
Case of a 26 years old female patient.A/F - death of friend, not able to handle my emotion+++, coming face to face with Family, when family was not treating well.Family could have handled me But my family didn't treat me plaints:-Since last 3 - 4 years started with complaints of anxiety and panicky attack.Initial symptomsHeadache - throbbing pain+++ Temple region then started with sudden numbness of right side of face and right handNo sensation in right side of face and hand Followed by shortness of breath+Sensitivity to light+ Palpitation of heart+ Dizziness Sudden cold feeling in throatSudden cold feeling in feet with jerks Present situation :- Shortness of breathover thinking, over thinking about health+< When thinking about health, anxiety.> Deep breathing, listening to mediation Dizziness Not being able to focusFeels as if Everything is moving Palpitation+, Palpitation of heart, sleep on going to+Once the palpitation stops, body starts jerking+.Co - ordination of muscle is not well, occasionally, while walking suddenly feels that something is imbalance.Feels little disbalance+ Back and neck stiffness+all reports done, but nothing comes outPain in neck and upper back, dull pain< Rising on> Warm bathing, exercise, massage, ice pack, deep breathing.Pain in coccyx regionDull pain< Lying on hard surface+ Sometime pain from neck goes to right arm.Numbness of right arm Radiating pain Pain in right kneeSometime not able to keep right legs straight Anxiety+ Sometime random breakdown Sometime weeps without any reason Not able to sleepPast History :- Chicken poxMalaria Family History :- Mother - Anemia Father - High BPGrand father - Carcinoma of lung due to smoking.Stress before complaints :- Teenager, felt as if my family didn't treat me well++My sister started judging me I started drinking My sister was unsupportive, they used to check my phone, there was no privacy, they would keep and checking on me - all those things affected meFeeling :- Not being able to control my life++ Interferon in my life+Everything was decided Continuously under control++ No decisions to make by oneself Can't come late at home Nature :-CalmSoft spokenUnderstandingLike to encourage other Tolerant - even if there are differential between me and my sister – I can handle it, I can accommodate Empathic Sensitive :- When some other people decide for my things - i feel bad - i feel attack.If someone judges meIf someone assumes about meIf someone makes fun of my health+ Anger :- If someone decide my things I don't like any authority on me+ If someone else decides for me, I don't like If someone don't give me freedomOf being judging+When people try to manipulate you In anger - I just speak, I will call my boyfriend, or I share with my friends Fear :- Fear of death+Fear and anxiety about health+ Fear of death about Family and loved once Fear of high place Fear of ghost - only after watching stupid things Stress :- Anything related to my health+Anxiety about healthSomething bad will happen When i am not well Stress full situation :- When my friend died - Feeling :- felt dizziness during that time.Palpitation Scary Grief and fear Sadness When family was not treating me well :- used to feel alone, forsaken.alone with Family but not with friends, friends support I always had .Dreams :- About friends Listening to somethingOf loved onceConstant dreams of TEETH FALLING OUT - Scared, panicky, fear, confusion.Interest / hobbies :- Make up Travelling Exercise Music - soft music Childhood :- CalmQuite Shy Physical General :- Desire - South Indian food, paav bhaji+, spicy++, cake+++.Thirst - ThirstyThermally - cold agg Stool - no complaints Urine - no complaints Sleep - Doesn't feel refreshing, feels tired on waking up Perspiration - neck around Menses - irregular, they come monthly, but sometime delay.Before menses - lower back painDuring menses - back pain, lower abdomen pain+ After menses - no any complaints Important words :-Of being judgeOf being interruptedOf being controlOf being unable to control emotionFriends death Family didn't treat me well Numbness Anxiety Along feeling from family Dreams of teeth falling out++Analysis :- Follow up :-Feeling 50% better in Complaints of anxiety and cervical pain Stiffness in back and upper back is reduced Radiating pain from neck and it radiate above the elbow, intensity and frequency of pain has reduced Burning pain in neck, whenever it occurs < Sitting, working with laptops, exertion > Warm fomentation Tightness in neck region, above chest, heaviness < on the bed and about to sleep Jerking while sleepSudden shock kind of things in legs and hipSlight numbness has reduced Hasn't seen any anxiety attack in last one month.State of mind :- Is better Better in emotional state Confidant about health Positive Collective Physical General :- Thirst - Good Appetite - Good Thermally - cold Stool - no complaints Urine - no complaints Sleep - takes time to sleep, refreshing.Perspiration - not as such Menses - no complaints ................

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