Driving Taxi is a pleasure job. You are dealing with a varieties of customers on daily basis; therefore you, as a driver, must adopt yourself to the multiple people you are called to service. You must adapt to each individual client of Acalitaxi regardless of their religious and ethnic background. A customer generally requests service from our Taxi Company to go from a point A to a point B and expect the driver to just do that.Be mindful, some customers are cunning and will trick you. Passenger would ask to the driver personal question about his or her daily routines. That is up to you driver to figure out diplomatic ways to answer to the inquisitive passenger questions. For example, the following questions are often asked by many riders:What time of the day to do you start your business?How long have you been working?How much do you usually make a day?Do you make money enough doing this type of job?Have you ever been robbed?Have you ever had any passengers getting out of your car without paying?What time do you get off work?As any human being, that is a normal for customer to question you about your daily routines. As a driver you must always ascertain all risks involve in driving he taxicab. Here, the customer is setting traps for driver to fall into, an unknown passenger who will ride with you and whose duration of the trip is less than half-hour presses you with pertinent questions, you must be in alert mode and use your God given commonsense to answer to the questions in a way that does not necessitate arguments. So how do you approach or her lines of questioning though? What time of the day do you start your business?The customer asks you, the driver, a question and expects to answer it, needless to argue with him or her. The suggested responses for you, driver, would be to simply state that: “I have just begun working and that you are the first customer of the day and I hope you would bring me a good luck.” Do not question the Customer motive by saying, “Why are you asking me such and such question or what do you want to know?” Even though, you are about right to ascertain what the customer wants to know, this will lead to an unnecessary argument. As a taxi driver, you must always avoid arguing with your client at any cost. As a driver, find the simplest way to answer or satisfy customer by being as a diplomat as you can possibly be.Do not volunteer any answers. Do not give ammunitions to customer you do not knowledge of and whose intention you total ignore. If you tell to the customer in the present situation that you commenced your business let’s assume 6 AM and it is now 3 PM in the afternoon, he would have reason to rob you. He would be driving to an unknown location or terrain to rob you or harm you as well. The customer sitting behind you has multiple faces and bears that in mind. Only customer knows where he or she is leading you, driver. The solutions we came about are that never discussed about your daily activities with unknown person and give answers that are not of nature to jeopardize your security.How long have you been working today?Give customer a simple answer such, “I have just started my shift and by the way you are the first customer and I do believe that you will bring me a good luck. Per experience, customer will never say that you are lying about your daily activities. If answers are provided without arguing why questions are asked, the customer will be just happy to have been answered and friendship can start right here on spot.How much do you make a day?Do not be arrogant and pompous. Simply state that sometimes, you make good money and sometimes you don’t depending on the situation on hand. If you state that business is too slow and you are struggling to make end meat, the customer will be sorry for you and as smart driver, you want make sure that customer feel a little pinch on hardworking. Don’t argue with customer, simple thoughtful answer can save your life.Do you make money by doing this type of job?Answer by saying that is much better than being a panhandler. You got to what you got do in order to survive. Some situation may be irritable to you, but remember that you are dealing with a public transportation; therefore, you must expect unwanted and bizarre customers.Have you ever been robbed?Be affirmative, I have been robbed whether bad situations might have happened to you. Many customers will ask you the stupidest questions unheard of that trigger confrontation and harsh answer. Be calm and answers to those stupid questions with professionalism. Again remember that you have only a few minutes to drop the customer.Have you ever had any customer getting out of your car without paying his or her fare?Again, assure the customer that you have never been in that situation before. Do not give any lead to customer or any clues that he or she must use against you. Do not give answer that let customer think that you are doing this job out of desperation and that you solely depend on him or her. Of course, we are depending upon our customers to make a living but we don’t have to beg to transport them either. The customer calling us want ride with s and we are fulfilling a contract.What time do you get off duty?Simply state that you get off as needed and that you don’t have a set of time to be on and off.Attention! Be Aware!Taxi business is a curb-to –curb service. If customer calls you or if you are dispatched to go get customer, make certain that you park your vehicle at the address given to you by the dispatcher or the customer. At anytime, you, as a driver must enter not customer premises without notifying the dispatcher. If you come to a gated community, park at the address given and call the customer out. Don’t follow vehicle entering the premises if you don’t have the security code to enter the premises. Some gates don’t open automatically and you can be Stranded within the community and be easily robbed. Make sure that you call the dispatch office so that he or she can call the passenger to get the security of the client you are about to pick up. Both you and dispatch having the security code will help in case of emergency. You must position yourself in way to see clearly the customer coming from the given address. For security purpose, have you car doors locked while waiting for the passenger, rolled up your car windows and wait securely inside of your vehicle. Observe attentively you surroundings area to avoid any unwanted surprises. If you leave your car windows unlocked, an unexpected, an intruder guest may come behind you and order you to move your car at his pleasure. So be mindful to your surroundings. You must not drive through an alley. You must drive at the road side. If the client tells you to drive through an alley, you have the right to refuse to do so. If customer becomes aggressive, be calm and let him go. It is better to be on safe side while dealing with public transportation. Arguing with customer: Avoid arguing with customer while he is in your vehicle. The person sitting behind you has upper hand upon you. You do not know what the person you are ridding with has in his or her mind. Only passenger knows what he or she is going to do to you. So be careful on how you interact with your customer. At the onset of departure, if the customer starts arguing upon for example requesting a modest deposit on a fare, please do not argue, thank the customer and tell him or her it’s the company’s that the driver may request a deposit at his or her discretion.Courtesy: Acalitaxi is a small business transportation system that wants to expand eventually from a small to a larger company someday. Therefore, it is imperative that its drivers act professionally towards its customers for its name goes down or up depending on the nature of service provided by its drivers.Few elements of professionalism will consist for instance to great your customer upon entering your vehicle. Leaving your comfortable seat and opening the vehicle door and closing once customer inside of your vehicle. Help buckle up elderly customers. Help load and unload groceries of clients. All good manners are an asset for Acalitaxi. Remember that we do not have paycheck per se and that our paycheck is us. We make money on the good customer service we provide to the public. Therefore, we should always respect our customers and prioritize their needs.Germain GolloPresident, CEOAcalitaxi Review from Business AdministrationFolder June 2013 ................

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