The Memorial Messenger

The Memorial Messenger

Memorial Baptist Church exists to glorify God; and is committed to

helping each individual understand that they are truly loved by Him,

accepted by His followers, and offered life-changing hope in Jesus.

Memorial Baptist Church 202 19th Street Website:

Phone: (307) 322-3236 Wheatland, WY 82201 E-mail: office@

You are invited to attend…


( Dinin’ on Valentine’s Day!! )

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dinner * Entertainment * Movie

Doors open at 5:30 p.m ~ Dinner served at 6:00 p.m.

Movie will be Fireproof, starring Kirk Cameron

For All Adults ~ Singles or Couples!

Free admission tickets required! Donations gratefully accepted.

A limited number of tickets are available.

Tickets may be picked up at the following locations:

Memorial Baptist Church

Hair We Are

Noyce’s Shop/Lenny’s Lasers

Dance Wyoming

Childcare provided, with adult supervision, by Memorial Baptist Youth. Children may be dropped off at old Junior High Building,

beginning at 5:30 p.m. Reservations for children are required.

Please telephone the MBC Office at 322-3236.

February Activities for Youth & Children!

Weekly Opportunities for Youth…


Sunday School for Youth is held at 9:45 a.m.

On Sunday evenings from 6:00 until 7:00 p.m., the Youth are enjoying a Bible study led by Ken Grant, and based on the book, Do Hard Things. This is a challenge to our young people to go above what is expected.


Lunch for High School students is served at Memorial Baptist each Monday (that school is in session) at 11:50 a.m.


Youth Fellowship on Wednesday evenings runs from 6:30 until 8:00 p.m. Our students are learning to develop a Biblical world view by exploring what the Bible teaches us in relation to our beliefs about a number of different subjects.


Every Friday in February, will find our Youth gathering at Memorial Baptist for a time of fellowship, food, and fun from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m. There is always a large group of students who enjoy this opportunity to relax and have a good time together, often with a short devotional in the mix.

Opportunities for Children…


Sunday School for children of all ages is held at 9:45 a.m.

On Sunday evenings from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m., our children share a meal and learn about Jesus. They also enjoy other activities, such as crafts and music.


Adults Invited…

MBC’s Youth and Children’s ministries can always use adult assistance with the many activities we provide for our young people. There are many ways you can help…from providing meals for High School students on Mondays or for children on Sunday evenings, to teaching, to simply being a “warm body”, on hand to provide support and encouragement for students and teachers, alike. Would you like to be a part of these vital ministries, which can reach future generations for Jesus Christ? Please contact Ken Grant, our Director of Student Ministries, at 322-3236. And, thanks!!

Home Bible Study Back in Session…

Our Home Bible Study group began meeting again on Wednesday, January 27th. This group meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. at 195 Hightower Road. If you have questions or would like more information about this Bible Study opportunity, please give us a call here at the church office (322-3236).


Church Council Scheduled to Meet…

The next meeting of the MBC Church Council is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, February 7th, at 4:00 p.m. in the Senior Adult Classroom. The Church Council will meet to finalize plans for the upcoming DVD (Dinin’ on Valentine’s Day) event, as well as other future activities. Everyone is welcome to attend, and all standing committees are encouraged to have a representative present.


February Business Meeting Rescheduled…

Due to our Sunday evening DVD (Dinin’ on Valentine’s Day) event, our February Business Meeting, normally scheduled for the second Sunday of the month, has been rescheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 21st. Each month, we hear reports from our Student Ministries Director, our Sunday School Superintendent, our Deacons, and all our committees. It’s a great way to be involved in the life of our church. Pray for all those who are in leadership positions, and pray that all our decisions may bring glory and honor to our Heavenly Father.


Frontier Baptist Missions Banquet…

The annual Missions Banquet for the Frontier Baptist Association has been slated for Friday, February 26, 2010. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not know any further details regarding this event. Please watch your church bulletins and your e-mail for updated information as it is received. This is a popular event, as people enjoy meeting with others from churches around our Association and learning of missions opportunities and ministries.


Associational Week of Prayer…

The Frontier Baptist Association has scheduled its annual week of prayer for Sunday, February 21 through Saturday, February 27, 2010. Please make a special effort to pray for the all the churches in our association and their ministries during this week.

February Women’s Birthday Club Lunch

Attention, Ladies! Are you developing a serious case of “cabin fever?!” Here’s a sure way to beat the winter “blahs”…call your friends and make plans to attend our February Women’s Birthday Club Lunch!

Pictured at right is the wonderful group of women who were on hand to celebrate our January birthdays!

Date and Time: Wednesday, February 10th at 12:00 noon

Location: Big A Restaurant, 1553 South Street

Birthday Cake provided by: Ruby Lockman

Birthstone: Amethyst Flower: Violet

Honoring the February Birthdays of:

Jamie Douglas (February 1)

Casey Smith (February 1)

Linda Evans (February 5)

Linda Eliason (February 12)

Juanita Mitchell (February 19)

Kim Lauck (February 20)

Becky Kumpf Febuary 25)

We’ve decided to try something new…you do not need to bring cards for all our birthday gals with you to our lunch. Cards will be provided for us to sign just for those ladies who are unable to attend. So simply come, and enjoy a good meal, and have a homemade dessert with us! Those celebrating birthdays of the month are treated to lunch, while the rest of us pick up our own checks. Feel free to join us at any time, even if you have never come before! All women are invited to attend! If you would like transportation or need further details, please phone the church office at 322-3236.


Beth Moore Simulcast in Cheyenne

There will be a one-day simulcast event, based on Beth Moore’s newest book, So Long Insecurity, on Saturday, April 24, 2010, at the Cheyenne Hills Church, located at 7505 U.S. Highway 30 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Participants will learn to conquer fear and doubt, and will discover the liberating confidence that can only be found in Christ. Partly autobiographical in nature, Beth uses stories, prayers, and practical ideas to nudge us out of insecurity and into the knowledge of our God-given dignity. No matter your age or status, you can learn to battle insecurity with God’s Truth. For more information regarding this event, please contact our church office.

~ Memorial Baptist Church will host our next Beth Moore Simulcast Event on September 18, 2010. ~

Celebrating Special Days in February…

1 – Jamie Douglas

Casey Smith,

Khrysie Snyder

3 – Kenny Bordelon,

Dale McKain,

James & Anita Welken (A)

4 – Brandon Johnson

5 – Grace Benson,

Linda Evans

6 – Clint Chason

7 – Jenifer Cook

8 – Jessica Johnson

9 – Richard Eliason,

Stacey Kopejtka

12 – Linda Eliason.

Georgia Graves

13 – Duane Muchmore

16 – Jeremy Nikkel

19 – Juanita Mitchell,

Heather Burch

20 – Kim Lauck

22 – Beth Mitchell

23 – Ernie & Beth Douglas – A

25 – John Knott, Becky Kumpf

Coming Up in March…

1 – Payton Anna

2 – Sunni Lauck Linse,

Kay Loveland,

Katie Niemczyk,

Eric & Khery Otero(A)

4 – Linda Boughton,

Kelly Farris

5 – Beverly Burns

6 – Sean Huffer

7 – Linda Fabian

8 – Greg & Kay Loveland (A)

12 – Lynn Nikkel,

Frank Smith

15 – Roxie Wickam

19 – Alyssa Brown,

Crystal & Crista Contreras,

Caleb Grant, Char Taylor

20 – Pierce Peasley

22 – Desi Contreras,

Julia Farris,

Ryan Lay

23 – Marvin Lauck,

Tyler Lauck

27 – Ashley Cain

30 – Jack Baker,

Elaine Chason,

Reneé McKain,

Carrie Nix

Did we miss your birthday or anniversary? Please call us at the church at 322-3236, and tell us your special day(s)!


Cocoa Kiss Cookies

(A very appropriate recipe for Valentine’s Day! Makes about 4 ½ dozen cookies.)

1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, softened

2/3 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour

¼ cup cocoa powder

1 cup finely chopped pecans (optional)

About 54 HERSHEY’S™ kisses

Powdered sugar

1. Beat butter, granulated sugar, and vanilla extract in a large bowl until creamy. Stir together flour and cocoa; gradually add to butter mixture, beating until blended. Add pecans; beat until well blended. Refrigerate dough about 1 hour or until firm enough to handle.

2. Heat oven to 375º. Remove wrappers from chocolates. Mold a scant tablespoon of dough around each chocolate, covering completely. Shape into balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheets.

3. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until set. Cool about 1 minute; remove from cookie sheets to wire racks to cool completely. Roll in powdered sugar. Roll in powdered sugar again just before serving, if desired.

This Month’s Prayer List

Please feel free to telephone the church office at 322-3236

if you would like to have us join with you in prayer for a need.


The Family of Ruby Lee Mayfield

Travel Mercies:

Jack & Sue Baker

Health & Other Needs:

Addison (niece of Cindy Geile)

Audra Jo (Lu Lay’s niece)

Sam Bish (a little boy)

Bob (friend of Pastor Craig)

“Boots” (Judy Huffaker’s sister-in-law)

Idy Bramlet


Sjoenelle Bowen

Alyssa Brown

Edna Burns

Dr. E.R. Cagle

Caleb (son of Bill & Deb Morin)

Cassie (Lu Lay’s niece)

Jennie Cline

Ron Coleman (friend of Dorthea & Char)

Corina (Bonnie Terrell’s niece)

Karen Cox

Brud Coy

Gwen Criss

Evan Delaughter (Judy Huffaker’s relative)

Don (Deb Morin’s stepfather)

Doris (Judy Huffaker’s aunt)

Chevelle Duff

Claire Evans (Carol Cook’s sister)

Franklin Farnsworth

Casey & Melaine Fischer

Miken Harnish’s Dad

Fred Hattan

Harry Hattan

Bobby Hayes (Ken Grant’s brother-in-law)

Dorthea Henderson & Char Taylor

Dallas Hoffman

Alana Hohnholt

Helen Howell

Larry, Gerald, & Gary Jackson (cousins of Judy Huffaker)

Jenkins Family (house fire)

Clara Lou Johnson

Ruth Johnson

Jovie (niece of Marge Scholten)

Amanda Kittell

Ramona Knott

Gerry Lauck

Ella Mae Lawrence (friend of Carol Cook)

Ruby Lockman

Maudie Louthan

Sylvia & Wade Louthan

Colleen Madsen

Minnie Martens

Barbara McGuire

Lili McVey

Libby Mickelsen

Jack Miller

Stephanie Mote’s Dad

Duane Muchmore

Carolyn Nix’s Dad

Cheryl Nockles

Norma (daughter of Richard & Marilyn Russell)

Beth & Paul Ostich

Christina Peterson

Roger Peterson

Pat Preuit

Ellen Ruiz

Marilyn Russell

Marilyn Russell’s brother

Sharleen & Emily Samuelson

Pastor Saunders

Joe & Ashley Scott’s baby

Mary & Kirk Simpson (Robert Lowder’s aunt & uncle)

Frank Smith

Janis Soule (Doris Soule’s daughter-in-law)

Linda Sowers

Brett Spiker (son-in-law of Richard & Marilyn Russell)

Melvin Stoddard (Elaine Chason’s uncle)

Brenda Brown Strickholm

Doris Thorne

Ron & Jackie Tillman

Sharon Utter

Sharon Wagner

Jean & Bill Waitz (Carol Cook’s relatives)

Wayne (Deb Morin’s brother)

Connie White (Carol Cook’s sister)

Trudy Whitfield

Marge & Britt Wilson


Matt Anderson

Ben (Morin’s son USAF)

Sam Ethridge & his troops (Craig’s cousin’s husband)

Chris Evans

Karen Hamden’s brother

Roy Hitt

Brandon Johnson

Duane Messner

Alan Parmeter & his USAF unit

Landon Tyson

Other Requests:

Our local nursing home

Christians in government positions

Earthquake victims in Haiti

Why Lincoln Stood…

When it came time for the pastoral prayer at the church Abraham Lincoln attended, the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., the president stood up. Because most of the worshippers remained seated, someone asked the president why he stood. Lincoln responded, “When my generals come into the Oval Office, they stand for their commander-in-chief. Isn’t it proper, then, that I stand for my Commander-in-Chief?”

Presidents’ Day is observed on Monday, February 15, 2010.

Let’s all thank God for the freedoms we enjoy in our country,

and pray that they may be preserved.


How the Boy Scouts Came to America…

Boy Scout Motto: “Be prepared.”

In 1909, Chicago publisher William Dickson Boyce was visiting London. Late one afternoon, the city was enshrouded in heavy fog. Boyce lost his bearings in the murk, and was approached by a boy of about twelve, who was carrying a lantern. The boy offered to guide Boyce to the address he was seeking. When Boyce produced a shilling, the boy replied, “No, sir, I am a scout. Scouts do not accept tips for good turns.”

That comment piqued Boyce’s curiosity. He wanted to learn more about scouting in Britain, so the boy took him to the British Scout headquarters. He was so enthralled with what he heard there, that he decided to get scouting started in America.

Scout troops, whether boys or girls, perform valuable service projects; and they learn and practice good values, health and survival techniques, discipline, and helpfulness toward others. Let us offer scouts our gratitude when we see them helping the handicapped, aiding the elderly, performing community service, and assisting us in many different ways. We all benefit by their presence.

Congratulations to all Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts as they celebrate their 100th anniversary this year!

Our thanks to the adults from Memorial Baptist Church who give of their time

to mentor these young people on their journey toward adulthood.


Nuggets of Wisdom…

“People do not care how much we know until they know how much we care.” -- Anonymous

“I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” -- Martin Luther

“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.” -- Helen Keller

“The best mathematical equation ever given: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.” – Bumper sticker

Stories behind the Songs…

“Love Lifted Me”

Words: James Rowe, 1865-1933

Music: Howard E. Smith, 1863-1918

“Lord, if it’s You,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to You on the water.”

“Come,” He said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” He said, “why did you doubt?” -- Matthew 14:28-31

In Saugatuck, Connecticut, in the year 1912, two men sat huddled together, working line by line, bar by bar, composing this hymn in tandem. The words were jotted down by James Rowe, and the music was hammered out at the piano by his friend, Howard E. Smith. Smith, a native of Connecticut and a church organist, had hands so crippled and twisted from arthritis that his friends often wondered how he could play at all. When they finished, the world had the reassuring hymn, “Love Lifted Me.”

Rowe, born in Devonshire, England, was the son of a copper miner. As a young man, he went to work for the Irish government, and then immigrated to the United States in his mid-twenties. He settled in Albany, New York, married, and eventually became a full-time writer. He composed hymns and edited musical journals for several publishers. His last years were spent in Wells, Vermont, where he supported himself by writing messages for greeting card publishers, working alongside his daughter who was an artist.

During his lifetime, Rowe may have written more than 19,000 song texts. Little else is known about Howard Smith. Rowe and Smith sold the copyright for this hymn to Charles Tillman, who transferred it to Robert Coleman in 1915 for the sum of one hundred dollars.

I was sinking deep in sin,

far from the peaceful shore,

Very deeply stained within,

sinking to rise no more;

But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,

From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.

All my heart to Him I give,

ever to Him I’ll cling,

In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing;

Love so mighty and so true

merits my soul’s best songs;

Faithful loving service, too, to Him belongs.

Souls in danger, look above,

Jesus completely saves;

He will lift you by His love

out of the angry waves;

He’s the Master of the sea,

billows His will obey;

He your Savior wants to be, be saved today.

Love lifted me! Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help, Love lifted me.

Love lifted me! Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help, Love lifted me.

Memorial Baptist Church, CCL#976803

Editor’s Note: My dad, Cedric T. Almand, went home to be with his Lord in November of 1990; and, when I hear the comforting words of this hymn, I always remember it as one of his favorites. It was not until recently that I learned that, during Dad’s service as a Naval Lieutenant in World War II, he was rescued from cold, choppy waters during a storm at sea. Perhaps his gratitude to God for saving him, both physically and spiritually, made this hymn so meaningful to him…and also to me.

Weekly Opportunities at MBC...

At Memorial Baptist, we have many opportunities for Bible Study and fellowship for the entire family.

We invite you to join us as we learn and grow together! (Please see enclosed calendar for any schedule changes.)

Sunday Mornings: (9:45 a.m.)

Sunday School for All Ages:


Preschool Class

1st – 3rd Grade Class

4th – 6th Grade Class


Adult Class Options include:

Senior Adult Class

Adult I Class

Adult II Class

Family Room Discussion Group

Morning Worship Service: (11:00 a.m.)

Nursery provided.

Sunday Evenings:

Children in Action – 5:30 until 7:00 p.m.

Youth Discipleship – 6:00 until 7:00 p.m.

Adult Bible Study – 6:00 p.m.

(Business Meetings second Sunday of each month at 7:00 p.m.)


High School Lunch at MBC – 11:50 a.m.

Bible Study at Country Club Living – 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday Evenings: (7:00 p.m.)

Ladies’ Bible Study (Daniel by Beth Moore)

Wednesday Mornings: (9:00 a.m.)

Ladies’ Bible Study (Daniel by Beth Moore)

Wednesday Evenings:

Youth Fellowship – 6:30 until 8:00 p.m.

Home Bible Study at 195 Hightower Rd. – 6:30 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal -- 7:45 p.m.

Friday Evenings:

Youth “Hang Time” – 6:00 until 9:00 p.m.

(not held on nights of WHS home sports activities)

Memorial Baptist Church

202 19th Street

Wheatland, Wyoming 82201


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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