Luke 9 Study Guide Handout

Luke 9 Twelve Are Sent to Preach--Read Luke 9:1-11

1. Jesus called His disciples together (see v. 1). Who does Romans 8:2830 describe as the called? (See also Ephesians 4:1, 4; Philippians 3:14; 1 Peter 2:21.)

2. What did Jesus give His disciples (see v. 1)? Why would they need what Jesus gave them?

3. The word apostle comes from the Greek apostolos, which means a sent one. Luke listed what Jesus' apostles were sent to do (see v. 2). What were their two missions? How were their missions similar to Jesus' missions listed in Matthew 4:23? How were they different? (See also Mark 6:30.)

4. Jesus instructed His apostles not to take anything for the journey (see v. 3). Why? (See also Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15; Luke 10:7.)

5. If the apostles (sent ones) were received in a town, they were to remain in the household that received them until they departed (see v. 4). Why do you think Jesus instructed them to do this? (See also Matthew 10:11; Mark 6:10.)

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6. If a town or village would not receive them, what were the apostles to do (see v. 5)? Why? (See also Luke 10:10-11; Acts 13:51; 18:6.)

7. Jesus instructed His apostles to shake off the dust from their feet if a town or city wouldn't receive them and their message (see v. 5). Shaking off dust was a symbolic act practiced by the Pharisees when they left an unclean Gentile area. Here, Jesus used this act as a warning to those who rejected His apostles' message. How are we to shake off the dust today? (See Matthew 7:6; Acts 13:51.)

8. A city that rejected the apostles by not receiving them also rejected what and whom (see v. 2)? (See also Matthew 10:40; John 13:20.)

9. The word for gospel in the Greek is the word euangeliz, from which we get the word evangelize, which means to tell the good news. What good news did the disciples tell? Where did they tell it (see vv. 2, 6). How is this a part of the mission you and I are commissioned with? (See Mark 16:15.)

10. A tetrarch was a ruler of a fourth part of a region. When Herod the Great died, his kingdom was divided among his four sons. Herod Antipas ruled over Galilee and Perea. What did Herod hear? How did he respond to what he heard (see v. 7)? (See also Mark 6:14-16.)

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11. When Herod heard about Jesus and all He had done, who did he think Jesus might be (see v. 7)? Why? (See also Mark 6:20; Matthew 14:1-2.)

12. What were some of the other rumors circulating about who Jesus might be (see v. 8)? (See also Matthew 16:14.)

13. What had Herod done to John? Because of that, what did he seek (see v. 9)?

14. When the apostles returned, they told Jesus all the things they had done and taught (see v. 10; Mark 6:30). What did Jesus invite them to go and do (see v. 10)? (See also Mark 6:31.)

15. Where specifically did Jesus invite them to go (see v. 10)?

16. As Jesus and His disciples departed to the deserted place, who saw them? What did they do (see v. 11)? (See also Mark 6:32-33.)

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17. How did Jesus respond to those who saw them heading to the deserted place (see v. 11)? (See also Mark 6:34.)

18. Although He desired to go privately to a deserted place with His disciples to rest, why do you think Jesus responded in the way He did? (See Matthew 11:28; John 10:11; 2 Peter 3:9.)

Five Thousand Are Fed--Read Luke 9:12-18

19. Jesus spent the day teaching, preaching, and healing the multitudes (see v. 11). When the day began to wear away, the disciples told Him to send the multitude away so they could eat and find lodging (see v. 12). How did Jesus respond to the disciples (see v. 13)?

20. What was the disciples' response to Jesus (see v. 13)? (See also Mark 6:37.)

21. Do you think the disciples could have obeyed Jesus' command to give the multitudes something to eat?

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22. Approximately how many were in the multitude (see v. 14)? Could there have been more people than estimated? (See also Matthew 14:21.)

23. What did Jesus have the disciples do with the multitudes (see vv. 1415)? Why do you think He had them do this? (See also 1 Corinthians 14:40; John 6:10-11; Psalm 23:1-2.)

24. What was the end result of Jesus sharing the five loaves and two fish (see v. 17)?

25. How many baskets of fragments were left over (see v. 17)? How many disciples served the multitude? Is there any significance to this? (See Matthew 16:9.)

26. Imagine the twelve disciples--each holding a basketful of leftover bread--and thousands of stuffed people sitting on the grass. What lessons should they have learned from this miracle? (See Matthew 16:9; 14:33.)

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