
Name __________________________________

Class ___________________________________

Abbreviations Worksheet #3 (m through y)

** Write out the correct definition for the following abbreviations/symbols

ORTH _______________________

pm ________________________

TB _________________________

unk ________________________

TT _________________________

y/o ________________________

MRI ________________________

oint _______________________

NPO /npo ___________________

pc _________________________

(p ________________________

vit ________________________

Tx ________________________

Sx ________________________

q _________________________

qd ________________________

← ________________

prn _______________________

ROM _______________________

SGOT ______________________

Sig: _______________________

pp (p.p.) ___________________

T __________________________

temp ______________________

vag ________________________

UTI ________________________

WBC _______________________

wt ________________________

NKA _______________________

MVA _______________________

OT ________________________

SQ (or sub Q) ________________

qh ________________________

q2h _______________________

qid ________________________

SGPT ______________________

Rx ________________________

vol _______________________

tol _______________________

TH ________________________

TSH ______________________

WNL ______________________

P _________________________

PID _______________________

Pt ________________________

OB _______________________

MS _______________________

po _______________________

PDR ______________________

qod ______________________

(s _______________________

** Give the abbreviation or symbol for the following terms or statements

Physical therapy ____________

Nitroglycerine ______________

Negative, no, absent ________

Mouth _____________________

Sublingual _________________

Every 20 minutes ____________

Without ____________________

Signs and symptoms _________

Venereal disease ___________

Sexually transmitted

diseases ______________

before surgery _____________

TB test ___________________

Sudden infant

death syndrome __________

upper respiratory

infection ________________

V/S ______________________

Right upper lobe ___________

Prothrombin time __________

Each night at bedtime _________

No known allergies ____________

Minute _____________________

Pediatrics ___________________

Ounce _______________________

Red blood cell/count __________

Whenever necessary ___________

Regular _____________________

Immediately _________________

Urinalysis ___________________

Within normal limits __________


Prothrombaplastin Time _______

Every day ___________________

Short of breath ______________

Three times a day ____________

Tablet ______________________

Hydrogen ion concentration

(acidity/alkaline level) ________

patient _____________________

by or through ______________

** Rewrite the following sentences by translating the abbreviations & medical terms that are in bold.

1. In preparation for John’s colonoscopy, the assistant instructed him to consume only cl liq qd x 2 d and the doctor also Rx’d a mild tranquilizer for him to take the am of the procedure.


2. Bob was having severe S & S of an URI when he visited the ER. He was SOB, had an ↑ T, and had pain in the RLL. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The Dr @ the ER attended to Bob stat and Dx him with accute URI and (a releasing him, Bob was Tx’d (c Rx Zithromax 1 tab tid x 10 days as well as the Rx Albuterol inhaler 1 puff q4h prn. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Janice is a pt of a popular OB/GYN in the city. She was referred to the practice per Dr. Jones who works in PEDS. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. On one visit, Janice was concerned she might have PID and knew if she did not get Tx, she might become infertile. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. John arrived @ his preop appt.for his MRI and the assistant charted his V/S as T 98.4, P 80, R 16, BP 118/76. She obtained a sample for a UA and checked the pH. John has NKA and is taking ⊖ meds @ this time. He did take a mild tranquilizer po the previous pm but has had npo since. (p the assistant finished, John was escorted to the room. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Carol (who is 28 y/o) made an appt for her yearly PE and wanted to make sure she could receive a PPD, a HBV vaccine, BW drawn for a CBC (c diff, TSH, and HDL/LDL panel to be checked to see if they are WNL and to be thoroughly examined for all STD’s as she believes she has some vag sx of a VD. She is hoping it is just a bad UTI but will accept the Dx and Tx when the lab results return. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. The assistant told Carol that it is better to have FBW drawn for her PE and instructed her to go (s eating (p midnight the pm (a her appt and only to drink cl liq that am. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

** Translate the prescriptions on the left to the box on the right **(bold words)

| | |

|Name __A. Sid Burns DOB 8-24-73 |Name ____________________________ |

| | |

|Sig: Prevacid 30mg |Prevacid 30mg |

|#30 |#30 |

|1 qd Tx of GERD |____________________________ |

| | |

|Ø Refills |______ Refills |

| | |

|Dr. Iva Killdalot |Dr. Iva Killdalot |

|Pokum & Billum Medical Practice |Pokum & Billum Medical Practice |

| | |

|Pt. Name Iwonna Gehtbetter |Pt. Name Iwonna Gehtbetter |

|DOB 6-16-26 |__________________________________ |

| | |

|Rx | |

|Premarin .9mg #60 1 tab qd |Rx |

| |Premarin .9mg #60 1 ___________ |

|Provera oint # 1 app vag bid | |

| |Provera ____________ # 1 app |

|Nitro 50 mg #15 1 tab SL prn |________________________________ |

| | |

| |______________ |

|2 Ref. Will Billum MD |50 mg #15 1 ____________________ |

| | |

| |___________ Will Billum MD |


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