South Central College

Program Self-Study


Fiscal Year:

South Central College utilizes an Appreciative Inquiry culture to guide its strategic planning for the future. The current Strategic Plan Goal & Strategies were developed with the Learner in the center, with five primary Strategic Goals: Appreciative Inquiry Culture, Quality Education, Holistic Learner Services, Partnerships and Collaboration, and Marketing and Branding. These goals are the framework for conducting Program Review.

|Description |Completed |

| |( |

|A1. General Department and Program Description |θ |

|(Program vision, mission, value, plan of courses, history, etc.) | |

|A2. Identification of Internal Review Team |θ |

|B1. Quality Education – Data informed Planning – Interpretation of Integrated Quantitative Performance |θ |

|Measures | |

|B2. Quality Education – Student Feedback |θ |

|B3. Quality Education – Assessment Plans and results, Course Syllabi, Operational Objectives and |θ |

|Accomplishments, Student Achievement | |

|B4. Quality Education – Resource Management |θ |

|C1. Holistic Learner Services – Student Feedback |θ |

|D1. Partnerships and Collaboration – Advisory Committee/Community Partners |θ |

|D2. Partnerships and Collaboration - Internships |θ |

|E1. Marketing and Branding – Employment Outlook, Recruitment |θ |

|F1. Overall Assessment – Self-Study Team |θ |

|Appendix: Program Portfolio |θ |

South Central College

Program Self-Study

A1. General DEPARTMENT AND Program Description

1. Name of Program:

2. Year Program Started at SCC:

3. Program Offers:

← Awards(s): Title:

4. Provide an overview of the program, including the following:

• The vision, mission and values of the program.

• Discuss the relationship of the program to the college and the mission of the college

• Historical highlights, including last program review (if any) and what’s happened since then

• Program Plan (list of courses required for each degree offered)

• Program accreditations/licensure/certifications

• Any philosophies, guiding principles or models used

• Awards, honors, etc.

• Any other points of interest

South Central College

Program Self-Study

A2. Identification of Faculty

|Program Faculty: |Courses Taught |Qualifications |Involvement in college/instructional/community |

|Name & Position | | |outreach activities |

| | | |(i.e. clubs, committees, boards, organizations, etc.) |

| | | | |

South Central College

Program Self-Study

B1. Quality Education – Data informed Planning –

Interpretation of Integrated Quantitative Performance Measures

Please review the quantitative performance measures, located in the Program Portfolio including but not limited to: Enrollment, FYE/FTE, Persistence & Completion, Degrees Awarded, Graduates.

After reviewing these measures, please answer the following questions about your program:

1. What do the data show are your greatest strengths?

2. What do that data show are your best opportunities?

3. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

South Central College

Program Self-Study

B2. Quality Education – Student/Stakeholder Feedback

Please review the following pieces of student/stakeholder feedback:

• Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Benchmark Scores - Active/Collaborative Learning, Student Effort, Academic Challenge, Student-Faculty Interaction

• Priority Survey of Online Learners (PSOL) results (if program with online component)

• Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Scale: Instructional Effectiveness

• Program Self-Study survey results (Graduate, Employer, Current Student, Advisory Board Members)

After reviewing the feedback from students and stakeholders, please answer the following regarding quality education in your program:

1. What does the feedback indicate are your greatest strengths?

2. What does the feedback indicate are the best opportunities?

3. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

South Central College

Program Self-Study

B3. Quality Education – Assessment Plans and Results, Course Syllabi, Operational Objectives and Accomplishments, examples of Student Achievements

Please review this program’s Assessment Plan and results for the past 3 years, course syllabi for the past 3 years, the Operational Objectives and accomplishments for the past 3 years, and examples of students’ achievements. Save these items in your shared folder.

Within this framework,

1. What changes have you made in the past 3 years to your program?

2. When reviewing the Assessment plan results, operational objectives and accomplishments and student achievements, what do they tell you about your program’s strengths?

3. What do you believe are the best opportunities for your program?

4. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

5. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

6. Discuss the purposeful inclusion of diversity and cultural competency concepts in the curriculum.

South Central College

Program Self-Study

B4. Quality Education – Resource Management

Consider the resources at SCC available to this program. This can include:

• Facilities - Space

• Educational – Classroom Materials, Equipment, Library Resources

• Instructional Technology/Media Support

• Financial - Budget

• Professional development

Develop a list of educational, instructional technology/media support and professional development resources and place it in the shared folder.

Review the SCC Cost per FYE, MnSCU Cost per FYE, and MnSCU Band information in the Program Portfolio, along with your program’s budget. Save your budget to the shared drive.

After reviewing the above mentioned resources, address the following questions regarding resource management:

1. Regarding resources available, what are your greatest strengths?

2. Regarding resources available what are the best opportunities?

3. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

South Central College

Program Self-Study

C1. Holistic Learner Services – Student/Stakeholder Feedback

SCC provides a comprehensive education approach that develops the whole learner – body, mind and spirit – by supporting life-long success and enhancing academic and skills competency with personal and professional leadership and teamwork.

Please review the following pieces of student/stakeholder feedback:

• Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Benchmark Scores –Support for Learners (in the Program Portfolio)

• Priority Survey of Online Learners (PSOL) results (if program with online component)

• Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Scales: Academic Advising, Registration Effectiveness, Responsiveness to Diverse Populations, and Concern for the Individual (in the Program Portfolio)

• Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Scales: While the following SSI scales pertain more to the students’ overall campus experience rather than the classroom experience, please review and speak to the most pertinent that may be impacting students in your program: Academic Services, Admissions/Financial Aid, Campus Climate, Campus Support Services, Safety and Security, Service Excellence, Student Centeredness

• Program Self-Study survey results (Graduate, Employer, Current Student, Advisory Committee)

After reviewing the feedback from students and stakeholders, please answer the following regarding Holistic Learner Services in your program:

1. What are your greatest strengths?

2. What are the best opportunities?

3. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

South Central College

Program Self-Study

D1. Partnerships and Collaboration –

Advisory Committee/Community/Industry Partners

Consider/review the following:

• Advisory Committee membership

• Advisory Committee minutes

• Program-lead Service to Community

• Program Self Study Advisory Committee survey results

• Any other program/community/industry partnerships

Place applicable information (i.e. membership lists and committee minutes from the past 3 years, Advisory and Graduate survey results, internship supervisor comments, etc.) in your shared folder.

Thinking about this feedback, please answer the following questions about your program in regards to partnerships and collaboration:

1. What are your greatest strengths?

2. What are your best opportunities?

3. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

South Central College

Program Self-Study


Consider/review the following:

Graduate Employment Outlook section of the Program Portfolio

FTE/FYE from the Program Portfolio

Program Self-Study Graduate survey results regarding employment outlook

Program Self-Study Employer Survey results regarding employment outlook

• Program marketing efforts – news releases, brochures/marketing pieces, promotional events, website content, student recruitment activities, etc.

Staff recruitment planning for your program and any issues related to staff recruitment

Place applicable information from this list (i.e. Graduate and Employer surveys and results, marketing materials, recruitment planning, etc.) in your shared folder.

Regarding marketing and branding for your program:

1. What are your greatest strengths?

2. What are the best opportunities?

3. What do you want your program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for your program?

South Central College

Program Self-Study

F1. Overall Assessment – Self-Study Team

Draw upon all the materials compiled in the previous sections to develop an overall assessment of the program. For the program as a whole, answer the following questions:

1. What are the program’s greatest strengths?

2. What are the best opportunities for this program?

3. What do you want this program to be – what is your preferred future?

4. What are the measurable results you want to achieve for this program?

5. Recommendations for continuous improvement for this program:

Additional comments?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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