LESSON 2SEPTEMBER 10, 2023SUBJECT: Jesus Silences CriticsDEVOTIONAL READING: Hebrews 4:1-10BACKGROUND: Luke 14:1-6LESSON: Luke 14:1-6MEMORY VERSE: Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” But they remained silent. So taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way. Luke 14:3-4 NIVLESSON AIM: To understand the true purpose of the Sabbath and how Jesus challenged the religious leaders about the Sabbath.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. INVITED FOR THE WRONG REASON: LUKE 14:1-6In this week’s, lesson who invited Jesus into his house? What day of the week did this occur? Luke 14:1abWho were the Pharisees? Use a Bible Dictionary to research. [Pharisees (meaning separated ones) - a religious and political party in Palestine in New Testament times. The Pharisees were known for insisting that the law of God be observed as the scribes interpreted it and for their special commitment to keeping the laws of tithing and ritual purity. These were the laws that other people were less careful about observing. Pharisees observed the Law carefully as far as appearances went, but their hearts were far from God. Their motives were wrong because they wanted the praise of men. They also had evil desires that were hidden by their pious show. That is why Pharisees are often called hypocrites: their hearts did not match their outward appearance.] Nelson's Illustrated Bible DictionaryWho were watching Jesus while He was at the home of a prominent Pharisee? Luke 14:1c, 3aWhy were the Pharisees along with other religious leaders always keeping a watchful eye on Jesus?Mark 3:2Luke 6:7Luke 20:20In what ways are people watching us as Christians today? Why are they watching?How should we as Christians conduct ourselves knowing that others are watching us?Matthew 5:16Colossians 1:101 Thessalonians 2:15Why do you think Jesus ate with Pharisees when He knew they were always trying to trap and find fault with Him?Who appeared before Jesus at the Pharisee’s house? What was his condition? Luke 14:2Do you think the religious leaders could have planted the ill man at the home of the Pharisee to trap Jesus? Discuss.II. JESUS’ QUESTIONS TO THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS (LUKE 14:3-6)What question did Jesus ask the lawyers (experts in the Mosaic Law) and Pharisees? Luke 14:3How had the Jewish religious leaders previously challenged Jesus about doing certain acts on the Sabbath? Luke 6:2, 7The Jewish Sabbath, the seventh day of the week was a day of rest, worship, and ministry. Which of the Ten Commandments speak about the Sabbath? Exodus 20:8-11; (Deuteronomy 5:12-15)Why do most Christians worship on Sunday? (Mark 16:1-7) How do we know the first Christians began to worship on Sundays? 1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10Why do you think Jesus asked this question? Luke 6:6-11 (Notice previously the religious leaders asked the question, but at this time of His ministry He preempted them.)How did those gathered at the Pharisee’s house respond to Jesus’ question? Luke 14:4aWhat did Jesus do after His critics refused to respond? Luke 14:4bcWhat second question did Jesus ask the religious leaders gathered? What was their response? Luke 14:5-6Why do you think the religious leaders refused to answer Jesus?What else did Jesus teach about His right to do acts of goodness and heal on the Sabbath? Mark 2:27-28v. 27v. 28SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONWhat was God’s true purpose for the Sabbath? Leviticus 23:3; Isaiah 66:23; Mark 2:27How did the religious leaders of Jesus’ day misinterpret God’s Law of the Sabbath?How do Christians today misinterpret God’s Law and lean toward human traditions? ................

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