
Ch. 15 -17– Darwin's Theory of Evolution, etc. Bio Sem 1 2010-11 Learning Targets Name__________________________Per___Directions: this chart describes what you need to know for this unit. I know this- am confident!I’m unsure-I need to study moreDon’t Know It- need to study a lot!Chapter 15 Darwin's Theory of EvolutionAddress misconceptions: remember that a theory is a well-tested concept that is supported by evidence (p. 14, Ch.1-2). Scientists do not dispute the fact that evolution has occurred because so much evidence supports it. 15-1 The Puzzle of Life's DiversityDescribe the voyage of the Beagle. Identify Charles Darwin's contribution to science. Describe the pattern Darwin observed among organisms of the Galapagos Islands.15-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin's Thinking 4. Compare how Hutton and Lyell described geological change.5. According to Lamarck, how did species evolve?6. Describe Malthus's theory of population growth.15-3 Darwin Presents His Case7. List events leading to Darwin's publication of On the Origin of Species.8. Describe how natural variation is used in artificial selection and include examples.9. Identify evidence Darwin used to present his case for evolution.10. Summarize Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection into 5 main tenents.Concept Maps – overview of essential vocabulary putting it together!Read Ch 15. b) Create a concept map below that unites the vocabulary from this chapter. Use the 3 themes above (15.1-15.3) as your main organizing "themes":Natural Selection Descent with Modification Common Descent Homologous Structure Vestigial OrganEvolution Theory Fossil Galapagos Islands H.M.S. Beagle Darwin Alfred Wallace Observations/Evidence Lamarck Inheritance of Acquired Traits Natural Variation Artificial Selection Struggle for Existence Fitness Adaptation Survival of the Fittest I know this- am confident!I’m unsure-I need to study moreDon’t Know It- need to study a lot!Chapter 16 Evolution of Population16-1 Genes and Variation 1. What are the main sources of inheritable variation in a population? 2. What determines the numbers of phenotypes for a given trait?16-2 Evolution as Genetic Change3. Natural selection on single-gene traits can lead to changes in allele frequencies and thus to evolution.4. Natural selection can affect the phenotypes in 3 ways (draw the correct graph for each at bottom of this page):directional selectionstabilizing selectiondisruptive selection5. Understand the problem of antibiotic resistance as an example of natural selection (p. 403) Chapter 17 The History of Life17-1 The Fossil Record1. What is the fossil record? 2. What information do relative dating and radioactive dating provide about fossils?Know how these terms relate:Paleontologist Fossil Record Extinct Relative Dating Index FossilHalf-Life Radioactive Dating Sedimentary Rock Carbon-1417-4 Patterns of Evolution 3. Explain the difference between adaptive radiation and convergent evolution (include examples for each).4. What is coevolution (and an example)?5. What is punctuated equilibrium and how is it different from Darwin's idea of gradualism? Directional selection Stabilizing selection Disruptive Selection Cite a current event (and date/source) related to this unit and how it relates to the topics covered in class: ................

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