Sri Vasavi

Programme: B.TechYear/ Semester : II/ IName of the Course: Python programming Course Code: 204UNIT-WISE QUESTION BANKUNIT I:What are IDLE usability features? Explain about keywords used in Python.Explain input function.What are 4 built-in numeric data types in Python? Explain.What is indentation?Explain about IDLE startup details.Discuss bout variables and assignments.Briefly discuss about running Python scripts. Write the history of Python.UNIT II:Describe Python jump statements with examples.What are Python assignment operators? Explain. Explain about iteration statements with examples.What are relational operators used in Python? Explain. Explain about string formatting operator with example.Explain Python bitwise operators with example. Discuss about Python operators precedence with example.UNIT III:Explain in detail about dictionaries in Python. Discuss about tuples in Pyhton.What are built-in dictionary functions? Explain.Explain about built-in functions of tuple. Discuss about list and dictionary comprehensionsExplain about the importance of lists in Python.UNIT IV:Describe anonymous functions examples. Why to use modules? How to structure a program?What is the general form of lambda? Explain about self variable with example.Distinguish between local and global variables with examples. Briefly discuss about Python packages.Explain about required and variable-length arguments. Discuss in detail about the import statement.Define anonymous function.Write a brief note on PIP. Explain installing packages via PIP. Explain about keyword and default arguments.UNIT V:Explain creating classes in Python with examples. Define error and exception. Distinguish between these two featuresGive an overview of OOP terminology. Explain about except clause with multiple exceptionsExplain about handling an exception. Describe data hiding and constructors.Explain inheritance class with suitable example. Discuss about try except block with example.UNIT VI:Why testing is required? Explain in detail. Explain the following: i) Calendar module ii) Synchronizing threadsWhat is multithreading? Discuss about starting a new thread.Explain about writing test cases and running tests. Explain the following: i) TopLevel widgets ii) Scale widgetExplain about unit testing in Python.Explain about GUI programming in pythonWrite a program to implement Turtle Graphics in Python ................

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