THREATENED TREASURES POETRY ANTHOLOGY POETRY SUBMISSION INFORMATION PACKDeadline for poetry submissions: 5pm Friday 10th April 2020. Invited authors may continue to submit after this deadline.Thank you for your interest in submitting a poem to this anthology.Selection CriterionThe following criterion will be applied when considering submissions for selection. Please use the following questions to guide your approach to researching and writing your poem.Questions that will be asked in assessing poems for potential publication include:1) Does the poem inspire wonder, curiosity and/or hope?2) Does the poem record something essential to the nature of the species or place being written about?3) Does the poem honour and or celebrate the species or place being written about?4) Does the poem evoke love and empathy for the species or place being written about?5) Is the poem appropriate for children between the ages of 6 to 14? There will clearly be a range of capabilities of comprehension within this age group and we hope the anthology will cover a range of suitable levels.6) Is the poem within the line limit, maximum 30 lines, included line spaces between verses, or separating individual lines.7) Other considerations will include: word choice, rhythm, metre (if rhyming), consistency of voice, point of view, perspective (eg; first person), imagery, symbols, motifs, pace, flow8) The aspects of the poem described in point 6, will be examined in relation to the subject of the poem. eg A poem about a scurrying, small mouse, ought not use laborious words and have a slow pace. IMPORTANT NOTE:Whilst everyone is concerned about the reasons for the extinction crisis that Australia faces, ie; drought, water mismanagement, climate change, warming sea temperatures, fires, land clearing, over development, floods, cyclones etc. We will not accept any poems that speak about these issues. The theme of the anthology is ‘HOPE.’ Please understand that in the interests of a high quality publication, conscientious rigour will be applied in selecting poems for publication. Only poems of the highest standard will be accepted. No correspondence will be entered into regarding poems accepted or not accepted for publication.ThemePlease only submit poems that address the species of flora, fauna and/or ecological communities listed on the list of approved subject matter available limit: maximum poem length 30 lines, including line breaks between verses, but excluding title and species namesGuidelinesPlease find the Guidelines, Style Guide, Criteria for Poem Assessment, Editing Process below. Please follow the guidelines and criterion carefully. Note that each submission must:Include a submission cover sheet (copy onto page 1 of your submission and complete your details);Include your poem (as per approved subject matter listing);Include research/source listing;Be formatted as per guidelines below;Not exceed maximum length;Take into consideration the criterion for selection.If you wish to submit multiple poems, each submission must meet the requirements above.Submitting your poemSubmit by email only, 5pm Friday 10 April 2020. Attach your poem, research bibliography and completed submission form and send to threatenedtreasures@The subject line of your submission MUST read ‘Poem Submission/ Common Name (of your species or community)/ Your Name’Queries can be made through the contacts box on the website. We hope you enjoy the process of researching, writing and submitting your poems. We look forward to reading your submissions.Important notes:Not all submissions will be selected for publication.You are welcome to submit more than one poem, but attention to writing the best quality poem you can is preferable to submitting numerous poems that have not been given sufficient creative attention. Each poem must be submitted with its own submission cover form.You will receive a confirmation of submission receipt email. If your poem HAS NOT been accepted for publication you will receive an email informing you of this decision. Please allow some time for this decision to be made. If your poem HAS been shortlisted for consideration for publication you will receive an email informing you of this decision. Please allow some time for this decision to be made (end June, 2020).When a contract is offered from a publisher for the Threatened Treasures Anthology, final decisions will be made regarding which of the shortlisted poems will be included in the book. You will be informed of this final decision as it pertains to your shortlisted poem at that time.PLEASE ALLOW 3 TO 6 MONTHS FOR INFORMATION AS TO THE STATUS OF YOUR POEM WITH REGARDS TO POTENTIAL INCLUSION IN THE ANTHOLOGY. THE PROJECT IS VOLUNTEER RUN AND AS SUCH, THIS PROCESS MAY TAKE SOME TIME, DEPENDING ON THE NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS. An editing process will commence for poems being considered for publication, after the close of submissionsStyle Guide To ensure your work is easy to read, please follow this guide as closely as is practical.Your submission will include the submission form found below (please copy and paste this into a word document), a page for your poem, another, separate page for your research bibliography. An example of a completed submission can be found below.Poetry and Research PagesFile type: Word documents onlyPage layout:A4Normal margins i.e. 2.54 cm top, bottom, left and right1.5 Line spacing between title, common name, latin name and statusInclude the following details in a header on all pages of your submission: ‘Common Name:Latin Name / Your Name / Your email address / page number’ Double Spacing between lines in poem Title Font :Times New Roman —14pt bold Below the title please write common name in Times New Roman—12pt, followed by a hyphen and then the Latin name Times New Roman—12pt in ItalicsPoem Font:Times New Roman —12pt double spacedResearch format: Insert a page break after your poem, list bibliographic/source details of research for your poem. Do not list sources on the same page as your poem.Research Font: Times New Roman —12pt double spacedOther notes:Use Australian spelling. Preferred dictionary is the Macquarie Dictionary.Eg; ‘ise’ word endings NOT ‘ize.’Foreign language words: in italics. Direct speech: in single quotation marks ‘quote.’ Note that the full stop (and other punctuation) sits inside the closing quotation mark. Use curly quotation marks eg; ‘…’ NOT straight dagger quotation marks eg; '…'. If you believe your poem requires different formatting treatment, please note this on your submission form. Submit your poem with the format and layout that you think is appropriate for your poem.SUBMISSION COVER SHEET AND CHECKLIST(Please copy and paste the following onto page 1 of your submission file and complete your details)Title of submissionCommon NameLatin NameLine countSpecial requirements for submission e.g. font, arrangement on page etc.Family nameFirst namePreferred name for attribution in anthologyEmailMobile numberPreferred method of contact (mobile/email)Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?Author’s biography (50 words maximum), composed in 3rd person. This information may be used if poem is selected. Has this poem been published previously, if so by whom. Please provide contact details of publisher, permission to republish will be sought if your poem is selected.Checklist for submission file:Completed submission cover sheet available on page 1 of your submission;Poem (as per approved subject matter listing);Research/source listing (after poem and page break);Format and length follows guidelines;Poem considers criterion for selection;Subject line of email is ‘Poem Submission/ Common Name (of your species or community)/ Your Name’;Email final submission (with attachment) to threatenedtreasures@Terms and conditionsBy submitting your entry you: Confirm that you are the author of the creative work you have submitted;Agree to have your work edited;Understand that your work will form part of the Threatened Treasures Poetry Anthology. The anthology may be renamed at the request of the publisher;Understand that there will be no renumeration offered to you even in the event that your poem is published;Understand that you will retain copyright of your poem;Agree that, to facilitate the editing process, you may be contacted by Threatened Treasures editor, using the details provided on this form. NOTE: The editorial team has discretion on which poems are included in the anthology, and the order in which those poems appear. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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