
4579620205740Lost Sheep Ministry News – June 2017The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18 - 20 is a commission for all Christians to go, make Disciples, and teach them to OBEY all that I have commanded you. LSM is dedicated to evangelizing the lost and making Disciples of Christ that make Disciples of Christ according to II Timothy 2:2. 49530410845Notes from Pastor Bob: I am writing this newsletter from Nnewi, Nigeria. Jon Friesen is with me again. We are here for the celebration of Tony Okeke's Mom's transition from 95 years on earth to eternity with Jesus in heaven. Pastor BobSaturday 6/3/17 I awoke at 2:30 am on Saturday planning to catch flights to LaGuardia (New York). When I arrived at LaGuardia, I transferred to JFK Airport where I awaited my flight on Turkish Airlines to Istanbul and then on to Lagos, Nigeria. While waiting in the airport for Jon Friesen to arrive from Florida, I had three wonderful hours providing Bible instructions to a Kenyan man who lives in New York. I met Jon and we boarded a 777/300 for Istanbul, Turkey1873250361315Sunday 6/4/17 We arrived in Istanbul about 11:55 am and walked more than a mile to our connecting gate for a 2:10 pm departure to Lagos, Nigeria. We did not have a lot of time but enough time for the Holy Spirit to allow me to lead an airline gate attendant to the Lord. Praise God for allowing me to win a soul for Him in Turkey! When we arrived in Lagos and waited for about an hour for our driver to arrive from Nnewi4274820324485We had 4 hours to rest before leaving on an 8-hour road trip to Nnewi, Nigeria. Tuesday 6/6;17 This morning John & Faith Nweki were knocking on my door with their 3-week-old baby girl. They were so excited. Pastor Bob, "We want you to name our daughter". It took a while for this to settle in my mind. This young couple were asking me to name their daughter. "It will be an honor for us Pastor Bob if you name her and pray for us". So Bernice Hope is now named.Wednesday 6/7/17 I was resting at about 6 pm when I realized I have to try to stay up later so I can adjust to the 6 hour time change. I prayed and grabbed the Evanecube and went fishing with Jesus. I first shared with a man who works at the hotel and he told me he is a Christian. He is an author and will give me a copy of his latest book tomorrow. I then had the privilege to share with Edith. She also is a Christian. A young woman with five children and she is a widow. I spent about an hour encouraging her. Then along came Jacinta Anuligo a young single girl. I shared the gospel with her and she dropped to her knees to receive Jesus.7620557530Thursday 6/8/17 was another great day serving the Lord. Tony Okeke picked us up about 10 am and we went to his home where the funeral will be conducted. Tents were being set up and it looks like they can hold 100’s of people. The wake is tonight and the funeral and internment is tomorrow. 1821815497840Saturday will be burial service. Tony’s mom Josephine Nwamalubia was 95 years old when she entered heaven. Tony has three sisters and three brothers. I am really honored for Jon and me to be a part of this celebration service. We went to Save the Lost Mission and shared with about 60 pastors. Oh how I love them! Jon and I shared words of encouragement on meekness (Jon) and soul-winning (me). Tony announced that we will be serving in four churches on Sunday. I eagerly await that day but we still have Friday and Saturday to serve the Lord. I have a funeral message prepared. 7620673735Saturday we attended another gathering at Pastor Tony’s home to celebrate his mother’s home-going. And I mean CELEBRATE! Yep, that is whole cow being roasted! It is hard to explain the love and joy that permeated the air of all that were gathered there. The music and dance and testimonies were non-stop. I realized that this celebration must be a foretaste of what the celebration in heaven will be like when we enter. Every day is a family reunion day for all who enter heaven. I look forward to seeing my mom and dad and other family members who went to heaven before me.On the way back to the hotel we stopped at an internet shop so I could print out the spiritual birth certificates and discipleship material to distribute to those who received Christ at the hotel. In my room, I began to pray about the messages I would share on Sunday morning. Sunday, we attended Church of the Divine Inheritance in Nnewi and Pastor Michael Ubabadu's church in a village about 30 minutes from Nnewi. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! The Holy Spirit really used Jon and me to be a part of the prayer, praise, and preaching at both churches. More than 30 souls were saved at each church. In our first meeting I asked everyone in church who had led someone to the Lord to stand up. If you have led more than 100 sit down. Everyone sat down.It is amazing to me that a church with about 400 members didn’t have anyone lead more than 100 to the Lord. If you are abiding in Christ and He is abiding in you, YOU WILL BEAR MUCH FRUIT! Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men. If you AINT fishing you AREN’T following!My message at Michael’s church was I Never Knew You Mat 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Mat 7:22 "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' Mat 7:23 "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' I changed my message when we pulled in the parking lot and the Holy Spirit instructed me to preach this message. There are many in this church who are not saved even some in the choir. Well of course, the Holy Spirit was right He always is and more than 30 were saved including some from the choir. I then had the whole church recite with me the Purpose Driven Covenant Statement from Rick Warren.26670664210Tuesday 6/13/2017 Yesterday we visited a high school and an elementary school. Both are Save the Lost Missions schools. The high school is on the property behind Tony’s home. This was my first time to see it. I remember when it was a sketch on a piece of paper. Wow, what God can do with a man who has VISION! The elementary school has been at the Save the Lost Mission church building since my first trip here with Pastor David Wright some 15 years ago. I am amazed by the politeness of the children. Of course, I do see some of the long sticks some teachers are carrying. I shared with the teachers that 65 years ago my favorite teacher was Sister Denise at St Catherine’s school in Detroit. She was an Immaculate Heart of Mary Nun. I thought she was 100 years old but I realize now she was much younger. Sister Denise punished me for doing something wrong (don’t remember what it was) My punishment was to write a report on Nathan Hale (“I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country”) and Patrick Henry (“give me liberty or give me death”). That teacher put something in my mind that has lasted for 65 years! To all the teachers out there, you also are planting knowledge that will be in your students minds FOREVER! God bless you teachers. Today we packed up and moved to Asaba, Nigeria. About an hour’s ride from Nnewi. We visited another school and the kids were awesome! We are the first white missionaries they have ever seen. The teachers and students accepted and sang and danced for us wildly. Jon and I shared again. Jon reviewed the 10 commandments concentrating on number 5, Honor Your Father and Your Mother. I shared on 3 daily building blocks I choose today to BELIEVE GOD – TRUST GOD – OBEY GOD. I believe we are approaching about 1,000 children that God has allowed us to share with both at the funeral for three days and now all the schools we have visited. I am looking forward to the next days for Jon and I here in the Asaba area.. Thursday 6/15 Yesterday was another awesome day serving the Lord. We visited another school located here in Asaba, Nigeria. Chukwadu (our host we are living in his home) mother is the principal. Then we visited with three pastors for about 1 ? hours sharing testimonies. It was a sweet time of fellowship. Then we went home to rest for two meetings in the evening. However, Chukeadu’s parents came to visit. His dad is 73 he believes maybe a little older. They did not record the births at the time of his birth. Before they left he gave me a love offering for Lost Sheep Ministries. I am humbled. The service at 5 pm at Church of God Mission was crowded. Jon and I shared and we had one young boy come forward for salvation with Jon doing the fishing. We were about to close when he got up and went up to speak. He again shared his salvation experience at the age of 7. He knew God had a young man who was going to be saved. We went to another church but we were late and only about 12 children and the pastor and his wife remained. We shared with them in the dark. There is no electricity here because of the rain storms. We do have a generator at Chukwadu’s home.THEN, God put the icing on the cake. We stopped at the home of an elderly church member who was ill. Very difficult for her to walk but she did with the use of the cane. After I prayed for Jehova Rapha to heal her we threw the cane away and danced to James Brown singing I Feel Good. Her grandchildren along with us were amazed. She WALKED us to the truck when we were leaving and she was so very very happy. My prayer is that God’s Holy Spirit will grant all of us the faith of a mustard seed. We can move mountains!4282440729615?Friday 6/16 I incorrectly posted on Face book yesterday that we were going to a meeting at the Mayor’s home. The lady is not the Mayor she is a judge. We had a gathering of about 20 at her home and shared our hearts and testimonies. Jon and I then shared brief messages of encouragement. I then played five brief videos of praise from Vietnam, Brazil, Nicaragua, Nigeria, and U.S. We then went through My Heart Christ’s Home and repeated Ephesians 6, The Full Armor of God prayer on the armor of God and Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Covenant.Then the Holy Spirit said to me “Wash their feet!” We obeyed and Jon and I washed the feet of all who were there. John 13:14. "If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet."Here is a note received from one of the pastors who attended last night's meeting."Good morning Man of God, I slept well & I thank U for your visit. It is the most wonderful, humbling, thought provoking & challenging experience I have had. Has any man, not to talk about the one senior to U in age, ministry, status & everything in life ever washed & KISSED your feet? And think of their reaching out to the abandoned & homeless ones & soul winning noiselessly. To me, the message is go and do likewise. I bless GOD too for the communion we had. Please thank them for me & give them my love".Saturday 6/17 Yesterday we went to the tailor to be measured for a outfit to wear on Sunday. Two pastors are paying for the material and sewing for Jon and me to have a new outfit. Then we went to a widow’s home to visit. She is a deaconess in her church and very needy. Jon and I were able to share encouragement both spiritually and monetarily. I love serving the Lord and very humble and always rewarding ways. We are resting today. Awaiting tomorrow when we will share at four churches. We were unable to attend a scheduled meeting last night due to heavy rains that made it impossible for us to get to Pastor Testimonies’ church. Therefore, plan B was to visit the homes of two neighbors In the first home we shared My Heart Christ’s Home at the recommendation of Pastor’s wife. Afterward Jon spent time sharing and admonishing with love and the man, his wife and young son all prayed to receive Christ. We gathered on our knees and I said the sinners prayer with the husband repeating after me then his wife and son repeated after him. In this way he actually led his wife and son to the Lord. There was no electricity so no light but the Light of the World shone brightly. We visited the second neighbor's home. As very wealthy business man and his family of wife and three sons. During our conversation we learned that they had received Christ as Savior. He travels internationally often to the Middle East and Taiwan. We experienced a wonderful night of Christian fellowship. ?I received this post today on Face book: Germillius Lee? to?Bob Gibson June 15 at 6:21pm·"I appreciate the divine intervention that changed my life. Thank you I didn't see it then but your hard work pays off whoever you are because you're not human. ..Humans do not care about people .an inception for you glad that you seen something in me and believe in me that means the allot to this black kid from LaMarque (TX). Don't ever stop!"I cannot describe how blessed I was to read this. Tears were streaming down my face as I thanked God to calling, choosing and sending me to declare the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ! SUNDAY 6/18 Today Jon and I spoke in five small churches of three different denominations. I watched Jon really blossom today as God used him to bring 57 souls into His kingdom. The crowds were varying from 25-30 to about 80 – 90 in Save the Lost Mission and Church of God Mission.God then followed up with a salvation message. After being warned that they must choose their destination here on earth before death they were ready to hear the gospel presentation that Jon shared. I am so happy for Jon. He shared that until he joined me on a mission trip 2 years ago to Nigeria, which was his first mission trip, he had only led 2 people to the Lord. Now he is winning souls in Nigeria (both trips), Nicaragua (four trips) and back home in the Florida/Alabama area where he lives and works. Jon was in a Bible study class I taught 30 years ago in Papillion, Nebraska when he was stationed at Offutt AFB. We have stayed in touch over the years and now he has decided to reduce his time with his business and spend more time travelling with me on the Lord’s business. GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES!Looking back over our multi-nation trip in Jesus' name, our results were100 Pastors encouraged127 prayed for salvation that I remember18 church leaders at foot washing including a judge6 schools visited with attendance of more than 7009 churches visited and encouraged.I am humbly asking for continued prayer from our prayer partners and thanking you for praying for our labors at LSM. We do not have the funds necessary for the trip but you know I am a firm believer that God's will is God's bill. Would you prayerfully consider investing in God's kingdom work by sending your financial support to LSM marked for support of Australia/Viet Nam trip? The smallest church we were in took a special offering to plant a seed into Lost Sheep Ministries. They wanted to invest in the Great Commission. 4,690 Naira which is $14.45 US was in the small envelope the pastor gave me. 5623560730885I look forward to going home but again I must say what I say after every mission trip: “The last trip is ALWAYS the BEST trip until the next trip!” Jon and I will travel to Australia and Vietnam with Kirkwood Vietnamese Church for the month of July. Your prayers and support are appreciated. Believe me when I say your prayers are my strength to continue going. Pastor BobRecommended Reading: Moving Beyond Failure by: Bill Crowder. These lessons from the life of Peter provide insightful review of Peter's faith and hoae the Bible tells us that true success comes when our lives are transformed by the power of Christ. Tax Deductable Donations to LSM: Lost Sheep Ministries is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Funds are needed for travel, materials, and equipment to be provided to new converts and needy churches. Donations may be made to LSM, 2951 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 130-144, League City, TX 77573. We seek funds to travel, equip, and commission others to take the Gospel of Christ to all nations. This monthly newsletter will be distributed by email only. Email addresses may be removed or added to distribution by notifying John Overton at dotnjohn@. ................

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