
Cassandra Monson, Art EducatorSummer Art Program at Wonderland Creative CenterMedical Information and Liability Release Form 2019Dates Attending Program: ___________________________________Participant Name and Age: __________________________________Participant Name and Age: __________________________________Participant Name and Age: __________________________________Parent/ Guardian with legal custody to be contacted in case of illness or injury: .________________________________________________________.Parent/ Guardian Address: __________________________________ _______________________________________phone number: _______________________________________email address: ________________________________________Additional Parent/ Guardian Name: ____________________________ Address: ________________________________________ _________________________________________phone number: _______________________________________email address: ________________________________________Transportation Instructions: regarding drop off, pick up, walk home, bike…If persons other than parent are dropping off/ picking up, provide their name & phone number here:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List any allergies or medications, diet restrictions or health history relevant to this outdoor art program:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List any learning, behavior or physical restrictions relevant to this outdoor art program:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Family physician & phone: ____________________________________________Insurance Company & policy number: ___________________________________Medical Authorization and Parent Liability Release:I, the undersigned adult, on behalf of myself and child(ren) assume all risks and hazards related to the program. Further, I do hereby release and hold harmless Cassandra Monson, parent helpers, or interns connected with the program from any and all claims, injuries, damages and suits arising out of or in connection with the program. I acknowledge that I have familiarized myself with the description of activities, understanding the hazards and my child(ren)’s personal limitations, and knowingly assume all risks. In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize transportation to the nearest medical facility (Fairview Riverside or Abbott Northwestern) and authorize emergency medical care if no one listed can be reached. My child(ren) has permission to engage in all prescribed program activities except as noted. The information provided on this form is accurate. I have indicated any special health conditions, restrictions or limitations which should be known. My child(ren)’s behavior will not include violence or bullying. My child(ren) will be sensitive to other people’s ideas and values. My child(ren) will be respectful of the environment, “leave no trace”, follow hiking safety standards and stay within eyesight of Cassandra at all times. If inappropriate behavior continues after conversations the participant could be asked to leave. Cassandra Monson’s Summer Art Program is a safe and caring environment where individual differences are valued and we safely interact with the natural world.Parent/ Guardian Name: __________________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: _______I hereby give permission to Cassandra Monson and the Wonderland Creative Center to take photos of my child making art with their friends. These photos will be shared with all camp families and used to advertise the program on the internet. Parent/ Guardian Name: __________________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: _______Please mail this signed form and payment for program to: Cassandra Monson2617 37th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55406Cassandra Monson, Art EducatorSummer Art Program at Wonderland Creative CenterDescription of Activities 2019Welcome to Cassandra Monson’s Summer Art Program, I am so excited to create art outside with your child(ren)!! Cassandra Monson’s Summer Art Program is a safe and caring environment where individual differences are valued and we safely interact with the natural world. We will be outside all the time creating art, reading books and relaxing in nature. Please dress your child in outdoor clothes with many layers, applying sunscreen or bug spray when needed. At Cassandra’s Summer Art Program children are given the creative freedom and relaxing time to draw, paint and sculpt in their own way. Here is a list of the amazing art activities and creative projects we will work on throughout the week. Cassandra’s art lessons teach an understanding of artistic principals and a mastery of many quality art materials. Integrated in each art lesson Cassandra also teaches ancient & cultural history, ecology and life sciences, literature, geography, foreign languages, anthropology and cultural sensitivity.This year we will travel back in time to learn all about the art of Ancient Greece. Each of our projects will focus on a specific time period in Greece’s history. We will look in-depth at how the people of each period lived and learn how to make the amazing art they surrounded themselves with. Students will draw using a wide variety of quality art materials, paint large frescos and small details, and sculpt using quality clay and paper mache!Monday: Cycladic Art4500-2000 BCE Your child will learn how Cycladic people lived and make clay sculptures and their own charcoal paint!Tuesday: Minoan Art2000-1450 BCE Your child will learn the stories of King Minos and the Minotaur and paint large frescos!Wednesday: Mycenaean and Geometric Art1500-700 BCE Your child will write using Greek letters and create beautiful geometric designs!Thursday: Archaic Art800-480 BCE Your child will learn about the first Olympic Games and the Olympian Gods and Goddesses and make their own Greek coins!Friday: Classical Art2000-1450 BCE Your child will study how Classical Greek children lived and create theater art, masks and paintings!Cassandra’s Summer Art Program follows a child’s natural need to move and explore. We will hike to beautiful nature spaces that provide a natural setting for us to create in. All drop off and pick up of children will be located at: 2617 37th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55406, in the back yard. In case of Extreme weather, we have converted our garage into a beautiful art studio and classroom. The Program is from 9:30-3:30 Monday-Friday. Please tell your family and friends that: Friday is our big gallery art show from 3:00-4:00! Cassandra will provide all the art materials needed for the program and a healthy snack each day. Please send water and a bag lunch with your child each day. Send along an empty canvas bag or backpack for our art hiking. Please dress your child in outdoor clothes with many layers, applying sunscreen or bug spray when needed. This is a general description of our day together and lists the places we may hike to: 9:30 arrival.9:30-10:30 Morning art Project, get creative right away!10:30 circle gathering, mindful breathing, snack and Greek Art Lesson11:30-12:30 hike to natural setting for Greek Art Storytime and Sketchbook drawing~Brackett Park Evergreen Forest and Brackett Field Maple Trees~Mississippi River Road hike to the White Sand Beach ~Greenway near 36th Ave and Nature trail there12:30-1:30 Lunch and play at Brackett Playground (Parachute Games!)1:30 circle gathering, mindful breathing and Greek Art Lesson2:00-3:30 afternoon art project at 2617 37th Ave South in the backyard.3:30 pick up. It is important that you have made arrangements to have your child(ren) picked up at 3:30 as Cassandra does not provide aftercare. Internships:Internships available for former students ages 13-18.Internships with Cassandra Monson are unique because interns assist Cassandra AND have time to make their own artwork! Expectations include arriving on time at 9:30 to help sharpen pencils, cut art papers and help younger students with their morning art. It is also expected that interns will stay until 3:30 and help with clean up: wash brushes, sweep the floor and organize class materials. Throughout the day younger children may need help getting ready for the hike, drawing a lion or sculpting in clay. In between your work helping others you will have time to learn from Cassandra how to draw, paint and sculpt. This is a great opportunity to add to your resume and Cassandra has had many students go on to work at the Walker, Art Institute, Daycare Programs and Teaching. Cassandra will provide reference letters as needed! Interns also participate in our gallery art show, so please tell your family and friends: Friday is our big gallery art show from 3:00-4:00! ................

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