
Hostage in Opar TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u Hostage PAGEREF _Toc371151143 \h 3Sacrifice PAGEREF _Toc371151144 \h 6Panel Battle of wills PAGEREF _Toc371151145 \h 8Prisoner to La PAGEREF _Toc371151146 \h 10Side of beef PAGEREF _Toc371151147 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc371151148" The risks PAGEREF _Toc371151148 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc371151149" Edging close to reality PAGEREF _Toc371151149 \h 17Which hostage? PAGEREF _Toc371151150 \h 19Legacy PAGEREF _Toc371151151 \h 22Pissed PAGEREF _Toc371151152 \h 25Torment PAGEREF _Toc371151153 \h 27Despicable PAGEREF _Toc371151154 \h 30Trapped PAGEREF _Toc371151155 \h 32Endure PAGEREF _Toc371151156 \h 34End PAGEREF _Toc371151157 \h 36HostageIt was chilly in the pit, trembles setting into his bare skin. Korak looked up. Overhead a grill had been slammed shut, his hands were tied behind, no way out of La’s clutches .. trapped. Somewhere above in the cavern a single light was flickering, no sign or sound of life down here. Dismissed by an angry La when Korak had thwarted her, Korak had been jostled and bundled into these dungeons. Thrown into this pit. Alone, abandoned to his thoughts. He couldn’t help smiling to himself. At the way he’d tricked La. But his satisfaction was going to be short-lived, she’d promised him so.With a snort she had tried taunting him. Mocking him when he had refused sex with her. “Not up to your father’s standards? Tarzan? Not good enough to match your old man? EH?”A stinging slap across his cheek made Korak cuss. Like hell!“Afraid the brat can’t fuck like the old man?”Damn you, thought Korak. That an invitation? For the son to compete with his father at putting this whore in her place? Just like his old man had?Bring it on, bitch. The son will match his old man .. standing up to you .. Refuse to be pushed around? Any day.Serve La in her bed? Not as a lover .. her slave .. to use and abuse as she felt .. Plaything to her whims. Like hell! Derisive he had dismissed the idea, he told her what he thought of her offer. They had made him, her men had held him down on the floor. She got him hard, her tongue swallowed him. Coarsely handling with him. His anger .. her roughness .. they got to him .. in quick time his young man’s tackle was for the taking.Time had not served La well. It was a pair of ugly sagging tits that rolled above his head. La was no longer the alluring seductress of which his father had told. Her beauty had collapsed .. and her tits with it. Wobbly breasts bounced recklessly as she rode him. Old enough to be his mother .. rounded rolls wobbling around her wrinkled waist. Korak felt a repulsion for her .. forcing herself on him .. not one ounce of seduction and allure about her naked body. Making him only feel angry as her ugliness bounced above his body as her men held him down. Angrily he retaliated. One way to put her in her place. He went for it, Korak did not try to stop himself. He humped back. His hips driving up. The solid pole she rode .. he drove it hard inside her. The force of his virility pushed her up in the air. The power of his young man’s body in obsessive sex shot her upwards as fervently he pushed. Making her tits wobble wildly, her head jolting, the hair swished across her face with his force. He came .. in blistering quick time. His blood on fire with his anger .. with a loud grunt he shot himself inside her. Working himself into a frenzy, deliberately he’d forced himself to cum .. And La had barely started. In triumph he smirked in her shocked face. He couldn’t do a damned thing about being forced into this. But hell as like was she having him on her terms!The sight of triumph of Korak’s face .. shocked at being tricked so easily .. angry that he had dared .. that surge of triumph on his face .. La slapped a stinging hand across Korak’s face. Not even happy to see the trickle of a tear from his eye.La lost it. He’d fooled her. He was sneering up in her face. Men did not do that .. Not to La.“Damn you, brat ..”Her voice was raging, high-pitched.“You’ll not get away with that.“Her fuming followed him as her men bundled him away.“You’ll pay.” Korak smirked to himself .. her shrieking .. he’d fooled her. She had lost it. Furious at being tricked. By Tarzan’s brat.“I’ll see you pay .. just like your dumb father did …”The screaming seemed to pursue him all the way to this pit.“You’ll pay. Ape-shit.”Three times Tarzan had said he had been La’s “guest”. “When she’s thwarted ..” Tarzan had told him the history. “ .. when she can’t get her way ..” Thrust into a dark dungeon deep under La’s citadel .. Korak had tried to break free. But he had to admit to himself that he had just inherited his father’s role .. prisoner of Opar. No way out of this dungeon .. his thoughts went back to Tarzan and La.Three times his father had undergone her “hospitality” .. each time more manic .. “Thwarted .. then she is at her most dangerous,” Tarzan had said. “Vindictive. She’ll stop at nothing .. till she gets her own way.”“Deny her .. refuse to bend .. block her ..” Tarzan’s words had petered away. His mind’s eye reliving in silence the horrors he had suffered in her clutches. Three times .. each worse than the last. Getting hysterical in her drive to win. Trying everything to break Tarzan’s will. Make him submit to her. Tormented. Tortured. Feeling pain like being roasted alive. Shimmering waves of heat broke over him time-and-again .. as she tried desperately to snap the back of his will,A woman for whom human life was meaningless .. obeying only her own laws, grasping everything for her own gratification. Giving and taking with total disregard. She tried taking what she wanted from Tarzan by force .. in her eyes that was the privilege of the strong.That last time she had grabbed him back by force .. Sick at the loss of him .. she’d sent men to hunt him down and capture him. She craved her alpha male back .. could not live with the fact that he had evaded her will. She demanded Tarzan’s presence. Not for sex any more. Eaten alive by the craving to dominate. Thwarted. Giving her a hunger to have the one thing she could not have .. his will .. his submission .. that Tarzan had continued to deny her. Any question of a relationship between them was gone. The pair were locked in mortal conflict. Tarzan refusing, La insisting. Throwing at him massive onslaughts of pain. Tarzan fighting back, controlling his moans, snarling at her increasingly cruel tricks .. even when any movement was like pain throttling his body .. Still he had refused to bend. This was a power-game. For La power over her alpha-male was the only thing that would give her pleasure .. having Tarzan locked in her dungeons to serve her .. only that would give meaning to her life.Tarzan had got away by the skin of his teeth. He confessed to Korak .. he was not proud of the fact .. he had run. Tarzan had often felt he should be looking over his shoulder. Expecting any time for her to send men for him again. Suspecting she’d never give up. Who’d have thought she’d have gone for the son?(Reference to Tarzan’s 3rd incarceration with La refers to the rendsz’ world story. Housed in the junglemen section, in the Variations series, Obsession)Sacrifice“I hope you’re grateful, brat ..”La’s mocking voice rang across the chamber. Heightening Korak’s sense of dismay. Three days he’d been her prisoner. Three days she’d had her men toy with him. Watching, enjoying. Nothing serious, nothing he couldn’t take. More humiliation than physical hurt.But nothing had hurt him as much as the sight that hit his eyes.“Did any father ever pay a higher price for his son?”Korak was angrily struggling back to his feet. La’s guards had dragged him from his cell .. for another session of making him small, he’d thought. Thrown easily to his knees when he’d spotted Tarzan standing there.The pair of them exchanged glances. Tarzan’s face lit into a light smile. He nodded at his son. A sign that said this had to be. Paying his dues to La .. offering ransom.“Surrendered himself. Turned up in the courtyard. Unarmed. Gave himself up ..”La’s eyes were all for Tarzan although she seemed to be addressing Korak. Korak saw her gaze roaming over his father’s muscled torso. As if she was reliving the days gone-by. Greedily eating up his father’s power and strength as she explained to the anguished brat how Tarzan had sacrificed himself. For his son.“Ransomed himself so his son could go free ,” Tarzan asserted. His voice strong and firm. Korak felt his temper rise. And the gloating look on La’s face. A smirk that said she had triumphed.“Be grateful, ape-brat. Few fathers would do that for a grown-up son .. “La paused for a moment. But a listener knew she was about to go on.“ .. seeing as how Tarzan must know what he is letting himself in for …”Korak noticed how his father stood proud and unbending in La’s court. His powerful chest held firm, upright. The power in his shoulders demanding not to be messed withy. The latent threat in her message had no effect on him. Tarzan HAD known full well what he was stepping into.Korak wanted to plead with him. Tell him it hadn’t been necessary. But done was done. Instead he noticed for the first time that his father’s hands were tied behind his back. He had a pair of La’s burliest guards gripping him by the arm. And another couple armed with clubs stood close behind .. ready for trouble.But Tarzan was giving no sign of giving trouble. In full knowledge of what he was doing, he had come .. exchanging his life for his son’s .. he was not here to fight. Just to face the music. And La’s intense bitterness.“Let him go ..”Tarzan’s head nodded in Korak’s direction. Addressing La. His voice strong and authoritative. His arms were bound. But his demeanour was unbending.“Tell your guards to release him ..”La’s eyes opened wide with disbelief. Her upper body did a double-take .. like she was hearing something she did not understand. A quizzical smile on her face.Tarzan looked suspicious. His body suddenly tensed. Scenting a problem.“It’s me you want. Not Korak.”But he was beginning to sense some underhand trick.“I am not bargaining with you, La,” Tarzan said firmly. ?I came here to ransom my son. You have me. I am your prisoner.”Slowly .. quietly .. Tarzan issued his ultimatum.“LET .. HIM .. GO.”La shrugged.“Who said anything about ransom?” she smirked. “I never did.”In an instant, Tarzan cursed. A split second, he shook himself free of one hand on his bicep.“Why you …”In anger he stepped forward. Moving to threaten the queen.His guards instantly moved. Poised to hold him back.“Tarzan,” Korak shouted. “Look out.”∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞Panel Battle of wills(Panel)La was a high dominance female. Of a kind few men encounter .. or wanted to. Tarzan HAD seen such .. but rarely in the animal world. La HAD to prevail, she had to come out on top. Some lionesses Tarzan had seen were super-sexed .. had to dominate .. gave their males a hard time. La too. Tarzan had seen females who virtually fought with the male to arouse his attention. Taunting them to anger .. teeth bared. Tarzan had witnessed a female rhino that as good as mounted the male. La was into sex. She craved sex. Wild, boisterous, starving for it. Adventurous.But La knew that, for her .. she was not just about sex any more. She had always sought out a male that was also high dominance.. anything less made her sick. Why waste herself on such a useless male? She craved a man who was also driven .. a male built to assert his will. A male beast with the backbone to subject all others to his strength of will. In Tarzan La knew she had found her perfect match. Her gaze gripped at him .. her eyes groped at his physique .. she sniffed the air off him .. the erotic scent of the alpha male .. she could smell it on him .. his life in the jungle marked him out as such. She had her spies out .. Tarzan continually competed with other men, she was told .. Another man took Tarzan on? Determined Tarzan asserted himself over his rival .. Faced with a competitor for power .. someone thinking Tarzan could be pushed around .. Tarzan hit back. With all he had. He was ruthless in his response .. breaking the challenger .. forcing any competitor to bend to his will.La sensed that .. first time she eyes swallowed his manliness whole .. she smelled it on him .. in the way Tarzan walked, in the way he held himself. Tarzan’s strength of will .. La’s perfect match. For the way other men .. other powerful men .. bowed to his supremacy. And if any ever questioned Tarzan’s claim .. if force of personality was not enough .. if they could not accept his strength of purpose .. La bristled with excitement at the thought . of Tarzan putting them straight .. in the jungle way. Fighting them .. breaking the backbone of their will over his knee .. making them submit. Dominating them physically .. crushing them mentally .. subordinating them to him. Made for each other. La’s perfect mate. Muscular .. husky .. beautifully built. When she beheld him .. almost faint with excitement .. La smelled power on the big muscled brute .. like a leopard scents blood. Her match.La wanted nothing less. Contemptuous of any male that was not lord of the jungle. Top-dog. Self-assured, all-man. And other men attested to that truth .. Bowed the knee to him.. In Tarzan had found her mate. A male who was as dominant as her. The jungle hailed that from every corner .. cried out only one name in a single voice. Tarzan. Lord of the jungle. No one less would do.In La Tarzan too found a female who matched his self-belief. In sex demanding .. challenging .. adventurous .. . Passion quivered in her every pore. She could not get enough of him .. obsessed with his manhood. His strength. Tarzan’s virility. Crying out as he climaxed .. with her ideal mate..Prisoner to LaPain thwacked Tarzan had across the back of his skull. Hard enough to make him go groggy. The force drove one leg forward, the shock nearly collapsed the knee under him. The hands had grabbed hold of his arms again. But anger at La won over the pain. Tarzan shook himself to wriggle himself free of his guards. One took a barge from his shoulder. But desperately hung on, digging his hands into Tarzan’s bicep.Suddenly something whooshed over his head. Rough material scraped over his face. A bag, coarse sacking scraped over his shoulders, was pulled over his chest. Crying out in anger Tarzan wriggled and struggled all the more. Hands grabbed at him. Another hard thwack smacked him on the shoulder. Pain exploded. Clubbed hard at the base of his neck. Inside the darkness of the sack, Tarzan swore. Angry at La. Cursing that they had been ready for him, they had planned out this attack. The sack around his chest was pulled tighter. Being tied around his chest, pinning his arms down. Fury mixed with panic. Tarzan shoved backwards, he felt one hand lose its grip on his arm. He shoulder-barged the other way. Feeling the other guard loosen his hold. Pain slammed itself into his belly. Expelling at the wind in his guts. A cracking-hard blow smashed again across the back of his head. Lights exploded in Tarzan’s head, he stumbled, a knee weakened. A shove from behind. Tarzan was falling. But arms bound to his side, he couldn’t stop himself. Half-stunned, his legs reacted too slow. Another rough shove into his back. His leg gave way, Tarzan crumpled to one knee. A kick into his back slammed him face-down on the ground.Korak was beside himself. He too was fighting with his guards. Trying to shove them off, struggling to get to his feet. Going to come to his father’s rescue. But a guard had his arms around Korak’s neck, choking him, an arm pressing down on his windpipe. Korak struggled, he tried to wriggle out of the hold. Feeling the heat building in his head, sweat slick against the stranglehold on his neck.With dismay he saw the club smack into the sack, saw Tarzan barged to the ground. A guard jumped down onto his father. Knees landed in the middle of his back, pinning Tarzan down. But Tarzan wasn’t moving. Knocked-out. Or stunned.Quickly a length of rope was bound around Tarzan’s ankles. But his father was offering up no fight. Out-cold. Stuck inside a sack. Arms bound to his side, his legs tied together. Desperate Korak tried to get to him. But the stranglehold just tightened. Nothing he could do to help.“Take him away ..”Korak suddenly became aware of La again. Seated impassively on her dais. Her gaze swept over Tarzan as the guards grabbed the rope on his legs and started dragging Tarzan out of her presence by his legs.“Bid him farewell.”She was smirking at Korak. Gloating over the sight of his own father being hauled away like some captured bit of game. Bound hand and foot.“I see no reason why you will be seeing him again …”∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞Side of beefBefore he fully recovered his senses Tarzan was aware of being dragged. His back scraping on rough earth. A tightness around his ankles, on his back, legs up in the air. His head thumped, he remembered being clubbed. Coarse sacking over his head and chest, his arms pinned to his sides. His mind’s eye saw himself being dragged through La’s palace, the guards who’d clubbed him half-senseless pulling the rope on his legs, dragging him bound and hooded to her dungeons. He’d expected this, being taken prisoner, being mal-treated .. not believed he’d be tricked.Suddenly his back thudded downwards. The back of his skull jolted backwards hitting the step. Hauling him like some piece of game from the hunt down into the depths .. into the numerous caves under the palace. His head thudded from the blow. Quickly he lifted his head up to protect it, bent his shoulders off the earth . as carelessly he was thudded down dozens of steps. Aware the temperature was dropping. Feeling the air chill of his bare skin as they descended .. hot from his fight .. flushed with anger at being tricked by La.The dragging had stopped, his feet dropped. Instantly Tarzan rolled over onto his side, squirming and wriggling, testing the rope tying the sacking around his head and torso. Scrabbling with the knots tying together his wrists.In a moment he was roughly pushed over onto his front. A foot dug into the back of his neck pinning his head down. But still Tarzan struggled. A guard grabbed his wrists, pulled them up. Yanked up hard, pain jarring into his joints. In the same moment his legs were tugged up. They were tying the ankle rope to his wrists. Tarzan’s mind’s eye saw the risk, tied like some pig for slaughter, on his front, tied hands to feet. He cussed, he struggled and fought. But the foot in his neck stomped down hard. The blows to his head re-lit withy eye-watering pain. A vicious kick jarred into his side. Before he could stop them, they’d got him tied. Arms pulled back, legs bent at the knee, rope binding ankles to wrists. Angry at himself, he forcibly rolled himself over on to his side again. Grappling with the knots. Sweating with effort inside his bag. But scrabbling to work some movement out of the knots before it was too late.La’s guards were having none of it. Forcibly they rolled him back onto his front. When he struggled against the efforts, kicks lashed out, punches flew. A man’s weight landed on his back. A pair of knees dug between his shoulders pressing his torso into La’s earth.There was a movement behind his legs. Tarzan felt a pole behind thrust behind his knees. A moment later he felt a tug. His legs were being lifted. The movement was pushing him onto his chest, his legs being jerkily tugged up by ropes into the air. His face inside the sack was scraping backwards. His body was lifted off the ground. That pole between his legs was being pulled up by ropes, tugging Tarzan by his knees into the air. He was swinging, hog-tied, he was upside down. And still the tugging went on. A pole behind his knees, the lower legs pulled down by the rope tied to his wrists. Painful. Making him worryingly vulnerable.Game from the hunt .. hung out like a carcase to bleed .. upside down .. hung off a pole behind his knees, digging in, cutting off his blood.They had gone, he realised. La’s guards had retreated. The beating he had feared had disappeared with them. But his situation was dire. Tarzan left suspended like a side of beef. Abandoned to himself in her dungeons .. the chill air settling on his bare skin .. a presentiment of the chill reception he could expect from her. When next they met.Dismay. Bitterness. Anger. Tarzan couldn’t imagine what a fool he’d been. He could have kicked himself. Coming here .. offering himself in exchange for his son .. a noble act. What on earth had made him think there was a shred of nobility in La? Hadn’t he learned? Hadn’t he suffered enough to know just the opposite?And look what he’d gone and done. Given La the winning card. She had Korak. She had the biggest hold on Tarzan she could ever have had. Trapped. And stupidly Tarzan had set the trap for himself. La had no better means to torment Tarzan. All she had to do was turn on Korak and she was confident Tarzan would do anything she wished. STUPID! Tarzan had himself turned Korak from a hostage into an instrument of torture.He couldn’t let that be. He had to put things right .. make amends .. for his stupidity .. for not thinking straight .. just intent on rescuing his son. La could not get her way. Tarzan had to get himself free. Rescue Korak. Before La could press her advantage. And Tarzan had no doubt she was itching to do just that.He set to work .. struggling with the knots .. in no time his own weight would pull them impossibly tight. Unable to get his nails in and work the knots. Knowing the dangers he faced, heart-beating fast, a sense of panic over how he had put Korak at so much risk .. Tarzan struggled to wriggle some movement out of them. He had to release himself quickly .. if he was to stand any chance of escape .. if he was to free himself .. if he was to rescue Korak from La’s imprisonment. If Tarzan did not get free soon .. no chance he’d escape the cruel vengeance La would have planned for him. And using Korak to do just that.∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞The risks(Panel)When Tarzan had returned to Opar .. to ransom himself in exchange for his son’s freedom .. Tarzan had been in no doubt about the risks. Last time he had escaped Opar with his tail between his legs. Not proud .. he had fled. Warped. Perverted. Sick in the head. For days La had tortured him .. busting a gut to bend him to her will. Power. She lusted for power over him. And pig-headedly Tarzan had dug deep .. Refused. He had suffered innumerable punishments for his truculence .. and still he had refused to subjugate his will to hers. Tarzan was the alpha-male. He bent the knee to no one.No doubt .. sex with La had been out of this world. Adventurous, wild. Giving like-with like. Animals .. equally driving each other to higher levels of craving .. exploding in bursts of spine-tingling satisfaction. But being equal was not enough .. not for La. The black side had emerged. From the demands she made, Tarzan had first got an inkling .. then a nagging suspicion .. then he was sure. She was going crazy. Twisted. La was out to best. Tarzan began to see her for what she was. La was driven to dominate. She had selected Tarzan .. a male as powerful as she was .. strong-minded .. He ruled, others obeyed. Just what she craved. She was going to have him, dominate him. Best him. Only subduing the ultimate alpha-male .. bending Tarzan to her will was going to be enough.And Tarzan was not one to yield.Three times Tarzan had been “guest” in her palace. At first her willing partner. Sex pulsated with their sweat out of their every pore. But in time he’d seen how she was changing. Manic .. frenetic in her demands. Being turned by a drive to bend him to her will .. she had got compulsive. She was out to dominate. And when Tarzan refused .. when he left her .. she went mad with craving .. Like a hyena in a trap chewing at its own leg to escape .. going wild for the one thing she could not have .. what Tarzan refused to give. Champing away at her own frustrations .. going mad with her bitterness. Till she could bear it no more. Till she sent her men to snatch him. Bring Tarzan back .. by force.That last time in Opar .. mad .. frenetic .. manic. A tussle of wills. No sex. No meeting of minds. No reckless tussling on the bed. A battle for power .. which beast was the dominant. Last time she had gone insane .. soon La was taking to torturing her man .. to bend him .. to bend Tarzan. As good as insane because Tarzan would not submit to her will .. not be forced to serve. Bend the knee to her every whim. Not like that.La raged. Mad with need. She would MAKE him. And THAT .. above all else .. THAT was what La craved .. to bend the alpha male of her choosing to her own implacable will. Tarzan WOULD break. He would be made .. FORCED .. if that was the only way, it was the best way. Torture him into accepting .. forcing the lord of the jungle to subject himself to her will.Tarzan had ransomed himself for Korak. In the clear knowledge .. La would pick up where she had left off. Worse .. years had passed .. years when what she craved the most in life had eaten with bitterness into her core. Insane with lust to own. Like a spoiled child denied a toy .. not possessing what she had been denied .. Nothing mattered more in life. Tarzan .. she had to have him. She was going to have him. Break Tarzan’s implacable will. Bending his spirit to her dominance.Tarzan had sacrificed himself. To save his son. Knowing full well .. she’d picked up where she’d left off. And the ravages of time would have ratcheted up La’s urges. The bitterness of the years would have driven her crazy. Once she had him .. in her grasping clutches .. mad with lust and bitterness .. rapidly she’d intensify the force .. many times over. Tarzan was no fool. He knew what he was taking on.Edging close to realityIt had got to him again, that grinding ache had got too much. He didn’t know how much more he had in him. In fact, Korak feared he did not want to know. He suspected he didn’t want to come face-to-face with the fact .. how much this had taken out of him. A nagging fear that this agony La was putting him to .. that he could not handle it.But he suppressed any such negative thoughts, he’d put off feeling down as long as he could. Allowing the tear of shame to trickle down his cheek. Gritted his teeth till his jaws ached. Desperate to conserve his strength. No idea how much longer he was going to be tortured on this thing. But he had to be prepared for La making him suffer .. his father had said sometimes he hurt so much he thought he was going out of his mind.His body was trembling. His mind at conflict with his body. His head counselling him to preserve his strength-of-mind .. he’d need it later .. he’d regret wasting those reserves just because he was going mad with the aching. But his body was screaming back .. it had had enough, it had taken as much as it was damn-well going to take. Feeling his guts alive with liquid fire.His hands tightened around the bar. Biting on his lower lip, Korak pulled himself up. Powerful shoulders tightened, his biceps peaked. Fists clutched around that bar above his head. Korak pulled himself up.In the same instant .. overwhelming relief and devastating dismay. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞La had watched helpless as his father was dragged out of her presence. Shamefully dragged out on his back, head stuck in a sack, hauled away by his feet. Offering no resistance. They must have knocked Tarzan out.Then La had stood up and exited. Not a glance for her other prisoner. Not a word for Korak.But her guards knew their mistress’s wishes. They know how to please. Korak struggled in their grip, dragged back down to the caves underground. But he was one, there were four of them. Out-numbered, tied-up, punched, beaten, dragging him cussing and fighting down into these chilly dungeon.He’d fought, he’d struggled .. but they got his wrists tied to a bar. And the bar was soon being pulled up into the air. Dragging Korak with it. Till his feet were a man’s height off the ground.Suspended off his arms, he’d watched with some concern when they dragged something out of the shadows. A hefty object, a wooden box, triangular at the ends. Dragged with panted effort till it was under him.Tarzan had told him .. once before La had perched him astride something like this. Riding a wooden horse, he’d called it. A sustained torture. A sharp edge digging in between the legs, tortured by Tarzan’s own bodyweight. Korak was in line for the same, it seemed. He kicked out when they tried to grab his legs. His torso was jerking and writhing to escape their hold on him as the ropes jerkily started to lower him again. Lower him till his splayed thighs gripped the side of this wedge. Sitting astride the sharp edge digging in between his legs.No amount of wriggling and jerking was going to stop them tying rope on his feet to stakes at the base of the wedge. But no amount of trying was going to stop Korak from making it hard for them either.It had taken only minutes before the edge digging into his nuts made itself felt. Quickly become something he did not want to bear. Korak had been left. Abandoned to his pains. Quickly he tightened his grip on the bar between his arms. Grip it tight and use the strength of his shoulders to heave himself off the strain digging into his crutch.But the relief was temporary, could hold himself up like that for hours. A short reprieve. In time he had to let himself go, only a matter of time before his shoulders were trembling with the strain .. forced to lower himself gingerly down. Almost in a single breath, the pain digging into his crutch became acute again. Letting him know. Rubbing it in. Gouging the reality into his crutch. He’d denied her, he dared trick her. Korak had escaped having sex with La. But there was no escaping La’s reprisals.∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞Which hostage?(Panel)Had she ever thought the apeman could be so dim? La could have swooned when she heard the news. Tarzan walking in her to ransom himself? In exchange for his son. Offering La the perfect gift. Two-for-one. Which one was the hostage now?For La Tarzan was already the past. True, he WAS unfinished business, they had scores to settle. But La was far past the desires to feel him inside her. Those weeks of sex with him were a distant memory .. drowned out by the years of the wretched bitterness he had left her with .. when cowardly he had fled. Scores to settle. For denying her .. for refusing to bend the knee to her strength-of-mind. He’d resisted .. then like a frightened dog he’d run away with his tail between his legs. To lick his wounds. And leave La suffering .. gaping gashes of anger .. burning with frustration .. ground down with resentment. Time had been a bad healer, it had only made things worse. Burning with revenge to have him back. And make sure of it this time. No healing, no cure. Except to force it out of him.The brat, though .. he was a different matter. First time she clapped her eyes on the ape-brat .. something about him. Reminding her of better days. Chip of the old block. Just as cocky. Just as stubborn. She had felt an awakening .. sensations she had thought long-dead. He’d thought he could refuse her .. like father, like son .. he had tried to deny her. Sex .. was that what she wanted? What she wanted was that he would not give. Same as from his father. HIM. His will. His spirit.And La no longer wanted a male to give that up freely. She needed to take it. La was going to force Korak. MAKE him give her the last thing on earth he would. And when the ape-brat saw the light .. when Tarzan’s boy saw there was no going forward and no going back .. when the ape-brat stopped resisting .. when he started fucking her with all his virile might .. The prick had fooled her. But he had aroused in her something else. That old desire to assert. She’d demand .. she’d insist. On and on .. further down and downSuddenly that old drive to dominate .. the cause of her bitterness when thwarted by that damned ape .. suddenly it was back. She had her object .. her new fresh muscle-stud .. she had her goal. She was going to bend that ape-brat to her will .. and keep on bending him till his back broke.And that stupid ape .. that prick Tarzan .. he’d given it her on a plate. What better leverage could she have? The two of them .. torturing one to torture the other. One watching in torment .. feeling himself trapped .. knowing he’d have to give in to spare the other .. even if it was the last thing on earth he wanted to do. The brat agonising as Tarzan paid his debts. Begging her to stop .. promising he’d do anything. In paying his dues with his pain, Tarzan was persuading the brat to break. The father in agonies .. crying out when his powerful body would no longer take the strains .. breaking under the onslaught of pitiless blows .. what son was going to sacrifice his father to that?Sacrificing his strength-of-will against his father’s pains .. tormented, trapped .. like feeling a rope tightening around his throat .. as Tarzan writhed in pain .. passed out when his body could take no more .. Torturing the brat .. playing with his head. He’d give La sex .. he’d give her any despicable thing she demanded. He’d crawl in abject shame .. the brat would degrade himself and suck his own dick .. anything to save his father. Let himself be raped .. he’d abase himself in any way she deigned. Because of the consequences of saying no.Legacy“What have you done with my father,” Korak demanded.La shrugged.“Tarzan is a thing of the past ..”Korak’s anger burst out over the bleakness of his dungeon.“You murdering bitch .. You’ve had him killed ..?”La looked over at the stretched torso suspended above the wedge. A finely-built young man. Hanging accentuated every muscle in his torso. For the first time in years her eyes roamed over a desirable young man. Muscled .. and anger bursting out of every pore. A fiery spirit spitting anger at her across the cave. Her men had already started to shift Korak’s position. Raising the bar, lifting him off the edge.Scornfully she scoffed.“Killed?”La’s voice was edged with derision.“I have lived a life of bitterness. Because of him. I have known only sorrow. Caused by your father .. “Men had grabbed hold of Korak’s freed ankles. Pulling them apart, opening his legs. “You think the satisfaction of seeing a treacherous dog die can wipe out the sadness of years? A few seconds of pleasure in exchange for a lifetime of wretchedness?”Whatever she had ordered them to do .. for now Korak’s battle was with La. A battle of will. Like his father had fought with her. He ignored the guards’ antics .. glad for now for the relief on his crutch. He glowered back at her.“Maybe if you had been attractive to him .. if you hadn’t fill him with revulsion ….”Instead of reacting angrily, La laughed.“As I thought .. like father, like son …”Korak could not ignore the guard’s hand that touched his balls. He looked down .. seeing him binding thin cord around his ballsack, looping it over the top of his shaft. Tugging it tight. Korak winced into the pain. Skin trapped in tight coils, his crutch tortured over these long hours. He kicked out with a leg, caught the guard on the shoulder. But then the grips on his ankles tightened, pulling his legs wider apart. Giving the guard better access with his cord. Tugging each coil of cord around his manhood tight with every loop. Already Korak could feel himself growing. His blood raced with anger as the blood trapped in his pained manhood swelled.“You thought you could refuse me .. that time before .. shed your seed so that you could deny me .. refuse me the pleasure of bending the apeman’s brat to my will ..”Korak could feel the rise of force in his crutch without having to look.“Never .. over my dead body ..,” Korak snarled back. “As I said .. if you weren’t so repulsive …”The insult hit home. La’s eyes turned to slits. Boring her venom into Korak’s face. Then Korak noticed them lighten. He saw her gaze drop. Watching him as the virile strength of the young man in his blood rose to its full power. Looking like she knew she didn’t need to order her men to silence him. Pain would silence him soon enough.An oppressive stillness filled the cavern. Her eyes on him getting full. The air chilled even more .. prickling on Korak’s naked body .. nippy on his bare skin. Icy in his soul. Her men had done their deed, they stood back. Waiting to hear her wishes.“A lifetime of sorrow ..”La started thoughtfully. Her gaze was on Korak. Now fully aroused.“Only one way to pay. Not by death. Tarzan is not dead. He has too many debts. For every moment of sadness .. you father will pay with pain.”She nodded. As if briefed in advance, the guards started to lower Korak. The grip on his ankles guided each leg either side of the “horse”. The agony of riding was returning.“Suffering is the only thing he has to pay with .. the only fitting coin ..”Korak’s crutch was again sitting astride the wedge. In an instant the old hurt asserted itself. But now he had a full-blown powerful erection too, Without thinking, he bit into his bottom lip, his eyes creased as the embers between his legs began to smoulder. “To atone for the deeds of the past ..”The guards had retreated, they had now bound his legs to the stakes at the base of the wedge. Now the only forces mustering for a fight were La and Korak .. eye-to-eye, a battle of wills. Neither willing to give in.“I am being generous to my betrayer ..”Korak snorted. She had pulled a fast one when Tarzan had given himself up. Tricked him, grabbed him and kept Korak too .. hung on to the hostage. Generous?“I have permitted him to live .. live to see his son break ..”Korak wanted to scoff. But he was already gripped by the urge to relieve the pain digging into his swollen ballsack. His balls crushed into their restraint of tight cord .. it made being crushed onto the wedge even worse. He pulled on the overhead bar. Lifting himself up even as he continued to glower defiance into La’s cruel face.Shock wiped the defiance away in a split second. There was no give. The ankle ropes had been pulled tighter. There was no pulling himself up .. even with his exhausted burning shoulder muscles, he could lift himself up. The ropes on his ankles allowed him no lift. His crutch was stuck on the point of the wedge. The hardness of his cock stretched out in front along the ridge. His shrunken ballsack tight around his man-eggs was forced by his weight onto the wedge. No relief, no reprieve. A tremble of fear shuddered down his spine.It was like La could see into his soul. Like she could read the tremble of realisation that shivered through Korak’s thighs trapped down the sides of the wedge.“Like father, like son,” she repeated.“Tarzan will pay for his crimes .. his misdoings of the past. For ever-and-a-day. For as long as I please ..”Korak was feeling a sense of panic building in his guts. The horror of what La was doing to him was tingling like a snake’s poison in his blood. The pain was building, he could feel a tremble in his breathing. A shiver of fear in his chest.“Like father, like son,” she mocked.“The sins of the father .. passed down to the son. Atoned by the son. Tarzan’s son and Tarzan’s heir .. your legacy. In your case you inherit before your father has passed away. Permitted to step into your father’s shoes.”La was visibly gloating now.“Doing what he failed to do well .. Turning your pain into my pleasure. Pleasures that in time may assuage my bitterness. Appease the anger your father abandoned me with ..”Korak clenched his jaw. The grinding hurt .. the burning .. like hot coals between his legs .. the relentless scorching aching in his swollen balls. And a panic trembling in his guts .. knowing there was no escape from this .. knowing as sure as hell .. it was going to get a hundred times worse.“Who knows?” La interrupted Korak’s efforts to contain the tear of pain that had appeared in the corner of his eye.“One day .. with your help .. suffering in your father’s cause .. bending your will to mine .. your pain my pleasure .. maybe one day .. it will be enough.”A pained moan escaped Korak’s tight-clenched throat. His hands balled into fists. “Maybe one day Tarzan will have suffered enough .. maybe he might have paid his dues .. with your help ..,” she smirked. But her eyes spoke something else. Her doubts.Korak’s mouth creased in effort as he fought against La’s pleasure, tried to resist that one desire she craved from him .. Korak’s pain.“Who knows? Tarzan’s debts paid .. maybe .. But ..”La’s eyes scanned the young man’s body tight with tension .. suddenly attracted to a youthful body, etched with muscle brimful with pain.“But that day .. it will be long in coming …”∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞Pissed(Panel)Well-and-truly pissed off. Two days now she’d had her men work on him. Humiliation was La’s first move ... telling him he was not up to his father. Never going to be worthy of standing in his father’s shadow. Humiliation. Trying to make Korak feel small. Shaming his manly sense of himself .. working on a young man's competitive urges .. the drive to match his father .. or better, best him. Games La used to disorient Korak. Tricks she used to drive a wedge between her victims. Working the son round .. giving Korak the freedom to have his worthless old man tortured. And then she’d have Korak torture himself .. plague him with guilt. Tricks and games - just a start. She’d have plenty more female wiles to try on him, Korak knew. Lots of tricks up La’s sleeve.Like hell did Korak care. He knew what his father thought of him. How he valued him. His father would never dream of any such thoughts. This was La’s way of grinding Korak down. But the bitch was going about it the wrong way.He’d glimpsed Tarzan only briefly. Dragged by guards through endless dark caverns .. passed his father dumped in an animal cage. Caged like a captured beast. Tarzan had been out of it, out-cold. La had had him done over .. beaten badly by the look of the bruising. No communication, no chance to talk. But hadn’t that been La’s point? For Korak to see his father .. how he was being treated .. worthless to la .. how he was being housed .. like some beast. A trick to wear Korak down. To get at his strength of mind.It did the opposite. The sight of Tarzan like that .. caged, an animal in La’s kingdom .. it just made Korak's blood boil. Made him even more bloody-minded. When they started on him again .. he started back on them. He swore and cursed. He called La for the whore she was. They beat him, her men went for him to silence him. But as soon as he had gained his strength again .. Korak would not let up. Had she looked at herself in a mirror? Did she know how ugly she had got? For Pete’s sake, put those tits away .. Wanna make a man puke?"Over my dead body, bitch" he mocked. "Sex with an ugly witch .. I'll see you in hell first."Korak kept on doggedly pissing her off. Her men persisted in trying to beat it out of him. Going for him. Fists flying. Beating him into silence. "Not your hell," she snarled. "That treacherous beast more like. That Tarzan .. living out a living hell .."Her men took heart from her wrath. Going for him. Demanding his silence .. going too far .. beating him unconscious when he refused. But they’d not hurt him, not really. That was something they preserved for Tarzan.∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞TormentA bucket of water brought Korak round. Spluttering, cursing them back. Grunting at the sharp kicks into his side. Another bucket had him coughing, rolling himself on to his side, throwing back up the water he’d swallowed. Finding his wrists tied in his front. When he tried to scrabble to his feet .. finding his ankles bound too.And fuck! When he had been out, they’d jammed a stick across his teeth, silencing him, rope tight around the back of his head to keep the gag in place. Not going to let him mouth off at La again. Not get to call her out for the whore she was.Grabbed by the elbows, hung heavy between a pair of La’s brawny warriors, Korak was dragged off again. Another tour of the dungeons, he’d supposed. His bound feet dragged helpless behind. The rope between his wrists dug into his belly, their grips on his elbows tight. But helpless as he was, Korak was having none of this. He squirmed, he wriggled, he did his best to unbalance La’s men dragging him along. A rush of satisfaction when one of them tripped. Dumping Korak in the dirt.For his cheek he took a few kicks. Then they had him by the elbows again. Hauled him up and dragged him front-down through the gloomy caverns.Noises. Sounds in the distance. Korak quickly recognised the sound of fists smacking into solid flesh. Dragged closer. Korak feared what he was being taken to see. The resonant whack of blows smacking pain out of human flesh. A grunt of pain. Korak recognised his father’s voice. More smacking. More sounds of hard-knuckled determination breaking on pained muscle. Korak heard the sounds of pain driven out of Tarzan’s throat. A gasp of shock. A burst of pain as a body’s worth of wind was smacked out of his body. Korak’s heart sank .. guilty that his mouthing off at La had brought this on. Feeling bad.But the sight that greeted Korak was worse.= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Korak winced. He saw a fist driven upwards into Tarzan’s belly. Smack into his midriff. Korak bit his bottom lip at the pained explosion .. all the pain in Tarzan’s belly broke from his throat. They must have been at him some time .. the way every blow thudded into his prone torso could burst with a grunt of pain.Suspended horizontal .. Tarzan was stretched tight between a rectangle of poles .. spread-eagled to the corners. Hung face-down .. the frame swinging from the blows .. Tarzan swaying wildly in pain .. hanging the height of his attackers’ chests.Another blow drove upwards .. an upper cut from one of La’s brawny men .. driven with brutal force up into Tarzan’s vulnerable belly. Every fibre in Tarzan’s body was under strain, hung face-down off the frame. Korak gasped. A vicious blow smashed into a torso already racked with pains, every joint pulled against nature. Korak’s emotions went mad when Tarzan’s pained body was lifted under the force. A blow so hard it could lift Tarzan and the frame up in the air. The rectangle of poles swung wildly .. jolting .. jarring .. jerking pain into agonised joints .. the violence of attack sending Tarzan’s torso swaying blindly in the air.Korak froze, bit on his lip. Pained .. tormented .. knowing he had caused this .. Tarzan had been roped into this inhuman position as punishment for Korak’s behaviour. Paying this inhuman penalty because Korak had pissed off La. Her message was clear .. more of that insolence .. and Tarzan got more of this. Tarzan’s head was trapped in a sack. Was that a blessing? No way could he know his one-and-only son was being given the pleasure of seeing Tarzan tortured like this.Because of the hood, Korak couldn’t see the pain on his father’s face. But the sounds that broke through the cloth more than told Korak. Another body-crippling punch into Tarzan’s guts. The rectangle of poles jerked under the force. Sending the helpless Tarzan swinging beneath the frame. Korak squirmed and wriggled in his guards’ grip. Wanting to come to the rescue. But bound and held down. Fury and frustration roared in every fibre of his tormented body. Drunk with guilt, tormented by his father’s suffering, intoxicated with the smell of sweat and Tarzan’s pain. Agonised Korak braced himself for another body-crunching blow into his father’s ribs .. a hard punch that sent Tarzan’s frame lurching. Each swing and jerk yanking sharp pain out of tortured joints. Tarzan’s pained cry stabbed like a blade into Korak’s gut. Stabbed in deep and twisted around.Korak needed to cry out. Every fibre in his body protested. He needed this stopped. But a stick had been jammed in between his teeth. What came out were useless sounds. Pitiful, helpless. Just one more irrelevant noise that drowned Tarzan in a stridency of pitiless pain. His father would not hear.= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = “Let him go.”Korak cringed at hearing his voice. It had turned out different from how he’d meant to say it. Sounding like he was pleading. “Stop this!”How could he do it? How could he plead? To La? Begging. Imploring her to stop this torture on his father. But the sounds were out before he could take the back. Korak was desperate, he’d do anything .. his fault .. had to make it good. Tortured by the idea of his father enduring that abuse because of him.“ANYTHING,” Korak promised. “Ask me to do anything.”He didn’t care anymore. He’d crawl, he’d cringe. He’d suck her tits, tongue her between the legs. Demean himself .. in any way. Tarzan had to be saved.Suffering from seeing Tarzan take an inhuman beating .. because of him .. because he had mouthed off at La. Every joint under stress suspended horizontal and face down. Taking blow after blow into his swollen belly. La was taking vicious revenge on Korak, getting at him by getting at Tarzan. His mind tortured him .. the sight of that massive thud lifting the frame and Tarzan with it .. sending his tortured body cavorting in a twisted dance. The shocked cry. Agony. Careening and rocking, pain viciously jarring into his joints. Tearing at pained muscle. Because of him .. Korak’s fault.“I’ll do anything …”Still Korak could hear it going on .. in the next room .. torturing his hearing. Korak could hear his father’s tortured grunts .. no end to the torture. Tarzan’s grunts .. louder .. more pained .. La’s guards had dragged Korak, bound hand and foot into a cavern next door. To find La, seated on a throne, gloating at the torment written on Korak’s face.“Stop it,” Korak was on her knees. Pleading. “Please.”It hurt to beg. Korak wanted to get his hand on her throat and squeeze the life out of her. But he was tied hand and foot. A pair of La’s brawniest had hands gripped on his arms. The sounds of his father taking a beating heating up the air.Nothing else for it. Korak begged. Knowingly La had had them remove his gag .. so that he could beg.“Please.”She was seated in her throne. Imperious, dominating. Saying nothing. The hated woman who was having his father beaten up next door. Brutally, inhumanely. Korak remembered himself .. that he had sworn to stand up to her. Too late .. his feelings had betrayed him, shown his weakness .. his spirit broken by his tortured father. But even this late Korak tried to make himself look strong. Chin up, squared off his shoulders, trying to win back lost ground.Her eyes were on him, her eyes were all over him. But there was no warmth in them. Studied like a cow being priced up at market.“And …?”La had been silent for some time. Korak could see her eyes going over his fine young man’s body. Like many women did. But La did it with the coldness of a butcher’s knife. “ .. what’s in it for me? That thing out there owes. He has debts to pay.” And all the time, the background noise of smacks into hard manly muscle .. the grunts when Tarzan’s strength of mind could not contain the pain. “Big debts. Much to pay off ..”Korak saw the eyes slit. He almost felt the slice of a sharp blade cutting into his chest.“One reason .. one good reason .. why should I let him off?”There was a perverse seduction in her voice. Inviting Korak to put his head in the noose.He didn’t hesitate.“I’ll do anything,” he blurted out. “Command me.”Tarzan had just cried out in a sharp burst of pain. A knife had twisted in Korak’s gut. “Anything.”The word was out. Korak meant it. With every fibre of his being. He felt the rope tightened around his throat .. pulled tight by his own hand. He was holding his breath, he found. Couldn’t breathe.“Anything you ask of me ..”∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞DespicableHer men had tied the rope dangling down from the joist to his bound feet. And started pulling. The tugging tripped him up. Korak crashed ungainly to the floor. Quickly he wiped the look of anger off his face. His legs were being yanked up in the air. On his back as his legs were being lifted by the rope, Korak saw a guard respond to La’s nod. Going next door. Stopping the beating. Korak’s heart lifted. At least Korak’s desperate decision was saving his father further pain.The tugging went on .. lifting his legs .. his backside lifted off the earth .. his back scraped as Korak was being pulled into the air .. upside-down. Now he was La’s side of beef, dragged up into the air upside-down. When his bound hands hung down below his head and were a foot off the ground, the yanking stopped. His vulnerable body swayed under La’s cold gaze. Korak had kept his focus on La all this time. Watching him as his young man’s muscled body was pulled up into the air by his feet. Now swaying slightly .. feeling a chill that was more from the air. His eyes were on her, her eyes on him. His anxious, feeling vulnerable .. hers cold, calculating.But at least the sounds from next door had stopped. Whatever La was going to put him through .. Korak had managed that.“Take off that stupid rag.”Korak didn’t dare hesitate .. her order was his first indication of which part of him he’d be paying with .. but for his father’s sake he didn’t hesitate. He imagined Tarzan still strung-out off that frame. One slip up on Korak’s part .. and it could start over again. Using the strength in his muscled belly Korak folded himself upwards. With bound hands, straining against gravity to keep bent up, gradually he fumbled the cord around his waist loose. Collapsing back downwards, rocking and swinging, his hands dropping down below his head, he let the loincloth drop to the floor. Naked. Exposed to La’s pleasure.It must have been planned. Things happened without orders or words. Suddenly a man appeared in Korak’s sight. Right up close before his face. Naked.“Suck him. Get him hard.”Korak could not see La any longer hidden by the sight of the man’s hairy crutch. But he heard the sharpness in her order. Telling him exactly what would happen if he refused.The thought made his stomach churn. Sucking a man to hardness .. not his thing. Feeling trapped made him angry .. forced to obey La to the letter of her perverted law.. every cell in his being said NO. But …. Tarzan was next door. Strung-out. Sweating from his punishment. Aching from those blows. That could start over again in the blink of an eye.Korak opened his mouth, he extended his tongue. He did as told.“All the way .. into your throat.”The body pressed against his face was motionless. No reaction. No response when Korak’s efforts had got him hard. Sucking on the shaft .. slurping from limpness to a mouthful of stiff cock. Korak felt sick. Somehow the fact that his efforts to arouse the man met with no human response .. the body not softening as he grew, no manly growl of pleasure .. somehow that made it all feel worse .. this dehumanised act. Tears of resentment pearled in his eyes. Trapped .. hating himself for getting trapped. Hating this bitch for what he was being made to do. Hating this man for showing Korak’s shameful act meant nothing. Belittled that La’s guard was making no response. Sucked to hardness .. not a sparkle of reaction .. not a twitch or a shove. Was Korak really sucking off a man? Or was this some wooden statue? It was human alright .. the heat of solid man-flesh deep into his mouth left him in no doubt. But it was ordered to stand inert .. to make Korak feel worthless.Into his throat? La ordered him to swallow his shame whole. His girls gone that far with him. Like La had ordered. Like she had commanded as the price of Tarzan’s relief .. right down his throat. Girls had taken Korak’s cockhead so far down into their mouths .. had he given it a second thought? Filling their throats with him? Korak had no idea .. his emotions had been flying high on some other plane. Not like this immobile statue swallowed by Korak’s humiliation. Sick to the guts .. anger at being trapped .. embarrassed at being made to suck off a man. Beaten into this by La .. ashamed .. disgusted. But La had commanded it. And if Korak did not .. the beatings would begin again.Sick. This was one perverted bitch. How had Tarzan ever got into bed with a warped mind like this? Like La?Korak had gagged several times. The burning hardness .. the hot poker sliding down where it did not belong ..But his head was rocking slowly .. backwards and forwards .. arousing the unmoving hot rod in his throat to life .. his eyes bulging .. his guts threatening to erupt at this despicable act .. He had the fullness of this man far down his throat .. still immobile .. still no sign of movement .. as Korak slid the hateful hardness in and out of his throat.“What are we waiting for? Get with it, ape-brat. He’s going to cum in your throat. What you waiting for?”Yes, Korak thought .. what WAS he waiting for?“Want to hear your father encouraging you?”The last thing Korak wanted.Crunching his eyes together into the shame .. feeling the hot fullness slipping in and out of his throat. Feeling sick to his core. Despicable. But seeing in his mind’s eye .. his father suspended. .. La’s goons just waiting for the order to start again.His head sliding backwards and forwards. His throat once full, empty for a moment, then a solid cockhead sliding back inside. Trapped. Hopelessly trapped. No choice. Taking a man down his throat. That bitch watching. That La triumphant. Korak had no choice. Debased, unmanned. Trembling with shame. In no time he’d be swallowing an inert statue’s cum down his throat. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞TrappedAn animal caught in a trap. Yearning for freedom. Desperate to race off, the wind billowing in his hair. But stuck in La’s snare. Trapped by loyalty to his father .. forced to kiss La’s arse in case she turned on him.Tarzan was suspended off his arms when they brought Korak to La. Out-of-it .. beaten into unconsciousness by the look of him. Angry crimson-red blotches on his belly shimmering against nasty purple-blue bruising from earlier brutal attacks. Tarzan looked like he had just taken hell of a beating. His torso glowed in the flickering torches .. sweat ran flow down his front. His head lay slumped on his chest, the hair over his face, matted, coated with the sweat of pain. Even out-cold a moan seeped from his sweat-clogged pores.La let Korak get a good look. Then as if signalled by her evil thoughts her men started on Tarzan again .. beating him in the belly. His limp body stiffened .. pains twisting in his agonised innards. The pain-rigid torso swung under the vicious force of the blows.Korak assumed his hands behind his head .,. as La had ordered before .. symbol of his submission to her will. He had to stop this. Any way he could.“What does my mistress command of me?”Mistress! He shuddered at hearing himself say the word. He didn’t mean it, he’d never admit to seeing her like that .. he hoped. Korak was giving La what she wanted to hear. But he felt guilty that the word had slipped out. The son was standing by his father’s suspended body. How could he do that? Call her that? Pleasure he like that? Crawl like that?How long before it became easier to say the word? Stood by Tarzan lifeless next to him. What would he have said, his father .. tortured or not? How would he have reacted at hearing those words? Even as a trick .. even just to win La over .. to prevent further injury .. Korak was torn .. Was there any defence for him acting like this?Korak could scarcely believe it himself. How could he bring himself to address her like this? Giving her what she wanted .. wasn’t that already an admission of defeat? Recognition that at some time Korak would have to submit? Fully. Shamefully. But how else to stop his father from being beaten to death?For days she tortured him by torturing Tarzan. Grinding him down with fears for his father. Each time Korak had given in .. each day giving in more. Made to debase himself lower each day .. to save his father more agony. For days she had made him drag himself through the disgusting bowels of her warped mind .. inevitable Korak’s spirit could not come out unscathed. His reserves of resistance being run down, depleted of the energy needed to stand up to her .. by caring he was letting his father down. Until he could find some way out of this .. what choice did he have? He feared the brutality of these beatings could already have damaged Tarzan inside .. permanently. Korak had no choice.She’d commanded him not to cum .. that was her pleasure this day. Five times she’d had him tottering on the brink .. nearly shooting for release. Five times she’d had him step away from the edge. Stood with his hands behind his head, eyes of La gloating, pleasure in seeing him suffer. Her men down below getting him hard, playing with him .. toying with him .. a feather played lightly over this trigger spot. Smirking at him dribbling .. Korak frantic .. trembling for just that one essential move. A move that she had order should never come.She’d ordered a willowy switch used on him. Stinging smacks onto his hard-on. Tears sprang to his eyes. Bursting with his anger, Korak threw her a look, .. some things were impossible to hide. In return he got back not a flash of annoyance, she gave him a knowing smirk. What did he expect, her look asked. Had he not asked what she commanded? Pain split across his face .. another smarting lash. His hard-on slashed downwards .. fires sparking to life on that sold flesh .. a tear of pain springing to his eye. Ablaze with hurt, the hard-on slapped back up again. Forced to tolerate his essence of a man being mocked like this. Allowing himself to be used like this. Volunteering for it. Smarting burns .. an unstoppable gasp .. the force of the bite of pain tipping him forward .. the shock of his hard-on bursting in sharp sparks nearly ripping his hands from behind his head. And still Tarzan hung lifeless and badly beaten to his side. A side of beef that had been butchered.Korak was sweating. With hurt, with shame. It pained him as much as the burning on his hard-on that she watched his frantic helplessness with sadistic pleasure. A smirking joy painted her lips .. her eyes cold with the calculated intent to see him shamed. Offering himself to her .. sacrificing himself to save his father pain. Sacrificing his self-respect. Hating himself for doing this. THAT was La’s bidding for him this day.Sitting back .. at leisure enjoying a young man' disgrace at this capitulation. Surrendering to her his pride-and-joy .. accepting abuse of his manly strength. Sitting back .. her pleasure in seeing this unwanted erection subside .. forced on him but then not allowed to complete .. Physically subsiding but the need raging in his loins. Her helpless victim unable to hide the maddening agitation in his blood. The raging need to shed his load. Hoping against hope she'd now let him be .. now that he’d subsided in wasted futility into insatiated limpness. Praying she’d done with him. Watching his raging frustrations. Then nodding .. telling her men to start on him again. Get him up, get him going, get the sacrifice dribbling .. like some sick cow. His manliness demeaned. Each time stopping him on the brink of release. The moans of frustration unstoppable. Each time leaving him wanting .. aching .. hurting .. His dick slavering like some cow in its madness. Five times. Five achingly feverish times.∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞Endure(Panel)Not once had Tarzan urged him to give in to La .. he wouldn’t, Korak realised. Usually Korak had seen him unconscious, he could not know of Korak’s surrender.. Giving in to La .. for Tarzan’s sake.Stood in her dungeon, his hands tied above his head .. multiple frustrations crippling his blood .. mind-blowing hours toying with his manhood .. bound so he could not finish himself off .. the sight of his father undergoing multiple punishments .. What would Tarzan have said? He had sacrificed himself for his son. But would he accept it if Korak did the same? Instinctively he knew the answer.Korak felt a rush of guilt, his face burning as if Tarzan had glared a flash of anger at him. He had forgotten himself, Korak was going about this the wrong way. Tarzan would never have approved. If Tarzan knew how Korak had given in .. he would spit contempt in his son's face .. giving in to La. Had Tarzan .. not given in? He had endured. Three times in her clutches. He had taken everything La could throw at him .. she had thrown him the lot .. and still Tarzan had stuck it out. And what had Korak gone and done?All his life Tarzan had led. Was it now time for the son to show? Prove he was worthy to bear his father's name? Korak knew what that had to mean .. for himself .. above all for Tarzan. But Tarzan had had the strength of mind to last out before. La’s “guest” three times .. Would Tarzan thank his son if he denied him that chance again?Could he go through with it? Korak was not sure .. letting La take out revenge on him by going for Tarzan … She would devastate Tarzan .. Korak stood up to her .. La would twist pain out of every cell in Tarzan’s body. She'go mad with rage. Frustration at being thwarted would burn like wildfire in her evil heart. Nothing so far that Korak had seen would come even close to the extremes she'd be driven to. The ravages for revenge she’d lash out at his father. Korak was condemning his father to La’s living hell. Could he bear it? Could Korak’s toughness of will match his father's strength of mind?But a time would come .. a moment would arrive .. Revenge would eat away at her. La going mad with frustration herself .. frenetic .. crazy .. she’d slip-up .. Mad with vengeance, La would make her fatal mistake. And Korak would go for it. Take her out .. Together they’d do it. Tarzan’s pig-headedness .. Korak’s strength of mind. All they had to do .. father and son .. was to endure ….∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞End ................

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