
Hello Summer Camper!Welcome to Narrow Lake Youth Camp, or if you are returning, welcome back! It is my privilege to lead the Narrow Lake Youth Camp, I am grateful to have the opportunity again, to work more closely with you and others at camp.At Narrow Lake Youth Camp, we strive for excellence in all aspects of summer camping for our campers. We are proud of our more than 30 years of excellent providing this summer camp in Alberta. We stand on the side of young people and strive to serve them well. If at any time you need information or assistance, or have a suggestion concerning how we might improve our services, please do not hesitate to call or text myself at 780-720-0912. Or e-mail us at?narrowlakeyouthcamp@.Please take a moment to read through this information. The youth camps are held at Narrow Lake Conservation Center, which is located approximately 25 minutes southwest of Athabasca. Due to the success and popularity of our youth camp we will be once again be offering two camps this summer. Both camps will offer the same courses and certifications. Please register for the one that fits with your schedule. The camp is open to both girls and boys ages 12-17 (due to Federal firearms regulations all participants must be 12 years of age by the end of the camp week). Due to the high interest of the camp and limited space, a refund policy has been put into effect. If you are unable to come to camp, you can cancel with a full refund prior to May 31, 2020. If you cancel after May 31, 2020, $250 refund will be given. If you cancel three weeks prior to the camp start date no refund will be given, a no show on the day of camp sign in, will also be given no refund. However, if a club has paid for your student, they can send someone else in the place of that student with no money lost. If the camp is full please email narrowlakeyouthcamp@ and ask to go on the waiting list. If someone drops out you will be notified depending on your priority level.Official acceptance letters will be mailed out beginning of May. This will include which week and which level the camper is enrolled in, as well as drop off & pick up times. Also, a recommended packing list and directions. Camp is usually full end of April so get your forms in as soon as you can. No news is good news, just look for the information package in the mail.Our chef is a culinary instructor at N.A.I.T. Our chef is able to accommodate for any food allergies as long as it is made aware of on the registration form. There is plenty of food available for all, when seconds are called don't be shy, to go get more till you are full!This is an Outdoor camp, majority of their time is spent outdoors, including experiencing sleeping in a tent. These are outfitter tents, for the last night of camp the campers get to experience the outdoors and get to sleep in a lean-to that they build. It makes for a fun and eventful experience. The cost for the week is $500 per participant, this fee includes all lodging, meals Sunday dinner till Saturday BBQ. Also includes all instruction, course books, course fee’s and testing for the various certifications. All participants are to take these courses serious as it is not a guarantee that they will pass their tests. I hope that I will have the opportunity to meet you in person. Sincerely,Samantha Wulff - Camp Director, Narrow Lake Youth CampPlease print legibly, mail this form in with registration fees or email form if you are e-transferring the registration fees. Part A: Camp InformationI want to attend camp: Camp 1: July 5-11 Camp 2: July 19-25 I am sponsored by the ___________________ Fish & Game Club I am NOT sponsored by an Alberta Fish and Game Club 1st year BASIC Camper- Select any courses that the camper has previously taken. Hunter’s Training Un-Restricted Firearms SafetyBoater’s Safety2nd year- ADVANCED CamperClasses they will be taking:Restricted Firearms Safety (Narrow Lake)Wilderness Survival (Narrow Lake)Leadership (Narrow Lake) FEE $ 500.00 ALL FORMS ZONE 4 AND 5 AFGA MEMBERS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 15, 2020.ALL NON- ZONE 4/5 MEMBER FORMS WILL BE TAKEN IN DATE RECEIVED, AFTER APRIL 15, 2020, FORMS WILL BE TAKEN UNTIL CAMPS ARE FULL. NO POSTDATED CHEQUES PLEASE! They will be sent back.Please note, due to space and availability you will be notified if there will be a change in the time slot. Sending In cheque or money orders secures your spot. *** There will be a $50 charge to all NSF cheques received.Please make cheques or money orders payable to and enclose fees with forms: Cheques payable to: Narrow Lake Youth Conservation Camp Send to: c/o Samantha Wulff, Registrar9711 104 AveMorinville, AB T8R 0B7Paid By: Please check payment OptionCheque: Make payable to Narrow Lake Youth Conservation Camp- Please Mail camp registration form and payment.Money Order: Make payable to Narrow Lake Youth Conservation Camp- Please Mail camp form and payment.E-Transfer: Password: _________________________- Please Email camp registration form and payment.* Confirmation letter will be mailed out when the camp is full, with items to bring, drop off and pick up times*Part B: Camper Information*Due to Federal firearms regulations, all participants must be 12 years of age by the end of the camp week*Last name:First name:Gender: Female Male Other Date of BirthIndicate shirt size: (Youth, or Adult (S, M, LG..) No exchanges will be available:Part C: Primary Household InformationMailing Address:Town/City:Postal Code:Name of Parent/Guardian #1: Name of Parent/Guardian #2:Home Phone#Alternate Phone # Email Address: Pick up and Drop off Authorization: *Please state if anyone other than Parent/Guardian #1 or #2 will be picking up/ dropping off your camper*Name: Relation to camper: :Part D: Emergency Contact InformationEmergency Contact:Relation to CamperHome Phone#Alternate Phone # Part E : Medical Information of CamperAHC Number *Please attach photocopy *Family Doctor:Family Doctor Address: Alternate Phone # Medical Waiver:In case of a medical emergency, I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to contact me. If I cannot be reached, I give my permission to any Physician selected by the camp director to secure necessary treatment, including hospitalization. To the best of my knowledge my child is in good health. _____________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Print name of Parent/ Guardian DateOther Information: Please list all medications and serious medical symptoms of your camper in the space below. This is to ensure that medical treatments are taken care of by our on staff medical person(s). ALL medication is to be registered & handed over to the director at time of arrival to ensure safety of student and others on site. PLEASE SEND ALL MEDICATION IN ORIGINAL PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES WITH DOSAGES AND NAMES MATCHING THE STUDENT. IF THE NAME DOES NOT MATCH, WE CANNOT USE IT!Unscheduled Medications: During the course of the week your camper may request medication for ailments such as allergies, cold symptoms, headaches or stomach aches. Before we can offer your child any over the counter medication we need your permission. Indicate below whether or not you grant permission for the first aid person to administer over the counter medications according to package directions, should he/she feel it necessary. (The first aid person will be available at registration to speak with you, should you so desire and to collect all medications your child brings with them) I authorize the First Aid Personnel to administer over the counter medication to my child Call me before giving my child any over the counter medications PARENT SIGNATURE________________________________ DATE ________________________ Part F: Tell Us About Your CamperMedical:Will your camper be taking medication while at camp? Yes No Please list any medications, dosages and times that they are taken:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please list any and all medical, behavioral, or mental conditions, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Does your camper have any allergies? Yes No If Yes please specify____________________________________________Does your camper require a reader for testing? Yes No Food AllergiesDoes your camper have any dietary Restrictions? Gluten Free Lactose Vegetarian Other Please list any dietary Restrictions that your camper has:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Other:Is your camper excited to attend camp? Yes No Has your camper spent nights away from home before? Yes No 63436501333500THE ALBERTA FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION RELEASE OF LIABILITY(PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND LEGIBLY) I, __________Parent/Guardian FULL NAME_________, am registering, my child _______________________, for the Great North Wildlife Affiliates Inc. a/o Alberta Fish & Game Association Narrow Lake 2020 Youth Conservation Camp to be held at Narrow Lake Conservation Centre near Athabasca, AB. I hereby release the Great North Wildlife Affiliates Inc. a/o Alberta Fish & Game Association and/or its members, heirs and/or executors from all actions, causes of action, suits, debts and liabilities of any kind arising from or out of the attendance of the Narrow Lake Youth Conservation Camp 2020.I completely understand the inherent risk of the activities that I am going to take part in, and that the Alberta Fish and Game Association cannot guarantee the safety of any participants. Some of these activities include: Water activities, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, boating and swimming. Including riding on a boat, paddling and lifting a canoe or kayak.Being around fire. Encounters with wildlife, walking or hiking on variety of terrains including flat, rocky, hilly, and swampy. Injuries to self or from others, equipment hazards, and transport in any vehicle before, during or after and event to or from any locationUse of white gas stoves and fires for cooking mealsExposure to extreme weather that, may cause injury due to cold or heat, which may prevent or force route and itinerary changes. Use of archery, firearms and other various hunting equipment. Remote locations with poor communication and inability to get rescue or medical assistance easily. I am voluntarily participating and agree to accept all the risk and possibility of death, personal injury, property damage and/ or loss resulting from my involvement with the program I also understand that Narrow Lake Youth Conservation Camp is not responsible for my lost or stolen items. I fully comprehend and understand the implications of this Waiver and Release. I am aware of the risk and accept it, and I am signing this document freely and voluntarily.Dated this ________day of _________________, 2020 at_________________________ In the province of ___________SIGNED: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) (SIGNATURE)WITNESS: ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) (SIGNATURE)Photo and Video Release Form:Photos and videos are taken throughout the camp to be used to promote the Narrow Lake Youth Camp and AFGA, activities to our members and to the general public, via newsletter, displays or through the AFGA website, Narrow Lake website and/or Narrow Lake Social Media. There is also a 24-hour video surveillance on the property, to ensure safety of all participants. I hereby, give the Alberta Fish & Game Association permission to use my child’s image and likeness in any program informational or marketing material in any medium, and to televise my participation in the workshop for the purpose of promotional/marketing and public display. ______________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________(Signature of Parent/ Guardian) (Name of Parent/ Guardian) (Date) Part G: MerchandiseSweater:*If you would like, you can preorder a sweater for the camper, or for your family. These are $45 in hunter green, with camp logo, Name & Camp year on the sleeve *If you would like to preorder a sweater, please fill out the information below and send payment via, cheque or money order payable to Narrow Lake Youth Conservation Camp. You will receive the sweater on Saturday when you sign out your camper. *Sweaters that are pre-ordered, will not be able to have any information changed as they will already be made. Payment is required as the sweater are non-refundable due to being person specific*Upon drop off, you can also order a sweater it will just not be customized to the name or year.Name: _________________________________ Sweater Size: _______________________ (Please print name you want on the sweater) (Campers Sweater Size)** Please attach a photo copy of the campers AHC Card, and their Birth certificate and attach to registration package**Adult Volunteering Information: Please note priority will be given to those campers whose parents or guardians volunteer as a kitchen helper. In order to keep our camp costs reasonable, it is important to have parent or guardian volunteering as a kitchen helper. Without this assistance, it would be tremendously difficult to supply the quality and attention the campers currently receive. What will be my kitchen helper duties? To work collaboratively as a team member.To provide assistance where ever and whenever assistance is needed from the camp chef.To take direction from instructors, camp chef, managers and director.Assist with the maintenance of equipment, facility and materials if required.What if I have no experience? This is not a problem, you will be trained, or only get involved as you feel comfortable. What will be the cost? There is no cost to volunteers. We supply accommodations, and meals. A confirmation letter will be sent with a list of items to bring and other information will be mailed to approve volunteers prior to coming to camp. If you are interested in applying as a adult volunteer please email narrowlakeyouthcamp@ and you will be send the application ................

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