
2021 WellingtonSummer CampCovid - 19Parent Manual3373755571500RINDGE RECREATION DEPARTMENT283 WELLINGTON ROAD, RINDGE, NH 03461Tel. (603) 899-6847e-mail RecDirector@town.rindge.nh.ussports@town.rindge.nh.usrindge.Director: Daniel BemisCamp Director: Karissa ForzeseCamp Assistant Director: Kerrigan Bergeron-88265-169418000June 2021Dear Parents:Welcome to the Rindge Recreation Department’s (RRD) 2021 Summer Camp! It is our goal to provide a safe, exhilarating and fun experience for children ranging from kindergarten to grade 9. Our goal is to provide a diverse selection of activities geared to these age groups, including games, songs, sports, arts & crafts, theme days, and field trips. Each day will offer a new array of activities sure to be exciting and fun for the children. We welcome your input and participation. If you have a particular skill in sports, arts & crafts, nature studies, or other activities, we’d love to have you share it with the children. Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions throughout the summer. We’ll do our best to incorporate new ideas, if appropriate, whenever we can! Please read through this manual before the first day of the program. Go over it with your child so he/she is familiar with the rules prior to the first day. Please call our office at 603-899-6847 if you have questions. If this is the first time your child has attended any Rindge Recreation Programs you will be asked to fill out all forms to include a General Registration, Parent Contact Information, Discipline Policy and Authorized Pick Up. All forms are required to be filled out on line. If you do not have access to a computer you are free to use ours.Thank you for your help in making this a fun and productive summer for your child!Sincerely,Daniel BemisRecreation DirectorTABLE OF CONTENTSTOPIC PAGEWelcome Letter2Table of Contents 3What to Wear 4Lunches and Snacks 4Participants w/ Special Needs 5Medication Vacation5Head Lice/Nit Policy/Ticks/Splinters 5 Discipline 6Boundaries 6Arrival and Dismissal 6-7Covid -19 Section 7-9Telephone Policy 10Rain Days 10Absence from Program 10Field Trips 10Discipline Policy 11WHAT TO WEARChildren should dress in “play” clothes, be it shorts or pants. They will get dirty at the park since they participate in games, sports activities, as well as arts & crafts. Please have your child wear sneakers every day. Sandals are not recommended for playground wear. Sunscreen is highly recommended. Please send your child in the morning with sunscreen already applied. Participants are out in the sun for much of the day and we want your child to be protected. Please have your child bring a bottle of labeled sunscreen to leave at camp. We do not share sunscreen. Staff are not responsible for sunscreen application. We will help apply it and remind children to reapply. Children should also bring a bathing suit and towel with them every day. On most days we will be heading over to a local beach, location is TBD.Please send these items with your child every day (in a knapsack) they attend:Lunch, snacks (enough to keep your child satisfied for a full day) in a lunch box (no paper bags please) A full water bottle! ( Each child must have a reusable water bottle (they may leave bottle here for the time they are attending camp if desired, we will rinse, refill and refrigerate for the night)Bathing SuitTowelHat with a visorSunscreen/bug spray must be given to staff member, we will label and keep in office. Campers will be asked to apply sunscreen at scheduled times during the day and as needed.Sweatshirt or light jacketRaingear Your child’s last name should be written on all clothing and gear as these items are often left behind at the park. Please do not send the following items with your child unless it is for a specific program we are offering.Toys from homeCell phonesElectronic gaming devicesLUNCHES AND SNACKSEach child should bring a lunch and snacks from home each day. Please place ice packs in lunch boxes. Please label lunch boxes with child’s name. (no paper lunch bags) Please send forks and spoons with your child as needed. Do not send any food to be microwaved or heated.PARTICIPANTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDSWe strive to meet the individual needs of all our participants. If you have a child with any special physical, emotional, behavioral, mental, or medical needs, and you have not talked with us directly about working with your child’s needs, please do so prior to the start of the program. We are committed to providing a wonderful summer experience for a wide range of children. If we find that we cannot adequately meet the health needs of your child within our program setting, we may need to have your child leave the program early. Refunds will be given on a case by case basis. In order to receive a refund, parents must submit their request in writing, to the Recreation Director, stating why he or she wishes to receive a refund. MEDICATION VACATIONThe Rindge Recreation Department strongly supports the American Academy of Pediatrics position that summer is not an appropriate time for a “drug holiday” from behavior and/or mental health drugs. The challenges of a new environment, a changing schedule, and the need for a longer concentration span during the program day are reasons why a medication change during the summer is not timely. Please feel free to discuss individual considerations with the Recreation DirectorHEAD LICE/NIT POLICY/TICKS/SPLINTERSIn the event of a child showing signs of nits or lice at the Rindge Recreation Department the parent will be notified immediately. An announcement will be made to parents to check their children as lice has been found, the child’s privacy will be respected. As always, it is in the best interest of all campers if your child is lice free upon return.In the event children get a tick or splinter embedded it is our policy not to dig into the skin. We will do our best to remove splinters with tweezers. If this does not work we will cover and let parent know at pick up. We will make every effort to remove a tick, then clean with alcohol. If the tick is too imbedded we will cover and call parent.Tick checks will be conducted periodically throughout the day. Staff will check hair, clothing and exposed skin areas only. Thorough tick checks should be done when child arrives home at days end.DISCIPLINE A Discipline Policy is attached at the end of this manual. This discipline policy must be read and signed by both the parent and the child so that there are no questions as to what the rules are at camp.During the course of the day, the Camp Director may call a parent and ask that he/she come to pick up his/her child. If the parents cannot be reached, the child will sit in the Recreation Office at the Rindge Recreation Department until a parent can come and get the child. If prolonged disciplinary problems occur with a child, the Department reserves the right to deny the child participation in the Summer Camp as well as other Department programs.BOUNDARIESCounselors supervise their assigned group and others when engaged in activities at Wellington Park. The general areas of supervised play are:1.Basketball court2.Pavilion3.Ball fields4.Playground 5. Designated woods and walking areas around Wellington.Bikes may be ridden to the park in the morning and from the park at the end of the day with a parental permission slip, but may not be ridden during program hours. The bike should be put away and locked while the program is in session. Locks are strongly recommended to prevent theft. If you have any questions about the boundaries, please ask!ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL**There will be NO Extended PM for summer 2021**Extended AM will begin at 7:30am (Camp will run 8:30am – 4:00pm)Children SHOULD NOT ARRIVE EARLIER THAN 7:30AM at Wellington Park. The staff arrive early to prepare for the day and begin cleaning procedures.No child is to leave Wellington Park early without a permission slip from his/her parents. If a child needs to leave early, his/her parent must notify the Camp Director at the start of the day and the parent must arrive at the specified time and location to pick up his/her child. When a child is leaving Wellington Park earlier than usual, the Camp Director must make sure the child is signed out by the appropriate person. If a child or parent fails to adhere to this policy, standard disciplinary action will result as detailed in the Discipline Policy. If a child is to be picked up by someone other than his/her parents, a note from the parent must be given to the Camp Director. The person’s name, address and telephone number must be provided in the note. No child will be permitted to leave with anyone under 18. The person picking up a child will be asked for identification prior to signing out the child until we become familiar with him/her.Children NEED TO BE PICKED UP BY 4:00 PM EVERY DAY. If you pick up your child after 4:00pm the following consequences will occur:If you are more than 5 minutes late you will be charged $10.00 for every 5 minutes until you arrive. If you know you are running late, please call to inform camp staff at (603) 899-6847. 1st time Warning to parents 2nd time Suspension from program the following day even if a field day is planned. No refund is given. 3rd time Suspension from program for a week. No refund is given. 4th time Suspension from program for remainder of summer. No refund is given.We, the Rindge Recreation Department staff, ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for any child who is dropped off prior to 7:30 AM or who are left after 4:00 PM.If a child is left in excess of 30 minutes, and the Recreation office staff is not able to reach a parent or anyone on the list of emergency numbers provided by his/her parents, the child will be taken to the Rindge Police Station. The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Division for Children, Youth and Families may be notified if the situation warrants such action.CAMP DURING COVID – 19 PANDEMICIllness impacts participants and changes the programs experience in unanticipated ways. The strategies below will help to minimize the potential that illness will occur. All interactions and games will use social distancing. Each program group will consist of two (2) staff and (10-20) Campers.Social DistancingSocial distancing can allow individuals to safely interact with others. CDC guidelines recommend social distancing of at last 6ft.Face coverings/MaskWhen “mask or “face coverings” are required as outlines in this manual or asked to be worn by staff, these items are to be worn in a way that covers both one’s nose and mouth.ProceduresBEFORE CAMPProgram staff must take and record their temperature. If program staff have a temperature above 100.4 F, staff must notify their supervisor immediately and are not permitted to work until they are temperature free for at least 72 hours.Staff will disinfect all equipment that is to be used for the dayStaff will make sure their designated bathroom is sanitized, and ready for use. (Each camp group will be assigned one bathroom to use. The same bathroom will be assigned to the same program staff and their group each week.)BEGINING OF CAMPWe ask that all program staff, participants, and parents must wear masks over nose and mouth at drop-off.Parents are pleased asked to stay with participants until the participant has passed the daily screening and are signed in by their parents or guardian. Program participants will have their temperature taken by program staff before their parent or guardian is able to sign them in. Temperatures will be recorded on the program roster sheet. If a participant has a temperature above 100.4 F, they will be permitted to attend camp until they are temperature free for at least 72 hours.The staff will also be asking the camper questions such as…Have you experienced a cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, or vomiting within the past two weeks?Have you traveled nationally or internationally within the past two weeks?Have you been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with, tested for, or quarantined as a result of COVID – 19?After passing the health screening, parents or guardians will sign the camper into our program roster sheet. We will not have any parents or guardians step into the building. The drop off process will happen outside by the front entrance. All pens will be disinfected after each use and a staff member will lead the camper into the building and provide them with their own area/space to keep their belongings. DURING CAMPFace coverings must be worn by staff members and participants when inside a building in a close proximity to one another.Staff and posted signage will inform campers of how to efficiently and effectively wash their hands.Staff and posted signage will show campers examples of how to socially distance from one another.Staff and campers will wash or sanitize hands before and after every activity.Campers and staff are encouraged to follow coughing etiquette- using elbows and not hands to cover their cough and or sneeze.Each camper group and their staff members will be designated their own bathroom.Groups will avoid contact with other groups unless approved by the director in advance.Games and activities are to adherer to Center for Disease Control social distancing guidelines and restrictions.Lunch and snack times will be held outside under the pavilion. Campers will stay with their assigned groups and counselors and will social distance and stagger even within their assigned groups. Campers are asked to bring their own lunch snack as well as water bottle. Last year we had reusable water bottles that the kids were able to use but due to COVID-19, we will not have those water bottle available.END OF CAMPStaff and campers will wash and sanitize hands before the pickup process beings.Staff, participants and parents must wear a mask that covers both their nose and mouth during pickup Staff will be in charge of cleaning and disinfecting all equipment that as used during the day and store the equipment back in its proper location. Staff will be in charge of disinfecting all surfaces touched indoors by staff and campers including door handles and light switches. Staff will be in charge of cleaning all bathrooms.STAFF COVID CONVERSATION WITH CAMPERSStaff will be calm and reassuring as well as mindful of not only what they say but how they say it.Staff will be a source of comfort for all campers.Staff will encourage campers to talk about how they are feeling and let participants know staff is available to answer any questions or concerns they may have.Staff will provide honest and accurate information and correct any false information they may hear.Staff will make sure campers know how the virus can spread and how to prevent it from spreadingStaff will talk about what our camp is doing to protect campers from getting sick and staying safe.If a staff member does not know the answer to a question, they will not speculate. Staff will seek out the answer and answer the camper at a later time.IN THE EVENT OF A POTENTIONAL EXPOSURE OR ILLNESSParents must inform director or any staff member immediately if they camper or any family member is experiencing symptoms of COVID – 19, have a confirmed case of COVID -19, or has been exposed to a confirmed case.Staff will inform director immediately is any camper is experiencing symptoms of COVID – 19. Those symptoms include, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pains, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell.Staff members will maintain confidentially by not providing the name or any information identifying the confirmed or suspected case to anyone other than the director.Director and staff members will follow Communicable Disease Management Plan.TELEPHONE POLICYThe telephone(s) on the premises ARE NOT to be used by participants. Staff are the only people permitted to use the phone for business purposes.If you need to contact your child, you are urged to come to the park in person. If that is not possible, phone the Recreation office at 899-6847 and a message will be forwarded to your child. Please limit this to emergencies only.The use of personal cell phones by program participants is prohibited. We strongly recommend that cell phones remain at home. The Recreation Department IS NOT responsible for participant cell phones.RAIN DAYSIf the weather permits us from going outside all day, due to covid-19 and social distancing we may have to cancel camp that morning. If we can make the call the night before we will do so and notify parents via email.ABSENSE FROM PROGRAMIf your child is going to be absent from the program on any given day please call the office prior to 8:30am at 899-6847. No refund or credits will be given for any child who is sick or absent from the program on a day they were previously registered for. There may be no substitutions for kids who cannot make the program on a particular day.FIELD TRIPS 2021** Field Trips are TBD**DICIPLINE POLICYPlease read this document carefullyKeeping order and good conduct of behavior at the camp enables all participants to have fun and get the most out of their summer experience. We have a strict discipline policy to ensure everyone’s safety and peace of mind.EXTREMELY SERIOUS OFFENSES:Sexual harassment/abuseFighting/endangering another person’s well-being.Running away from the playgroundPossession/use of alcohol and/or tobacco productsPossession/use of knives and/or weaponsCONSEQUENCES:Offenses will be investigated by the administrative staff of the department and appropriate action will be taken including possible suspension from program for the remainder of the summer. No refunds will be given.SERIOUS OFFENSES: Swearing or verbal abuse of staff and/or participants.Stealing or destruction of property.Failure to wear T-shirt on designated days.CONSEQUENCES:First offense - Written notice will be given to theParent/guardian regarding the problem.Second offense - Child will be removed from the siteTo the Recreation Office.Third offense - Three-day suspension from program.Fourth Offense - Suspended from the program for theRemainder of the summer. No refunds will be given.MINOR OFFENSES:Breaking program rules CONSEQUENCES:First offense - Verbal warning.Second offense - Written warning to parents.Third offense - Removal from site to Recreation Office and parents notified.Fourth offense - Three-day suspension.Fifth offense - Suspension for the remainder of the summer. No refunds will be givenI have received, read and reviewed with my child, where needed, the Wellington Summer Camp Manual for 2021._____________________________________________ ________________________Parent/Guardian SignatureDate ................

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