Grammar Practice - Doral Academy Preparatory School

Name .............................................................................................................. Class ....................... Date......................

Grammar Practice


Use a comma between coordinate adjectives that come before a noun. To see if adjectives are coordinate, try to change their order or insert the word and between them. If the sentence still sounds natural, the adjectives are coordinate. If it sounds stilted, the adjectives are not coordinate and a comma should not be used.


They served a spicy, appetizing meal. (use a comma)

They served an appetizing, spicy meal. (changed order sounds natural)

They served a spicy and appetizing meal. (and sounds natural)

We stood in front of the old brick building. (do not use a comma)

We stood in front of the brick old building. (changed order sounds unnatural)

We stood in front of the old and brick building. (and sounds unnatural)

Directions: If the two modifiers that appear together in a sentence are coordinate adjectives, insert a comma between them. If no comma is needed, write "no comma" in the blank. Remember to apply the two-part test.


The light gray cat slowly stalked the bird.


We woke to damp dreary weather on the first day of our vacation.


My little brother told a pretty good joke last night.


My grandfather was a kind caring man.


The basketball player is known for her lightning fast speed.


The greasy hot mess spilled over the edge of the counter.


It was hard to see the runner in the dim morning light.


The bored tired child cried through most of the movie.


The bright red car skidded around the sharp dangerous curve.


It was a mean thoughtless trick to play on the shy sensitive girl.

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