lieutenant shouted at Beckett, who was still in a wide-eyed trance."It's just...good business," Beckett managed to choke out.The lieutenant managed to realize that his leader was incapable of giving any further orders. By this time, the devastation wreaking havoc upon the ship was already too severe to try fighting back, "Abandon ship!" he declared. "Everyone abandon ship!"The sailors didn't think twice about abandoning their posts now that the order was given. The ship was being torn apart, however.Beckett turned to the railing and moved over there. He saw Lea pointing up his Keyblade."Beckett!" shouted Lea. "This is no business! Only personal!"Then Lea unleashed a spell which hits Beckett spare on the chest. It was a Mega Flare. The resulting explosion destroyed part of the Endeavor and obliterated their commander, Lord Cutler Beckett. The gunpowder beneath the deck ignited and caused an explosion. The resulting ball of flame blew the ship apart.The example made out of the Endeavor was enough proof for the armada about which direction this battle was taking for them. That was made clear enough when Marty called down from his hanging post on the rigging of the ship. "They're turning away!" he declared. "Yeaaah!"The pirates cheered loudly and threw their hats into the air. Xion, Roxas and Lea were sitting on the railing and laughed together, being happy that they survived this together. Cotton's parrot came back to its owner and told, "Wind in your sails." Even on the other ships of the pirate armada was the victory celebrated.As the celebrations were taking place on the Pearl, Will was left in a relatively silent victory. He was proud, of course, that he had assisted in the fall of the East India Trading Company, especially the fall of Beckett. Still, he knew the duty of the Dutchman and knew he was soon to be on his way."Orders, sir?"Will hadn't expected any of the crew to remain. Many of them had jumped ship after battle. One he had expected to most of all was his own father, but he remained as well, having been the one to ask for orders, "You are no longer bound to the Dutchman," Will answered. "You're free.""Aye," Bootstrap nodded. "A fine thing but..." he shook his head and smiled. "By my reckoning, I still have a debt that need to be paid. If you will have me."A loyal stubbornness to someone he cared about...Will felt more sure than ever that he was the son of the man standing before him, "On the wheel then, Mr. Turner.""Aye, Captain Turner," Bootstrap heeded the instruction with a grin. He also took heed of the person Will was looking for aboard the Black Pearl. "This ship has a purpose again," Bootstrap reminded, to which Will nodded. "Where we are bound, she cannot come. One day ashore. Ten years at sea," Bootstrap looked off at the horizon. "It is a steep price for what's been done.""Depends on the one day," replied Will.Back on the Pearl, Elizabeth was looking to the Dutchman as Gibbs came, "Your chariot awaits, Your Highness. The oars are inside."She encountered Barbossa first, "Mrs. Turner," he spoke with a nod. She acknowledged him with a nod, then continued along the process to see Pintel and Ragetti."So long, Poppet," Pintel said gently."It's been fun," Ragetti agreed.Elizabeth patted their shoulders and smiled gently before moving onto Jack, "Jack. It would never have worked out between us."Jack smiled for a while before telling, "Keep telling yourself that, darling."Then she turns to the Keybearers, "While I hoped it would have been Sora and his friend Riku, I thank you three for helping us.""No problem," told Lea. "Take good care of yourself while waiting for him in the next ten years.""I will," told Elizabeth and moved down to the boat, moving to a nearby island, to spend her day with Will…Two swords were stuck into a beach, crossing blades. The sunlight beat down upon the shores of an island, the day nearing its close. Standing at the end of the shore, Will held onto the chest formerly belonging to Davy Jones. The chest, how his possession, held another thing of his."It has always been yours," Will said to Elizabeth, adorned in a black tunic with no sleeves, going down to her knees. "Will you keep it safe?"Elizabeth accepted the chest, holding it in both arms, "Always and forever," she promised. She set it down at her feet, then flung her arms around her fiancé and locked lips with him. She wanted to keep the embrace tight, even though the brief seconds they were entwined felt like an eternity already. Still, the eternity didn't last long and Will released her."Keep a weather eye on the horizon," he told her. He stepped away from her, departing from the shore and back to the Flying Dutchman.The Pearl sailed back to a port where Lea, Roxas and Xion departed, telling to Jack and Barbossa, "It has been sort of fun… but our pirate days are over for now.""Why do you not stay with us? Here are so many things we could archive with your help," told Jack but Lea told. "Better not! I might fry you for what you did to Roxas and later on me!""We might meet again," told Roxas. "But better don't expect our return this soon."With that the trio left the Pearl going back to the gummi ship… they had to see what Kurannort meant with his massage…Jack had been off the ship to get a few women for himself… only to find out later that Barbossa had taken the Pearl once again. However this time Jack had one advantage: he was holding on the charts which lead them once to the Locker… but this time he was searching for the Fountain of Youth!Chapter 69: Chapter 68Xion, Roxas and Lea just returned to Radiant Garden, and headed to Merlin's home. They expected to meet anybody but… no one was there right now."Odd," mumbled Lea. "Since I came back as my somebody, each time I visited this place, somebody was always here. Either Merlin, Cid or whoever , happened to be ,.""Then , where is everybody?" wondered Xion and a voice behind them told. "They are either on patrol or in Disney Castle."The three turned around in surprised and spot a girl they didn't know, "Ok! Who are you?" wondered Roxas and the girl answered. "I am Faith. I am Even's assistant. And you three must be… Lea, Roxas and Xion.""You know about us?" wondered Xion and Faith , nodded, "That's correct. Namine showed me pictures of you three."Then she turned to Xion, "And once we get his body back, YOU are giving his heart back.""Wh-What are you talking about?" questioned Xion and Faith answered. "Kuran! His heart belongs to me!""Ehh… why?" wondered Roxas in confusion. Lea on the other hand realized why and asked, "Where did you and Kuran meet?""The Realm of Darkness. I had an unpleasing extended stay down there, with… an unwelcomed extra on me. Was quite a first meeting we had down there.""Not the best first impression of each other?" asked Lea with a smirk and Faith glanced at him. "This is something between Kuran and me.""If you say so…" shrugged Lea but put an arm around her. "But since Kuran isn't available for dates right now… how about we two go to one?"As answer, she grabbed his hand and threw him over her shoulder. Lea landed painfully on his back and groaned as result. With a grin Faith answered, "Once you are the last man in the universe, I might consider it.""Thanks… for this answer," told Lea while Xion wondered. "Uhm… how did you do this?""In my home world, I learned some martial arts… like judo, taichi and karate," was Faith's reply and Roxas sweatdropped. "This explains it…""Uhm… Faith. Why should most of everybody be in Disney Castle?" wondered Xion and Faith answered. "To defend the Princess of Heart. A being called Dark Knight showed up… and it has the idea of destroying everything that doesn't have enough darkness. Or in other words: individuals with pure light in their hearts.""Sounds like the opposite end of Maluz," suggested Roxas and Faith told. "With one difference: it does only attack Keybearers if it is attacked by them first. At least from what I heard from… Sora, was his name?""Yeah… his name is Sora," told Lea while getting on his feet. And then Faith explained, "You should come with me to the castle. One of the Keybearers will come soon to meet up with their contact.""Contact?" asked Xion and Faith sighed. "Because of this Dark Knight, they allied themselves with Organization XIII. For now they are working to stop this being but I don't trust Xehanort to hold his part of the bargain. He will backstab everybody in the end.""Knowing him, it wouldn't be a surprise," told Lea and they moved to the castle. As they got there, a voice called, "Lea, Xion, Roxas!"They turned around and spot Riku going towards them, "Riku!" exclaimed Xion. "Is it true that we are allied with Xehanort now?""Sadly yes…" told Riku. "I explain everything later but now I have to meet up with the guy who is our contact with him.""If it is the possessed body of Kuran, I am not sure if I could hold the trust," told Faith. "In fact I would hit any of them for what they did with Kuran.""Kuran jumped into the way to save Sora," replied Riku and Faith continued. "I know, but if it weren't for them, Kuran wouldn't be a possessed zombie with his heart stuck in the body of a girl who isn't even three years old.""Hey!" protested Xion and Faith told. "Sorry… but I want my Kuran back.""We will get him back," told Riku. "Right now we have to handle this Dark Knight. This being is hunting Kairi right now and won't stop at anything.""Could it be any better?" asked Roxas with sarcasm. A shrug came from Riku, "We will see!"Then they walked through the castle, until they reached the Castle Chapel, where the Young Xehanort was already waiting for him, "Greetings Riku."Then his face turned to the others, "Xion, Roxas and Axel I assume?""It's Lea now," told the red haired keybearer. Young Xehanort looked at Faith and told, "I don't think I know you.""I doubt that you know me!" mumbled Faith and the Young Xehanort told. "I am here with all Dark Fragments we were able to collect so far… we managed to gather six of them. Though one got to your friends here while they can tell that we snagged one of them in front of their face… in fact I am surprised to see them here. From what I heard, they weren't in the best position.""Since you guys told them about Davy Jones' heart, I am not surprised you would expect us to die back there," told Lea with a shrug and Riku stared at Young Xehanort. "I should have guessed you would have gone so far.""Just taking it from him, wouldn't have worked, so we had to ally with somebody who could gain the fragment for us," explained Young Xehanort. "Now that we have all necessary Fragments, we can hide the princess from the radar of the knight, at least for some time.""And what about the means to defeat him?" questioned Riku and Young Xehanort told. "We have an idea where to look but first we have to recover Kairi from her current location.""Where is she?" asked Riku and the answer was. "I was told only to inform Sora about her location.""Fine!" told Riku and Young Xehanort continued. "Since the Dark Fragments were unable to enter Disney Castle due to the Cornerstone of Light, the princess must be somewhere else. So Master Xehanort suggested that you take the Fragments and move with the princess to a place only known to you. I will wait with the information here until Sora comes to me.""Hand the Fragments over to Lea," demanded Riku and the member of Organization XIII nodded, handing the six fragments to Lea before stepping back.Riku began to go away from Young Xehanort and told to the others, "We go somewhere were he cannot listen to us."Nodding, the others followed him and they move moved to Merlin's house where still nobody came back yet. Riku turned to the three fellow keybearers and told them, "Go to Yen Sid. We will follow soon with the others and Kairi""Roger that," told Lea and Riku turned to Faith. "I hope I don't ask too much but… could you keep an eye on him?""Not a problem," told Faith. "Can I get rough on him if he gives a reason?""Only if he breaks any of the agreements we have," told Riku. "Until the Dark Knight is defeated, we have to rely on them.""I know," told Faith and headed back to the Castle. She got back to the Castle Chapel but hid behind a corner to not be seen by him.What was odd for her, that he wasn't moving an inch. Just standing there, his arms crossed and staring to the only entry to this room."Perhaps it might interest you… Sora fought with Maleficient and me here for the first time," told a voice behind Faith.Gasping in surprise, she jumped around and stared at the body of Xemnas. She couldn't believe that she wasn't able to notice him coming and he spoke, "Master Xehanort wishes to speak with you.""I am not interested," she replied but Xemnas just told. "I don't accept a 'no'," and grabbed after her. However Faith grabbed his arm and pulled him over into a throw.Xemnas didn't hit the ground and he floated into a upright position again, facing Faith. She had fallen into a fighting position, glaring at her silver haired opponent.He made his first move by creating a pair of his Eternal Blades and slashing at Faith. She ducked and jumped away before jumping and trying to hit him with her fist. However Xemnas was able to block most of her punches with either his arms or blades before teleporting behind her and slashing her back.Faith groaned and countered by a quick kick, hitting his stomach. Narrowing his eyes in pain, several Eternal Blades appeared in mid air and shot themselves at Faith.Realizing the danger, she began to run away from the blades. Each of them hit the ground, each nearly hitting Faith at least on the feet.Then she stopped before hitting a barrier set up by Xemnas who had teleported in front of her. He stormed forward, ready to slash her but she grabbed his arm and used his momentum to slam him into one of the walls.Dazed from this hit, Xemnas shook his head before groaning in pain as Faith punched his back several times. Also she grabbed on his shoulders and rammed her knee into the Nobody's back.Xemnas teleported away once again before two of him appeared on either side, causing Faith to look in surprise to each of them, before both stormed forward at her.Taking the risk, she stormed towards one of them, grabbing his arm and made throw towards the other one. The two colide and the thrown one dissapeared before Faith cries as unseen to her, some of the Eternal Blades appeared in the air and hit her back.Both fighters were standing up once more and Faith rushed towards Xemnas who incased himself into a glowing orb and charged towards her. She prepared to punch him but as she touched the orb, she was thrown back and only moments after, she was slashed several times by him. Afterwards he grabbed her and threw her into the wall.As she coughed up, Xemnas grabbed her by her throat and held with his free hand an Eternal Blade at her face, "You are coming with me now!""In your dreams," she coughs and kicks him again. This time between the legs. Xemnas let go and crouched down before Faith used the opportunity to execute a downward kick into the neck, slamming him completely on the ground… this time he didn't move at all afterwards.Faith panted and grinned to him, "Looks like somebody lost here.""That's right! You!" told a voice and before she could turn to look, she felt a shocking pain and collapsed on the ground.Kuranord stood there with a taser in his hand and told, "Hello… Love. Nice to see you."Then he threw her over his shoulder to carry her off, "Somebody is dying to see you again. And you two will do us a favor."Then a dark corridor opened below Xemnas, letting him to drop down to their hideout while Kuranord walked towards a separate dark corridor.Just in this moment Sora came running down the corridor, rushing up to Young Xehanort, unaware of the battle that just happened, "Where is she?""Hello Sora… if you are referring to Kairi, I have here a chip… insert this to the navigation computer of a Gummi Ship and you will be brought to the where she is right now. But I am surprised: you must care greatly for her to be here that fast."Sora snatched the offered chip from the hand of the Organization XIII member before rushing off to get on the Gummi Ship in the goal of finding Kairi as soon as possible."You're welcome," told Young Xehanort before walking to the exit. Riku stood there and told, "And when we have to see you again?""I will be here tomorrow… at the same time," told Young Xehanort. "Once this is over, I hope we will have a rematch. I am looking forward to settle the score from way back as you defeated me.""Don't expect that the match will be any different than before. I defeated you and Ansem. And if I have to, I will do it again," countered Riku and Young Xehanort told. "Your resistance towards Darkness… makes things complicated. You should be more like Kuran. Accepting the Darkness and controling it to your bidding.""I doubt that Kuran would have agreed joining you if he had been given a choice," countered Riku. "He only accepted the Darkness because he had no choice.""If you only knew," replied Young Xehanort and left that world to join up with the Organization.Master Xehanort was already waiting for him and his young version explained, "I delivered the message… and Sora is already on the way to recover the last of the Princesses.""Good," told Master Xehanort. "And our… special guest is also here and soon be reunited with her old friend. Now we only have to recover one last piece of the puzzle and the plan can be executed."With a grin Master Xehanort walked away, expecting everything coming to fruition once his last step is made.Chapter 70: Chapter 69The bell of the Middleton High School just declared the end of the school day. Kim and Ron were leaving their classroom and Ron wondered, "How did this guy who hired you to save Kairi know that you would take her here to the Middleton High? I mean, in the day you brought her here, Mr. Barkley was fully informed about a transfer student who would stay here for some days.""Well… it seems like this Ordo was really serious about of me protecting her," told Kim, while they waited for Kairi. Ron looked over to her and saw that she had a conversation with their teacher. Shaking the head the blond haired boy told, "Now I am shocked. This is the first time I see Mr. Barkley being so friendly to a fellow student.""Guess she has a hand for people," told Kim and Kairi came out of the classroom and told to the two. "I really wonder why he cannot treat everybody else like he treats me.""That is a good question," told Ron. "I really have my troubles when I got him on the wrong foot.""Ron… some of the things you do, doesn't make it easy to handle," told Kairi with a sweatdrop. Turning to her, Ron blinked before laughing hard. "This is a good joke! Me doing something which isn't easy!"Kairi turned to Kim who just shrugged, "He is always like that.""Now let's eat something!" declared Ron and Rufus agreed to this. "Up to the Buenos Nachos!"Later in the Buenos Nachos, Wade called and Kim wondered, "What's up Wade?""Kim, can we talk in private?" wondered the computer geek and Kim, who wondered why he requested that, moves moved out of the Buenos Nachos and asked. "So why do you want to talk me in private?""I have been researching about your friend Kairi, to make it easier for her friend and family to pick her up. But it turned out that she shouldn't exist on paper," explained Wade and Kim called. "What? But she is real. I mean we all have been interacting with her.""I don't incline that she isn't a real person. And given from what we know about these Keyblades, I can also assume this isn't one of Draken's clones or duplicates. I just say that no documents about her exists. Also her friend Sora doesn't seem to exist. At least I didn't find any documents about them.""Then perhaps their home place doesn't have anything on our computers," offered Kim up and Wade told. "While I cannot deny the possibility, the chances are very low. And I just wanted to inform you about this, to prepare you for any weird circumstance that might occur with this kind of information.""Thanks for the warning Wade," told Kim with a sigh. "Any news of Monkey Fist?""Since your last encounter he went quiet… surprisingly quiet. Normally you find traces of either research or investigation for new possible plans but nothing. Like he had decided to take a break from being a villain," replied Wade while typing on his computer. "Though Se?or Senior Senior has been shopping for books about the medieval times. I think his next plan is going in this direction.""Normally his preparations were not that obvious," replied Kim before putting a hand on her chin. "Though… Kairi told me yesterday that she met somebody who fits the description of Se?or Senior Junior.""Really? Looks like I have to update my equipment… because I would have told you if any of the Seniors have been in the near of your home," explained Wade and Kim shrugged. "Perhaps it was nothing.""Anyway, enjoy your meal!" Wade waved and ended the call. Kim pocketed her Kimmunicator and went into the Buenos Nachos, where Kairi and Ron were already sitting by their usual place, having already bought their meal."KP!" called Ron. "Kairi just had told me about her meeting yesterday with this guy who looks like Se?or Senior Junior.""Yeah. I already know about this one," told Kim and Kairi nodded. "Yeah! Though he was really insisting about asking me out for a date. But as he told me, he wanted to be my Knight in Shining Armor, I told him, that he will only become this, if he manages to beat the Dark Knight, in said Armor."Ron laughed and told, "That is good! Even if he gets the Shining Armor, where would he be able to get your Dark Knight?""Let's say… I hope that the Dark Knight isn't finding me here until Sora manages to find me," explained Kairi.Kim was laughing as well before she realized what Kairi just said, "Wait… you didn't tell me that he tried to become your knight in shining armor""Must have forgotten that," told Kairi and Kim groaned loudly. "Great! Now the books make sense.""Ehh… what are you talking about?" asked Ron and Kim told. "Wade told me that the Se?or Senior Senior is buying books about the medieval times and I believe that Se?or Senior Junior is now trying to become this shining knight… I aspect that they will kidnap Kairi soon to hold a knight tournament, so Junior could become her prince in shining armor""You are really perspective Kim Possible," told the elderly voice of Kim's rich enemy Se?or Senior Senior. The three turned and saw him on the entrance of the Buenos Nachos."Why… why does he has to be here?" groaned Ron. "Didn't the Buenos Nachos suffer enough from our enemies?""Sorry Se?or Senior Senior! But I won't let you take her!" told Kim and Kairi told. "And I am kind of sick of playing the damsel in distress."However as she had pulled her Keyblade out, a big young man grabbed her from behind and told, "A princess should never fight my dear. And now please don't struggle too much or else you could hurt you.""Junior!" called Kim as she turned around and Ron pointed out. "How did he get behind her if the Buenos Nachos has only one entry for customers?"Junior wanted to say something but paused and asked his father, "Eh… how did I manage it?""Not a clue Junior. I was hoping you could tell that since I left you back home while preparing everything for your knight tournament.""Sometimes I hate logic used in cartoons, video games or like in this case fanfiction," groaned Kairi."Hey! No forth wall breaks!" complained Se?or Senior Senior. "We have a serious business here!""Serious business? Really?" asked Kim, since she couldn't take this plan of the Seniors seriously but Se?or Senior Senior replied. "Of course! It's about a girl that my son laid eyes on. It is time that he looks for somebody to create his own family. After all, I am not the youngest and some grandchildren before I die would be nice.""Uhm… father… I have never looked that far ahead," told Junior but Senior just countered. "I can still wait, just not too long so I help you in getting the girl!""Then you really started off very bad," told Kairi. "I am not interested into villains.""Don't worry," told Senior. "You will love it. But first we have to go to make you my son your knight in shining armor… and I know that it was already mentioned a few times. That's why: Sirojana Kim Possible!"With that the ceiling of the Buenos Nachos broke and a rope ladder tied on a helicopter fell down. Junior and Senior both grabbed it and went up as the flying vehicle took off."Poor Buenos Nachos… once again heavily damaged by the forces of evil," told Ron and Kim asked. "And you don't worry about Kairi at all?""Of course not! Unlike the Buenos Nachos they don't plan to hurt her! After all Junior wants to be her knight in shining armor," countered Ron and began to cry for the damaged fast food building.Kim on the other hand just stared at her friend and muttered, "I cannot believe it… he has a point."Then she took out her Kimmunicator and told, "Wade! The Seniors just kidnapped Kairi to have her as princess for their private Knight Tournament.""That was fast," commented Wade. "Was it a normal kidnapping or a medieval styled?""I doubt that people tend to break through ceiling and use helicopters in the dark age," countered the girl and the computer geek nodded. "That's correct! Only one helicopter was in the last few minutes in the air. Give me a second to know where it is and… it landed on the nearby airport and just in five minutes a jet will take off to Germany.""Why Germany?" asked Kim and Ron wondered. "Why not Great Britain? Everybody knows that the best knights tournaments were in Great Britain.""Actually Ron… that's incorrect! The finest one was held in Germany. To be exact in Abenberg, where since yesterday a restoration team has been busy to restore this place to its former glory.""Alright! Then let's go!" told Kim but Wade countered. "Not yet… Sora has shown up. I think it is better to pick him up first before he gets into trouble with Mister Barkley.""What? He is in our school?" asked Kim and Wade told. "Yeah! He showed up just some minutes ago. But I only got notice of him some moments before you called.""And how do you know this is Sora?" asked Ron who had recovered from his saddened state as he heard that Kairi's friend was in town."He ran around and called for Kairi… also spiky brown hair, blue eyes, black clothes and opening doors with a ridiculously big key seems to fit the description.""Good! We pick him up," told Kim with a roll of her eyes. Wade nodded and explained, "In the meanwhile I get you a flight to Germany."Back in the Middleton High, Sora was rushing from door to door, calling for Kairi. And if one of the rooms were locked up, he took his Keyblade out, unlocked the door and proceeded with searching.Mr. Barkley however, who was correcting some tests, got disturbed by Sora's shouts and stormed out of the room as the keybearer passed by, "What is the meaning this mr. Ruckus… who the hell are you?""I am Sora! And I am looking for my friend Kairi," told the boy and Mr. Barkley shouted. "What? You claim to be a friend of Ms. Kairi? She would never have a friend like you, who would disturb the rules of this school! For that you will detention until your great-grandchilds are grandfathers!""But I don't even attend to this school," defended Sora himself but Barkley shouted. "Then I force you to attend in this school until your punishment is over!"Before Sora could answer to this threat, Kim and Ron had showed up and Kim told, "Sorry Mr. Barkley… but we kind of need him now! And he is Kairi's friend. She had given us a description of him and he perfectly fits in."Barkley looked at Sora and then at Kim before telling, "Since Ms. Possible is voting for you, you are off the hook! But next time I see you, you will stay here until the end of the universe!""Al… alright," told Sora and left together with Kim and Ron. The blond haired boy asked Sora, "What did you do that Mr. Barkley is that mad at you? Nobody, not even me got threatened with detention until the end of the universe.""Running around in the floors, unlocking doors without asking and claiming I am Kairi's friend," told Sora and added up. "Also shouting her name.""Ok… for the unlocking, running and shouting I can understand… this ticks him off normally but claiming you are somebody's friend? That's new.""Yeah Mr. Barkley has his moments," told Kim and Sora asked. "Where is Kairi?""We… hehe… kinda lost her to a father and his son," told Ron. "We were just on our way to rescue her as we learned that you had showed up in the meantime.""What? But how?" asked Sora. "I was told she would be safe.""You know… the old clichés … villain decides to kidnap somebody, villain manages it but in the end the hero will prevail and save the kidnapped person," explained Ron and Kim shrugged. "That's all in the protocols of villains and heroes… though I agree with Kairi: damsel in distress isn't really her style.""Where is she?" asked Sora and Kim replied. "On the way to Germany, probably, Abendberg and our ride over there comes soon."Later Kairi, Ron and Sora were on a plane, on their way to Germany and Kim thanked the pilot to take them with him."Not a problem! After all you landed my plane as I got sick in the middle of a flight from bad oyster," replied the pilot and Kim shrugged. "Everybody can land a plane with 200 people with five minutes time to read the manual."Sora blinked and turned to Ron, "Is this… normal?""Yeah! Pretty much. Everybody has a familiar story of how Kim saved them or something and she replies that anybody could do that," shrugged Ron. "Nothing to worry about.""That's so cool," told the Keybearer. But then the pilot told, "But I can only bring you to Munich… we only pass nearby your destination.""Not a problem! We have some parachutes with us. We just jump off at the right time," told Kim. Sora sweatdropped. "I… never did that before""Don't worry," told Ron. "It isn't that hard.""Really?" asked Sora and Kim said. "As easy as opening a bottle of water.""Alright!" told Sora confident… however…It was time to jump. While Kim did it with ease, Ron struggled with one of his panic attacks but thanks to Rufus he also made it down safely. Sora on the other hand…Kim and Ron had spent an hour searching for the Keybearer and found him… with half of his body being stuck head first in the ground."Wow," muttered Ron. "I never thought that he would have such a thick head.""Made me wonder if he is even human," told Kim. "But now we have to pull him out first."The two grabbed on the legs of Sora and pulled him out of the ground. Sora gasped as he finally got to breathe fresh air and looked at the other two. "Thanks guys!""Seriously? I never thought that anybody would survive such a landing! But you totally have proven me wrong. Can you tell me how you did that?" was Ron's reaction to Sora's thanks and Sora just shrugged. "Not a clue… I just did that.""I think this is like in this story where a caterpillar was asked how he manages to walk with all the legs," shot Kim in to prevent further conversations in this matter. Then she added on, "And we should hurry now. Or else the Seniors might start their knight tournament without us.""Kim… they will start without us! Because I am pretty sure they didn't invite us in," countered Ron but Sora told. "That doesn't matter! We have to find Kairi!""Good idea but how do you plan to get there? I am not sure where we are!" told Ron but Kim answered. "Ever heard of GPS and navigators?" while pulling out her Kimmuticator, typing on it for some moments before the monitor showed a map of where they were and arrows to show in which direction they had to go."I admit I for… wait! I never knew the Kimmunicator could do that!" countered Ron and Kim explained. "Wade had this installed some time ago but we had rarely use for this or had something else to point us the direction… mainly the people we were helping or helped before.""That's is a valid point," told Ron and they began to follow the map. It took a while but they eventually reached Abenberg and the three stared at the rich reconstruction of the medieval tournament place and there were already several spectators together and several people wearing knight's armor and horses were spot as well."How can he do that if he is a wanted criminal?" asked Ron and Kim shrugged. "I guess he has connections here in Germany as well.""Yeah… good that we are in a fictional world," told Ron. "By now each of us has broken several laws… like jumping from a plane or avoiding customs duty.""Ron… we should stop the fourth wall breaking," told Kim and they began to sneak over.However once they reached the tents, a guard pointed his spear at them, "Stop right here!"Expecting to be prisoners now or having to fight, they slowly turned around and faced the guard. What they didn't expect: the guard lowered his spear and told, "Miss Possible! Why did you try to sneak in? We were expecting you to join the tournament."This caused the three to look at each other and Kim asked, "The Seniors are expecting me?""Of course! They knew you would try to make a rescue mission so they decided to put you on the list of the participants," explained the guard and Kim just stared at him, unable to comprehend that one of her villains is was giving her a fair fighting chance."Your tent is over there," told the guard, pointing to a tent which supported a large KP. The three entered it and there was a metal armor fitting for Kim's size and figure and as Ron picked one piece up, he called, "Whoa! This thing is light as a feather!""I don't trust this," told Kim and called Wade. "Wade. Can you check if this armor is a sort of trap?""Sure! Just hold the Kimmunicator at the armor," explained the computer geek. Following the instruction, Kim held her device at the mentioned armor and a red beam traveled across the red colored piece of work. After the task was done, Wade explained, "Except it is made from a very light but stable combination of carbon and other materials, and that inside are cushions to prevent you getting hurt there is nothing. The biggest problem you would face is the fact that it leaves you rather immobile and you would sweat a lot in there.""Then let me use it," told Sora. "Kairi is my friend and I am going to save her.""Sora… do you think it is wise? After all you never went against the Seniors," told Kim and Ron nodded. "She has a point. Better leave this to the professionals.""And I won some tournaments already! And I know how to do a sword fight. So how hard could it be?" asked Sora and Ron asked. "Did you ever ride a horse?""No.""Did you ever had hold on a lance?""Well… sometimes I grabbed one for some attacks.""Did you point it at your enemies while running towards them?""No.""Did you do both at once?""How should I have done that if I never had been on a horse?""Did you get my point?"With 'No' Sora answered the last question of Ron and the blonde countered, "Now you see my point! Kim can do everything and nothing is impossible""Hehe… sure" told Kim and took hold on the helmet. In one point Wade was right… she would be immobilized and had no chance of making her usual stunts to save the day in this thing. "Ron. How about we let Sora doing what he thinks? If he fails we can still try another attempt to rescue Kairi from being captive.""Seriously KP? You would let somebody else do your job?" complained Ron and Kim just pointed out. "He told himself that he is a friend of Kairi. So let's have him his chance.""Fine," told Ron. "But don't complain if this gets much more complicated because you let him do things first.""Ron… when did you become the boss of this?" asked Kim with crossed arms. Ron thought about it, "I never considered to be your boss or anything… wouldn't work.""Then please try to be less bossy," told Kim and they helped Sora to get the armor on.Later Se?or Senior Senior stood on the tribune, dressed like a king and announced, "Senors and Senioritas! Thank you for coming to this large event. Today every knight joining this tournament will fight each other until only one is left. And this one will fight the Dark Knight. And he is one of our special guests! Greet with me Reggie from the Knights of Rodeghan.The crowd applauded at the knight who waved his hand at them. Then Se?or Senior Senior continued, "One of the two of the most prominent practitioners is my own son! Se?or Senior Junior!"Junior rode in with a golden armor and waved at the crowd but they kept silence. While not amused of this reaction, Senior continued, "And the other is the lovely Seniorita Kairi!"The crowd cheered loudly as Kairi rode in with a purple armor... while sitting on a large yellow bird which also caused some mumbling about it.Even the Seniors seemed baffled at this but then Senior laughed, "Well... since we never really set a rule on what you can ride, I guess this is legitimate... even though I have no clue what kind of bird this is. Anyway. Let's come on how the tournament will held out."Until only 4 participants were left, two knights face each other in a lance battle and the knight managing to remain on the horse or bird proceeds on the next round. Once the four finalists are found, they would engage into a real battle with weapons of choice. Of course no modern one... though one of the 'knights' suggested machine guns or bazookas. One wanted even to go for golf clubs for some reason.Sora was the first to have a match and while he had at first trouble on the horse and lance holding, he managed to remain on his horse long enough to finally figure out how to act. And he pushed his first opponent from the horse.Next was Kairi and everybody was sure she would be losing quite soon, but even Sora was surprised that she took her opponent on the ground within seconds on the first try.Junior seemed to have taken exercises as well, since he took down his opponent in the first attack as well.The tournament went on during the afternoon until only four were left: Sora, Kairi, Junior and... Tom, Guardian of the Eggs?Everybody mumbled at each other and with a look, Sora and Kairi looked at each other, "Shouldn't he be on a different world to protect Gargoyle eggs?""Sora… we weren't supposed to know him in the first place," sighed Kairi. "But you are right."Four different colored marbles, each representing one of the remaining 'knights' were put into a cup and got closed before being shaken and a man wearing a blindfold reached his hand into the cup and removes two marbles: a red and a yellow one… meaning the first fight were between Junior and Sora!The two stood on the field, Sora holding his Keyblade while Junior had a sword as well… thought he would have preferred a mace since a hit would leave a larger and more permanent damage on the armor.Facing each other they were ready to fight once the signal were was given… if it weren't for the surprised shout of Reggie. They turned to him and they saw he was backing off from a Dark Portal"Just as I was about to win," moaned Sora and turned to the portal and Junior asks asked. "Uhm… why are you not looking at me?""Whatever will come out of this darkness is far worse than you could be," told Sora and Kairi got beside him, her Chocobo ready to attack.However her face turned white as the Dark Knight walked out, "Oh… no," she gasped and Sora grit his teeth. "We have to leave!"Kim rushed to them and she asked, "Is this the Dark Knight we were warned about?""Yes it is!" told Sora and then they turned as they heard Junior shouting. "Nobody busts my knight tournament!" and he aimed a bazooka at the knight. Then he shot, hitting the Dark Knight on the chest."Take this," shouted Ron but… as the smoke cleared, Junior and Ron glanced at each other for a second before they declaring. "Nevermind!"And then they ran, crying like girls as several people started to run along for the shoot weapon but also that the Dark Knight had swiped away the guards with ease. Senior saw the happenings and decided it was better to leave now.With that he called for his son and they got on a helicopter, flying away. Ron watched them and declared, "Of course he has an escape vehicle here.""Ron! We have a bigger problem here," told Kim and Sora asked. "How to deal with this thing?"The keybearer looked at her, "We don't know this. We only know that everything we threw at it, didn't slow it down.""So that is why Kairi is keeping her distance to him?" asked Kim while looking at the backing off Kairi while her Chocobo attacked… only to be slain in a second."We could escape if we were given some time to get to a good spot to call our ship," countered Kairi, thinking that Sora came here via Gummi Ship.Sora on the other hand only looked confused at her, until remembering about the Gummi Ship as well. Turning to Kim he asked, "Can you slow him down somehow?""Until you are gone sure!" told Kim and ran up to the Dark Knight, getting into fighting position. The black armored being looked down at Kim and told, "Normal Female Teenager. Threat Level: 0.""That hurt!" told Kim and hit the knight a few times with her feet and hands but pulled off, shuddering while rubbing her hands. "This wasn't a good idea.""Attacking Teenager: Engaging Battle Mode," the knight replied and Kim told. "At least I got his attention."The knight began to swing the blade and Kim dogded each of the attacks, tricking him to slice up one of the pillars holding up one of the larger constructions of the field. The knight looked up before buried by the large wooden construct.Kim landed in the near and told, "That was easy.""Uhm… Kim…" began Ron. "Junior blasted it with a bazooka and it didn't flinch! So I doubt the bury under wood trick will be any better."With that the Dark Knight broke out of the remains and Kim sighed, "Did you have to say that Ron?""Sorry," told Ron.The Dark Knight looked at Kim and told, "Re-analyze Teenager. Considering Expressed Abilities. Threat Level: 3""What? Only three?" asked Kim and Ron commented. "See it that way: better than Zero""Thanks Ron," told Kim and the knight moved forward them again but stopped and looked around. The two teenagers looked in wonder before the Dark Knight told, "Target lost! Restart search parameters"Then it turned and walked into a Dark Corridor and Kim complained, "That was anti climatic…""Well way better than to think how to break this nutshell of armor," countered Ron but Kim said. "But this might hurt my reputation. I can do everything. Except for stopping a Dark Knight.""Don't worry Kim, as long nobody learns about this, nobody can tell this," told Ron. "And this just means that Kairi is safe now.""Yeah!" moans Kim disappointed "In this case hooray…"" Though… I have the feeling that they forgot something or somebody…" told RonIn the meanwhile on a field was a small fairy with the name Yuna and she spoke out loud, "I wonder where Kairi is… she was supposed to meet me here right after school and lunch…"Chapter 71: Chapter 70Riku, Aqua and Yen Sid were standing in the outskirts of Radiant Garden, waiting for the arrival of Xehanort. Recently they received word that Sora was able to get Kairi back and Braig had informed that the 'old coot' had learned about a major weakness of the Dark Knight and that he wanted to meet them there.Though… Xehanort wasn't coming… they had waited already for an hour. Aqua turned to Yen Sid and asks asked, "Should we still wait here? In my eye it is clear that Xehanort isn't coming anymore."" Patience, Master Aqua… Xehanort has his own pace of action. Perhaps something came into his way that forced him to change the mentioned pace.""Or he just wants to let us standing here like idiots," offered Riku."An interesting aspect… perhaps I should try it out once to see how you would react when it turns out true," told a voice and upon turning around, the three could see Xehanort standing there, with Braig and Xemnas on his side.Yen Sid faced Xehanort and told, "It has been quite a while Xehanort.""I agree, Yen Sid," told Xehanort. "It must have been over 20 years since we faced us instead of sending others to… bring our messages.""Listen. I do not tolerate your actions. However… the risk for the Princess and the worlds is too great to ignore your acknowledge.""I am aware of it… but I also requires your strength. I found a way to defeat the Dark Knight but… it is unavailable for me. It requires something that Organization XIII is lacking… much to our own dismay.""And what is it?" asked Riku."The Master Keeper Keyblade," told Xehanort. "I know where to find the weapon that can destroy the Dark Knight… but it doesn't help if we don't know about the exact location, and the final key. To find both, we need to gain access to the Archives of the Land of Departure… which is right now in the form of Castle Oblivion thanks to Master Aqua here.""Archives?" asked Aqua. "I didn't know that the Land of Departure had such an archive.""Ah… Erasqus didn't tell you, I see… I am not surprised. This secret was rarely given to fresh masters. Only to the true steward of the Land of Departure and one trusted master was given the acknowledge. The steward has the key, while the other knows the exact location," explained Xehanort. "But its location can only be reached if the world is in its normal state.""Then it won't work," told Aqua. "You pledged it into the darkness. All I did was protect what remained and Ventus.""On the hindsight, this move might have been too bold," admitted the Keyblade Master. "But even in this pledged state, the archives can be reached.""So you are suggesting that Aqua returns to Castle Oblivion to its original state to reach these archives?" asked Riku. "Sounds pretty much like one of your schemes to get something which is locked away.""It is," admitted Xehanort. "A scheme to gain the advantage against the Dark Knight. Of course we could go a different direction but then we would risk to blow up some the world, and ourselves with it. Something I prefer to avoid, at least to the point where we start our war.""And what is this weapon we are searching?" asked Aqua and Xehanort chuckled. "I was wondering when you would ask this."Then he waved his hand, "It is something from the distant past… the time were the people began to seek for the light, giving birth to the darkness. It is a Keyblade.""A Keyblade? What makes this Keyblade different to ours?" asked Riku and Xehanort asked. "Did you never wonder how the people learned how to forge the Keyblades, images of the X-Blade?"Yen Sids eyes widened at the question, "You don't suggest…""Oh, I am not only suggesting it," told Xehanort. "The Keyblade we are seeking, is one of the first of its kind. And if I am right with my theory… it is the first successfully crafted Keyblade by mankind. The prototype of the today's Keyblades.""Xehanort," began Yen Sid. "Are you aware that such a powerful weapon shouldn't be removed from the place it is resting?""Normally I wouldn't even bother to reach for it. It is nothing compared to the X-Blade, not to mention I would have more trouble to reach it than what it is worth," was the old man's reply. "But the circumstances are forcing our hands. So we better are looking for it, or we might hand over the Princess to the Dark Knight right now.""This is a difficult path you are suggesting Xehanort. While acting fast is necessary to protect the Princess from this danger, we need to think about the wisdom of this choice first.""We will be waiting at Castle Oblivion," told Xehanort. "Just don't take too long… time is something we might not have."With that Xehanort left and Aqua shook her head, "I can't… I can't just hand over the Lands of Departure over to Xehanort.""Nobody is suggesting that," told Riku. "After we got the info we are looking for, you can still turn it back to Castle Oblivion to keep it protected.""That… sounds good," admitted Aqua and Yen Sid told. "We have to return to the tower, to talk with the others. I hate to admit, Xehanort's plan is the most promising one, but I cannot force any of you to follow it. I need all of you to decide on your own."In the meanwhile, Xehanort returned with his 'guards' to their hideout and Braig asks asked, "Why did you never tell us about such a weapon? Or that a sort of archive is in your former home.""Because I thought it was inaccessible for me," told Xehanort. "Once I told my… old friend about my intentions, his reaction told me that he would never let me have the access to the Archive. And later I thought my goals were close enough that I wouldn't need it anymore. A miscalculation of my side.""Will we keep the weapon once we bashed this walking armor with it?" asked Braig and Xehanort shook his head. "That depends on who can use the weapon, and if there is a gain for us to have it. After all, prototypes tend to be better than the final products, but they also still have some kinks which would be bad.""Alright old coot!" told Braig. "Then I go and look where this Dark Knight is right now""Good idea," told Xehanort. "Better have your eye out for it… and distract it if necessary."Then he turned and found his younger form, who told him, "We have found the one you are requesting… though it was troublesome to… make it cooperate with us."Xehanort nodded and told, "For now make sure everything is getting in line. I am going to Castle Oblivion now, waiting for our… 'allies' to show up and proceed with the current plan.""So you are expecting they are playing along?" asked his younger self and the older man answered. "WE are expecting it. For a good reason… a reason I still try to figure out how it became a problem in the first place.""I understand. We proceed with the procedures now," told young Xehanort and left while Xehanort himself left for the castle.On the other hand, Yen Sid just finished explaining Xehanort's plan and the required steps to every Keybearer and the allies which are fighting with them right now.And it was a mixed response… some of them agreed that desperate times calls for desperate measures, others were not agreeing to Xehanort's plan at all… and a few were not sure what is was the right course of action right now.Xion shook her head and told, "As much we hate it… Xehanort brought up the most practical solution for us and we have no other choice but consider it. I am for going through it.""Well… not that I like what is going on in complete, but lacking any other plan right now, I say we do it," told Lea. "Though I would feel better if we get a plan B… or even a C.""I am with Xion," was Roxas simple reply. "Pretty much for the already mentioned reasons.""I want a more direct solution," told Kairi. "So I say we look for an alternate way instead of going for his help.""He ruined so many lives," Terra shook his head. "I cannot follow this plan, even if I wanted to."Donald and Goofy looked at Mickey and the king sighed, "Gosh. As much I would refuse this plan, I think we should do it, but also look for a different path in case something goes wrong or that Xehanort is tricking us""In this case I fear I have no answer," told Yen Sid. "The knowledge of the Dark Knight is long forgotten. That Xehanort was able to retrieve anything about this creature, is proof that he is able to find the answers he seeks.""Seriously? We have to play along Xehanort's plans now just because there is something we cannot beat?" asked Sora. "Isn't there a different way?""I am not aware of anything we could do. While there are some possibilities, they don't apply for the Dark Knight, mainly as it isn't a person but a construction," explained Yen Sid. " Though I will try to find something, but this course of action doesn't hold many promises. Also, time is necessary. The Dark Knight will not be fooled forever. Sooner or later, it will discover that the Princess of Heart is hidden behind the dark fragments of the X-Blade""Then I will go," told Aqua. "We have not much choice at this point. But as soon this Dark Knight is gone, we will move against Xehanort. He has been ruining everything for everybody long enough."The others agreed on that and Xion told, "You shouldn't go alone Aqua… I would like to accompany you.""The same goes for me," told Ventus and Terra nodded as well."I will go as well!" declared Sora while Riku told. "Faith has disappeared… I will try to find clues about her for now. After all we need her to make the procedure to stabilize Xion.""I go with you," told Lea. "Mostly because Even would ask me to get her back anyway.""Since when he is your boss?" asked Roxas and Lea told. "Since he told me how he plans to… return the favor I did to him and many of the others.""Looks like your Chronic Backstabbing Disorder is backstabbing you now," joked Xion and Lea laughs laughed. "Haha! Very Funny! I laugh myself to death when I find the time."Later in the front gates of Castle Oblivion, Xehanort was already waiting as the Keybearers arrived and the old Keyblade Master told, "I was already expecting you to come, now Master Aqua… may you do the honors?"Aqua made a glare to Xehanort as she proceeded to enter the castle, heading directly to the Chamber of Awakening. Stepping behind the throne, she summoned the Master Keeper and aimed it at the appearing Keyhole on the throne.The entire room began to glow white, blinding everybody. Slowly the light disappeared and everybody was in a throne room with three thrones and the place looked completely ruined."Is this…" began Sora. "…your home?""At least what is left of it," told Terra, putting a hand on one of the walls. "To think who we had to thank this.""You can place your blame whenever you want. Right now we have to concentrate on the reason why we are here," countered Xehanort and began to walk through the ruined halls.Sora shouted, "What are you thinking? Because of you this place is such a mess and all you can think are you goals?""Sora," began Terra. "You cannot talk with him… only fight when the time comes.""But… this is your home. Aren't you angry?""We are," told Ventus Aqua finished. "But we cannot let our feelings cloud our judgment. At least not when it could cause something terrible."Sora groaned and let his head fall in defeat before the group proceeded to follow Xehanort. He let them into the Catacombs which were even unknown to Aqua, Terra and Ventus."Why did Master Erasqus never tell us about this place?" wondered Ventus and Aqua thought out loud. "Perhaps we weren't ready for it. Don't forget that we wouldn't know about the archive if it weren't for Xehanort.""It feels strange to thank Xehanort for anything," admitted Ventus. "After all what he has done to all of us.""Perhaps Sora should thank me as well," chuckled Xehanort. "If it weren't for my heartless Ansem, he would have never left the islands and become a Keybearer. The same could the counted for Riku and a few others.""Without you a lot would have been better," countered Sora. "You have plunged the worlds into the darkness, you made so many people suffer.""Some goals require sacrifice," told Xehanort. "But if you happen to know a 'good' and easy solution to end the tyranny of the Light over Darkness, making sure they exist equally in our universe, I am willing to listen."Sora wanted to counter but couldn't bring up anything better than, "We won't let you do this!"Xehanort chuckled loudly and stopped in front of a wall. It seemed in that wall have once been a door but it was closed off and became part of it."Well Master Aqua," started the old Keybearer. "Now it is time to use the Master Keeper to open the door of the Archives of the Keybearers.""What is this archive about?" wondered Ventus. Xehanort laughed, "So Yen Sid didn't tell you? I cannot blame him… his own codex forbids him to reveal the secret. The Archive is the storage of all knowledge which remained after the lost of the world. Many secrets are here… some harmless like telling you that Agrabah is a dessert world, others so dangerous that there were large discussions if they should be kept around."Then he paused before wandering aside, "Over the years, many documents became unreadable while new ones were added if any Seeker stumbled upon forgotten documents from the worlds origin. I found something from such origin. And it give me clear view on what I have to do.""To think that this was all the time under our feet," mumbled Aqua. "I wonder what I would have done with it.""That is an interesting question. Right now the answer is reading its content to find the first of the Keyblades," told Xehanort but Terra asked. "But you said many documents were either lost or no long existing. How do you know that what we seek is here?""In this case we have to rely on our luck… and for some reasons you have it in spades. So I am confident that any of us will find a map or description of the whereabouts.""I cannot believe I am saying this," told Sora. "But I hope you are right."Aqua held the Master Keeper out again and on the door appeared a Keyhole. After the white beam struck it, a click was heard and the door disappeared, leading into a dark room.They went in and Sora said, "I don't see a thing!""Just wait for it," chuckled Xehanort and suddenly lamps began to glow, revealing a large room, filled with books, papers, shelves and anything else which could contain any information.Everybody stared at the room and Sora told, "No way! How are we supposed to find anything?""Like you did to find your friend," told Xehanort. "By looking for it.""Any way to narrow down our search?" asked Terra but Xehanort chuckled again. "It is for me the first time as well… I only knew of the existence but entering it was only allowed when I found something to add to the archive.""One thing for sure," told Aqua. "Once we are through this and having rebuilt our home… we have to organize this mess.""I stay on the beach," told Sora. "And why can't there be here a book with the title 'Whereabouts of Keyblades'?"Now everybody looked at him in an odd way."Let's look," sighed Terra and began to take the first books.It was a long and boring task for the group. While they found a lot of interesting information, many were simply not usable for any of them, or the dangers behind them were too great… even for Xehanort.Sora had fallen asleep at one point, drooling on the table he was sitting while next to him was a pile of twenty to forty books.Ven had to leave for some time due the eyes getting tired and getting the amount of dust off his body. Aqua and Terra had begun to take turns of their piles of books.The only one who didn't show trouble was Xehanort. He studied book after book, not troubled by the dust, the dim light or the continued straight and concentrated reading.Xion, who didn't speak a single word until now, raised from her chair after reading a few dozen books as well and told, "Guys! I think I have something here!"Everybody turned to her… well… almost everybody since Sora was still snoozing loudly but right now nobody cared."What do you have?" asked Aqua and Xion answered. "It is the dairy of a Keybearer. And I just found this entry."She cleared her throat and started reading, "13th month after the catastrophe. It has been 8 months since all known surviving keybearers have found each other again and 6 since we found the world which we call 'World of Departure' for now. One of the few scout groups we had send to find out more about the new worlds and gather everything which could help us to establish our new order found something… they found the Elastor. The first Keyblade. It is a wonder that it survived the war and the destruction of the world. Instantly, a recovery team was send to bring it to us. Between our leaders was a large discussion about how to handle this finding."Xion paused for some time and cleared her throat again before continuing, "Our decision was that nobody should try to wield it… so we brought it to the very world where we found each other. In one of the inhabited places on this world, we created a tomb and placed Elastor there. Then we closed it with Keyblade seals, build more security to prevent intruders to enter the place. Then we covered the tomb completely and we swore to make sure that this new place became part of the environment. The name of this world… I have the feeling it is a very fitting name considering that it is where we found each other. Where we stored Elastor… and that it was a remaining piece of the old world. And the place where Elastor was created in the first place. The new name of this place… of this world…"Xion stopped reading and told, "This… this is impossible."Everybody tried to get a look minus the still sleeping Sora and Xehanort told "Of all worlds I have been… this one is the last place where I expected the Keyblade to be."Chapter 72: Chapter 71"Of all worlds… this is really the last place I would have expected," told Lea as they heard from the others where the Keyblade Prototype was sealed."Come to think of it," began Ven. "Most of us have been there once a time.""Well… except for me," told Roxas. "I never had been there before. At least not for real.""Hey! You were inside me," told Sora but Roxas countered. "There is a difference to be there on being stuck in you and being there with your own two feet."Sora tried to counter that but as he opened the mouth, he paused since he had nothing to say about it."The real question is," went Terra in. "Does the journal contain any hint of the entrance to the tomb? You only told us on which world it is… not the location and I am not in the mood to search every single inch for anything that might be an entry to our destination.""Only that it is in a cave, and not to be confused with another door which is there," explained Aqua and Riku nodded. "I know which door is referred… if we don't look out, we might unlock the world's heart for the Heartless.""I wouldn't worry that much," told Xehanort who spoke little since they got out from the archive. "I have only mild interest of the world's destruction until we got what we are looking for. And afterwards it would be a waste of time to unlock the door.""And who says you don't stab our backs when we are not looking?" asked Ven with Xehanort telling. "Because, even being so eager we are to settle our differences once for all, I still hold the interest to keep this truce until the bigger threat is gone. And destroying any world you might care about would be counterproductive. Also, why dealing with one world after another when the rebuilding with the might of Kingdom Hearts is much faster?""I hate to admit it," told Aqua. "But Xehanort has a point here. Until we defeated the Dark Knight, he won't risk to having us breaking away from him. Not as long as he needs us.""He tricked us before to do what he his wishes," told Terra and Xehanort chuckled. "I take it as compliment that you consider that I could have tricked you into dealing with the Dark Knight. However, I have to admit… plans take time and I wanted to be sure that the Dark Knight was dealt with fast. So instead of formulating a plan that made you do this, made somehow sure that nobody died before it's time. I thought that it would be more efficient and definitely faster to take matters in the own hand and move directly to you.""I hate it when you have a point," told Ven with a groan. Riku looked up and told, "Since we have a general idea where to look, I would suggest that we go now. Talking doesn't bring us anywhere right now, and the Dark Knight could show up anytime to eliminate the Princesses of Light. And aside from Kairi and Jasmin, none of them can defend themselves at the moment."Xehanort agreed to on this by waving a hand and opening a dark corridor to their destination. The other Keybearers looked at each other and Aqua told, "We prefer to go with the Gummi Ships.""Then I will start looking, to spend the time until you arrive," told Xehanort and stepped through the portal, closing it behind him."Is it really smart to leave him alone?" asked Ven and Mickey told. "As much I don't like Xehanort and his plans, I know enough to tell that he won't betray us. At least not while all his plans are at the risk by a force that he cannot control or manipulate.""Cool!" told Ven with a sarcastic voice. "Then how about we pull one uncontrollable threat after another from our hats, so that we are busy with cleaning up, but have the advantage that X-Blade won't be rebuilt during some time?""Bad Joke Ven… very bad joke," told Xion. "And we should go now."In the meanwhile on their destination, Xehanort was walking along the place. He found it amusing that the prototype of the keyblades that every keybearer is using used was hidden in that world. A world that really lives up its name.He stopped at the end of his chosen path and looked into the distance. A distance he hadn't seen for ages.Xehanort remembered well what he had said once as he stood there in the past… also he remembered the meeting with his other self. Remembering how he brought Ventus there… and he thought of the Keybearers that originated there. His own former home."While this world is too small… it has a large impact through time," told Xehanort, turning around to face the island he was standing one. An island on a world that is called 'Destiny Islands'.Chapter 73: Chapter 72The keybearers just arrived at Destiny Islands as and Sora said, "You know… I never thought I would come back here before our adventure is was over""I can understand it Sora. Especially given how much we went through since we left the islands in the first place," replied Riku. "Though… I prefer not to think how we left it in the first place.""Come on Riku! It wasn't that bad. Everything turned out fine in the end," told Sora and Riku shook his head. "Just because of you.""If you two are done," began Roxas. "How about we find Xehanort? He got here before us and who knows what he is doing right now."Sora and Riku looked at each other and called, "The cave!" and they dashed off. The other keybearers just looked at each other for a second before running after them. They reached a small cave and in there was standing Xehanort, in front of a wooden door."Don't touch the door!" called Sora. Xehanort just turned and mused. "Why should I open a door which would ruin our biggest chance to succeed against the Dark Knight? I am here because I was looking for the sanctuary. Why wasting time if I could already get clues of its whereabouts?""Fine," told Aqua. "Then tell me: what did you find so far?"Xehanort chuckled, "The entrance is indeed on this island. I found a few things I overlooked in the past and could put together the clues… though only one clue is missing to determinate where the entrance is and how to open it.""Why bother to know how to open it if we have our keyblades?" wondered Sora and Roxas sighed. "Sora! Think about it. It was built by keybearers to prevent something dangerous running around. Do you think they wouldn't have thought of the possibility that somebody might try to open it with a keyblade, not knowing what he or she is doing?"Sora thought about this for a moment and laughed, "Guess I didn't about this.""Sometimes I don't believe you," moaned the Nobody. "You really could use your brain more often.""What? I saved the universe twice so far," countered Sora. "Doesn't this prove something?""Cut off your two," told Lea. "A fight among us isn't helping, you know?"Xehanort chuckled and spoke, "Perhaps we should concentrate on our task on hand, don't you agree?""Then how about you tell us where you have been looking so far?" inquired Riku. "I don't want to search on places where you have been already.""Almost the entire island," told Xehanort. "Except for this small cave and the small island pass the bridge.""We would have noticed it, if there was anything," told Riku and Xehanort shook his head. "You wouldn't… you didn't look for something that only a keybearer could notice.""Mind to explaining?" asked Terra with crossed arms and Xehanort did so. "You must see, the clues are hidden underneath Keyholes, Keyholes which were hidden by Keyblades. You need to search with your Keyblade to find the Keyhole… unlike the Keyholes to the hearts of the worlds, they were designed to be found when you poke your Keyblade in the near of them. Not when the time is right.""Wow! They really didn't want an accidental release," mused Lea. "Perhaps we should lock down the Knight instead of unlocking this thing.""Gladly," told Xehanort. "If you can tell me where and how to imprison it, without risking that it might break out any again."Lea looked at him and told, "I was being sarcastic.""I thought so," told Xehanort. "I was just replying to it.""So we have to go to the other island and hit everything with our Keyblades?" asked RIku. "We should be clad glad that it is such a small area we have to look at. Would have been worse if we had to look through the entire island.""I agree with Riku," told Aqua. "We should go to see where the Keyhole is.""Given on how old this Keyhole should be…" thought Roxas out loud. "We can cut out anything that was added recently… but we have to look underneath them.""Since you have never been here before…" began Riku. "You should know that except for the bridge nothing additional was added there. It served as our brawling place.""Oh… crap," told Roxas as reply. "Then it will be fun to search.""Luckily it isn't that big," told Riku.The keybearers went to the mentioned island and began to search through the place… they hit on every spot on it that might be there since the storing place of the Keyblade Prototype was placed in this world… but nothing came out."Seriously?" asked Sora, getting angry of the outcome. "We turned this small place upside down and nothing!""I am confused as well," told Xehanort. "I was sure it would be here!" while walking into the center of the island, close to the tree standing there."You played with us!" shouted Sora angrily. "You just wanted to have a laugh! Now tell us where the Keyhole is!"And in his anger he threw the Keyblade at Xehanort. The former master simply side stepped to avoid the hit and the Kingdom Key got stuck in the tree."Easy Sora… killing me right now might not be the wisest decision… though I can understand your anger.""Sora… as long we need him, killing him won't be any good," agreed Riku. "So wait until this is over.""I don't want to calm down!" told Sora and Aqua tried to calm him down anyway. "Listen Sora…"Then a clack was heard and they turned to the source of the noise… and a Keyhole surrounded Sora's Keyblade."You gotta be kidding me!" told Terra. "Who was supposed to check on this tree?""Eh… me," replied Ven and everybody looked at him. "Hey! I never knew that a tree could be that old.""In fact, this type of tropical tree cannot get that old," mused Xehanort. "Even I left out the possibility.""Sorry for the outburst then," told Sora with a grin and Xehanort only rolled his eyes. "Just open the Keyhole."Sora nodded and moved to his blade, moving it and another clack was heard. The tree began to glow with the surrounding ground and everybody stepped back. A grey ground was now in place and part of the ground it lifted up, revealing a sort of 'elevator' to use.The group looked at each other as asking, "Should we risk it?"Xion only shrugged and stepped into the elevator. Once she stood there she asked, "Are you coming or not?""We don't have all day," agreed Roxas and stepped in as well, followed by the others. Once they were in the 'elevator', Ven wondered, "So… how do we make it move?"Cue Due this it began to move down. Once they were underground, the cabin was lighted up by blue lines at the wall. Knowng that as long it didn't stop in front of a corridor or exit, they would be stuck to do nothing. So they decided to just wait… and wait… and wait… and wa- "ENOUGH!" shouted Sora. "How long is it still gonna take? We have been in this thing for days.""Actually we are only in here for a mere hour," Roxas corrected him . "But sitting here and doing nothing gets on the nerves.""I am wondering how long we are still in here," told Aqua. "We must be already deep under the ocean.""Actually, we are already several meters below the deepest point that surrounds the islands," told Xehanort. "So this shouldn't take long anymore much longer.""How do you know how deep it can be here?" asked Aqua and Xehanort told. "That, dear Aqua, remains as my business.""If the complex is that deep under," began Xion. "Then it must be large. At least larger than the island itself.""I agree," Terra nodded. "Sounds like we are in a Dungeon Crawling here."It took some more minutes but finally the 'elevator' stopped and they were faced with a small corridor. The same blue glowing light illuminated it and the keybearers proceeded in walking down the path. Xehanort looked curiously at the walls and touched them to feel them."Fascinating," told the old Keyblade Master and Sora wondered. "What?""These walls… are made from a material I only encountered once. Several years ago… but the place was in ruins, long before any recordings were made in this world.""I wonder how advanced the keybearers had been in the past," told Ven and Aqua shook her head. "I think more that somebody helped them to create this place… only to dissaear disappear afterwards.""That is what I also think," told Xehanort. "Even the oldest recordings of the Keyblade Order suggests that we never had the means to create a place like this. And we are only talking about the corridor.""This would be a challenge then to get the grand prize then!" smiled Sora and stormed forward."Sora! Wait!" called Riku. "You don't know what lies before us!"Just as Riku said that, a cry came from Sora who just ran past the door at the end of the corridor. The others followed suit and stopped, to find Sora sitting on his butt. It seemed he had to make a surprising halt since… if he hadn't he would have been on the way down.Roxas looked and thought to himself way, way, way, WAY down.In fact the ground was barely seen from the position since the blue lines on the walls were not providing enough light to let them see the entire room they were in.The keybearers began to look around and saw that they were on a platform that was connected to others. Even in this half dark place, the blue glowing lights provided enough light to tell that this room must be huge. At least of the size of the former beasts Beast's castle, if not larger.Ven noticed on the wall a design that resembled a hand. Looking surprised he asked, "What is that?"The others turned to see what he meant and Ven asked, "Sould we touch it?""Given that we don't know what we have to do here, it cannot hurt," told Sora and Lea laughed. "You realize that we might accidently activate the self destruction of this place by touching anything?""I don't think they would make the destruction of this place THAT easy," countered Riku. "Though I can see your concern here.""Let's do it anyway," told Sora. "Who knows? Perhaps his it will lighten us up down here."And like he said, the keybearer touched the design on the wall and it glowed for a few moments………"Was that all?" asked Sora and the place began to shake. Violently."Did you had to say that?" asked RIku and upon a call from Xion, they looked up and saw that five slightly glowing crystals moved down from the ceiling. Four were at the same size but the middle one was huge. Then four holes opened in the room and a beam of light hit the crystals, which redirected them over the surface of the large crystal.The room lightened up so much that everybody had to shield their eyes until the light dimmed down to comfortable brightness and once their eyes were adjusted they just stared at what they saw in front of their eyes.In front of them was a large replica of the X-Blade stuck in the ground. The size reached half of the room igh height and four armored individuals held the blade. The keybearers moved forward and looked to the ground. They noticed that four beams were on the ground, meeting at a center piece that glowed while the 'tip' of the X-Blade replica was stuck in it. And they noticed that also large chains were connected from the four inner corners of the floor with the walls. Also small pathways and bridges were all over the walls.One led to the section of the replica that connected the handle with the blade. And a door seemed to have opened there.Sora chuckled, "Well, it brightens us up, alright!""Sora… sometimes I wonder how you do that," told Riku while Sora just replied. "Don't ask me! I do what I always do.""Now we just have to find a way through a maze of pathways and bridges to this door," told Terra while Ven suggested. "Why don't we use our Keyblade Riders?""Oh sure, use flying or teleportation without knowing if this place wouldn't react to these actions," came the sarcastic comment from Lea. "Seriously? How about thinking first?""How do you know about Keyblade Riders?" asked Ven and Lea shrugged. "Old Yen Sid told me."Sora looked at Riku, "Wonder why he didn't tell us.""He did. You were absent at that time," told Riku. "And due to the lack of a form of protection, he didn't think that showing us how to call them would be any good.""I can think of a few situations where they would have been a great help," countered Roxas. "For example when Xion, Lea and I were teaming up with the Gargoyles."Everybody looked at him, almost asking him to explain but they decided it would be wiser to try and find a way up.Which wasn't easy. Due to the size of the room it was difficult to look far ahead enough to see if the chosen path would bring them closer while many connection points couldn't be seen due to the statues within the room. The only bright side on this long search was that they weren't attacked at all.During this trip Aqua wondered, "Why did you say earlier that the island would only contain a hint of the entry and not the entry itself?""Simple, Aqua," began Xehanort. "Because the hints I found regarding the entry, suggested that the final clue was on this tiny island. Not that it would contain the entry.""Then how about somebody tell me how they managed to get these giant statues got up down here?" inquired Xion. "Making this huge place is one thing… but an entirely other is getting statues of this size in here.""Seriously? Not a single clue," told Aqua. "However, they did that… it had been difficult.""I am more surprised that they managed to make this place within a lifetime," told Terra. "After all, alone making these statues must have taken years. And from what I understand, the minority of the keybearers were wiped out by the Keyblade War. There couldn't have be that many left to build this place at top speed.""That's correct," told Xehanort. "I am curious how they managed to perform such task.""If we run into a survivor we will ask," told Riku as he looked and turned right. This was the final bridge they had to take before reaching the door that was by the giant X-Blade statue. As they neared it, the door opened by itself and the keybearers entered the chamber behind said door. The room was glowing in a subtle white light. A pedestal rose from the middle of the room while in the four corners stood four statues of armored knights holding on Keyblades.They neared the pedestal and it began to glow. A man in armor appeared in an holographic light and spoke, "If you wish to open the seal, the four knights must give their keys, so the guards will release the hold on the key, so the blade will pierce the seal. Only one may challenge a knight at once.""So we have to face some challenges?" asked Sora. "Fine by me! Let's do it at once!"With that the four statues raised their Keyblades and hit once the floor. The ground in front of the armors opened and small floating platforms raised up. Also the ceiling opened up.The keybearers looked at each other, trying to decide who goes would go first.In the end Sora, Riku, Xion and Roxas stepped on the platforms. They rose into the air and flew towards the heads of the statues. Their helmets opened and they landed on another platform inside the helmets before they close up.Riku looked around in the room which was lighten up by a blue light until a white light blinded him temporally. Once he was able to see again, he saw an armor in front of him. The armor summoned a sword and took a battle stance… Riku's battle stance.Smirking he got his Keyblade out and got into the pose as well, musing, "Looks like I got the traditional fight against my doppelganger."And the two rushed at each other. Riku started with a vertical slash which was blocked and his opponent tried to hit him with a close range Dark Firaga from the hand.The Keybearer however broke off and shot a Triple Plasma to counter and then launched performing his Dark Splicer. His opponent didn't have the time to react on the attacks but once he was finished, the doppelganger launched a Mega Flare and Riku was hit square into the chest, sending him into the wall.Groaning in pain, he got up and raised Keyblade just in time to block a Shadow Break. His opponent tried to break through by the use of Zantetsuken. Riku however managed to swing around his opponent and kicked the back. His opponent jumped up and Riku got surprised that a large balloon got into the way. Intenting to run around he began to dash but his opponent popped the balloon and Riku was bombarded by smaller ones. Just as he fell on the ground, his doppelganger closed in and jumped into the air. Riku could see the energy coming up and knew what was coming.The doppelganger launched a Meteor at Riku which exploded as it hit the ground. TIt then landed on the ground, and stood still.Then Riku dashed out of the smoke, his Keyblade raised and holding something in the hand. Their blades clashed together and the doppelganger tried again to hit Riku with a spell at close range. Just before the arm with the spell made contact with Riku, his arm moved and the doppelgangers arm flew away, cut off.Riku was holding in his other hand the Keyblade Burning Heart, which was covered in flames.The doppelganger stumbled back and the fire on Burning Heart spread over Riku's entire body. Wings and a tail grew from his back and before the doppelganger could react, the keybearer had flown over to him and starting slashing. Each strike was harder and faster than the last one and after the 50th hit, Riku merged the two blades and struck downward, cutting the doppelganger into two halves.Panting loudly, Riku reverted back and looked shocked as the doppelganger reformed in front of his eyes.His next surprise was that the doppelganger was kneeling down before going to the center of the room and hit the ground with the weapon. It sank into it and the room glowed while suddenly everything shook. "Challenger! You showed your strenght! The first key of opening the path is unlocked."A blue sphere surrounded Riku and he flew off. Outside, he saw that the Statue he was in removed his hand from the X-blade statue and knelt down."That explains the shaking earlier," told Riku while he flew back into the X-Blade.Roxas looked around in his room, wondering what kind of challenge he would face there. The room began to brighten up and Roxas found himself with dozens and dozens more of armors.Looking around he wondered what his duty is was and a voice told "Challenger! Prove yourself worthy by slaying the devil in armor. However, if you choose the false armor, one of the islands above the sanctuary will be destroyed."Roxas called his Keyblade and looked around, trying to find a figure that might be the devil. A few of the armors looked like they could it be but then he spotted details on them which proved him wrong. The same are with the other armors.He went up and tried to open one of the helmets but it didn't work either. No matter how hard he looked at it, he had to rely on his luck. But if he wasn't lucky, he would destroy Sora's home… was it really worth the risk.After checking other armors he still couldn't deduce which one is was the correct and he grew frustrated.At one point he slammed his Keyblade on the ground and shouted, "I REFUSE TO TAKE UP WITH THIS! EITHER YOU SHOW ME A FAIR CHALLENGE OR I WILL TEAR MY WAY DOWN MYSELF!""You could have taken an easy path by just guessing the right armor. But you made the moral correct choice. This takes courage to admit defeat. Hereby the key is unlocked."Roxas stood there and muttered, "It seems whatever is overseeing this test must mistake my outrage as surrender… fine by me."Then he was covered by a blue sphere like Riku earlier and flew out of the room while the armors broke apart but one, which moved to the middle of the room and moved a key into the ground. Outside the room, Roxas saw how the statue removed its hold on the X-Blade statue and got into a kneeling position, like one of the other statues. Roxas thought that one of the others managed to do his part of the challenge before him.In the third of the four statues, Xion was standing stood in the middle of the room and a table with four keyblades lying on them.The four Keyblades were Ultima, Oathkeeper, Oblivion and Two Become One.While wondering how these Keyblades could be here there, a voice told, "Four Keyblades, one Keyhole. Chose the one to sacrifice and take any you want."For Xion this offer was very tempting since this meant she could have more Keyblades. Though she wondered if this meant she could dual wield them. And any possible gain of strength could help them to defeat Xehanort in the long run. And of all keybearers, she was the only one without any Signature Keyblade… she only used ones of others. First Sora's Kingdom Key and then Kuran Light Within Darkness. While Oathkeeper and Oblivion were very tempting, they were sort of Roxas' signature blades. Ultima was very tempting but she had to admit that Two Become One has more sentimental reasons.Her hand reached for the handle and lifted it up. She decided to keep it for herself though she still needed a sacrifice… any but Light Within Darkness would work. Her hand reached for one of the other three Keyblades and just before the fingers touched the surface she remembered something: this was a sort of challenge! Which meant this also could be a trap which resulted in failure.She looked at Two Become One and sighed, "It would have been great but…"She moved over to the center where the Keyhole appeared and pushed the Keyblade in. Just as she did that the other three Keyblade disappeared in dusk while she got covered in a blue light."You have chosen to take one. You have proven you are not driven by greed. Hereby the Key is unlocked."And she flew back to the others, seeing that the large statue joined the kneeling stance of the two other statues.As she was back in the room inside the X-Blade Statue, she saw that the only one who didn't return yet was Sora.She joined the others and asked, "What were your tests?""I had to show my courage by refusing that I risked sinking the islands," told Roxas and Riku told. "Faced a doppelganger to show my strength.""I had to show that I wasn't greedy by refusing to take any additional Keyblades for me," told Xion. "So what do you think Sora has to do?""Knowing our luck, he has to show wisdom," told Riku and Xehanort chuckled. "Well, knowing Sora so far, it might take a while before he solves his puzzle. So how about we discuss what we do once we reach our goal?""From what I see we should lay a trap for the Knight to lure him in and then take him down," told Aqua. "That would make things quick and effective.""And this way we can choose our battlefield," agreed Lea. "Any place where we gain an advantage towards the thing is a good place for me.""We should find a place where its powers get either weakened or nullified," suggested Terra. "Though given what we know about this Dark Knight, finding even a place to weaken it is lucky enough.""I agree," told Xehanort. "Though what kind of place might be good enough to ensure that the Armor's strength is reduced even at the slightest?""Well… any place where the light is strong might sound for a start," told Ventus. "After all, we talk about something that is made to use the darkness."Xehanort put a hand on his chin and told, "I think I have an idea… but for that I need to talk with somebody first.""And with who?" asks Riku but Xehanort said. "With Yen Sid and Mickey."As they keep discussing, the place shook again and Sora returned to the room. Panting loudly, he grinned "Man! That was hard!""What was your challenge?" asked Aqua and Sora grinned. "A voice asked me if I could stand on one leg while touching my forehead. It took a while until I finally managed that!"Everybody looked at Sora and Lea asked, "You… didn't seriously make your leg touch your forehead?""Sure! After all it was the challenge" told Sora and nobody, NOBODY, dared to ask how he managed that. After all, the solution of this question was far simpler. Stand on your leg and use your hand to touch the forehead.So they just assumed that, whatever oversaw the challenges, let him pass for the feat itself… not for proving his wisdom.Then the hologram of the man before appeared again and told "Challengers! You managed to beat the four challenges. I hereby you are worthy to see the treasure sealed within this sanctuary."Once he said that, the room began to shake and the hologram was replaced by a sort of feed on what is happening outside.The X-Blade model was rising into the air and the block it was stuck in began to sink into the ground. The four bars which had touched the block began to retreat into the wall. The four giant statues and bridges began to disappear in a bright white light before the chains which were connected with the ground began pulling said ground.The floor rose, splitting in four parts, revealing it was a large trap door all along kept shut by the four statues and the bars.The X-blade began to sink down into the depths. It was a slow procedure and halfway to the final ground, it split up in two halves, making the room where the keybearers are in, to were into a platform. The X-blade sank into the ground until the platform touched and then stopped. A pathway began to glow, leading to a door.They proceeded to the door and a warning was written on it 'Behind this door is the Prototype of the Keyblade. Never release it, unless the fate of the universe is at risk.'"Thanks for this loophole," told Lea and he pushed the doors open. They found themselves in a large room. This room wasn't glowing… the light source was the only object inside the room: a giant yellow glowing crystal hold held by eight large chains in the middle of the room."Well… here we are. Any idea where the prize is?" asked Terra and Aqua suggested. "Probably inside of that crystal. We just have to open it.""And how are you suggesting we do that?" asked Ventus. Sora just shrugged and told. "The old way!"He pulled the Keyblade out and threw it over. The Keyblade hit the crystal and got stuck, creating cracks over the crystal.Seconds later the cracks disappeared and the Keyblade got catapulted back at Sora, hitting his head.After being floored of this hit, Sora groaned and commented, "Wasn't a good idea""We could have told you that beforehand," sighed Xion. "If you had given us a chance to explain.""Sorry!" grinned Sora and Xehanort suggested. "How about we instead use our Keyblades to unlock the Four Keyholes on the four walls in this room.""Well… that's easy," told Riku. "I thought for the last defense they would pull something else.""For once be glad that things are running smoothly," countered Sora and aimed his Keyblade. Terra, Ven and Lea did the same and the four beams hit the Keyholes.They glowed like the chains and disappeared while the crystal glowed brighter. shields Everyone shielded their eyes and once the glow disappeared the room was enlighten up by four small crystals. And between the four crystals…Xehanort stared like the other keybearers at what was sealed in the crystal and stated, "Not even I expected this."In front o them was a boy with blond hair, wearing a crown. He sported a collar, a short sleeved hoody and short pants with brown boots. Also he had fingerless gloves. This boy also sports Also, a lion tail and ears while having and claws on the fingers could be seen.Grinning at the keybearers he asked, "Hi! Didn't expect to be wake up at all! How are you?"Chapter 74: Chapter 73The boy, that the keybearer found in the ancient sanctuary underneath Destiny Island, just learned about the reason why they went there.Just as they finished their tale, the boy called, "NO WAY! One of the Dark Knights still exists? I knew these things were sturdy but this takes it to a complete new level!""Then we can assume that you are willing to hear us out?" wondered Master Xehanort while waving his hand."Of course! After all, it is a problem from the Keyblade War. Though afterwards I really get back in there. Got sealed up for a reason.""I guess we can understand the reason," began Aqua. "To prevent that anybody could try to get your Keyblade after your death."However, the boy shook his head, "If it were that easy, then this place would simply be my grave. One of the effects of blade is that I stopped aging. Even before I got sealed up in here, I have been stuck in this age for good 50 years."As reaction, everybody stared at the boy and he continued, "The remaining Keyblade Masters guessed it would be too risky to keep me around. And I must agree... keeping my Keyblade around isn't the best option... with all the confusion and disorder around. Not to forget how power-hungry people get.""Still... It must be a terrible fate," said Xion with a sad tone."Well... considering I haven't gone mad while watching my friends age and die OR watching them being slaughtering by the war, then I used to think, being sealed up in a crystal, where I am in suspension is the better option, then witness every moment in this universe or sitting here, completely bored to hell.""Given history, you would have gone mad for sure," told Lea. "And trust me... I got some personal experience.""Since we are all here now... what is your plan of action?" wondered the boy."Simple!" told Sora. "We engage it, you crack the armor open and then we destroy it all together.""Nice plan Sora, but do you know where it is right now?" wondered Riku. Sora tried to come up with an answer but couldn't find one."Thought so..." muttered Riku. The boy only laughed, "At least he got spirits!""Then how about we try and come up with an actual plan?" offered Xehanort. The others nodded but the boy interrupted, "Can I hear your names first? And how about we get something to eat? I am starving. After all, my last had been a few thousand years ago."The group looked at each other and they introduced themselves to the boy. Though they didn't have any food with them."No trouble! Once we are out of here, I am sure we can grab something to eat. By the way ... I am Sukai!"The keybearers acknowlged the name and once they got out of the sanctuary, they boarded the gummi ship.On board, Xehanort explained his plan and Sora shouted, "No way! Mickey would never let you do that!""Think about it Sora... do you know any other place, which has the same qualities as this world?""Given our options, I cannot say that there is any other world that could do the same..." told Riku. " Though... how do you plan to manipulate the effects to the desirable effects?""Simple Riku! We seek out the light bringers," explained Xehanort.Shaking her head Aqua asked, "Do you really think that Maluz would help us?""He will realize the dangers, so he has to, if he want it or not," explained Xehanort, though Terra pointed out. "Nobody has seen him since Castle Oblivion!""For me that isn't a very big loss," told Ventus. "once the Dark Knight is finished, he would have swarmed us to finish us off.""Speaking of backstabbing," began Lea turning to Xehanort. "I am still not convinced that you won't backstab us once the Dark Knight stops moving.""I won't blame you on that," told Xehanort. "But given how much the Dark Knight has interfered in my own plans, I need time to get back in track myself, also some of my Organization are unable to operate for now due to the Dark Knight. And I expect that others might follow once we clash with this relict of the past.""In my opinion, you should give up on your plan to restart a Keyblade War or having the X-blade at all," told Sukai. "The events destroyed the universe once and I prefer to prevent that to happen a second time.""You may have lived for a century before being frozen in this crystal," began Xehanort. "You never saw the unbalance of light and darkness. The constant brawl of the two sides. Only once they are equal, the secrets of the hearts unlocked, an ideal world can exist again. However, to create something new, old things must be destroyed at times. For an ideal universe, you need to destroy the old one.""If you are too stubborn to change your view, why shouldn't we deal with you right here and now?" asked Xion and Xehanort chuckled. "Who tells you that I don't have another plan for the case you slay me here and now? Who says that you still win against the Dark Knight without me here? The only reason why my organization and I are helping you, is that I realize that the Dark Knight is a threat no one can handle alone. Slay me here and you will find yourself in a war of two fronts.""He has a point," told Roxas. "While I would like to deal with him right now, we need each other. No one has knowledge, even Yen Sid admitted such."Xion nodded in acknowledged and looked out of the window as they flew towards Radiant Garden where they agreed on meeting up.Once they landed, they moved directly to Merlin's home, though on the way Ienzo stopped them and told that Even wanted to see Xion.Nodding, she told she would come to the others once she knew what her creator wanted from her.The rest of them soon got to Merlin's house and it was a big confusion to see that the group brought a new face with them.After telling that Sukai was the wearer of the Keyblade prototype, Merlin asked, "So you are the one who wears Elastor?""That's right," told Sukai. " Though I never liked the name. I prefer to call it… Key Chain!"And with a flash the Keyblade appeared. It was a long chainsaw like blade with a lion head as a keychain."I can see why you have chosen this name," sweatdropped Terra, however, Aqua stated. "But it doesn't look even close to the X-blade. I thought the prototype of Keyblades would resemble more the original.""Well… the first prototypes did," admitted Sukai. "But this is the first one which actually worked the way intended. The others were failures. Either they didn't work at all, broke too easy or even exploded in the first try using them.""I see…" began Riku and wondered. "But what makes it different from our Keyblades? Something must have been changed in later generation since it is said that you could damage the Dark Knights armor with it, while our blades are not working.""Simple," told Sukai. "The strength had to be lowered to gain a sufficient number of Keybearers in reasonable time. The first dozen Keyblades after mine required either a large natural skill or years of training to even use it for simple swings without causing trouble for anybody who wasn't a target""Reasonable," told Xehanort. "Depending on the lower limits they wanted for their Keybearers, they had to make sure the Keyblades could be handled by many people possible.""That's right," Sukai grinned. "At least for the first generations of Keyblades. Then the second came… they were closer to your Keyblades and mostly used in the Keyblade War. Shortly before the catastrophe the third, your generation of Keyblades were made. In fact, all survivors, except for me, were holders of third generation Keyblades. But how the production of these later two worked… not a clue. Didn't bother to learn. Though… this Xion… she was staring at her Keyblade and I could sense it was different to the third generation Keyblades I have seen so far.""Well… you should better know that the keyblade she holds isn't hers," corrected Roxas. "It belongs to a friend of ours. She just happens to wield it right now.""Oh! Then perhaps I should talk with the original holder. Where is he?" asked Sukai but Lea told. "I prefer not to talk about it," he countered. "At least for now. Once we got him back I am more willing to do so," though the red haired young man was definitely glaring at Xehanort since he was responsible for what happened to his friend Kuran."We should concentrate us on our plan," told Xehanort and Mickey asked. "And what is your plan Xehanort?"Grinning, Xehanort began to tell his idea, but Mickey protested, "No way! I would never allow this! The risks are too great for anybody who shouldn't get involved in this battle!""I am sorry, but I am not aware of any other world which contains the qualities necessary for the plan," told Xehanort. "And besides, what are some hurt people if we manage to prevent the misery of the Princess of Heart. At least before we attempt to recreate the X-Blade."Mickey gritted his teeth. Xehanort managed to force him making to chose between two devils. And given the situation, the lesser devil was to be chosen to go along with the plan."Fine! But first we prepare the place before we set the plan into motion. While we search for a different location. Currently, the Princesses of Heart are safe so we have time to spend," reasoned Mickey."I don't need to remind you that this protection is only a temporary safety until the Dark Knight realizes how we are hiding the princesses from him. Then it will be an endless task of relocation and I believe they would prefer to return to their lives than being constantly on the run from something that wants to destroy them," countered Xehanort with a chuckle while making a hand gesture. "But I accept the condition… whatever happens first, the place being prepared or a better place be found, we execute the plan accordingly."While they discussed some more details of the plan, Roxas wondered, "I wonder why Xion is taking so long. I thought it was only a short matter which needed to be discussed.""I am sure she is fine," told Lea. "Xion isn't a little girl anymore and can take care of herself."Roxas nodded to him but still said, "I will go to look for her.""Do whatever you think you need to do," told Lea. "Just don't get lost, kidnapped or put into a virtual reality with amnesia.""Well if that happens, I know you will come and get me back," told Roxas. "Just don't try to fry me if the last one happens again.""Don't worry! This part of my live is over. The only guys I want to burn are the bad guys. Though you might break my heart if you become a bad guy," replied Lea with a chuckle and Roxas laughed, moving towards the castle.It took long to get there but once he was there… he knew something is was wrong. Even and Ienzo were hurrying around in their lab and Roxas asked, "What is wrong?"" No time to explain," told Ienzo. "We have to stabilize her first."" Stabilize? Who?" asked Roxas but then it hit him. "Oh no…"He ran to the glass capsule and saw that Xion lying in there, starting to crystallize again, the first sign of her fading away."Xion!" shouted Roxas. "Don't… don't do that again!" hitting the capsule.Even grabbed the keybearer and dragged him away, "Don't do that! It is hard enough to slow the process down to a point where we could hold her! Your hitting the glass isn't helping.""What happened to Xion?" demanded Roxas and Even told. "I explain once we got an hold on her!"Gritting his teeth Roxas freed himself but signaled he understood and Even went back to his work. Roxas just stared at the capsule with Xion, not noticing a bit the changes of the colors around him and having not noticed about the time passing."We got a hold," Even sighed after a while and Ienzo told. "Yes… but for how long?""I hope long enough until we fix her," told Even and Roxas asked. "What happened?""While I explained her that we had to delay her repairs until Faith reappears, the heart inside of her suddenly jumped out of her chest and disappeared into the darkness. Lucky for her we found a few other methods to hold her, though which restricts her in this capsule."Roxas fell on his knees and stared at Even for those words… how should he explain that they lost Kuran for good and that Xion was on the verge of disappearing again?Chapter 75: Chapter 74The preparations of the trap for the Dark Knight were in process ,thoug the mood of the Keybearers was gloomy since Xion lost Kuran's heart… and given the fact that as long Faith was missing, that meant her survival is uncertain.Xehanort of course wasn't even touched by this since he saw her like most other Organization members, only as puppet and thought she wasn't even worth the effort to save her. Of course this upset the keybearers even more, especially Lea and Roxas.Though they already voiced while the two were helping preparing everything and supporting them if possible, they also told they wouldn't fight with them… currently they would be only an a hindrance instead of a help.Their friends understood it and agreed that the two would leave once the Dark Knight was there.Once they thought they were finished, King Mickey asked, " Has everybody evacuated?""Yes, your Majesty," told Goofy and Donald told."Every irreplaceable object is also secured, the gummi garage sealed off and every gummi ship is relocated.""Good," told Mickey. "And the Princesses of Heart?""They are ready to get here in the throne room," replied Riku. "We only have to bring them down and get the Fragments of Darkness off from them to make them the ideal bait.""I still don't like it," admitted Sora. "We should not risk the lives of the princesses that easily.""We know," told Aqua. "But we have nothing else that lures the Dark Knight to this place. I just hope everything works out.""Yeah, especially that the most critical part is that Sukai manages to crack or destroy the protective armor of the Dark Knight," told Terra. "If this fails, game over.""Then better we not lose this game," chuckled Sukai. "And if you distract it long enough, I can at least open the back up.""That's right," told Sora. "We can do that! We just have to keep positive.""You are an eternal optimist as ever," told Xemnas. "Although it still bears the risk that some of us might lose their lives in this battle.""Don't be so negative," told Sora with a glare."Silence," told Xehanort. "We are about to have a battle that can decide the fate of this universe and I prefer to get through the plan again before anybody screws up. Especially the ones whose very existence can screw plans.""I don't know if we should be offended or feel praised," commented Riku. "Do your recap.""Good!" replied Xehanort. "In the very moment we start the operation, we move the Princesses of Heart down here and remove the Fragments of Darkness. Alone the presence of all seven being here, will act like a giant fly lamp for the Dark Knight. However, to increase the chances, half of my organization will actively search for the knight and try to lure it here. Once it is here, the Cornerstone of Light should weaken it instantly, though the presence of the Princesses should keep it here. Six of the princesses will be brought to the Cornerstone to protect them while we fight it up here. Kairi stays for two reasons: first, to take the attention of the knight and second… she refuses to stand back. Sukai goes into the fight and cracks or destroys the armor. Once the armor is gone, we go in full force for the destruction. But we have to be careful. We don't know what the Dark Knight is capable of.""Why cannot this new brat provide us with information?" asked Xigbar and Sukai laughed weakly. "Well… to tell you the truth, while I know a few things, I never saw them in full action. I was rather busier with dealing with other Keybearers who thought that fighting me was the best solution to get what they wanted.""One might wonder how the Keyblade War would have ended if people had used their minds way better," mused Xehanort. "Perhaps I would have already the knowledge I seek, or I should have different goals.""We will never know," told Riku. "Better we start right now with the plan."They nodded and made the final tasks to start the plan. The seven Princesses of Hearts were moved down and the fragments were removed from them. Once they were stored away, the Organization began to search for the Dark Knight.The princesses were chatting with each other while Sora took a nap. Ventus, Aqua and Terra were catching up with Mickey about the past 12 years. Riku on the other hand was talking with Sukai. Xehanort and his organization members were just standing in a corner, waiting for anything to happen.Suddenly, a dark corridor opened and a dragon flew out, crash-landing into a wall.Everybody looked in surprise and even Sora got awake from the crash. Riku was the first to recover from the surprise and turned to Xehanort, "I take this is Xartec?""Objective as ever Riku," replied Xehanort. "That is indeed Xartec""Ehh… how could this be Xartec?" asked Sora confused.Riku slapped his face and replied, "Xartec is the Nobody of Retac, which is Fugeo's ancestor. Hence, it would be not surprising that he is a dragon.""Makes sense," muttered Sora and Xeharnort asked to Xartec. "You found him?""Yes…" groaned the dragon, turning himself into a humanoid form. "And he should have detected the Princess already."True to his word, the heavy stomps were heard and the Dark Knight appeared within the room.Looking around, it stated, "Several unnatural light sources detected. Proceed to eliminate!""Not so fast!" told Aqua and got into the way, her Keyblade ready to fight.The Dark Knight looked at Aqua for a moment while Terra and Ven were guiding the princesses down, closer to the Cornerstone of Light."Low level threat," stated the Dark Knight. "Concentration on irregularity."The Dark Knight swatted at Aqua, but she blocked the hit with her Keyblade and just skitted back. The Dark knight proceeded its movement, but staggered as it was slashed. Sukai had got up behind the armored enemy and slashed the back for the armor, damaging it greatly. The mechanical being turned around and looked at Sukai, who held on his Keyblade."Keyblade Prototype detected. High-level threat. Proceed to remove!" declared the Dark Knight and slashed with his Keyblade. Sukai jumped back to avoid the hit while Aqua shot a Triple Firaga, joined by Mega Flares from Sora and Riku at the crack on the back.The Dark Knight stumbled at the hit, turning around and shots black balls at the three.Riku and Aqua managed to defend themselves with shields but Sora's attempt to block the attacks showed the painful result that these balls were explosive and had thrown the keybearer at the wall."Dammit!" muttered Riku and stormed forward, clashing swords with the opponent. Then the Dark Knight tried a downward slash, but stopped as it was hit on the helmet by a fire spell. Turning around, it spotted Kairi."Attacking anomaly. Removing," it stated and turned, giving an opening of its front which was used by Sukai who slashed at the chest armor.The Dark Knight tried to react but found its sword arm frozen by Xehanort while Aqua used Gravity spells to hinder the movements of the free hand. However, it managed to break the ice of the sword arm and raised it to slash it down. But it was stopped by Riku who held on Way to Dawn and Burning Heart, pushing at the blade. Sukai used the opportunity and Key Chain began to surr, like as a chain blade being activated and hit the sword from above, forcing the Dark Knight to react.It let go of the blade and it got dug into the ground.With both hands free, the Dark Knight grabbed the two Keybearers, though the grip wasn't holding long as two more Mega Flares exploded on the damaged back, opening the cracks more. It turned and shoots an explosive ball of darkness at the attackers, Aqua and Xehanort. The old Keyblade master merely waved a hand and a rock formation erupted from the ground, taking the destructive hit.Kairi was also shooting random spells to earn the attention of the knight while Sora, getting up from his earlier hit, got both of his blades out and rushed forward, holding the two together as one and made an downward slash at the knight's back. It began to crack more and Sukai made a roar as he stormed forward and passed through the Dark Knights defense somehow and delivered a vertical slash, severing the front of the Dark Knight's armor greatly.The cracks began to join and the protective armor broke apart revealing it to be a skeletal construction with a large crystal ball in the center, pulsing in different colors, mostly dark variations."Primary defense down! Threat Level 10 achieved!""I guess we got it mad," stated Riku and true to his word, the armor sped up at Riku. But the speed was too fast for Riku to realize what was happening until the knight was already in front of him. The keybearer wasn't able to put up a defense as he received a huge blast of fire energy upon his body, causing him to crash into the walk, breaking it.The others looked shocked at the sudden movement and the enemy was already on the way to deal with Kairi. However, to her luck, got Aqua between them and blocked the attacks with a barrier spell but it quickly lost its power due the brutal onslaught on the surface.Sukai aimed at the Dark Knight and shot an energy ball at it, but the knight detected the projectile and blocked it with the own blade.Mickey who had been waiting for a good opportunity so far, went close in, jumped up and delivered three strikes before jumping back, avoiding one of the blasts of the Dark Knight.Xartec, who had recovered by now, stormed at the Dark Knight and grabbed the two arms of the construction.Their power struggled and it seemed the dragon and the magical powered object were on equal footing. However, a rock formed in front of the sphere in the center of the knight and shot into the Nobody dragon stomach, sending him away before the knight rushed at Sukai, slamming him head into the ground and tried to stomp on him. But a Dark Firaga from Xehanort caused the armor to stumble back and turned the focus to the old Keyblade Master.It jumped over and shot an ice spells at him. Xehanort defended himself with a fire spell, melting the ice before contact. At a wave of his hand, Ordo got in and magically threw spears at the knight, hitting him at the shoulders, legs, head and three into the sphere.It caused the sphere to slit a little but was still far from finally breaking and as revenge of the attack, Ordo received from the Dark Knight an overwhelming amount of darkness which exploded at his face.After the blast he was lying on the floor and he stated weakly, "Against this order, my sense of order was overwhelmed…"Turning its attention back to Xehanort it proceeded to try and harm the old master by assaulting him with deadly spells of all types, except for light.Xehanort, however, due to his experience, was able to counter most of them while blocking the rest. But due his high age, it was only a matter of time before his reserves were emptied. As the Dark Knight tried to charge another attack, he used the opportunity and caused a part of the rooms ceiling to fall on the enemy.While the Dark knight dug itself free, Xehanort stated, "I am at my limit now. I am sorry but I need to retreat. Once I make contact to the rest of my organization though, I will send reinforcements towards you."And only a few seconds later he left through a dark corridor.Aqua wasn't really amused by this and stated, "Typical for him! He let us deal with the main work.""Then we better end this now," told Mickey and Sora agreed to it, pulling his Dragon Key Amulet out and summoning the Keyblade from it, storming with both weapons in hands towards the Dark Knight with Mickey.The little mouse jumped around the dark armor and hit it from all sides while it blasted around to take him out of commission.Sora on the other hand interfered with each attack, causing the enemy to lose its coordination over the body and had to stabilize itself.Sukai used this chance and slammed his Key Chain into the crystal core."Critical condition! Final Move!""What?" asked Sukai and the core began to glow brightly. "Oh shit!"He tried to dash away but it was too late. The core exploded, filling the entire throne room with its elemental blast. Once the blast settled down, Mickey rose up, groaning and looked around. The room was a mess and parts of the walls were destroyed but it didn't look like the room would collapse soon . Mickey was glad that while constructing the castle they made sure that it was build to withstand a lot.Though they originally had meteors in mind and not an explosion from the inside. Coughing by the dust he asked, "Is everybody alright?""I am okay," told Riku and Kairi added."Aqua and I were able to protect ourselves through spells.""I am alright as well," told Sora, shaking his head. "Though I have a heavy headache."From a wall came the next heavy groan and they saw Sukai leaning at a wall, unable to move. And the reason wasn't hard to guess… the way his arm and leg were twisted suggested that he broke some bones.Mickey and Aqua moved over and checked on him. Shaking his head he told, "Like I thought… magical inflicted injuries.""And from the pure blast I guess even our magic is limited," told Aqua and Sukai chuckled weakly."Guess I am out of the contest for now.""That's correct," told Aqua and suggested. "Better we look for the others. Even if their duty was to watch out for the other princesses, we better take no other chances.""Yeah. Not to mention… where is Xehanort?" wondered Riku.Just right then they noticed that no one of the Organization was there. Not to mention… they barely helped out in the battle."Oh no!" gasped Mickey and he rushed to the remains of the throne. Though the mechanism to open the stairs was busted so they used a few spells to break the door open.They quickly rushed down and stared at what they saw… Terra, Ven, Lea and Roxas were lying on the ground, unable to move while each of the princesses was gone."He... he really dared," told Riku weakly and Sora grit his teeth, tightening his fist.Suddenly they heard a scream and Sora gasped, "Kairi!"Chapter 76: Chapter 75Rushing back to the throne room they saw Kairi being surrounded by Unversed and Vanitas was grinning at them together with Repliku."You!" shouted Sora. "Leave Kairi alone!""You wish," told Repliku. "However, we need Kairi for our cause.""Do you really thing we would let you leave with her?" asked Aqua, summoning her Keyblade and Vanitas laughed."Nope! We completely expected that you fight for her. However… Xehanort was so nice to hand us his last gifts for you. If you survive the next one, then you get one more and can prepare for our final confrontation.""What are you talking about?" asked Riku and suddenly they were knocked back by a loud screech directed at them.Groaning from the loud tone a shadow moved like liquid in front of Repliku and Vanitas and slowly a figure formed form it… while the outlines reminded of a woman, the skin and hair were black, the eyes glowing white and the mouth was filled with fangs. No doubt that it was a creature of darkness. Perhaps even an unknown form of Heartless."We found this one by chance in the Realm of Darkness and wanted its host back," told Repliku and Vanitas laughed."And we were more than willing to give the host. We were even so nice to give a certain immunity towards light!"The being laughed and told, "I hope you like the greeting! Because next time I use it, you are either knocked out or outright death! No matter how, your lives end here!""I would love to watch the show but we have orders from Xehanort!" laughed Vanitas and his Unversed grabbed the panicked Kairi and dragged her into a dark corridor before the two organization members followed.The being grinned widely and the floor began to get covered by darkness and tentacles grew from the ground, "I could terminate you all on the spot! But testing my newfound powers will be more enjoyable while reducing your wrenched Keyblades into dust!""Only in your dreams," told Riku, struggling to get back on his feet, but from the match against the Dark Knight he was like the others, still weakened.Her tentacles reached for the Keybearers but they didn't plan to just sit there and wait. Riku and Sora used their speed to cut quickly the tentacles which were trying to grab them. Mickey was doing acrobatics while Aqua opted to use shields and quick spells while all of them tried to prevent her to grab on those who couldn't defend themselves. But what worried them more the most was that it seemed that the Cornerstone of Light either didn't do it's supposed work or that the dark being was not weakened enough by its power.Additional to the fact that the cornerstone wasn't working, she was shrieking loudly and everybody was swiped from their feet, quickly grabbed and tied up by her tentacles of darkness.Laughing loudly, she declared, "Now that I have all of you in my grasp, I will exterminate you once after another!" turning her gaze to Riku she also explained. "And I will start with you … you remind me a lot to the one who dared to defeat me in the realm of darkness! My territory!" her arm began to change form and became a long spike made of pure darkness.The tentacles forced Riku into a kneeling position, making him look at her as she closed in. Laughing madly she lifted her arm and aimed at Riku. But her laugh died off soon as she noticed something. She turns around and a corridor of darkness was there. Tilting her head she wondered, "Are they back again? What do they want now?"Instead of a humanoid body appearing from the dark corridor, a growl came out of it and a pair of green eyes fixed on her. The creature of darkness stepped back by the sheer glance from whatever was in there and it began to slowly move out.It was a bipedal creature with two strong legs a long tail and a round body. Two shorter arms were coming from the body while the head was triangle formed and the mouth resembled a large beak. On the back grew a pair of wings, though they appear to be semi transparent.The dominant color of the creature was black, though the neck sported the color green while on head was a golden forehead.She didn't think long and called, "If you want to make yourself useful, kill one of these meddling Keybearers!"But it didn't follow her order, though she was sure that she was the strongest one able to control Heartless. Slightly unnerved by the lack of reaction she called, "What are you waiting for? Do something!"And with that the Heartless began to dash… aimed at her. She shrieked but it didn't show effects and in the own defense she melted, forming a puddle of darkness getting behind the Keybearers while her tentacles launching at the foe.The dragon-like heartless stopped and looked for its prey as the tentacles wrapped around it, immobilizing it. She chuckled loudly and told, "Looks like you are now at my mercy!"The Heartless roared and mobilized its strength, ripping the tentacles off. Also it grabbed one of them and chewed on the tentacle before gulping it down. She stared at it in shock while the Keybearers were surprised as well. It growled and stormed forward again, disappearing in a dark corridor, only to reappear in front of her and the Heartless jumped at her.She stared at her foe for a moment before trying to melt and disappear in its shadow but the jaws snapped and pulled her up again. She screamed in horror and hit his body with her fists, but the arms of the Heartless grabbed her and began to pull. She screams at the Keybearers, "Help me! Please! Stop this thing!"She screamed more and suddenly a body fell down on the ground while she turned into a dark mess in the Heartless jaws, the tentacles and the darkness produced by her disappearing.The Keybearers stood up slowly, watching how the Heartless kept chewing on the dark mess before gulping it down like a piece of flesh.It looked around and let out a cry, causing the Heartless Keybearers to call their Keyblades. Looking at the body at the ground it didn't move. The Keybearers looked as well and they gasped shocked as they recognized who it was; it was Faith.A weak groan came from her and she slowly opened her eyes. At first everything was blurry in her view then it began to clear, but as she saw the Heartless she gasped at first, crawling away in a first instinct.The Heartless moved towards her, but Sora called, "Stay away from her!"Reacting to Sora's call, it turned towards the Keybearers, letting out a roar before storming away from them, leaving in a dark corridor.Panting loudly, Faith looked at them, "What happened? And how did I get here?""The same we could ask you," told Riku. "First you disappear, and now you reappeared after this Heartless… ripped the darkness off from you after you tried to kill us.""It took control over me again?" asked Faith and Riku turnws his head."I think we have to go through step by step… what is the last thing you remember?""The last thing I remember… it is that I stood above Xemnas after kicking his butt," told Faith. "Then… I felt pain and… then I woke up here.""And what do you mean you got controlled again?""I… I was once controlled by the darkness. Upon meeting Kuran I got freed by him and he brought me also to Radiant Garden.""I see… I guess you got kidnapped by the Organization and merged with this darkness again," guessed Riku and Mickey told."And used as distraction to keep us busy while the Organization took Kairi.""With that they have all seven princesses," spoke Riku and Sora gasped."Then we have to save them!""And where do you think we should look for them?" asked Riku. Sora wanted to answer that but only an 'oh' came from him.Mickey on the other hand had taken the opportunity to fill Faith in on what happened from the point she was gone missing and her reappearance.She looked at the direction where the Heartless had gone and told, "The Heartless… somehow it… felt familiar.""Have you seen it before?" asked Mickey but Faith shook her head."No. Definitely not.""Then perhaps it has been once somebody you knew," suggested Aqua and Faith nodded."Sounds likely," then she turned to the others. "Better if you bring Sora and I to Even so we can help Xion. While somebody takes care of the others.""A good idea," told Aqua. "And secure this place… I fear this room won't be able to withstand anymore.""Yeah…." told Mickey. "It will take a lot of time before we can let anybody enter this room again.""Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" suddenly shouted the voice of Donald as he rushed in."Donald! What happened?" asked Mickey and the duck shouted."Somebody appeared in the garden and he-"Donald stopped as he noticed the damage around in the room and shouted, "What happened here?""You knew a fight was going on here," told Mickey. "What is about this man?""He claims to be an Armor Maker," told Donald and Aqua asked."Amor Maker for Keybearers?""Armor Maker?" asked Sora and Aqua told."Each armor worn by a Keybearera is created by a special blacksmith. And the last one disappeared shortly after he made the one for Ventus.""Better we check on him," told Riku. " I have the feeling his appearance isn't just fate. But part of Xehanort's plan."Chapter 77: Chapter 76The keybearers were in the infirmary to treat their wounds while Mickey asked to Terra and Ven what happened."We were looking after the six princesses," began Terra when suddenly two dark corridors opened and… Ordo appeared together with Braig. "While having our keyblades ready, we asked them what they wanted and Ordo just spoke of something about bringing everything in the right order.""Terra and I looked at each other in wonder," continued Ven. "As Terra shouted in pain. The last thing I saw was Kuranord holding a taser as he collapsed before I was hit on the head by something heavy… and you can think of the rest.""That explains it," told Aqua. "They used the confusion to get the princesses… and probably they also got all fragments we were able to collect so far.""Which means we have to hurry with recovering," sighed Mickey before turning to Aqua."Should we now talk to our guest?""Since we cannot do anything else aside from sitting around, it is a good idea," was her reply.The two nodded and went to the man that appeared. He was sitting on a chair, tired. The clothes told that he was a sort of prisoner for a long time and the features of the face and color of the hair told that he was at least 50 years old."Excuse us," told Mickey. "We would like to talk with you.""Of course," he sighed. "You would like to know why I am here, right? And who am I?""These are questions that I like to have answered," replied Aqua and the man told. "Like I told those before… I am an Armor Maker for Keybearers… I was in the business for a long time and was also for a long time in the Lands of Departure.""I am sorry but I cannot remember you, and I was trained by Master Erasqus," told Aqua and the man replied."I moved out of the Lands of Departure since Master Erasqus asked me to leave, after I did something he found unforgivable.""And what?" asked Aqua and the man wondered. "What do you think of darkness?""Nessescary for the balance," told Aqua. "But not to trusted. Aside from only a few people, I would never trust darkness, rather exterminate it if it were possible.""I made a deal with somebody who uses Darkness," was his reply. "To save the life of…" before he could speak, Aqua shouted."You made a deal? Didn't you expect it would bit you?""I knew what was coming! She came just a few years later, claiming me for her plans. And once she was fallen, the next group came to take me, and after that Xehanort came to claim me for his plans. But unlike the other two groups, I was tasked to bring you a message once he releases me.""What kind of message?" asked Mickey and the man told."I should tell you the following, if you survive the present he left with me, you should recover and gain Armors for the final battle. Until then, he will wait… but not forever.""How long?" Mickey asked and the man told."One month. In one month he will declare where the war will have its battle.""A month… that's not much of a time," told Mickey. "Enough to recover from the wounds we sustained today.""And make keyblade armors for most of you," told the man."That would be helpful," acknowledged Aqua. "I am Master Aqua… I took Master Erasqus place after his… demise.""I am aware of Erasqus' death. Xehanort himself told it to me," told the man. "And I heard of you, King Mickey, Ruler of Disney Castle. Though… you need to spend some time for repairs to show the full glory of this place.""I feel honored that you heard about me," told Mickey. "But I am afraid we didn't catch your name."The old man nodded, "My name is… Bringsir Yamo."In the meanwhile Faith, Sora, Donald and Goofy just arrived in Radiant Garden. While neither Sora nor Faith were in their best shape, Sora due the battles and Faith due her… experience with the darkness recently, Sora had insisted that they should go there as soon as possible so they could help Xion. Faith had agreed to it as well. After all they didn't know how much time was left before it was too late for the procedure.Namine was already expecting them and smiled, "Hello Faith… it is great to see you again.""Yeah., though it was a bit difficult to get back… no clue if I would be able to do it myself," told Faith. "Didn't manage it the time before after all, although… this Heartless felt familiar.""Perhaps you faced it before," suggested Namine and Faith nodded."Sounds like that."They headed to the labs and Even looked very nervous at the whole set up and told, "I am glad you are here. Everything is ready.""How will it work?" asked Sora and Even explained."You will sit in the second capsule and Namine will extract the memories necessary for Xion. Then she will fill them into a prepared crystal. Faith will make a copy of the crystal and then we give you back your memories while Xion receives the copy."Nodding, Sora climbed into the capsule and Even closed it up. Once they were sure that Sora was safe in there the procedure began. It was difficult since the Nobody had to make sure that Sora's memories didn't fall apart while the few chain links of memories were missing… in fact, even transferring them into the crystal, she had to concentrate to keep the rest of Sora's memories intact.Knowing that, Faith made a quick but careful work to copy the information stored in the crystal. Once she was done, Namine was getting the chains of memories back into their right order. Once this was done, Namine was panting loudly from the exhaustion."Are you alright?" wondered Faith and Namine nodded."Yeah… just give me a moment to rest up. Then we can help Xion. Sora can also get out of it."Even and Faith went over and let Sora out, though… he kept on snoring loudly. Deciding to let him be, they waited until Namine was rested up enough and she proceeded to put the memories into Xion. It was a very difficult work… while the spot she needed to fill was easy to find, it was a different story about which parts of the puzzle belonged to these spots .The work seemed to take hours and once it was done, Namine slumped into a chair and panted tiredly, "It is done… but… Xion is… safe now.""Lea and Roxas will be glad to hear that," told Faith while she opened Xion's capsule.A groan came from her body and she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Faith she asks, "Faith? You're here?""Yeah," told Faith. "You remember what happened?""I… I was attacked… by Kuranort. And Even… he has seen the whole thing."Even shrieked in fear and cowered in a corner and Namine asked, "What is the meaning of this?""I… I can explain everything..." whined Even. ................

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