Iredell County Beekeepers Association Newsletter


January 2018

We have completed or Beginners Beekeeping School. We received some significant input from those who attended the classes. I appreciate the consideration of those who came and keeping the facility clean and left in good order. We look forward to our next school and institute some changes to our class agenda. If anyone has any input about the classes, topic coverage, and intensity concerning particular topics, please forward them to our email address. If anyone wants to refer to the second class coverage, it is available on our website in PDF form and downloadable. We have an upcoming event with the Garden Fair in April.

Our weather fluctuation is like being on a rollercoaster. The swing such as what we have experienced has some useful aspects. With a short warm spurt, it gives the bees an opportunity to cleanse their systems and take in some water or pollen substitute if you have any available for them. These warm days can be an excellent opportunity to take a quick look inside the hive and check the cluster. Now can be a time to add granulated sugar on newspaper with a 2-inch spacer to the top of the winter super for any emergency feeding needed. The Maple trees and some Willows are pushing out new growth and should bloom in a few weeks. If you are out on a trip or just going to town look at the limb tips, you will see they have taken on a red or greenish cast. Some limbs especially the Maples have buds swelling now.

Some things beekeepers may want to address with their hives.

1. Check the feed in your hives.

2. Clean any snow off the entrance if any has accumulated there as soon as the snow has quit.

3. Check the level of your hives to avoid water from entering the front of your hives contributing to the moisture in your hive and also rotting out your bottom board. Even if you use screen bottom boards, the moisture can still damage the runners and backboard of the bottom board.

For the February meeting, David Stokes will present a 20-minute video titled “ Two for One Splits & Divides. Now is the time to consider investigating the processes. We look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting. I want to emphasize the need for your input. The Iredell County Beekeepers Association is your association and an essential tool in acquiring new knowledge to aid you in your beekeeping. Please email and give us suggestions concerning subjects the would help you and other. I want to quote a mentor “there are no stupid questions but those you did not ask.” No one beekeeper has all the answers to the multitude of questions. Every question is a pertinent one. We all were beginners at one time.


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