
-32660215049500Bradford Opportunity Area Partnership BoardDate: Wednesday 29 January 2020Time: 13:30 – 16:30Venue: St. Francis Catholic Primary School, Myers Lane, Bradford BD2 4ESAgendaItem 1Welcome; apologies; conflicts of interest. Outstanding ActionsChair13:30 – 13:40Item 2Priority 2 – Parental Engagement update presentations from:Ravenscliffe Community Assoc.National Literacy TrustExceed Academies TrustKathryn Loftus13:40 – 14:25Item 3Underspend proposalsJoe Rigby14:25 – 15:15Item 4Comfort Break15:15 – 15:25Item 5Y4 spending & legacyDamon Boxer15:25 – 16:15Item 6AoB and questions relating to paper updatesChair16:15 – 16:30Close16:30ApologiesShirley CongdonCllr Imran KhanWill Richardson (deputised by Hollie Crompton)AttendeesAnne-Marie Canning (chair) Vicky BeerChristian BuntingDan CopleyHollie Crompton Jenny CryerKersten EnglandDuncan JacquesJanice StephensonCorinne TemplemanMark Mon-WilliamsSir Nick WellerOfficialsDamon BoxerLee Turner Kathryn LoftusJoe RigbyJohn ArmstrongRichard JacksonGuestsPaul Butler, Exceed Academies TrustAlastair Flint, National Literacy TrustMaureen Holmes, Janet Jewitt and Carol Woodley, Ravenscliffe Community AssociationItem 1: Welcome, apologies and conflicts of interestThe Chair thanked CB for representing the OA at the Overview and Scrutiny CommitteeA potential Chair for Priority 2 has been identified; a school Community Support Worker from Exceed. Action: AMC and DJ to discuss appointment of a new Chair for Priority 2.One action outstanding from the last meeting:SC to share best practice from the University’s work on inclusion. Item 2: Parental Engagement updatePaul Butler gave an update for Exceed, on the schools-facing work. The board noted and welcomed progress made, including the high response rate to the initial survey (128 schools) which identified areas for improvement, best practice and priority schools, while recognising the limitations of such surveysthe best practice case study document, now published 17 governors benefiting from governor trainingRe-launch of parental involvement worker (PIW) network meetings, with 36 PIWs attending, and the 6 half day training offer being delivered to 28 PIWs The successful Parental Engagement Conference, held 29 Jan. – The conference focused on EEF recommendations, with EEF in attendance. Four of the schools who provided case studies supported the event along with EdTech.The launch of targeted support to 15 priority schools, backed by ?7k per school and a two-day training offer to system leaders on ‘effective implementation’. Schools’ plans will be returned by February half term. The survey will be re-run at the end of the programme. Confirmation from Paul that the new Teaching School Hub will consider what it can do to support, scale and help to sustain work on parental engagement. The board confirmed its interest in supporting local partners to sustain and build on this work, agreeing to include a line on parental engagement in proposals for year 4 (below). Parents as Partners in Learning KL gave background to the Parents as Partners in Learning programme and thanked JS for attending the working group. KL outlined some of the challenges the 2 providers have faced and that they had been asked to address 3 key questions in their presentations to the Board:What are they on track to deliver in terms of outputs/outcome?What are they likely to fall short of delivering?What are they doing around legacy?Alastair Flint gave an update for the National Literacy Trust (NLT):While NLT confirmed progress toward most KPIs in Keighley – where they expect to meet the target of engaging 150 families, numbers are significantly lower in Tong and Bowling, where only 68 families are currently engaged. Numbers of parent champions are on track in both areas. Work has been done to embed parent champions into schools. NLT will engage 5 schools in each area, rather than the 6 set out in KPIs. CPD programme on-track. Delivered to 15 schools across the two areas. Schools are pleased with what’s being covered and that it informs their practice.NLT confident that behaviours and attitudes will shift in regard to their 10 KPIs on behaviours. They are confident they are working with the right cohort with baselines showing 26% of participating parents confident in ability to support homework and 25% confident in helping their children to read. NLT report some challenges in sustaining engagement of parents. Their goal is for 4-6 sessions, but in Keighley, only 31 of 124 engaged families have completed 4+ sessions. In Tong and Bowling 20 of 60 engaged families have completed 4+ sessions. Decision: The Board noted its concern about the lack of progress made, particularly in Tong and Bowling. The Board confirmed that NLT’s focus over the remainder of the contract should be on sustaining engagement of parents already engaged, embedding relationships between schools and champions, and ensuring full and accurate reporting, to enable the evaluation. The Board also asked NLT to provide more detail on longer term impact on behaviour change. The Board asked KL to consider options to recover funding. Action: KL to meet NLT to confirm actions and any change to focus for the remainder of the contract. Maureen Holmes, Janet Jewitt and Carol Woodley gave an update from Ravenscliffe Community Association (RCA).The Board welcomed the strong progress reported by the Ravenscliffe team, noting in particular the high numbers of parents and children engaged (313 and 294, respectively), and progress toward the target of 30 champions (@26). All three target schools are engaged and working well with the project. Of the 313 parents engaged initially, 192 have continued into strand 2: intensive school and community based support. This surpasses the 150 target. Early indicators – subject to full evaluation report – suggest:56 parents from strand 2 have recorded improvement against target behaviours.Of Parkland pupils whose families are engaged in the programme school attendance has increased from a base of 94.3% to 97%. Parkland reported to be discussing with Ravenscliffe options to sustain activities. Additional outcomes include parents participating in other activities and increasing access to support services. 3,487 have attended additional activities to date. In addition, parents are attending school more, with 13 parent champions now engaged in regular activity at their child’s school and 3 supported parents have found work as a direct result of RCA support.Families are crossing the Harrogate Road [a significant psycho-geographical barrier amongst many in the community] more often for activities and community events. The Board thanked the team from Ravenscliffe, flagging the suggested improvements in attendance at Parkland as potentially significant, if confirmed by evaluation and replicated in other schools. MMW expressed an interest in linking Ravenscliffe with the Bradford Royal Infirmary to see how the programme can link to BRI’s creative people and places initiative. The Board also suggested potential for [other] sports and arts funding to sustain delivery.Board members noted the forthcoming Parent Champion event will be held at Cartwright Hall on 27 March from 18:00 – 20:00.Overall, the Board confirmed its view of the value of these projects, in learning about potential for community based work, in bringing parents and families back into education. The board noted the challenges both providers experienced in supporting the evaluation, given the need for a robust approach to and understanding of data, and the need to factor this into any future similar commission. Action: MMW to explore a link/funding in regard to BRI work around creative people and places and RCA. Action: KE to explore the possibility of sports and arts funding to sustain RCA parental engagement activity. Item 3: Underspend proposalsConflicts of interest declared by KE in relation to proposal 5, and CB and JS in relation to proposal 2. These Board members stepped out during discussion of these proposals.Board members were asked to each indicate their preferences for the proposals, detailed in papers to the board, and prompted by the projected ?150k underspend: 1Second literacy audit 2Head teacher wellbeing and retention3Teacher recruitment incentives4Summer activities for disadvantaged pupils5Increase access for disadvantaged pupils to Bradford Literature Festival6Internships for disadvantaged young people7KS4 tutoring support for year 10s 8Essential Life SkillsBoard members each voted with the results:Prop. 6 – 8 votesProp. 4 – 8 votesProp. 1, 2, 3 and 5 - 5 votesProp. 7 – Y10 tutoring - 4 votesProp. 8 – ELS CPD - 1 voteWith proposals 4 and 6 clear favourites the Board discussed proposals 1, 2, 3 and 5, in joint second place. Decisions as follows:?30k to internships, with an instruction to the team to try to lever employer contributions, where possible?50k to summer activities for disadvantaged pupils ?20k to be allocated to the literacy audit (proposal 1) to provide assurance of impact and inform schools’ future activity?50k to be allocated to Bradford Literature Festival, on condition of a tightening of activity, to ensure reach to disadvantaged pupils, work outside the city centre and a link to OA funded parenting activities. To note KE exempted herself from discussion on the Literature Festival; CB and JS on ‘Headteacher wellbeing…’ to avoid conflicts of interest. The Board also confirmed that, should further funding become available in this academic year – through underspend or other routes - it should be used to scale activities above, with other activities funded as per their rank [according to number of votes received], should the preferred activities be at capacity. The literacy audit is unlikely to be scale-able.Item 5: Year 4 spending and legacyThe Board considered the year 4 proposals, noting that they follow the November ‘MOSCOW’ discussion. The Board also noted advice from DB, that proposals would be expected to prioritise activity on a) targets likely to be missed, from the original plan and b) opportunities to maximise impact and embed effective practice, under the themes of the existing plan, before any proposal to launch new programmes. On that basis, the proposal focuses on sustaining and enhancing the SI offer, with a reduced but continuing investment in priority 4, to bring the Evidence Active Schools network into operation – including funding CAER and a coordinating role for the Research School. The Board agreed the proposals, asking for one addition – a ?50k seed funding line to allow the OA to bring together the two themes of parental engagement activity (schools based and community based). DB to include, with an expectation that the ?50k be used to lever contributions from other partners. The Board noted the need for robust QA and monitoring to ensure quality on External Reviews of Governance. The Board noted its endorsement of the extension of ‘P4’ to allow the OA to support and drive work on Act Early: Holme Wood, given the potential for this work to transform outcomes in education and beyond, for disadvantaged children; also in creating a legacy for Bradford (and beyond) in effective use of data science, to improve targeting and impact of services. Action: DB to update and submit the year four proposals. Item 6: AoBThe Board highlighted the need for correction of the Raising Achievement Update paper. Paragraph 1 states that, “At its November meeting the Board assigned ?100k to fund tuition for year 11 pupils at the grade 3-4 borderline for English and maths. The Board’s conditions were that tuition should be provided through a professional tuition company, and not the schools.” The Board clarified that it preference was for a professional tuition company over volunteers [not schools]. Action: JA to correct the Raising Achievement paper prior to publication.Action log Action DescriptionWhoWhenComplete/UpdateOutstandingSC to share best practice from the University’s work on inclusion. SC29/01/20OutstandingAMC and DJ to discuss appointment of a new Chair for Priority 2.AMC & DJOutstandingAlastair Flint (NLT) to provide the Board with more detail on expected long term impact on behaviour.AFOutstandingMMW to explore a link/funding in regard to BRI work around creative people and places and RCA.MMWOutstandingKE to explore the possibility of sports and arts funding to sustain RCA parental engagement activity. KEOutstandingKL to look into recovering funding from the NLT programme.KLOutstandingDB to alter Y4 submission to include a small budget for Priority 2 in year 4.DBOutstandingJA to correct the Raising Achievement paper prior to publication.JA ................

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