Chapter Summit IV

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV

Attending were: Lisa Autino, John Barber, Bob Biehl, Andrew Binkley, Dave Bradbury, Rick Brienzi, Jackie Buck, Mel Burges, Joe Burkett, Mike Burlas, Owen Cavanaugh, Pat Cebelak, Fred Cook, Mike Corbett, John Corcoran, Debi Creager, Dave Ecklund, Jay Freiermuth, Rick Fuqua, Marty Garrison, Lynn Hansen, Lanny Harer, Barbara Hoberock, Martha Holland, Belva Hood, Pat Hurst, Dana Jensen, Darrin Johnson, Susan Johnson, Lori Jones, Dennis Joyce, Rich King, Randy Knecht, Jeff Krall, Yvonne Krause, Tom Lowery, Gayle McClellan, Joyce McNell, John Mellon, David Moore, Nino Morello, Suzanne Moss, Annette Mullet, Dean O’Brien, George Parrott, Shelli Petersen, Mark Raper, George Rebeck, Karla Ross, Brenda Schertz, Kevin Schlueter, Dave Smith, Mike Spinosa, Vickie Spotts, Bill Steimer, Todd Taggart, Cathy Tisue, Pam Tucker, Erika Urbani, Lisa Vandergriff, Bryan Volk, Marj Weber, Malinda Webster, Bruce Weir, and Betsy Zietlow.

CFMA Director, Chapter Services Mike Molaro welcomed everyone and opened Chapter Summit IV with a “warm up” exercise at 8:10 a.m.

Mike introduced the CFMA national officers and Headquarters staff present. He also introduced the six members of the Chapter Affiliation Task Force who structured Chapter Summit IV and who will present the morning segment: Erika Urbani, John Corcoran, Nino Morello, Marty Garrison, Dean O’Brien, and Annette Mullet.

Mike added that the entire morning is dedicated to the Chapter Affiliation Agreement (CAA) and encouraged open discussion. The CAA was e-mailed as a PDF file to all chapter leaders on April 1 and a hard copy was mailed to chapter presidents on April 3.

Mistress of Ceremonies Erika Urbani emphasized that the Chapter Affiliation Agreement was created “By Chapters For Chapters.” A 14-person volunteer Task Force consisting of attendees from Chapter Summit III structured the CAA. She also focused on the three key objective words for Chapter Summit IV: Accountability, Consistency, and Value.

John Corcoran provided a look back at “Where We’ve Been” by reviewing the three previous Chapter Summits.

Nino Morello opened the “Where We Are” portion by outlining the responsibilities of CFMA Headquarters and the chapters and the process used to structure the CAA. One of the most important responsibilities of CFMA HQ is the development of a chapter “Dashboard Benchmarking Product.”

A lively discussion ensued about chapters needing more information about the type of financial information required from them, especially regarding tax implications. It was agreed that CFMA HQ would research exactly what is needed from the chapters and promote that information quickly and often to the chapter leadership.

Marty Garrison reviewed the timeframe for the CAA and the steps taken to best communicate the CAA to our 89 chapters.

Dean O’Brien and Annette Mullet outlined the enforcement of the CAA, including that 100% compliance is expected by April 1, 2007.

Erika Urbani reviewed “the latest” regarding the CAA. She added that an Affiliation Review Committee has been set up to review on a case-by-case basis chapters that are not in compliance by April 1, 2007.

If a chapter is dissolved due to non-compliance, they will not be able to use the CFMA name or CFMA logo and will not be covered under the Chapter Directors and Officers Insurance provided by CFMA HQ.

Mike Molaro reviewed the “Chapter Presidents’ Time Line,” a new product that will provide chapter presidents with an April-March snapshot of what’s happening at CFMA HQ and what is expected from chapters. The Time Line coincides with the CAA requirement of every chapter having an April-March fiscal year.

CFMA President & CEO Bill Schwab, CFMA Chief Operations Officer Brian Summers, and Mike Molaro reviewed the responsibilities of CFMA HQ under the CAA.

Brian Summers led a group discussion on what the attendees would like to see included in the “Dashboard Benchmarking Product” in addition to the 12 current items. The attendees came up with approximately 25 items.

Before breaking for lunch, four chapters—Philadelphia, Dallas/Fort Worth, Central Indiana, and Portland—became the first to be in compliance with and sign the CAA.

Brian Summers facilitated a one-hour “Chapter Challenges and Opportunities” group exercise. The top three responses were: Getting Members Involved with Passion, Leadership Succession, and Membership Growth.

Some of the solutions presented by the attendees included:

• Calling members (Personal Touch)

• Providing membership incentives

• Hold a new member meeting

• The “CFMA and You” presentation

• Ask each associate member to bring two general members to a meeting

• Discounts for second and third members of firms

• Inquire about how the current Board of Director members were inspired to participate

A ”What’s New at HQ” update included the following:

• CFMA’s new database & chapter database solutions

• CFMA’s new organizational infrastructure

• CFMA’s Web site, including a detailed look at the Chicago Chapter Web site’s members-only section

• Operation: Chapter Outreach

• CFMA’s succession plan

Brian Summers and Mike Molaro facilitated a 30-minute session on “Structuring a Dynamic Board of Directors.”

Mike Molaro emphasized the key point of the presentation: “The role of the Board of Directors is not to do the work. The role of the Board of Directors is to ensure that the work gets done.”

Topics discussed were:

• The Board being strategic, not operational

• Objectives of the Board of Directors

• What a Successful Board Does

• Tips for Recruiting Board Members

• Orientation of New Board Members

• Planning for the Board Meeting

Bill Schwab and Mike Molaro facilitated a 30-minute presentation on “Running a Successful Meeting.”

Detailed points included:

• Three Types of Meeting Topics (Informational, Discussional, Decisional)

• Starting the Meeting

• Conducting the Meeting

• Closing the Meeting

Erika Urbani thanked everyone for their attendance and participation and reminded everyone that Chapter Summit V is scheduled for Saturday, May 19 as part of CFMA’s 2007 Annual Conference & Exhibition at the Marriott Desert Ridge in Phoenix, AZ.

Erika adjourned Chapter Summit IV at 3:45 p.m.


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