TEACH Teen Education and Careers in Healthcare

TEACH©\ Teen Education and Careers in Healthcare

Brought to you by AMSA REACH Premed Coordinator 2010©\2011


TEACH is a mul tifa ceted approach to address the needs of the minori ty youth, develop

leadership skills, foster a cademic success , and promote higher educa tion. The purpose of

TEACH is to i nspire under©\represented minori ty high s chool s tudents to pursue ca reers in health

professions , and to encourage them to help relieve health dispari ties by ta king a ction on

heal th©\related problems in thei r communi ty.


1. A presentation a bout heal th ca reers a t a local high s chool wi th hi gh proportion of

mi nori ty s tudents.

a . See TEACH_highschool .ppt

b. Introducti on to the fields of medi cine, nursing, pha rma cy, dentis try and other

heal th ca re©\related professions.

c. Try to include fun a cti vi ties and enga ge the s tudents ! E.g. running an emergency

code s cena rio, ana tomy models , etc.

d. MOTIVATE the s tudents! Some healthca re ca reers mi ght take yea rs to complete,

but ¡°work ha rd and s tudy ha rd and anything is possible!¡±

e. Dis tribute appli ca tions for a follow©\up mentorship program.

*Tips : if possible, try to find volunteers with simila r ra ce/ethni c background to serve as role

models , to show the hi gh s chool s tudents tha t i t is possible to a ccomplish thei r goals.

2. A mentorship program for moti va ted s tudents (selected by appli ca tion).

a . The hi gh school students will be di vided into smaller groups to work wi th college

s tudents, medi cal s chool or MPH s tudents.

b. The groups will meet every other week after s chool (frequency of sessions can

be changed depending on volunteer a vailability)

c. The sessions consis t of mentorship/tutoring components for 1 hour, i ncluding

help with SAT, college appli cation, s chola rships, FAFSA, and resume wri ting.

i . Prepa rations for hi gher educa tion and ca reers in heal th.

d. The 2nd hour of the sessions will be team building a cti vi ties and working on

problem©\based learning modules (i.e. tea ch the s tudents how to identi fy heal th©\

rela ted problems in thei r communi ty, and work to address those problems).

i . Heal th education

ii . Leadership skills and teamwork.

iii. Community a cti vism

3. Di vi de the youth pa rtici pants into teams tha t work to develop a community health service


a . Examples can be a Health Day at school, Drug Free Campaign, or Obesity Awareness.

4. Rewa rds and incenti ves

a . Field trip to tour a college.

b. Field trip to medi cal center/hospi tal/medical school ©\ Be a Student Doctor for a

Da y (session for dissecti on, bones , vi tal signs, etc.)

c. Basketball/football game ti ckets .

d. Schola rship, gi ft ca rds, free SAT prep class.

i . Seek sponsorshi ps from companies, such as Kaplan tes t prep, Princeton

Review, Syl van Lea rning center, etc.







Hi gh s chool tea cher

College professor

Medical school students

Medical school advisor

College ca reer servi ces /resource center


Location and date: At local high s chool wi th high minori ty profile.

Duration of sessions: 2 hours (1 hour of mentori ng/tutoring, 1 hour of team building/ problem©\

based learning module session)

Event coordinators/ program mentors: premed and medi cal s tudents , and/or s tudents from

other health professions s chools (e.g. nursing, dentis try, pha rma cy, etc.).

Planning time-frame for event:

Sta rti ng a t leas t one month before the event:

Part I. Health careers presentation:

1. Loca te a high school to hos t the event.

Tips : You can search for local high s chools online and look up their profiles, or you can

ma ke decision based on a poll asking premed/medi cal s tudents if they know of a s chool

tha t would benefi t from this program.

2. Conta ct the school ¡¯s principal to a rra nge a meeting to discuss proposed event, including

potential da tes/ti me. Ask for a specifi c high s chool tea cher/advisor to help coordina te

the progra m as well as permission to work wi th thei r students .

3. Conta ct student leaders in ea ch heal th related profession s chool (medi cine, nursing,

dentistry, etc.) to determine if they a re interes ted in pa rti cipati ng.

4. Fi nalize the fi rs t presenta tion da te and genera te a lis t of volunteers . Print out

appli ca tions for mentorship progra m.

5. Make transporta tion a rrangements for volunteers .

6. Es tablish an event theme or a cti vi ties to capture hi gh s chool s tudents¡¯ interes t.

(eg ©\ run a mock code s cena rio and then ask the high s chool students how they thought

we should respond.)

7. Obtains props and other supplies. (E.g. airwa y ma nagement equipment, ana tomy doll ,

de©\fib ma chine, IV fluid ba gs, tubing from hospi tal depa rtment heads.)

8. Perform event dry©\run a few da ys before the a ctual event.

9. Da te of event: run an i cebreaker/acti vi ties (e.g. the code s cena rio), ans wer ques tions ,

present heal th ca reers , ppt, and dis cussion. **At end of presenta tion, pass out

mentorship applica tions and talk about progra m incenti ves !**

Part II. Mentorship afterschool program:

1. Recrui t volunteers (premed/med) to be program coordina tors & mentors

2. Develop cri teria for selection of high s chool s tudents as pa rti cipants in your TEACH

progra m

3. Select moti va ted hi gh school s tudents through appli cation process , incl uding interview.

Limi t the number of pa rti cipants based on a vailable volunteers .

4. Select regula r meeting da tes, time, and loca tion for the semes ter. (E.g. every other

Thurs da y afters chool).

5. Plan for the sessions a week in advance. Decide on a topi c for college prepa rati on and

crea te handouts . Prepa re a heal th©\rela ted problem©\based lea rning topi c & worksheets .

**Tips : assign homework to the high s chool s tudents to complete before next session!

This will keep them engaged in the progra m in©\between sessions.

6. In the fi rst session, high s chool s tudents will be di vided into s maller groups to work wi th

premed/ medical students , or other health professions students .

** Assign a designated mentor for every youth pa rti cipant, exchange contact info.

7. During tutoring/mentoring sessions, mentors can work with the s tudents on thei r

homework, and talk briefl y about college prepa ra tion.

8. During PBL session, volunteers can fa cilita te discussion in small groups , and encoura ge

s tudents to work together as a team.

9. Mentors will guide the student teams to complete a community health service project.

Key advice/suggestions:


It is important to es tablish a relationship wi th the school or ins ti tution pri or to

s cheduling the event.


Make sure you ha ve the support of your own uni versi ty or medi cal s chool in adva nce.


Mul ti ©\task! Ha ve va rious members of your commi ttee work on obtaining incenti ves for

the pa rti cipa ting high s chool s tudents , developing curri cular and ca reer advising

ma terials, es tablishing sponsori ng pa rtners (eg ©\ Kaplan for s cholarships ), etc

simul taneousl y


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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