The Mayborn


July 21-23, 2017

Grapevine, Texas

Mayborn Writing Competition


. I have PAID the registration fee for the conference as an educator, student or general attendee.

. I have PAID the $60 contest entry fee.

. My manuscript entry is my own UNPUBLISHED, ORIGINAL work. INELIGIBLE works include self-published works and ebooks.

. I am submitting only one chapter, no more than 25 pages, a query letter, and a narrative

. synopsis of each chapter of the book to demonstrate a well-conceived format for telling the entire story. (A query letter is a one or two page synopsis of the book, what makes it different from any other book already published and what makes you the perfect writer to tell the story).

. I have filled out my name, address, phone number and email on the application form, which MUST be emailed with the contest entry.

. My name is not on any manuscript pages.

. Entry is double-spaced, has one-inch margins, and is in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial.

. Entry is saved as a Word document.

. In the email subject line, I have entered my last name and document title.

. In the email body, I have included my name and contact information.

. Entry is emailed to no later than 11:59 p.m. CST May 15, 2017.

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 11:59 P.M. CST MAY 15: No late contest entries accepted.

You must be registered and have paid the conference registration and contest entry fee

no later than 11:59 p.m. CST May 15, 2017, to be eligible for any contest.


• EMAIL an electronic copy of this completed and signed application form (all three pages) along with your entry submission to no later than 11:59 p.m. CST May 15, 2017. In the subject line, state your last name–manuscript contest–title.

• Example of subject line: Smith–manuscript contest–The Long Road.

• In the body of the email, also include your full name and contact information.

The winner of the book manuscript competition will be awarded $3,000, a plaque and have the option to enter into a provisional contract with UNT Press. The runners-up will be awarded cash prizes and plaques. All competition winners will be recognized at the Literary Lights Dinner on Saturday night at the conference. Cash prizes are distributed to winners after the conference.



Print this form, selection one of the two options, sign, date and return with your entry.

Be advised that any prize money you are entitled to will not be affected by signing either option.

OPTION 1 – Select UNT Press

By entering this competition, I hereby agree that should my manuscript be judged as one of the winners of the Mayborn Writing Competition Book Manuscript (the “Competition”), then upon announcement of the prize, I shall grant to UNT Press the exclusive option to acquire the publishing rights to my manuscript on terms to be negotiated in good faith. During the exclusive option period I shall not submit my manuscript to any other publishers. If UNT Press and I have not reached a publishing agreement within sixty (60) days of the announcement of the prize, then neither party shall have any further obligation to each other.

I warrant that the manuscript is an original work of mine; that the entire manuscript has not been published elsewhere; that no rights to the manuscript have been previously assigned to any publisher or other third party; that the manuscript is not written as a work-for-hire and owned by a third party; and that I possess the sole and exclusive authority to grant the publishing rights to my manuscript.

________________________________________________________________________________ Print name


Author signature Date


OPTION 2 – Decline UNT Press

I am entering my book manuscript in the Mayborn Writing Competition but DO NOT wish my manuscript to be subject to an exclusive option period with UNT Press in the event my manuscript is judged one of the winners. I understand that my election to decline to grant the exclusive option period to UNT Press will not be disclosed either to the judges of the Competition or to UNT Press prior to the selection of the Competition winner.

I warrant that the manuscript is an original work of mine; that the entire manuscript has not been published elsewhere; that no rights to the manuscript have been previously assigned to any publisher or other third party; that the manuscript is not written as a work-for-hire and owned by a third party; and that I possess the sole and exclusive authority to grant the publishing rights to my manuscript.

________________________________________________________________________________Print name

________________________________________________________________________________Author signature Date



Title of Book Manuscript___________________________________________

Name ____________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

City ____________________________ State________ Zip ______________

Phone ___________________________

Email Address _________________________________________

Deadline is EXTENDED TO 11:59 p.m. CST MAY 15, 2017.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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