
31054492984500Suncoast Credit Union2018-2019Grant Application4791075698500Available to Polk County Public and Charter Schools & administered by The Polk Education Foundation Applications are due November 30, 2018.Suncoast Credit Union is proud to invest in education in Polk County. This grant will award one $5,000 grant for ANY need at the selected school. This is a competitive grant so each question should be answered thoughtfully and thoroughly. Schools will need to complete the following questions to be considered for funding. Funds will be distributed later this fall. Limit one application per school. Due to limited courier service, please submit the following by November 30th: Email an electronic copy (word doc) of your application to bee@polk- Email a signed copy of your complete application as a PDF to bee@polk-Contact Shannan Combee at bee@polk- or by phone at 863-534-0803 with any questions.Contact Information: School Name FORMTEXT ?????Principal Name FORMTEXT ????? School Phone Number FORMTEXT ?????School Route FORMTEXT ?????Program Contact Name FORMTEXT ????? Contact Email FORMTEXT ????? General information: Requested amount? FORMTEXT ????? (not to exceed $5,000)Total number of students enrolled at your school? FORMTEXT ?????Projected number of students impacted by this program? FORMTEXT ????? (If applicable) Projected number of students from whom you will collect data? FORMTEXT ?????(If applicable) Number of participating low-performing students*? FORMTEXT ????? *low-performing is defined as scoring below a L3 on statewide assessments OR for whom persistent achievement gaps exist. Grade level(s) participating? FORMTEXT ?????2017-2018 School Grade FORMTEXT ????? If a school grade is not available, please explain FORMTEXT ?????How many teachers will participate? FORMTEXT ?????How will you recognize Suncoast Credit Union and Polk Education Foundation? FORMTEXT ????? (i.e. website, marque, Facebook, newsletter, etc.)Grant Narrative: This is a competitive grant so be sure to include details that will “sell” your need/Proposal. Use the text boxes provided to type responses. Project Proposal/Need: Explain in detail a need at your school and how this funding will meet this need. FORMTEXT ?????Describe in detail why your school has this need? And explain why your school or the district does not have funds to pay for this proposal/need. FORMTEXT ?????Describe in detail what you are trying to achieve with funding from this grant. FORMTEXT ?????How you will measure success of this project? FORMTEXT ?????Complete the following questions as applicable: What do you want students to know and be able to do at the end of this project? FORMTEXT ?????List Florida standards you are addressing with this project? (Include both the standard and the narrative description) FORMTEXT ?????If your focus is increasing academic achievement, how will you assess and document academic achievement addressed by your proposal? FORMTEXT ????? If you are incorporating professional development in your proposal, describe your plan and expectations for implementation of new knowledge. FORMTEXT ?????How will you build capacity to sustain this project in future years? FORMTEXT ?????Project Timeline: All funds must be spent by February 1, 2019, the due date to submit financial documentation (including final budget form, receipts and purchase orders). Projects must be fully implemented and/or completed by April 22, 2019. Final project reports are due no later than April 22, 2019. Please describe the timeline of your proposed project: FORMTEXT ?????Project Budget: Write a detailed budget (up to $5,000) for expenditures including the cost of the materials and their suppliers and/or name of company hosting workshop and all costs associated with professional development. All related professional development and/or materials purchased must align with your project proposal. If the budget for this project exceeds your allotted amount, please explain where the additional funds will come from. FORMTEXT ?????Purchase technology in accordance with PCPS (or charter) technology guidelines. Inventory and barcode all technology purchased with grant funds. A description of the technology and barcode identification will be required as part of the financial report. (This will be audited.) Proposed Budget:Item DescriptionSupplier/vendorQuantityPrice per itemTotal FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? 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FORMTEXT ?????Total: FORMTEXT ?????Other Comments: FORMTEXT ?????Signature Page:If funded, our school agrees to: (Click on box to check) FORMCHECKBOX Use the funds for the purposes required by this grant and as described in the proposal. You MUST notify PEF immediately if you are unable to spend all the funds. Any unused funds must be returned to Polk Education Foundation by February 1, 2019. FORMCHECKBOX Barcode and inventory all technology purchased with grant funds at the school site. Barcodes and item numbers will be required on the final report. Failure to comply could result in returning a portion of or all of the grant funds. FORMCHECKBOX Write and submit thank you notes by February 1, 2019 (Specific information will be provided to winner) FORMCHECKBOX Submit financial documentation by February 1, 2019. (Financial report will be sent to recipient once grant is awarded.) FORMCHECKBOX Submit a Final Report by April 22, 2019. (Final report will be sent to recipient in March.)Principal’s Name: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Principal’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Contact’s Name (If different from above): FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Contact’s Signature: _________________________________________________ PLEASE keep a copy of this app for your records. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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