
The lion woke up with his arms chained above his head, much to his displeasure. After the first few seconds of straining against the shackles out of surprise, he calmed down enough to survey his surroundings. He was in a small room that looked to be about 10 feet square. The walls were made of irregular stones giving the room the appearance of being some sort of dungeon, or maybe it was just being chained down that made him think it was a dungeon rather than just a room in a castle. There weren't any iron maidens or red hot pokers laying around so it wasn't really a torture room. For all the lion could see the only thing in the room was himself and the table he was chained to.

His attention drawn again to the fact that he was most definitely being held against his will, the lion once again tried to break free from his restraints. The most he could do with his powerful muscles though was to hurt his wrists and ankles. At this point he noticed that his legs were shackled at the bottom corners of the table he was on just like his wrists were shackled at the corners above his head. The table itself appeared to be made of pretty solid wood, at least solid enough for him not to be able to break it. He also noticed that he was tilted back about fifteen degrees from being completely upright.

Although he couldn't see anything behind him, he could see out of the corner of his right eye a heavy wooden door, the only apparent entrance or exit he could find. Other than that he couldn't see a single thing in the room. The room was well lit from a window behind the table. What he could see of the floor was thickly covered in straw. After he finally decided to stop struggling, the lion found out that he was actually pretty comfortable. The shackles weren't too tight, the temperature was nice, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing. Curiously enough he thought he could sense delicious smell of cooking nearby. If he wasn't chained down it would've been a pretty nice day.

“Well shit.” He said in resignation. The door to his right opened, and in walked a figure covered in a deep purple hooded robe. When the figure turned around the lion could see what looked like some kind of canid but he couldn't make out any features other than a pointed muzzle sticking out from under the hood.

“So how are we doing this beautiful spring morning?” she said as she came to stand in front of her captive and pulled back her hood. The lion wasn't even able to tell if she was a woman until she spoke. He could at least now tell that she was a fox, in the literal sense, and that she looked like she was even younger than he was.

“Delightful. Who the hell are you?” he replied.

“Oh, excuse my rudeness. You can call me Michelle. And what might your name be, my handsome, under dressed friend.” She said as she looked him up and down from head to toe.

The lion immediately became aware of the fact that he was only wearing the loin cloth that he wore to bed last night, now feeling a lot smaller than he remembered it being back when he wasn't chained up in front of a strange woman. “Ah!” he yelped as he turned beet red under his tawny fur. “My name is Eric.” He said, too embarrassed to look her in the face when he spoke. He'd been too distracted by trying to get out to really notice his own state of undress.

“Well, now we're both well acquainted.” She said as she started to poke and prod him all over. Eric writhed in his restraints, trying to resist the urge to laugh when Michelle got to his more ticklish areas.

“Ahaha, do you kidnap people you don't know often?” he asked. She was rubbing her paws over his stomach where he was especially sensitive.

“Oh, only recently.” she replied in a sing-songy voice.

“Well, that's good.” Eric replied bitterly, he was finally beginning to get over his embarrassment and was back to feeling disgruntled again. He couldn't help but to spend some time admiring his captor though. She looked to be about twenty one and had the classic fox markings. Her roaming black paws felt very soft and gentle on his body and were well manicured. She also had very striking blue eyes set in a pleasant looking face. Unfortunately her thick purple robe didn't do much to accentuate the rest of her figure, so Eric could only imagine if the rest of her body was as nice as her face.

“Oh would you stop trying to undress me with your eyes?” Michelle said incredulously.

“Well excuse me for looking. Maybe you shouldn't have started by undressing me with your hands.” he shot back at her.

“Oh don't be silly, I found you this way.” She replied as she stood back to give Eric a good looking over.

“Ah well that's better then, that you found me, in my house, like you were supposed to be there looking for me or something.” he replied sarcastically.

“Oh your tiny little house's door was practically standing open, swinging in the wind waiting for someone to waltz in.” she said back teasingly.

“I wasn't exactly expecting to get kidnapped out of nowhere, and my door was hardly standing open. It's just too bad we can't all be insane vixens living in castles, kidnapping unsuspecting people in their sleep so we can feel them up.”

“From the looks of things I'm not sure you mind as much as you're letting on.” Eric once again turned beet red under his fur as he forgot that he wasn't as well clothed as he normally was.

“Hmph. Well since extreme sarcasm doesn't seem to be getting to you, maybe I should be more blunt. Why am I here exactly?” Eric said, trying to change the subject away from his current state.

“Ah, I was afraid you'd never get around to asking something important. At the moment let's say you're here for my personal amusement. You wouldn't happen to be hungry would you?” She said as she stepped forward again and began stroking Eric's stomach seductively. Eric's stomach decided to take that opportunity to let out a monstrous growl.

Eric swallowed the saliva building up in his mouth and said, “Now that you mention it, I kind of am.”

“I'm glad to hear it.” Michelle said cheerfully as she went back out the door she came in. A few seconds later Eric could hear the sound of squeaking wheels as Michelle reentered the room pushing a dinner cart in front of her. She pushed the cart past Eric and parked it next to the table. As the cart went past Eric could see the cart was filled with platters piled high with smoked sausages, a huge pot roast, a pork roast, and Swedish meatballs slathered in sauce. “A full breakfast for a growing lion.”

Eric did his best to stop himself from drooling just from the smell of what was on the cart. Michelle wheeled the cart so that it was a little behind the table, just out of his sight. “I hope you don't expect me to be able to eat all of that.” he said as he tried to crane his neck around to try to get a better look at the feast he was about to receive.

“Oh don't be so selfish. Of course I don't expect you to eat it all. You just have as much as you want.” She said in a motherly tone.

“Um, I think I could use a little help.” Eric said as he moved his hands around in their restraints for emphasis.

“Oh of course, let me help you.” She said as she reached over to the cart and picked up the tray of sausages. She lifted the first of a dozen thick juicy sausages, “Ready?” Eric nodded emphatically, his neck straining to try to get him close enough to take a bite out of the sausage. Eric gagged for a second as Michelle shoved the almost the whole thing into his muzzle. Eric was able to start chewing on the sausage and it was the most delicious thing he had ever eaten in his life. By the time he'd finished gulping down the first sausage, Michelle was ready with another one. This one was tasted spicier than the last one. After a few chews he gulped the entire thing down.

“You sure are a happy little eater, aren't you?” Michelle said as she fed him a sausage that was almost as big around as her wrist. Michelle let Eric chew off the first half before giving him the second, afraid that he might just choke if he kept up this pace. Eric's normally concave stomach was already starting to pooch out a little, but all Eric had eyes for was more food.

Michelle continued feeding him the rest of the sausages. Eric eventually started to slow down as his stomach started to puff out into a regular potbelly. By the time Michelle had fed him the last of the sausages, Eric looked like he could use a few sit ups. “Ready for the next course?” Michelle asked as she set the greasy tray back on the cart. Eric just moaned in pleasure and nodded emphatically. Michelle came back with the large bowl of Swedish meatballs in cream sauce that looked like it was more than enough to feed a family of five.

Michelle brandished a fork, “I wouldn't want to get my hands all greasy.” she explained as she speared a meatball that was half the size of a fist. Eric eagerly chomped the meatball off the fork. It was the new best thing he'd ever tasted in his life. He took a moment to savor the creamy sauce before devouring the meatball, the mild sauce giving contrast to the spicy meat.

Michelle forked over meatballs as fast as Eric could wolf them down. She paused every now and then to give Eric a chance to lick as much sauce off of his face as he could reach. Eric's belly slowly swelled as he continued gorging. By the time Eric was licking the last of the sauce off his face, his stomach was big enough that he looked less like he was out of shape and more like he was stuffed. Michelle giggled and pulled a rag out of her robe to clean up Eric's fur wherever he couldn't reach with his tongue.

“You certainly are a messy eater, too.” Michelle said as she lightly rubbed her paw over Eric's rounded belly, “Ready for the next course?” Michelle asked cheerfully. Eric groaned again, slightly less from pleasure and a little more from fullness, and nodded that he was ready for more. Michelle wheeled the cart around closer to Eric so she could serve him from there rather than having to hold up anymore heavy trays in her hand. For good reason too because the next entree was a seven pound pot roast already carved into slices.

Using her fork from before, Michelle began placing slices of meat in Eric's eagerly awaiting muzzle. The beef was so juicy and tender, that it was like butter and the juices almost tasted like gravy. Eric began his gorging with renewed vigor. He tore through the succulent beef as fast as Michelle was able to pile it in his mouth and his stomach continued to swell at an almost visible rate. Eric began to slow down though as he grew more full. Michelle stole glances at Eric's swollen pale furred belly whenever he closed his eyes in gluttonous bliss. As Eric gulped down the last of the roast, he rested his head back on the table with his eyes closed, taking a moment to really savor the delicious feast.

Michelle smiled to herself as she stepped back for a minute and gave Eric a chance to rest. Eric's once trim abdomen had ballooned out such that his belly button was six inches further out than it had been less than an hour ago. His distended stomach was even more accentuated by the fact that the rest of his body was so lithely muscled. Michelle quietly stepped forward and lightly scratched her claws through Eric's soft belly fur.

“Ready to continue?” Michelle asked softly. Eric's eyes slowly cracked open as he looked over to the cart to find a pork roast that was nearly as large as the roast he'd just finished.

“Ooohhh,” Eric groaned as he tried to stifle a belch, “I don't know. I've eaten an awful lot already and I'm really starting to get full.” Eric still had all eyes for the last roast.

“There, see? You're only starting to get full. Why not go all the way? Besides, everything else has been so good, up until now right? Why not at least try to eat what's left.” Michelle said. She was now leaning forward on Eric, lightly crossing his paws across his bulging belly like it was a small table. Eric dragged his eyes away from the cart to look down at Michelle, who was looking up him with an encouraging smile and eager blue eyes.

“Well, I guess if you really insist.” Eric said, mock begrudgingly.

“Great!” Michelle exclaimed. “You just lean your head back and relax. I'll do all the work for you.” Eric rested his head back on the table and Michelle picked herself up off of Eric to go serve him the pork roast. Just like the last roast, this one had already been carved into easy to chew slices. Michelle placed the first fork full of juicy pork into Eric's mouth and gave him a chance to slowly chew and enjoy it. The meat was just as tender as juicy as the last one, but it had a slightly different flavor and texture from the beef he'd just had. Eric actually took his time to slowly chew his food rather than trying to gulp it down as fast as possible. Michelle obediently waited for Eric to slowly enjoy each slice before she fed him the next one. By the time Eric reached the last three quarters of the roast he started to slow down dramatically.

“Ohhhh,” Eric groaned, this time just letting his belch run free. “I don't think I'm going to be able to finish the rest of it.” Eric's eyes were closed once again, his hands were wriggling around in their restraints again. If he'd been able to move his arms he'd have gladly been rubbing his now even more bloated stomach, which had expanded out almost another full inch. He had to settle for Michelle to do it, which was good enough for him.

“Ohhhh, come on.” Michelle said, mocking Eric's groans of fullness. “There's only three slices left and you've already come so very far.” Eric cracked open his eye to look over at what was left of the pork roast. He was caught between feeling sick from being overstuffed to salivating from gluttonous hunger.

“Well, I guess there is only that little bit left.” Eric said, gluttonous hunger winning out.

“I'm glad to hear it!” Michelle merrily exclaimed. Eric laid his head back on the table and closed his eyes, noticing for the first time that he couldn't ever eat with his eyes closed when he had to feed himself. Michelle placed one of the last remaining slices into Eric's mouth and patiently waited for him to finish chewing and swallowing before serving him the second to last slice. Michelle had to wait slightly longer as Eric appeared to almost have to force himself to swallow this last slice of roast down into his overcrowded stomach. Michelle fed the last slice of roast to Eric before finally setting her fork back down onto one of the greasy trays on the dining cart.

Eric chewed this slice much longer than anything else he'd been served. Michelle was afraid for a second that he might not get it down, but eventually Eric gulped down the very last slice of meat into his bulging belly. Satisfied that his meal was finally finished, Eric let his head loll to the side, he looked like he was sleeping. Michelle took a couple steps back from where Eric hung and had a look over her handiwork. Eric's overstuffed dome of an abdomen stuck out seven inches at his belly button, stuffed so taut that it bulged straight out without the slightest hint of sagging. Michelle chuckled to herself, thinking it was funny that all of Eric's body was taught without the slightest bit of sag, except whereas most of him was taut muscles, his stomach was taut with enough food to feed a lion for almost a week. Eric's bloated belly bulged out starting from right below Eric's well chiseled pecs and made a wide curve down to stop above his large and densely muscled legs. Although Eric didn't exactly look like a bodybuilder, he definitely took good care of his body, at least until just recently.

“So, how do you like my cooking?” Michelle asked, finally breaking the silence. Eric slowly opened his eyes as though waking from a dream.

“Well,” Eric began before letting out a small belch, “I think that was the greatest meal I've had in my entire life!” Eric licked some of the grease from around his mouth.

“I'm glad to hear it,” Michelle said brightly before she grabbed the cart and started pushing out of the room. Eric thought he noticed Michelle walking with an exaggerated sway to her hips as she walked out the door, he also thought that for all he knew she always walked so seductively. A few seconds later Eric thought her heard the sound of the cart's wheels slowly rolling back towards the room. Michelle suddenly burst into the room using the cart, now once again laden with food, to push open the door. “Because your meal is hardly over yet.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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