
Partial listing of known papers or books that use SASB technologyContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Overview PAGEREF _Toc487982663 \h 1Individual Therapy and case formulation PAGEREF _Toc487982664 \h 2Families PAGEREF _Toc487982665 \h 8Group therapy PAGEREF _Toc487982666 \h 11Psychopathology PAGEREF _Toc487982667 \h 12Prevention PAGEREF _Toc487982668 \h 18Sports Psychology PAGEREF _Toc487982669 \h 18Personality PAGEREF _Toc487982670 \h 19Therapist training PAGEREF _Toc487982671 \h 20Validation studies PAGEREF _Toc487982672 \h 21Behavioral Genetics PAGEREF _Toc487982673 \h 22Assessment PAGEREF _Toc487982674 \h 22Health Psychology PAGEREF _Toc487982675 \h 23Sexual Abuse PAGEREF _Toc487982676 \h 24User’s Manuals PAGEREF _Toc487982677 \h 24Review/Comparison with other models/methods (also see validation studies) PAGEREF _Toc487982678 \h 24OverviewBenjamin, L.S. (1974). Structural analysis of social behavior (SASB). Psychological Review, 81, 392-425.Benjamin, L.S. (1979). Structural analysis of differentiation failure. Psychiatry, 42, 1-23.Benjamin, L.S. (1996). Introduction to the special section on Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 64, 1203-1212.Benjamin, L. S. , Rothweiler, J.R., & Critchfield, K. L. (2006). Use of Structural Analysis of Social Behavior as an Assessment Tool. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2.A SASB summary is available in chapter 4 of “Benjamin, L.S. Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy for Anger, Anxiety and Depression: It’s about broken hearts, not broken brains.” This document is a manuscript draft for personal uses. It is under the SASB Tab at Individual Therapy and case formulationAlpher, V. (1996). Interpersonal process in psychotherapy: application to a case study of conflict in the therapeutic relationship. Psychotherapy, 28, p 550-562.Alpher, V.S., Henry, W.P., & Strupp, H.H. (1990) Dynamic factors in patient assessment and prediction of change in short term dynamic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 27, 350-361.Armelius, K., & Holmqvist, R. (2003). Staff members' feelings toward psychiatric patients related to their own and the patient's self-image and gender. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 44, 69-77. Barber, J.P. & Crits-Christoph P. (1993). Advances in measures of psychodynamic formulations. Journal of Consulting and Clinical, 61. 574-585.Benjamin, L. S. & Pugh, C. (2001). Using interpersonal theory to select effective treatment interventions. In Livesley, W. John (Ed) (2001). Handbook of personality disorders: Theory, research, and treatment. (pp. 414-436). New York, NY: Guilford.Benjamin, L.S. (1982). Use of structural analysis of social behavior (SASB) to guide intervention in psychotherapy. In D. Kiesler and J. Anchin (Eds), Handbook of Interpersonal Psychotherapy. New York: Pergamon PressBenjamin, L.S. (1989) Interpersonal Analysis of the cathartic model. In R. Plutchik and H. Kellerman (Eds). Emotion: Research, and Experience. Volume 5. N.Y.: Academic Press, 209-229Benjamin L.S. (2002) Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB). In Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, volume 2. M. Hersen & W. Sledge (Eds.). San Diego: Academic Press, 707-713.Benjamin, L.S. (2003). Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy: Promoting Change in Nonresponders. New York: Guilford Press Paperback, 2006. Benjamin, L.S. (2004). Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT) for Individuals with Personality Disorder. In J. Magnavita (Ed.), Handbook of Personality Disorders. New York: J. Wiley., 151-168.Benjamin, L. S. (2008) What is functional about functional autonomy? Psychological Assessment, 90,412-420. (invited article following Klopfer award)Benjamin, L. S., & Critchfield, K. L. (2010). An interpersonal perspective on therapy alliances and techniques. In J. C. Muran & J. Barber (eds.) The Therapeutic Alliance: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice & Training. New York. J. Wiley & Sons, 123-149.Benjamin, L. S., Critchfield, K.L. & Karpiak, C. (draft) Using Interpersonal Theory to Select Effective Treatment Interventions, Second Edition. In . J. Livesley (Ed.), Handbook of Treatments for Personality Disorder. New York: The Guilford PressBennett, D., & Parry, G. (1998). The accuracy of reformulation in cognitive analytic therapy: a validation study. Psychotherapy Research, 8, 84?103Bouwkamp, R. (1999). Helen door delen. Experientiele interpersoonijke therapie, theorie, methodiek, onderzoek. Maarssen, R Bouwkamp. [European dissertation self publication]Critchfield, K. L. & Benjamin, L. S. (2008) Internalized representations of early interpersonal experience and adult relationships: a test of copy process theory in clinical and nonclinical populations. Psychiatry: interpersonal and biological processes, 71, p. 71-92.Critchfield, K. L., & Benjamin, L. S. (2010). Assessment of repeated relational patterns for individual cases using the SASB-based Intrex questionnaire. Journal of Personality Assessment. Critchfield, K. L. (2010). Lorna Smith Benjamin: Love, loyalty, and learning in close attachment relationships. In L. G. Castonguay, J. C. Muran, L. Angus, J. Hayes, N. Landany, T. Anderson (Eds.) Bringing psychotherapy research to life: Understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers, (pp. 221-231). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, xxii, 378 pp.Coady, N.F., & Marziali, E. (1994). The association between global and specific measures of the therapeutic relationship. Psychotherapy, 31, 17-27.Connolly, M.B. & Strupp, H.H. (1996). Cluster analysis of patient reported psychotherapy outcomes. Psychotherapy Research, 6, 30-42.Connolly, M.B., Crits-Christoph, P, Demorest, A., Azarian, K., et al. (1996) Varieties of transference patterns in psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 64, 1213-1221.Constantino, M.J. (2000), Interpersonal process in psychotherapy through the lens of the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior. Applied and Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives, 9, 153-172.Contiero, L., Calloni, S., Gatti, M., Giussani, S., Pastori, M., Rodini & C. Pruneri, C. Individuazione Focus Terapeutico e Verifica Dell'Esito Di Una Psicoterapia a Tempo Definito A Indirizzo Psicodinamico "Supportivo-Espressivo": Uso Dell'Intervista R.A.P. Con Codifica C.C.R.T. e S.A.S.B. / Individualized therapeutic focus and verification of a time-limited, expressive-supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy: Use of the RAP interview with CCRT and SASB coding. Ricerca in Psicoterapia. 5(1-2), Jan-Aug 2002, 57-74.Critchfield, K. L., Henry, W. P., Castonguay, L. G., & Borkovec, T. D. (2007). Interpersonal process and outcome in variants of cognitive – behavioral psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63, 31 – 51. Dunkle, J.H. & Friedlander, M. (1996). Contribution of Therapist Experience and Personal Characteristics to the Working Alliance, Journal of Counseling Psychology October 1996 Vol. 43, No. 4, 456-460Fiedler, P. (1995). The exploration of change events and change episodes in psychotherapy: Models, tools, and outcome. In J. Siegfried (Ed). Therapeutic and everyday discourse as behavior change: Towards a micro-analysis in psychotherapy process research. Stamford, CT, Ablex Publishing Corp, p. 141-165).Fiedler, P., Milbrecht, M., Rogge, K.E., Schulte, D. (1994). When behavior therapists and their phobic patients talk about anxiety: an episode analysis of the prognostic relevance of therapeutic directivity & empathy. Verhaltenstherapie, 4, 243-253.Fiedler, P. (1991). Affektive Storungen un Kognitive Therapie: ein Widerspruch? Verhaltensmodifikation und Verhaltensmedizin, 12. 88-105.Fiedler, P., Rogge, K.-E., & Vogt, L. (1991). 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Resolving splits: use of the two-chair technique. Psychotherapy. Theory Practice. 16:310-18.Greenberg, L.S., Ford, C.L, Aldern, L.S. & Johnson, S.M. (1993). In-session change in emotionally focused therapy. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 61, 78-84.Greenberg, L.S., Foerster, F.S., (1996). Task analysis exemplified: The process of resolving unfinished business. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 64, 439-446.Greenberg L. & Malcome W. (2002). Resolving unfinished business: relating process to outcome. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. 70:400-16.Hartkamp, N., & Schmitz, N. (1999). Structures of introject and therapist patient interaction in a single case study of inpatient psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research, 9, 199-215.Henry, W.P. (1996) Structural analysis of social behavior as a common metric for programmatic psychopathology and psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 64, 1263-1275. Henry, W.P., Schacht, T.E., & Strupp, H.H. (1990). Patient and therapist introject, interpersonal process and differential psychotherapy outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58, 768-774.Henry, W. P., Schacht, T.E., & Strupp, H.H. (1992). Structural Analysis of Social Behavior: Application to a Study of Interpersonal Process in Differential Psychotherapeutic Outcome" In A.E. Kazdin (Ed), Methodological issues & strategies in clinical research. Washington, DC, American Psychological Association; Washington, DC, pp. 475-535.Henry, W.P., Strupp, H.H. (1994). The therapeutic alliance as interpersonal process. In A.O. Horvath & L.S. Greenberg (Eds.). The working alliance: Theory, research and practice. New York: Wiley and Sons. Hilliard, R. B., Henry, W. P., Strupp, H. H. (2000). An interpersonal model of psychotherapy: linking patient and therapist developmental history, therapeutic process and types of outcome. 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