US History 1 – Chapter 4 Study Guide – The Civil …

US History 1 – Chapter 4 Study Guide – The Civil War and Reconstruction – 100 Points – 110 Max

CA Standard(s): 11.1 Students analyze the significant events in the forming of the nation…

Terms to Know:

The Nation Splits Apart

1. Compromise of 1850

2. Fugitive Slave Act

3. Kansas-Nebraska Act

4. Popular Sovereignty

5. Dred Scott v. Sandford

6. John Brown

7. Abraham Lincoln

8. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

9. Election of 1860

10. Secession

The Civil War

11. Fort Sumter

12. Robert E. Lee

13. Battle of Bull Run

14. U. S. Grant

15. Battle of Antietam

16. Emancipation Proclamation

17. Battle of Gettysburg

18. Battle of Vicksburg

19. Sherman’s March

20. 13th Amendment


21. 10 Percent Plan

22. Reconstruction Era

23. Wade-Davis Bill

24. John Wilkes Booth

25. Black Codes

26. Ku Klux Klan

27. Radical Republicans

28. Freedmen’s Bureau

29. Civil Rights Act 1866

30. 14th Amendment

31. 15th Amendment

32. Scalawag

33. Carpetbagger

34. Sharecropping

35. Tenant Farming

36. Election of 1876

Homework Grid:

|A1. Define all the terms in Cornell or |B. Write a sensory poem and summary |C. Write a Point – Counterpoint Article|D. Research three (3) key Civil War |

|Three-Column Format (25 points) |from the point of view of an |OR write and give a speech that |battles & Write three (3) 1-page diary |

| |African-American slave, escapee or |discusses reasons for and against the |entries that clearly communicate the |

|A2. Complete the Daily Notes: EQ, Do Now, |freedman who experienced |expansion of slavery or a state’s right|thoughts and details of a Union or |

|Notes, EQA (5 points per day) |-escape from slavery |to secede from the USA |Confederate soldier’s experience. |

| |-the Civil War or |(15 points) |Include correct time, place and |

| |-Reconstruction (10 points) | |outcomes. (15 points) |

|E. Create an 8 ½ x 11 poster / |F. Create a mock “home page” for the |G. Create and perform a newscast or |H. Create an acrostic that explains the|

|advertisement that explains a key law or |Republican Party of 1860 or the |monologue of a key event of the Civil |major causes, events and effects of |

|amendment of the era. Title, slogan, |Freedman’s Bureau. Include the |War / Reconstruction Era. Turn your |either the CIVIL WAR or RECONSTRUCTION.|

|visual, 3 main points in bullet form and |group’s name, key ideas, a symbol, |group script and have accurate info – |Use ONE of those terms as your stem (25|

|summary ¶ required. (15 points) |key leaders, appropriate slogan & |(25 points) |points) |

| |summary ¶. (15 points) | | |


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