Unit One

Port Clinton Science Course of Study | |

|GRADE: 11-12 |UNIT: Marine Organisms |Suggested Time: 4 weeks |

|Standard Life Sciences |

|Students demonstrate an understanding of how living systems function and how they interact with the physical environment. This includes an understanding of the |

|cycling of matter and flow of energy in living systems. An understanding of the characteristics, structure and function of cells, organisms and living systems |

|will be developed. Students will also develop a deeper understanding of the principles of heredity, biological evolution, and the diversity and interdependence of|

|life. Students demonstrate an understanding of different historical perspectives, scientific approaches and emerging scientific issues associated with the life |

|sciences. |

|TOPICS/ |Invertebrates in the Sea |Vertebrates in the Sea | |

|CONCEPTS | | | |

| |A. How do the processes at the cellular level |A. How do the processes at the cellular level | |

|Benchmarks |affect the functions and characteristics of an |affect the functions and characteristics of an | |

| |organism? |organism? | |

|Essential Questions |B. How are humans connected to and impacted by |B. How are humans connected to and impacted by | |

| |natural systems? |natural systems? | |

| |E. What are the interconnectedness components of a|E. What are the interconnectedness components | |

| |natural system? |of a natural system? | |

|Indicators |Describe how the maintenance of a relatively |Describe how the maintenance of a relatively | |

| |stable internal environment is required for the |stable internal environment is required for the| |

|What Students |continuation of life, and explain how stability is|continuation of life, and explain how stability| |

|Need To KNOW |challenged by changing physical, chemical and |is challenged by changing physical, chemical | |

| |environmental conditions as well as the presence |and environmental conditions as well as the | |

|Students will… |of pathogens.[11-Life.1] |presence of pathogens.[11-Life.1] | |

| |Recognize that chemical bonds of food molecules |Recognize that chemical bonds of food molecules| |

|NOTE: |contain energy. Energy is released when the bonds|contain energy. Energy is released when the | |

|Code by |of food molecules are broken and new compounds |bonds of food molecules are broken and new | |

|Grade-Stand.# |with lower energy bonds are formed. Some of this |compounds with lower energy bonds are formed. | |

|[3-Physical.3] |energy is released as thermal energy.[11-Life.2] |Some of this energy is released as thermal | |

| |Relate how birth rates, fertility rates and death |energy.[11-Life.2] | |

|OR |rates are affected by various environmental |Relate how birth rates, fertility rates and | |

| |factors.[11-Life.3] |death rates are affected by various | |

|Going Beyond The Standard |Predict some possible impacts on an ecosystem with|environmental factors.[11-Life.3] | |

|[Physical+] |the introduction of a non-native |Predict some possible impacts on an ecosystem | |

| |species.[11-Life.6] |with the introduction of a non-native | |

| |Show how populations can increase through linear |species.[11-Life.6] | |

| |or exponential growth with corresponding effects |Show how populations can increase through | |

| |on resource use and environmental pollution. |linear or exponential growth with corresponding| |

| |[11-Life.7] |effects on resource use and environmental | |

| |Recognize that populations can reach or |pollution.[11-Life.7] | |

| |temporarily exceed the carrying capacity of a |Recognize that populations can reach or | |

| |given environment. Show that the limitation is |temporarily exceed the carrying capacity of a | |

| |not just the availability of space but the number |given environment. Show that the limitation is| |

| |of organisms in relation to resources and the |not just the availability of space but the | |

| |capacity of earth systems to support |number of organisms in relation to resources | |

| |life.[11-Life.8] |and the capacity of earth systems to support | |

| |Give examples of how human activity can accelerate|life.[11-Life.8] | |

| |rates of natural change and can have unforeseen |Give examples of how human activity can | |

| |consequences. [11-Life.9] |accelerate rates of natural change and can have| |

| |Recognize that ecosystems change when significant |unforeseen consequences.[11-Life.9] | |

| |climate changes occur or when one or more new |Recognize that ecosystems change when | |

| |species appear as a result of immigration or |significant climate changes occur or when one | |

| |speciation.[11-Life.12] |or more new species appear as a result of | |

| |Explain that carbon-containing molecules can be |immigration or speciation.[11-Life.12] | |

| |used to assemble larger molecules with biological |Explain that carbon-containing molecules can be| |

| |activity (including proteins, DNA, sugars and |used to assemble larger molecules with | |

| |fats). In addition, the energy stored in bonds |biological activity (including proteins, DNA, | |

| |between the atoms (chemical energy) can be used as|sugars and fats). In addition, the energy | |

| |sources of energy for life processes.[12-Life.1] |stored in bonds between the atoms (chemical | |

| |Heredity: |energy) can be used as sources of energy for | |

| |Examine the inheritance of traits through one or |life processes.[12-Life.1] | |

| |more genes and how a single gene can influence |Heredity: | |

| |more than one trait. [12-Life.2]\ |Examine the inheritance of traits through one | |

| |Explain how developmental differentiation is |or more genes and how a single gene can | |

| |regulated through the expression of different |influence more than one trait. [12-Life.2] | |

| |genes. [12-Life.3] |Explain how developmental differentiation is | |

| |Explain additional components of the evolution |regulated through the expression of different | |

| |theory, including genetic drift, immigration, |genes. [12-Life.3] | |

| |emigration and mutation.[12-Life.10] |Explain additional components of the evolution | |

| | |theory, including genetic drift, immigration, | |

| | |emigration and mutation.[12-Life.10] | |

|TOPICS/ |Invertebrates in the Sea |Vertebrates in the Sea | |

|CONCEPTS | | | |

|Indicators |Analyze a set of data to derive a principle and |Analyze a set of data to derive a principle and| |

| |then apply that principle to a similar phenomenon |then apply that principle to a similar | |

|What Students |(e.g., predator-prey relationships, properties of |phenomenon (e.g., predator-prey relationships, | |

|Need To Be Able To DO |semiconductors).[12-WOK.4] |properties of semiconductors).[12-WOK.4] | |

|[SI/SWOK/ST] | | | |

|Students will… | | | |

|Engaging |Porifera |Agnatha | |

|Vocabulary |Cnidarians |Chondricthyes | |

| |Ctenophore |Osteichthyes | |

| |Annelids |Coelacanth | |

| |Mollusca |Scales | |

| |Arthropoda |Feeding Behavior | |

| |Echinodermata | | |

|Possible |Terms each chapter |Terms each chapter | |

|Paper/Pencil |1-2 Crosswords each chapter |1-2 Crosswords each chapter | |

|Assessment Items |1-2 Quizzes over the crosswords each chapter |1-2 Quizzes over the crosswords each chapter | |

| |Test each chapter |Test each chapter | |

|Possible |3-2-1 |3-2-1 | |

|Writing Prompts |Question of the day |Question of the day | |

| |Exit Passes |Exit Passes | |

| |Letters to government officials |Letters to government officials | |

|Possible |Labs where appropriate |Labs where appropriate | |

|Performance |Hands on identification |Hands on identification | |

|Assessments | | | |

|Possible |Moviemaker projects |Moviemaker projects | |

|Project |Inspiration |Inspiration | |

|Assessments |Webquests |Webquests | |

|TOPICS/ |Invertebrates in the Sea |Vertebrates in the Sea | |

|CONCEPTS | | | |

|Teaching |Marine Biology Text 4th Edition – Peter Castro |Marine Biology Text 4th Edition – Peter | |

|Resources | |Castro | |

| |Online videos | | |

| |Webinfo |Online videos | |

| |VCR Tapes |Webinfo | |

| |DVD’s |VCR Tapes | |

| |Laser Disk |DVD’s | |

| |Slides |Laser Disk | |

| |Audio |Slides | |

| |Props |Audio | |

| | |Props | |

|Literature Links | | | |

|Teacher | | | |

|Notes | | | |


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