United States Department of Housing and Urban Development

Summit Steering Committee

Building One Pennsylvania

Janis Risch, Executive Director

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

Mary E. Bell, Manager, Demographic and Economic Analysis

Fair Housing Rights Center in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Angela McIver, Chief Executive Officer

Diana Pierre, Education and Outreach Coordinator

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Theresa Singleton, Vice President

Montgomery County Community College

Pat Drewicz, College Scheduling Coordinator

Montgomery County Housing Authority

Joel A. Johnson, Executive Director

Montgomery County Housing and Community Development

Kathy Phifer, Director

Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development

Ed Geiger, Director

Mary J. (MJ) Smith, Strategic Investment Officer

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency

Bryce Maretzki, Director of Business Development

Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

JoAnn L. Edwards, Executive Director

Tameka Hatcher, Program Analyst, II

Philadelphia Housing Authority

Kelvin Jeremiah, President & CEO

Annie Cheng, Chief of Staff

Poverty & Race Research Action Council

Philip Tegeler, Executive Director

Megan Haberle, Policy Counsel

Southeastern Pennsylvania First Suburbs Project

Angela Clinton, Executive Director (Retired)

Rev. Nate Goodson, Prayer Chapel Church of God

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Philadelphia Regional Office

Baltimore Field Office

Office of Community Planning and Development

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

Office of Human Capital Field Support

Office of Policy Development & Research

Office of Public Housing

Office of the Regional Administrator

Office of the Regional Counsel

Philadelphia Homeownership Center

Philadelphia Multifamily Hub

On behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, our partners and our stakeholders, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Moving to Higher Opportunity Summit: Exploring Options and Opportunities for Housing Mobility.

As you can imagine, an endeavor like today takes a lot planning and coordination. And in this instance, budget cuts, sequestration and even a federal government shutdown couldn’t stop our tenacious Summit Steering Committee from pulling together a world-class ensemble of speakers, panelists and moderators.

I’d like to begin with a very special “Thank You” to the members of our Summit Steering Committee whose passion and perseverance (and many volunteer hours) has enabled all of us to benefit from the issue experts we will hear from throughout the day.

And on behalf of our Committee, I acknowledge the generosity of our sponsors, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Housing Authority and the Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission. In this challenging economic environment, their dedication to helping those individuals and families who receive housing assistance is clearly evident from the funding and support they provided for today’s event.

We also greatly benefitted from our in-kind sponsorships including our Summit hosts, the Montgomery County Community College as well as Building One Pennsylvania, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Fair Housing Rights Center in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Montgomery County Housing and Community Development, Montgomery County Housing Authority, Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development, Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC), and Southeastern Pennsylvania First Suburbs Project.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t say “Thank You” to all of our Summit volunteers, including the many men and women from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It’s always reassuring when you put the call out for help and you receive an overwhelming response.

When we stood up today’s event, we hoped to attract individuals in the housing and community development industry including local elected and appointed governmental officials, faith-based leaders, metropolitan and community development planning organizations, fair housing and civil rights organizations and those involved in the delivery of assisted housing. Just look to your left and then your right and you will see—we are here. Enjoy!


Jane C.W. Vincent

Regional Administrator, Region III

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


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