Minecraft Brewing


in Minecraft 1.8.1


Fermented Spider Eye

= Redstone

= Glowstone Dust





+ 8


+ 8





Glass Bottle Bottle Water

Nether Wart

Akward Potion

Mundane Potion

Thick Potion Mundane Potion


Golden Carrot Rabbit's Foot

Potion of Night Vision


Potion of Invisibility


Potion of Leaping


Magma Cream Sugar

Potion of Fire Resistance


Potion of Slowness


Potion of Swiftness (20% ; 3:00)


Glistering Melon

Potion of Water Breathing

(3:00) Potion of Healing

Potion of Harming

Spider Eye

Potion of Posion (0:45)

Ghast Tear

Potion of Regeneration


Blaze Powder

Potion of



; 3:00)

Potion of Weakness


Potion of Night Vision +


Potion of Invisibility +


Potion of Leaping +


Potion of Leaping II


Potion of Fire Resistance +


Potion of Slowness +


Potion of Swiftness + (20% ; 8:00)

Potion of Swiftness II (40% ; 1:30)

Potion of Water Breathing +


Potion of Healing II

Potion of Harming II

Potion of Posion +


Potion of Posion II


Potion of Regeneration +


Potion of Regeneration II


Potion of

Strength +


; 8:00)

Potion of

Strength II


; 1:30)

Potion of Weakness +


translatable flowchart: translation:


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