
Geography Final Exam Name ______________________________1. Which of the following would have the least effect on the culture of a country? A. religion B. government C. economics D. athletics____2. Capitalism is the superior economic system because A. it creates the most money for the wealthiest people of society B. it is the best fit for our Judeo-Christian culture C. it offers the greatest opportunity for ALL people to succeed D. Capitalism is not the superior economic system, it is inferior to socialism____3. Which statement about capitalism is NOT true? A. Individual ownership of private property is an essential component of capitalism. B. Capitalism rewards those who are creative, hard-working, and educated. C. Under capitalism it is the government’s responsibility to keep prices low. D. The Law of Supply and Demand determines the cost and availability of goods.____4. Thanks to capitalism, most citizens from these countries have a high standard-of-living EXCEPT A. The United States B. Russia C. Singapore D. Israel____5. According to Archaeologists, which of the following have ALL cultures had in common? A. some form of religion C. a strong desire to be educated B. a sense of humor D. the practice of using money to obtain goods and services____6. Which country does NOT pose a potential military threat to the United States? A. North Korea B. Brazil C. China D. Russia E. Iran____7. Which of these conditions would probably not cause people to live nomadic lives? A. oppressive government B. a harsh natural environment B. typical religious beliefs D. extreme poverty____8. Rising prices, food shortages, and high unemployment are probably not caused by A. corrupt, oppressive government C. extremely unfavorable weather conditions B. civil war and/or unrestrained terrorism D. religious practices and beliefs ____9. Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Taliban refer to A. Islamic terrorist organizations C. different Protestant denominations B. popular Middle Eastern tourist attractions D. obscure language groups ____10. Deserts, oil, and Islam are hallmarks of A. Central Asia B. the Middle East C. Latin America D. Eastern Europe ____11. Despite lacking abundant natural resources, which Middle Eastern country has a vibrant economy? A. Saudi Arabia B. Israel C. Syria D. Jordan____12. Which island country is NOT an archipelago? A. The Maldives B. Japan C. Indonesia D. Iceland____13. The highland climate is the predominate climate of 2 A. Libya B. Venezuela C. Nepal D. Poland____14. Which of the following is incorrectly paired? A. Steppes/Mongolia B. Pampas/Argentina C. Desert/Algeria D. Savanna/Norway____15. Which region would be more densely populated? A. Amazon rainforest B. Sahara Desert C. Himalaya Mountains D. Nile River Valley____16. Which country is not paired with its predominant religion? A. Mexico/Catholic B. Iraq/Islam C. Israel/Christianity D. India/Hinduism ____17. The type of government known as a ‘theocracy’ is most often found in A. Australia B. the Middle East C. Eastern Europe D. Latin America____18. A ‘secular Islamic state’ is a country A. whose citizens are Sunni Muslims C. whose citizens do not worship Mohammad B. which does not mix government and religion D. whose citizens do not pray 5 times per day____19. Nations that enjoy vibrant economies have the following in common: A. trade agreements with China and Russia C. strong militaries B. government run industry D. free market economic systems____20. The ‘4 Little Dragons’ or ‘Asian Tigers’ prove that A. a country must have an abundance of natural resources to develop a vibrant economy B. densely populated countries are incapable of developing vibrant economies C. governments of wealthy countries must maintain control of important industries D. creative, educated, hard-working people can build vibrant economies with few resources ____21. Which kind of government generally allows the greatest personal freedom for its citizens? A. republic B. theocracy C. Communist D. dictatorship E. monarchy____22. The Suez Canal, Bosporus, and Strait of Hormuz are strategic locations because A. they are located along extremely important world trade routes B. they are adjacent to and controlled by Islamic countries C. world-wide financial chaos would result if these narrow waterways were to be closed D. all these statements are true concerning these strategic locations ____23. ‘Cradles of Civilization’ developed along Asian and African rivers because of A. the availability of water and a favorable climate for agriculture B. their varied patterns of topography and weather C. the religious nature of the indigenous people who lived there thousands of years ago D. the innovative, progressive governments that indigenous people developed ____24. Being a ‘mulatto’ in South America means that a person is A. religious B. educated C. of mixed race D. poor____25. The Galapagos Islands A. belong to Peru C. are known for their unique wildlife B. are rich in iron and other minerals D. are an archipelago located south of Indonesia ____26. Which South American locale is NOT afflicted with a harsh environment? 3 A. the Amazon Basin B. Tierra Del Fuego C. the Venezuelan coast D. the Atacama Desert____27. With respect to Latin America, which of the following is NOT a genuine threat to the USA? A. the powerful armies of Argentina and Cuba C. illegal drugs from Columbia and Mexico B. illegal immigrants from Central America D. our unsecured southern border with Mexico____28. The Pampas of South America A. is located in Argentina and Brazil C. grows large amounts of wheat and other cereal grains B. is a grassland that produces an abundance of beef D. all these are true regarding the Pampas ____29. The concept of the ‘west’ includes A. the belief that individual citizens are endowed with God-given unalienable rights B. a desire to be self-governing through elected representatives C. a belief in one Creator God D. all of these ideas embody the concept of the west ____30. ‘Third World’ countries generally have A. unstable, corrupt governments C. poorly developed economies and low standards-of-living B. high crime rates and dangerous living conditions D. all these are true in 3rd world countries____31. Which region has the fewest 3rd world countries? A. Africa B. Central America C. Western Europe D. none are home to 3rd world countries ____32. The European Union was formed for all the following reasons except A. to assist each member nation in developing a strong military B. to allow for the free movement of people from one member nation to another C. to permit free trade among all member nations D. to encourage investment of capital and resources among member nations ____33. Which European country was NOT a major participant in colonization during the 1700’s/1800’s? A. Portugal B. England C. Spain D. Belgium E. France F. all these countries participated____34. The moral values of which area most closely resemble traditional American moral values? A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. the East Indies ____35. Stonehenge, the Eiffel Tower, and Venice are major European A. religious sites B. World War II memorials C. tourist attractions D. communities____36. Which is NOT part of the U.K.? A. England B. Ireland C. Wales D. Scotland____37. Identify the famous person incorrectly paired with his country. A. Mandela/Egypt B. Churchill/UK C. Castro/Cuba D. Stalin/Russia E. Gandhi/India ____38. Which of the following terms is not a climate related term? A. tundra B. desert C. sunami D. steppe E. savanna F. monsoon____39. Which geographic feature is incorrectly paired with its continent? 4 A. Great Barrier Reef/Africa C. Scandinavia/Europe B. Patagonia/South America D. The Great Plains/Asia____40. Citizens of which country have NOT experienced oppressive government in 2018? A. North Korea B. Taiwan C. Venezuela D. Iran____41. Which statement about immigration is NOT true? A. Unrestricted European immigration has led to many terrorist attacks and a rising crime rate. B. Immigration is generally good for a country when immigrants assimilate into their new cultures. C. Most immigrants to Europe and to the USA come to their new countries with criminal intent. D. The open southern border of the USA has led to expanded illegal drug trafficking and admission of gang members who work in the illegal drug trade. ____42. Where has a border wall proven to be effective in preventing people with evil intent from entering a country? A. Argentina B. Brazil C. Cambodia D. Israel E. none of these-border walls never work____43. Which statement about gun control is NOT true? A. Our Founding Fathers insisted that American citizens have the legal right to own guns. B. Very strict gun control laws have eliminated gun crime in Europe and Chicago. C. Crimes are not committed by guns but rather by people with evil hearts. D. Young progressives in the USA and other countries seem to be growing more supportive of strict gun control laws.____44. Sardinia, Java, and Honshu are A. agricultural regions B. Asian cities C. islands D. mountain peaks____45. Bananas, coffee, and coconuts are most accurately associated with A. Sri Lanka B. Bolivia C. Columbia D. Denmark____46. The 23 degree tilt of the earth as it moves through space is directly responsible for A. the 365 day calendar C. unusual weather occurrences such as typhoons and cyclones B. the concept of latitude and longitude D. seasonal weather changes____47. Bearings are A. directions of travel B. special lines of longitude C. coordinates D. geographical features____48. What happens on or about June 21 each year? A. The Southern Hemisphere enjoys its longest day of the year B. The South Pole has 24 hours of uninterrupted light—the ‘midnight’ sun C. Europe, Asia, and North America enjoy their first full day of autumn D. The summer solstice occurs in the Northern Hemisphere____49. Which statement related to time zones is Not true? A. When crossing the International Date Line, both the hour and the date change. B. When it is 9:40 in Jackson, the time in San Francisco is 11:40. C. Aside from political considerations, time zones are located at 15 deg. Intervals of longitude. MAP TEST 5MAP AMAP B (A – H: BODIES OF WATER) (1 – 15: COUNTRIES)(1 – 7: ISLANDS) A _________________________ 1 _________________________B _________________________2 _________________________C _________________________3__________________________D _________________________4 _________________________E _________________________5 _________________________F _________________________6 _________________________G _________________________7 _________________________H _________________________8 _________________________1 _________________________9._________________________2 _________________________10_________________________3 _________________________11 ________________________4 _________________________12 ________________________5 _________________________13 ________________________6 _________________________14 ________________________7 _________________________15 ________________________ ................

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