Zachary BuhlerMay 2, 2013Dear incoming college freshman,So you have taken a big step forward in life and have graduated high school. I remember when I graduated high school; there is a definite feel of accomplishment as you accept your diploma and move on to the rest of your life. So now you’re done; right? Wrong! Life has just begun for you. Now it is time to decide who you want to marry, what job you are going to get, what house you’re going to buy, etc. But most importantly what college you are going to go to. There is nothing more satisfying then moving up in the world by getting a degree in college and starting a successful career. A few things that I have found out while attending college and some tips that I want to pass on to you to stay motivated and to get ready for college are you need to take some first steps, set goals, create associations when studying, don’t procrastinate, and most importantly relax.First steps are a big part of our lives. When you were a baby you took some first steps to learn how to walk and now you have to take some first steps to go walk through the college of your choices doors. Not only do you have to decide what college to go to, but you have to decide what you want to major in and what classes to take. But don’t let all of this overwhelm you. You have time to figure all of that out, that is why they all called first steps. Take them now and soon you will take giant leaps forward down the path you have chosen. Setting goals is one of the most important things you can do in college. It has really helped me to see what I want to accomplish. The coolest part about setting goals is 1 week from now or ten years from now when you finally accomplish that goal then you can see how far you have come and how much you have accomplished since you set that goal. Goals are very important, but you have to make sure to set SMART goals. Bu what exactly are SMART goals? It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. So basically only set goals that you know are within your boundaries of what you can and cannot do. One of the biggest problems I have had in college is studying for tests. I have never really figured out the trick to studying well until this year. When you study one of the most important things you can do to help yourself remember what you are studying you need to create associations. Associations can help you remember more than anything else. If you are able to create a link between what you are studying and what you experience in everyday life then your brain will have no trouble remembering things. A big part of studying is also not procrastinating. When I first started college I was always turning in assignments late and studying for tests the night before. Let me let you in on a little secret; procrastinating never works! KI have constantly tried it and trust me it will always turn out bad. One more tip and by far the greatest advice I could ever give you is to just relax. Relax when you are studying, taking tests, taking notes, working, and just going through life. The more you relax the more you will see your grades improve and your overall impression of life will increase. I have always been a little stressed on getting the best grades and being the best at everything, but when I stress out about things like this I lose my sense of fun in life. Just always remember to relax and enjoy the simple things. Yours truly,Zachary Buhler ................

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