


January 30, 2014

Dole Institute of Politics

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Jannie Barron at 12:56 p.m.

21 Members Present: Jannie Barron, Sally Brandt, Kate Campbell, Jerree Catlin, Alice Clayton-Honea, Suzanne Collins, Carladyne Conyers, Chris Day, Karen DeVictor, Christine Graves, Kay Hale, Ruth Hiss, Janis Hutchison, Donna Koepp, Janeal Krehbiel, Rachel Lindbloom, Charlyne Michnick, Janine Monaghan, Judy Niebaum, Mary Beth Petr, Susan Ralston.

Minutes: The Minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on September 26, 2013, were approved as distributed by email prior to the meeting.

President-Elect: Susan Ralston reported* (#1) that 12 UWC members have held “get acquainted teas” this fall to welcome more than 30 new members. There are others scheduled for the spring. These are reported to be a success in helping new members meet other members.

Treasurer: Treasurer Marlene Merrill did not attend due to illness but sent the treasurer’s report* (#2) which shows income of $10,209 with expenses so far of $6,093. An additional $300 was added to the expenses as honoraria for speakers. She also included a partial list of new members. Janis Hutchison moved that we donate $100.00 to the Dole Institute. Motion seconded and passed.

Corresponding Secretary: Carladyne Conyers provided a long list* (#4) of cards that have been sent for sympathy, concern, and congratulations. She read a note of thanks from the Malott family for hosting their visit to the Malott room last fall. She also noted that the History Interest Group had sent a donation to UWC.

Members at Large: Kay Hale reported that the UWC members are returning their name tags after the luncheons.

Standing Committee Reports:

History: Janis Hutchison moved that UWC allocate $100 to the Spencer Research Library for purchase of preservation materials for the Kansas Collection. Motion seconded and passed. She passed out corrected “tidbits” page that had been in the newsletter. UWC has to date given out 223 scholarship awards with 10 being duplicates of previous winners.

Interest Groups: Suzanne Collins requested that Interest Group Coordinators send pictures of their group activities to Janis Hutchison for the scrapbook. There are two new interest groups: Scrabble led by Dianne Karls and a Lunch Bunch being formed by Rita Little.

Malott Room: Mary Beth Petr presented the report * (#5) on behalf of Carolyn Schroeder, who was away. There was discussion about purchasing the painting of the Kaw River done by Cally Krallman at the December luncheon meeting. Judy Niebaum moved that UWC purchase the painting from the artist for $3300, the painting to be placed in the Malott Room. Motion seconded and passed. Ralston moved that the UWC seek donations to reimburse the Malott Room fund. Motion seconded and passed. The mosaic picture cards will be on sale at the next meeting. Jerree Catlin moved that the Malott Room Committee be authorized to sell or dispose of the Malott Room pillows as appropriate. Motion seconded and passed. A motion to sell or dispose of the still life currently hanging in the Malott Room was tabled until more information can be acquired re. value, history, etc.

Membership: Janeal Krehbiel reported 321 members of UWC this year with 41 new members. The most accurate list is the one Susie Lacy keeps and creates for the website.

New Members and Friends: Karen DeVictor reported* (#6) that there are over 60 members signed up for NM&F with an average attendance of 20-25; over 40 members have attended at least one event. She reviewed the upcoming events.

Nominations: Krehbiel reported* (#7) from the Nominations Committee a proposed slate of officers for 2014-15:

President-elect: Judy Niebaum

Recording Secretary: Linda Mullens

Corresponding Secretary: Paulette Strong

Treasurer –Elect/ Reservations Chair: Janet Riley

Member(s) at Large: Linda Burton, Chris Day, Cathy Ebmeier

Policy: Mary Beth Petr reported* (#8) on several changes to job descriptions. She moved that each change be approved; each motion was seconded and passed unanimously. (See report for exact wording.) A summary of changes includes:

Corresponding Secretary will be responsible for correspondence to include thank you notes and cards of concern, assisting with issuance of notices of meetings and correspondence for special projects.

Treasurer will work with the Chair of the Interest Groups Committee to obtain a current list of all groups’ participants to confirm UWC membership and will post financial statements on a website as appropriate.

Treasurer-Elect/Reservations Chair has procedures specified.

Membership Committee will include the Chair of the PR Committee and the Coordinator of New Members and Friends Interest Group. New Members Committee is deleted.

Nominations Committee: Four members will be appointed by the President; one member will have previously served on a UWC Board.

Publications Committee will use an appropriate computer program.

Public Relations Committee will oversee material on the Malott Room Monitor.

Malott Room Committee will provide the Union with a UWC Directory and ask them to provide a list of functions held in the room each year. The Committee will have a five-year plan for changes and will report to the Malott family annually describing changes and/or plans for the room.

Program: Judy Niebaum reviewed the spring programs.

Publications: Alice Clayton-Honea thanked Janis Hutchison for her work on the winter newsletter. March 8 is the deadline for the spring newsletter which must be to members prior to the April annual meeting and election of officers. All materials should go to President Barron.

Public Relations: Chris Day reported* (#9) on activities each month.

Reservations: Kate Campbell provided a report* (#3) of the number attending the luncheons in the fall. There are 81 reservations for the February meeting as of now.

Scholarship: Chair Sally Brandt moved that $10,000 be allocated for scholarships for 2014-15. Motion seconded and passed. She further moved that UWC pay for each scholarship recipient to bring one guest to the luncheon. Motion seconded and passed. Scholarship applications are due next week and the committee will be interviewing candidates in early March.

Website: Jerree Catlin reported that we now have three websites, none of which is functional. She continues to work on this but asked about the possibility of having our website through another organization. She will research options.

Unfinished Business

New Business and Announcements

Several items were listed on the agenda.

The Turnover Board meeting will be April 12, 2014.

Year-end reports due April 15, 2014.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Minutes taken by Sally Brandt in the absence of Recording Secretary Linda Mullins

*Report (#) attached to hard copy of minutes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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