
4517321-2254256541771-158749005779771-279400Click in thatcorner:00Click in thatcorner:DISTANCE LEARNING?!?Visit our PADLET each day for a check in!Visit our SPECIALISTS each day; we love them!Visit Mrs. Abbot’s page (ELD Students)172720314960I’m so proud of you guys: You’re taking this new way of doing things in stride. You’re showing up and helping out. Way to go!Oh, lookey there…another compliment! 00I’m so proud of you guys: You’re taking this new way of doing things in stride. You’re showing up and helping out. Way to go!Oh, lookey there…another compliment! ?5350234146299New MathNew ReadingLast day of Soc. St.!FYI: To see Mon-Tues Lesson Plans, scroll down.0New MathNew ReadingLast day of Soc. St.!FYI: To see Mon-Tues Lesson Plans, scroll down.36779201016000-220980221615DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 26TH00DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 26TH______________________________________________________________________________________MATHOverview:? Apply Ratio Concepts and Use Ratio Reasoning to Solve ProblemsEstimated Time:?Approximately 45 minutes?Explanation: ??Today you will review ratios and solve some problems involving ratios. ?Things to know: To review ratios, please reference Ed: Your Friend in Learning online, or your workbook pages 169-199 (Chapter 4).Please visit to access tutorial videos related to accessing online Math in Focus resources.Tasks:Continue recording the daily temperature on your chart.Ratio:Complete both Ratio Worksheets Number Card Multiplication:Shuffle your set of number cards. Flip over two cards. Multiply the numbers on the cards. Work through your number cards 10 times. Extra: Only do this activity if you want more practice.play “Maze: Ratio” on Ed: Your Friend in LearningHow is this assignment turned into the teacher? SeeSaw, Email, Teams, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.SPECIAL:?MUSIC! 20 minutesVisit and explore Mrs. Raynor’s Webpage. See SPECIALISTS link at the top of the page.?484019337534For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.00For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.READING: 45 minutesOverview: Poetry Analysis and Independent ReadingEstimated Time: 45 minutes6031024506300Explanation:Close Reading and Analysis Questions Independent ReadingTasks:Poem by Edwin John PlattEmailed to you is a copy of the poem and analysis questions.Read the poem at least three times, marking the text each time.Read through the analysis questions and examine the poem again through the lens of what the questions are asking.Answer all the questions on a separate piece of paper. Independent Reading (at least 25 minutes)Complete reading logHow This Assignment will be turned in:Responses can be submitted digitally or as a hard copy once we return to school.WRITING:Overview:?Daily Writing MenuEstimated Time:? 25 Minutes?Tasks:?Writing Menu. 4964430586740For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.0For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.Review the Writing Menu below. Select one option to complete today. Throughout the week you can continue working on your selection or choose another captivating option.?? ?1012190127000019686101109900center203200060960681000600**Revised?Writing Menu**?Word Work (Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots)?Spelling?Multiple Choice Test Preparation?Poetry?*Located behind the Journal Prompts Page*?Free Write!??Complete at least one page in?either “Word Roots” packets?Complete at least one page in either spelling packet?Complete at least one page in the multiple-choice skill-based test prep packet?Complete one assignment in either poetry collection:?Haikus?Odes?Take time to explore your favorite writing genres!??Journal Prompt:?Review the journal prompts provided in your “Distance Learning Envelope.” Choose one prompt that speaks to you and respond digitally or in your Writer’s Notebooks. We will share some of these responses when we get back to school!?Research?& Notetaking:?Look through these options and complete as needed:??(You may move from task to task in any order)??Reflect on your research topic that you chose either in Library or in your own classroom.?Refine?your research topic: does it need to be?narrowed?or?broadened??Example:?What is lung cancer and how can it be treated???Non-Example: What is World War II? (This would need to be narrowed)?Identify the three?key questions?for your topics?Example:?What is lung cancer?and what are its risk factors??What are effects of lung cancer???How can lung cancer be treated??Research your topic:?Record resources on your “Presearch” document, or on a piece of paper/an index card?Record important information for your topic?Organize your facts?Begin sorting your information; which key question does each fact support??Cite your Sources?Record your information on?Noodletools?If you have questions about?Noodletools, please reach out to Mrs. Wasserman!? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??How This Assignment will be turned in:?Writing will be turned in once we return to school, however you are welcome to share your work?electronically?if desiredSOCIAL STUDIES – This is the last day for this assignment! Overview: Identify and Describe Family ArtifactsEstimated Time: 3-4 days, 20 minutes eachExplanation:Distance Learning has given us more time to spend with, and talk to, our families. Use this time to get to know your family’s history a little better! For this project, you will interview a loved one and create or share a family artifact that represents your experience. Tasks:Days 3 & 4: Creating or Sharing a Family ArtifactNow that you have a more in-depth knowledge and appreciation of your family member, it’s time to select an artifact that represents this experience! You may locate an artifact or create your own, unique artifact. Once you have selected/created this artifact, take a picture or video of it and write a paragraph that describes what it is and why you selected/created it. You may also share this artifact with our class through SeeSaw, Teams, or email.Artifacts may include…Photographs, family albums, mementos, or any other item that represents your family heritage.How This Assignment will be turned in:SeeSaw, Email, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.right149860There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.0There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.12128671793284774532233301Tomorrow is FUN FRIDAY! Enjoy your free day of leisure! 0Tomorrow is FUN FRIDAY! Enjoy your free day of leisure! -220980221615DATE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25TH00DATE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25TH______________________________________________________________________________________MATHOverview:? Variables / Coordinate PlanesEstimated Time:?Approximately 45 minutesExplanation: ??Today you will review variables, variable expressions, and coordinate planes. Then, you will use the two concepts to create line plots. Things to know:The following definitions can be used while completing the tasks for today.variable – a quantity represented by a letter that can take different valuesalgebraic expression – an equation that contains at least one variablecoordinate plane – an ordered pair of numbers that gives the location of a point in the coordinate gridordered pair – a pair of numbers used to name a location on a grid. The first number tells the distance from the vertical axis. The second number tells the distance from the horizontal axisTasks:Continue recording the daily temperature on your chart.Variable Charting and Graphing:Complete the Variable Charting and Graphing worksheetFinish the chart on the first page, then graph the coordinate points on the second page.Extra: Only do this activity if you want more practice.play “Model Algebra” at is this assignment turned into the teacher? SeeSaw, Email, Teams, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.SPECIAL:?ART! 20 minutesVisit and explore Mrs. Sayer’s Webpage. See SPECIALISTS link at the top of the page.?479234545084For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.00For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.READING: 45 minutesReading5970270762000Overview: Junior Scholastic and Independent ReadingEstimated Time: 20 minutesExplanation:Close Reading and Comprehension Questions Independent Reading 25 minutesTasks:Junior Scholastic “Dying Off” Day 3 (20 minutes)In your folder, select the Junior Scholastic issue titled, “Dying Off?” Perform a close reading of the article, “Should Teen Workers be Paid Less than Adults?” on pp. 22-23. Consider both arguments and decide which one was the most persuasive. Write/type a paragraph detailing your choice; make sure to include text evidence in your response.Independent Reading (at least 25 minutes)Complete reading logHow This Assignment will be turned in:Responses can be submitted digitally or as a hard copy once we return to school.WRITING:Overview:?Daily Writing MenuEstimated Time:? 25 Minutes?Tasks:?Writing Menu. 4964430586740For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.0For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.Review the Writing Menu below. Select one option to complete today. Throughout the week you can continue working on your selection or choose another captivating option.?? ?left3169270058242204445002171703810Sometime today… to see Dr. B’s Joke of the Day….. click here. 0Sometime today… to see Dr. B’s Joke of the Day….. click here. **Revised?Writing Menu**?Word Work (Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots)?Spelling?Multiple Choice Test Preparation?Poetry?*Located behind the Journal Prompts Page*?Free Write!??Complete at least one page in?either “Word Roots” packets?Complete at least one page in either spelling packet?Complete at least one page in the multiple-choice skill-based test prep packet?Complete one assignment in either poetry collection:?Haikus?Odes?Take time to explore your favorite writing genres!??Journal Prompt:?Review the journal prompts provided in your “Distance Learning Envelope.” Choose one prompt that speaks to you and respond digitally or in your Writer’s Notebooks. We will share some of these responses when we get back to school!?Research?& Notetaking:?Look through these options and complete as needed:??(You may move from task to task in any order)??Reflect on your research topic that you chose either in Library or in your own classroom.?Refine?your research topic: does it need to be?narrowed?or?broadened??Example:?What is lung cancer and how can it be treated???Non-Example: What is World War II? (This would need to be narrowed)?Identify the three?key questions?for your topics?Example:?What is lung cancer?and what are its risk factors??What are effects of lung cancer???How can lung cancer be treated??Research your topic:?Record resources on your “Presearch” document, or on a piece of paper/an index card?Record important information for your topic?Organize your facts?Begin sorting your information; which key question does each fact support??Cite your Sources?Record your information on?Noodletools?If you have questions about?Noodletools, please reach out to Mrs. Wasserman!? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??How This Assignment will be turned in:?Writing will be turned in once we return to school, however you are welcome to share your work?electronically?if desiredSOCIAL STUDIESOverview: Identify and Describe Family ArtifactsEstimated Time: 3-4 days, 20 minutes eachExplanation:Distance Learning has given us more time to spend with, and talk to, our families. Use this time to get to know your family’s history a little better! For this project, you will interview a loved one and create or share a family artifact that represents your experience. Tasks:Days 3 & 4: Creating or Sharing a Family ArtifactNow that you have a more in-depth knowledge and appreciation of your family member, it’s time to select an artifact that represents this experience! You may locate an artifact or create your own, unique artifact. Once you have selected/created this artifact, take a picture or video of it and write a paragraph that describes what it is and why you selected/created it. You may also share this artifact with our class through SeeSaw, Teams, or email.Artifacts may include…Photographs, family albums, mementos, or any other item that represents your family heritage.How This Assignment will be turned in:SeeSaw, Email, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.right149860There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.0There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.151257015303500-145995421447 DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 24th00 DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 24th___________________________________________25923461311400MATHOverview:? Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Decimals?Estimated Time:?Approximately 45 minutes?Explanation: ??Today you will review prime and composite numbers, as well as complete activities using your knowledge of factors and multiples. ?Things to know:When adding and subtracting decimals, remember to line up the decimals, which will line up your place values. Remember, when multiplying decimals, to solve the problem AND THEN manage the decimal places at the end.When dividing decimals, make sure to ‘get rid of the decimal’ in the divisor number by moving the decimal to the right. However many spaces you moved “the outside” decimal, you must move the “inside decimal” that same number. Then “raise the roof” as Ryan said, placing your decimal directly above where you just moved it.You can always Google and YouTube how to divide with decimals. Math Antics is always a good choice and has a lot of video options.There are no pre-made worksheets for today.right118745Tasks:Continue recording the daily temperature on your chart.Self-made Questions:Shuffle your set of number cards. Flip over 3 cards and place them in front of you in a horizontal line. Flip over 3 more cards and place these under each of the first three. Add a decimal to each number either after the first or second digit. On a separate piece of paper, Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide the decimal numbers you created. Repeat 4 times. You will have 16 problems on your separate of paper. Language Arts Connection:Take some time to write a math story. You may write or type this story. Try to use each of the four mathematical operations (+, -, x, ÷) while dealing with decimals in your story. Some possibly story ideas are listed below, you may also develop your own.The Decimal Duo are a superhero team that helps students learn about decimals…A baker is having trouble with proper proportions in their bakery, which causes many interesting products…A detective must use decimals to solve a difficult case…Although it is not required, consider adding illustrations.Extra: Only do this activity if you want more practice.play “Place Value” at is this assignment turned into the teacher? SeeSaw, Email, Teams, or a paper copy once we return to school.SPECIAL:? LIBRARY!Visit and explore Mrs. Wasserman's Webpage. See SPECIALISTS link at the top of the page.?4733925572135For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.00For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.READING:Overview: Junior Scholastic and Independent ReadingEstimated Time: 45 minutesExplanation:Close Reading and Map Skills Independent Reading5943600698500Tasks:Junior Scholastic “Dying Off” Day 2 (20 minutes)Review your close read of “On the Read to Extinction.”Complete the “Map Skills” questions on page 11; this can be submitted digitally or handed in once we return to school.Independent Reading (at least 25 minutes)Complete reading logHow This Assignment will be turned in:Responses can be submitted digitally or as a hard copy once we return to school.WRITING:Overview:?Daily Writing MenuEstimated Time:? 25 Minutes?Tasks:?Writing Menu. 4964430586740For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.0For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.Review the Writing Menu below. Select one option to complete today. Throughout the week you can continue working on your selection or choose another captivating option.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??How This Assignment will be turned in:?6148070889000Writing will be turned in once we return to school, however you are welcome to share your work?electronically?if desired.**Revised?Writing Menu**?Word Work (Prefixes, Suffixes, and Word Roots)?Spelling?Multiple Choice Test Preparation?Poetry?*Located behind the Journal Prompts Page*?Free Write!??Complete at least one page in?either “Word Roots” packets?Complete at least one page in either spelling packet?Complete at least one page in the multiple-choice skill-based test prep packet?Complete one assignment in either poetry collection:?Haikus?Odes?Take time to explore your favorite writing genres!??Journal Prompt:?Review the journal prompts provided in your “Distance Learning Envelope.” Choose one prompt that speaks to you and respond digitally or in your Writer’s Notebooks. We will share some of these responses when we get back to school!?Research?& Notetaking:?Look through these options and complete as needed:??(You may move from task to task in any order)??Reflect on your research topic that you chose either in Library or in your own classroom.?Refine?your research topic: does it need to be?narrowed?or?broadened??Example:?What is lung cancer and how can it be treated???Non-Example: What is World War II? (This would need to be narrowed)?Identify the three?key questions?for your topics?Example:?What is lung cancer?and what are its risk factors??What are effects of lung cancer???How can lung cancer be treated??Research your topic:?Record resources on your “Presearch” document, or on a piece of paper/an index card?Record important information for your topic?Organize your facts?Begin sorting your information; which key question does each fact support??Cite your Sources?Record your information on?Noodletools?If you have questions about?Noodletools, please reach out to Mrs. Wasserman!?SOCIAL STUDIESOverview: Identify and Describe Family ArtifactsEstimated Time: 3-4 days, 20 minutes eachExplanation:Distance Learning has given us more time to spend with, and talk to, our families. Use this time to get to know your family’s history a little better! For this project, you will interview a loved one and create or share a family artifact that represents your experience. Tasks:Days 1 & 2: Interviewing at least one Family MemberGenerate a list of interview questions before you conduct your interview. Make sure they are purposeful questions (thick vs. thin) that will spark a conversation.Sample Questions can be accessed by clicking this link!In addition to your parents/guardians, consider reaching out to aunts, uncles, and/or grandparents for this interview!Record your interview however you chooseAudio/video recording, note taking, e.g. After you have finished conducting your interview, reflect on what you’ve learned about this family member and the interview process. What surprised you? What was the most challenging aspect of the interview process? What was the most enjoyable?How This Assignment will be turned in:See Saw, Email, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.right149860There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.0There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.191897022669500?314924528149700-222250222250DATE: MONDAY, MARCH 23RD00DATE: MONDAY, MARCH 23RD______________________________________________________________________________________MATHOverview:? Multiplying and Dividing FractionsEstimated Time:? 30 minutesExplanation: ??Today you will review how to multiply and divide fractions. Then, you will apply your knowledge. ?Things to know: Fractions have a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number).When multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators. Then, multiply the denominators. Simply the answer, if you are able. When dividing fractions, write your number model. Keep the first fraction as is, change the division sign to a multiplication sign, finally reciprocate or flip the second fraction. Multiply the fractions and simplify, if needed.Please visit to access tutorial videos related to accessing online Math in Focus resources.There are no pre-made worksheets for today.Tasks: (3 + extra)Continue recording the daily temperature on your chart.Self-made Questions:You will need your number cards for this activity.Take a pencil, pen, straw, etc. and place in in front of you to make a horizontal line. Place another pencil, pen, marker, straw, etc. and place in in front of you to make another horizontal line. Flip over one number card and place it above one of the horizontal lines. Flip over a second number card and place it below one of the horizontal lines. Continue until you have two fractions. Multiply or divide the fractions.Repeat 8 times. Catering Company Activity:Imagine you are the owner of a catering company. Choose a recipe that you will make for a party. Consider a recipe that you would enjoy eating. Your customer just called and said they need to triple the amount of people at the party. Multiply each of the ingredients by 3 and rewrite the ingredients list.Your customer just called and said that five times as many people are coming to the party. Multiply each of the ingredients by 5 and rewrite the ingredients list.Your customer just called and said that one-third of the people are coming to the party. Multiply each of the ingredients by one-third and rewrite the ingredients list.Extra: Only do this activity if you want more practice.play “SatisFraction” at is this assignment turned into the teacher? SeeSaw, Email, Teams, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.SPECIAL:?QUEST! 20 minutesVisit and explore Mrs. Smith's Webpage. See SPECIALISTS link at the top of the page.491299515240For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.00For those of you who work with Mrs. Prendergast, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.?READING:6076950825500Overview:?Close Reading a NF Article and Independent?Reading?Estimated Time:?45 minutes?Explanation:?Close Reading and Comprehension Questions??Independent Reading?Tasks:?Close Reading?(20 minutes)?Junior Scholastic In your folder, select the Junior Scholastic issue titled, “Dying Off?” Perform a close reading of the main article titled, “On the Read to Extinction.” Pay attention to the nonfiction text features as you read. Independent Reading (at least?25 minutes)?This is your free-choice book, your "on-deck book", magazine articles, online articles, plete the reading log?included in the packet.?How This Assignment will be turned in:?Reading Packet will be handed in once we return to school??WRITING:Overview:?Daily Writing MenuEstimated Time:? 25 Minutes?Tasks:?Writing Menu. 4964430586740For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.0For those of you who work with Mrs. Pertes, please visit her page for ideas & assignments.Review the Writing Menu below. Select one option to complete today. Throughout the week you can continue working on your selection or choose another captivating option.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??How This Assignment will be turned in:?6148070889000Writing will be turned in once we return to school, however you are welcome to share your work?electronically?if desired.SOCIAL STUDIESOverview: Identify and Describe Family ArtifactsEstimated Time: 3-4 days, 20 minutes eachExplanation:Distance Learning has given us more time to spend with, and talk to, our families. Use this time to get to know your family’s history a little better! For this project, you will interview a loved one and create or share a family artifact that represents your experience. Tasks:Day 1: Interviewing at least one Family MemberGenerate a list of interview questions before you conduct your interview. Make sure they are purposeful questions (thick vs. thin) that will spark a conversation.Sample Questions can be accessed by clicking this link!In addition to your parents/guardians, consider reaching out to aunts, uncles, and/or grandparents for this interview!Record your interview however you chooseAudio/video recording, note taking, e.g. After you have finished conducting your interview, reflect on what you’ve learned about this family member and the interview process. What surprised you? What was the most challenging aspect of the interview process? What was the most enjoyable?How This Assignment will be turned in:See Saw, Email, PowerPoint/PowerPoint Screencast, or a paper copy once we return to school.right149860There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.0There is an expected 40 minutes for students to account for during the day. This is called FLEX TIME. Our 10:00 morning meeting and the time you respond to our daily PADLET prompts are counted towards that 40 minutes. If you do not join our morning meeting or work on PADLET, then please use that 40 minutes any other way you choose during your Math, Special, Reading, Writing, or Soc. Studies blocks.178498518224500 ................

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