
A. Insert the following phrasal verbs in the sentences below.


1. He’s ..... a brilliant idea of how to finance his exchange programme.

2. How did this problem with your host family .....

3. They’ve ..... some interesting leaflets on exchange programmes.

4. A new guide on summer languages courses will ..... next month.

5. Don’t ..... too hard on her – it wasn’t really her fault.

B. Choose the right tense.

Hi there. Sorry I (1) haven’t written / didn’t write for such a long time but I (2) have been / am really busy lately. As you know I’m on an exchange programme in the US and I (3) write / am writing you this letter to tell you all about it.

I (4) arrived / have arrived three days ago and have already met another Portuguese girl. She (5) is speaking / speaks English quite well. But that’s no surprise - she (6) has been learning / is learning it for eight years now. And guess what! We (7) stayed / are staying at the same youth hostel and that makes things a lot easier for me. Yesterday, for example, while we (8) were going / went home, someone (9) was asking / asked us for directions. I (10) am / was so nervous that I (11) don’t know / didn’t know what to say. Since then my friend (12) did / has been doing all the talking.

C. PARTS OF SPEECH - Change the words in brackets meaningfully by adding a suffix.

Because I speak French, Dutch and English (1. fluent) I have decided to study abroad this summer. I made this (2. decide) a few months ago and since then I have been planning this short experience well, so that every day will be a (3. wonder) adventure – of new foods, new friends, and (4. travel).

I have been in France for two weeks now and my language skills have seen great (5. improve). Studying here has also taught me a lot about (6. independent), understanding and the (7.important) of friendships. So I (8. strong) encourage other students to embark on this great learning opportunity – it’s really a (9. price) experience and I hope you will be just as (10. excite) to be part of it as I was.

Complete the following text on the Socrates Programme with the words below.

MOBILITY IN EUROPE - More and more (1) are choosing to study (2) in the European Union (EU). To enable EU citizens to benefit from the single market, the EU (3) programmes to expand job opportunities through educational (4), training programmes and youth exchanges. The (5) programme not only encourages co-operation and the (6) of ideas among scientists and other academic staff, but also provides grants for (7) to develop joint courses and allow students to (8) in universities in EU partner countries.

universities ● offers ● abroad ● study ● Socrates II ● students ● mobility ● exchange

A friend of yours wants to study abroad but is still unsure. He/she knows you went last year and now wants your advice. In less than 1 page, write an e-mail to your friend telling him/her about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.


Growing up in suburbia U.S.A., I always wanted to experience another culture. The opportunity came when I was 15. After a few months of planning and preparing, I was ready to spend the second semester of my first year of high school as an exchange student in Australia.

I knew it would be a challenge to convince my parents that it was a good idea to send their 15-year-old daughter across the world, so I figured the best thing to do would be to plan out piece by piece every element that would go into this experience. How much would it cost? How long would I be abroad? When would I go? I took all the facts to my parents and told them, "I won't take no for an answer." And they did not say no.

As a team, my parents and I then went to my school's counsellor to seek help on which organization might be best suited for me. It boiled down to Youth For Understanding, which offered a wonderful scholarship that paid for half of my program.

Landing in Perth was one of the most exciting moments of my life. I realized then that there was no turning back. The family I would live with was waiting for me, and the new school year would start in only five days. The Catholic school I attended was also very different from my public school back in the States. The uniforms code was very strict. We were only allowed to wear one bracelet, which had to be a watch, and one necklace, which had to have a Holy Cross. I was quite intimidated at first, especially never having been to a new school—even in the U.S. Everything went smoothly, though. The teachers were welcoming and the students were friendly.

The most memorable time of my semester abroad was with 41 other international exchange students travelling around Australia during our semester break. The few weeks we spent together were jam-packed with amazing activities.

At the end of our stay in Australia, we had three weeks of travelling time to share our stories and help each other cope with leaving. It was only natural that our last day together was filled with tears. We packed our camp, exchanged e-mail addresses, and gathered together for a final good-bye.

Upon coming home, an open mind and flexibility were again important. The transition was at times trying, since it was difficult to convey the magnitude of my experience and for others to understand it. Resettling home took time and effort, but eventually I made the adjustment. All the while, I was attentive to letting my family and friends know how happy I was to be home and how much I had missed them—though the experience is still vividly with me. So, if you have the opportunity to study abroad you most certainly should.



A. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. Chelsea has always had the wish…

2. She had the chance to study abroad

3. In order to get her parents’ approval

4. Despite her initial fears

5. She had lots of fun

6. To deal with the separation better

7. She confessed to her family

8. In the end Chelsea encourages other people

a) everything went well in her new school.

b) the students shared their travel stories with each other.

c) to go abroad.

d) that she had been homesick.

e) to go on an exchange programme as well.

f) when she was still in high school.

g) with the other exchange students.

h) she planned her trip carefully.

B. TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)?

1. Chelsea’s parents had to support all the expenses of the exchange programme.

2. Chelsea didn’t like her new school at all.

3. She had a hard time saying good-bye to her new friends.

4. Although it wasn’t easy, Chelsea managed to re-adapt to her life in the US.

5. Chelsea quickly forgot everything about her life as an exchange student.

C. Match the words from the text with their equivalent.

1. abroad a) scared

2. seek b) difficult to deal with

3. intimidated c) clearly, intensely

[pic][?]4. smoothly d) look for

5. memorable e) full of

6. jam-packed f) without difficulties

7. gathered g) thoughtful

8. trying h) got together

9. attentive i) in a foreign country

10. vividly j) unforgettable





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