
The Ultimate Alternative Cancer Protocol Deactivating Cancer in the Human Body by Alternative Means (assisting the body to self-heal) S T O P eating sugar, dairy, rice, all refined carbohydrates, meat/poultry of any kind – only eat Certified Organic foods – lots of greens and super foods..3 - 10 water colonics to remove the putrified built-up sludge and parasites on your colon walls which is causing auto-intoxification – with daily (for 10 days) bentonite or zeolite clay and psyllium husk to soften this encrustment. Detox is key to reversing Cancer.A 10 day Master Cleanse to clean your body and start again with a squeaky clean gut. This will reverse many problems. Purchase ‘The Complete Master Cleanse’ by Tom Woloshyn on Amazon or through Tom directly at 1 (250) 388-4102 or tom@Probiotics and Enzymes (major amounts of these) to replace the gut loss from above colonic and to pull sludge through the bowels.Change your pH from acidic to alkaline. Cancer and pain mean the body is acidic. Since we are 70% water, drinking alkaline water is the fastest way to reverse our acidity. Cerra Water only $119 CDN or $89 USD at . Also take in ? to 1 tsp. of Himalayan salt or non-iodized sea salt per day.Eat super foods like Super blue-green algae, Spirulina, Fulvic Acid (ancient sea vegetation), Kelp, Phytoplankton, minerals (esp. in liquid form are the most assimilable by the body) AND proteins like hemp powder and hemp oil, chia seeds, quinoa and from avocados, etc. DO NOT mis-combine food types – so no alkaline foods (raw veg and fruit and nuts and seeds) with acidic foods (everything else) - so as not to stress the system – makes for easy digestion.Introduce heat to the Cancer cells – one possibility is Solarus infrared sauna – the best one because of the crystal emitters. Cancer does not do well in heat - and the detoxification from this sauna is second to none (detox is also key to removing Cancerous activity)Pulsed Electro-Magnetic therapy with the PEMF mat – is known to reverse pain and increase circulation - which means more oxygen to the cells (oxygen kills Cancer cells). Pulsed magnetics produce a healthy vibrational frequency of -90 millivolts which is a frequency that Cancer cells have a hard time flourishing in, as they are only resonating at -20 to -30 millivolts. Also PEMFs have been known to boost the immune system (natural killer cells in the body that diminish Cancerous activity), increase energy and accelerate the healing response while supporting organ function (used in all the top alternative German and Swiss Cancer clinics). PEMFs have been registered with the FDA since 1979 for shrinking growths and tumours. We have numerous first hand examples of this in our immediate circle. Also PEMFs can activate toxin release while stimulating all organ and pathway functions, like kidneys and lymphatic system. Every 8 minutes on the mat can enables us to resonate with the healing frequency of earth’s natural pulse (.05 to 28 hertz), which lasts up to 6 hours. Would this resonation make it difficult for unnaturally high EMFS to affect our cells during this time? We believe the answer is yes. Folks dealing with Cancer must use it 4 x per day for 8 minutes each session. Innumerable studies, reports and evidence show that EMFs and the resulting damage and mutation can cause Cancer, growths and tumours. PEMFs seem to be a wonderful antidote to EMFs. PEMF Use a green colour lamp. Green kills Cancer cells and aid in healing. ($89 purchase from tom@ )Mistletoe therapy (a herb from Europe) used to reduce inflammation and the side effects of chemo, kills Cancer cells, reduces the size of tumors and reverses pain.Intravenous Vitamin C therapy helps enhance the effects of chemo (if you have gone this route) and reduces pain while protecting healthy cells.Lymphatic massage for drainage and cleansing (very important to have a clear lymph system)Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy. We breathe 21% oxygen or less - and hyperbarics infuse 100% oxygen into our system. Oxygen is the #1 killer of Cancer cells.Cannabis oil has been proven to increase Cancer cell death – apoptosis. Get lots of sunshine (Vitamin D). Good for your strength and recovery.Enjoy lots of laughter – watch funny movies. Forgive yourself and others. Dissolve the blocks. Allow this new flow. Take joy in life. Disclaimer: This guide is not intended as medical advice to diagnose or treat Cancer. It’s sole purpose is to educate the reader that there are options to the traditional medical model used so prevalently in Western Medicine. We encourage the reader to seek professional medicaladvice before embarking on any other therapies. We are listing alternative information readily available online and take no responsibility for the path any individual takes with their remedial choices in regards to Cancer or any other condition. Challamar Rayne - Cell 778 552 2286 - - Toll Free 1 (855) 541-6111 ................

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