
“Huh…” Kael looked at the card he held in his hand, the smooth texture simply read ‘The Variety’, “Weird name,” in fact Kael had no idea why he was even here in the first place. He just got this in the apartment mailbox along with a gift card as a ‘credit’ to his first time coming to the place. What was even weirder is why would they even advertise such stuff from a high-end restaurant? At least that’s what it was considered in town, it was nowhere near being cheap food. The place had valet parking and everything, though Kael, not owning a car as of yet, could only continue down the sidewalk with a sigh, the busy traffic going by in the cold weather as he sought out the warmth of the restaurant. Going inside, he could see now why the place was renowned for being a well-received, high-end restaurant. The interior design outshined the simplistic logo it had, everything about it screamed like he had walked into another world altogether. There were very neatly carved booths against many areas of the restaurant, it was a very nice type of wood that blended in well with the wall it was against.“Sir? Table for one?” Kael was snapped back to reality by the waitress up front speaking to him.The man shook his head and started to take off his jacket. “Y-Yes, just one.”The waitress smiled and asked him again, “Would you like a booth or table?”Kael didn’t want to seem selfish by requesting a booth just for himself, but then again he might as well enjoy himself at least, so he replied, “Just a booth, please.” Eyeing the other tables, the napkins were neatly folded on the table, with a fork and spoon laid out against each other like a well-organized bundle. Even the tables themselves apart from the booths were ordained with the upmost of care, tablecloths not having a single wrinkle or out of place fold. The walls were decorated with an engraving of designs that Kael had a hard time guessing what they were, either they were symbols representing the restaurant or just there to make it look inviting. “I’m Shery, I’ll be your waitress for the evening.” The waitress smiled as she laid out a menu for him, “Would you like anything to drink to start with?”“Just a coke would be fine,” he said promptly.With that the waitress smiled and headed off, while waiting for his drink Kael visually explored the restaurant, just seeing this place from the outside and comparing it to the interior design, it was clear this place was meant to look a bit on the olden-days, what period he wasn’t sure. Still it was enough to distract him for a certain amount of time to where his drink was placed in front of him, and as it was, a small, very fluffy looking cake settled down neatly. “Cake?” Kael looked at the waitress who smiled back at him. “Complimentary, have you decided what you want?” Shery asked the young man in a professional manner. “Oh, uh… no, I haven’t even taken a look at it yet.” Kael responded with a nervous smile, realizing the menu left unopened. “It’s not a problem, take your time.” She smiled. As the waitress went off and Kael sipped on his coke while he examined the cake he had been given. The simplistic treat had an odd design to it, the purple frosting that was carefully placed on the sides of the cake blended in well with the white exterior of the confectionary, and protruding from the sides, small, blueish like spots could be seen; it must have been a blueberry sample. Either way it didn’t stop Kael from sampling with a growl emanating from his stomach. When tasting the first bite of the slice of cake, a weird taste filled his mouth, it definitely wasn’t blueberry, it almost had a marshmallow grape texture to it, and the innards of the cake were slightly crunchy but not overall hard to chew. In fact this was pretty good. Whatever this cake was, it was absolutely delicious, Kael couldn’t resist having another bite, his mind filled with possibilities of what this restaurant had to offer with their food. This was only an appetizer and he couldn’t wait to experience what was in the menu. He was too focused on the small slice of cake though, already halfway finished, something was starting to occur all over his body, a tingling sensation starting to become a little overpowering. His eating never halted, each bite led to feeling more of this ‘tingle’ that he didn’t seem to mind. What Kael was unaware about was the developing of a stomach in his shirt, it seemed to press against the material and noticeably bulging against it. His rear end began to accommodate his pants, and what also seemed to spread out was a white coloring that was quickly making headway across his body. The man’s face began to stretch as bones shifted and noticeably popped, but like before Kael didn’t pay any heed to it, and he never felt pain. White coloring sprouted on his changing facial structure, spreading out across his head and slowly enveloping every part of his skin, including his hair, the short black locks changing to purple and growing longer, developing into an almost feminine look. Speaking of feminine, his chest began to push out, developing into a pair of what looked to be breasts instead of pectorals, though his chest kept pushing against his shirt, jiggling noticeably with fat as his body apparently widened out as his body physically changed. His hair soon stopped when it neared his waist, now fully transformed into a purple, more elegant looking hair as it began to curl. His bangs hung off to the side of his face, just passing over his eyesight, and curled upward a bit at the end, as if it was painstakingly given a lot of care.Kael grunted as a slight pressure could be felt on his tail-bone. His expanding behind suddenly sprouted a long, purple tail, hanging off to the side of the booth and as it had an elegant spiral halfway down. Like his hair, it looked like the tail was given an extreme amount of care, there no tangles, no knots, nothing that involved a messy and lazy look. Yet still his body expanded out, his belly pressing into the edge of the table, starting to sag underneath, the rear end filling up half of the booth he was comfortably sitting in. All while this was happening he finished the cake, seemingly unaware of the changes and sudden weight gain throughout his body. An itch formed on his eyes, and casually he reached up to relieve himself of that itch as longer, more elegant eyelashes had formed along with beautiful eyes, instead of brown they turned to a bright, sapphire blue, almost glittering in the restaurant lighting, and from his forehead sprouted a small, pointed horn. Not noticing the extra jiggling sensation of his expanding arm as the upper base slapped against his chest, which was easily becoming larger than most female, almost like orbs at his point. Even his shirt began to change to what looked like a black sweater, his thighs shifting and what could be felt jiggling profoundly as the sound of hooves made his white, equine ears twitch.The booth was not only being taken up, but most likely overfilled. With a belly hanging down to Kael’s hooves, rolls were starting to bulge from the changed leggings. Like a marshmallow rising up in the heat did two butt-cheeks start to dangerously reach the edge of the booth; what should have held three individuals was now all but taken up by one. “Oh goodness me I’m getting hungry.” Kael said in the upmost feminine, elegant voice that a male would swoon over. Not even surprised at the change of voice from a male to a female, a sudden low but long stomach growl echoed to signify the sudden pang of hunger. Magic began to wrap around the menu, a very light blue shimmering around itself as it opened up without having to use her hands, the same aura emanating from her horn. The variety of choices were quite daunting, from Kael’s perspective at least. “Miss Rarity?” The waitress came back, a deep orange pegasus with a vibrant crimson mane holding a notepad. “Have you decided what you want?” “Forgive me, dear, the choices are all so tempting for me!” Rarity giggled as she looked over the menu, her full-fledged triple chin alongside a fourth starting to appear as Rarity apparently kept growing, but her growth was slowly crawling to a halt, mostly as her chest was now sagging on the table, her stomach so wide and sagging low enough to spread out on the floor under the booth. As for her butt, it had become so wide that it creaked against the back support like squished dough, and it didn’t stop it from sagging off the edge heavily. “We have a special of exquisite haystacks, haysalad, hayballs mixed with a variety of fruits with the choice of being grilled or deep-fried.” Rarity went wide-eyed at that stunning display of choices. “By Celestia, those delicacies sound wonderful!” She soon started to make a decent list of what she wanted, making sure to specifically say how she wanted some of them cooked to a certain degree. Even pastries were given their own list, the waitress flipping through multiple pages in her notebook to eagerly satisfy the large customer they had.“Fantastic, Miss Rarity! I’ll be sure to bring the appetizers to help you wait for your full entrees,” the pegasus said once she was finished, while she took away the small, empty plate that was smothered under the breast flesh of the white unicorn. “Dear, if you don’t mind, have you seen my jacket? I seem to have misplaced it…” Rarity tried to search for the jacket, but with her enormous frame taking a full side of the large booth she couldn’t look far. Each time she tried to move and budge it just caused her mass to wobble around like a mold of gelatin.“Hm… Oh! I think I know where it is!” The pegasus rushed away, only to momentarily bring back what looked to plain jacket that was many sizes too small for the aristocratic unicorn. “You left it by the entrance, Miss Rarity.” Rarity sighed in relief as she took the jacket, her brow perking in curiosity as her expression changed to being confused, causing her fat face to dimple as the corners of her mouth pushed against her bloated cheeks. “I apologize about that, I’ll get right on getting your meal started.” Before Rarity could say anything else the pegasus had already rushed off to the kitchen, presumably to give the order to the chef.“Strange…” Rarity muttered at the jacket. “I don’t recall coming in with the jacket being this small…” The unicorn seemed curious as to why this article of clothing was now so small that it could barely fit around her arms and even her widened backside. Something about the jacket was definitely off, as if this wasn’t what she wore when she first arrived in the restaurant. With a sigh and a shrug she set it off to the side in a neat fold. “I’ll have to resize it when I get back to the boutique.” She noted, all the while her stomach released another set of groans and gurgles from the large mass resting underneath more than half of the booth. “I do hope the waitress arrives with the food soon. I’m getting awfully famished.” It was hard to reach over her enormous breasts to reach her stomach, her fat hands and arms limiting her movement as she needed to attempt to calm the bottomless stomach. She contented herself with sipping on her soda as she waited for her appetizers to arrive, but fortunately she wouldn’t have to wait long. Soon the waitress returned again, placing a large portable stand beside the table with a tray, and settled on top of it was a dinner plate the size of Rarity’s head. It was incredible how large the portions were, no on- no-pony would be able to consume so much food in one go. Yet with Rarity’s size, it seemed to be your usual, run-of-the-mill appetizer before the main course arrived. The orange Pegasus, along with a well-dressed Earth Pony assisted in setting down the appetizers before the aristocratic unicorn, her enormous frame wobbling heavily and eagerly as the plates had to be set in a position where her breasts wouldn’t be in the way. They seemed to know what Rarity liked and disliked, and what she especially disliked was getting food on her clothes, and so afterwards they placed a napkin almost the size of the tablecloth under Rarity’s chins, leaving her breasts covered well enough by the great expanse of cloth. After the dozen of appetizer meals were finally placed. Rarity’s horn started to glow and it covered certain portions of the food, but she was more civilized about her eating than Rainbow Dash or Apple Jack. Utensils were used to cut neat, but large portions of the different types of appetizer cakes, biscuits, haystacks, all of it was gently guided to her eager mouth. Her stubby snout and chins jiggled with each bite she took, shuddering at the taste and causing her eyes to roll back before eagerly getting overbearing forkfuls up to her mouth and groaning as she had her mouth full of food that her cheeks were visibly, albeit slightly, filled. Some table-manners had to be sacrificed in order to scarf down this much food, though she still elegantly consumed the meal of appetizers, all the while taking sips of her soda, the glass looking larger and more like a pint than a regular glass usually offered by restaurants. Although Rarity was consuming the meal quickly, she paused every now and then to dab at her face with the napkin to remove the debris left on her chins, cleaning her cellulite ridden cheeks of crumbs or any small trickles of soda that couldn’t get into her mouth due to her large gulps.The appetizer was completely devoured before long, her stomach still gurgling softly as she was eager for more, and surprisingly the ‘appetizer’ lived up to its name as Rarity treated it as such despite its relative enormity. It was only before she was finishing up with stacks of empty plates neatly put up to the side of the table did the pegasus and earth pony return to serve the white unicorn’s main feast.Oh yes, the entrees looked delicious. They were more cooked then before, large potatoes that were cut open and already pre-seasoned for Rarity to add her own tidbits of spices and condiments onto. Hay burgers, hayballs mixed with spaghetti, sauce pouring all over the inner crevices of the long noodles, with some parmesan cheese added with the sauce. The plates of food Rarity had already consumed were taken up from her table to make room, and already it was filling up again with the entrees that she almost drooled at, though she restrained herself, not wanting to ruin her lady-like demeanor. Rarity wasted no time staring at the food, her appetite needed to be kept in check after all. So the meal started as her horn glowed, her aura surrounding the fork and knife and eagerly cutting into the different types of food her belly desired. It didn’t take long for the first forkful to become devoured and swallowed by her black hole of a stomach. This continued on throughout the meal, shoveling in mouthfuls despite the larger appetizer she had just a while ago. Half-way through her entrée did she start to feel full, but it wasn’t enough to slow her down, she still ate proudly, not minding the fact that her appetite would have been appealing to the royals in the olden years of Equestria. “Could I *uurrrppp* oh excuse me… place an order for dessert dear?” Rarity called to the waitress as the orange pegasus passed by the gluttonous unicorn after her belch. “Sure, what would you like?” The Pegasus started to jot down notes while Rarity sputtered her order out, trying not to spray crumbs everywhere but having a hard time preventing that as she listed down numerous pastries and sweets. The waitress had to manage with writing down Rarity’s large dessert order alongside with getting the plates Rarity was hogging down. Fortunately it didn’t last long as most of the entrees were already completely cleaned with the servings provided. The unicorn’s bulging mass of a stomach was beginning to look full, despite how much flab coated her belly there was a certain part of it that looked a little more ‘taut’ than the rest of her sloping sack of fat.After her large order, they began to prepare her dessert while dinner was still being worked on by the gluttonous unicorn. Diligently working through the rich meal, for an herbivore they certainly did make it heavy in calories, and filling. Of course with anypony they would feel full after a plateful, Rarity was consuming such large portions, along with dessert on the way. Before the first plates of dessert would come by, Rarity had already finished most of the entrees that were before her, the last plate of her dinner was cleaned as she wallowed back in her fat and tried to reach for what she can of her belly. Her stomach definitely took up more of the booth, and it was pressing harder whilst sagging over the upper edge of her table due to the shelf being much noticeably larger than before. Rarity’s large, globular breasts rested on the table as well, both it and the upper portion of her gut took up a good chunk of space. “Oh… hm… I’ll leave a tray here so we can make some room.” The orange Pegasus suggested as she picked up the empty plates and started setting down dessert. The waitress tried to get as much as she could on the table before plates started to press against Rarity’s expanse. Not even able to get half as much on it when she entered with her huge dinner. “Please, dear; don’t concern yourself over it.” Rarity took up a large slice of what was part of a decently proportioned cake, the pink frosting calling old memories to her mind. “I must ask, the make of this cake is rather familiar to me; by any chance was it made by a certain young earth pony named Pinkie Pie?” the unicorn asked as she took a large bite out of the cake. “Haha, I see you must be familiar with one of the new recruits on our cooking staff,” the waitress laughed at first before going into thought about Rarity’s question, “she was quite eager to get to work when she heard that she’d be filling an order for you.”“She can be quite hyperactive to keep up with.” Rarity commented with a shrug. “HIII RARITY!” All of a sudden, a pink blur of a pony bounded in out of nowhere, as if summoned by the mere mention of her name. “ENJOYING DESSERT OKAY COOL THANKS GOTTA GO NOW BYE RARITY!” In one fell swoop Pinkie made a quick statement, patted Rarity’s stomach and zipped out of there; she was definitely in a rush this evening. It was common to the unicorn to have that happen to her, or for anypony really. Encountering the pink ball of unlimited energy was bound to happen. The other ponies in the restaurant seemed to be thoroughly confused by this outburst, but Rarity paid no mind to Pinkie and her actions. “She… does that.” Rarity piped up after an awkward silence before chowing down another slice of cake. “Uh… y-yeah…” The orange pegasus chuckled briefly. “So did you want your check now or…?” “Oh please, you can give it to me now… er, forgive me but I don’t recall your name.” Rarity looked at the Pegasus’ nametag for reference. “Sherbert!” The Pegasus beamed. “What a lovely name, Sherbert,” Rarity complimented with a dimpled smile. Sherbert went off to get her check after thanking the huge unicorn; in the meantime Rarity continued to consume her dessert. The course of this meal went slower than her entrees, not only because of her gut was filling up, but also because she was taking up more space than ever. Her sides were billowing from the creaking, groaning booth, the wood struggling to contain her weight as her butt stretched the pants even further with extra weight. Yet her appetite continued, albeit getting increasingly fulfilling. Sherbert brought over the check, with Rarity hovering plates from the tray the Pegasus left out, the waitress took up the empty plates to make room for only more food that filled up the half-covered table. It seemed like everypony was used to this occurrence, Rarity filling out the booth, eating enough to satisfy a large family gathering, she could easily outdo Applejack and Dash in an eating contest. When Rarity checked the bill she wasn’t surprised by it, considering the surplus of food she had consumed (and she was still devouring platefuls of dessert), the massive unicorn only smiled as she set the check back down and continued her meal.When the dessert was finally done and over with. Rarity sighed contentedly at how her stomach gurgled and sloshed around, full of food and drink, a sudden belch left her maw that resounded in the restaurant and got quite a few looks from the other patrons *bBbhBBHUUURRRRAAP!*, “Pardon me…” she muttered with a few quick dabs of her napkin as Sherbert came back. “I hope you enjoyed your meal Miss Rarity,” Sherbert asked casually as she looked at the many empty plates littered on the table, showing no surprised reaction from Rarity’s incredible frame, “do you need assistance in getting up?”“I… may have went a few sizes up.” Rarity giggled, “I would be glad for some assistance.” It was true in her position she would definitely struggle to get herself un-wedged from the booth, it was quite a tight fit. In fact it made her question how she got in this position in the first place. Fortunately that was shoved in the back of her head when moments later Sherbert managed to get a few of the strongest stallions that worked at the restaurant, two earth ponies and one unicorn. The white unicorn had to admire their stature. “Ooh-ho~ I don’t recall these handsome stallions working here prior my last visit,” Rarity teased, and the three stallions blushed as they started to gently handle the fat that was crammed against the booth. The table shook, groaned, creaked, there were also some cracks forming along the sturdy wood as a lot of grunting was made by the trio hefting and managing the soft, deep folds Rarity had gained. It was like trying to handle a sea of blubber, the earth ponies pulling and tugging on her overflowing form while the unicorn used levitation around certain areas of Rarity to nestle out the rolls covering a good portion of the booth.The struggle was quite noticeable, though Rarity was liking it, only smiling as the males did most of the work to please the white unicorn, having their strong hands shoved deep into her folds just to adjust the malleable blubber sloshing constantly. One of them had to press their hand on her enormous buttocks as she blushed and panted from the effort of hauling herself out.“Ooh~ Ask me next time before putting your hand there darling.” She batted her eyes to the stallion, her bloated cheeks pressing up against her eye as she turned her head. More grunting and straining later and the massive unicorn was un-stuck, taking up a good chunk of space where she was standing, even then it was almost hard to tell if she was with how her thighs and calves were sagging so low that they practically engulfed her fat hooves. “Whew… thank you gentlemen~” Rarity winked, her chins wobbling as the unicorn retrieved a large bag of coins from her bag, settling it on the table.“That should be enough for the payment, dear,” she said to Sherbert, getting out several extra more gold to put in a small stack as a tip, much to the surprise of the staff.“Uh… wow, thank you, Miss Rarity. Do you need any assistance getting outside?” the pegasus waitress asked as Rarity giggled, slowly turning around, causing her huge buttocks to jiggle and slap against each other like some massive water balloons. Her leather pants strained quite a bit but still bafflingly managed to fit around such an impressively immense butt.“No thank you dear… *huff* you’ve already… *pant* done enough for me.” She smiled reassuringly. Her ground-dragging stomach shifting along the floor as the white unicorn slooowly headed towards the exit, her hooves causing the floor to noticeably rattle slightly with each step.“O-Oh! You forgot your coat Miss Rarity!” Sherbert reached for the coat and handed it to the unicorn, although in the process of doing so she accidentally pressed up against the gelatinous set of butt cheeks and backside as the unicorn tried to turn her head to look back at her.“How thoughtful of you dear, thank you~” The white unicorn took the too small coat as it was offered to her. “It slipped my mind.” Rarity didn’t seem to remember bringing this coat but she felt connected to it either way, even as she laid it out on her front body she sighed. “Could always use a resize.” Rarity smiled warmly, all the while trying to squeeze herself out of the restaurant. The double doors were fortunately just able to let the unicorn go out into the cold air, back into the streets of Ponyville. “I’m not sure why, but I feel invigorated this evening!” ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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