Internal & External Plant Structures

Internal & External Plant Structures

1. Vascular plants have a system of tubes to carry water and nutrients that help the plant


2. Conifers and flowing plants are alike because they both make seeds.

3. Seeds, spores, and pollen are all like because they all help plants reproduce.

4. Water and nutrients pass from cell to cell in a nonvascular plant.

5. Chloroplasts are the part of plant cells that takes in the sunlight and makes food for a


6. Plants make their food through a process called photosynthesis.

7. The stem of a plant supports the plant and carries water and nutrients to all parts of the


8. The pistil is the female part of a flower. It makes the eggs that turn into seeds.

9. Ferns reproduce with spores.

10. Grafting techniques are used to produce more than one type of apple on a tree.

Grafting allows you to choose the characteristics you like about different plants to

make one plant the way you want it.

11. Seeds travel (disperse) from one place to another by wind, water, and animals. Seeds

need to move away from the parent tree and away from each other so they have

plenty of space to take in water and nutrients and sunlight. They grow better if they do not have to compete.

12. Photosynthesis mainly takes place in the leaves.

13. The role of the fruit is to protect the seed.

14. There are two types of roots. Tap roots are one large root that grows deep in the

ground and stores a lot of food for the plant.(Turnips, carrots, and dandelions are

tap roots.) Fibrous roots look like threads that spread in all directions. They do

not grow very deep in the ground. (Grass has fibrous roots)

15. The life cycle of a flowering plant starts with a seed. It germinates (sprouts). A stem

with leaves begins to grow. Flowers grow. When the flowers are pollinated, they

will turn into fruit. The fruit protects the seeds. When the fruit rots, the seeds will

begin the cycle over again.

16. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall because there is not enough sunlight to

keep their chloroplast working. The tree will live off of the sugar stored in the

roots in the fall and winter.


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