
Month / Season: October Class: Primary 4 Level: First

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

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|Hours of God |I can participate in the creation of a |Class – Children will help the teacher to decorate the class altar in honour of Mary |Blue and white tissue |Children will assist in the |

| |prayer space in my classroom in honour |for the month of October. They will complete an art activity. Using the template of |paper |preparation of the class |

|RERC 1-15a |of Mary – especially during the season |Mary attached they will use tissue paper to create a textured look. The finished |Photocopy of Mary image |altar. |

|I can honour Mary as Mother of|of Advent and the months of May and |images should be hung on the altar wall. |(Preferably on card) | |

|Jesus and our Mother. I can |October. | | | |

|share why we honour Her. | | | | |

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|Son of God | | |Bibles | |

| |I know that Jesus celebrated Jewish |Class – Children will read from scripture the story of Jesus in the Temple. (Luke |Printed picture of Jesus |Children will be able to |

|RERC 1-06a |festivals and that the most important of|2:41-52). The children will discuss the story. | |recognise that Jesus was |

|I have examined some |these was called ‘Passover’. |The teacher will print out a picture of Jesus onto A4 or A3 paper. This should be | |both teacher and healer. |

|political, social, historical |I have listened to Exodus 12: 1-14 and I|backed onto card and cut into six pieces. Prior to the lesson the teacher places | |They will be able to retell |

|and religious elements in |can explain that Passover is when Jewish|these pieces around the school yard. The children will seek out each pieces and | |the stories covered in |

|first century Palestine and |people celebrate being freed from |together make the puzzle. The teacher will explain to the children that Jesus wants | |class. |

|gained an understanding of |slavery in Egypt. |us to seek him out just like treasure. |White board to display | |

|Jesus' life on earth. |I know that Jesus went to a synagogue on| |map. | |

| |a holy day, which is called the |Class – Revisit the story of Jesus in the temple. Show the children a map of the | | |

| |"Sabbath". |Promised Land | | |

| |I know that the Jewish Sabbath is a |and show how far Mary and Joseph travelled to celebrate Passover. Do you remember | | |

| |Saturday and that Christians have a holy|what Passover is? It is important to remember that Jesus and his family would not | | |

| |day which is a Sunday. |have travelled alone. They would have been accompanied by cousins, aunts and uncles | | |

| |I know that the Sabbath is holy because |as well as neighbours and friends. | | |

| |that is the day God rested after | | | |

| |creating the heavens and the earth |Jesus looked for God like treasure. He wanted to learn everything he could about God.| | |

| |(Genesis 2: 2). |Jesus wants us to be like him. He wants us to learn about God and seek God out just | | |

| |I know that Sunday is the Christian holy|as he did. How can we seek God out? E.g. by praying, by reading the Bible, by going | | |

| |day because that is the day that Jesus |to church, by asking questions. Follow up worksheets attached to planner. | | |

| |rose from the dead. (Matthew 28: 1) | | | |

| |I can recognise that, while in the | | | |

| |synagogue, Jesus would have read prayers| | | |

| |called Psalms and I know that when we go| | | |

| |to Mass on Sunday we pray the same | | | |

| |Psalms which are taken from the Old | | | |

| |Testament. | | | |

| |key vocabulary Passover, freed from | | | |

| |slavery in Egypt, Synagogue, Sabbath, | | | |

| |Psalms, Old Testament. | | | |

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| |I know that we learn about Jesus as | | | |

| |teacher and healer through the Gospels. | | | |

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| |I can hear, read and recall some | | | |

| |examples of Jesus teaching, healing and | | | |

| |nourishing in the Gospels e.g., | | | |

| |the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6: 5-13) | | | |

|RERC 1-06b |the cure of the centurion’s servant | | | |

|I have examined the role of |(Matthew 8: 5-13) | | | |

|Jesus as a teacher and a |first miracle of the loaves (Matthew 14:| | | |

|healer and I have reflected on|13-21) | | | |

|how His words and actions |and I know that Jesus teaches, heals | | | |

|influence my own life and the |and nourishes us when we ask him. | | | |

|lives of others. |I know that all of Jesus’ teachings show| | | |

| |us how to live in relationship with God | | | |

| |our Father and each other. | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

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| | |Class – Children will locate the story of Jairus’ Daughter in the Bible (Mark |Bibles | |

| | |5:21-24, 35-43). They should read this together. Discuss – Do you think Jairus might | | |

| | |have known about Jesus before he went to Him for help? How might he have known about | | |

| | |Him? If someone in your family was ill who would you go to for help? Can you recall | | |

| | |any other Bible stories when someone went to Jesus for help? It is important that we | | |

| | |help people who are in trouble or who are ill. Why do you think this is? Sometimes we| | |

| | |overlook people because we are so wrapped up in ourselves. | | |

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| | |Class – The children will make ‘magic caring glasses’. These are a fun way to make | | |

| | |the children understand that we should always be looking and helping people who need |Photocopy of Template | |

| | |our help. (see attached craft plan) Children can complete crossword about this Bible |Pre-laminated sheets | |

| | |story (attached to planner). |Glitter, glue, stickers | |

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| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Jesus as Teacher, Jesus as Healer, Jesus nourishes us. | | |

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| | |Class – The teacher will follow the instructions to complete Confirmation Workbook. | | |

| | | |Confirmation Workbooks | |

|Signs of God |Continue preparation for the Sacrament | | |Children will complete their|

| |of Confirmation. | | |Confirmation workbooks. |

|RERC 1-09a I am exploring the | | | | |

|Sacraments of Initiation and | | | | |

|Reconciliation and I have | | | | |

|reflected on how the | | | | |

|Sacraments help to nurture | | | | |

|faith. | |Class – Children will complete a reciprocal reading task on ‘What is a Saint?’ They | | |

| | |will be able to clarify and question only. (attached to the planner). |What is a Saint – Reading | |

| | | |Sheets |Children will have a basic |

|Signs of God |I have examined the role of the Holy |Home – They will carryout a research task on patron saints as a homework task. | |understanding of what a |

| |Spirit in the lives of the saints in the|(attached to planner). Children who do not have access at home to the Internet should| |saint is, how people become |

|RERC 1-10a |other Strands of Faith and I recognise |be given break/lunchtime access to complete task. |Homework sheet photocopied|saints and the purpose of |

|I have examined the role of |that the Holy Spirit helps and | | |saints. |

|the Holy Spirit in my life and|strengthens us to respond | | | |

|in the lives of others. |to God’s call to us to be saints. | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know that when I listen to God’s Word,|Class – Children will discuss the homework task. They will share information on |Bibles |Children will understand |

| |the Holy Spirit speaks to me and helps |saints that they have researched. The teacher leads the discussion: What is common in|Worksheet – ‘Pente-what?’ |that the Holy Spirit gives |

| |me to follow Jesus closely in my daily |all these stories? Where do you think their strength, bravery, faith came from? | |them strength and to follow |

| |life. |Children read from scripture the story of Pentecost (Acts 2:1 – 13) | |the example of Jesus and the|

| | |While the teacher reads the story the children will complete worksheet ‘Pente-what?’ | |saints. |

| | |( attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Parish – The parish priest visits the children to discuss this very important |Contact Priest to arrange | |

| | |sacrament. He will explain to the children that the Holy Spirit speaks to us and |class visit | |

| | |guides us, helping us to follow the example of Jesus. | | |

| | |(Pages 20-24 or Confirmation Workbook – Complete or revisit) | | |

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| | |Class – Prayer to the Holy Spirit should be written up as a handwriting lesson in |Prayer Cards printed and | |

| | |jotter and decorated. A copy of the prayer should be sent home to be learnt by heart |laminated | |

| | |(cards attached to planner should be photocopied and laminated). A poster should be | | |

| | |placed on the class altar and included as part of daily prayers. ( attached to |Class Poster | |

| | |planner). | | |

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| | |Useful website | | |

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| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Holy Spirit, saints, listened to God’s Word, follow Jesus. | | |

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GLASSES CRAFT – See What Jesus Sees

The children will make a pair of glasses to remind them to look for people who need them. People who are sad, lonely, ill or hurting.


1 sheet of card with glasses template printed

Clear pre laminated sheet


Crayons or colouring pens

Glitter & sticky stars


Cut out the eyeglass template and decorate

Cut out laminate shapes to glue or sticky tape onto the back (lenses)

Teacher will staple legs on to glasses and tape over any sharp edges.

Remind the children of how Jesus helped people and wants them to do the same.

What is a saint?

A saint is a person just like you and me that God gave special graces to in order for them to do special things.  All the saints were holy men and women.  Some of the saints could work miracles, some could heal, some had the ability to be in two places at once.  God knew these people, as He knows us, and gave them these abilities because God knew these people would do His Will.  How often do we pray to do God's Will?  The saints asked all the time.

How do we make a saint?

The process used by the church to name a saint is called canonization.  This process has been used since the 10th century.  For hundreds of years they had saints but the acts performed by the saints may or may not have true so that is why the Church, in all her wisdom, changed the rules.  Pope John Paul II, our pope now, made huge changes to make it more fair to us all. The bishop waits for a long time after the death of a person.  Then an investigation is started.  His or her life is looked at and any books or papers that are found are read by the bishop to be sure that person follows the true teaching of the church.  Then a group of people called Theologians and

cardinals in a group called "Congregation for the Causes of Saints" at the Vatican look into it and they decide if they should be approved.  If they are approved then the pope makes them Venerable.

The next step is after death they have to perform a miracle.  That make sure that the person is in heaven.  A person like you or me has to ask them for a special thing such as a healing.  If we are healed, then the pope can Beatify them.

The third and final step is one more miracle.  After that miracle then the pope can canonize them.  That tells us that the person has led a holy life, is in heaven, and is to be honoured by the Church.

Do we worship the saints?

No, we don't.  We only worship God.  The saints only assist us in our prayers to God.  We only ask for the saint's intercession for us to God. The saints wrap up our prayers real nice and hand them to God for us.  They can talk to God for us.  Then it is up to God to either say yes or no.

You can have a picture or a statue of a saint. Having a statue of St. Francis of Assisi might remind you of the beauty of our earth.  They are just reminders, nothing more.

Patron Saints

Using the internet find out the names of the patron saints for the following:

| | |

|Description |Name of Saint |

|Lost Causes | |

|Lost Items | |

|Animals and Nature | |

|Accountants | |

|Athletes | |

|Toothache and Dentists | |

|Soldiers | |

|Gravediggers and Undertakers | |

|Astronauts | |

|Football | |

|Police | |

|Lawyers | |

Find out about the lives of two other patron saints, what they did, where they were from, and what they are patron saints of. You will be asked to share the information your find with your classmates in a future lesson.

Patron Saints (ANSWER SHEET)

Using the internet find out the names of the patron saints for the following:

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|Description |Name of Saint |

|Lost Causes |Saint Jude |

|Lost Items |Saint Anthony |

|Animals and Nature |Saint Francis of Assisi |

|Accountants |Saint Matthew |

|Athletes |Saint Sebastian |

|Toothache and Dentists |Saint Apollonia |

|Soldiers |Saint Joan of Arc |

|Gravediggers and Undertakers |Saint Joseph of Arimathea |

|Astronauts |Saint Joseph of Cupertino |

|Football |Saint Mirren |

|Police |Saint Michael |

|Lawyers |Saint Thomas More |

In the box below, write down key words while I read out the story of Pentecost.

The second time I read it, add to your words, underline or highlight what you think are the most important.

Now draw a story board in the 6 boxes below to show what happened.

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1. Jesus as Teacher & Healer

2. The Gift of the Holy Spirit

& us.

What is a Saint?


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.



Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


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