Spanish 1 Final Exam Review Packet Señorita Dial

[Pages:37]Spanish 1

Final Exam Review Packet

Se?orita Dial

The final exam will be comprised of following three sections: Vocabulario: multiple choice Gram?tica: multiple choice Lectura: multiple choice

Verbs to Know

alquilar un DVD................... to rent a DVD andar en patineta ................ to skateboard aprender el espa?ol................ to learn Spanish dance beber.............................................. to drink caminar con el perro walk the dog comer.......................................... to eat comprar ........................................... to buy correr run descansar .............................................. to rest dibujar ................................................. to draw escribir correos electr?nicos.................................. to write e-mails escuchar m?sica ........................................ to listen to music estudiar................................................. to study hablar por tel?fono..................................... to talk on the phone hacer la tarea..................................... to do homework jugar al f?tbol ........................................... to play soccer leer un libro ............................ to read a book swim pasar un rato con los amigos spend time with friends pasear...................................... to go for a walk/stroll practicar deportes......................... to practice / play sports preparar la comida......................... to prepare food/a meal tocar la guitarra................... to play the guitar tomar drink/take in (common in Mexico, LAM) trabajar............................ to work mirar la televisi?n......................... to watch television ver la televisi?n ........................... to watch television (more common!) montar / andar en ride a bike tener que...................................... to have to contestar...................................... to answer ense?ar...................................... to teach llegar ...................................... to arrive necesitar ...................................... to need sacar una buena / mala nota...................................... to get a good / bad grade tomar apuntes...................................... to take notes usar la computadora ...................................... to use the computer ser be (characteristics) be (feelings and locations) tener have gustar be pleasing to, to like go

Complete the following dialog between two young people by using the words below.

Me gusto

llamo mucho


--Hola. ?C?mo te ______________? --______________ llamo Jos?. ?Y t?? --Me ______________ Diana. --______________ gusto, Diana. --El ______________ es m?o, Jos?.



Nosotros/nosotras SOMOS

(means___________________) (means___________________)

T? ERES (means___________________)

?l/ ella/ Usted ES

X ellos / ellas/ ustedes SON

SER (used for ________________) I am__________________ All of you are ____________________ Are they? _________________ We are _____________________

(means___________________) (means___________________)

You are ____________________

Is he? _____________________

ESTAR(used for _________________ and _______________)



(means___________________) (means___________________)

I am__________________ All of you are ____________________






(means___________________) (means___________________)

Are they? _________________ We are _____________________ You are ____________________

Is he? _____________________

Conjugate the indicated verb!

1. Yo no _______________ doctor (ser). 2. Ustedes _______________ de Cuba. (ser).

3. Luis _______________ en la clase. (estar) 4. T? _______________ cansada. (estar)

5. La mesa _______________ azul (ser). 6. Nosotros _______________ norteamericanos. (ser).


7. La chica no _______________ bonita. (ser).

8. Mi abuelo _______________ viejo. (ser).

9. Mar?a _______________ en la biblioteca. (estar) 10. El gato _______________ negro. (ser).

11. El gato _______________ enfermo. (estar) 12. La falda _______________rosada. (ser).

13. Nosotros _______________ en Roma. (estar) 14. Nosotros _______________ estudiantes. (ser).

15. T? _______________ bailarina. (ser). 16. Los peces_______________ de la playa. (ser).

17. Mi t?a _______________ de Per?. (ser).

18. Su casa _______________ en Fl?rida. (estar)

Write as many words as you can of the "days of the week" song we learned!

" lunes, ________________ , ______________________ , ____________________,

viernes, _________________ y _____________________,

mi d?a ________________ es ___ ___________________,

porque _____ _________________


Escribe los n?meros: 23 ___________________________________________________ 57 ___________________________________________ 46___________________________________________________ 99___________________________________________________ 28___________________________________________________ 60___________________________________________ 82___________________________________________ 79___________________________________________ 37___________________________________________________ 196___________________________________________________


?A qui?n le gusta? Instrucciones: For each of the following, figure out the subject and the correct form of gustar. Then decide what the verb is in Spanish. Finally, complete the sentence in Spanish.

Ex: I / dance = Me gusta bailar. My sister and I / sing = A mi hermana y a m? nos gusta cantar.

likes ONE thing = GUSTA 1. You / to sing = ___________________________________________ 2. Pepe / to eat = _________________________________________ 3. I / to swim = ______________________________________ 4. Liliana y M?ximo / to rest = ________________________________________ 5. You and I / to work = ______________________________________ 6. My friend / read books = ______________________________________

Now, tell what the following people DON'T like to do! Ex: I / dance = No me gusta bailar.

1. My friends / to swim = _______________________________________ 2. His family / to skate = _______________________________________ 3. Our sisters / to eat fruit = ________________________________________ 4. Javier and Alicia / to read = ______________________________________ 5. Your dad/ to work = _________________________________________ 6. Her brother / to write =________________________________________ 7. Carmela's friends / to dance = _____________________________________

Adjective Agreement Instrucciones: Use the noun, adjective, and form of "ser" to create complete sentences describing the following things. Be sure to make the adjectives agree in GENDER and NUMBER with what they are describing!!! Modelo: Las chicas/ser/feo = Las chicas son feas.

1. Los maestros / ser / bajo ____________________________________ 2. Las chicas / ser / alto _______________________________________ 3. Las casas / ser / feo _______________________________________ 4. Los amigos / ser / simp?tico _________________________________


5. una chica / ser / moreno ____________________________________ 6. unas amigas / ser / rubia _____________________________________ 7. un polic?a / ser / perezoso _________________________________ 8. unos monstruos / ser / feo ________________________________ 9. The girls are pretty ___________________________________ 10. The woman is not tall ______________________________________

G. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box. Watch for gender and number!

1. ______ es guapa.

2. _______ son buenos.

El vestido

3. _______ es negro.

Los gatos

4. ______ es inteligente.

Los pantalones

5. ______ son largos

El perro

La amiga

B. Leer y escribir Hola, me llamo Sarita. Soy una estudiante. Tengo quince a?os. Vivo con mi familia en una casa muy

bonita. Vivo en New York. Tengo muchos amigos y ellos viven en New York tambi?n. Mi cumplea?os es el veintitr?s de agosto.

Soy alta, morena, y trabajadora. Tengo pelo casta?o. Me gusta leer y cantar. Mi comida favorita son las galletas. ?Son deliciosas!

?Mi familia es muy grande! Tengo un gato amarillo. El gato es muy gordo porque le gusta comer mucho. Tengo una hermana bonita y dos hermanos c?micos. Mi hermana se llama Liliana. Ella tiene diecisiete a?os. Mis hermanos tienen seis a?os. ?Mi familia es muy divertida!

1. ?Cu?ntos a?os tiene Sarita? ______________________________________________

2. ?De d?nde es Sarita? _________________________________________________

3. ?A Sarita le gusta mucho el pastel? __________________________________

4. ?Cu?ndo es el cumplea?os de Sarita?


5. ?C?mo es Sarita? __________________________________________________

6. Sarita vive con su_________________________________________________.

7. ?Sarita tiene animales? ?Cu?les?



8. ?C?mo se llama la hermana de Sarita? _____________________________________________________________ 9. ?C?mo es la hermana de Sarita?



Completa el p?rrafo con las formas correctas del verbo TENER. Me gusta mucho la escuela. Yo ____________________ muchos amigos. Mi amigo Juan________________ pelo corto. Mis amigas _____________________ pelo largo. Ellas son bonitas. Para sacar buenas notas, mis amigos y yo _____________ que estudiar mucho y siempre escuchar a la maestra. ?_______________ t? muchos amigos?

TENER QUE = to have to do something. 1. We have to study._Tenemos que estudiar__ 2. You all (Uds.) have to listen to the music.

____________________________________________________________ 3. She has to prepare her lessons.

____________________________________________________________ 4. I have to get a good grade on the test.

____________________________________________________________ 5. You (sir, formal) have to look at the chalkboard.

____________________________________________________________ 6. We have to read the book.

____________________________________________________________ 7. They have to talk in Spanish in class.



AR verbs Remember: take ?ar verb, drop the ?ar, (left with the root) and add the appropriate ending.







1.Yo _______________________ (llevar) una camisa blanca. 2. Ellos _______________________ (escuchar) a la maestra. 3. La se?ora Reyes _______________________ (hablar) espa?ol. 4. Sof?a _______________________ (estudiar) el arte. 5. T? _______________________ (preparar) la tarea. Escribe en espa?ol. 6. My friends and I get good grades. __________________________________________ 7. I watch televisi?n. __________________________________________ 8. She helps her mother. _______________________________________ 9. You and I look for our dog _______________________________________________ 10. The student (fem) answers the questions. _________________________________ 11. The boy arrives late ________________________________________________ 12. We carry(llevar) the calculators_____________________________________________ 13. He studies a lot! ______________________________________ 14. We work a lot in the summer. ______________________________________

Telling Time Remember: Son las / es la for the time it is now. A las or A la for "at." 1. It's 10:25 ______________________________ 2. It's 1:08 _________________________________ 3. It's 3:30 _________________________________ 4. It's 11:18 at night ____________________________________ 5. At 2:45 ___________________________________ 6. At 1 in the morning _____________________________ 7. It's 12:58 ___________________________ 8. It's 8:22 in the morning ___________________________ 9. At 10:25, I eat. ________________________________



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