T3LT1 Seasonal Rituals Guide


The Seasonal Rituals

A really beautiful way to celebrate and mark the seasons is to do regular rituals. My own pagan ancestors did this, as did people from other cultures all over the world. These rituals are a way to not only mark the changing of the seasons, but also to mark the seasons of life.

Traditionally, these rituals are done along with the seasonal cycle. You can modify them, though, to fit into yours or your client's life and needs. You might want to try doing these seasonal rituals to align with the seasons of your client's life, for example.

Each of the rituals I've detailed here has a seasonal component and a series of practices that go along with it. The rituals either mark the transitions between seasons (called the equinox or solstice) or the height of the season, kind of like its center.

I've also included the dates for the European pagan celebrations, listed for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Winter/Imbolc: February 2 (N. Hemisphere)/August 2 (S. Hemisphere)

Spring Equinox/Ostara: March 20-21 (N. Hemisphere)/September 20-21 (S. Hemisphere)

Spring/Beltane: May 1 (N. Hemisphere)/November 1 (S. Hemisphere)

Copyright 2018, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

T3LT1 Seasonal Rituals Guide


Summer Solstice/Midsummer: June 20-22 (N. Hemisphere)/December 21-22 (S. Hemisphere)

Summer/Lughnasadh August 21 (N. Hemisphere)/February 21 (S. Hemisphere)

Fall Equinox/Mabon September 22-23 (N. Hemisphere)/March 22-23 (S. Hemisphere)

Fall/Samhain: November 1 (N. Hemisphere)/May 1 (S. Hemisphere)

Winter Solstice/Yule: December 21-22 (N. Hemisphere)/June 21-22 (S. Hemisphere)

However, these are based in European tradition. If you're in a different country, climate, or culture, these might not really resonate with you. In that case, I encourage you to take the wisdom and energy of each seasonal cycle ritual and adapt it for where you are, and maybe even bring in customs from your own or your client's own cultural traditions.

I tried to make these rituals more seasonally specific and less culturally specific so that you have the freedom to adapt these to whatever culture you're a part of or that you want to connect with.

In this module, you'll need to complete each season's ritual at least once, and you'll need to complete general seasonal coaching for graduation. The idea is that you can connect yourself with each season so that when you are coaching on seasons, you'll be able to identify and support each season in your clients.

I suggest that you do these rapidly - two a week if you can - as kind of a mini seasonal cycle. It will help you really connect to that season within yourself.

Copyright 2018, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

T3LT1 Seasonal Rituals Guide


Then you can also do the cycles with the seasons over the course of the next year.

Winter Ritual The winter ritual should feel slow, soothing, self-loving, and meditative. It's about honoring death, stillness, and silence. It's not only about death, though; it's about the starting point right after death, too.

Spring Equinox Ritual The spring equinox ritual celebrates newness, the emergence of light, upward movement, curiosity, and growth. It's about the return of light and the awakening of creativity and fertility. It's an exciting and new time.

Springtime Ritual The springtime ritual celebrates the height of playfulness, exploration, creativity, adventure, and flirtation. It's about pleasure, growth, expansion, and a sense of warming energy.

Summer Solstice Ritual Summer solstice is a movement into sexuality, creativity, deeper sensual energy, and wildness. It's a celebration of heat and maturity.

Summer Ritual The summer ritual celebrates life, full bloom, mastery, and completion. It's the fullest expression of yourself, of your art, or of what you've created. It's the opposite of winter: it appears to be all about life, but it has the seeds of death within it because there's nowhere for the energy to go but back in.

Fall Equinox Ritual This ritual at the end of summer is a celebration of abundance and the harvest. It's about really feeling your blessings and the abundance of your life.

Copyright 2018, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

T3LT1 Seasonal Rituals Guide


Fall Ritual The fall ritual is a healing ritual, focused on integration, gratitude, and taking lessons from your life. It's about honoring and seeing the value of your work and drawing wisdom from it.

Winter Solstice Ritual The winter solstice ritual is about surrender. It's about letting go and releasing your life; and in that, honoring death. You can be proud of what you've accomplished and celebrate yourself, but you're also honoring your own movement towards death.


All of these rituals transition into one another; it's a cycle. Each one will guide you to honor particular elements of that season or transition; they will invite you to embody a queen of a certain quality. (Though you can use your own language if the language I've chosen doesn't resonate with you.)

Make these rituals your own. Try what I've created and then adjust it to what deeply speaks to you or to your client.

I highly recommend that you also journal this process. You can focus on what you're celebrating about the season you're leaving behind, what you want to let go of, and what you're going to focus on in the upcoming season.

These rituals are a beautiful and deep way to mark time and honor the seasons - of your body, of sex, of your relationship, of creativity, of life itself! Everything you experience is cyclical, and the more deeply you connect to the seasonal cycle, the more deeply you can connect to the seasons happening all throughout your life.

Copyright 2018, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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