Colorado Trauma Network (CTN) Meeting Minutes

St. Mary-Corwin’s Dorsey Cancer Center Conference Room 1008

Prepared by the Data Services Section

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Friday, December 5, 2014


NTDS 2015 Updates - Apply these changes beginning January 1, 2015

Discharge Dispositions – Change the definition

• Hospital Discharge Disposition

o The “died” value is now described as “deceased/expired”

• ED Discharge Disposition

o The “died” value is now described as “deceased/expired”

Physical Abuse

• Add three (3) elements

o Report of Physical Abuse: A report of suspected physical abuse was made to law enforcement and/or protective services. This includes, but is not limited to, a report of child, elder, spouse or intimate partner physical abuse. Yes/No options

o Investigation of Physical Abuse: An investigation by law enforcement and/or protective services was initiated because of the suspected physical abuse. This includes, but is not limited to, a report of child, elder, spouse or intimate partner physical abuse. Yes/No/NA options. Only complete when “Report of Physical Abuse” is Yes. The “Not Applicable” value should be used for patients where “Report of Physical Abuse” is No

o Caregiver at Discharge: The patient was discharged to a caregiver different than the caregiver at admission due to suspected physical abuse. Yes/No/NA options. Only complete when “Report of Physical Abuse” is Yes. Only complete for minors (age < 18). The “Not Applicable” value should be used for patients where “Report of Physical Abuse” is No or if the patient expires prior to discharge

Primary Payment Method

• Retire values

o NF: No Fault Automobile

o WC: Workers Compensation

o BCBS: Blue Cross/Blue Shield


• Change the definition

o ETOH: From “Alcoholism” to “Alcohol Use Disorder”

o CVA: From “CVA/residual neurological deficit” to “Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)”

o RESP: From “Respiratory disease” to “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)”

o ABUSE: From “Drug or dependence” to “Drug Use Disorder”

• Retire values

o ASCITES: Ascites within 30 days

o VAR: Esophageal Varices

o OBESE: Obesity based on BMI ≥ 30

o PHRES: Prehospital cardiac arrest with resuscitative efforts by healthcare provider

• Add value

o ADD: Attention deficit disorder / attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD)


• Change the definition

o Old: GCS < 14 ( New: GCS ≤ 13

o Old: Crash ejection (partial or complete) from vehicle (

New: Crash ejection (partial or complete) from automobile

• Add values

o GSBP: For adults > 65; SBP < 110

o COAG: Patients on anticoagulants and bleeding disorders

o PREG20: Pregnancy > 20 weeks

o JUDGE: EMS Provider judgment

o BURN: Burns

o BURNT: Burns with trauma


• Beginning January 1, 2016, all AIS codes must be version 2005 with 2008 update. In case you are wondering, the course that many of you completed in 2011 was the updated 2008 course. If you completed this course, you have fulfilled the 2008 update requirement. If you have been using the 2008 update but were coding “2005”, contact Scott Beckley to discuss resubmitting these codes.

• The state will continue to collect ICD-9 through December 31, 2015

• Beginning January 1, 2016, ICD-9 codes will no longer be accepted by the state

ICD-10-Procedure Coding System (PCS)

Slides with example scenarios are available on the Colorado Trauma Network website

Next steps

• These and other topics (e.g., a new 2015 manual - in progress) will be discussed at the next CTN/CTR meeting in January 2015


Mike Archuleta from St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center volunteered to stand for the President/Chair Position and was elected.

No one volunteered or was nominated for the Vice President or Secretary Positions so those were tabled until the January CTN meeting.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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