

Unit: College Awareness 9th Grade

Lesson Overview

1. College Survey-Students will take a survey about college. (1 session)

2. College Sort-Students sort statements about college that are true to least true. (1 session)

3. Videos- “First in the Family” and “Overcoming Obstacles: Immigrants Quest for higher Education” ( 1 session) ** Need to combine advisories for this

4. College Jeopardy-Students will compete to answer questions about college (1 session)

5. College Application-Students will review a college application. (1 session)

6. Career Sort/ Career Zone. (1-2 sessions)

7. Prep for college visit. (1 session)

8. Reflect on college visit. (1 session) (SUNY Westbury/Purchase?)

9. Interviews- Students will put together interview questions to ask a current college student and a college graduate. (2 sessions) (possible interview date: Friday March 23)

10. Culminating Project (4 sessions)

** NOTE: College Visits TBD

We need college students for interviews!

The culminating project is a brochure/poster that we will compete with 10th grade advisories

Lesson 1

Aim: How aware are we about college?

Check In: What are your plans after high school?

Time: 1 session

Materials: College Survey, Pens


1. Inform students that they will be taking a survey about college. Remind them that it is NOT a test, and there is no right or wrong answers. Tell them we just want to get a sense of their ideas, plans and views about college.

2. Once survey is complete review results with students. Discussion questions:

a. Were you surprised with some of your classmate’s responses? Why or why not?

b. What is the biggest concern you have about attending college?

College Survey

Student Name __________________________________________________________ Grade _______

Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. It is NOT a test. We just want to get a sense of your ideas, plans and views about college.

1. Which statements best describes your plans for college?

 I’m not sure about college yet?

 I don’t want to go to college, but I plan to go anyway

 I don’t want to go to college and will not make plans to do so

I want to go to college and plan to attend right after graduation

 I want to go to college but will not go right after graduation

I want to go to college, but I am unable to go (please explain below)


2. How often have you talked about going to college with each of the following:

| |Many Times |Once or twice |Never |

|Parent/Guardian | | | |

|School Teacher/Counselor | | | |

|Friends/Classmates | | | |

|Brother/Sister | | | |

|Other Relative | | | |

|Family Friend | | | |

|Mentor | | | |

|Athletic Coach | | | |

|Other | | | |

3. Do you think you can get into college?

Yes  No  Maybe

Please explain: __________________________________________________________________


4. Were you born in:

 the USA  another country ________________

5. What is your citizenship status? (optional)

 U.S. Citizen  Permanent Resident  Not a Citizen

6. What is the highest level of education your parents/guardians completed?

| |Mother |Father |

|Middle School | | |

|High School | | |

|GED | | |

|Trade School | | |

|Some College | | |

|Associates Degree | | |

|Bachelors Degree | | |

|Masters or PhD | | |

|Don’t Know | | |

7. Do you have any siblings/family members who have gone/go to college? Yes  No

7a. If yes where did/do they attend? __________________________________________

7b. Have any of your siblings/family members finished college? Yes  No

8. Have you ever visited a college campus? Yes  No

If “yes” please list the ones you have visited: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Have you ever made a list of colleges you are interested in? Yes  No

If “yes” list the schools you are interested in: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Have you ever researched a college on the web?  Many times  Once or twice  Never

11. Do you know what a personal statement is?  Yes  No

12. Do you know what standardized tests you need to take for college?  Yes  No

If ‘yes” what are the tests _________________________________________________________

13. Have you explored how students pay for college?  Yes  No

14. Have you ever looked at a college application?  Yes  No

15. Have you ever thought about what career/job you might want to have in the future and/ or would like to major in when in college?  Yes  No

If “yes” what is it? _______________________________________________________________

16. Have you ever looked at a scholarship application? Yes  No

17. Have you ever looked at a financial aid form?  Yes  No

18. Will you be the first person in your family to go to college?  Yes  No

If “yes” how supportive do you think your family will be about you going? Will they want you to stay local or go away? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


19. Do you participate in extracurricular activities?  Yes  No Do you think this is important for your college application? _________________________________________________________

20. Do you feel that you are college material? Why or why not? _____________________________


Lesson 2

Objectives: Students will discuss the myths and facts associated with college.

Check In: What is one thing you always hear about college?

Time: 1 session

Materials: Chart paper, markers, 5 envelopes with 10 statements in envelope


1. Choose ten statements below to use. Choose two statements that you will include in every envelope. Cut them into separate strips of paper, with one statement per strip. Create five envelopes.

2. Break students into groups of 3-4 (Should have 5 groups total)

3. Have groups go through statements and sort them into piles—the three statements they AGREE with the most and the three statements they DISAGREE with the most. (In order to do this, they will need to discuss each statement as they are sorting it)

4. On chart paper, students will make a T-Chart outlining what they agreed on the most and what they disagreed on the most. In each part of the chart, they will provide at least three reasons/points they discussed on that statement

Most Trouble Agreeing On What we Agreed on the Most

- Reason 1 - Reason 1

- Reason 2 - Reason 2

- Reason 3 - Reason 3

5. Closure: In journals or go around in a circle: “Have you discussed any of these statements before? If so, have your feelings changed or remained the same? Explain. If you haven’t discussed this before, did your feeling change as you were discussing the statements in your group? Explain why or why not.

College Sort Statements:

You have to go to college in order to get a good job.

Most people who start college don't finish.

It's better to start college and not finish than not start at all.

Not as many minority students finish college as white students.

It doesn't matter where you go to college, as long as you have a degree.

All people have the same opportunity to go to college.

The high school you go to influences whether or not you go to college.

It's easier to go to college if your parents have gone.

Getting into a good college is about how much money you have, not how smart you are.

You have to know what you want to study in college before you go.

Most Americans today go to college.

There's plenty of scholarship money for people whose families can't pay for college.

The most important thing for getting into college is your grades.

It's better to go to a two-year college and come out with a career.

Most people work while they're in college.

Most students who go to college live on a college campus.

Students in private and suburban schools have better college advising programs than students in New York City public schools.

Affirmative action (which gives an advantage to students coming from race/ethnic backgrounds historically underrepresented in college) is fair.

Students whose parents attended the college they are applying to should be given an advantage in the admissions process.

Joining the military is a good way to get your college education paid for.

Students who are undocumented immigrants cannot attend college in the United States.

Most students take out loans to pay for college.

If you're not sure what you want to study, it’s better to start at a two-year college and then transfer.

Four-year colleges are better schools that give you a better education.

The most important thing to get out of college is a social network that will help you find a job afterwards.

The most important thing to get out of college is career training.

Lesson 3

Objectives: To increase student awareness of the college preparation process

Check In: Do you know of anyone who is the first in their family to go to college? If so, what have they told you about their experience?

Time: 1 session

Materials: 2 Videos


1. Log on to videos/index.html and click on the video “First in the Family: how to make it to college. Running Time: 12:52 min

2. Students will view video “First in the Family”. This video is about Six students who are the first in their family to go to college. Meet Rena Priest, who grew up on an Indian reservation in the Pacific Northwest...Gabe Carmona, whose mother and her 12 siblings grew up picking crops in Texas...Eric Polk, the first student in his Nashville, Tennessee high school to go to Wake Forest University...and other inspiring young adults.

3. Discussion Questions:

a) The students in the video gave a lot of advice. What is the one message that will remain with you? Why?

b) What did you notice about the students in the video? Some responses- determined, sought help, took advantage of resources available, didn’t let stereotypes get in their way

4. Many students feel like there is no way out and they cannot go to college. How do you feel about it? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

5. On the same website instructor will then click on the video “Overcoming Obstacles Immigrants Quest for Higher Education. Running Time: 11:56 min. This video is about seniors at Bronx International High School, a public school for newcomers to the U.S. who document the obstacles they face with going to college. It’s hard enough when you are the first in your family to go to college, and harder still when you must negotiate a new language and system.

6. Discussion Questions:

a) Undocumented students do not qualify for financial aid but does that mean they cannot go to college?

b) Learning English as a second language is a difficult task. What observations did you make about these students? Their families? What similarities do you see with the students in the first video and this one?

Lesson 4

Objectives: Students will try and answer questions about college terms

Check In: Name a college that you are familiar with or know something about.

Time: 1 session

Materials: Computer, Projector, Internet, Questions, Markers, Paper, Jeopardy PowerPoint


1. Instructor will inform students that they will be doing an activity called “college jeopardy”.

2. Students will be broken up into 3 groups. Each group will be given a set of blank paper (about 25 sheets) and markers. (groups should have a name ).

3. Instructor will review and post jeopardy rules on chart paper.

Jeopardy Rules

1. Students may not call out answers

2. Answers must be written on sheets of paper

3. First group that raises their paper will get to answer

4. If answer is correct they get to pick again, if answer is incorrect another team gets a chance

5. If no one gets the correct answer instructor will reveal the answer and the last group that answered correctly will get to pick a category

6. The team with the highest score wins

Jeopardy PowerPoint Instructions

(Jeopardy game is a separate attachment)

1. Open File and then click on tab that says Slideshow , then click button “from beginning”(top left)

2. Then click on category/amount team chooses. Click once to get the questions and click again for answer

3. To get back to the main screen click on the picture of the house. The number you just picked will be in black (Note that the first one for 100 is already black but can still be clicked on)

4. Repeat numbers 2-3 until the game is over.

5. Click the ESC button to get out of the PowerPoint

Lesson 5

Objectives: Students will formulate interview questions about college.

Check In: If you could ask someone about college what would you ask?

Time: 1 Session

Materials: Chart Paper, Markers


1. Instructor will break students up into groups of three

2. Groups will be given chart paper and markers. They will be asked to formulate 5 questions they would want to ask current college students and 5 questions they would want to ask a college graduate. ( T-chart format)

Possible Questions:

a. What advice would you have for a high school student?

b. What is something you wish to have learned before entering college?

c. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

d. Do you feel that college is preparing you for the real world?

e. Was it difficult for you to get a job after graduating from college?

f. Are you working in the field you got your degree in?

g. What made you decide to go to the college you went to?

3. Students will then share out all of their questions.

4. Instructor will be listing the questions students came up with on chart paper (eliminating the repeated ones so that there is one comprehensive list). The comprehensive list should have at least 10 questions to ask the college student and 10 questions to ask the college graduate. (Advisors can switch up and be interviewed by another advisory).

5. Instructor will then assign interview questions to each advisee. The questions should be typed up for all students to have on hand during the interview.


Objectives: Students will interview a college student and a college graduate.

Check In: What are you looking forward to most about this interview?

Time: 1 Session

Materials: Interview Questions


1. Instructor will distribute interview questions that have been assigned to each student.

2. Students will then interview both the college student and college graduate. (Instructor can decide if interviews will take place simultaneously or one at a time.

3. Once interviews are over have students complete an “Exit Ticket” by asking them to write their responses to the following questions (exit ticket attached below):

a. What did you learn?

b. What questions do you still have?

c. How would you go about answering those questions?

d. Are your thoughts about college any different after the interviews? Why or why not?

4. Discuss student responses and collect their exit tickets.

College Interviews

Exit Ticket

Student Name ____________________________________________ Date __________________

Advisor __________________________________________________

1. What did you learn?


2. What questions do you still have?


3. How would you go about answering those questions?

______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Are your thoughts about college any different after the interviews? Why or why not?


Lesson 7

Objectives: Students will be able to understand the college application process

Check In: Has anyone ever seen what a college application looks like?

Time: 1 session

Materials: SUNY College Application, SUNY Supplemental Form, Chart Paper, Markers, Highlighters


1. Students will be asked to brainstorm:

a. What do you think students have to submit as part of their college application-information, materials, etc?

b. What do you think college admissions committees are looking for when they review applicants?

2. Instructor will record answers on chart paper.

3. Students will be given a State University of New York (SUNY) Application and a SUNY Supplemental form.

4. Instructor will then divide students into groups and have them read through the application and do the following:

a. Revise the brainstorm list on what they had thought was required to apply to college-cross out and add items

b. Have students highlight the application questions they have questions about and go over them as a group.

5. Reflection Piece-Have students complete an “Exit Piece” about the following questions:

a. What part of this application process do you feel comfortable with?

b. What challenges do you foresee or what concerns do you have about the process?

6. SUNY application can be found at and the supplemental form at

College Application

Exit Ticket

Student Name ____________________________________________ Date __________________

Advisor __________________________________________________

1. What parts of this application process do you feel comfortable with?


2. What challenges do you foresee or what concerns do you have about the process?


Lesson 8

Objectives: Students will learn the purpose of a resume and will begin to create a resume of their own

Check In: What information do you think should go on a resume?

Time: 1 session

Materials: Example of a resume, resume worksheet, pens


1. Instructor will ask students to identify what a resume is used for(possible responses-getting a job, college applications, scholarship applications)

2. Instructor will then hand out an example of a “bad resume” and ask students to review it. Ask students to identify things they find wrong in the resume.

3. This will lead to a discussion about the basics of resume writing. The class will make a list on the board of the most important qualities of a good resume. This list may include:

• Resumes must be typed

• Print resumes on high quality paper - office supply stores call it resume paper

• Keep your resume to one page

• Use a proper format - use a template

• Write in the active voice No: I have written Yes: I wrote

• Focus on these three skills - point out to students that even if they have no work experience, they should have skills to put in a resume :communication skills , problem solving skills, technical skills

• Pay attention to words:

a. Brainstorm a list of words with students to use on resumes.

b. They should come up with 25-50 to get the idea of work-oriented action words. Some examples: assisted, implemented, contributed, organized, planned, trained, supervised, selected, earned, presented, mediated, taught, represented

o Tell the truth

o References - this is often times not on a resume, but they need to understand they will need to have contact information for the standard three references

o Customize the resume for the purpose - a job resume is going to be different from a resume for a college application

o Check, check and double check and then have someone else proof it

4. Student will then be given a resume worksheet to complete.

5. Things to be included:

6. Once worksheet is complete they should be collected and kept on file with guidance.



Student Name ________________________________ Advisor __________________Date ________ Grade ___

Skills: Skills are things you can do, as well as things you know and have experience doing.

List any skills you have that can help you do the type of work you want to do: Think about what you can do; review job descriptions for ideas or look up a past job title or the job title of the job you want on O*NET at if you need help to identify your skills.

___________________________ _______________________________

___________________________ _______________________________

___________________________ _______________________________

Transferable Skills*:

List any skills you have developed in school or in other positions that may help you in a new position. *Transferable skills are skills you learned or used in school, volunteering or in another position or job that may help you in your first job, your next job, or career. Be sure to use your own words to describe your transferable skills.

On time to school/class/punctual Complete assignments/meet deadlines

Research information/gather data Prepare equipment for sports/set up work area

Play sports/teamwork Write papers/prepare written reports

Organize homework assignments to complete on time/organize priorities

Turn in completed school work/completed assigned work

Supervise younger children/class projects/lead and manage situations and projects

What other transferable skills do you have? List your additional skills below.

___________________________ _______________________________

___________________________ _______________________________

___________________________ _______________________________

Personal Attributes or Characteristics: These may be important to an employer.

Think about the traits you may have that an employer would find desirable.

Check those that apply and be sure to add to the list. You may wish to use these attributes or characteristics as you develop a summary statement.

Works well with others Dependable

Honest  Friendly

Enthusiastic Independent thinker

Hard worker  Follows directions & rules

Listens well Respectful

On the Honor Roll Earns good grades

Gets work done without instruction Asks questions


Computer Skills or Other Technical Skills: Technical skills, at least basic computer skills are used in jobs at all levels in today’s workplace and may be important to an employer.

Check the computer skills you have and be sure to add to the list.

MS Word MS Access  Internet

MS Excel PowerPoint ____________

Email Outlook ____________

Additional Skills: Everyone has skills. Review job openings and list any other skills you have that may be important to an employer. List any other skills that might help you on a job. Review old job descriptions and performance evaluations, ask friends, co-workers, teachers or look up your job title on O*NET at if you need help to identify your skills.

___________________________ _______________________________

___________________________ _______________________________

Summary Statement: It is very important to communicate your value to a potential employer. On your resume a Summary Statement at the beginning of your résumé is an excellent way to demonstrate your value. A Summary Statement consists of several brief sentences that focus the reader’s attention on the most important qualities, achievements and abilities you have to offer. Résumés are quickly scanned during the initial review, making it very important that your résumé effectively “sell” your credentials. Writing a powerful summary statement about your accomplishments, qualities, skills and the value you bring to the employer and sharing your experience, transferable skills, or special knowledge related to the job you are targeting helps you stand out and hand the interview.

Draft you summary below and answer the question – what can you do for the employer?








Experience: Employers are interested in the type of school experiences you have, or the work you are doing, or have done, as well as the name of the organization or company where you volunteered or worked, when you did the work, and the type of experience you gained. List your most recent volunteer, school, or job experience first.

Be sure to list school activities and volunteer experience as well as paid work experience. If you lack paid work experience, list chores, school activities and volunteer experience that you may have.

For example, if you volunteer on Saturday at the animal shelter, you can add that experience to your résumé. You do not have to be paid to count it as experience. List any experience you have below:

Your most recent volunteer, school experience or work experience should be listed first!

Position, Title or Job you did: _________________________________________________

Company Name: __________________________________________________________

City/State (location where you worked): ________________________________________

Dates Employed From ____________________ to: _____________________

Month/Year (When job started) Month/ Year (When job ended)

List all of the duties you performed, your responsibilities, and what you did each day.




List at least two accomplishments and the results of each accomplishment. A result is how you improved or what things around you were affected because of your actions or as a direct result of your work.




Earlier volunteer or work experience

Position, Title or Job you did: _________________________________________________

Company Name: __________________________________________________________

City/State (location where you worked): ________________________________________

Dates Employed From ____________________ to: _____________________

Month/Year (When job started) Month/Year (When job ended)

List all of the duties you performed, your responsibilities, and what you did each day.



List at least two accomplishments and the results of each accomplishment. A result is how you improved or what things around you were affected because of your actions or as a direct result of your work.



Earlier work experience or volunteer experience

Position, Title or Job you did: _________________________________________________

Company Name: __________________________________________________________

City/State (location where you worked): ________________________________________

Dates Employed From ____________________ to: _____________________

Month/Year (When job started) Month/Year (When job ended)

List all of the duties you performed, your responsibilities, and what you did each day.




List at least two accomplishments and the results of each accomplishment. A result is how you improved or what things around you were affected because of your actions or as a direct result of your work.



Education: Employers are interested in your education in general terms and as it relates to the type of work you are seeking. If your education has prepared you for work in a specific company, a specific type of business and/or specific industry it will be important to highlight your education and the experience that you have gained in school on your résumé. If you lack work experience your education and volunteer experiences will be very important parts of your résumé. List your highest level of education first.

Special Course or Vocational Training/Education

Current Status or Degree/Certificate Completed: (list year, completed if in the last 3 years, you may also include your expected graduation date if currently in school): ___________________________________

Name of School: ___________________________ City/State: ______________________

Major or Subjects you are Studying: ________________________________________

Graduated (list year, if in the last 3 years): ____________

Class Standing/GPA (list if relevant to the position or field): ___________________________

Honors, Awards, Achievements or Activities: __________________________________


High School

High School Diploma Yes No  GED Currently attending

Current Grade or Last Grade Completed: (list year you expect to graduate if currently in school): _____

Name of School: _______________________ City/State: ________________________

Honors, Awards, Achievements or Activities: __________________________________


Other Training or Relevant Activities: Employers are interested in the training you have received in general terms, and as it relates to the type of work you are seeking. This can be a very important section of your resume, if your work experience is limited. Have you received leadership or other specific training in school or as part of a club or volunteer organization? If so, include in this section.

List any school activity, vocational training, on-the-job training, military training, other formal training, student leadership training, sports team, clubs or other specific school courses:

Name of Activity, Vocational or Training School: __________________________________

City/State: ________________________________________________________________

Courses taken: ___________________________Dates from: _________To:_______

Licenses or Certificates held: _____________________________________________

School Activities: ____________________________________________________




Volunteer Activities, Service Organizations or Achievements:




List your most important achievement to date: ___________________________







Your references should be work, volunteer or school related. Contact three (3) people who are willing to be a reference for you. You will need to ask each person for their complete name, title, address, phone number and e-mail address. Record the information below.

Your references should be people whom you have worked with or who know you well are willing to speak about the quality of your work and your skills and or your character. Select people such as a current or prior supervisor, a personal reference such as a neighbor, a landlord or someone who lives in your community, a coach or a teacher. Family members should not be used as references.

Do not include anyone you have not spoken to ahead of time, or anyone who will not give you a good reference!

Upon completing your résumé send each of your references a letter thanking them for agreeing to be your reference. Be sure to include in the letter information about the type of job you are seeking and enclose a copy of your résumé.

Work Reference

Name (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.):____________________________________________

Job Title: ________________________________________________________

Company Address: _________________________________________________

City/State: ________________________________________Zip:_____________

Phone # Day: ___________________________

Phone # Evening or Mobile: ___________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________

Educational or School Reference

Name (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.):____________________________________________

Job Title: ________________________________________________________

Company Address: _________________________________________________

City/State: ________________________________________Zip:_____________

Phone # Day: ___________________________

Phone # Evening or Mobile: ___________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________

Personal Reference

Name (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.):____________________________________________

Job Title: ________________________________________________________

Company Address: _________________________________________________

City/State: ________________________________________Zip:_____________

Phone # Day: ___________________________

Phone # Evening or Mobile: ___________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________

Résumé Draft Format

______________ _________________

First Name Last Name


House Number Street Apt. #


City, State and Zip Code


Telephone Number


Email Address






____________________ _____________________ ________________________

____________________ _____________________ ________________________

____________________ _____________________ ________________________

Work Experience or Volunteer Experience

____________________________ _______ to _______

Job Title Employed MY to MY

____________________________, ______________________

Name of Company or Organization City and State

____________________________ _______ to _______

Job Title Employed MY to MY

____________________________, ______________________

Name of Company or Organization City and State

____________________________ _______ to _______

Job Title Employed MY to MY

____________________________, ______________________

Name of Company or Organization City and State

Education and/or Training

____________________________, _______________________, ________________

Name of Diploma or Degree Name of School City and State

____________________________, _______________________, ________________

Name of Diploma or Degree Name of School City and State

Awards, Achievements, and/or other Activities



Ruth Smith

100 East 22nd Street

Methuen, MA 01844

Home 978-555-0000



Knowledgeable Library Assistant with two years volunteer experience. Proven ability to access information and retrieve data from the coputer system. Strong organizational skills and was chosen to conduct presentations for library patrons on many topics including “How to Write a Research Paper”. Received an award for the “Friendliest Library” an honor voted on by library patrons.


Volunter Coordination Recruiting Developed Training Programs

Problem-solving Skills Public Speaking Customer Relations

Organizational Skills Marketing New Program Development

Computer Skills MS Word MS Excel

MS Publisher MS Access Internet Research


• Identified method of reorganizing books donated to the library saving twenty-two

(2) hours of time setting up the annual “Friends of the Library” fund raising event.

• Conduct presentations to various community groups and schools including 250 attendees over three (3) days for the “Books for Families” program.

• Set up a group of student volunteers to collect books for “Books for Families” in five (5) local schools and increased the total number of books for the program by 15%.

Volunteer Experience

Library Assistant 2007 – Present

Hillside Library, Hillside, MA

Investigate and resolve patrons’ computer problem in the library computer lab

Read to children during family reading hours

Make presentations on library services

Complete assigned duties

Organize events for the library


High School Senior, Methuen High School, Methuen, MA Will Graduate: 2010

Lesson 9

Objectives: Students will be able to find out key information about the college they are going to visit.

Check In:

Time: 1 session

Materials: College Knowledge Bingo, Internet


1. Instructor will go online and print out a summary of the college to be visited.

2. Distribute copies of the college summary and college knowledge bingo to all students. (Maybe get candy or something fun to give kids as a prize for completing the bingo sheet).

3. Instruct students to get “bingo” as many times as they can (5 across, down or diagonal) by answering the questions. Each successful bingo equals candy/prize/pts.

4. At the end of the activity have the class share out all the answers.

5. Once completed ask students to write questions they have and would like to ask during the visit (students should bring the questions with them).

Student Name _____________________________________________ Date _____________

Advisor ____________________________________

College Knowledge Bingo

|Where is the college located? |What stands out the most about|What type of setting is the |What is the phone number for |How many students were offered|

| |this school? |school in? |admissions? |financial aid? |

| | |(suburban, rural, urban) | | |

| | | | | |

|What is the combined total of |What is the average GPA of an |How many students live |What is the average SAT Math |What is the average cost of |

|personal expenses and |incoming Freshman? |on-campus? |score of an incoming freshman?|books and supplies? |

|transportation expenses? | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What percentages of the |Name 1 major that interests |What are the admission |How long would it take to get |Is this a two year or four |

|applicants are admitted? |you at that school. What % of |requirements? |there from where you live? |year school? |

| |students is studying that | |(estimated) | |

| |major? | | | |

|What is the average SAT |What is the annual in state |What percentage of the |Can you earn college credits |What kind of academic support |

|Critical Reading Score of an |tuition and fees? |students are |if you took AP classes and |services does t he school |

|incoming freshman? | |Black/Non-Hispanic? |passed AP exams? |have? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Name 3 activities or clubs |What is the application |What is the cost of room and |What is the most popular |What is the financial aid |

|that interest you? |deadline? |board? |major? |priority deadline? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Lesson 10

Objectives: Students will reflect on their college campus visit

Check In:

Time: 1 session

Materials: College Observation and Evaluation Sheet, Pens


1. Students will be instructed to give feedback about the college campus they visited by completing a College Observation and Evaluation sheet.

2. Once students complete the sheet discuss their responses as a group.

3. Instructor may also have students do some journal writing on the following:

a. What observations did you make about college that makes it different from high school?

b. Do you feel more confident about going to college after visiting a college campus? Why or Why not/

College Observation Sheet


Advisor: _______________________________________

|Questions |Name of School: |

|Where is the school located? | |

|Circle One: |Public Private |

|Circle One: |Urban Suburban Rural |

|What are 3 things you noticed |1. |

|about students at the college? |2. |

|(race,gender,age,styles) |3. |

|Did you like the dorms? | Love them They are OK Dislike them |

|What are some things students can |1. |

|do when they are not in class? |2. |

|List 1 question you asked while on|Q: |

|your visit. |A: |

|What is 1 thing you liked about | |

|this college? | |

|What is one thing you did not like| |

|about this college? | |

|Would you like to go to this |Definitely Maybe Definitely not |

|college? | |

|Explain why or why not? | |

|Would you like to go to a college | |

|like this(but not this one) | |

|Explain what you would like to be | |

|different about this college that | |

|would make you want to go: | |

Summary Evaluation

College Visit to:


| |Like |Didn’t Like |Didn’t Care |Didn’t See |

|Size | | | | |

|Student Population | | | | |

|Courses/Major | | | | |

|Student Activities | | | | |

|Campus | | | | |

|Location | | | | |

|Resources | | | | |

|(e.g. library,gym, computer | | | | |

|centers) | | | | |

|Classes | | | | |

|Other: | | | | |

| | | | | |

Advisory College Unit Project

For our last advisory project of the year, our goal is to learn as much as we can about college options for after high school graduation. Since there are so many different types of college, we are going to work together as a class to teach one another. In pairs, we will research one specific college that represents a different type of school. For example, one pair will research arts schools, while another pair will look into NYC private colleges, while another pair will learn about CUNY schools. When we finish our research, each pair will present what it learned using a College Poster that we will display around the school.

Step 1: With your advisory partner (groups of 2), choose a type of college or university from the hat. Make sure you close your eyes – no peeking. Types of colleges include:



• Private – Near Home

• Private- Away

• Community College

• Technical/Engineering School

• Out-of-State Public

• Art School

Step 2: Now look at the college list, and find the type of college that you selected. Pick ONE school from that list to research. If you know of another school that you want to research that fits under that category but isn’t on the list, just tell your advisor. The list isn’t written in stone.

Step 3: Come up with 5-7 questions that you want to research about your college. Here are some examples to get you started:

• What are the requirements for getting admitted to this school?

• How much does this school cost per year?

Step 4: Using your questions, do research on this college using at least two sources:

• Official College Website

• College Board Website:

Step 5: Create a poster providing information about your school. Use the answers to your questions. The poster should be a cross between an advertisement and an informational sheet.

Step 6: Present your poster to the class. While your classmates are presenting, you will be taking notes so you can rank the schools.

Step 7: Your advisory will hang the posters around the room, on your classroom door, and in the hallway.

|Advisory Project College Lists |

|SUNY |CUNY |Private – Near Home |

|Binghamton University |Hunter College |Pace University |

|SUNY New Paltz |John Jay College |St. Johns University |

|SUNY Stonybrook |Queens College |Fordham University |

|University at Buffalo |Baruch College |Manhattanville College |

|SUNY Old Westbury |York College |Hofstra University |

|SUNY Oswego |City College |Adelphi University |

|SUNY Farmingdale |Medgar Evers College |Columbia University |

| |Lehman College |New York University |

|Private- Away |Art School & Technical/Engineering |Community College |

|Johnson & Wales University (Providence, RI) |Pratt Institute (Brooklyn) |La Guardia Community |

|Howard University (Washington, DC) |Fashion Institute of Technology (SUNY) |Kingsborough Community |

|Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) |New York City College of Technology (CUNY)|Borough of Manhattan Community |

|Skidmore College (Upstate NY) |Massachusetts College of Arts and Design | |

|St Lawrence College (Upstate NY) |(Boston) | |

|Wheaton College (Massachusetts) |Culinary Institute of America (Upstate NY)| |

| |Juilliard School (Manhattan) | |

|Out-of-State Public | |

|Penn State University | |

|University of Connecticut | |

|Western Connecticut State University | |

|Temple University | |

|University of Delaware | |

Grading Rubric

Each pair will receive a grade based on this rubric. I will evaluate you based on the quality of your information, the quality of your poster, and the quality of your presentation.

| |Excellent! |Good |Fair |Try Again |

|Information: Accurate, Clear, | | | | |

|Relevant, Helpful | | | | |

|Poster: Appealing, Neat, Organized | | | | |

|Presentation: Confident, | | | | |

|Professional, Rehearsed, Loud, and | | | | |

|Good Eye Contact | | | | |

College Presentations

Instructions: During the advisory presentations, take brief notes about each college using this chart. At the end of all the presentations, rank the schools in order of your preference. Your favorite school from the presentation is ranked #1.

|College Name and Type |One Thing I Like About This College|One Thing I’m Not So Sure About |RANK |

| | | |(don’t rank until you hear all the |

| | | |presentations) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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