Week 2

HYPERLINK "" Framework - Week 1? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 1 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 1--The Nature and Importance of LeadershipAssignments?1. ?This episode introduces us to the many characters involved in the power of Congress. ?Click on this?link?and take the quiz which asks "Which House of Cards character are you?"2. Review Mintzberg's management roles as found on page 14-15 of the text. ?Then complete the leadership skill building exercise regarding these rules on page 17.?3. Once these two activities are complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week ? ?Forum QuestionsWeek 1 - Mintzberg's Leadership Roles: After reviewing Mintzberg’s roles in the text choose a character from this episode and discuss how he/she embodies one or more of the management roles and why. Week 2- Leadership Behaviors: Reveal to others which House of Cards character you are after taking the quiz. Discuss why you think this assessment is correct or incorrect as related to what you learned in this week’s readings.FRAMEWORK - WEEK 2Learning Activities1.?Watch: Season 1, Episode 2 of House of Cards2.?Read from your text: chapter 2--Traits, Motives and Characteristics of LeadersAssignments?1. ?Take Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 2-1 (Behaviors and Attitudes of a Trustworthy Leader p. 36) as if you are Frank Underwood.2.?Participate in the forum discussion for W2, S1, E2Forum QuestionsWeek 2 - Personality traits of Effective Leaders - Do you recognize any?Pgs. 33 - 35 discuss the personality traits of effective leaders. Based on the reading and your impressions of the characters in House of Cards discuss with others in your group two or more of the personality traits and how one or more characters in the series displays a trait. Week 2 - Think like Frank Underwood - Based on Quiz 2-1, how many of these questions fit Frank? Post the number of “Fits Me” answers you gave Frank and discuss Frank’s trustworthiness as a leader based on what you’ve seen in this episode. Were there any questions that were difficult to answer? Why?Framework - Week 3? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 3 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 3—Charismatic and Transformational LeadershipAssignments?1. ?Take the emotional expressiveness quiz on page 74-75 in your text to assess your individual traits and behaviors associated with charisma. 2. The text has great information on transformational leadership; however, there are many great articles on the internet that have additional information on transformational leadership as well as way to improve your own ability at improving and facilitating it. Please find an article or website discussing transformation leadership in any aspect and share it on the wiki page. Be sure to properly cite. 3. Once these two activities are complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week ? ?Forum QuestionsWeek 3 - Charismatic and Transformational Leadership: In this episode of the House of Cards, there were many incidences where Frank shows himself as both a transformational leader as well as a charismatic leader. Give an example of a time when he displayed characteristics of a transformational leader and a different time when he showed characteristics of a charismatic leader.Week 3 - Charisma – A Curse or a Blessing?: On page 94, Dubrin proposes “A concern has been expressed that leaders who are charismatic are often incompetent. They simply get placed into key positions because they create such a good impression.” Do you think this argument describes Frank Underwood in this episode? Why or why not? FRAMEWORK - WEEK 4Learning Activities1.?Watch: Season 1, Episode 4 of House of Cards2.?Read from your text: chapter 4—Leadership Behaviors, Attitudes and StylesAssignments?1. Take Quiz 4-1 as any character in House of Cards. Describe who you are and how you responded and your interpretation of your results in the Discussion Forum. ?Participate in the forum discussion for W4, S1, E4Forum QuestionsPygmalion Effect? Describe the Pygmalion effect and at least one example of it taking place between two characters in the series thus far and post in the Discussion Forum. Do you think Frank Underwood is an effective leader? Why or why not? Based on what you’ve seen so far in the series, give at least two specific examples supporting your position. Task-Oriented Attitudes and Behaviors – Report your results from Quiz 4-1 as described in the learning activities. Framework - Week 5? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 5 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 5—Contingency and Situational LeadershipAssignments?1. ?Take the leadership self-assessment quiz on page 135-136 in your text to measure how you work and tolerate others in a leadership perspective. 2. Once this activity is complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week ? ?Forum QuestionsIn A Pickle?: This episode gave us a great example of being contingent upon situations in leadership. Give an example of this after watching this week’s episode. Right or Wrong?: Marty (the leader of the teachers union) decided to act on the situation that was happening and had his followers get teacher, or people who looked like teacher, to go out and protest for the cause. Do you think it is right of him to have citizens pretend to be teachers to further his cause?FRAMEWORK - WEEK 6Learning Activities1.?Watch: Season 1, Episode 6 of House of Cards2.?Read from your text: chapter 6- Leadership Ethics and Social Responsibility3. We learn that Frank Underwood attended military college and was a cadet at the Sentinel (based on The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina). Based on Quiz 6-2, would Frank have been admitted into the Air Force based on his character alone? Why or why not? Please discuss your opinion in Off-Topic discussion group. Assignments?1. ?Take the Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 6-1 (The Leader Integrity Scale) on p. 168 as yourself. Describe how your results differ or are similar to a specific character in the series other than Frank. 2.?Participate in the forum discussion for W6, S1, E6Forum QuestionsUnethical Leadership Behaviors: Table 6-3 on page 179 lists several well-known business leaders who have engaged in unethical behavior. Who would you compare most closely to Frank Underwood and why? Greed, gluttony and avarice!: According to Dubrin, there are “many reason for differences in ethics and morality among leaders. One is the leader’s level of greed, gluttony and avarice” (p. 172). What are the factors contributing to the ethical differences, particularly in the Underwoods? Framework - Week 7? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 7 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 7— Power, Politics, and LeadershipAssignments?1. ?Take the quiz on page 213-214 to assess the positive organization politics in your current workplace and reflect back on your thoughts. 2. Leadership Skill-Building Exercise 7-2 on page 217 discusses the Law of Reciprocity. Complete this activity reflecting back on this week’s episode and create the list for a situation in the show. 3. Once these two activities are complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week ? ?Forum QuestionsPyramid Power?: On page 211 of the text, there is a small paragraph explaining pyramid-shaped organizational structures. This is exactly what is happening in Congress. Give an example of how the series of House of Cards shows that the government is ran by pyramid power. What do I get in return?: Read #7 on page 216 of the text regarding the Law of Reciprocity where it acknowledges that everybody in the world expects to be paid back. After reading this section and completing Skill Building exercise 7-2, share with your group members what you discovered and why you think the Law of Reciprocity is extremely important in Congress. FRAMEWORK - WEEK 8Learning Activities1.?Watch: Season 1, Episode 8 of House of Cards2.?Read from your text: chapter 8—Influence Tactics of LeadersAssignments?1. ?Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 8-1 has 16 questions. Answer at least four of them as if you are a specific character in this episode who is influencing another character. 2.?Participate in the forum discussion for W8, S1, E8FORUM QUESTIONSInfluence Tactics - State your character, the question and at least one example of your behavior that supports how you answered the questions in the 8-1 quiz. Hands-On Leadership - A hands-on leader is someone who is directly involved in the details and processes of operations. Do you think Frank Underwood is generally a hands-on leader? Do you think Frank provided hands-on leadership with Peter? Framework – Week 9? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 9 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 9— Developing TeamworkAssignments?1. ?Take the quiz on page 213-214 to assess the positive organization politics in your current workplace and reflect back on your thoughts. 2. The smallest chapter in this text is about teamwork. However, teamwork is very important especially for the leader of the team and or the person facilitating the team. Search the internet and find a good article regarding leadership that my bring to light additional information not listed in the text and share it with the group. Be sure to properly cite. (Heidi: should we put a new forum discussion for this….or maybe a wiki?)3. Once these two activities are complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week ? ?Forum QuestionsDoes the way you dress matter? On page 279 if the text, it proposes the question “As a team leader, should you dress in about the same fashion as the rest of the team? Or should you dress a little fancier?” Think about this question based on the aspect of the show and how congressmen dress. You notice throughout the season that everyone is always dressed very professionally. Do you think that this is the best way for Congressmen do dress? Why or why not? Leadership actions : In this episode, the Vice President is not playing with the team. He is there to enjoy himself and further his own personal agenda until Peter takes action. Explain how Peter took action and showed his leadership in the gubernatorial race. FRAMEWORK - WEEK 10Learning Activities1.?Watch: Season 1, Episode 10 of House of Cards2.?Read from your text: chapter 10- Motivation and Coaching SkillsAssignments?1. ?Take Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 10-2 as if you are Freddy Hayes. 2.?Participate in the forum discussion for W10, S1, E10Forum QuestionsHow much do I crave recognition? Based on the quiz 10-2 how much do you think Freddy Hayes craves attention? Please post the score you gave Freddy based on what we’ve seen in the series and explain how you came to that score and whether or not you see leadership qualities in Freddy.Big Idea – Share a big idea you had based on this week’s episode and chapter 10. Framework – Week 11? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 11 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 11— Creativity, Innovation, and LeadershipAssignments?1. ?Take the quiz on page 334 for assessing the climate for innovation and reflect on your thoughts. 2. Once this activity is complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week.? ?This episode of House of Cards is a good one and gives a lot of information on how Frank Underwood furthers his own agenda. However it isn’t very good with mixing with the chapter in the book regarding innovation and creativity so the forums will focus more on the importance of those items. Forum QuestionsThe importance of Innovation: Innovation in the workplace is one of the most important driving factors regarding change and staying competitive. Do you think it is important for the leader to be innovative and creative, or more important for them to hire people who have those traits. Creativity: Think of someone you know in your life that you find creative in one way or another. Explain why he/she is creative and what it is about them that makes you want to be creative as well. Framework – Week 12Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 12 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 12— Communication and Conflict Resolution SkillsAssignments?1. ?Based on the NQ test located at , how does your score compare to if Frank Underwood were to take the test? Share the key differences in your scores in the Discussion Forum. 2. Once this activity is complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week.? ?Forum QuestionsInfluence at work: Describe the key differences in your score and the score Frank Underwood would have received if he’d taken the same quiz. Can You Learn from Frank’s Tactics: The Underwoods could definitely be categorized as insidious, yet their leadership abilities are undeniable. What tactic(s) does Frank use from this chapter that could make you a more effective communicator (and still be ethical)? Framework – Week 13? Learning Activities1. Watch: Season 1, Episode 13 of House of Cards2. Read from your text: chapter 13— Strategic Leadership and Knowledge ManagementAssignments?1. ?Take the quiz on page 396-398 for assessing if you work for a learning organization and reflect on your answers and your workplace. 2. Once this activity is complete, participate in the forum discussion for this week.? ?Forum QuestionsStrategic Leadership: One of the important parts of Strategic Leadership is the assess the internal strengths. In this episode we find out that the president has his own internal strength in the form of Tusk, his mentor and advisor. Why do you think it is important to have someone or something there to support these large decisions? Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management (KM) is an important part of a team’s success. In most cases, KM is an asset where team members can share more with everyone else on the team thus becoming more successful. However, it Congress, we see KM as something different. For them, KM is keeping most things to yourself and only giving information when it suit you. Throughout this season, there have been many examples of just that. Give an example of this and explain why you think it was helpful/hurtful. ................

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