Gospel of John Overview Lecture NotesGetting to know John - His father: Zebedee His mother: Salome His livelihood: Fisherman His brother: JamesJesus called John and his brother the “Sons of Thunder”John wrote 5 books of the Bible: Gospel of John, I,II,III John and RevelationThree Synoptic Gospels:Matthew: written for a Jewish audience – presents Jesus as Israel’s MessiahMark: written for a Gentile audience – presents Jesus as a ServantLuke: written for a Gentile audience – portrays Jesus as the Son of ManJohn: Emphasizes the deity of Jesus Christ - Jesus is the Son of GodJohn 20:31 “….these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”In the Gospel of John, John refers to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”Most common words used by John in his Gospel:Know or knowledge 142 timesBelieve 99 timesLife 36 timesThe Father 121 timesLove 54 timesTruth 25 timesJohn presents 8 of Jesus miracles all giving credence to the fact that Jesus is GodIn his Gospel, John omits the birth, baptism, temptation, transfiguration, and ascension of Jesus. These are covered in the synoptic Gospels. All 4 Gospels cover the work of John the Baptist, the Last Supper, the anointing at Bethany, and the passion and resurrection of Jesus.John’s purpose statement in John 20:31 - “Believe and Live”To reinforce his main theme John uses contrasts:Life and death; Light and darkness;Love and hate; From above and from belowThe 7 “I am” statements of Jesus that we will be studying:Jesus said “I am”: “The Bread of life” (6:35); “The Light of the World”(8:12)“The Door” (10:9), “The Good Shepherd” (10:11,14)“The Resurrection and the Life”(11:25)“The Way, the Truth and the Life” (14:6)“The True Vine” (15:1,5)In the commentary Christ-Centered Exposition of John, (Carter, Wredberg) the authors mention 3 questions that will be answered by John in his Gospel:What do we need to believe? That Jesus is the Christ; the Messiah That Jesus is the Son of GodWhat does it mean to believe? To “trust” or “to put one’s faith in someone”Why do we need to believe?“One of the dominant themes of John’s Gospel is our need for life, and it is always connected to the Person and work of Jesus Christ.” (Carter, Wredberg; pg. 6)John 1:4; John 11:25-26Warren Wiersbe states in his commentary on John, “Please come to this book with the heart and mind of a Worshiper. Remember, you are not studying a book – you are seeing a Person.”John 1:14 “And we beheld his glory……full of grace and truth.”May we all behold the Glory of Jesus Christ as the Son of God – “and that by believing have life in his name.” (20:31)Carter, Matt; Wredberg, Josh; Christ-Centered Exposition – Exalting Jesus in John; Holman ReferenceWiersbe, Warren W.; Be Alive – Getting to Know the Living Savior; David C. Cook ................

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