
Christopher Merrill

Director, International Writing Program 216 McLean Street

Professor of English Iowa City, IA 52246

Shambaugh House (319) 354-8197 (home)

430 North Clinton Street (319) 504-0263 (mobile)

The University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA 52242-2020

(319) 335-2609; fax (319) 335-3843



Born 24 February 1957

Northampton, MA


1982 M.A. University of Washington

1979 B.A. Middlebury College

High honors in English. Cum laude.

Publications: books

Under contract: The Dogwood Tree, nonfiction. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2015.

Under contract: After the Fact: Scripts & Postscripts, a poetic collaboration with Marvin Bell.

Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2016.

In progress: Between the Tower and the Wall, poetry.

Flare, prose poetry.

Flash Fiction International, edited with Robert Shapard and James Thomas. New York: W. W.

Norton, 2015.

Book Wings: A Virtual Drama, edited with Ashley Davidson. Bloomington: Autumn Hill Books,


The Night of the Cat’s Return by Chanho Song, translated from the Korean with Won-Chung

Kim. Bloomington: Autumn Hill Books, 2014.

The Same Gate: A Poetic Exchange, edited with Natasa Durovicova. Bloomington: Autumn Hill

Books, 2014.

Boat, poetry. North Adams: Tupelo Press, 2013.

Necessities, prose poetry. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2013. Vienna: Austrian PEN, 2014.

The Growth of a Shadow: Selected Poems of Taejoon Moon, translated from the Korean with

Won-Chung Kim. Iowa City: Autumn Hill Books, 2012.

The New Symposium: Poets and Writers on What We Hold in Common, edited with Natasa

Durovicova. Iowa City: Autumn Hill Books, 2012.

The Tree of the Doves: Ceremony, Expedition, War, nonfiction. Minneapolis: Milkweed

Editions, 2011.

Translucency: Selected Poems of Chankyung Sung, translated from the Korean with Won-Chung

Kim. Paramus: Homa & Sekey, 2010.

Tatlag, Turleg, selected poems translated into Mongolian by Ayurzana. Ulan Bator: Munkhiin

uleg, 2010.

Seven Poets, Four Days, One Book, collaborative poem, with Marvin Bell, István László Geher,

Ksenia Golubovich, Simone Inguanez, Christopher Merrill, Tomaž Šalamun, and Dean

Young, edited and with an introduction. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2009.

Scale and Stairs: Selected Poems of Heeduk Ra, translated from the Korean with Won-Chung

Kim. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2009.

Why the Grass Whispered Again: Selected Poems, translated into Arabic by Mohammad Rishah.

Ramallah: Palestinian House of Poetry, 2007. Reprinted at , 2008.

Things of the Hidden God: Journey to the Holy Mountain, nonfiction. New York: Random House, 2005; London: HarperCollins UK, 2004 (under the title Journey to the Holy

Mountain: Meditations on Mount Athos); Athens: Metaixmio, 2005; Prague: Alman,

forthcoming; Seoul: Minumsa, 2010.; Sofia: Omofor, forthcoming.

Sajak sajak, selected poems translated into Malay by Eddin Khoo. Kuala Lumpur: Kala Press,


Even Birds Leave the World: Selected Poems of Ji-woo Hwang, translated from the Korean with

Won-Chung Kim. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2006.

Because of the Rain: A Selection of Korean Zen Poems, translated from the Korean with Won-

Chung Kim. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2006.

Brilliant Water, poetry. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2001.

Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars, nonfiction. Boulder: Rowman &

Littlefield Publishers, 1999. Paperback: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001.

Bucharest: Paralela 45, 2002; Ljubljana: Cankarjeva zalozba, 2001.

The City and the Child, by Aleš Debeljak, translated from the Slovenian with the author. Buffalo:

White Pine Press, 1999. e-: Blesok Publishing, 2003.

The Way to the Salt Marsh: A John Hay Reader, edited and with an introduction. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1998.

The Four Questions of Melancholy: New and Selected Poems of Tomaž Šalamun, edited and with an introduction. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1996.

The Old Bridge: The Third Balkan War and the Age of the Refugee, nonfiction. St. Paul: Milkweed Editions, 1995.

What Will Suffice: Contemporary American Poets on the Art of Poetry, an anthology edited with Christopher Buckley. Layton: Peregrine Smith Books, 1995.

Watch Fire (including Workbook, Fevers & Tides, and Luck), poetry. Fredonia: White Pine

Press, 1994.

Anxious Moments, by Aleš Debeljak, translated from the Slovenian with the author. Fredonia:

White Pine Press, 1994.

The Grass of Another Country: A Journey Through the World of Soccer, nonfiction. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1993. Paperback: Henry Holt and Company, 1994.

From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O’Keeffe as Icon, edited with Ellen Bradbury. The

Radcliffe Biography Series. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1992. Paperback: Addison

Wesley, 1993. Reissued by the University of New Mexico Press, 1998.

The Forgotten Language: Contemporary Poets and Nature, an anthology edited and with an introduction. Layton: Peregrine Smith Books, 1991.

Fevers & Tides, poetry. Santa Fe: Teal Press, 1989.

Outcroppings, an edited selection of John McPhee’s writings on the West. Layton: Peregrine Smith Books, 1988.

Workbook, poetry. Santa Fe: Teal Press, 1988.

Publications: chapbooks and other

Town Stitched by River: Irish Writers at the International Writing Program, edited with Alan

Hayes. Dublin and Iowa City: Dublin UNESCO City of Literature and the International

Writing Program, 2014.

Landmarks: Two Lines World Writing in Translation, edited with Susan Bernofsky. San

Francisco: Center for the Art of Translation, 2013.

Translations from the Chinese, with writings by Kyle Dargan, Matt Hart, Christopher Merrill,

Amanda Nadelberg, Kiki Petrosino, and Vu Tran. Cincinnati: Forklift, Ink, 2011.

Trust Me, I’m an Expert: Talking Culture Inside and Out, an edited collection of essays.

Washington and Iowa City: British Council/Autumn Hill Books, 2010.

Cultural Diplomacy: The Linchpin of Public Diplomacy, Report of the Advisory Committee on

Cultural Diplomacy, Washington: U.S. Department of State, September 2005.

The Forest of Speaking Trees: An Essay on Poetry, nonfiction. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1996.

Your Final Pleasure: An Essay on Reading, nonfiction. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1996.

Constellations, by André Breton, translated from the French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming. Santa

Fe: Tyuonyi 8, 1990.

Slow Down Construction, by André Breton, René Char, and Paul Éluard, translated from the

French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming). Philadelphia: The American Poetry Review

(special supplement), May/June1991.

Publications: poems, translations, fictions, essays, articles

“Afghanistan,” Prairie Schooner, forthcoming.

“After Great Pain: Writing September 11th” (essay), Nineteenth-Century Literature in English, edited by Yangsoon Kim. Seoul: Korea University, 2003. Reprinted in An Americanist in Sarajevo, edited by Srebren Dizdar. Sarajevo: Biblioteka Posebna izdanja, kniga7/

Special Editions, Volume 7, 2004.

“After You” (essay), Tin House, Spring 2002. Reprinted in Cooking and Stealing: The Tin House

Nonfiction Reader. New York: Tin House Books/Bloomsbury, 2004.

“After the Workshop,” The Iowa Review, forthcoming.

Afterward to The Battle of Kosovo, translated by John Matthias and Vladeta Vuckovic. Athens: Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, 1999.

Afterward to China Ink: The Changing Face of Chinese Journalism, by Judy Polumbaum.

Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008.

Afterward to The Shape of Light by James Wright. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2007.

“again the roads are silent, dark peace,” by Tomaz Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Black Warrior Review, Spring/Summer 2007.

“Against Imperialism,” Post Road 26, 2013.

“Against Uncertainty,” Post Road 26, 2013.

“Alphabet,” Transom 3, , Spring 2012.

“America? A world of swindling possibilities...,” Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, Fall

2006. Reprinted at Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry, .

“All Hallows Eve,” Cyphers, Spring 2008. Reprinted in Breaking the Jaws of Silence: Sixty

American Poets Speak to the World, edited by Sholeh Wolpé. Fayetteville, AK:

University of Arkansas Press, 2013.

‘l’Ancien Régime,” Alaska Quarterly Review, Spring 2008.

“Angkor,” The Fiddlehead, forthcoming.

“Another Time: A Journey to Kosovo” (essay), Left Bank 5, 1993.

“Ark,” tin lustre mobile, , August 2004.

“Arrival in Saint-Nazaire,” by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Trafika 7, Fall 1999.

“An Athlete’s Ordeal” (article), Sports Illustrated, October 18, 1993.

“Aztec Two-Step,” Denver Quarterly, Summer 2014.

“Bassetting” (short story), Chimera Review, Winter 2003.

“Beauty and the Beast” (essay), The Antioch Review, Spring 1994.

“Because,” The Pushcart Prize XV: Best of the Small Presses, edited by Bill Henderson.

Yonkers: The Pushcart Press, 1990. Reprinted in Krasnogruda 8; Poets of the New

Century, edited by Rick Higgerson and Roger Weingarten. Boston: David R. Godine, 2001; and A Mingling of Waters: A Commemorative Program, edited by Catherine Fletcher. Kolkata: Supernova P & D, 2008.

“The Bees,” Poems for a Small Planet, edited by Robert Pack and Jay Parini. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1993.

“Before the Mirror” (essay), Women, Gender, and Human Rights: A Global Perspective, edited by Marjorie Agosin. Rutgers: Rutgers University Press, 2001.

“Between,” Atlas/@las, Spring 2006.

“Bill,” Blues for Bill: A Tribute to William Matthews, edited by Kurt Brown, Meg Kearney, Donna Resi, and Estha Weiner. Akron: University of Akron Press, 2005. Reprinted in

Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951-1977, edited by

William Walsh. Macon: Mercer University Press, 2006.

“Black,” The Wolf, Spring 2012. Reprinted in The Wolf: A Decade, 2012.

“The blacksmith speaks in tongues...,” The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 8. Reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

“Blame it on the scimitars...,” jubilat 1, Spring 2000.

“Book Wings” (essay), Theatre, Design & Technology, Winter 2104.

“A Boy Juggling a Soccer Ball,” Poetry Northwest, Summer 1982. Reprinted in Motion: American Sports Poems, edited by Noah Blaustein, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2001; The Poetry of Men’s Lives: An International Anthology, edited by Fred

Moramarco and Al Zolynas, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2003; The Global

Game: Writers on Soccer, edited by Alon Raab, Thomas Satterlee, and John Turnball,

Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2007; Athletic Words: Sport Poems

and Poetic Writings, edited by Scott Melville, Kingsport: NF Publishing, 2008; The Scent

of These Armpits, edited and annotated by Scott Melville, 2007; A Mingling of Waters: A

Commemorative Program, edited by Catherine Fletcher. Kolkata: Supernova P & D,

2008; and Kora Pnimit, edited by Gilad Meiri. Tel Aviv: Media41 Ltd., 2009.

“Breach”, Conversations Across Borders, May 2013.

“Breath,” Mississippi Review, Fall 1989.

“Brewster Ghiselin” (essay), Poetry Pilot, November 1990.

“The Bridge,” Ecotone, 2013.

“Bridging the East-West Divide” (essay), National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 41, No. 38. Reprinted

at , September 2, 2005.

“Bright Sadness” (essay), Dislocate, Spring 2006.

“Brown vs. Board of Education,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“Butler in America” (essay), Irish Pages, Fall 2002. Reprinted in Unfinished Ireland, edited by Chris Agee. Belfast: Irish Pages, 2002.

“Ceremony,” Green Mountain Review, Volume XXIII, No. 1, 2010.

“Chance Encounters: On Rebecca Salsbury James’ Earth and Water” (essay), El Palacio, Fall 1992.

“Chew on This” (essay), The Georgia Review Contributors Bookshelves,

, January 17, 2014.

“Childhood,” Kingfisher, Fall 1987.

“Children’s Froth, Children’s Clothing,” by Tomaž Šalamun (translated with the author), Crowd, 2004.

“A Child Unkennelled: On The Dream Songs, (essay-review), Los Angeles Review of Books,

November 11, 2014.

“The Cistern,” #NewWriting, ,

November 10, 2011.

“The City and the Child,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated with the author), Forbidden Bread, edited

by Erica Johnson Debeljak: North Atlantic Books, 2009.

“Cloistered in fire...,” The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 8, 1999. Reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

“Clockwise” (fiction), The Fiction Review, Winter 1988.

“Coastlines” (one section of a long poem), The Journal, Fall 1991.

“The Concert,” Transom 3, , Spring 2012.

“Concert,” Denver Quarterly, Fall 1987.

“Conditional,” Cyphers, Spring 2008.

“Conference,” Ecotone, 2013.

‘Combs Hollow,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“Cops and Robbers” by S. Diwakar (translated from the Kannada with the author), The Little Magazine, Spring 2003.

“Cotillions,” Sixty Years of American Poetry: Celebrating the Anniversary of the Academy of American Poets. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1996.

“The Courts of the Sun: Homage to Brewster Ghiselin” (essay), Poetry East 34, Fall 1992.

“The Critical Point,” december, Vol. 25.2 (Fall/Winter 2014).

“The Crucial Recrystallizing: A Note on James Merrill” (essay), Verse, Fall 1995.

“Cultural Diplomacy’s ‘Strange Truths’” (essay), Iowa Now, June 17, 2013,


“The Dancer,” Rhino, Fall 1987.

“Day Lilies: Instructions and an Elegy,” Poems for a Small Planet, edited by Robert Pack and

Jay Parini. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1993.

“Debating Rostrum,” by Alain Lance (translated from the French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming). Tyuonyi 9/10, 1991.

“Deepening the Stream: A Profile of Frederick Turner,” El Palacio, Fall 1994. Reprinted in

SIRS Knowledge Source (ProQuest)

“Departures and Arrivals: A Profile of W. S. Merwin,” Poets and Writers, July/August 2005.

Reprinted in SIRS Knowledge Source (ProQuest)

“Dismal Harmony” (essay), Third Coast, Fall 2005. Reprinted at Poetry Daily,

, February 14, 2006.

“The Diver,” Oxford Magazine, Spring/Summer 1988. Reprinted in Motion: American Sports Poems, edited by Noah Blaustein. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2001.

“Divine Bird Passing,” by André Breton (translated from the French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming). Midnight Lamp, Spring 1989. Reprinted in Tyuonyi 8, 1990.

“Dog Days in Vermont,” Seneca Review, Fall 1999.

“Dog, Howling,” Poetry Wales, Spring 1989.

“The Dolly Zoom,” The Georgia Review, forthcoming.

“A Door Opens,” by Heeduk Ra (translated with Won-Chung Kim), Circumference, Issue 6.

Reprinted in Full Tilt: a journal of east-Asian poetry, translation and the arts,

, Summer 2008

“Doppelganger,” Cincinnati Poetry Review, Fall 1988. Reprinted in Poets of the New Century, edited by Rick Higgerson and Roger Weingarten. Boston: David R. Godine, 2001.

Reprinted in Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary American Poets from 1951-1977,

edited by William Walsh. Macon: Mercer University Press, 2006.

“Double Down on Diplomacy” (op-ed), with Curtis S. Chin, William Smullen III, and Charles

Webb, The Huffington Post, October 29, 2012, .

“Double Vision: The ‘Other’ Twin Towers” (excerpt from The Tree of the Doves: Ceremony,

Expedition, War), Granta, 12 September 2011.

“Doublings: On Rebecca Salsbury James’ Untitled (Elk Tooth and Magnolia)” (essay), El Palacio, Fall 1992.

“Early Poems,” Chelsea, Spring 1989.

“Earth. Red earth...,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Redlands Review, 1991.

“Effluent,” The Georgia Review, forthcoming.

Eight poems by Buland al-Haydari (translated from the Arabic with Hussein Kadhim), Modern Poetry in Translation, Winter 2003.

Eight prose poems by Paul Celan (translated from the Romanian with Magda Carneci), The Cream City Review, Volume 25, Numbers 1 & 2, Summer 2001.

Entry for Paul Engle in The Iowa Biographical Dictionary, edited by David Hudson, Loren

Horton, and Marvin Bergman. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2009.

“Erosion,” Pivot, 1990. Reprinted in Outsiders: Poems about Rebels, Exiles, and Renegades, edited by Laure-Anne Bosselaar. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1999.

“Everybody was Innocent: On Writing and War” (essay), American Poetry Review, January/February,1996.

“Every building from the century...,” The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 8, 1999. Reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

“Every Hell Is Different: Notes on War Writing,” Writing Creative Nonfiction, edited by Carolyn Forché and Philip Gerard. Alexandria: Associated Writing Programs (AWP)/ Story Press (F & W Publications), 2001.

“Excavations: A Note on Poetics” (essay), Tyuonyi 6/7, 1989.

Excerpt from The Tree of the Doves: Ceremony, Expedition, War in Defunct: A Literary

Repository for the Ages, Volume III, Issue II, Fall 2012.

Excerpt from The Tree of the Doves: Ceremony, Expedition, War in Notre Dame Review # 30,

Summer 2010.

Excerpt from Things of the Hidden God: Journey to the Holy Mountain in mediterranean poetry,

Winter 2013,

Excerpt from Things of the Hidden God: Journeys to the Holy Mountain in The Penelopeia

Project, penelopeia/, Spring 2003.

“Fairy Tale,” The Iowa Review, forthcoming.

“Fall and Recovery,” Rattapallax, Spring 2012.

“Falling Persimmons,” by Byungu Chon (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim),

Words Without Borders, November 2005. Reprinted in Literature from the Axis of Evil:

Writing from Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Other Enemy Nations, edited by Susan Harris

and Blake Radcliffe. New York: The New Press, 2006

“The Fellowship of the Craft,” Tin House, Winter 2001.

“The Fence,” The Paris Review, Spring 1993. Reprinted in A Mingling of Waters: A

Commemorative Program, edited by Catherine Fletcher. Kolkata: Supernova P & D,


“Feverish,” december, Vol. 25.2 (Fall/Winter 2014).

“Fictions and masks and swastikas...,” Notre Dame Review, Spring 2000.

“A Fierce Astonishment: John Hay at Eighty” (profile), Orion Magazine, Autumn 1995.

Fifteen prose poems, American Poetry Review, March/April 2001.

“Figures in the Night Guided by Phosphorescent Snail Tracks,” by André Breton (translated

from the French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming), Midnight Lamp, Spring 1989. Reprinted

in Tyuonyi 8, 1990.

“Final Instructions,” Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, , November 1, 2012.

“The Fishing Jacket,” New Virginia Review, Volume 6, 1988.

Five Poems by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Verse, Spring

1999. Reprinted in Verse, Volume 21, Numbers 1-3.

Five Poems by Heeduk Ra (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), Words Without

Borders, , November 2007.

Five Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), tin luster

mobile, , August 2004.

Five Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Trafika, Fall 1995.

Five Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Verse, Fall

1996. Reprinted in Verse, Volume 21, Numbers 1-3.

Five Poems by Goran Simic (translated from the Bosnian with Amela Simic), The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 5, 1996. “Medals” and “War Mice” were reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

“Flatfish” by Taejoon Moon (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), Korea

Literature Translation Institute Newsletter, Winter 2010.

‘Fodder,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

‘The Folded Lie” (essay), Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Volume 18, Number 4,

October-December 2006.

“The Forms of American Nature Poetry” (essay), American Nature Writers, edited by John

Elder. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1996.

“Forever on the Road” (essay), Portland, Fall 1995.

Forty poems from Anxious Moments and The City and the Child by Aleš Debeljak (translated

from the Slovenian with the author), reprinted in Without Amnesia: New and Selected Poems by Aleš Debeljak, edited by Andrew Zawacki. (New York: Persea Books, 2011.)

Foreword to The Grace of Incorruption: The Selected Essays of Donald Sheehan on Orthodox

Faith and Poetics, edited by Xenia Sheehan. Brewster, MA: Paraclete Press, 2015.

Foreword to Heart of Darkness: Selected Poems of Ferida Durakovic, translated by Amela Simic and Zoran Mutic, and edited by Greg Simon. Fredonia: White Pine Press, 1998.

Foreword to Painting with O’Keeffe, by John Poling. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1999.

Foreword to The Psalms of David, translated from the Septuagint Greek by Donald Sheehan and

edited by Xenia Sheehan and Hierodeacon Herman Majkrzak. Eugene, OR: Wipf and

Stock Publishers, 2013.

“The Fountain House,” Ecotone, 2013.

Four Poems by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Seneca Review, Spring 1999.

Four Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Heat 7, 1998.

“From a Book of Common Prayer,” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality, Autumn 2014.

“From ‘Cruel Hookah’ to ‘Cruel Hooker’: A Cross-Cultural Conversation in Poetry” (essay),

, September 22, 2009.

“From the Vineyard to the Sea,” The Iowa Review, forthcoming.

“The Garden,” Seneca Review, Fall 1999.

“The Gatekeeper,” Seattle Review, Fall 1988.

“Genesis,” Transom 3, , Spring 2012.

“Georgia O’Keeffe: From the Faraway Nearby” (essay), El Palacio, Summer 1991.

“Ghazal,” Atlas/@las, Spring 2006.

“Ghazals 3-5,” KYSO Flash, Fall 2014,

“Grace,” Poetry Wales, Spring 1989. Reprinted in A Mingling of Waters: A Commemorative

Program, edited by Catherine Fletcher. Kolkata: Supernova P & D, 2008.

“Grammar,” Salamander, Spring 1993. Reprinted in Under the Rock Umbrella: Contemporary

American Poets from 1951-1977, edited by William Walsh. Macon: Mercer University

Press, 2006.

“The Greenhouse,” Great Stream Review, Fall 1989.

“Greystone,” Conversations Across Borders, May 2103.

“The Ground Swell,” A Mingling of Waters: A Commemorative Program, edited by Catherine

Fletcher. Kolkata: Supernova P & D, 2008.

“The Guests,” Cincinnati Poetry Review, Fall 1988.

“Guidebook,” Flash Fiction Forward, edited by Robert Shapard and James Thomas. New York:

W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. Reprinted in KYSO Flash, Fall 2014,

“Haole Go Home” (article, with Dirk Olin), Outside, August 1994.

“The Hat,” december, Vol. 25.2 (Fall/Winter 2014).

“Haze,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“The Headless Horseman,” The Georgia Review, forthcoming.

“Heat Lighning,” december, Vol. 25.2 (Fall/Winter 2014).

“He Said What?” (essay), NOW WRITE!, edited by Sherry Ellis. New York: Tarcher/Penguin,


“Hiatus,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“A Higher Responsibility” (article), Foreign Service Journal, January, 1996.

“Holding Action,” Prairie Schooner, forthcoming.

“Horses sculpted in black marble...,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author). Redlands Review, 1991.

“Hot Springs,” Friends of Ballona Wetlands, , forthcoming.

“The Hotel Argentina” (essay), Manoa, Summer 1997.

“The Hour of Lead,” Critique, October 2001, Zines/Critique/. Reprinted at Orion Online, October 2001, .

“House Call” (fiction), Puerto del Sol, Fall 1989.

“Housesitting Poems,” Kingfisher, Fall 1987.

“How could we have known the bridge as closed...,” Notre Dame Review, Spring 2000.

“I, Charlotte, comme il faut,” a verse monologue by Norge Espinosa (translated from the Spanish with Daniel Balderston), The Iowa Review, Fall 2002.

“I grope in my life like a blind man,” by Ayurzana Gun-Aajavwas (translated from the

Mongolian with E. Sontondogos), Urhalpool, Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2009,


“The Immaculate War” (essay), Books in Canada, Volume 29, #1, February 2000.

“Immanent,” Oxford Magazine, Fall/Winter 1987.

“I Know This Now” (essay), The Huffington Post,

“Indifferently, he watched...,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author).

The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 2, 1993. Reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

“In Her Footsteps” (essay), Rachel Carson: Legacy and Challenge, edited by Lisa H. Sideris and Kathleen Dean Moore. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008.

“In Search of the Genuine” (essay), Field, Fall 1997. Reprinted in Poets Reading: The FIELD Symposium, edited by David Walker. Oberlin: Oberlin College Press, 1999.

“In Search of the Unknown: A Tribute to W. S. Merwin” (essay), Many Mountains Moving, Volume 4, Number 2, 2001.

“In the Pohorje” (essay), Inhabiting Memory, edited by Marjorie Agosin. Austin: University of

Texas Press, 2006.

“In Unison,” Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, , November 1, 2012.

“An Invisible Procession” (essay), The Huffington Post, February 7, 2011.

Iowa City’s Poetry in Public Project—eleven poems selected to be printed on posters and

displayed in kiosks, buses, and other public facilities, 2004-2014.

“An Interview with Jan Garden Castro,” American Poetry Review, January/February 2003.

“An Interview with Farideh Hasanzadeh,” Irannews, 2004.

“In the City of K.,” Härter, tenth-anniversary issue, 2006. Reprinted in A Mingling of Waters: A

Commemorative Program, edited by Catherine Fletcher. Kolkata: Supernova P & D,


“In the Unreal City” (essay), DoubleTake, Fall 1996. Reprinted in An American Scholar in Sarajevo, edited by Srebren Dizdar. Sarajevo: The University of Sarajevo Press, 2003.

“In this moment...,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 2, 1993. Reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

Introduction to Light in the Desert by Tony O’Brien. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press,

2011. Excerpted in El Palacio, Volume 116/Number 3, Fall 2011.

Introduction to A Map of Shadows by Gabriel Meyer. Huntington Beach: Tebot Bach, 2012.

Introduction to Mara’s Shade: Selected Poems 1971-1995 by Anastassis Vistonitis, translated by

David Connolly. Huntington Beach: Tebot Bach, 2011. Reprinted in On the Seawall,

November 26, 2012,

Introduction to The Smoke That Carried Us by René Char, translated by Suzanne Dubroff. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2004.

“Invocation by a Small Bed” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Harvard Review, Fall 1999.

“It was Autumn,” by Heeduk Ra (translated with Won-Chung Kim), Circumference, Issue 6.

“It was either an abandoned coffeehouse...,” Notre Dame Review, Spring 2000.

“Joseph Brodsky” (essay), Books in Canada, Volume 28, # 3, May 1999.

‘Joshua Casteel (1979-2012)” (essay), Virginia Quarterly Review Blog, September 21, 2012.

“Juice,” Life and Legends, , forthcoming.

“Kangaroo,” by Tomaž Šalamun (translated with the author), Exquisite Corpse, Winter 2003.

“A Kind of Solution” (essay), Urhalpool, Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2008.


“Kosovo” (essay), Krasnogruda 8, 1998. Reprinted in Books in Canada, Volume 28, # 6, November 1999.

“The Ladder,” The Georgia Review, forthcoming.

“The Lake” (two sections of a long poem), Pivot, 1991.

“The Lake” (six sections of a long poem), Metre, Spring 2000.

“The Lake” (prose poem), Conversations Across Borders, May 2013.

“Laments,” Poetry Wales, Spring 1989.

“Leaving Afghanistan” (essay), Granta, 20 February 2012.

“Lessons from Lawrence” (essay), El Palacio, Winter 1991-1992.

“Letter from Iowa” (essay), Poetry Review, 2006.

“A Letter to Michael Kaiser About Cultural Diplomacy” (essay), The Huffington Post, 29 March


“Lessons (2),” The Wolf, Spring. 2012.

“Letter to Artaud,” by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Boston Review, April/May 2000.

“Letters of Farewell (2),” Witness, 2006.

“Letters of Farewell (1,3,5,8,9,13,19),” Manoa, Winter 2008.

“Lines at Trail Creek,” Friends of Ballona Wetlands, , October 25, 2010.

“Lines in Nanjing,” Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, , November 1, 2012.

“Lines on a Friend’s Retirement,” 66: The Journal of Sonnet Studies, November 2008.

“Lines on the Winter Solstice,” New Orleans Review, Volume 19, Numbers 3 & 4.

“The List,” The Fiddlehead, forthcoming.

“Longing and Belonging: From the faraway Nearby” (essay), SITE Santa Fe visitor’s guide,

Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM, 1995.

“Lost and Found: Nostalgia for Death & Hieroglyphs of Desire,” Tin House, Winter 2001.

“Love Songs,” New Virginia Review, Volume 6, 1988. Reprinted in Artvoice, July 2-8, 1997.

“Luck” (one section of a long poem), Pivot, 1990.

“Luck” (one section of a long poem), The Taos Review, 1990.

“Luck” (two sections of a long poem), Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry & Prose, Fall 1990.

“The Luncheon” (essay), Authors Speak of Palestine, edited by Ru Freeman. Portland: OR

Books, forthcoming.

“Lupines,” The Antioch Review, Spring 1988.

“Madras 1992” by S. Diwakar (translated from the Kannada with the author), Blue Moon

Review, 2004.

“Magnolia Bluff,” The Journal, Fall/Winter 1989.

“Marvelous Journeys” (essay), Manoa, Summer 1999.

“Medicine,” The Georgia Review, forthcoming.

“Meantime,” Cloudbank 4, 2011.

“Migrating Bird,” by André Breton (translated from the French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming). Midnight Lamp, Spring 1989. Reprinted in Tyuonyi 8, 1990.

“The minister was resolved...,” Field 62, Spring 2000.

“Montenegro” (essay), Notre Dame Review, Spring 1998.

“Morning Glory, Sarajevo,” Metre, Spring 2000.

“Morning Song,” Quarterly West, Winter/Spring 1989.

‘Mortar,” Green Mountain Review, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, 2010.

“The Most Beautiful Prison in the World” (article), Men’s Journal, April 2000. Expanded and reprinted in New England Journal of Public Policy, Spring 2001.

“Movie Theater” (essay), , Spring 2003.

“Music Lessons,” Härter, tenth-anniversary issue, 2006.

“The Names,” december, Vol. 25.2 (Fall/Winter 2014).

“Nature’s Discipline” (essay), Metre, Spring 2000.

“Newborn Ode” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Harvard Review, Fall 1999.

“Newly Minted,” Transom 3, , Spring 2012.

Nine Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), The American Poetry Review (special supplement), March/April 2000.

‘9/11/11,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“1959” by Sungbok Lee (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), Washington

Square, Fall 2009.

“Norris’s Book of Transformations” (essay), An Open World: Essays on Leslie Norris, edited by Eugene England and Peter Makuck. Columbia: Camden House, 1993.

“Northern Elegies, I-III,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author). The Case of Slovenia, 1991.

“A Note on Aesthetics,” Prairie Schooner, forthcoming.

“A Note on Walt Whitman” (essay), American Studies and the Future of the University in the

United States and Europe, edited by Walter Gruenzweig. Dortmund: TU Dortmund

University, 2014.

“A Novel about Life” (short story) by Ferida Durakovic (translated from the Bosnian with the author), PEN International Magazine, 2003.

“Octavio Paz: Returns to the Origin” (essay), El Palacio, Spring 1999. Reprinted in SIRS

Knowledge Source (ProQuest)

“Old Wives’ Tales,” Seneca Review, Fall 1988.

“On Nature Poetry” (essay), Poetry Society of America Newsletter, Winter 1990.

“On Nature Writing” (essay), Manoa, Fall 1992.

“Only Connect” (essay), Words Without Borders, , November


“On the Joy of Faith,” The Daily Palette, , August 15, 2011.

“The Orchard,” Transom 3, , Spring 2012.

“Only gestures will help us now...,” Notre Dame Review, Spring 2000.

“Palm Sunday,” Notre Dame Review, Fall 2009.

“Passover in the West Bank” (essay), The Virginia Quarterly Review, , May

16, 2010.

“Perishables,” Rattapallax, Spring 2012.

“Permission to Speak” (essay), My Poor Elephant: 27 Male Writers at Work, edited by Eve Shelnutt. Marietta: Longstreet Press, 1992.

“Photograph with a Quote from Yazoo: Deep in Each Other’s Dream” by Tomaž Salamun

(translated from the Slovenian with the author), Poetry Quebec ,Issue 9, .

“Pike Place Market Variations,” Literary Washington, Washington State Council of Teachers of English Web Anthology, ac.wwu.edu/~bgoebel/antholog.htm.

“Pike Place Market Variations--Part 4,” The South Florida Poetry Review, Spring 1992.

“Pike Place Market Variations--Part 5,” The Guadalupe Review, 1992.

“Politics,” Poetry Northwest, Spring & Summer 2010.

“Poaching,” New Virginia Review, Volume 6, 1988.

“Poem Ending with a Line by George W. Bush,” The Huffington Post, ,

January 13, 2006.

“Poems,” by Alain Lance (translated from the French with Jeanie Puleston Fleming). Tyuonyi 9, 1991.

“Porcelain,” Rattapallax, Spring 2012.

“Portage,” Rattapallax, Spring 2012.

“Prayer Rope,” Denver Quarterly, Summer 2014.

Preface to Selected Essays on the Art of Poetry, , 1999.

“Proclamation,” Saint Katherine Review, Volume 1 Number 1, Spring 2011.

“The Promise of Freshness: On Poetry, Politics, and Place” (essay), Literature and Environment,

Seoul, Korea, 2002. Reprinted in Connotations, Fall 2002.

“Proust Questionnaire: 17 questions with Christopher Merrill” (interview), Quarterly Literary

Review Singapore, Vol. 13, No. 4, October 2014.

“Proverbs,” Prairie Schooner, forthcoming.

“Proverbs (3),” Life and Legends, http//, forthcoming.

“The Pure Speech of Exile” (essay), Culture of the Time of Transformation: Cultural Identity of Central Europe, Poznan, 1998.

“Radioactivity,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“The Rebirth of an Island” (article), The Nation, September 9/15 1994.

“Reckonings,” The Taos Review, 1990.

“Reclaiming the Frontier: New Writings from the West” (essay), New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly, Winter 1990. Reprinted in Short Story Criticism, Volume 60, edited by Justin Karr. Gale Group, 2003.

“The Red Balloon,” Denver Quarterly, forthcoming.

“The Red Umbrella,” Ploughshares, forthcoming.

“Regained Detachment: On Thomas Mann, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and the New World Order” (essay) The True Subject: Writers on Life and Craft, edited by Kurt Brown. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1993.

“Reinvent the past...,” The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 8, 1999.

“Relative Calm” (essay), The Virginia Quarterly Review, Summer 2009.

“René Char: Three Poems” (translations from the French), The Guadalupe Review, 1992.

“Return the swastikas...,” The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Volume 8, 1999.

Reprinted in The Best of the Prose Poem: An International Journal, 2000.

“Reunion,” Denver Quarterly, Summer 2014.

‘The Reunion” SmokeLong Quarterly, Issue 14, Fall 2006.

“Reveling in the Word: On the Power of Language and Teaching” (an interview by Terry Hermsen).Turning the Desk, edited by Terry Hermsen. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1998.

“River, Goat, Star,” The Wolf 27, forthcoming.

“Robi,” by Tomaž Salamun (translated from the Slovenian with Ana Jelnikar). American Poetry Review, March/April 2003.

“Rodrigo Garcia Lopes” (introduction to a selection of his poems), Rattapallax, forthcoming.

“The Rope,” Oxford Magazine, Spring/Summer 1988.

“Rose Moss” by Chanho Song (translated with Won-Chung Kim), The Cortland Review,


“The Ruins” and “The Tent,” Seattle Review, forthcoming.

“The Runner” (essay), The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2012.

“Rosehips,” Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry & Prose, Spring 1991. Reprinted in The House of

Your Dream: An International Collection of Prose Poetry. Edited by Robert Alexander &

Dennis Maloney. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2008.

“A Route of Evanescence: Agha Shahid Ali in America” (essay), Mad Heart, Be Brave: On the

Work of Agha Shahid Ali, edited by Kazim Ali. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan

Press, forthcoming.

“Sacrilege,” A Mingling of Waters: A Commemorative Program, edited by Catherine Fletcher.

Kolkata: Supernova P & D, 2008.

“Sagebrush,” Pequod 39. Reprinted in Dialogue with Cavafy: Anthology of Foreign Cavafian Poems, edited by Nasos Vayenas. Thessaloniki: Center for the Greek Language, 2000.

“The saint’s arms are chafed and strong...,” Notre Dame Review, Spring 2000.

“Salt,” Notre Dame Review, Summer 2003.

“The Sarajevo Film Festival” (essay), Tin House, Fall 1999.

“The Score,” Denver Quarterly, Summer 2014.

“Scotch Broom: An Inventory,” Seneca Review, Fall 1987.

“Seaglass: Notes on ‘The Hurricane’” (essay), Introspections: American Poets on One of Their Own Poems, edited by Robert Pack and Jay Parini. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1997.

“Sestina,” Salt Hill Journal 2, 1996.

Seven Poems by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Double Vision: Four Slovenian Poets, edited by Richard Jackson. Ljubljana, Slovenia and Chattanooga: Aleph and Poetry Miscellany Books, 1993.

Seven Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), in An Eel Rushing from the Mouth of the Sun, Black Warrior Review Chapbook Series, Spring/Summer 1999.

“Shoot the horse...,” jubilat 1, Spring 2000.

“Should, Should Not,” The Paris Review, Spring 1993.

“Signals,” Mississippi Review, Fall 1989.

“The Sirens,” The Prairie Schooner, Spring 1991.

Six Poems by Heeduk Ra (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), The Iowa Review,

Fall 2008, three of which were reprinted at Poetry Daily, , on 10/14/08

“The snow goes under the sleeves...,” by Tomaz Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author). 3rd Bed, Fall/Winter 2003.

“The sodden moss sinks underfoot...,” by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author). This Same Sky: A Collection of Poems from Around the World, edited by Naomi Shihab Nye. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1992.

“Something on the Death of the Oldest Sabines (Part One),” by Jaime Sabines (translation from the Spanish). New Virginia Review, Volume 9, #1.

“Soot and Ash” (essay), Los Angeles Review of Books, , August 22,


“SOS,” Conversations Across Borders, April 2013.

“The Sound of Falling” (essay), POROI, Summer 2003.

“A Spirit of Play” (essay), Orion Magazine, Summer 1999.

“Stair,” by Tomaž Šalamun (translated with the author), Agni 43, Spring 2004.

“Staying Found” (essay). Resisting the Place of Belonging: Uncanny Homecomings in Religion,

Narrative and Art, edited by Daniel Boscaljon. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2013.

“Stories,” Conversations Across Borders, April 2013.

“Strange Fashion” (essay), Touchstones: American Poets on a Favorite Poem, edited by Robert Pack and Jay Parini. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1995. Reprinted in Literature and its Writers, edited by Ann and Samuel Charters. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997.

“Suite for Ashes and Strings,” Atlas/@las, Spring 2006. Reprinted in Under the Rock Umbrella:

Contemporary American Poets from 1951-1977, edited by William Walsh. Macon:

Mercer University Press, 2006.

“The Summit on the Summit” (essay), Orion Magazine, Summer 1998.

“Tactics,” Prairie Schooner, forthcoming.

“Tamara Khanum (1906-1991),” The Fiddlehead, forthcoming.

“A Testimonial to Jim Leach,” Journal of Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Volume 12:2, 2003.

‘Teacher” (essay), Literature and Belief, vol. 29 and 30:1, 2011.

Ten poems, Molossus: World Poetry Portfolio #16: Christopher Merrill, March 6, 2001.


“They Are Waiting in Lund: The Translations of John Matthias” (essay), The Salt Companion to

John Matthias, edited Joe Francis Doerr, Cambridge, UK: Salt Publishing, 2011.

Thirty-two poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translations from the Slovenian, with various

translators), Feast by Tomaž Šalamun, edited by Charles Simic. New York: Harcourt

Brace & Company, 2000.

“Those Old, Enduring Connections” (essay), Orion Magazine, Fall 1994.

“The Three-Goat Story: Reflections on Poetry and Diplomacy” (essay), Blueprints: Bringing

Poetry into Communities, edited by Beth Allen and Katherine Coles. Salt Lake City:

University of Utah Press, 2011.

“Three Horses,” The Café Review, Spring 2011.

“Three Nonsense Poems,” The Café Review, Spring 2011. Reprinted on Verse Daily, 1/7/14. .

“Three Parables,” Chautauqua, 2012.

Three poems by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Verse, Fall 1998.

Three poems by Joy Goswami (translated from the Hindi with the author), The Iowa Review, Fall 2002.

Three poems by Hwang Ji-woo (translated from the Korean with the author and Seol Soon- Bong) The Iowa Review, Fall 2001.

Three poems by Hwang Ji-woo (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), Circumference: Poetry in Translation, Autumn/Winter 2003.

Three poems by Hwang Ji-woo (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), Words

Without Borders, November 2005.

Three poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Grand Street 68, Spring 1999.

Three poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Verse, Fall 1998.

Three poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author or Ana Jelnikar),

There’s the Hand and There’s the Arid Chair by Tomaž Šalamun, edited by Thomas

Kane. Denver: Counterpath Press, 2009.

“Three Questions,” The Café Review, Spring 2011.

“Three Recordings,” The Americas Anthology of New Writings: From Patagonia to Nunavut,

edited by Irene Vilar. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2013.

“Three Riddles,” Poetry East, Fall 1990. Reprinted in Krasnogruda 8.

“Three Translations,” River Styx.

“Three Weeds,” Salt Hill Journal 2, 1996. Reprinted in Poets of the New Century, edited by Rick Higgerson and Roger Weingarten. Boston: David R. Godine, 2001.

“The Turk’s Head” (fiction), Verse, Spring 1996.

“To Immerse the Weight,” by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), The Iowa Review, Spring 2004. Reprinted at Poetry Daily, , April 5,

2006, and in Mentor & Muse: Essays from Poets to Poets,” edited by Blas Falconer, Beth

Martinelli, and Helena Mesa. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2010.

“Tomorrow,” The Massachusetts Review, fall 2011.

“To My Root” by Heeduk Ra (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), Korea

Literature Translation Institute Newsletter, Winter 2010.

“The Tower,” Levure Littéraire, , Issue 10, forthcoming.

“Turn and Burn” (essay), Orion, Spring/Summer 2013.

Twelve Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translations from the Slovenian with the author or Ana

Jelnikar), The Book for My Brother, by Tomaž Šalamun, edited by Charles Simic. New

York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 2006.

Twelve Poems by U Tin Moe (translations from the Burmese with Maung Tha Noe and Sandra

de More),Poet Lore, Spring 2014.

Two Poems by Aleš Debeljak (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Tin House, Spring 1999.

Two Poems by Hwang Ji-woo (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim),

Circumerfence, Autumn/Winter 2003.

Two Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Field 62, Spring 2000.

Two Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), Grand Street 63, 1997.

Two Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author), The Harvard Review, Fall 1998.

Two Poems by Tomaž Šalamun (translated from the Slovenian with the author and Marko

Jakše), Tin House, Fall 2000.

Two Poems by H.S. Shivaprakash (translated from the Kannada with the author), The Iowa Review, Fall 2001.

Two Prose Poems by Hwang Ji-woo (translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim), The

House of Your Dream: An International Collection of Prose Poetry. Edited by Robert

Alexander & Dennis Maloney. Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2008.

‘The University Is Not a Factory” (essay), co-authored with Linda Kerber. The HuffingtonPost,

March 26, 2010. Reprinted at The History New Network (hnn.us), April 4-5, 2010.

“Unknown Vectors” (essay), , Spring 2004.

“Unlettered Eloquence: The Lost Man’s River Trilogy” (profile), Tin House, Spring 1999.

“The Unwritten,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“Utopia,” december, Vol. 25.2 (Fall/Winter 2014).

“Vacuum,” Green Mountain Review, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, 2010.

“Voltage,” Bengal Lights, Autumn 2012.

“Voyages to the Immediate” (essay), New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly, Spring 1988.

“The Walls of Dubrovnik” (essay), Sarajevo: An Anthology for Bosnian Relief, edited by John Babbitt, Carolyn Feucht and Andie Stabler. Elgin: Elgin Community College, 1993.

“Water” (essay), The Orion Blog, June 12, 2013.

“West Window,” Notre Dame Review, #16. Reprinted in Notre Dame Review: The First Ten

Years, edited by John Matthias and William O’Rourke. South Bend: Notre Dame

University Press, 2009.

“What feathers song? the saint asked...,” Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, Fall 2006.

Reprinted Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry, .

“What I Do Not Own” (essay), Sierra, November 1992. Reprinted in The Earth at Our Doorstep: Contemporary Writers Celebrate the Landscapes of Home, edited by Annie Stine. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1996.

“What is Told: Simon Ortiz at Work” (profile), El Palacio, Spring 2000.

“When we couldn’t find an open window...,” Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, Fall 2005.

Reprinted Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry, .

“Where the Smoke Comes From,” Sahara, 2001.

“Whitman’s New Worlds” (essay), Massachusetts Review, Spring 1992.

“White Noise,” Terra Nova 1:2.

“Who are these heroes pinned to the ceiling...,” Notre Dame Review, Spring 2000.

“William Butler Yeats” (essay), World Poets: The Scribner’s Writers Series, Volume 3, edited

by John Elder. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2000.

“Windstorm” (fiction), Carolina Quarterly, Fall 1986.

“Winterings,” Quarterly West, Winter/Spring 1989.

“Without,” Rattapallax, Spring 2012.

“The Women Who Rode Away: Carr, O’Keeffe, and Kahlo” (profile) El Palacio, Spring 2001. Reprinted in Resource Library Magazine, resourc.htm and SIRS Mandarin, Inc. Renaissance CD-ROM and online database.

“Words,” The Paris Review, Fall 1988. Reprinted in Poets of the New Century, edited by Rick Higgerson and Roger Weingarten. Boston: David R. Godine, 2001; Fish and Snake:

Poetry Anthology, edited by Aazom Abidav. Tashkent: Muharrir nashriyoti, 2009.

“Yasnaya Polyana,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2014.

“Yes or No” (essay), Conscience, Consequence: Reflections on Father Daniel Berrigan, edited

by Askold Melnyczuk. Boston: Arrowsmith, 2006.

Other Writings

More than 150 articles, profiles, commentaries, op-eds, and reviews in Agos, Albuquerque Journal, Books in Canada, Bloomsbury Review, Chicago Tribune, Iowa City Gazette, Iowa City Press-Citizen, Chelsea, Daily Variety, El Palacio, Harvard International Review, Houston Chronicle, idea&s, Los Angeles Times Book Review, National Catholic Reporter, NPR’s All Things Considered, Notre Dame Review, Orion Magazine, PRI’s The World, Quarterly West, Salt Lake City Deseret News, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe Reporter, Slate, Toronto National Post, To Vima, The Wilson Quarterly, Worcester Telegram & Gazette, and World Cup Daily.


Selections from Brilliant Water, Watch Fire, The Grass of Another Country, The Old Bridge, Only the Nails Remain, From the Faraway Nearby, The Forgotten Language, Seven Poets, Four Days, One Book, and other poems and essays, have been translated and published in Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Farsi, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Mandarin, Mongolian, Oriya, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, and Vietnamese.

Awards, Fellowships, and Prizes

Finalist, 2010 Best Translated Poetry Book Award, for Scale and Stairs: Selected Poems of

Heeduk Ra, translated from the Korean with Won-Chung Kim.

Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, French Ministry of Culture and Communications,


The Kostas Kyriazis Foundation Honorary International Literary Prize, 2005.

Translation Awards, Korean Literature Translation Institute, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2011.

The Writers Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina Annual Literary Award, The Bosnian Stecak, 2001.

Finalist, 1997 Los Angeles Times Book Prize, for The Four Questions of Melancholy: New and Selected Poems by Tomaz Šalamun (editor).

Translation Award, Slovenian Ministry of Culture, 1997.

The Academy of American Poets Peter I. B. Lavan Younger Poets Award, 1993.

Readers’ Choice Award in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, 1992.

Ingram Merrill Foundation Award in Poetry, 1991.

Editors’ Award in Poetry, Columbia: A Magazine of Poetry & Prose, 1990.

Pushcart Prize XV in Poetry, 1990.

John Ciardi Fellow in Poetry, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 1989.

Sherman Brown Neff Fellowship, University of Utah, 1986-1987.

Other Honors

Honorary citizen, Baghdad, Iraq, 2014.

Paul Harris Fellow, Iowa City Rotary Club, 2014.

Inducted into the Iowa City Literary Walk, 2011.

Iowa City Press-Citizen Person of the Year for 2008.

Inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame, the Pingry School, 1998.

Public Readings (a partial listing)

Abu Dhabi International Book Fair; Academy of American Poets; American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; Antioch Graduate Center; Arizona State University; University of Arkansas; Asia Society--New York; Baghdad International Book Fair; Beyond Baroque—Venice, California; Bennington Writing Seminars; University of Bir Zeit; Bjorn Bjornson Festival, Molde, Norway; University of Bosphoros; Boston College; Bowdoin College; Brandeis University; Brattleboro Literary Festival; Brown International Advanced Research Institutes; Buffalo State University; California State University, Northridge; Central Connecticut State University; Chatham College; College of Santa Fe; College of the Holy Cross; Cornell College; University of Damascus; Through the Grapevine, De Balie—Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Dhaka and Eastern Universities, Dhaka, Bangladesh; University of Dubuque; Evergreen State College; Folger Shakespeare Library; Getty Museum; Grinnell College; Hamilton College; Institute of American Indian Arts; Jadavpur University; William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences, University of Massachusetts, Boston; Lewis and Clark College; Library of Congress; Los Angeles Times Festival of Books; Marlboro College; Mt. Mercy College; Middlebury College; Minneapolis College of Arts and Design; Near East University, Cyprus; The New School; New Mexico State University; New York University-Abu Dhabi; Northwestern University; Otterbein University; Peninsula College; Pitzer College; Poetry Society of America—New York, Los Angeles; Poetry Spring 2006—Vilnius, Lithuania; Poets Circle—Athens, Greece; Portland State University; Prescott College; Providence College; Ralph J. Bunche Library, U. S. Department of State; San Antonio Inter-American Bookfair; San Diego State University; Santa Fe Actors Theater; Sarajevo Poetry Days—Tuzla, Mostar, Sarajevo; Sha’ar 2007 International Poetry Festival—Tel Aviv, Israel; Smith College; Southern Book Festival; Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman; SUNY-Fredonia; Trinity University; Tufts University; Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Bali, Indonesia; University of California, Riverside; University of Indianapolis-Athens; University of Jordan; University of La Verne-Athens, Greece; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Michigan; University of Nizwah, Oman; University of Notre Dame; University of Portland; University of the Redlands; University of Rochester; University of Southern California; University of Tennessee; University of Utah; University of Washington; Vermont College; Vilenica Central European Literary Festival, Sezana, Slovenia; Weber State University; Weisman Art Museum; Wellesley College; West Chester State University; Western Illinois University; Whitman College; Worcester Art Museum; Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Zayed University, Abu Dhabi.

Public Lectures (a partial listing)

“From the Last Days of the Interregnum: Notes on Politics and Translation,” keynote address,

American Literary Translators Association, Milwaukee, November 15, 2014.

“Reading Walt Whitman in Tehran,” Iowa City Council on Foreign Relations, May 2014.

“The Intersection of Culture and Diplomacy,” Salt Lake Committee on Foreign Relations, April


“The Same Gate,” Ralph J. Bunche Library, U. S. Department of State, November 2103.

“Creative Writing & Baghdad as a City of Literature,” Imam Ja’afar al-Sadiq University,

Baghdad, Iraq, April 2013.

“Report from the City of Literature,” keynote address, Building a City of Words, Community

Colleges Humanities Association Conference, Iowa City, IA, October 2012.

“A Calling,” College of the Holy Cross, October 2012.

“Peering, Absorbing, Translating: A Note on Geography and Culture,” Third China-U.S.

Cultural Forum, Nanjing, China, September 2012.

“Confluences: Poetry in a Digital Globalized World,” panel presentation, Tripoli International

Poetry Festival, Tripoli, Libya, April 2012.

“Cold, Dark, Clear: A Note on Immersion Journalism,” panel presentation, AWP Conference,

Chicago, IL, March 2012.

“Inscripts: Toward a Poetics of Cultural Engagement,” The New Agora: Europe Native Realm,

Brussels, Belgium, November 2011.

“Staying Found,” keynote address, Uncanny Homecomings: Religion, Literature, and the Arts,

University of Iowa, August 2011.

“Crossing Borders: The Value of Cultural Exchange and How It Can Be Anchored, Encouraged,

and Assured,” panel presentation, Grantmakers in the Arts: Navigating the Art of

Change, Chicago, October 19, 2010.

“Literary Heritage and Creativity,” panel presentation, The Second U.S.-China Cultural Forum:

A Binational Conversation on Bridging Cultures, University of California, Berkeley,

October 2010.

“The Salt Bag: Notes on Poetry and Diplomacy,” Council for International Visitors to Iowa City,

Englert Theater, Iowa City, IA, June 2010; Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland,

Oregon, September 2010.

“The Runner,” Economics, Politics and Ethics in the Light of the Intellectual Inheritance of

Ancient Athens, Delphi, Greece, September 2010.

“Being American,” The Dictionary of War, Moscow, Russia, September 2010.

‘Talk Is Cheap: On Books and The World,” panel presentation, 2009 Obermann Humanities

Symposium, “Platforms for Public Scholars: Humanities in Public Life,” October 2009.

‘The Feast,” keynote address, Iowa City Book Festival, July 2009.

“St.-John Perse and the Book of Nature,” The 5th Annual Religion, Literature and the Arts

Conference: Reading the Book of Nature, University of Iowa, April 2009

“The Life of Discovery,” professional development lecture, James F. Jakobsen Graduate

Research Conference, University of Iowa, March 2009.

“The The: Some Notes on Contemporary American Poetry,” Sung Kyun Kwan University,

Seoul, Republic of Korea, January 2009.

“The Virtue of Necessity,” Re-Mapping the Cultural Narratives in American Literature,

American Center, Kolkata, India, January 2008.

“Better Break It: A Case Study of Black Watch,” Scotland’s Place in the World, Edinburgh,

Scotland, January 2008.

‘Only Connect,” Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Bali, Indonesia, September 2007. The Nordic

Countries and the United States: A Transatlantic Dialogue on a Common Future, Oslo,

Norway, December 2006. Kapittelfestivalen, Stavanger, Norway, September 2006. World

Community Institute and World Affairs Council, Bettendorf, Iowa, September 2006. First International Congress of Creative Writing Programs, Leipzig, Germany, March 2005. Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile, May 2011

“Marvelous Journeys,” keynote address, University of Iowa Honors Program Recognition

Ceremony, April 2006. Johnson County Cultural Alliance, Iowa City, October 2004. The

Role of Travel Literature in Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Ash-Sham (Damascus) as an

Example, Supreme Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Ministry of Higher

Education, Damascus, Syria, December 2008.

“On the Edge,” Europe in Translation: The Rearticulation of European Civilization in a Global

Age, University of Iowa, March 2006.

“The Folded Lie,” Art in the One World: A Consideration of Genocide, California Arts Institute,

January 2006.

“The Virtue of Necessity,” panel presentation, Nonfiction Now, University of Iowa, November


“A Kind of Solution,” keynote address, International Conference of the Association of

Fulbright Scholars, Athens, Greece, October 2004. Carol Spaziani Intellectual Freedom

Festival, Iowa City Public Library, September 2001

“On Writing and War,” The Council of the Association of American Physicians, Chicago, April 2003.

“On Sports Writing,” Council for Advancement and Support of Education Editors Forum, Chicago, March 2003.

“Counterparts: Human Rights and American Literature,” University of Athens, Greece, January


“Other Echoes: Eliot’s Liturgy,” T. S. Eliot Society of Korea, Kyungwon College, Seoul, December 2002.

“The Sound of Falling,” Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, December 2002.

“After Great Pain: Writing September 11th,” The Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Literature in English, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, December 2002.

“The Promise of Freshness: On Poetry, Politics, and Place,” The Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment,” Korea University, Seoul, Korea, December 2002.

“The Imperfect Passion of a Word: On the Art of Translation,” Carol Spaziani Intellectual Freedom Festival, Iowa City Public Library, Iowa City, October 2002.

“The Road to the Contagious Hospital: On the Literary and the Healing Arts,” keynote address, 2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer Research: Bridging Basic Science with Clinical Medicine,” The University of Iowa, October 2002.

“This Land of Living: The Presence of John Hay,” Words & Land: Celebrating John Hay at The Fells, The Fells/Hay National Wildlife Refuge, July 2002.

“The Sound of Falling,” Infinite Respect, Enduring Dignity: Voices and Visions on the

September Attacks, Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry, University of Iowa, January 2002.

Bennington Writing Seminars, January 2002.

“On Poetry and Place,” Closing Address, Conference on Writing and the Environment, Chatham College, June 2001.

“The Promise of Freshness: Poetry, Politics, and the Question of Legitimacy,” The Virginia

Beall Ball Lecture on Contemporary Poetry, Baylor University, March 2001. Regional PEN Congress, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, October 2000.

“October Surprise: The Next Balkan War?” Council on Foreign Relations, Iowa City,

September 2000.

“From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O’Keeffe and the Taos Artists,” Snite Museum of Art/University of Notre Dame, September 1999.

“On the Persistence of Memory: A Journey to Kosovo,” Wellesley College, April 1999.

“A Sense of Origins: Peter Matthiessen’s Boundless Explorations,” keynote address, Endangered Species, Endangered Cultures, East Hampton, NY, March 1999.

“Only the Nails Remain: Cultural Notes from Sarajevo,” Center for European Studies, Harvard University, February 1999.

“Promptings and Premonitions: Translations from the Balkan War Zone,” Boston University, February 1999.

“The Pure Speech of Exile,” International Congress on “The Cultural Identity of Middle and Eastern Europe,” Poznan, Poland, March 1998.

“What These Ithakas Mean: A Life in Poetry,” Keynote Address, 1997 Institute for the

Academic Advancement of Youth Humanities Days, Worcester, March 1997.

“The Writer’s Role in the New World Order,” keynote address, Council for Advancement and Support of Education Conference: The Writing Institute, Baltimore, February 1996.

“The Old Bridge: Notes on Refugees and Humanitarians,” The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California, January 1995.

“Beauty and the Beast: On the War in Bosnia,” European Journey ‘95, Concordia College December 1994.

“Edges and Aesthetics: The Artist’s Role in the New World Order,” Portland International Performance Festival, Portland State University, August 1994.

“Literary Heroes and Heroines of the West,” Associated Writing Programs Annual Convention, Tempe, Arizona, April 1994.

“The Poetry of War,” Artist as Peacemaker: The Bosnian Experience, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Wayne State University, April 1994.

“A Tutelary Spirit: D. H. Lawrence in New Mexico,” Sunlight and Shadow: E.I. Couse in the Taos Valley, The Albuquerque Museum, March 1992.

“The Half-Lives of Little Magazines,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Convention, Spokane, Washington, October 1987.

Media Appearances

All Things Considered (NPR), The World (PRI), Here and Now (NPR), Equal Time (MSNBC), The Connection (NPR), many interviews on local NPR affiliates and in newspapers, magazines, and journals in this country and abroad.

Teaching Positions: colleges and universities

Professor of English, The University of Iowa, with secondary appointments in Cinema and

Comparative Literature, International Programs, and the Honors College, 2000-.

Visiting Professor, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2009.

William H. Jenks Chair in Contemporary Letters, College of the Holy Cross, 1995-2000.

Visiting Lecturer, Chatham College, 1999-2000.

Faculty, Open Society Institute/University of Sarajevo, 1995.

Adjunct Faculty, Northwest Writing Institute, Lewis and Clark College, 1993-95.

Adjunct Professor, Department of English, Santa Fe Community College, 1988-90.

Courses Taught at the University of Iowa

International Literature Today

Translation Workshop

The Poetry of the World

Imagining Yugoslavia

Academic Service at the University of Iowa

Humanities Advisory Board, 2013-.

Arts Advancement Committee, 2011-.

Obermann Center Advisory Board, 2010-11.

Arts and Humanities Initiative Advisory Board, 2009-.

Advisory Board, The Iowa Review, 2008-.

Search Committees: UIHRC Director, 2006-7; Translation Studies, 2007-8; Writers’ Workshop

Director, 2004-5; Obermann Center Director, 2010.

Co-chair, Provost’s Task Force on the Writing University, 2005-6.

Working Group, Virtual Writing University, 2004-.

Co-chair, Year of the Arts and Humanities, 2003-5.

M.A. journalism thesis committee—Lisa Minder, 2005-6.

MFA translation thesis committee--Nancy Tsai, 2003-4; Becka McKay, 2003-4; Diana Thow;

2008-, Andria Cheng, 2011-; Jennifer Zoble, 2010-11. Rachael Small, 2011-12.

MFA nonfiction thesis committee--Margaret Schwartz, 2002-3; Maria Stadtmuller,2002-3; Avia

Kushner, 2005; Yiyun Ye, 2005; Alex Sheshunoff, 2007-8; Spring Ulmer, 2007-8, Erik

Habecker, 2009-10; Mary Helen Kellerman, 2011-12.

MFA nonfiction thesis supervision--Matthew Davis, 2006-7; Joshua Casteel, 2007-9.

Ph.D. committee—Aisha Barnes, 2001-; Anna Barker, 2000-2; Ted Genoways, 2004-6; Judd

Case, 2005-9; Becka McKay, 2005-9; Gyorgy Toth, 2005-2012; Chad Wriglesworth,

2005-10; Sarah Fay, 2010-; Michele Peterson, 2010-11.

Faculty mentor, JDF program, 2003-4.

Executive councils: UI International Programs, 2000-; UI Center for Human Rights, 2000-9.

Advisory board: UI Art Museum, 2003-.

Teaching Positions: writers’ conferences, etc.

Institute of American Indian Arts Writers Festival, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2014.

Australian Poetry Administration, online poetry courses, 2013-.

Writers@Work, Alta, Utah, June 2013.

University of Iowa Overseas Creative Writing Workshop, Cebu, Philippines, 2011.

San Miguel Poetry Week, San Miguel, Mexico, 2010, 2012.

Jackson Hole Writers’ Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 2008.

The Frost Place, Franconia, New Hampshire, 2005.

Prague Writers’ Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004, 2005.

Tin House Writers’ Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2004.

Lake Effect Writers’ Conference, Salt lake City, Utah, 2003.

The Island Institute, Sitka, Alaska, 2002.

Bennington Writing Seminars, Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont, 2002.

Aspen Writers’ Conference, Aspen, Colorado, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009.

Meacham Writers’ Workshop, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 1998.

Vermont College Post-Graduate Seminar, Montpelier, Vermont, 1998.

The Forgotten Language Tour, 1993, 1994, 1997.

Santa Fe Writers’ Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1997, 1998.

Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Lincoln, Oregon, 1996.

Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, Port Townsend, Washington, 1995.

Desert Writers Workshop, Canyonlands Field Institute, Moab, Utah, 1994, 1995.

Smithsonian Institute Seminars, 1990-94.

Yale Environmental Writers’ Conference, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1992.

Resource Artist, Sundance Playwrights’ Lab, Sundance, Utah, 1991.

Creative Writing Institute, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 1991-99, 2001.

Snake River Institute, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1990-94.

Guest Faculty, Puerto del Sol Writing Conference, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,

New Mexico, 1990.

Guest Faculty, Aspen Writers’ Conference, Aspen, Colorado, 1989.

Elderhostel Program, College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1989.

Instructor, Writers at Work, Park City, Utah, 1987, 1988.

Teaching Fellow, English Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1983-87.

Fiction Writer-in-Residence, Brighton High School, Holladay, Utah, Fall 1986.

Poet-in-Residence, Midland School, Roy, Utah, Spring 1986.

Administrative and Editorial Positions

Board of Trustees, Associated Writers and Writing Programs, 2014-.

Advisory Board, Prague Summer Seminars, 2013-.

President, Board of Directors, Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature, 2009-11.

Editorial Board, The Iowa Review, 2009-.

Editor, Tebot Bach International Poetry Series, 2009-.

Contributing Editor, The Writer’s Chronicle, 2009-11.

National Board of Advisors, Hermitage Artist Retreat, 2008-

Advisory Board, Poetry International, 2008-

Advisory Board, North American Network of Cities of Asylum, 2006-7.

Contributing Editor, Atlas/@las, 2005-

Consulting Editor, Words Without Borders, 2005-

Contributing Editor, Virginia Quarterly Review, 2005-

Board of Advisors, International Writers Workshop, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2004-

Board of Directors, Archipelago Books, 2004-6.

Panelist, National Endowment for the Arts Literature Program, 2000.

Contributing Editor, jubilat, 1999-2003.

Advisory Board, Southwest Literary Center, 1999-

Contributing Editor, Tin House, 1998-

Panelist, Ohio Arts Council Individual Fellowships—Poetry, 1998.

Administrator, Lannan Foundation grants to support a reading series at Holy Cross, 1996-99.

Advisory Board, Friends of William Stafford, 1996-

Advisory Board, Four Way Books, 1996-

Advisory Board, Snake River Institute, 1995-98.

Poetry Editor, Orion Magazine, 1993-2003

Contributing Editor, The Paris Review, 1991-95.

Book Review Editor, El Palacio, 1991-2001.

Founder and Director, Santa Fe Literary Center, 1988-92.

Founder and Director, Taos Conference on Writing and the Natural World, 1987-92.

Director, Santa Fe Writers’ Conference, 1987-90.

Publisher, Recursos Press, 1990-92.

Contributing Editor, Tyuonyi, 1989-92

General Editor, Peregrine Smith Poetry Series, 1987-2002.

Administrative Scholar, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 1982-88.

Board of Directors, Writers at Work, 1985-87.

Co-Editor, Quarterly West, 1985-86.

Poetry Editor, Quarterly West, 1984-85.

Intern, Freedom-to-Write Committee, PEN American Center, New York, 1980-81.

Reader, The Fiction Collective, Seattle, Washington, 1979-80.


Member, National Council on the Humanities, appointed by President Obama on 4 April 2012.

Member, U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, 2011-.

Member, Summit for Global Citizen Diplomacy International Cultural Engagement Task Force,


Member, U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Education, Sports,

Cultural Exchanges, and Mass Media, 2009-

Taught creative writing workshops in Beirut, Lebanon; Nicosia, Cyprus; Bethlehem, Hebron,

Kiryat Luza, Nablus, Ramallah, and East Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine; Amman and Kerak,

Jordan; Dadaab, Kenya; Lviv, Ukraine; Damascus, Syria; Manama, Bahrain; Muscat and

Nizwa, Oman; Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; Kathmandu,

Nepal; Kabul and Jalalabad, Afghanistan; Kolomna, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, and

Yekaterinburg, Russia; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Baghdad, Erbil, and Sulaimani, Iraq; Kuwait

City, Kuwait; Yangon, Myanmar; Tashkent and Samarkand, Uzbekistan; Ashgabat,

Turkmenistan; Shenyang, China; Baghdad, Basrah, and Erbil, Iraq; Khartoum Sudan;

Juba, South Sudan; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Yerevan, Armenia; 2008-

Led successful effort to have Iowa City designated as a UNESCO City of Literature, 2008.

Led U.S. State Department-funded tours of American writers to Syria, Jordan, Israel and the

West Bank, Turkey, Cyprus, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco, China, Kenya,

Nepal, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Uruguay, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of

Congo, the Republic of Congo, Brazil, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mozambique, Zimbabwe,

Myanmar/Burma, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Sudan, South

Sudan, Haiti, Cuba, Iraq, and Armenia, 2007-

Hosted Silk Routes: Heritage, Trade, Practice in the Maldives, March 2014; The Same Gate in

Konya and Cappadocia, Turkey in 2013; Peace Work: Writers in Motion in Essaouira and

Fes, Morocco, 2010; Souk Ukaz in Fes, Morocco, 2009; and The New Symposium in

Paros, Greece, 2006-8.

Judge, Harold Morton Landon Translation Award, Academy of American Poets, 2007.

Member, Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State, 2004-5.

Judge, Agha Shahid Ali Memorial Prize in Poetry, University of Utah Press, 2003.

Cultural Specialist, U.S. Department of State—Greece, 2003; Norway, 2003, 2006; Malaysia,

2004; Ukraine, 2006; Jamaica, 2009; Libya, 2010; Bahrain, 2011; Uzbekistan, 2012;

Kuwait, 2012; China, 2103.

Chair, nonfiction panel, National Book Awards, 2002.

International Book Critic, Public Radio International’s The World, 2000-10.

Fellow, the University of Iowa Center for Human Rights, 2000-

Member, PEN American Center.

Member, Authors’ Guild.

Member, Academy of American Poets.

Member, McGovern-Moakley Education Delegation to Cuba—April 2000.

U.S. Information Agency Publishing Education Seminar—Bulgaria, June 1998.

U.S. Information Agency Literary Delegation: “Corridors of Culture”—Romania and Bulgaria,

March 1996.

U.S. Information Agency Goodwill Tour—Albania and Greece, June 1995.


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