The Earth Through Time, 10th Editionby Harold L. LevinChapter 17—Human OriginsMultiple Choice QuestionsSelect the best answer.1.A characteristic physical attribute of all primates is ___________________.a. 5 digitsb. specialized teethc. small brain (200 cm3)d. four-legged stancee. arboreal2.What suborder do humans belong to?a. Ceboideab. Prosimiic. Anthropoidead. Gorillinaee. None of the above3.New world monkeys differ from old world monkeys by which characteristic?a. Binocular visionb. Five digit fingersc. Flatten faced. Prehensile taile. Terrestrial4.What does it mean to have a brachiating habit?a. Swinging from branchesb. Walk uprightc. Crawld. Hoppinge. Swimming5.DNA evidence suggests that human’s diverged form other apes approximately _______.a. 1 to 2 million years agob. 100 to 120 million years agoc. 5 to 7 million years agod. 15 to 20 million years agoe. 70 to 80 million years ago6.Which of the following apes has the closest DNA match to humans?a. Gibbonsb. Chimpanzeesc. Orangutansd. Gorillase. Has not been determined7. The early fossils attributed to primates come from the _______.a. Jurassic Periodb. Miocene Epochc. Paleogene Periodd. Permian Periode. Cretaceous Period8. Which of the following were Cenozoic Era improvements to primates?a. Narrower faceb. Shorter limbsc. Thick furd. Nail rather than clawse. Three ear bones9.Based on the __________ Darwinius is an ancestor to anthropoids a. Nailsb. Talus bone (connects leg to foot)c. Opposable thumbd. Short facee. Forward directed eyes10.The prosimian-anthropoid transition had taken place by the _________.a. Eocene Epochb. Paleocene Epochc. Oligocene Epochd. Miocene Epoche. Cretaceous Period11.What line of evidence is used to differentiate Old World monkeys from apes?a. Pattern of cusps on molarsb. Opposable thumbsc. Haird. Extended limbse. Shorten face12. What tectonic changes during the Miocene Epoch gave rise to selective pressures leading to adaptive radiation amongst Old World primates?a. Africa moved away from Europe producing a tropical current in the Tethys Seab. India collided with Asiac. A land bridge formed between South and North America d. Africa moved towards Europe cutting off a tropical current in the Tethys Seae. Both a. and c.13.The first humans to move out of Africa were ____________________.a. Homo sapiens sapiensb. Homo sapiens neanderthalensisc. Homo habilisd. Homo erectuse. Dryopithecus14. Ramamorphs migrated 18 million years ago from Africa to __________. a. South Americab. North Americac. Eurasiad. Antarcticae. Australia15.The oldest hominins have been discovered in ______________.a. West Africab. East Africac. South Africad. North Africae. Eurasia16. The approximate time of displacement of Neanderthals by Cro-Magnons was ________________.a. 11,000 years agob. 1.8 million years agoc. 34,000 years agod. 18,620 years agoe. 2005 years ago17.The land bridge for Asian-North American migration of aboriginal people into the New World is ________________________. a. Isthmus of Panamab. Bering Straitc. Tethysd. Canary Islandse. Golden Gate18.The first people to come to the New World (North America) were _____________.a. Neanderthalsb. Cro-Magnonsc. Paleo-Indiansd. Folsom peoplee. Clovis people19.Approximate age of Clovis and Sandia paleo-Indian sites in New Mexico is ________________________.a. 34,000 yearsb. 11,000-13,000 yearsc. 15,680-16,620 yearsd. 11,500-13,000 yearse. 12,600 years20.Engravings and sculptures of fine detail were first made by ______________.a. Neanderthalsb. Cro-Magnonsc. Paleo-Indiansd. Folsom peoplee. Clovis people21.“Lucy” belonged to ________________.a. Australopithecus anamensisb. Australopithecus garhic. Australopithecus ramidusd. Orrorin tugenensise. Australopithecus afarensis22.The projected population for year 2050 A.D. is ______________________.a. 10 millionb. 9 billionc. 6 milliond. 6 billione. None of the above23.The percentage of forested areas lost during the last 50 years is ______________.a. 3.b. 33.c. 50.d. 67.e. 100.24.What line of evidence in addition to bone morphology shows that Australopithecus afarensis was bipedal?a. DNA evidenceb. Cave drawingsc. Foot prints in volcanic ashd. Tools found by a skeletone. All the above25.The event that forced the Prosimians out of North America and into Asia, Africa, and East Indies was __________________.a. Cretaceous warmingb. last interglacialc. Oligocene coolingd. Miocene coolinge. the Revolutionary War26.Australopithecus sediba is considered a transition fossil to the genus Homo because which of the following traits?a. Modern hand and less flared pelvisb. Smaller brain sizec. Shoulder bonesd. longer armse. Both c. and d.27.The genus Homo appeared in the geologic record nearly _________.a. 1 million years agob. 22 million years agoc. 700,000 years agod. 2.5 million years agoe. 10 million years ago28.The genus Homo was the first to have __________ found with their fossil.a. Clothing b. Dog fossilsc. Stone toolsd. Fossils of young e. None of the above29.Looking 50 million years into the future which of the following is predicted to happen?a. Baja California will continue its southward migration to South Americab. Antarctica will be at the equatorc. India will reverse course and move south away from Asiad. The Mediterranean Sea will close as Africa moves northwardse. Greenland will migrate southward and override a spreading center30.The Homo sapiens subspecies with heavy brow ridges and prognathous chinless jaws is called _________________.a. neanderthalensisb. sapiensc. erectusd. habilise. pekinensis31.The suggested reason for Cro-Magnons displacing Neanderthals in all regions is __________________.a. glacial retreatb. burial ceremoniesc. mass suicidesd. competitione. disease32.There are indications that Homo erectus practiced __________.a. Fishingb. Card gamesc. Cannibalismd. Jewelry makinge. None of the above33.The site where Cro-Magnon-Neanderthal transitional forms were discovered is _____________.a. West Turkana, Kenyab. a cave in Francec. in the Carpathian Mountainsd. Flores Island, Indonesiae. Meadowcroft Shelter, Pennsylvania34.The species that was the first to migrate into North America was _____________.a. Homo sapiens sapiensb. Homo erectusc. Homo sapiens neanderthalensisd. Homo habilise. Proconsul africanus35.Homo erectus made stone tools from __________.a. Coalb. Flintc. Chertd. Corale. Both b. and c.36.An example of a New World Monkey is a __________________.a. gorillab. baboonc. macaqued. marmosete. capuchin monkey37. The domestication of animals by humans started __________.a. 1,000 to 5,000 years agob. 100,000 to 150,000 years agoc. 70,000 to 80,000 years agod. 100 to 500 years agoe. 10,000 to 15,000 years ago38. Who were the first to learn the technology of fire?a. Neanderthalsb. Cro-Magnonsc. Clovis peopled. Folsom peoplee. little people of the South Pacific39.The eye arrangement in advanced primates allows _________________.a. manipulation by handsb. upright walkingc. language developmentd. symbol developmente. depth perception40.The trend for temperature on Earth over the next billion years is _______.a. Coolingb. Heatingc. No changed. Flip flopping between cooling and heatinge. None of the aboveAnswers to Questions1.a11.a21.e31.d2.c12.d22.b32.c3.d13.d23.b33.c4.a14.c24.c34.a5.c15.b25.c35.e6.b16.c26.a36.d7.e17.b27.d37.b8.d18.e28.c38.a9.b19.b29.d39.e10.c20.b30.a40.b ................

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